a historical phonology of abenaki

Post on 28-Apr-2015






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Abenaki (Algonquian) historical phonology


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J&net Le1l. Warne )

B.A., Unberaity of Britieh CoIUllbia J 191)


Subm1tted in partial tult1ll.ment of the ~u1relllenta tor the

Degree of Maater,' of~ Art.


.. DlpartMnt of L1nau1'wt1cI, MoGlll UniTe ri 1 t.y

'August, 1915

, '.

, j

", , JANET LEILA 'WARNE 1976 f


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/' l ',

. Apatraot '



Proto':'Uil)l'lquian. reconstruction. ara oomparad vi th· data ho_ r .' .

St. Franoi. Abenak1 (SF) ,and. J(enneb)eo RiTer Abehak1 (KR).. For eaoh dia-

, l.ct !-retiexea ot Proto-AÎgonquhn phoneae. haTf heen det.l"III1n.d. PA •• " '-..

ard *1' haT8 ,.rged aa 1"" and. -9 .nd ·~~ .... e .. rged al SF Ill, .KR "l'".

'!h. nUlllbtr 0 ~ona~nan~ cluat.r. n .. ~en g~aUy reduced , vith _rgera

i the!' ' la/-1n1 t1a.l ohl.tere or, ta'rti. con'on.nu.. PA .,k ' ..

hu .plit in lek/-and Ikkt. Notable ohang., in th • ..0".1 .y.tell are , ". , ' - . ..' th ••• rg.no.[ ot ~ 'naaal~led 151 tro_ PA .al, and th.·_r~er ot ~A' *'1

ard *a ~. SF ·'a/'. Di.cUlsion ot th. diaohronio phonologioal.rul •• ot l , '

Abenalt! inolud.e Vovel AbbredaUon beto~ obatrmtnt ~lu.ter., l'1nal \- 1 ~ v "" 1

~111abl. trundaUon, ~td Poat-Con.oilanj.al GUde Deletion. 'lbe '.;vnohroDio

rule, ot S~ are alltO di.ou.aec1. It ,appeara tJ'Oa thi' .tud:f tliat the -Jol'­

.' 'itJ ot Proto...uao~&n "oo~.truot1ona are IU1table tOI' tJleir Abenakl' ..' .J"


01. '1


, . ,~





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'. N._,

o.. tOl'llleS reOOll8tru1 tea du woto-algonquin sont cOlllp~~ea

aux donn'e. de l'A~naki. de St-l"ra"90is (SF), et de l'AWnaki •. de la . . rivUre 'enn.beo (KR). Pour ohaqœ dUl.cte, 1 .. oorrelpondante dea

~ ---. • phOMIDItS du PA sont 'tabl1a. îl y a .u tul10li d. PA *s' et •• en la/,

et de *9 et *1 en SF /1/, KR "r". Le nombre d'. groupes oonaonnantique. \

, •• t de bMucoup "duit,' lei 'fusions devenant .oit des groupes, initiaux

en / _-/ ~oi t de. consonne; fortes.. PA .,k • 'est divi.' en l 'k/ et IkkJ.

Pa~ l~ changements importante dan. 1 •. sy.tA.. Vooalllqu. ~ noua notons

que PA *.: •• •• t riasal1., en l'JI • • t que PA *., et * ••• sont tuaionnl.

en SF III. L'examen d.s rag1e' phonologique. diachronique. de l'A~nak1.

Mnl., entre" autre., i' abrige.nt \OoaUques" devant 1.; groupes d' ooal~ .• .' ,

'dfts, 1~ ohute de la derniire ISYllabe .t la ohute de ..... mi-Voyelles,

~ apN~ une oonaoj'lne. Les J.aglea synohroniques du.SF sont: eXUl1n4e •• uld.

n reuort de .o.tte 'tud.. que 1 ... jorl U· de. ter1lMJ' reoonatrui tel du , , ,4 ~

(' ,

proto-algonquin sont tout ~ rait compatibl •• n.è le. oone'ponclnata

d. l'.Ab4iWd·· J

, '


. .

, t.




Table of Content!.

• ...

Preface •• ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~_._. ____ ........ ~~-

Chapter l "Introduotion ••••••••••• ; ••• ~ •• " ••••••••••••• '. • • • • • ••• l'

1. Dialeote inveet1ga~ •••••••••••••••• : ••••••••••••••• 1 ..

11. Orthographies....................................... 1 .

Footnote •••••• ;. •• ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••• -: /.. ....... ".. 4

Chapter li - Proto-Algonquian - Abenak1 COrrespond.ne............. .5' .. ",

Tables ot corre.pondano ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• S

Exuple.a 1. Consonant and gl1de correlpondenoei ••••••• 8 ~ ,

11. Coneonant elu.ter correspond.noes....... 22 .. t

111. Vowel oorreapondenc •••••••• ~ ••••••••••• 33

'ootnote •• ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••• : ••••••••••••••••••• 41

cnapter III'.,Diaehronio Phonologioal Rules ••••••••••••••••• ~ •••• 48

1. Na •• lAlUiter .1mpl11'1cat1on. ~ •••••••••••••• ~ ••• oÔ" 48

'11. Vovel àbbrerution before obatruent olustera •••• IJ •• 48

111. Final tyllable trunoation •.•••••••••••••••••••••••• .52

1.,.,.. Vove1 rouncl1nc •• 0. ~ ..............•........ ~ . . . . . . . .• 55

T. POIt-OOhlOnantal gl1de,d.l.t1on ••••••••••• ~ ••••••••• 57

Ti •. Sonorant drop •••••••••••••••••••• ~ •••••• ~ •••••••• ;. 59

'~. The o!'d!r1ng or the rulee •••• · •••••••••••• ~. • • • .... •• 59

Footnote ........... •••••••••• ••••••• ; ••• ~. ••••• •••••• ••••• 60

Chapter IV SynchrOnio Phonologie.l Rule •••••••••••••••••••••••• 62

1. streot. or tbe tortis oonsonant ••••••••••••••••••••• 62

11. Th •• tre •• ~ and 1tl .tteots •••••••••• ~ •••••••• 64 \ .

111. Gl1cle delet1olll ••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,~ ... ~. • •• 61

1T~ROUnding ••• 1milation •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 69·

~'" " 111


os -/

. ~ : . T. ~n.onant mutation •••••••••••••• , •••••••••••••••••• 10

Ti. The order1ng of the , (

rule •••••••••••• ~ •••••••••••••

Footnote ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , •••••••••••• 12 - Il

~.----~-------'l'h.. Da ta ••••••••••••• ~ ••••••• , ••• • 1 •••••••••••• ~ • • 11 • • -7!J--. ~

-~--- -------... _---------------- --- ---,----_._- -- --

" , B1bl1ogP.~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ •••••••• ~ •••••• 16)


.' .



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• i ... 1 fulit: ,/~~~~:~,;.\;~Jl~::1<);~t.i:~2_~~:k"., Ut 1 ," , ., ~ ...... ~~ " ~,.~ . .('~~. ~r

r • .~

.' ptetace

. . S1nc~ Proto.-AlgonqUian reconetruotione pave been ~lIed ulnl1

on the:ée"tral l~ea ox, Menominl, Cree, and Oj1bwa, lt la ot gre~t

-1:;pOrU;rme-to se, !loll we 1 thee. proto-torma rit th, ,.stern languages.

moomf'leld 1 a 'Sketoh' (B oomfleid, - 1946) -ia-genttally acc.pted as the 1 --_ - --



leading authorl ty on Pro ':Algonquian. Prerlous lIOrk on the hi'8tory--ot- ---_ ~ __ _

the .-astern ung\ll.ge. ln 100ell Shirley SUTer's .tudy ot Natiok (S11Ver,

1960), John Hew.on·. stu of Miomac (Heno.n, 1974.), George Au~1n' Il

theals on Narrangans.tt (~ubln~ 1972), am l''. God~rd"s severa1 co ... 1 •

paJ'atlve .tud:le. or EallteJ'n° Algonqu:lan (GoddaJ'd. 1965, 19678.·, 196'7b, 1971). , "

l hne 1ncluded ln ~e Bibl1ograJ}hy (p. 16)) material, not ne~us.l"i1~: " -

r.terred to ln th, text" whloh l haTe foWact rele ... ant and us,tul for 8.

hl.tor.1c.l .tudy or Abenaki.

l'hi. the.ls :la the f'lJ'.t l.n-d.pth coaparlaon of PJ'Oto-Algonquian

with A.benakl. It appe.ra that Proto.Algonquian J"eConatructioDII are ln

IOIW'-..JI!!IL.A.II suitabl. tor' ~i. language, a. th.re a~ relatlT81y f'ew unpre-

IIlt the tollowing 'page. th_ phono-

10g10al oh.hges vhich have occurred in th, eiftiol:mlltnt or Abenak:l .H

deeoribed ard exempllfied. D1ecrepant tonu .re di.ou.ed w1 th each rlLl.a----_

or OOrN.pond~nc.. IJlItanoea or J'8Shaping aH antioned in the data_to

_ be tound .t the .nd ot thi. theei.. l ha .... included .. ch.pter on the

, sYnohronilc ·rul •• 'or- Al-Dak1 •• they in maDy o .... obloure the reguiar! ty

ot oh.nge tro. Proto-Al~onqu1an.

, 'lbe ah ot thie the.ie b not ~~ to oùWne the hiato~o.l ° • '"

, phonolos;t ,of' Abenaki, but al.o to ~ •• nt • oOlllprehelliiTe list or data

troa wrl.tten '.oUl'O •• ard II.Y ÔVtl tielcl110rk •• a' taol ror tuture comPar.-

Un .orle in Algonquian. ~ neldwol"k on St. Franoi. Abenaki dur1ng the




" sumer or- 1975 wU o.rr1~ out undar a N.t1onal .Mu.eum ot Man -t:Jrgent

E.thnology oontraot, vith ~e .. sistanc. ot the Phonetio. Laboratol'7.

HeG111 Un1ftra1ty. l vould 11ke ta thank Jq' WOl'lll.ntA. Aabrobe O~ .. aw1n, \0. '. ,

'1: , ,

Âl10e Wavanolet. Carr1. Hott, Irene ~nnf ... Allee LaOn"t'8, and Anna Godon,

tor th.tr h.lp an;l pàt1.noe in teaohine Ille the Abenak1 language. Further

a.li.tance c... tralll Gordon Day,. who.. "ea1 th ot intoraation on the lancuag.,

oulture, and history of the Abenak1. has be.n a ,reat .... t.





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-- "--/ ------

t . ' l

Chapter l - Introduotion

1. Dialeots Investigatedz

Ttro' dialecta ot Abenalti form the baais tor the present etudy.

St. Franois Abenù1 (S1), -a western dialect, ià still speken today at

Odanak by l1tUe JlK)re than a dosen native speakers. My own t1eldwork 0'

h .. yielded lIIuch of the data on this dialeat. Material ha. allo heen

gleaned trom the vocabulary collected by Gordon Day, and trom the work.

ot Joseph Laurent and Henry Mast&., themselves native speakers of Abenaki.

'lbe other dul.ct inveat1gated 18 Xennebec River Aban.1d (KR)1,

• Mmber ot the Eastern Abenakt subgroup. This dialect was extensively

dOOUllented by Father Sebast1an Rile in the late .eventeenth oentury at

--hi. N()mâgjWck--and---SUlB1"Y-_~ons. The volwn1nous d1ctionary wh10h ~ -------------- -- ---

he produced 1a the Iole lOuroe ot the Kennebec River mater1al 1n thi.


the relat10nah1p betw.een lennebe-c River ard St. Francis Abenak1

1a net olear, and although the two .re very s1lll1l.ar it cannat be asaUMd ~ -

that the tomer 1& a direct ancelter of the latter.. In other vord., len-

nebea RiTel' Abenak1 1a l'IlOt neoessarlly an inte1"Ulediate atage in the àevelop. 1

lIIent ot St. -Franc18 Abenak1 trom Proto-Algonquian.

11. Orthographie.,

In the following ohaptera all Proto.Algonquian reconstruotions - 1

han be.n regularised 1nto Bloolllt'ieldian transoription, with ,·,k written , .

·.k and long vowelll wr1tten .VI. In the disouu1on of lIound correlpon-

dence. and phonolog1esl rutS! SF Abenakl datA ha. been regul8r1~eq 1nto

~ transor1ptiQn desor1bed below. The occurre~oé of a phoneme in paren.

the,e. indio.te. that 1t 11 deleted 1n the e1mpleat. Cie. non-compound, . . unpo •• ~ .. ed., etc.) fora of the lIOrd. In atapter V, exam'ple. ot rerlex~8

aH gi'Ven 1n the1r or1gi.nal orthographies. atre811 i. 1~1oat.ed cnly 1n


-- "

( ,






- •


the tranaoriptiona ua~ by Day and I!ylelf'_

'lb. IR 4benaki .. terial Nuin. in Rtle'l orthography, linoe . ~

a reinterpretation of his larg.ly phonet.1o- 'b"an,oript:1.on oould. in 10_

o •••• he un&TOid.ably inaoourate~ .-u ortb:0gr.phio T.ria~t. ot KR re1'lexea

are inoluded in the tabl~ oorrespond.noe., atapter ll.

1- !t Or!:!!°ltadlv1 » ,

p t k pp tt kk 1

ohe "truentll vowel. 0

• 0 l' • ' .. 00 5

4" . n .. ala" a n a

liquid l

glid •• " h

"\ Ip, t, k, ., 01 are leni., and. phoJWUoally are T;oiced' be.en .onorantll.

Ipp, tt, kIe, Il, 00/ de torU., .m optiona1ly preupirated.

10. 00/ .rt/' .1 no-dental at'trioa te ••

rs / i. a na.al1sec:l low baok 'fOlNl.

leI i. phonetioall:Y [~l.

, 2, 'DaY·. Orthomphyl


b d g p t k

oha truentll 1 dl

• ta -..

na.al. a n

liquid '1

gl1d •• • h

i "f01M+.

• )






Ip, t, kt ./ '-1'8 tOrtil, a~ al ... ,.. Yo10.l.... rinal "Iàr". howe.wr, 1.

1.Di ••. - ---/

I~, d, 1, _/ are leni., and Yoioec:l bI~n IODOraDta. '4


- .4





l . ~ ---f


, ;,



.,.,.. A. medial tortis consonant 1a written "pp, tt, kk, 88" or, t6 represent

preaspirat1on, ~p, ht, bk, h~". The alveo-dental attrioates are wr1tten .., ,

&II d1gr'phs. The vovel system is ~f1"ese'nted in the d. vay as rrIY ortho.:..

graphy. 'nle third person prefh 1e vr1tten "0-" in'.tead of "we.". In

Day 1959 and 1961, the n&ealh;d vovel 1e vr1tten "Q".

J. kyr!nt'e Orth0iraphYI




b p



d t



j ch,

i vovel.



u o·


It appears that obetruent. are distinguiehad as voioed./VOice1ess, rlth .. the excepUon that the voieed ..symbols "b,d" are aome~a vritten tor

tinal lenie /p,t/, vhioh are phone.tiea11y voieeless. Preaspirat1on"là. , " .

1ndicated by "h", although .. preaspirated liquid may he vritten "lh".

'lbe tortie I1bilant· 18 otten written "ss". Note that the a,lveo-dental

attdeates are represent.ed by "ch,j", and the nasaliBed vove1 by "8".

'lbe NU", :Laurent explainà, aounde like ".... Hovever, it often appeare

"where Vo"e1 Rounding takee place (of. Ohapter IV).' A poat-eoneonantal:. ,

MU" preeeding a vowel 1e equiTa1ent to Iv/. 1$

~.;J!a l!.a-'.a-Orthogr. Ph,y 1

Muta adopta Laurentts orthography exeept that the -Jlasa11zed ~ \ 1

TOwel 11 wr1tten "8". 'The elu.ter Isk/ lI1A1 De found as "8q~ or "ac".1 \

Eoth Laurent .nd Muta,.om1t .. achva.,deleted by Syncop~trroll1 the1r tra~

lor1ptions, however ~.ta writes. an apostrophe Vh'H .. sehva 1s de1.ted

tl"Oa a personal prefix. '1lle apoàtrophe found 1.n poa,esaive. 1e I1Ç17 a

aonnntion borrowed trom Engl1sh. ct. aWalo18'1 'bearts·,' pat11h8"1



\ ,

, Q



'prie.t'.' •

. 5. Rile'. Ortho#.s,

.. obs~ent.·

naaala •

Uquid. (


b _'d p t ....

9 'r'



• n


tz t •


, k-


. -~


- \

.1 , '

, i (q

vawels • t' , 8 (~,o) e .

e afl (aft)

A a (', â) .. ~

/ "" 1 Ô '

Olt appeara .4hat th~ ob.trv.ent leries are d11t1~uished as vOie.d va. ,/ /

'1'01celell, altho~ "p, t, k, ." fore found 1Il8dully t~r lem. &s .we?r~."u

,~for!-1e consonants. 'lbe torti. consonants ue alsb reprennted by"'pp,

tt, kk, SI". PNlalpirati.on 1. 1ndi~.tet:i by an apOltrophe before the oon­~

- .ohant. lbe "e" 11 probably • apir.ntized ver.1'On of Irl, and the ""l..tt

f trica tive . allophone of Ik/. Note the digraph. for the atf»::10.:tel, and "'"III \ ,

." t the ulfe of dia.resea' for the glide. and nual1z.d vovel. 'l\le acoented

vovela are perhaps tanse ~la. bUt only "'" appeara to bt • d1st1no~ " ,

phonellle." 'the "1" ,1. Pl"9bably .' Ter:, .hort I~/, judg1ng from the .udlarity . . between KR ,,~" and SF 1'tI1. _ lbe round vonl "8" should no"t, he confu •• d

" ." ,

vith Muta'. na.(l1lltd vowl "S". Rile', "8" _, ooour vhera SF hu lo/-.

/v/, <;,»r /1181-.

. ..

rootnote . ,.

1. -' '!hi. appelJ.atio n 111.

, , augc •• tao by Gordon Day (perlonal oollUllUnioaUon) .' .

'. . ~ al there 1a_,no .'rieIeno •• ", tq ~ere on the lCennebeo River. Rlle wrota 'the.

blllk of h~a d1ot1onary. ' _" .' .


. , . ', -:


( . "

chapter II - Proto-.ygongui!n - Abenaki CorresPéœences


Tabl. la Consonant and. G~1de Corr •• pondenee111'





e ~


• • JI



" '7

h f ct



. XI' .. -hp.

. St. Francia Ab.nak1 • K.nn!~c Rivel' Abenaki 1 ,

• . ' ..




1 • n


• • III


l, n

" 1?


h ~

(Râl.', or'thograi>hY. or.thQ.. _ !l'aphlc Tarunta in parentbel.a)

p (b)

t (d)

k (g, gb)'

l'. n

'~ (t~)

• 1 (,)


li n

C l'. ft.

, , 8 (8,' , U) 1.1

, 1

" ' , i- (1) "


St. l[Îno1. Ab.nak1 i

X-an.bec River !beiWd. . , t




· 'pp


(Jtil. '. orthography t ortho:. . graphie varianta ln parenthe ••• )

p , L , Ip

pp (p)



Proto-Alsonamn . s~, Francia Abenaki Kennahao RiVer Aben&ki ~

~ (Râle' 1 ortholraphy, ortho.

.graphio variants in parenth •••• )

nt t t (d)

• .ht tt ,. .

't ("tt. t)

qt: tt ft (t) '\ .. nk k k (g)


" ek ·ak, .k

, Ik • k .k . \ ,

Î 'k (k)

. t .k Bk, kk: sk,

f xie kk tk ('1clc, k)

hk kk 'k ('kIe, k)

o ., ta

qt! he ta

ne •• he ,II .. (.) q9 .t a~ (a) ••

ni a •• ··1 1


or· h» •• • • (t., 1

• 1 /

qi (1) /

1. •• 1 , ., . . " * ) \ n. 1 •

;. " h. c.) •• , a. -1

Ô q. 1. •• (.)

, :. . ,-,-", . .'

) " .; ~ • .if ,r )

" . " . \ ....... ,. ,

, ;\ \ !: . \ .. ' ... ~ ., ~ ~.

f ~,

' ..


, '

. ,


1 Il

, '. -


, . ...


St. Francis Abenak1 Kenrlebee Ri.,.r Abenak1




(~1.'1 orthography, ortho- . ~ graphie Tar1ant. in parentheeee)


Ir (1')


Ir (rh, l')

~ . No rerlexe. veN round tor&P! -~p, -Sp, .It, -k, ~~ in e1ther',Sr or KR,

nor t'or -hp a~ ·ne ln KR.

, Table In. Vowl Correapondanoeat

11 St. frt.noll Abenak1 Kanœbeo RiTar Abenale1

(Rab t s orthograph,Y, o.rtho..: graphie Tariants in parentheee_)

1. 1 1 (i)

1 1, a 1 ({), • , , a


• ., a, .1 ., " a, 1

Il , 5, a aft, ..

a a a <',-a), ., , 0 8 . .-.

r 01

... 0 ~, we, e 8 (6. B)~ ,

,lp!œleal •

'lb. r~llowing are eiusples of the correspondenee. g1T8{l in . ,

Tabl •• 1 - m. 'lbe Engl1.h glol •• ' here and in Chapter III - Diachronio ..,

Phonolog1eal Rul., - are keyad to the data in Chapter V. where exemples

ot the 1bepak1 tOI"lll and )Nterenoe. te the lO\II'oe. of PA r.;con,truct1Ôna

are toùnd.




• ..


~ - , 1

} 1 -


i~ Consonant and Glid. Correspondances:

,~ .p >8' {Pl- *p. __ > /pem-{

*w1tkopyi ~ /v1kepl/.

*po~ekw.. > 1 po.kw-I·

.~n1lpya > janipil

·te:p- > ltap.-/

*pep1kw.. > IpapilN/

.~1,pa,. > 1 cipa11

-pa':hpi .. "> /pappoJ

'alons in space o~ timé (2)~




'ball"cod' .,

'break' ...

I.l.a' J

'Ino~' ,-


'&ho.t-' .. . 'play'

-.,p- > I~p-/ 'unu. ' ·'iiaapi > J(w)'Jpl-1 'white'

ct. aleo 1 uh.s, ~nd (~), bird (2), bov. b~.ad, buttalo,' bu.t,

oam, o~{, 'cIu!. tlu, toe, gré •••• mal. (1) & (2), Dlarry, mouse, net,

nilht, n., ov.r<t.. partridge, raocoon, 'rock, stand, through, tooth (1),


PA ." > IR "p"' -pu.k- > "~Ik."

-klpo- > "le.p."

" .'~ ,

*porl- > "pBs."

.piant-_ '> "p1t-"

-pen '> "pelli"

.pilqlnf": > "pi8.-"

.aqlapya ~ ~r~pe"

\a.pe8Jnd > Il.apeàic8''

•• ilpit > "-"pit"

,,·aJp- > "aflp-" J'


'010 •• ' 0

' •• ban'


terea •• '




'tooth (1}'

'unU. '

ote alSOI . al.qng in 'pace or time (2), a.hes, bird (1) & (2),

brins, ohok ••

> li -bit (orthop.a a .,ari-ant of ,l.ni. /pl repre.enting wioing) ,

, . ,


. ']


" "

\ . ;\'" 9

_ " j, ,

"(à)taftb1" ';cov' *ahtatpy.a :>

*apwarna > ".hal\n" j

.. ~ ... ' " 'TOast'

" *ani:p,.. > ".nib1" r 'el1l'

*paletne9kw1 > ~a~n.sk8" 'tiTe (2)'

*~pikw-a > "bab1k8" 'nea'

, *kepatenw1 ? "kebaden" 'tree&e'

·wup1wa :> 1f_(8)aKb-" 'look on'

.. .paQ .. > Ifbar_" '111 •• '

*nepyi > "neb1" 'vater (1)'

of. _lsol alo~ in .pace or t1ÎIIe (1), ~lt, che.tnut. enouch,

Ule (i) " (2), nigbt, to~th: (2), ,mite, winter.

PA *t '?- sr ft! .~~,k~ > 1?kw3k-1 ~,.t~i. > 1'j~t,.1 *."4 ,lfi > I(à)~kwetal .kent.. \> {ket-I 1

\ '


'oane • J


, '

*_talhp~an1 > l .. t5pp1kkan! 'j'av'



.• -"tolni \- l-ttJnl .

.ot ..... .;.\' Itete--I \ \

*-utowe >\l'J~.I \

*kHb.t- ? (kemt:-/ , ,

'I8OUth '

'pitT (1)'

'.peAle -(2)'


*ot.tenlent > \(otartal ~toYll'

, '

ot. allOI aldfl', al'll,' bi'U~ jay, cook, enougb, hang, head, t ~ \ ~

h~., ~, n1tIht, oth.~, out,,' ohouldor. oh, wll (2), th .... (1), _t, tooth(1)~ lA.!1 > 0 "tee .tùwark- > "tagBaBg-" ~ . )r 'autwm'

*tehkina&kani :::. '''tek'inat\g_n'' ·cra~ll. board'

.ld •• ekatv1 > tttc:1se,at" "'day (~)' '.àt (2)·


• 2= i __





. ,

; . '

<il .. 10 (-~ .. .

1 . 1

-.dt- > ".,it" 'toot' f 7'~' t

·.xk.~t- > "-k.t\t" 'les' ,

*kot&k. > "ketak" 'other'

-.taIV. > ".talla." 'trade"

" -telh~- > "U .... " 'upon'

of. a110r oold, _at,(l), enough, exi.t, nigbt, p1tr (1), tell'(2),

ten. tooth ~1). . > KR "d" (orthosraphio 'YAn.nt 0' .lent. /t! 'r;ep~ •• nt1ng 'Valeins}

·'*wetoIlCpy1 > "Bdoppl"

*.xpetoni > ·1tped.1n"

*klilfetenri > "ki,ed-_"

. *k.pate~~"Jcebaden"­

*ako:tenr1 > "'~&,"

*.ketekwa > "-kedek8" ~

*.torn! > "-d8n'"



'hide! I~




... lkupitesva > "Ilftsat\b!da" 'tootl1 (2)t

ot. al,ol "Y (2', .~o~der. lix, .pale (2li town.

PA *k .> sr Ik{ *1d.IU > !kidl


.... , ntakw. > /. 'JtakYl

*.:.Qo.kani > I.lokanl

,.ke". > /k.'.l • • k.sm > /k'kw/

-kaw- :> Ikav-I

-.1kv.a > /-1b1

•• ekClka ~ !(.).kok!

*.1Im1Df'1 > 'allcwanl

·-ka.pi. :> l-k'p.1

1 •

~ v , .

• ooap1eted ,

'."rgre.n (1)

'h1p' '


'porouplne' ,

'proatratè • 1







, . ;





ct. al.os, IutU1llll, bark (1) & (2), bail, baanood, bitter, da,.

(1) &: (2), d~at, dry (2), e~r., even1ng, e;re, .re.ther. td'1tle.d, fox. ,round­

hog, hoe, lobeter, 1IIix, nut, othe!", penil, pitoh, p1ty Cl), porcuplne, , ,

prlokly (1) &: (2), !"~b, und, 'Sotnething" .teal, th1èk, tH, (1), widOv, "

.u.~ov, fOUe

PA *k >KR "kM - 'oloae'

.wehtav.k(ay)1~ "-ta8ak:8" 'ear' / .

• neqlwulika > "nteaHsek lt

*pep1kv.ni > "p1k8.." "

.kaya,Hkva > "ka(i)ak8"

.lndlea- > "kSira .. •

.peldv- > "pele8"

.~_.. > "_1k81t

*keQo-: > ·k.ré.."

'.ko~l- > "k8tli-"


.. ':flùte'


!.look tort



, ot • .. 180' oh9ke, oompleted, cook, day (1) '\2)', ... r, ~ .. t (2), , , " .

''''!''green (1), .fox, !re.se, hid., hook, hot .. knee, like, 1o'Rg, other, p1k., ~... . .

pl ty (1), prlck~ (1), p2'O.trate, quarrel,' .nak •• rsometl1ing, thick, throat, • '1' ~ •

~ ,

tree (1), try (1), vl.8h (1) , (2) ~ ~ ,..

.> IR "," (orthographio .,.riant of lente Ikl ,"pre •• ntinl ...:>loins) . . .nataSenea > ,1In• ga_"

t.al1kwa > "big8a" .

.takv.,k- > "tagBaf\g.1I

tnsk. > '''Sig.1I

...ea.kV. > "SraHg6-"

·-aànkw- > ""-aIlg8"

·11 ilnranvi >" "e1CSan"

lII&k1dnt- :> - •• 8it ... •

"abandon' .. '

. ' .. nt' , ,


'dvell (1)'



, ej.bl1nc-in-ltv . (2) "

'epring' .





·lifko:9kwe:wa :> "8i~8sk~" ''td.dow' ,

. 01'. allo 1 aoro.l, oa tf'ilh, cr,adle board, day (2) t dut t dUf'1-

oult, dish, dwU (2),- fl.h "(2), forehead, ,Iround~ 'hoe, IIIOther, mother-

1n-law, rib, lAnd ... ix, .lrunk, .èmeth1ng, throat, tooth W---~--------~_.--~ -"", f __ -----

> KR ",h" (orthogt-aphio VA~ 1.-;;1. Ikt tound betore a tront .t . ,

TOvel. probably indioating pâlatall~at1on)

*walake SeRa :> "~aragh'lké" 'bark '( 1) ,

~ ·.ki- > "8ghi-" 'bark (2)'

*w1.kopyi > 1I81ghebiJ' 'balawood'

"':ken- :> "8aHgh!ghen" 'bend (2)' ~-

• *w1rq.alc- ~ '"81.agh1pég8at" 'bitter'

·kakye1p. > "gagh"p." 'd •• t'

·.elk .. "> "nes'lh •• 1" '.t'ear'

·kotak- > "ket':ghilc" '-/ .. 'o~.r'

>.." .. gh1"r-" •

·ki.nl- '.harpen'

·a.kelll& > "aftghell1" '.now.tao.' 01'. al,ol .nte!'.

A t.., retl_._ ha..... tortil Ikk./ tor PA ·kt

-mlkafni > sr /iùJck'Jn1J. KR "n1kkaftn-"- 'ab •• d'

-1I1.kas- :> KR. "a1'ka-" (but S1 Irdka-l> tt1ght'

-ùota1nva > sr laklcho,?1n/, KR ""k8ta!n-" 'hang':

.liah'Hlaruva :> sr ~ ) e1.1kktra/ 'ra ttl •• nak. '

.-ko~ta_lkan1 > sr '-k.kntSkan/ 'throatt

80th torU. and 1.nll re1'leus are round 1'or PA ·k in . .

-.ketekwa > S1 I-ke,tekvl '" I-kk:e~kvl

PA .9 1 > sr III , .

... 9.110 Ih.. '.> 1 a lemo 181

·-gen~71 > I·loi/

·kv1ae.... > 1kv11a-1

·.!yaae- > l-e'Jll

~ t ~ .. I

_ .i._ ...... I

"". l' ':


'hand. '

'look for'

·no ....

\ J • ~ Ji , • " ,'1'~,


4<,' 1" ,


·nil&elllVa >. Imle_1

tke80_ >~/kelo-I

.a,8ankWeqsa >. 1 alakw"/

to9énkld > '/ -olekvil

taS., .. > lal'JmI

. - ~--~ - - - - - --- -,'"'{ ,'-""~ ,,~..., •• -.. < 1yo~ ~ ..,


. '.ib11ng';'i~law (1)' , ,

'.peak (1)'

l 'v1thin'

ote .110S • .,..n1ng, tOJ;'bid; hip, penis, relation, .houlder, thu.,

tongue, work. . An irregular development to Ihll ooours in

tn •• i8eh.a > 1 n •• 1hlo,,!

> sr Ini - in irrÙ.1al position.

'r. ther.1n-law·


> KR "r"

.a.,~ ~-__ 'a1ddl.' ------------t.eolns1 > "ar8." 'arro.'

,tpae_ > "b.r-" - 'Id •• ' . t

t.9a.t.nkouDenra > "'J'al\g8 ... " 'relation' .

t.tegemankil'Ü > ~-.rellaftgan" '.h01llder'

tvaeani > "8ar'ni"

. *.8eql1vall :::>- "8resSa"



ot. .1.01 .nning, peni.. sil~r-1n-law, speak (1), thua. tangue.

vina, work.

:>: KR "Il" - in initial polition. ,

*9uv1. > "naI\81-· 'Illiddle'

l'n IR "necaaaft" 'on le lab •• " < PA -naka8- , 1t appeara that .S hu betn , . pre.ernd. Howe.,.er, a .pirant [!:1 ha. been not.ed as a tHe variant or the

, (

liquid III in sr. P.rb~. a apirant1sed liquid al.o ooc~~ in KR.


l , ,

'f 1




• .. ~i :> lru.cll

-JIlillS1., :> lmio-I

.O:~yelwa ;> 10~.wa •• 1 *ven!1- > Iv.c1/

*èS1tpaya > fc1pt.1/

.... ~y1. > /'I4'$o-(

'·-~1&le. > /-c511

·wa9k1~i > l'ifi,kio,,/

~.1.1~i ). Ipoliei-I

*w1~~1- > lvio-I


'ut (1)'

'rre.' ." "'

',ho.t' 'JIQft ,

'DO •• '

'011 top·


'vith '

cr. allol ohl1d (1), hand, hang, Ipla.h, tell (1), try (1).

PA .~ > KR "ta" -talai. t~1- > "k8ak~talJ1

- , .

.... èSi > "matai."

• m1~èS1~ > "mits-"

-.pa~1 '> "pau-" ~

~~ilpay. > "tsiba. tt

·"I~ > "IUJ\t.-"

.a:~i~ > "a~t •• m-W

. -lc:o~1- > "k8ta1-,t

.w1in-,> "8itl-"

or. al.o 1 .tly, hallg, "1. ter ( 2 )'-.



'.at (1)'

-en (2)' '\ '


'.,ve' 'tell (1)'

'try Ci)'

'try (2),'

'vith •

~> IR "tl" , (orthographie Tàriant of ./cl repreeenUng vo10ing)

PA * •. > sr laI

.nen1:lfyalnA > "nit.afin-"

••• lktaalwa ~ Is~ •• ~1

.ovhaop1 > /v111/

-pes.nt-' > 1 tep!,.t-!

*IIOU". '> lroa'

!ohild (1)' ,


',all' . 'lilten' ,

'.,0 •• '


" - '!:.


*kos- > Iko.-! 'IIOve. a.8l11P'

;--., • s1alaramr1 > /s1Jrwan/ 'spring' (

*oaaall1 :> Ives3JJJil 'too lllUoh'

·kesil- > 1~fJ8e-1 '.aeh (1)'

*wesaud. > !rla'!sv1-1 '~llow'

ote a1101 belt, ohild (2), elllbark, r ... r, foot, moco •• in.

PA •• > KR "s" .keH~i.pillowini :> ".b1a8n" 'belt' -/' ·awaIMi. > "a8&HI1." 'oh11d -(2)'

·poea- > "p8.-" 'embark' "-

·selk:' > "s'g-" 'tear"

;-ait- '> ".Iit" 'foot' 0

, *serhae:haiwa > "".".8" 'greeter yellowleg.' )

• ., ,..,. > "mS." 'mooa.'

.neli > "ned" '!l'Y (1)'

0 •• iekwanvi· > ".1g~n" 'spring'

" ·.aekupit.e.,,.. > " .. ftg.Rbid .. " 'tooth (2)' ."

(1), 1811011. of. alsol gaU. IIOther-1n-ùw, " .. h ~

J. tortis refl.x ot PA •• 1",tound in

*kauil- > sr Ik .... i .. !, KR "ka .. -" • .... h (2)' -, •• Deaihi- > IR .... k .... n" ·.mocoll1n'

PA *' has aerged vith •• &1 sr '.1', KR ",", al .in the tolloving •

>8' 1.1 -pe~.hk~1f. ..;. IpesikXol 'burtalo' ,. t

-peI1.. ~ lpe,ol 'oat'

·kian >- Ikil1l 'oompleteci'

-ki.»ekw1 > Ikisobl 'day (1)' . ·ke"'. > Ikas.1 't .. t'

-pal.1~i > /polioi-I 'oyer' 1

() ·'.lcalkwa > l'.k'kwl 'ekunk' .1 . -, ,-IaIPlf- > I·~p-I 'through'



.' of •• 1.0:

16 '. .Iu nkwe :hH". > /eakw • .,ls/ 'weasel l

*kenot~ye:qa1wa, > /kaM .... / 'liillo,,1

hot. l11<e, pilee, reject, aix,o south, sun .. wido".

'lbere 18 one reflex v1th fortis /"./,

·awa J ~~. > 1 av'Jss1s/ '.

PA *f >Klt "a" .ntqU,pa > "11))-" ~

'" •• wa·~is > ".&t\s1s"

*l)8qh.:Uk. > "nts.ftsek lf

*ke»y .. > "kea-"

*kenolfye.va > "k8n8d"

'ohild (2)'

'bird (1)'

'child (~) 1

. 'oomp1eted 1





( 'rejeot'

, *nekot1l.sUka > ~neg8d.i\."" 'aix'

•• unkweth.1"a > tt •• g~1II8" 'na.el'

1ik., .Ironk, widov.





> ER "1'" (orth~graphio Tari.nt of len1. /_/, !,-pr"entiDg TOi-c1n&)

• kil .ekw1 > "k1s8k:S"

*k1l.ek~tw1 > "ki&egat" .

"' 'day (1)'

. 'clay (2)'

·kl1roq9wa ~ "kiI8." '.un'

One retlex wbioh .ppeara ta have a tortis Is.1 ln tR'is

PA '*. > SF la! • ... ekwa > J -Artteskw 1 ') •• II:lOW-. > 1-'SIflO&/

*1Iln- '> I-'lf'!ânl ·ftUI8cqs. >. lnuass/

*.Ik1xk1V1 > IrukiJ<kol

IWo '

'bea.er (2)'


., 'n.h (1)'

'gr ... ~



; .



, .


.ust- '> /rtst-I

.kete... > Ike~ ... 1 .

-kemo: t- > Ikemot-!

·.9u ... > 1 al'3lf't-l

'pit Y (1)'

'ste_], ,

'withln' 'a • or. a18o: .long 1n .paoe or Ume (2), barle (2), Duck, carry,

dauchter-in-ùw, dog (1) le (2), .xhauat, f.ather, leed, ti.h (2), grea'., , .

1I00 •• ,"pu., relation, •• cret .. ~seed. Ihoulder, sibling-1n-la1t (t), _.11. ,

ioo much, tree C:3r. trout, undOver (1), woodpeoker.

.alkema:xkwa ::> naHgmakB" 'ash tHe'

.myaiÙIIIe'kwa '> "mal\ran*gS" 'caWlh'"

*neqge.- > ."ne'llI1" ~'d.ughter_in_lawt

'dwell (2)'

• •• Sk- > "meak .. "


. t,ft' ",' ". r ,!.,. ,.J~)

• ... xkamekwe >

'1lI1eP. (2)',

'Up abo.,e'

, · or. &1ao: ' aoros., bad, berry, b;Laok, ohokl, .dog (1) & (2), .at

(1) .& (2), "e.xh.u~tt r~ght, ~1sh (1.) &: (2), gi.,e, g~rdmoth.r (1~ f'2), gra •• , Mnd.r, hook, large, IOUle, .,00 .. 1n, 1100'., pit,. (1) & (2), red

(1) & (2) •• me~l (1), lpoon, tell (1), ten.

>SF ln!



·ni,ka.ni > /nikk-'ni!

·.n~:pya ::> /anipll

• awamr1. > lavan/

·~.penf. > /n'!Jpa/ . o --terni> I-ton/

·.,h •• p.JDI. > /asepan/ t _. j ~

~ap"u~ > 'ap'5hl


'.lm,' ."


' .... 1. ( 1) • ! t

'1IIOuth' ~




, ! " ,

l '







or • .1.01


. *wa8kani1Îdni :> 1 sk.animenI

*neq9w1 "> InAss/



*keno:lyezqsiva '> /kaMaa .. 1 'villov'

abandon, arm, back, bua, bon., dau«hter-in .. la", ~

re.thel" (1), tiret, f1lh (1), ja", look at, uple, marrow, mat, nut, otter,'

'p1Ïce, aibling ... in-'lalr (1), south, .~ring, aquir.rel (1) &: (2),. throat, ton,

trout, two, uncOTer (1), "e (1), winter.

*-xpetoni > "_pea.in"

~vazp1min1 '> -8aHb~n" ..

*pale,neekwi > "baNna.k8"

·nornt- > "n8d-"

*kenw- > "kan-"

*anatxk:ya:ni '> "ana 'k,Hn"

.pakain- '> "pagalm"

*nepyi > "nebi Il 1.".



'fbh (1)'

'five (2)'


' .. ple'



'v&ter HP

ot'. alaor ahead, baok, belt, berry, bread, oredle board,

daughter-1n-law, di.h, elbow, elm, nute, tog, tree.s, crandchild, hoa, ~ .


k~ll, l1ok, look' At,. .. le (1), _rrQV, lIlOooasin, lDOuth, reject, roaat, ,

•• ~~ lU, epoon, a~kle, taU, ~e, three, town, tvtle, \11'0, winter. r •

'!hen ia one KR reflex or PA *n vith, pr~"lUmabl.y, a long Inn/, ·.a.sn- > IR "a~lUl1"

.".lake.8kwa > /walakaskWl • ·pelet- > Ipela.1

'·p .. kwal.an > Ipakwelal

*1II1&rl&IM:kva >- Im'Jl'Jmù.1Il

-aitl.. > Imi1-1 '

'.olllsone '

. tant'

'berk (1)' .

. 'bird (2)'

'bla •• '


'c1Te '

- !

o •



.alaakeh!.kani > /lakkaikan/ 'hoa' ,

·kelek:" > Ikelek-/

~_U -> /mel1/ .

•• la:- > /JM!il~-/

'1I1x' 'pua'

'smell (1)'

ott alao: di.h , rive (1). !ood. ord1nary. ,

>9' In/ - in initial 'polition •

• l.ahl.awa > IMa .. i 'bnath.' ~.

, . ~

.1alnk- .> /nan'!Jk-/ (RedupUcated) 'llght in wight' ~ ~ ". .

• 1oaxk- > l-mkk-! 'f;" ,'10ft'

.leakawi > lnaka-/

•• sl1kwa > "'rig88" r.

'sam' ~ '.nt'

." .. hl.sekva > "8aragh'ak8" 'b&rk (1)'

.peakwal.nd. > ·pelkêri" tbIue'

.~aalame:~. » "maKr~g8~ 'oatr1sh'

,.welaakani > "BraHgan" 'dilh'

.pale:ne6kv'1 > "haHn.,ka" 'five (2)'


.ala.kebikani > ".rak~igan" 'hoe'

'pit y (,~)'

'ImeU (1)'

ot. al,ol b1rd (2). brea,t, ord1naJ'1.' pul • .

> KR "nIt • 1n 1n1 Ual poli tion.

'.ngry' 'mathe'

,1 *lalnk- > "naftnaHk." (Reduplioated) 'light in ".1ght' .. .. \ r t

"am' \ ' .

TbUi ,PA *8 md *1 mer,ad a. sr Ill. KR "l''' t vbicb th.n Iplit into sr Ill.

/ ni, IR "J''', "n".'

PA" >8' 1 .. 1 "'lak.s8na > /wa1akalkv! 'bark: (1)'





•• welh .. hl. > lawasa088/;, ,IJ

*w1lni > lwin!

·e.lvi- > In3v11

·~al1,.mr- > liS

·.alxlar-.> l .kktr-I Î


1 •


. 'pout' \

, \

'pr1~lY (t)'


'tree (2)'


, *eekwe "a. ~ /I(.).~kwal 'woun'

/ '

ot • • 180: .u wnn, beCk, bunood. bener (1) &: '(2), bl&ddaio, . ,

. PA" > IR "S". ·nexpe6kvan1 > "-peak8in"

.-... I~. ~ "(.)m'gS" \ '

*OI~lwa :::> "p8ta'~"·

*n,)"8nnd > "US"

•• a.pe6kNi ;> " •• pelk8"

*.118111- > "a~nn1"

.alar1nt.. > "ag81t-")

'baok' (

':rish (2)'

't'ly' '~our (1)'

'rook' .



'water ~2)'

• •• ankwe~h.1."a > .... ,~ •• S" '". ••• 1'

*vi.li-> "8~ ta!" 'ri th t , .

\ '

. ,


ot •• leo •• nt, aaha'f bark (t),. bal.nood. be.'r (1) ci (2), be.ch,

o.t(i.h, oha.tnut, dlY (1), dwell (1), a!g, 'elbow, aye"tiTe (2), tle.,

t1ute, ,.U, poound, 10a, ic.ttle, kn •• , look on, .At,' aiddl., IIIOther-, ,',

.1Il-lav, naM. pnokly (1), roOk. rodent, 1bl1rig .. 1n-~1f (~). "akunk, ~1l •

. tz.. .• (1)'" (2), turU., ". •• a1, white.

> IR liA- (ortbopaptâo "'.riant" 0 lti/)

\ \

21 J •

~1.kway1 > "B.k~" 'bladd.r'

*.8kahtAkw1 > ".Ik'teg~" ,'toreh.ad'

*l'IOlskw. > "nSlka. .. 'l1ok' . *.skw. > "m(. )k~ If 'red (1)'

.... *lilkwl.nri > "l1gSan·' '.pring'

~ *o6enlari > "-reg~i" 'vinc' •

*eekve :". > " •• k~" 'WOllllft'

> KR "~" (orthographio 'Yariant or Iw/)

.waq" n,es"minlya > "Sat.B1m111" ''oeech'

*v:1.kiwalld > "BigSaftm" '~11 (2)'

.".e .. :lcw. > UBraflg8-" ' 'e"Ding'

PA *y > sr 11/' *nye swv1 > /1"w/ 'tour (1)'

11 -nyeswokoni > /iaokwen.1 'four (2)'

·~11paya > /01pa1/ 'gho.t' _

1 l*ayaSp8lwa > 1 ai'-!Jpal 'male (2)'

In *w11ya .. hli > /wio •• /, ' .. at' •. the reflex of *y hal ooale.oed vith the

111 lro. ·11.

PA "*y -.> IR '"iN, "1" *nye nnd :> "!'8". 'tour (1)' . ~ *kayalHlcva > "ka(1)akBtI 'glÙl'

*ayupe:wa > "ahftb6" '1111, (2)' -, .,1

f!..!l1 > SF./hl *lcapahamw. "> /k.ph .... 1 , '010 •• ' . 1 v 0

*1ce9ahua ... va > IkelahlJU.w-/ 'torbid' o

*ko:hkolhka!loIVi > IkokkokJchali/ '0111'

*kawahUlWa > Ikawh-:-I ' 'pro 1 tra te ' (of. out dovft) "

fA..!à >.IR "h" *kepahamw& > "kephu.-" '010'. ' Q , *ontudh.lwa > "Bdallih." 'h1nder' . ~

, 1

141 *al •• k.~ik.n,1 > · ... ~.~h:1gan .. 'ho.' 1

'0 *kavah .... ;. "kaetw..n" 'proatrate t (of. out down) 1 1

*ka1 a1:hnwa > 1tJca ..... h ....... '".sb (2)' \1-,-~

.. ,

l ,


1 ~,




, , \


, ,





11. Consonant eluater Corre'E!2rdence'l

1. Cllls~ra èndine; 1n PA ·e '-PA .JIII? > sr Ipl .al.,,-t- > I~pat-I' 'cane'

·.teIllp1 > I-tepl 'b.ad l , ? KR "p~ ·.te.p1 > "-tep" \. 'he.d'


PA .~e No refl.xe, round in sr, or !CR. • PA "'ge No "llexe. found in SF or KR.

PA ... ·2 > sr !.pl ·"pell1.~i > l(a)epea.1 'up abo1'8'

> KR ".p" ·.Vpèmenk1 > "SPIIll-" 'up aboTe' ,

PA "'!R >8F Ippl *weto'sxpyi > /wtopp11 'alder'

·.xpetoni >' I-ppedb! 'al'!!' '

·-xpike-r'anl > l-p~1kalla.nl . 'db' ,J

*wexpénya > I(a)ppenl 'tu~r'

HoVev.r, a l,nis Ipl ocoura 1n .-

*nexpé9kvan1 > l-pea'Kwan{ ~9&Ok •

and ooeur. a. an alternative tOrln 1n ""'" \

> D "pp.. ttp" *we1D:xpyi > "Bdopp11t

>xpetord > "pedin"

\ .l'II~e&1aran1 >. tt_p •• ~Bân" ·.xpik.ikan1 :> "-piga!gan·

PA .hp > sr Ippl ·-talhp:1xkan1 > l-t?Jpp1kkanl ,

·puhp1wa > lpappo/

KR - no renexe_ tound.

PA "'Xe > sr "ppl '·klIp- > /kpp,.1

- > IR "p" "'keXp- > "leep-"

2. Ql.u'ttt •• pding in PA "'te -

,PA "'nt >SF Itl "'U.ntitwa > /tite.101

JI. . -. J,l~,,,S bUll,,,,»


, al'lll'



'tuber' 0






'blue jar'



- .


, ,


.. 1


l ,

. , 2)

.piant- > !pit./ .

*.alntakv- > /.'$takv! .

·1.nta '> I •• u!

*nol!\t- > /not-.!

.pe •• nt- > lte~ •• t-!·

"'nten- > /vetJtn-/

of' .' al.o l , boU, illMr •••

'> IR Mt". "d" ""nt- > M\8d .. "

.p1lnt- > "pit-·

• _a 1 ntakw- > "-ai\clalc8·

*on~.'va > M8daai_"

-pe •• nt- > .~p8d_.'

"'Dt;.n- > "8~n-"

*.konta.kani :> Wk8taHgan"

*akwint- > ".g8it-"

'oount t


'."'1'I".n (1)'

'eftrcre.n ('2)'

'hear' '\


~ 'talc.'



, ' ..... :rgre.n (1)'

....... rgreen (2)'



• take , '\


'vatel" (2)'

ln one. tor. th.N i •• tOrtil retlex ot PA -nt.

*triant- > SP /ldtt-!, IR "81tt-" 'naJII'

PA *ht > sr /ul *ahtalp,.. > 1(.)t~p11 'bow' *ld.liiht- > !kil1tt-1 'ooapleted'

"'h~(o:r)1 > l~tt ... CI· ' ..... ' *.a.hten. > /-attekvl ttrM '(1)'

'flle" i. 0'- t01'li 111 th • len1. Nn.X ot th1. oluaterl . . ' ,

... 1 •




·.Qkahtekwl > /-.katekwa/

> KR "'t". "'tt". "tH

'bo. ' ,

.kisl1ht- > "ktai'tt-If, 'oo1llpleted •

*weht&wak(ay)i > ".taBakS" 'ur'


.pos.1ht- > "p8s-i'tt-" ,

·.8kahteM > ,,-.kh .• g~"

•• ashtekw. > "(a) ttekS"

PA .gt > Sl" /tt/ .keqt- > !ktt-/

.peqt- "> /pitt-!

·.rqt- > /rriatt-I

.neqtam1 > /natt ..... -/

·pisqtend > Ipitta!

··aqtelki > lattale!' ,

> KR Il tt"~ "tH *keqt- > ~et-" .

.neq~ > "nitalll-"



'tree (1)'


'err (1)'



'the" (2)'




~alkawalqtend > "-a8a~'t-tt 'Ihadov'

" J, Clpwr. endins ,in PA ·k -

PA .nk >Sl" Ik/ ,*penJaf1-:> lpekw(i)/

"'penùar. > /Wnr-/

.tanke»k. > ltaklk-I

·lasnk:' :> lnan'Jk-I

'aeh •• ' '


'l1cht in we1ght'

*.9unkounellla '> /al!$kaa../ 'relation"

._~mank.n1 > l .. e1e~k.n/ '.houlder'

*-aanlar- > I-'Jkwl ',1bl1ng-in-1aw (2),1

.. ·aeankweq.a > /alakw .. / '.tar' '. *181 nlanuhV1"a > I.akw" .. iel 'veaee1'

.oSenkv1 > /-ctlektr1/ 'v1.ng ,

" 1



t. ,.,...... , t ...

(. ~ ! t' t

o t f 1



. .

~~-----,c----- .-_.~_.- - --



, '

ot. allOl acro •• , Up aOOve.

. > KR "kM', Hg" •• ka:_nki > "a&al\mek"

-tankelle. > "dale.ak."

*lunk. >' "naRn.me-"

·.e •. nkolmen,a > "'raHg811l-"

, ·.atnkw- ,;> "~aftg8"

·.rpe_nki, > ".pe_k"



Jlight in wight.' \


'.ibling.1B-lav (2)'

'up a'bo\.' ·.a r nkwt Ihlin > "ng8'ss8" 'weasel'

.• o8enlar1 > "_reg§it1 'w1l1g ,

1t appearl that a torti. conaonant bu d.ve1oped in the [R reflex of the

tollov1ngr "

*penk'vi- ,> "pekk8" 'a.hes'

No l'enex .. 't'ound in S1 or KR. In *nalakalSJnr1> SF InalA.k:tr,/. ', .. \a.te.'

fk! .. pptarl to b8 trolll PA ·k. , PA '·Sk > SF I.kl -a .. aoa > I--.skwl

·por8kv- > lpo8kw-/'


·.Bk- > / •• k-' ". .akva8kwa > laka.~/

*kwaya8kw1 > Ikwaakw-/

• .. 1p.9kv1 ;> I.aplkw!

*a9kolka :> /(a)ikok! \

*mo,Sken.. >' /rNlak.n../

-.ek- > /Ca)ak:"/

tbe.~.r (2) ~


't1nd' ,

',roundhog" 1/



~.nak. ' 'unOo~r (1)'

,·va1t. tort

"" 'volllAn' ~ •

ct. allol baok, bark (1)" bone, toreh •• d, liTer,on top, •• ed.;

UDOOftr (2).

> IR "'kM "nexpe6Iaran1 > "-p .. k8ln~ , 'baok'

ItwalakelSlewa' > "8al"acb,.k~" "buk (1)'


t < ~ (,

l 1 ." ~ l , r


,. , ,

• " '" ,"



~, '

o \'


.06kani > "8I1kan-" .

.pal.e f neekwi > ~n8BkB"

•• ekahtekv1 >' ft.1k't-IgU" , Q

~eki!1 > "S •• k1t11-"

, *n6kan1Jdni > "skan1m1n"

"'bene' 1 "

'tift (2)' ' . 'torehead'

'on top'

'Inale.' 'uncoYer (2)'

ct. al.OI beaftl" (2),. break, :t1rd, rook, wait tOI'.

PA *Sk in :the Ncon.truotion *pa8kvel.ikani 'bread' i. incona1.ten1;. ~th ~

sr Ip1t:latuUc.an/, dao 1n .k.kye:ak~i.wa 'counoil' oempared with KR

PA. •• k > sr I.kl *pal~- > IpalÙC-' ... lkwani > I.k •• kw.nt *.lkotelw1 > I<,.).kweta/

..lk1Xkiw1 ? '_k1kkol

-tank.lk. > ltù.k-/ . , ..... 1- > Inki-'

> IR "sk" . .le.. > "n .. k-Il

.par.k .. ' > "~.k:""

.... l1ar.n1 > ".ske.n" •• lkote:vi > "akéta(1)"

.... k1xk1vl > ..... ~1·k8".

*tank.lk. > "dak •• k .. "

"lki- '> "8I1ki-"

PA •• > sr I.kl *w1llkway1. > I-eakwal



·pealtnl.uri > 1 p.kwtla/

...... lcwaya > /-asn/

*JIO.;kqt-> InD.kw-;

, .

'.Ibo,,· 'tire'

',I""~' 'kiok'


'ansry' 'burat'

. 'tire'


'n...,' 'bl.adder'

"bla •• '




• ,'i - ~ ~ •• '" "-,r· \~ ''''1" ~ JIo,J ,f', ~;e 1 :/'t~')' (.~~i..jA~ ,,'" ~ ~.t- ,<.J!"lllr..,,' ''''''''':1011 'tJ'"; ,


>SF /kkl *peak1-> Ipkkl 'heDd (1)'

·alaskehik.ni > /lakkdJu:n/ 'hoe,'·

. * .. akW .. ~>I'IIkkw-/·

*lIII!lIJar- > lru.kkv-/'

·a r .k1kwa ::> / akk1kw/

"> KR "ak" .111: Ikwayi > "8ak~" 'seal"


·peakwale tn' > Ilpe.k~H" 'bla.e'

·.à.kway. > ".'_ka" "l.eo~

·DO uJara:->' "n8ak~" 'Uok '

> KR Il 'k", "kIf *pea~i- > "pik- ft 'hend (1)'

*alalkeh1kani ~ ".rak6h1gan" 'ho.'

.lHakWNi>"JIl(~)k8." ' 'Nd (1)'

'Nd (2)'

' •• al'

·.,p1~ > "aRbek81." 'unUe t .. . .

'l'hUI PA *.k vent to M>enaki /akl wh.1l th. t'olloving aynabic Val .. l~ baok 'Y01I81, and vent' to l'à/, .l .... here. Note parUoular17 t,almon t .;..

'nd (1~; wh10h han rut.rellt "tlexea 'Of th •• ~ PA morphe.. 'lb.re


, .


.\ ~

0 .. ..


28 '.

*-aam- > I-akkw-I 'tHe (2)'

*a8oxlcy ... > lalokk-I 'work' •

tridge, lott, turtl ••

Both lOTUS and leni. refiexe. of PA .:xk turn up in

.muk:edni > /mlà.e •• n/ t'V /-ù •• enl '.,cca.1n' ,

.. '.&J'th (1)',

*maxk:wehaehu > "ma 'kSa •• " 'tawn'

... Jk1xklw1 > .... ki·k8"

.-axkam~kwi_ > tt.ûam1g8"

*.xkwurya > "p( e )kSaJ\'l"

*k.:xkina". > "kild.n-:"

, . \ ,·JII&xk; .. ln1 > "_kessen"

'ça8. '



'look at'

'mocc •• in '

*aeoxky- > "arokk." 'vork' ~ .


ot. al.o l ' be.ver (1), ket Ue. leg. nail, tr,ee (2). turU ••

PA *hk > sr l'àl *Nbkatenr1 > lakk ... -/ 'black'

·pelehlc!"a > 1 pe.1J<ko/ 'burt.lo t

;. '·k~,hk. ">, Jfakk-I 'drJ (2)'

·nolhlcoll& > lnokke.' 'gl'am.othér (2)' .-'E

•• ahkw- ~ lakkw-I _ 'intenn' . . *ukehkva '> /(a)k:Xokkw/ 'kettle' ,

, , *wetehkoJd.ya > ! (a )kkem-/ 'iouI.' r .ko.hk6Ihlcahoawa > Ikokkokkha~.1 'awl'

·alteqlo:hk.:-> l'Jthlokka/ ",'tell (2)'

ote alios oold, grandJlother (1), • peon, 'luarrel, turtle •

" '> m ·'k·, • 'kJc" t "k"


\ .

'e, t ,~~ t .. ~ ,

i6. f:'

t· .< ~


" to f' ~ ~ ~

1 --"




., -~&-tend > "m(e)ka&'" 'blaok'

-taille.. > "tek_If 'Cold '

-t.hkinarkani > "tek1naftgan" 'oradle board'

*-o2hkomèhsa > ".S'k8mea"

·.D.~a > "k8k8"

*wetehkoDr1:wa > "(a)'ke~"

*kt2hkal. > "k1kaft-tl ,-

*.llIIIhkwa.n1 > "~mk8afln"

·alteqlo:hke:- > "afttr8'kk'"

cf. alaot cralXlmother (2), intense.

PA ·HIc ~ SF Ildc/ .... 'IIIIHIc. > 1-~fIkk-1

*kayadlkwa > Ikaakkltl

*kaHk- :; Ikakk-I > JCR "kM , .kallsHkwa > "ka(i)ak8"

4. Clster. ,ncH.ng in PA ·a -

; PA -NS > sr 101 *wnlS1.- > /veo1l

*-Q.n&71 > 1-1011

> JCR. "u· ""'n~1.- > "Sta1"

•• 8en&.r.1';> "-retai"

No renexe. fouM ln sr or KR.

PA -ptt > sr /col *keq'f1 >' Ikeo1! "'.ql1- > 1-&c01-1

>~ Itt~· .... ql1.- > "-,tli-" . , .

,. elu.ter. endiIW in PA -e -PA -ni >SP' / •• 1 •• ln8- " > lru ••• '

IR - DQ reflex •• tound.

PA !bD :>SJ' / •• , .-o.h8a::> b.o ..... 1

·te.ht- :> Ita ••• 1

, , grandllO the~ (1.)'


'lou •• '



'tell (2)'

'turtl. '

'.arth (2)'


'pr1okly (2)'


'fro.' 'band'

'rro.' t.h'ard'

'lJ1c' '.xbaU8t'


'flint" ,



r .....


,. , ,.-...

1 (1

---• t

i , i



f ~ 6

f" •

• n


"'-ohe.a. > 1 .oua/ '''Ille'' " ~ ~

> KR " •• ". "s" "'.olh8a ,> ".S88." ''t'ath.r' '..,

~te 111&- > "USI." 'upon'

"'-oheea ... > ".8 .. '" '~Ille'

PA .ga >8' / •• / .·neqO ..... > In ... m/ 'daughter~in-llw'

*:;'aqe •• a > /.usem! 'dbS (2)'

*.-q8. > 1_1-/ 'larg.'

·ki: foq6wa. > Ik1eoBII 'sun' ; , *neqM > /nasal 'thre.'

> KR "s.", "." ·n~qe_. ____ >-~el.jjj1f ~·~~~hter:~-law'

·-aq6ellllfl > "-II.1ft" 'do! (2)'

"'.q9 .. > "-18-" 'larg.'

·kit'oq9 .. >- "kbS." '.û' "'neq&w1 :>'"nall" 'thre.'

6, ClUiter. endinl: in PA •• _ / '7 ...

PA "'d > SF faf. ·.1k11 nlelcvi :> I-· .• i •• kwl '.ye' ~-em1nly_a > I-rrd.ri/ 't.r.. (3)' .-

>lR ..... ·.Wk1 J nl.1ad > . ".( t)afa.kS" 'aye' "

• •• JI1nJy-. > "-1118.1" 'tree (3)'

PA "'!al >SF /.1' ·.wesh •• hla > ! .. va.sou/ 'bear (1)'

· .. h.... > /usam-/ 'tead. •

~lkOhl. > !(w)'Jkvs .... / ~tox' ,....

·nolhl1h .... > /-0 ••••• / 'granclch1:ld.'

·.h.1'ri-· ::> / ... 1n/ 'Ue' . ~ t •

·te,hI1 > lta"-I 'upon'

·Ia. nkwe IhU"a > /atbr ... 1./ 'wea.e1' 1

PA -ta. go •• to sr ,./ in

. . . ·I1'hl1l1' .... ' .... > f.~~~tU..fÙ.~ përha~ to pre,em 1d.nt1q in a reduplioated •




! -:

- \


! c:~ ..... Lr-_.

\ \

- -

~~~---- - --.......--- Q ------~--------~---~~

.' ' )'"


> KR ."., ..... , "a" ./

*.welha.h .. > "a~saa.· 'bear (1)'


*vukobifa :> "kSaftkSa •• " 'tox'

*m :hllih.ella > "n8sse." 'grandchild '

'grend.fathèr' ,-/1

*.hI1n- > ·.a.1n·

*J1:h.j.skvenra :> "s1.1k~o" 'U.' "J~""'. /

. '

... 'ratU •• nake'

-fa:nkveshU ... > .... g~8IS" 'nesél'

. . '


*Mq.1- > laas./ \. ~ " . --- . '>lCR "SI", ,~." ~-" 'larg.' ---._._____---- *.8eql1"..,.. > "8resga" 'te.tiola. '

111 an 1rregular denlopment ot PA *q~ to 1./ in f ,,' r

·.qhkam.. > 5l' l-a~~.nl 'bass'

and to la/in

o"'q'.'''Ia1n~a > Sl lwa.cobds1/. lCR tt&taSildl1" 'beeoh'

The "t" in KR "nuaBa.klf < PA *neqhall1ka 'e~t·. lIOat llke17 reprea.nta

the d.'YOio1bg ot the ~.al oonlonant beton Is.' (di.cuased in Cheptel" IV).

ot. "~eda" 'troia ·toil' (<" PA *ileq9vi 'three').

7. C1uswr. e!!d1pc in PA .s -

PA .n. > SV jsr

> IR "s"


PA .Il! > SI' j •• 1

*wena- > l-oa-/

-.mna.a > /-kh •• al 1

*.901D81 > "ar8a" "'118_ > "8a."

*.mrae-a > "-k •• "



\ 'arrow'



'.hen • 1

'bï,ar (1)'

-... ,

, "

1 i

n' 1





*n8l18ehsa > /neà1hlosal 1 '1'ather-1n-l.,,'

*lII&:Xkweha~.a > l ..... kkwll8Sa/ 'r.wn' *QO:hl1hsema > I-osseul 'grandohlld •

*-o:bkomehaa > I-okkemeul ',randmother (1)' "

*wi1 ya .. hl1 < > jllios.1 'meat.'

*neaekw1hsehsa > / n.,ekwessl 'lIlOther.1n-l.,,'


*1ruhse!!!i". > Iv'Jse!!,ol

*nem1h.. > / riernelfJ1.1

. ote .1801 grandohlld.

"Pi "ha correspoMa to a lenta 1_/ in 0

'*ah,a:ke.va > Is~k./

"'a:~hliwa > /w-Jl.esso/

,0 *ethsépana > luepanl



'lobs ter ,



> KR "sI", ".- lII.we Ih.ehle. > "a8615S." 'bear (1)'

*.eelDOlh .. > "aremSs" 'd~g (1)'

*ma:xkweh.ehs. > ~ 'k8.es" trawn'

*nothlih.em& > "nBs.ea" 'gr.ndchild •

\ *-Jllehlo:meh •• > "-m&8mes" 'g~.nd1'. ther ' ('

( ...

.•• e:hae:halwa :> "s'duS" " 41 "poeater yeUovlega'

*v1:yawehsi :> "8ios"

.ne.ekwi:haeh •• '> "neseg~."

•• thsepana > "kseban-"

lllnernihs. > "'me.is"

,PA *9' > sr / .. 1 ,.v1f~ •• k- > /"saak-I·

*naMlq ... > lnama._' *p1.q81f- > /pltta' .. 1 .

, 'Meat f

'Il10 ther-in.l.v ,




't1ah (1)'


, e


*.e.Jlkveqsa :> l'alakwss/

*.q.enya > I("')~sen!


'atone •

*keno:Wyêlqs1wa' :::>. Ikanoau.! 'w111ow'

·naJlle:qsa > "nam's", 't1.sh (1)'

.p1:qlV- '> "piSs-" 'littl.· .

*aqs'l1I.ndn~a > "s$ena~8" ·maplè·-..... '

endin in PA ·1 -

PA <tInl "> , 1hl.1 .w1snl.- > lw1hl-1

~nolnlelw. > loonohl-!

>XR "·r",. "l'" *w1:1nl- > tf8~'r_'" l

• no : nle IV. ::> "n8r_"

PA *hl :> sr ! •• I *l.shle:"'a::> Inassal ,

> IR ".... '·le:blelv. '> 'n',.'/ PA *91 >S, Ihll ·n.ql- > Iml-!

.aqlapya » !(a)hlap!



'name '



'kill ' " 'net'

*.,teqlo:hk.:- > 1~th1o~al 'tell (2)'

> Jœ Il 'r"t "rh", "l'" *neql.:> "n'r-" 'kill'


*al teqlo:hke:. ::> "&l\trS 'kk'" 'tell (2)" ~ ~

111. Vowel Correapondeno8l'

PA. *11 > st /1/ .kit.1 > /k1I1/

*.n!tpya >- 'ampil

·a1akona >: /rrd.kwnl

*!iap&lI ~ lo1pail

*mill. > /mil ... /

•• i,kw,nwt ';> ,.ikwan/

·kill .. > lkil' .0riIS,ni > / .. 11a10/

'complete<! •

'.à' 't •• ther'


',in' . '.pring·

'thou' , 'tongue'




---~~"""''!I'"'' ,,-,-,""",, ....,,""",,~-,.,~·..., .. l.,...:"'. ,""'··· .. ,.."JIl\""",.,,'.l"lJ"""""" ... ..,-., ~.' ''''':ril',,-,-:s~Y'-~~y-~r·~~~~~,h'''!,I1'I1.~, ~,~~ ~"'. ,~, "~_~'.""i';~~~;-"""""",;:::-] '. )4

O' ,

*-1:p1t., > 1-1p1tl . . . 'tooth (1)'.

.)ci n,- > Ik1w .. /" 'vander'

ot. a1.0: ahead, bas8Wood, blue jay, b1rd (1), chUd (1), cook.

day (1) & (2), dwell (1) & (2), enter, ~, tight, toam, sa11, giTe,

I1ttle, look tor, marra., meat, name t secret, .1bl1ng-1n-lav· (1), sun,

two, waeh (2), we, vidav; vith.

PA *il > KR "i"

.k1alet.:wi > "k1aed."

.mlt- > "Illit-"

·p1Intvike:va > "p1t{gh'"

.kv11 ea- > "kSir •• "

-v1lyaweh.1 > "810a n


'b1rd (1)'

'ohUd (1)'





'look tort .



ot. a1.o' oompl.~, day (1) & (2), dw.ll (1) , (2), .lm, • g1'98, Uttl., name, apring, string, • .un, to·ngu., tooth (1), M, we, widow,

vith. e •

"> IR "!- (orthographio Tariant ot IV)

, ".lkitnl.1ad. > "-( t).Aek8" 'eye'

'gall , . .

It < ••••• that in1tia~ PA *ria ha. d • .,.eloped to sr lwe/. KR "8" in.

*vilq •• k. > SF IVI.Ù-I (vith ':nitial ayllable • ~ ~ hator:-,

a o~uster, ot. a.apt.r nI), 1eR "S .. ag_ Il , , 'bitter'

, ~I.kvayi > SF ' ••• kwa' (vith 11 -+ _ .tter a oon.onant; ct.

( . 'bladder'

'lb~. ia DOt • gen.rali •• tton ot initial 111labl. Vovel Lo.. (et. Cbapter

ru), as' the expeoted .11 '> /11 ohans • .oan be ,t'ounel in

. ..

~ 1



-~,' ... ~t1~~?,~~~,.,t""~~~l'f,~i''''''~.;'}i'Iof~~,-r~,·t;~~~''{'~~ . .qo> 11~::.~, ... '~~ItP .. 1~.t-;r..r',{. ~~~~';J ,', ,~'.u..~(.,. .. ( .... ::.\';.: ~t~/,:I<;.\ t .... \. ,.,~ .• ) ,

q ·pitqtetvi '> .SF /pitta/ 'ta ... •

*pitqsw- > Sl' /pi" .. -I. KR "p~8.-" 'little'

*W1t fÙ-, ~Int- > SF /,lrlhl .. l. /witt-/. IR "8i'r-".' "8itt- ... ·

'namr' In "",h (1)' PA *11 go •• to'KR "~It alternati.ng vith " ... and in SF il tound

l pnly \' leI. .

\ ·k.Ii.::

PA *1 '> sr /il

.. > sr Ike .... ', IR "ke .... " ~ "keli"

-aq'1kanwa ~ /-a.ikan/ 'ba •• '

.~- > /(a)kk11 '.arth (t)' ,

·_tq~1- > /NCfl1-1 '.xhau,t'

""nlSi- > lweoi/ 'troll'

·,,'k1xk1,r1 > / •• kjJ(ko/ 'gra •• '

* .. hl1n- > 1-.. 1nl 'lie' ~

"'8k1~1 > 1.lkio1-1 'on top'

·pat .ilS~ > Ipolio1-1 'oyer"

*-1lar-a > l-ikY/ 'J'()d.nt l

*ketko.h1 > Ikaktr11 ~ 'IIOmething •

. ot. .1.0' ah.ad; a'h.... bad, bark (2), ba .. wood, big, bread. . - . . - (

tath.r-ln-law, o.ute. lrea •• , jaw, look.at, new, o~nal7, p~, rib., •• ed,

too 1lU0h~ :-too'tb-.(1), .ater- (1) & (2'). wing, ;reÙo". " .

> BF /./ .Jllin. > / .... nl (~ I-rdn/) '\;Ierry'

, ·,a.k1Ja&awa > 'e'Jk •• '5/

*v11Îd.wand > lvik~a/, ·lUxk.a1n1 > /J1Jkk ••• n/

... : 111.a- "> l30em-1 ..

'ohier t

'dwell (2) t

'tell (1)'

\hi. ooour. 1Ib.~ th. tolloving a.gIIIent i. à aonorant~ 'lb. ohange IlU8t

he oonald.Nd j~t a, te~en07, howver, a. /1/. oan be pr..eJ;"1'8d in -til1,

eJrf"1%.or-nt, ct. ·U.', 'look At', ',eed'. 'l'h. cl ... loJIIMnt PA -1 > /./in

*neqhallika "> sr In •• '$ .. k/. KR "nt.ubek" 'e1«ht'



; .



/ <è

18 irrégularo. Hen the ~ben&ki tONS' point to • proto.t<;Jl'II in ~e, as ~ ,

h .. been preT1ou~ly augg •• tee! by Ive., Goddard tor Proto.Eastern 'Af,onquian. . . / . .

Another im~r1 ty 11 'tres (3)', vhere PA *.elll1nly.. 001"-

re.ponda. 'te t.hree &1 ternate tOril. 1n A'banalei: 1

> s, 1-_11/, l.rd'1/, i -",1/ , 'IR .~_a1", ".111111", ".S81".

U!1 .> IR "1" - .. ~i ~ " .. ta1." 'bad' '

*.k1- > "8gh!." \ '~rk (2)' . *keHlSi.p180w1n1 > "-biI8n" 'baltt


-min- > lt.adn" 'berry'

" *pep1kwan1 :> "p1k8-tt 'nute' -.lit- :> "-81t." 'foot'

*ontodh.n,a > "8danrl.-" 'hinder'

~ -nepJi "> "nebi" '"ater (1)'

-06enkv1 > ".reg~i" 'vins' '

. *v1a~i- > "Sits1" 'vith' .

ct. a180 1 .. k. ba811WO~d, ora~e bo~, ohUc:i (2), oolllpleW,

ewult, trom, poea •• , band, hos, look ai, Idddl.e, nev, on top, r1b,

rod.nt, 1&1 (1), taU, tooth {t),'tr;y, vatel" (2), 1Ib~te, :rellb1r.

> IR "{If (ortholrlPh1o .,.r1ant ot lif)

PA -el >S," laI


-laakalp1tea". ,.. "uHcaftb!c:ia" 'tooth (2)',

-vaap1Jd.Ji1 > "8a.Bbell8ii"

*.axke.1n1 :> Nm.k •••• n"

'oh •• t.nut"

'!IOooasin '

'tell (1)'

, *sal1kwa > lalib.sl 'ant'

'*ka~lpehtel"~ "> Ikùapu/ 'd.ar'

*.Ikoteln > !.(a)skwtal 'tire' *ah .. ak.,,,a. ~ I-Skal

. *nalpen .. ';> InfJpal

_ '.lob.tert _

'.' (1)'

, 4

. ,


J .


• ·.shsepana > .1 aae'PI:nl 'raoooon' -

J ·le sk~vi > 1 Mica·1 'und' .. ·naJaeslewa :=> !nalU'nl 'trout'

·kakwelt- > Ikwakwat-! 'try (1)'

• .am.wa > !(a)ekva! 'woun'

ot. allaI bark (1), bear (1)~ b1rd (2), blue, bread, breathe,

br1.ng, drY (1), enough, .xbaU8t, t.ar, .fead, 1'1.h (1) & (2)" t'ly, roaJll,

haOC, .. li (2), p1ke, rej.ot, ehaman, lomething, tell (2), there (2),

tènm, upon, .alk, wealel, villow, woodpeoker •

ot •• 1.01

. ~1ak.aakwa ~ "8ara8h'sk8"

~ ... sh.ehla > "a~as8."

.pele s.. > "p~-"

*o·s.~.'wa > "pS~lM"

*ft18l1n'i > "US'"

.ayaspeaW& > "ala~"

.'.nale-a.. > "-.~re ... "

'bark (1)'

'be.r ur' 'bird (2)'


'tour .{ 1)'

'l1li.1. ( 2) ,

'pUy (2)'


'aomeone' . .

'ant, br:eatb., brin" catt1eh, 00_, enough, exbauat,

.. .xist, rear, t1-lh (1) &: (2}, rive (2), greater ye1.lovle,., pike ... là, \

ao .. th11l8, tell (2), tr:r (t), upon. valk, .,. ••• 1, woun. . " .. • D ~o.s 10_ 1rrelUlar refH~s ot PA *el

> "a" *pyes. '>' "ba." '00111.' .. >-".J\'It *alyetn-. > "uaf\n-" (but sr ' •• a./) tt:ej.ot'

> ".1." *..ipikeakan1 :> ".pig.igan" 'rib'

> "e" *.,.hJcwa:n1 > ".IIIcBaftn" '~on'

U ve al.,.. ~'. transoriptiOn to be oo~ot, the "AR" in 'nj.ot'_y

be c:l\Ie te .s.1Idl.at.1on to the foUowing na.al oonaol1lnt. Th •. ".~" ,in ,...---



.. ., " t~ ," p. • Or- ........ ,~y'.H "'f.. J ['


'r1b' indicates thi. word has developed from a reshaped tOrlll ·-pp1kahikan

... 1& h-Deletion (disous.èd in ChapterlV).

PA *. > sr /el • ... ijlara > / -atAelkwl 'bea.er (2)'

·peU". "> Ip •• ol 'cati

·ke~- "> Ik .... 1 'tut'

·.teapi > l-tApl 'head '

"·kant- > Iket,.! '1IIIIIer •• ' 1:-

.kel.k. ':> Ikelek.1 'm'

• nilQemwa > Irdleal '.1bling .. 1n-lIV (1)'

·.eka.kwa > /s.kmcv/ '.kunk' /'

·_las- ::> !-!4el'J-1 \.. 'l1I1e11 (1)'

• ... Ihte~. '> I-Ittekk:w/ 'tree (1)' . ot~ alao"" Ilong in apace or time (2), Irm, a,he" p.ox, hark

(2)., b1rd (2), dog (1) &: (2), e;re, t~rb1d, f'orehèad. gr •••• , hot, kne., ' . ,

li.ten, upl., otter, p1't1h, pUy (1). pout, pUI, shoulder, speak: (1),

.teal, unoo .... r (t)"w1ng, winter.

l!.!!. > KR "e" .penkri- > "pekkS"

*kep:- > "kep-et

·k11 •• ka..tw1 > "kizeglt"

.neqSelll- > "nes.1l1f

*ketam- >. "k.Û;....".

* .. 9k- > "me.k-"

·.ketelarl '> ".kedekS-

·I.k.ma > "Alighem"

.nepyi > tlneb1 fi

·0genkv1 > ·-reg~i·

' .. h.s'

- '010,.'

'day (2)'


'ut (2)'

'Und •

'k,...' 'sDO",hoe'

'w.ter (1)'


. ,,,

of. allOl angry, ara, baok, blaze, choke, cook, oradle board,

dOl (1) " (2f, ,1"', tin (2), torene.d, tr..~., ~re ... , band, bot., 10', .,t,

kiok, large ... pl~~ .,o.niD, III)ther-1n-l-:1r, pUch, pUy (1) le (2),. rook, ..


'" o

, l,

.ay (1), Bhouldel", e1bling-in-la.w (1), six, .mell (1), 'p'ak, take, tes- , ..;

tiole., thick. tree (1), nlh. / '

In initial pol1tlo~ PA •• vent to SF la/, im "a" or "'"1

·eMkoteln > SF/<a)skwetal 't1re'--'

·ehkwa '> sr 1 <.)kk .... 1 , KR "(.)'ke." 'loua.'

*eleni- > s1l' 1 a1nil, KR "'aren_"

*eeaanlcol.'''''' > sr /alrJkom-l, KR "'raHs~". 'relation"

*.9. ~ sr lal-I

·.Ipe_nki > s11(a)spe .... /

·.akwelva > Sl' I(a),oa/



'thua '

'up .~ve'



'!'he de,yelopMnt troll PA *wJ:penya to S1 !(a)ppen! 'tuber', .. ugge~tII an

1 intermediary proto-torm •• xpenya ..

'lbera are •• Tera1 oases where PA ·e ~as deyeloped irregul.rly.

in laI -"p1kv.a > SP' IpapUalI, KR "bab1k8 t1 'rlea' ,

o *ket- > KR- "kad." -'out.'

.keno.lyelqliwa >' sr /k .. no ...... ! 'vi11ov'

in di\," .alaakehik.~ ::> KR ".rak'higan" (ot. sr IlaldeaUa"!) 'hoe' , . . ,

• Iekarkva ~ "~',aHk8N 'akuDk'

in 1i/

·.tunr. "> SF /itAr.l t lOt "idam-" 'say (2)'

*welaln "> S1 !vi.3't!1-/, IR "81uH8i-" '18110'" . ., ~

PA. •• in th. tiret eyllable or • word .nd betore a consonant olueter h~.

three correspondence. in Abenaki: ~, /./, or / i/; vi th lome Abenaki t01'lll

'hovin, an .lternation o~ the.e reflex.s. Further disoussion ot Vo"el

Lo •• 'ft. Vowel: Prolll1nenoe tollo"s in Cha.pter III.

PA, * •• :> S1 !'JI *tùwalk.. > Itakv'5k-1 ).a • .,..& > /-''tfI/)a/

• aunp. t. > / 'jpat-/

'au t.U1IlJl t

'be. ' r 'o.ne '

" '


40 r

*nen1:lSyalna >' Inic~nl

*waskohr. » l(w)~kwsses81 *nlupe:wa > In"Spa/ .

• .,pwa 1 na > / ap'1n/

-.unkv", > /-3ktl/

--altowe > /'$to-/

*Iupw": > 1 srsp-I

'chlld (1)'

'fox t

'mal~. (1)'

'roast t

'I1~Ung-1n';'~aw (2)'

"pe.~ (2)'

't.hrough ,

ct. a180' Âbead, p, ohi"t, ohild <'2). egg, eyening, e",er­

Inen (1), hol., jaw, liIht in wight, lobst.r, _le (2), aiddle, IIIOUS.·,

- . JIOft~ nos., nut, porcupine, pout, prickly (1),. relation, akunk, ... 11

(1) &: (2), south; stand, tell (1) &: (2), throat, too lIlUoh, \lnt1e~ white,

with1n, yello,,_

> SF /a/ .p'l.k- > Ipeak-I

*Ili,ka-:- > 1rrl.J<lld<.al

-kayaIHkw~ > Ikaak.kw/

·a'hkw. > lùkw-I

-palhpi"a > !pappol

*ullt1kwa > lakkiklll

.-etht.kw- > /-.. ttekw/

.-aaxlar. "> I-akkw-/


'right' '

'gul1' ' ,


'play' ,


'tHe (1)'

'tree (2')' ' .

•• xkenathkwa > Imftkinakkv/ 'turtle' ... " , 1 'l'hu PA - ... i8 shorl.ened te /al belore .. elultAr. "urther disoussion of

1 , . ,

this rule toUov. in Chapter liI.

PA -'1 > KR ".K" 'uh tree'

.( *a"..ll. '> ".BaH81s" 'ahild (2)' :

"lalkani > "Br.Hg.n" 'dbh t


) .


} J r


t ~. r­i - ( i ,

, ,


i. ; .. " , . .




"..-... o


, at •• 180:


.-Ù.lt- > "_k~

.... 1 ~y1- :> "maflts-"

.pakaln- > "pagaHn"




.nekotw.:.1k. > "negBdaHI" t.U'

~.~kU1ar. > "1'~.flk8" "kunk' .aroal, autumn, bov,. child'(1), choke, egg, .vening,

tox, l1.ght ln' 1I1tlght, look on, 1II&1e-' H) & (2), mapl., midd1e,. priakly , '-

(1), quarrel, relaUon, ro.st, .lbl1ng-1n-law (2), ."lf\(1} " (2); .no" ....

ahol, apeak (2), .poon, thl"O& t, tooth (2), trad., untie, wh! te, yellov.'

> 'ICR " ... ·uh.a .... ::> ". 's ... " 'teed '

·mi:k.z ... · > "Id 'ka 'k'" 'tight'

-k.yaIHkwa > ~.(1)ak8" 'guil'

-uhkw- '> ".k§.." '1ftten,e'

•• nar~&rn1 :> "an. 't.fIn" 'ut'

- .. ak1kv. > "ak1kS" ', .. l' .. , . --aahtekw.· ;>'"(.)'tek8" 'tHe (Ü t

--al*-- '>' ".ak8J' 'tree:(2) ,

, -.xleena Ihkva > ".kenak8" 'turtle'

'\. -lcall1r- > "kas ... " 'wsh (2) t

ot ... J..OI be,ner (1). . .

'rheft 1. an unuaual corre'pond.na. ot PA -., te sr /0/ th



'lb. latter euggelta • proto-tom ·pe:Ik-, wbiah wouid fit sr /pa.sk .. ! as .. wu. f!..!!. ';> sr lai


LM :Ji

.... aa,. > l-aMekwl

·.vamd >- I.,v.nl

'beaver (2)'

. 'tog"

.• Jè.8ah .... ".:W& > {k.lah ...... ~/ 'forbid'

_ ........ .:>




,~ ... t;. ·akva8kva > {akukv/ 'groundhog 1

, .. · ... ~·r· ;:. / .... kwl 'leeoh'

·.xleana •• > /.'tek ... a' 'nail'

~.qlapy. -> I(a)hl"p/ 'net'

·kalDe. > Ikakk.' 'priokly (2)'

·.eanlareq.. > / .. lakw .. 1 'star'

~ta9. > ltal-I "'-'there tl)'

ot. ..110: autUlln, baok, ba:dc' (1), ba'l, bear (1) & (2), b1 tt.r,

bone, cane, ohlld (2),~eat, dog (1) & (2), egs, elm, teed, tir.t, tilh

.(1) & (2), gholt, hang, hoa, loo~ tor, M.l. (2), Mat, nut, other, par.

tr1dc-, ,penil, properl1', pro'strate, raoQoon, •• ed, lit, south, .prini, t,-

thou, tongue, trout, within. Q

The oa •• of, PA •• ':> 81 /3/ in

• ..,..,laznellar. > 11l'1~makvr9.tt1sh' i .. the re.ult ot ••• 1a1.

1.Uon, ot. 'r11h (2)' tor exaapl •• ot the "IJ1Ùar •• > 'a/ in th1.


PA •• > IR ..... ·.90n .. 1 '> "arSa" '.l'1"9W' .... ~ > .... t.:1-· 'bad'

• .,..l..ame: kwa ::> "maHra-'gB" ,'oattiah'

*1r.tltaw.k(a,. )1 > tI.ta&k8" t •• r'

.pa151 > "pa ts. If terr (2)'

.ontaJaihe. W& ,> "8daJl1- If 'hinder' . ·kv1a8a. '> ."k81ra." , -'look tort

·P.S. ::> "bar_" tuas'

·.pi.. > '''&p-" 'lit'

·.ta.". >- ·ata1\8-" ttr.de •

ot. 'al.OI aol"O •• , •• kt autUllJl~ barlc (1), bear (1) & (2), beeoh,

b1tt.r, ohoke, or.elle board, da,. (2), ~at, d1ttioul t, d.1.h, dog (1), .

ell, e1bow, .lmt 1'i,.. (2), free.e, lround, suU, hoa, kiok, .. le (2), .~,

. -


..,..l'J ?

. ' . o

nut, reject, r1b, I.Y (2). seed, lomeone, teatioies, thro.t, vater (2), ,

, work. ,. ,

>~R "l", "1" (orthograph10 'Yar1.nt~ of /.n, *nexpeBlnrud > "_pe.k8inH . 'baok'

*kltam- > "keÛla-·" • ... t (2)'

*neqtaJd > "nUm1" 'tiret'

*.9kahte~ ~ "-.k'teg~" 'fonh •• d'

*.q1apya > "~pe" 'net'

\ ... e.n,. > "S.r'ni" 'taU'

> 1eR ...... *nakagetv. > "nega-" ' 'abandon'

*mahk.te:v1 ~ "mekaz'-" 'Dlack'

*t:ahk. > "tek." 'cold •

* .. lkbk:1v1 > ~ski 'k8" 'gr ... • , ,

*maxk.,in1 > "meku8en" 'lIOce.s1n' ~

• J i 1

'Jh1a ..... relult. t'rom Vovel Reduotion, di,o.s.d in Chapte .. , Ill •

. 'lbe" 1. on~ 1"01'111 in wh10h 1t appea .. a that PA *a cOrresponds to KR "'"1

PA *01 '> sr /01

"'akollf1mra :> ""k8ts!n.'•

·.e.1IO lhs. > l.lflftO .. 1

*notbJ1haeml > /_011 ••• / 1


'dog (1)'

'srandeh1ld '

·-:80lkàn1. > /-lobn/ 'h1p'

·.tol.ni > l-tAn/

"'kOlhkolhkaho:lI. > /kokkokkha"s/ 'ow1'

.... 8ko:k. > /Ca)akok!

*klllOl1'.- '> /kel'fJDt-/



·nol .. > lnono-/ '.uckle'

*"t.qlo:hke:., > /3thlokk./ 'tell (2)'

~kenolMy.:qeiva > /k.no .... ' 'v1l1011'

01'. &1801 .lder, break, oarry, ~e ••• , •• ban, ny, gr.nœ.ther

(1) , (2), haDJ. he.r. liale, .,0 •• , relation, lt01't, to~, uncov.~ ~1), )

E 0 l ( f . i

t 1


, fi .. ~"

-". t ~~~


0 i'


6 ~:

( • il)'

\ \ \



vidow, vintel'.

'!h. sr Iv! .in 1

-ke"m'hi > Lkakwi/ 'oo_tIIt .. '

1. a .late deve~pment vh1~h roll, "Id ~norant Drop (.ee pâge 59). /

PA "01 > KR "8" ~ ·.&0In81 ~ "utN '.rrow' • ·porakv- > "p8sk8-M 'break'

.po:.~ > "p8.- ft ' •• hark ' , • ." nt- > "nBd-" 'huI"


.no: ekw. > "nB.k~ 'l1ck' '

*Il101"''' > "-Salt '\1100 •• '

.keakothi > "k'gBi" 'IOmething'

.ottenten1 > "Bd6ne1t 'town'

.»1akot8lewlwa :> "81g8ak~" 'w1clow'

.pepou.,- > "peb8n" 'w1nur' , ---ct. aleos do! (1), tather, tly, grandohild., grandmother hanl,

lIOuth, .nalee, .uckle, teU (2). ,

: ;:;.1;' KR .8doPpi_N ~ PA "'tot~y11., an orthogra,ph1oal Tar1LI~ ,

PA '0 > sr /01 *kenoly.cva >/kvenonl 'p~e'

0 .... 11)

*keGo- ::> Ikelo-! " '.ak (1)'

.~Itowe > !~to-I --ohe.s- > !..(juII

'o9tnlad > !..(jlekw1!

•• "xky ... > !ahkk_!

'*l>eak (2)' ~

'wIlk' ..



ct. al.os n6.ka". *s,y l.?one' f <. PA. 'ne + oek~n1) , .. 1 ~

~.~a! a!pkekw.{ '1 .1 •• p too lat.' ,( ~ PA ·,n. +

>8' !-l' '111 tkona ;. 1 rtdJcwen! 'ruth.r' ·.Ikotend. > !(I).mtal 'tire'

\, r,. "



.. , '1 .

~ ':F ~

i ~J; ~~

'if 'il

r ( "\





*nyefwokoni ;> /1aokwen-1

, .nekotw.:Uka > Inek:wet~11

'konta':kan1 ~ /-kkvet'Jkanl

.01. nd", > Iv.s'$nl


'tour (2)'

'on. •

',ix' 'throat'

'too IIUch'

ot. alto: .06kan1 > / .. kan! 'bon.', wha" sehy. hu later

be.n dele~ by a general 1'Ul. to he di.cussed in Chapter III. '

'lbu'-PA ~ .. nt ~ SF I-/ln initial position 'and ~en ~reOeded br a \ ~


'n1&r oon80nant, and went to SF /01 el:sfttlere. For Ikol.1 '1110"-. oamp'

a proto-tom w1~ ·01 wuld pl'Ovide a better fit.

PA initial *ve d),.,lo~ed lno,the ~~w.Y .:al PA *0:

:> sr /01 *wens-, ·wen1:- > l-os.' t i-ot-I 'bo11'.

ct~ .llos nOlldIcuDar 'IllY" nev hOll.e '. ( < ,PA !ne + we_ki-)

• 'ncSt.n~ '1 ~.œ hi.., « PA ·ne + venten-) f~

> sr lvel 1n initial poli tion. 'C -,


' ...... to},~ > /wtoppil

*",ntèn- > Iwet.n-/

.. aa:~- > Ivel~lcW.1


'u-ke •


ct. alIOs * .. fk1- ~ Ivski-! 'nev', wh.re Icbva has 'laur • <

'lb1. paraUei deTiiopMPt of PA .0 and PA initial .... , togeth~r with the

coçiemlntar,r distribUtion ot their reflex.. in SF,. '\IIg •• ta tha t' the,.

oould he treated as one phon.me.

PA *0 > sr /e/1n

, *v1lkopy1 > lw1.kepil 'basnood t

, '.

4 iiZilL .. , ~ ~ ....

·:.o,hkoillehn > (-okk ... aa/. 'grandmothtr (1)' • 1 t1

*nothkolU > /mkkem/ 'grandmother (2)'

.".tehkollli,., "> /(.)kk ..... 1

.kotak.: ~ {katak/ '

( &mts==iiLi;.tJ~l W",tad_ ~




," .~ ~ , J p

, '

1 -.. ... "



'lhb coul? he explained by the development *0 > "'a :::>' leI, excapt that

the deleUon of Iv/~after tkt 15 usual,ly blooked (cf. Ch.pter lU, p.51).

Alternatively, the reflexe;"'f 'granc:imther Ct) & (2f' and "louae f oould

pa e:lÇplàined bY"a8luming that the base (in eaah case) i8 l"estruotured as , "

ob.truent-final,. and take., the l"egular PA auffix *.ell 1III.r~1ng Il po'lessed

theme.... ~

*oSukw. > "9~.Hga.."

*"'J:kohif. :> "k8aHk8ses"

" •• o:hkomehla > If.8'k8I1lu.ft

.ont&raihe:",a > "Bdami."

. ·kenoifye:va > "k8n8s'" , • neko wa: ~1ka > "negBdal\s"

.ki: lIoléw1 > ttki~8k8" \ Î ·.konta:kani > Il.k8tal\gan"

~ ·kolSi.. > "k8t.i-"


)tox' -

'grandmother (1)'

, 'hinder'


'.ix' 'day (1)' ,., 'thro,~,~'

of. abot grandmother (2), and the' orthographie variantu

"> IR "0", "ft" \"S" , ' .eJkote:vi > "lskéta(i)" 'fire'

~o. > "ker~" 's~alç (1) •

,·.Batave > " •• Hds.." '.peak (2)'.

*.8eqU ... ay. > "8resSa" 'te,tiolel • ~

w:I, ~ •• Soxicy- > "arokk." 'work '

A,.-Rile did not d1stingu1lh 1_1 trom 101, wriUng "8", tor both,\'" a.nnot , ,

d.tel"lline whether ICennebeo River Ab$naki had the alternation /",.1 """J /0/," d. •

" .


. unIe III the de1.et1On ot / ... l'brought about.: the following retlexes where PA .0

oorre.pond. ta KR "elt.

" -.tSkopyi > "8igheb1_1f 'basanrood, ,

... tehkolÛ",. .,.. "Ci) 'kalll" 'IOUle'

t<ttt .. ,

r '" 1 i

, ,.





"'kotak- > "ketak" ,.



1. 'Ibis alternation hetween fortis and len1s consonants in dependent

noun .teu may go baok to Proto-Algonquian. Glyne Piggott informs Ille


th.t in Oji~. the depet:rlent noun for' 'le.' .. y he found vith both tortis

::!!. and lem .. ::k. the latter ooc\UT1ng when the 001.1ll ia inool"pOrated.

Compare the S1 .À.be~ n!!s.~t '~leg' 'w1 th wpo.k1dk,'d'al'~ 'he breaks q

, . the other'. leg'. 'l'h1s variation may· a1ao aooount tor the tortis ~

reflex of PA *k in 'throat'.

2. The lenia ref1exea of PA "',xp in 'a~' and 'baok t ~ turf.her eT1deno.

ot the alternaUon d1.eusse<! in m. 1.

,. The develop1llent of PA "'ne te S1 /.5/ llay not be a c"8ntext-tree change. . J

In the cOllpOuncl lru.as1psli:.v/ 'fiint t • the 1-1-/ could have had a palatal1B1ng - ,

etfect on the preced1ng elu.ter. Ontortunately th1e t5 the only oocurrence

ot S1 1_18-/ that '1 have toUDi, and 1a appa1"8nUy the only 8naple

ognta1n1ng a renex ot PA *n9.

4. That 1s, PA ·OIhlcw+8. 'grandaother', *ehlc:w+em 'louse' :-1"8 ohangeeS f

to .Olhk+-e. and "'.i1k+8. through the 10s5 ot the IIOrphe.-tinal /_/. c> 0


~ { ! .

/~ 1 - -- . iU! LQ • il ..




.. ,h:< ' , .\ ...... " .. l:;. ... -' {'Ii{.;:t. i.{, '" " .... ' • ~

l' L

Ch.p~r lU - Diaohronie Phonolog1eal Rules


~ '!he :e. ture potation used 1n th1s chapter for the Proto-Algonquien

Tovel sy.~ 1. ,.. follows: . '. \ -1; !! !!J. !!. !.! ·01 !2 - ~

eyilab10 + + + + + + + +

h1gh + + -q ,. -.f + +

bt.ok + + + +

long .

+ +, + ,-+

~, Na .. l Clu.ter· SiJlpl11'1cationl


(+na.] -4 ~ / _ [-eon}

A nasal consonant has he.n deleted from Proto.Algonquian na.al-

initial olusters ln ~th S1 ànd KR. Exalllplu of the simplification of

PA -mp, ·nt, -nk, .n~, -ni, and ·na oan be touM in Chapter li under the

oonlonant olu.ter correlpondences.

'lb. development of PA -ne to sr / sa/, am. PA -nl to sr lh1/ , XR '! 'l'" muet haTe preoeded na.a1 eluaur ,1mpl1f1oat1on. Aleo t .ino.

PA -e-final am. *l-tinal o1:u.ter. did not produce par.·~e1 ref1exea, the

developments in thea. olu.ters 1IlUBt have preoeded the merger of -e aDi

·1 (aee page 19),

• . I11 the deve10pment trolll Proto.Alg,onquian to A~nak1, non-higR

- ,

) ,

vowela han been ahortened or deleted when tollowed by a oonsonant oluaur,

-, 'lbi. praoesa 1. apparent in three related rul •••

l, Vovel $horten1œ -

[+'111] , / - -h1gh ~ (-10111) _ (-son) (.aon] +baok ,


-. ,


"~,r ~!n~,~~~ .. !\':Ilof"'~ ., ~,' - -~"'~ ...... -----"""~ ~~ \' '. ~ ,;,!t.,.·"".~...,I-,,,,,..r-$~~, "l<',~ ... ,~r':""""~-';''4''''''''~1'>t''''''~:~'''l ____ "~., .. ~ ........ ~~~"", __ , "'"

j )

, -. , .... ~,~.... ~., --"~.J"··'I-J--.f"!!'~i~'~-·'··.~ '/n'F(' .. ~'~ .. '! ,~r"'i~" "-I: ...... '~t. .. J'

.... -' ....

PA .a: vas 8hortened ta •• wherever 1t precede<! an obstruent olus'ter.

Thi. change preceded PA.as > sr 15/; KR ."3.n".1

in SFI

-m,ka:. > lmilcakkal

-kaya:Hkwa ~ /ka.kkw/

-.na:xkyuni > la'f!Akk-1

-palhp1va :> 1pappo!

-a:skikwa > /akk1kwl

~-a:htekw. > I-attelewl / ·.alxkw- :> /-akk.w/ ,


'reed •

'right •


'.t' 'play'


'trea (1)'

'tree (2) ,

.lIIe~analhkwa > lm1kk1nakkwl 'turtle'


- ct. alios haavar (1), dry (2), 1nte~, shadow, unoover (2).

in KR: *a:kema:xkva > "aHgmak811

·puq'- > "pau-"

•• Ih ..... > "at.am-"

.folka:. ~ "mi 'ka 'k'"

.k.y.~Hkva ~ "ka(i)ak8"

·alhkw- > "alcg." ..,

*anarxkyalni > -!.'~na 'kann"

·Ulldltwa :> "ak1k8"

•• alhtelew. > na 'tek8"

-.. xkenalhkwa ~ "-ksnak8"

'uh tree'

'fead •

'fight' ,

'gull' , '1ntanse 1

'Illat •


'tre. (.1)'


''the OOCUJTenos 01' sr /3/ And KR ".\\" in the ."folbdng 11>rm,

.ugge.t, th.t ~wel' Sho~tening wu: reatT1cted to obstruent c1uater •• as

ths rul, i. vr1.tten hare,. or alternatively that the 10-111 of nasal. in

na.al + obstruent ol~.ter. preoeded Vovel Shortening.

) ·.smpat- > SF l'!Jpat-1 . 'cane' .


v *.anlt.akw. > sr I-~takv/, KR " •• ~k8" 'eYsrgrean (1)J.




_.,,_ '- &; .t., 2



*la:nJç- > SF /n5n'Jk-l, KR "na~atnGJ' 'light in ve1ght'

*eOunko:melva ::bo SF /a15kom,.,.!, KR "'raHg8!n-" 'relation'

'.ibling.in-l.aw (2)'

1he:re i. no t'urther evidence bearing on a1ther of these po •• ibUiUell.

HoveTer, Vovel Shor'tening mu.t still ha~ been in dperàUon after PA .~8 .

> sr 1111, al we have. a ahortened 'fOnl reflex ln

-JIIunQehlli > SF lulS-! , 'nint,' ,

'lb •• hortening ot PA -UI in the following fol'1lll was propably triggered

by the developa.nt ot clU8ter •• t ,01)'le intermediary .tage between Proto-1

Algonquian and Abenaki.

*lcalai'l_ :> sr !ka .. 1-!, KR "kan." 'WaBh (2) t

-a:pe9kw1 > SF f .pakw/, but of. KR "_apelk8" 'l'Ook' ,.


HoveTer, there are 'bIo forma tor which the develo~nt ot a .hort laI -tram PA -al oannat he .:x:plained in this way.

-alkw- :> SlI' lakw-I 'behind' , .

*lacnkwe:hl1va > SF,I.~aa"'s/, KR "sag~ •• 8" "ivea.el'

Abd one 1fhioh emibitJ _ naaa1beâ TOWel in .pite ot • tolloving.oluaterl

*-tuhp1xkani > SF l-t'5ppillanl 'jav'

2, Initial' $xl.la.bl.8 Reduction -

a) Vonl La.. (sr onl:;) , f) ,,'

-lortg [:~] --+ -1* [:.syu] __ [-.on ] [ •• on]

C ~/ In th. cl.ftlop.-nt ot St. ··Franoia Abenaki, PA. *a or *. in an initial 1

'TUable ... cleleted btto~ an obltruent olu.tel'.

-peakvale:vi > /'pskwel_1 'blaze'

·p&elcwel~1kani. > Ipkkv •• 1kanl 'breAd'

. ua

·ùmk- :> I~_I·

-neqe ... > IMseal

-neq"'a,J1ka > IM'~lekl

. __ '- . 1A@1 . 22

'cold •




.. ,. ." t




*nalk1xk1wi > Imskikko/

II!NqQ- > /mss-I 'c

~lki- > Iwski-I

.".ek1!1 > /wsk10i-1

*keXp.. > Ikpp..1

ote allol ,alder, big, ioe, liTer, rad.


'lI-rge '

'new' -

'on top'

'thiok' Q

b) In the developlGent ot ICennebeo I,tiver Abenalei, a related rule

ot wwel reduotion obourred in the lame enrlronment.

VOlle1 Reduction (KR only)s

[::i!~l [_baOk ] / -lo~J~ .tense 1 [-8:111] _ [ .... on] [-I~~]

PA *. 1n the tirllt syllaba of • wo~ vas reduoed to KR "e" where 1t pre­

olded an obstruent elu.ter.

- 1 *tahk- > "tek_" 'oold '

Q 'black'


'graa.' .

0) C.lel of ,Vonl Prolldnenoe 1

SoM Abenak1 tOrlll .lternate between reduoed and tull wvels in initi.l

Iyllable poei tian bet'ore a t'orU. oonsonant or ob.truent olueterw. In the

tull t01'll8 the pro1l1nent VOtrel becue / al or' /-1/.

lpit1!l Syllabl. Reduotion' Vonl Prominence ,

.pe'.k- > sr /pkk-/. IR ttpe,-".

'blaok' , .

• neq tu1 '> SF / nttam{, IR "nUm" _ > SF 1 na t tu..-I r'-I (nl t t,am../ , c • _. KR, '.'nitaa-" , 'tir.t'

.lWq1- > Sf !ml./, KR "n'r-"_, >SP' /rM1-/, ,p "nitr..!' 'ldll' ~ • f

*bxk1naw- > sr Ikkin-/. KR "kin-" .. > sr /k1kk~/. lOt "kik1n-"' 'look '.t' . , " ~ ,

*lIUke.1nl "> sr /*k ... n/, D '"Mke .. en".> S1 lru.ke.enl ',IIOoo .. 1n '

.. ..

Initial Syllable Reduotion Vovel Prollinenoe ,

*neq8vi > sr Inu-I, KR "nu.". >SF [Mss/, IŒ "Moes" 'three •

. Only the full.voltel reflex 18 found tor:

*peqt- > SF Ipitt-/ 'err (1)'

*lIa.ldcnh •• hu > sr INkkv.(e~.I, KR ,.Jtk8~ea" 'tan·

*.xkenuhkwa > S1 Irdl<kinù.kv/, KR "udlcenak8" 'turUI'

Vonl Prom1nen08 -1 al80 explain the tollovingl'

*pe'ehkiva > st Ipe.1kkol 'but'falo'

*tepexk- > sr ltepakk-I, KR "tebi 'k.tI 'night'

" In! t1al Vo .... l Deletion .'

PA -a vas lost in woM.initial po.Uion when 1t preoede<! an.,...

ob.~ent oluater. '!hi. 1'12:1', 1. ,tUl oparatiTl in Abenak1, ,inee initial

laI .urtaola in po •••• sec! torm •• · Further d1aouadon~ tol,lows in Chapter

'IV • Synohl"onio Rule ••

111. ,Final SYlla})le, Trunca~nl

A. oharaoten.Uo ohange tl"OJD ProtO-Ugonquian to A.benak1 i, th. . ' ""."

loa. ot vord-t1nal .;yllablé.. It 18 oonsid.red here &1 the tunot1on of "

" two ml.. becau.. the deletian of final gl1de. 1. more h1ghly oon.tra~

than the deletion ot tinal TOwel., and becau.. the two P1'?cesae. are ordered

ditt.rently vit!t respect to the ooalellOeno. of f1na} ·1" (.ee below).

1. Final Vo_l Deltt10n - v~~/_f

A vord.tinal Proto-Algopquian vovel hu beâfl deleted in the development ,l, .

or A'benak1.


*.x:peton1 > sr !-ppedin!, KR "pedin" 'ara t

-a •• h .. hMa > sr"/ans.olS/, n ~a86 •• 8." 'befr (1)'

.a9.~Sh,a ,. Br"!al.mo.,!. KR "aremS." \

~lk1valll1 "> SF IvikfN~m/. IR "81gSa."

'dog (1)'

'd"'ll:- (2)'

.neq~al.ik& > SF In .. 'J •• k/, IR "nt18ftsek" 'e1ght'


;,~ 1 "

• 1

;. t r

;, "



, *.temp1 > S1 ,~tep/. KR "-tep"

~lyaweh.1 > SF /vion/, KR "8101"

~aakocka > sr !ta).kok/, n ".kSk·

*alkeJlla > sr /'$kem/, -KR "aHgMlIl"




*e IIDlthkva 1 ni > sr /1JDldcw5h/, KR t'ellkSaftn" • apoon •

ot., al.o s ahead, anov, baok, bone, bread, ohe.tnut, child.

(1), oradle board, dish, egg, elbow, father-1n-law, l"awn, teather, fiah , -,

, . '

(1), grandt.ther, grandmother (1) & (2), hip, hoa, hook, jaw, l1Ter,

1I000a.1n, lIIOuthf pouch, raoooon, rout, Ihoulder, .tar, thel'e (2), thl'Oat •

2. Final Glide Delation -

[~..!ak]~_'/ X _,

Co~1t10n: Wbere tE X 1. [~:~:a], ab'O [oc.nt].


A tinal gl1dè was deleted atter a wvel, consonant, or glide, vith the ,

exception 'that a tinal .. relll&1ned atter the Telar consonants /kt or /!<k/, . '

and a f1nal .1' remained atter the labial consonante /p/, /pp}, or 1m./.

In aU 0& ••• Final V01l81 Deletion proTides the neaessa!')" .nviro .... nt tor ...

thi. rul., as PrÔto-Algonqu1an had no 'woJ:"d-t1nal gildes. Note that Final

Vovel De).etion do.a not reapply atter lI'1nal Gl1de De~.Uon •

• temalmelva > sr lteukkva/, n ttte1lll.'k8'" 'be.nr (1)1

~r.kWay1 > sr / .... kw.!, IR "8,k~" 'bladdert 2

·.ukimalv& > SF !.Skera.'5/ 'oh1.et'

...... pamd "> sr /(w)3pan/, KR ".ai\ban" -Idawn' ~

.k1flekatvi > sr Ikilekat/, KR ''kbegat" , 'day. (2)'

·nyelww1 > sr /u_/, KR "ï'8" 'four (1)' .

• JIIO • ..,. > S1 "!-m./, KR "1118," 'm081' ..

*n1le,lI!'& > sr /nUeM/, ER, "nirelll" 's1b1ing.1n-law (1)'

*&q18IVa >. st /(a)s'.n) '.tonê'

·k1lloq9va "> sr' /kilo .. !, IR "leb8." "

li ua i


·/\" '", t 0

or. al,o: bas" bla~e, breathe, dog (2), rire, five (t), toam. _

fog, footvrap" free~, hang, lObs.ter, male (1;) &: (2), marry, pike, portage, - /

ratUe',na}ce, .pring, te,tiole,; tuber" Yinyèr, woman, voodp~o~er, .work, 1

you. , . (-,

In the foJlowing forma, tinal Ivl has heen kept atter./kf or /kk/.

"'lakes9kwa > SF /vala'u..'kw/, KR "8aragh',k8" 'harle (1)'

*kitMekw1 > SF Ikiaokvf, KR "ki&8k8M

. ·.Iki:nlekvi > SF J.-ssieekw/, KR "( t).!aek8"

·.aMlkwa ~ SF 1 (a)makw/ , KR "(a)-88"

*-axkamelcwe > sr 1-( a )kkaJUkw!, KR "-akamigalf

"kaya:Hkwa > SF /kaakkwl KR "ka(i}ak8t1

*-a:pe9kw1 > SF I-apskv/, KR "_apesk81t

.aukikwa > sr / akkll<w/, KR ".kik8"

*.ekallewa > sr I.ek~lew/, KR ""gaHk8"

-.... naUùa .. > sr 1m1kk1nakkw/, KR ".léenak8"


'day (1)t


'fish (2)'

'ground '




'.kunk' 'turUe'

ot.' alaol .ah tree, bear {2), be~Ter (2), ti~ (2), kettl.,

kMe, otter, 1"Odent, trout.

'!he rema1.Îrl.ng tinal .y'. have ohanrd ta / il, the regular reflex ot th1,

proto-segment ..

..... to:xpy1.,> sr /wewpp1/, ICR "Bdoppilf

·1f'1skopyi > S1 lvikepi/ t IR "8ighebi-"

*.aht&.pya > SF !(a)tV6pi/, KR Ït(a)taftb:i:"

.aniIPY. > sr !a~p1f.. KR "anibi",





·mexkwam,ya '> sr Ipklolami/, but cf. KR "pek81J1i" '1oe' 1

'lhere 1. one torm in S~ !banale1 wh.ra PA *y vas 10.t after a labial con-

" aonantl

-aqlawa > SF /C .. )hlap/ (but ot. IR "lÜpe") 'net' . "

1. ~

Final Syllable 1'runoaUon vas blookecl tra. opar.ting on a Prow-Algonquian' ~


word le •• tban tbree I1llable, in length:

.1 1




" -

-- ----~--------~-- ------~--~ ------, - ,



*penlewi > SF /pekvi/, KR "pekkSIt

-k1111 > SF Ikil1/, KR "k1e1."

.axkyi > sr /(a)kki/, KR M'kki" . , ·tenta > sr I.eti/, KR "sedi"

.pelll1 > sr 1 pemi/, IR Itpe1ll1"

·n1:la > sr lnial

'> sr I-li/, KR "11" > ICR "neei"

.kila > sr /kia!

.nepyi > Sl {nepi/, KR l'nebi''

There are f'urther exc.eptiona in -11. , "

• &l,paya > SF /oipai/ 'O'

f (.;. ... Ben~y1 > SF I-loi/, KR "-!"etei" .

,- .kez'kolhi > S'''/kakw1/, KR "k'gBi" , .

.oa1t.alpi: > sr 1-'Jp1/, IR "-aRbi"

*vaeani > 0 "Bann1-


'a.he. '


'earth (1)'

• .• 'Tergreen (2)"




'Iay (1)'


'water (1)'



'80lD8thing' ,



.osauai, > S1 /ves~1I11 'toèk lIlUOh'

'.eminJyi.a > S~ 1.-.1.11, KR "-misi" 'tree (,,. , . *ogenkwi > sr l-o~e1cw1/, KR "-reg@1" 'w1ng'~

1.. Vovel ROupi1MI "

, .

. ~UIIIH. .. ha. DDD~ m ~benak~ ••• re~ t Dt C:'~ •• DenO.· 1.

and A •• 1JII1.],.~n'. '..,( '._ ' "" 0

1, Coal •• oenoe. - 'lbe IIOlt cOlIIIIOn coalescenoe 'wu

[:~r!~] ["'Y11] '[ +"afll ] .back +roum 1 => _ 2 '. -long

1 2 ,

'J.h ••• quenoe .-1w~ went to lof. This rule intel'Yened betveen Final Vovel

Deltt10n m:l Final Gilde Deletion.

/ \


", . '

' ..

'"' ,.

• ·pel.hkiva > SP lpesikko/ - 'bdtalo'

*peU. > SF lpesol, KR "pesa" 'oat'

-*malki:Xkiwi > SF 1r&i1k'll<ko/, KR "me~k1'kB" 'grus'

lliwatpiwa > SF./-3'Po/ 'look on'

. *paxpaxkiwa > SF /pakk6l5S0/ "partridge' ..

*pekill- > SF /peko/, KR 1fpek8" 'p1tc~'

*puhpiwa > SF lpappo/ 'play'

*wuhaehs1wa > SF /w':$sesso/, KR "8.HeesS" 'pout'.

*apiwa > SF lapo/, KR "ap8" 'sit' /

*"tnkwe:hliwa > SF / sak1tass1s/, KR "og8's.s8" ',Jenel' ,


ot. also: greater yellowle~s. /

In th. correspondance , '

*keno:l.Ye:qsiwa ;> SF Ikanosa.sl 'w1llov'

1t .. ppe-ars that Final Vonl' DalaUon has operate<! 8. second 1O.llle to dele'te

ur final 10/. 101 .lso relulte trom a coale,08nce ot

.an - .. *w1:yawehs1 > SF lvioll/, KR "810a"

*n1:lavenal~> SF Inioria/, KR "n18na"

.kitlawena:n. >. SF /kional

'meat •

've (1)' )

'wa (2) ,4

.keH~1-p1sow1n1 > SF I.pison/, KR ".bisBn" 'bel t'

.011' - *aIJlJOv.a > sr /-'1ma/ 'he. '

sr 1 aoktlen-/ - ':four (2)' '" {,

*n1pallO) > SF lnipaol


Xn • f.w ine nce8 a ~wel in ibeniki h&~ undergon. ass1m1lat1on .. aoro.. • oOMonant uncler the' influenoe ot • toUonne round. ba'ck' glide

, Or 'tOnl. lhi8, assimilation vss rullced e1 ther al an epentheUo back

" ,11de or the round vovel 101_

\ *11181111.- > • ..,.lwi > sr /wél1-1, KR "81'1-" 'good' \ '\


J ~




'" ' - .. \".

57 , .

*axkehlewa > sr /(a)kk,okkv/. KR "lc8k81t

. *pi:qsw- ,> sr /piv .... /, KR "pi81-"

*bnw- > sr /kven-/, KR "k8n-" , *kenolye:va > SF /kweno.a/, KR "k8D8.,~





*kakve :~1 >, SI /kwakwaOi/, 1CR ~âak~tai-" 'try (1)'

In sr,/ t8polckv/, KR "teb8ktL", rowx:l.ing a •• a:ll..Uon ~a; been tzoiggered.

by an unor1g1nal !'1nal /'",/. 'lbe.e al ternate 111 th th. non-rounded to~

SIt /tepakJc.-I, KR. "tebi'k-" 'night'.

A .im:1lar rourxl1ng process presently opera Ung in St. Franc'1.

Abenaki l, di.cu,sed in Cha~r IV.

T. Po.~Conaonantal Gilde Delet10nr t

Cordition: Where if G i. [ +baok) , C la

œt [::;!]. Â polt-oonaonantal SUd. vas dropped, vi.th the exception that /vl re .. ined

atter a T8lar oonsonant. 5 , ThWl *w bu been lost in

*Deq.u~ika ,> sr /M,3 •• k/, KR "nUai\.ek" 'eight'

*pitn't!:,iketva > sr Ipltfu/, KR "pit!gh'" 'enter'

* ... 1!!,1-. . > sr /wU./, KR "Sri-"

*pl:q8!t- > sr IpivII-/, KR Itpi~s_"

*kel1!!- > sr /kwn-/, KR "kSn-"

'good. '


'long ,

*ap![atna > sr /ap~n/, KR "abarm" .. 'l'Oa.t' . .. / ,

*nekQ,t}ta:Mika > g /nekwet3./; KR "negBdt,HS" 'aix'

"'~ *Ian,a.- > SI /_'-n-/ . 'aouth'

*neq8!ti ::> sr 11\8--1, KR "ntA_1t

*pepol"!r- > sr jpepon/, KR 1t~b8D"

or. abo s· through.

, 'three'



In the tollow1ng, lv/ il reta1ned atter a wur oofiaonant.

*kakft: lii. > SF Ikv'ù:ttaci .. ,j, KR Itk8ak~t8i_ ft ' .. k •



p n

, ,

/ /'

r'\ .





*talnruk- > SF Itikw~;"I, KR "tag8.fig .. " 'auturan'

·pe~kwalend > SF IptJkwel~/, KR "peak~H" 'blat.e'

o *po:9kW- > SF lpo.kw-I ~ KR "p8I1k8-" 'br.ak t

~pe:nkw- > SF Ipakv-I 'dry ('1)i

*JrJa.Jdcwehaeh.. > SF Imakkwsee ... I, KR "_ 'ka.ea" 'rawn'

i! ·JadsSa- > sr Ikttila-I, KR "k8ira." 'look l'or'

.. .f ·.Ullehkwalni '> S1 lU4kktdn/, KR "eIllk8aHn" '.paon' .

·.eankveqll •. > SF,/alakwas!

*-a:xkw:- > sr I-aldnt-I, KR "-ak8-"


'tre .. (2)'

of'. a1&ol bread, 'eibow, evening, t'luu, forebead', .gull, iC.f

intenM'_ l1Ck, liTer. IIOther-in-law, \ /// ,

rad (1) & (2), try, weuel, ving,

~ ... n., '

'thera 18 one exception to this in, 'that Iv! was loat .fur Ik( :in

~ .. "~ *akwa9kwa > SF laka.kwl 'groundhog' \

PA *y ba. be.n deleud by Po.t.-Conaonant&l Gllde Deletion in:

*Pl&ztanra' > sr Ipat-(. KR "P'd- It .'bring· .

*nenilqa:na > S, lnic'Sn/. K~_ "nit&&Hn- 'oMld (1)'

, *uq..pehte.va > SF !kak.paa./, IR "ga!h' 'pa'"' 'qear'

*axkz1 > SF !(a)kld/, KR "'kk1." 'earth (1)' . *k.VI- >, SF Ike.-I, KR "kas." .. :

, ,

.ol~e:w. > SF l~oa" .. a/, KR "p8ts684"

*lez.ltalva ::> 'sr Ik'Jt-/, IR, "kat1d.I' ,

*.l,xeln- > 5F /asa-/, KR ".~ai\n-1",

.~~Xkz- > S1 lalokk-I, KR Uarokk."

trut' _




'wrk 1



" ' ote -.!sos co_, oouncll, rive (1,), hot, l1ke, ... t, DIOve, p1k.,

... U (2) t __ ter, 1d.llow.

, 'lbe f'1nal .1". re ... Udng attel' Final Gl.1de .DeleUon lIU.t han already , '~. :,J1.,-


ohanged to /1/ ~ bè ~Dlllpt t~ tld. ru,le.

"" / ~ J


a ,

i '

. ' .


. ;

yi, SOl'lOrant Drop:

[+80n] ~ _ / v _ V

\ \

\ ~,

A tew Abenak1 cognatea have lo.t ." Proto-Algonquian aonorant (.y, ·h,

*n, or *1) 1n~rvOcal.1oally.

'sa!'!Ak- > Sl Isaak-/ , 'IR "I~.g-"~

*kal:a:Hkva :::> Sl /kaam/, KR "ka(1)ak8"

*laraia8kw1 > Sl /kwatlkw-J

.dye:J!- > st J •• a-/, but of. ~ "~Iaftn-"

*ke:ko:lli "> sr /kakvi/, KR "k'g81" " " .. J. ·Id:!a > s~ Ik~/ "

~ _"L.o


'ditf1oul t'

'gul1 , \

A 6 'properlyt


• 80.etP1nc' ~

'thou' . ' ..

• n1:!awent:n- -> S1 1 Dio na/ ,_ KR "n18ni .... ~ . 've (1)'

*k1:!awena:n- ?' S1 /kWnal 'w (2)' <:>

*k1:!wa:wa > SF /kiold/ 'you'

An in1 tial 'Ionorant haa been 'lost, 1d10IynoraUoall.y, in ,

'tour (1)" .

." S1noe 'tour (1)' 'and '·.,ood' have ret'le~s ô! initial gl1d8s, th~ 80norsnta

auat ha... ~en dro~ped .tore Post-Conao:"ntal' Gl~a Delet1o~ took ertaot.

TU. The OMer1ng ot the Rulesa

1.. Deftlopmenta 1n *9 .. f1nal alli *1.t1nal éÙWltera 1 •

2. Merger ot PA *9 'alli ·1 al ,g4/1/, !CR -r" "!r -;

,,13 .. Nasal CIÜ8ur $'1mpUt1oation .' ,"

4. Vovel Shortening • , . PA .a: > ~

6. final Vowl Deietion

'l. Coaleao.~e ot 1wf '

(J 8. Final G11de Deletion -',


f' 1


. . l '



.. . '


9. Final PA·y ::> i

io. Sonar.nt Drop


11. ,Rourxling Ass1m1lat:1.on "-

12. Post-Consonantal Glide Deletion

It appeara that rule 1 oocurred before 2 and J.

, 1

:3 precedes 4, given the more general fbrm 'of rul~ .4. The more' speci1"10

rule would net he cruoially ordered w1th respeot to 3.

4 precedes 5. 1

7 oecurs at'ter 6 and before 8.

12 follows 9, 10, and 11.

l t ia possible tha t th:1.15 order1ng m.irrora the chJ'Ono.~og1otl

sequence of the rulea •




1. Loan-words oontaining /31 for the long vowel laa! suggeat thB.t na~.l-..

il&t1on 11 a "cent ohange. In,Laurent (1884) lIe tind bonowihgs trom , " If 1

French such aIS poWia ~bottle' (p. 28), TomS ''!hOIlU' (p. 55), and r~

English, pftngoksak 'panoakes' (p. :)0), a.nd igl1sm8nki 'England' (p. 53).

New occurfencea of long lai resJlIUng trom glide and oonsQnant deletio"f, f _

ego kepa' 'close him, it (1JIp. Ig.) " s'ak~t 'it 1a dit!1eult', indio.te

that th1. ru1. 1 .... 1.1°"' ... operaU~. ~ \ 0

2. 'lbe KR f"orm suggeets a relhaped eMing.

3. S1ebert (1961b) g1.,.. Penobacot~, am.,olaima the e~ing hu been

:ro.ahaped by' .nalogy ta 'el1ll' and 'alder 1 • .tt •

, > .'



. "



, -.



4. It ie interesUng to no~ th.t the 1ndependent indicative transitive

an1.Jllat.e inverse fortlls in SF / -rikw/ must have changed from PA • ... all + ekw 1

to • .. ukw be1'ore the coalê.oenee 01' -awe to /0/ to~k plaGe.

5., Binee /~ ret:&ined after /kt in' t.h1s rule and in Final Gl1de _

Delation, and furthermore developed from -.() in the' lSalIle enviromnent, we /

'COuld •• t up !kw

! a' a ullU pbo~';" in Abe"alci. SUbort. (19671» '",?,ta" tbe same for Penobscôt. (!I

6. Vovel Shortening muat still han bean l,n operation after the 1088 of

.y in this t'orme



..... "

• 1

, . • 1



" '.

, ~.



. "



l t ,


Chapter IV .. ~ehron1c Phonologioal Rule.

In thia chapter 1 will br±efly sketch some of the synohronie . .

phonologioal rules of present-day St. Francia Abenaki. These processes

l'urther obscure the correspondances outlined in Chapte.l'" II, ard ~re thua

of the utmost importance in understs.rding the rnn.1onship of St. Franois ... Abenaki to Proto .. Algonquian.

1, Effed? or the Fortis Consonant:

, 1. lhi Ual Vowel Deletion -

[+SY~J' / ~+forus J} +baek ~~ ,_ +low C C

An initial / .. / i8 del.te<! before a tortis oonsonant or oonsônant' cluster.

'lhUIl ve have the following a1ternatlonss

alewassèm 'bitch' ntiskwa.s sim 'IllY bitch'

tt)p:1': 'bo" , nU tt~p:1':m 'II:'Y bow t ,

akweU 't'ire ' nUskweUm ,'~ f-ire' Q

p~n 'groundnut' nUppen~ 'MY tesUc1es' . .--~ sp'mkk! 'héaven' nUspemkk!m 'MY heaven'

kk6klor 'kettle' nUkkokkw6m ,'my keUle t

kk! 'land'

'l~~l ntakld 'my land t

kk.lI1~ nUkkem~m 'DI1 louse'.

hUp 'net' nUhla~m '1111 ne~' ~

.s'n 'atone' nUssenfm 'w atone'

ak6ka 'worm' nUskoks-'rn 'IllY penis'

For .ollle speakers the poss8lsed (OrlllS do not have .tenl-lini tial la/: ,. nakwaae'm lmy bitoh' ...., ntt~p!m 'IllY bo".'

> nakweUm 'IllY t1re'






'" ·r ~~'" ~ ., ~ 1..;, "',r ~, J ~ (.' J " ,.


nppen{m 'm;y groundnut'

nkkokkrim 'my kettle'

nhlap~m 'my net'

nsaen'm 'my stone' if. •

1hi. irdicates that the underl~ng fOrml of these words have been restruo-

tured AS conaonant-1nitial. '1his reetructuring May explain why initial ~ - _/~

Prota-Algonquian "'a has been lost in the follow1ni SF' cognateaz -

• ÎBy ma pIe •

*ahsa:kelwa 'lob,ter' > SF s:liti 'lobst&r', ns~'m 'm;Y lobster'

"'aqsenatminlya 'maple' > SF Slen~ma! 'maple', nsse~mos!m

It lII&y ~~e Caae that suèh restructuring hal!l oocurred in aU oases, the

medial 1./ ln posse"'ed Coras resulting from epenthesis before a fortis

oonsonant or oonsonant clu,ter. In ~\pport of this 18 - _

pp:ikw~'n 'riute'

vith 1 al apPearing beCore a non-original tor-Us consonant. (cf. PA

*pepikwani t arx! Consonant Fort1Ci~a tion, b;iow). '"

2. Phon.Uc Re.liut1~n of the ForUs Consonant ..

. Fortis obatru~nta are further d1stin~l~

by th. erreots of two lOW8r.l~Yel phonetic ml.s:

• a) ~reasp1ration -

from leni.

[+forti.] ~ [I-preupirated] (opt) ,.

A l'orU. oon.onant 1s orten preaepirated. , b) Voicing -

[~rort1.]~(~voicell (+80n] _ [+lon1

A len1s oonsonant beco~es voioed between two' sonorant segments.

'!bus ve have the following lurtace phonettc real1~ationl: , fi)

Intt3'tcwiJ1I1 :-+ l",d~gwé~ 'IllY male cousin'

InÂt~.I{I/:""':" [M~kwl!. ] 'my female oouai~ (f.a.)'l

IpapP&/ ~ (pahpcs] 'he play.', /npapp!/-+ [nba~!] '1 play'

1if 2 ; ,

& •

\ \

" h


., ,----~-~--

1 ;~ l,

'" ' ,


ÇA "


/p1tU./ --!)t [pihu:1 ~ 'foslI1' "'

/ tl<k'/ -+ [thka:} 'ft ia cold t "" /wt~ppli<k'n/ ~ [wd~bpi hkin] 'Ms chin'

/ne,~eo!k~so/ ~ [naglfej!gam!gw,zèS] 'a tamily'

/nekv'tltarrtl.kves6/ ~ [nasv'tkamigwnO] l'one tribe'

11. 'the Stresa Rule and ;ts ErfeoH: j, 1. Al ternat1J'lg Stress Rule -

v -"> [ +.~i. 1/ _ ~ Co .)1 :: ~ -.t!. .. ] 1 R --H

BasicaJly, -strel5i placement in St. FranciS Abenaki ois ~.termined by an

,alternat1~ stress rule' wh1ch operates from the end o~ th~ vord. Strêss f '

skips-over a ~n-final Ich~. and'continues alte~t1iJ troM the syl1able , • 1 j

Tr (J!

to the l8rt even if that ia also a schwa. Hovever, the personal prefixes \

!l!.-, 2,-, !!!.- do ,not 'carry stress, in whioh case a.tres~ alî1ft will not

oocur on the ayllable to the right. Note, the atreu' p~tterns in the roI.

lowing: 1

f.Fwas~n 'a piace of f1rewood',. 8w'a5nal 'Cirewood (pl.)'

nUkkwwtarM'n nUp '1 have. a headaohe,', .kkwimalaow~in

'siokness' \

• mekilll 'he barks', 'nem6kl1'kw

or 'he barks a t me' .

nep.(sk'enem'n . '1 buret 1t', ptakU,li. ,'he, it bur.ta oper"

nep,;akh'm '1 .hoot' . 1


81kwin 'spring' ,. ni~11s!kwaN: 'laot spr1ng' , '

nepaMn 'I bring H', r'lep'8oW~ '1 bring him'

ne~kwelo! '!my fist', nem'senem'n '1 reoeive it'

wtakit.mén 'he counb ,1 t' , ".uk1m~ 'he oounts him, them (an , ... ~:Î

ke.ouA: 'he walks quiokly', kes~mahU 'he runa" ~ast' t ~'l





" ,



. ~ tV t

t. -----\

l t '~

(, ~ .' t , '- \.

~ t ~ li' w ~ ~~

" 1






k •. teJl1~k1pp6 Ahe eats po 0 rly , , k6telll!k:!tep1hl~ 'he i5 ruined', \

n6k'tem'k! ta~m~ . 't pi ty him' . . /

A sequence ~r' two vowels IllaY oount as one lIIora in the ~tres~ rule: 2

/ mskIDoisèl 'law' (cf. IIIskikk& ' 'gr-ass') . '

skwetA1pekw:! 'uhes'

ki'sikoa'k 'îhey (an.) are r1pe" (of. k{sikô' 'he 18 ripe')

oipi'i 'ghost', c!pailk 'ghosts'

nat~m1{ ~irst'

wkelialllaw~ 'he forbids him'

k1k!m~to' 'hfJ whispera'

npess&npaat6n 'I fill it'

.. /'

• kesepialea& 'he washes himself' (of. nekheptal-esf 'I waah



Uliota: 'it boUs'

2. SynooP! -

[l~ ] ~, (opt) -atre-III

An unatres.ed sehws can be deleted, e~pecially. in rapid speech.

ue11d'sekit f'\J Mo1k:!ak't 'it 1a bad weather'

' ..

ld •• k61 ~ t k{ak61 'days"

Upaetim 'he listans' '. -u,p4staw{

nll~tep~n tv n!l3tp~n 'IllY \:>rain'

nek~tet6n t'V nek~t-Mn 'I Mde i t'

n6tenelll"'n ~ n&tnem-'n 'I take it'

'llsten te Ille' 1. '

~p&aic!k.ta{n l'V np&a1c!kta!n '1 j\J,lllp o'Yer i t'

Mt')çw'1II 'IllY male cousin', ~~l8eskwi <: lnat'$}çwes.,eskwal

,~ 'IllY t~male cou. in , , 'ohiet'







,- - , "~Jo


'lbe folloving three rules are trigg~red by Syncope.

J, Nual Dno1c-ing _.

. [!:~] -- [-001 •• ] / ~ ["W1.~l. Â nasal Qonsonant la devo1ced through 8.Ssilllilation ~ B t-olloW1ng voiceleae


'my lm' / npped{n/ -+ [9pad~n 1 /a'akha.k5a&/ ~ [ .... g~k3fl6) 'lt 1. diftioult

ta flnd'


/nas'5a'k/ ~ [1J.~~k]

/lllakikk6/ ~ [pk1k&]

,/.ae~tIllkk6ll ~ [a,n~~6l]

/ rpemkk11 -4 [.pe~11

/mesek{l/ -4 [1!s;g~lJ

1rJd<3tl-4 [1Jk~~

/tdck'se-Ml/-4 [~z;rJI) , , ..




'he 1a lar •• '

'IllY les'

'moccaaina •

th1.a 1. the prooess behirx:! SF Ipl traM PA *m ln the fo1lowings

.... >i<V_. > SF !pIdnr.rrl! (cf. KR "~~") '1.0'

·"q9 + 1p1kw1 > S1 /ps.njkw/ (~!. KR "meà'nikS") 'black aqu1r1"el'

4. Nasal ÂIllim1latlon - ,

[ -CQr] 1 / [;::~] , +ant ~ [+JlAS ] _ -+;nu

A Ipl go •• to lm! ,in auilllilaUon to à tol1onng /'111/, as in IpefJJ0881.1 , 1

'he v.lke' whlch le often realhed as [DIlIIOh,,], also _

/ nepemtJuJ./ ~ [ne~h."J 'I walk' .. , /pe.,.~eOwi~/ ~ [~~z&rlnnd] 'perlOn'

/rla"w!per41 -+ [w:!z~w!mm!J . 'butter'

5, Consonant FortificaUon -[+fort.il]

[--1n\ ( •• ;']t ===> - 2, --.

(.aubscript \. repre •• nt. ldentlty o! te.tuna) •


; "u &!::&!lBt. J iJ EZicar 1




0 41-

--- ~--- ----


, When t,to hOllJOr«anic obatruents are juxtaposed, the,. are OQaleaced into a

single tortis obstruent, aa in -

/pepOnl ~ [pab&n] 6r [p6n1 /rd.al!.pepo~/ --+ [n:!al!hpon'J /nek~tet6n/ -4 [ nag~ht&n]

;ke + kikk:!nav~/ ~ [kik!naw~ J


, 'lut w1.nter'

'1 h1de it'

'yo'J (ag.) aee h:1lII'

rua coale.cenoe hu produoed. an 1:rd Ual t'orU. oonsonant reflex in

PA *pepilcvani > SF /pp'JJ<w-1 'nute'

li1. Glide Del.tionss

1. v.Deletion -


V v -4 _ +...:... [+11&8&1] (~pt)

A IIOrpheme .. 1rdUal /.,,1 18 optio~),ly de1eted before /3/, a. inl

takw~oc:S' r.J ta.k:~koo 'autumn '

kea'p~sov~in r.J kes'pe86~k~n

1f3l~ t'V ., l'kw

v~p'n '1t davna'

. 1f~p1k6 r.J ~p1k6 , .




'he b wh1te'

"Ûkv3p:{n 'he look" in that direotion', wl'pbt 'he look.

tbere', p!l.,,~p1U:l,-...J pU~p1W trabe tee th '


In the tollowing the /w/ 11 no 1çUlger reooverable 1.n pre.ent-day Abenak1 • ., 1


1884 ~Lauren$:~ !2Zï "'aah11 "w6wan" 3",'n 'egg!

.~alp1kwa "wSbikw80B" "p~a.6.1 'lIIOuse' .. *walkohla .....akwaea" ~kwlS'" 'fox'

2. h-Deletion • ~




\ ....

, .. f ,

1 ~ ,

1 t r i ~

,.# \'


The law glide Ihr ia deleted intervocalioally exoept in oaret\Ù speeoh.

Clos.ly linked w1 th this rule in the function ot dntroying Vh V sequence.

11 the' deletion 'ot / al betore Ih vI, again an optiona,l proo.n.

[::~] ~ ~/_ [+1~v1 V +10"

(opt) a.Deletion -

'nte two rules are in a autually bleecl1ng relationship, and ... since bath

,are optional thea ordering with ""peot. to eeoh other il not determin-


Underlying Representation h.Deletion a.Deletion








koklcokkaha ..



wUmh1kin (Jrd pers. po".) 'Ué'

'he -close's it'

kepai (o&1."etul lpeeoh _ ·kepah') 'oloae hilll, •

it (imp. sg.)'

---_ .... wkel'emav~

1p~ssak'1kin -----­


'r ehop Ma down'

,'he forbids h1m'




avini! (oaretul IIpe~ch - aw4n1h!) 'someone (obv.)'

l. 'lb. lo"dof Fin;,1 Glide DeleUon • \

As .. result ot the diaohronio rue of Fihal. Gl1dl Deletion,

Sl Abe'nak1 lexical 1te~ have t~r the moat part 'Deen re"JuctUHd Withoyt

tinal gl1dea. 'Ibis 'i. evident. trom th. non-a1te~t1ot\.1n the follo~r ..

PA -IDOIne '.,0 Ile , > SFIDÔ. 'moosé', mos~ '110018 (pl.)' ~

PA --eW:~n.,& 'dog (2)' > SF .kwae.'m 'bitch' ,"skwi,sedk

PA .... 1k .. nw1 aaftkenh


PA .dlkwamr1 • Ipring' > Sl 81kv'n _' spring 'f a!kwanÂl 'springs'






' .. .f'

PA *pepo 1 mt. r 'winte.r' :> sF pp6n 'w1nter', ppo~l 'wintera'

There are two forlllS where the reflex of. PA .y 1. deleted finally, but ÎlhOW8 ':t

up medially. Here l1/ ha. coa~e8oed vith .chwa 1n~e regular pou.ued,

theJia I-am/.

PA *aqeeny" '.tone':>' SF aa'n 'stone', wUlserdm (rv wasen'm)

'his ltone'

PA *wexpen,ya 'tuber':> SF ppt$n 'groundnut', ntÂppeniaik

''JAY te.tioles· / / ,',


lbe plural torma 8seMl ' .. tonal· a~ ppen~ 'groundnuts 1 '~oJ' j no t oontain ' l ~

/i/, indio.ting th.t these verda have been' restruotured wtt.hout *y as

!xpeoted. '!huI the polses.ed forma .bove are probably tro~~ forma trom

/ an old alte~tion between med1a! (Abenak1) *1 and delètion tinally.

" }v, 1

J , r


Rounding Assimilationc • __ (+~ok)-I f _ c (+~~] ,

1 The vovel ot a .tre5lled syllable oan &ss1.ndlate acroes a oonsonant ta -.

1a &lw&ys a Te~r.1


tOllJ'Viilgu r,9und back glide. 'the intervening con.onant

~elng the only consonant that oan precede. /11'/. . [ \

-'~ \ ' aIidcwik'n 'it.is rad' (e-+~), nemeSkkw'coe.n '1 dye it red 1

"'" ld •• k6'l 'claye' , kia&kw Iday' 4 t

naa1.'kw ~ na.1.&~ "My eye'

tep6kladwf Iduring the night~-,_ te~~'k 'Ûl, of th. night'I f "

wttawlkw ,...., wttaw'wkw 'his .ar i

nek.Ukw r-.I nek.t6kw 'IllY knee 1

DeM'ki1'kw ~ neméki16kw

~kw '" rwdvkw

'f, Çsn.onant Muta t10nl



'he barks ')t IDe'

'lake trout'

'I bave bad luok'






1. ~Palatalization -\

. [::~~] ~ [+deI. -son 1 [+h1gh]

rel.] _ .. baok . -cons

jtl is pd.atalized to /0/ hetore IiI. '!he rule 111 not gelleral, however,

being re.tricted only 1:0 tl'Ozen foms wbich have kept the *t rv *~ alter-,

. A 5 nation fourxi in Proto. 19onquian.

'bad' > SF rdtakk! 'bad l.nd'; doik'n 'he la bad' , \

'I have bad Iuck', where palatdization reuin.

in .pite of errrlronment ohange.

PA *keqt.. rv,.keq~1 'big, much' :::. S1 ktUatenâ' 'big mountain', khd ,,' 1 l

'big, old', of. khtûd' 'he 111 old', khcH 'oid man' l "-

'ta exhaustion' > SF matt~p8ka: 'the end',

mihcihlt 'it 18 .vorn out"

PA *ako:te:w1 r-.J .ako:~inwa ,·tt/he 1a hanging' > SF '-kkhoU 'it ia

hanging', lkJcho01n 'he ia hanging'

PA .ma: t- "" "'ma: ~yi- 'move. go avay' > 5F lI1~tk' 'he moves', nem!k:!

'I leave t go away', but ct. 11130' 'he he ns 1 t mS'c6 'he goes away'

eartlt " wsk1ciw( 'on to~'

PA ·nekotwi 'one' > SF nekweUtekw'1 cv nekwec!tekv11,,1 'he looks

out ot one eye'. nekw' lJrdJcwes6 'one tribe' t nekwec:{kam!kwea6

.. '1 step over 1t', pos1oiri


p PA ·k~ t- rv .k .. kwel~1 > SF lvakwhen 'try to lift aomething O.Jnp.

ag.)', kw~kWac! 'try it (1mp. ag.)· i , , "-

Palatalizal10n has . not .freoted new se'quences of dental consonant + h1gh

~"""'owel in tlle followir:igl t

nppet:!n 'J!l.Y. al'll' « ... .:xpeUmi) ,

p1 t1ld 'come in (~p. sg.)' « .p1: ntldke: va)


------~----;----~ ---~


~et{ lcèdar i (-< ·renta)

netiUlIl II say' (<: *ete.m:')

tisstt!k.nil '.helve,' (same root as in Usstt.l lit


The 1iÛle in Proto-Algonqu1an whiah palatal1zed *6 to ~I' be~r •

• h1gh front vove1 or g11de 1a not endent in Abenak1. It'"has, he.n: .ug_ g •• ted by 1 .... 1 Goddard (1961a) that the non-alternation of SF /1/ t'rolll

·e !aaY not he 'an arch.ilm, but a ge.nerUizaÙon of the non-alternation

ot Si'-· /1/ t'rom .1. ,

PA *mete6emankani -I.houlder' > sr wte1! 'abculder bl.de 1

PA .ta\- 'th.re' > sr n{ta1! 'there'

PA ".8- 'thus' > SF nid! 'thus'

rte 'J.h. Ordez:1ng of the Rules z

1. h.De1etion

2. a .. Deletion

). w-~let1on

4. Initial Vo_1 Dlletion

5. Stress Rvle

6. Round1ng Assimilation

7. Syncope

8. Nasal Devoioing

9. ~881 Assimilation .

10. Çonsonant Fortification

1 and 2 precede 5.

5 prec;ede. 6' a~ 7.

l ... -,. "


.. Voio1ng and Pr.up1ration are lO'W~lenl pho~etio ~. \.pp1y:1ng atte~ ,1

the phol'lOlogioal ~1 ...


J !





f 1.

, "( " . ,




• 72


1. '!'he 'taot tha t /kl 1s not vo1.oed -t.o r g] in th1s farD! and 1.n other

li'xamples of I-VkvC/ again points to a unit Ikvi phonème. (of. fn. 5,

Ch. III). . . "

'01' the .Dt' Huon f'1nal {k./ 1. ~1oe18". "

2. In th ••• oases the vovel .equences oould be interpreted al!! VG, GV,

" or a long T01fel. This lft)uld involTe the reanalyliâ of a11 SV .retlexéa

0/ PA .y •• /YI, .• nd the addition of a (d1aohroni.o) mle of Syllabif1-

cat1o'n. G •

[ ~high] ..... [ +,,,UJ, / c _ 1 ,-babk ,

te. ohf.ng. p,À final *y te li/in thole forms vhich are exelllpt f'rom Final r

Glide Del.tion (.ee page 53) •

3: M'ter the baok glide ils inserted b1 thi. ruJ.,e, the sequenoe lewl

, is coale.ced 81 /01. 'JIll ,,-

4. '!hil alternat10n malee. the proto-form PA ·*k1.:.okv1 (Ha67o) unneo.s-

ury for Abenak1.

5. '!h~1 va. notee! by I ..... Goddard (1975).


• ff

-. !



, , / 1 ~

./ \



--------------:-----=-'-'--- ----......---------------------------:-~~ -,~

- '.



r' 73

Cha.pb~l; V -, The D.gt8

.>- ,

The following,material J.S a list, alphabe.tizod by English ~lass,

of Proto-AlgonquiAn recQnstructions "together with examples. of reflexel?, in , " .

St. Fr~ncis and Kennebec River Abenàki. Abbreviations in pprentheses .gre .. . keyed to the references given below.

The St. Francis Abenaki materi.11 is t?ken from '\

(Da64) Day, Gordon H. 1964. A St •. Francis .Ab~n.oldvac~bu.lary. IJAL JO. '

p. 371-:392. •

(Maj2) ftlsta, Henry 'Lerne. 1932. Abemki Indi~n Ler;ends, Grammar, and. .'> -

Place Narnes. La Voix des fuis-Fr!l.ncs. Vi?tr->ripvil1e. P.Q. pp. 110.

(Lr84) Laurent, J0seph. 1884. Nel'1 ;Fanilipr },benélkis and English -,aloguAs.. ,

Leger Brousseau", Cuebec. pp. 230.


(Wr75) Warne, Janet L. 1975. Field-not9s from June - July, 1975. Odanak.

" l' ~

• The Ke?Jn~bec River Abenald l1IP.tel'ial is l'Ill fram -... ~le,

, ~ 1:, /1 Father -seba~'Ha, 1691: A Dictionar~ of the Abna~i. Language. ed. JOhn~:~

Pick-ertng. 1833. 11emoirs of the American Acade1'1Y of Arts and Sciences. ~

r n.s. 1. p.. 370-574,. . "


::the Proto-Algonquian re~onstructions, reg"1-1arized to a single

~t:tl)n (ci-. Chapter 1), are from the following .sour(l,fls: •

• (Au/?2) Aubin, George F. 1972. A Historical Phono 1,., gy of Nsrraogansett.

~ . : /'

Ph.D. Dissertatj,on. Brown Univel'Sity. pp. 91.·

(B146) Bloomfield, Leonard. 1946. AlgonquJan. in. Ho.ijer, H. et nI. Li.rigui~ .-' ,

Struot-ures cif N~tive America. Vil{inp.; '{1lnd Pur-lic'lItions in Arrthrorr>logy

VI. p. 85-129. • (w (Co69) CO,",lln, Wil~i-em 1969. PA ~,~, 1 ·k, and *t in NarrangAnsett.. IJAL 35.



Language 1'1. p. 304-310.

\ {

1941. Prot.')-Algonqllian ·çk: , . '

~ Ful-ther example~~~

p. 28-33.

(Ge41) Geara, James A.

, . t'

(do6~ Goddard, Ives. 1965. '!he Epstern Alp,'5nOll~n nasal. ,IJAL ,1'. p. 206-2~0.

(' , ______________________________ ~ ______ .................... ~5_U


Î ..

~ ~.


t ~

~ ,; {Î





) ,

t6067a) ,Goddard, Ives. 19678.. Notes on the genet:te"' classification of the

Algo~quian languages. Contnbutians ta Ar'lthro~lof,Y: Linguistics l ...

(Algonquian). Nationsl' Huseum of Canada. Bulletin 214. p. 7-12. . /'

Ottawa: Queen's Printer.

(Go67b) God~rd, Ives. 1967b. The Algonquian 1ndependent indicative • .. Contributions to Anthropology: Linguistios l (Algonquian). National

Museum of Canada. Bulletin 214. p. 66..106. Ottawa: Queen's PrinterA.. _

..,(Go71) ~oddard, Ives. 1971. More on the nasalization of PA *a: in EastQrn

Algonquian. IJAL 37. p. 137-145.

(Go7) Goddard, Ives. 1973. Proto-Algonguian *nl and *ne. IJAL 19. p. ). ... 6. ,

(Go75) Goddard, Ives. 1975. AlgQnquian consonant mutation: The morp~o­J


logization of a phonological rule. Paper presented at McGil1 5 University. •



, \

'\ March, 1975.

'-"'(Ha..5M Raas, Mary ... 1958. Notes on sorne PCA stems in /k-/ IJAL 24. p. 241-245 •


• (Ha66) Raas, Mary. 1966. Vowels and semivowels in Algonkian. Language 42.

p. 479-488.

(Ha't'JJ Haas, Mary. 1967a. Roger ~If!liams's sound shift: A study in Algenkian.

in To Ronor Romgn J~kobson. Janua Lingu~rum. s~ies maior J1. p. 816-832.

(Ha67b) Ha,ss', MAry: 1967b. The development of Proto-Algonkian "'-awe-·.


Studi~s in Historièal Linguistics in Honor of George ernlan Lana. ~

University of North l!arolina Studies in the Germa.n Languages and

Literature. no. 58. ChapE\l Hill: University of

p. 137-145. ho

(Ha67Q) HAlls, Mary. 196?c. The Proto-Alron1<ian wo

te Anth~pology: Lirigu~tics I (Algonquil\n).

Canaqa,.' Bulletin 214. p.60-65. Ottawa:, Cueent '1

• rth Carolina Press.


'sun' Contributions

(He7) Hewson, John. 1973. Proto-Alg6nkian rafle sin' l1icmac. Anthropo-

_ lo~cal Linguistios 15. p-~ 1.51-164. fI/~ ~" /

: (He?4a) Hew50n, John. 1974a. Proto-Algonkian medials.IJAL,46. p. )Q8-~i6.

• • ....

------~_....-._-----------~:...<-~--~---~ =4




-=--.. -----.-/ -~-- - --,---

. "

fi t


(He74b) Hewson, John. 1974b. Proto-Algonkien stems in Ip-I. st. John's,

Newfoundland., l1emorial University. Deparbnent of Linguistics. pp. 15.

(He7.5) Hewson, John.1975. Proto-Alp:onkian stems in l't, ~, s, e, l, n, t, ml.

St. John' s, NewfourrllB nd. 11em0ri:J l Uni versi ty. DepArtment of Linguistics.

pp. 48.

(Ho57) Hockett, Charles F. 1957. Central Angonqu~an vocabu~ary: stems

in /k-I. IJAL 2). p. 247-268.

, (Hp7J) Hamp, Eric. 197J. More light on PA 'sun'. IJAL ,']9. p. 205-206 •

(McJ4) N~che1son, Truman. 1J~' Algonquian'/l parerga. IJAL 8. p. ·~_44 • ....... <

(McJ5) l~helson, 'T:rtllM.n. 1935. Phonetic shifts in Algonquian languages.

IJAL 8. p. - 1 :31-171. /

(Sb41) Siebert, Frank T., Jr. 1941. Ceru.in Proto-Algonquilln consonant

clusters. Lan~uage 17. p. 296-30). ~

(sb67a.) Siebert, Frank T. t Jr. 1967a. Discrepant consonant clusters ending

in -k in Proto-Algonquian, a proposed in~rpretation of !3altatory

sound changes. Contributions to Anthropology~ Linguistics l (Algonqùian).

"" National Mùseum of cGnada. Bulletin 214. p. 48-59. Ottawa: Queen's


(Sb67b) Siebert, Frank T., Jr. 196'7b. The original home of the FrOto-

Algonquian people. Contributions to Anthropology: Linguistics l

(Algonquianl. National Museum of Canada. Bulletin 214. p. 13-47.

Ottawa: Queen' sPrinter •

(s160) Silver, Shirley. 19Po. Netiok oonsonants in reference ta Proto-' 1 • ~

CentrRl AIgonquiAn: 1. IJAL 211. p. 112-120.

(Ta67) Taylor, Allen R. 1967. Som~ observAtions on compnrAtivo ArApnho-

Atsina lexicon. Cc;mtributions to Anthropology: Linguistics l (Algonquian).

Na tional Museum of Canlllda. Bulletin 214. p. 11"-127. Ottawa: Queen's

Printer. •

iri •

(Vo41) Voegelin, C"fl F: 1941. Pro td-Algo nquian consonant clusters

, ,4 M!Sii" . 'J =nm .. ~.,.



,. l~

~ t J.

" 1,

f f , ,


- ~- .... , 76

. '

Delaware. Language 19. p. 14J-147.


; 1. ABANDON. PA *nakaGe::: (Mc35) 'he abandons him':

2.E Ineka-I wnekal~ 'he abandons him', nnekal~,_!I abandon him', wnekhernén

'he abandons it' (Wr7.5); waji nga18,k 'ta le.n8 (him)', waj1 ngadBz1.k

'to laave (it)' (MaJ2, p74).

!Qi "naga-". 'nenega tem~,n, nenagatenaH ' j' abarxionne, je laisse cela ~; nenegaraf\,

nenegatsiharaK (an.), neneg'te~en (1nan.) 'je l'abandonn~'; neg~ti (imp. .-

eg.); negatem8k8 (imp. pl.); nega6aH 'on le laisse, on ne l'embarque pas' • •

. , .... 2. ACROSS. ~A *aka:m- 1 (Mc3.5, G065) 'across water', PA *aka:menki

-1. (Vo41) 'across the river': L Jo

§! J ak'ffin-I. ~dm6k 'acress the r.i ver (posi tio'@", ak1miwi 'acDOss the

r,iver (motion)', 165saU A:k3m~ti8'Jl~t's cross the road', Ak'3'mAkwidn

'he swims across'{ ()fr7.5); llosada ag6mek 'let us go to the ather side'

of the river' (JS4, p9.5).

!Qi "agaHrn_tl. agafun.(dené 'de l'autre c8tè de la "montagne'; agafhnek 'de

l'autre cetè d'U fleuve'.

., 3. AHEAD. PA *n1:ka:ni'(Go65) 'ahead, leading': ,


~ Inikkjni/. nikk3ni~ 'ahea~, in front' (Wr?.5); nihk~niw1 'ahead in space

or tirne-' (Da64),; nikani-, nikeniwi 'ahead, forward', nikSni rnâjob 'he

went ahead' (Lr84, p88). \


!Q! "nikkaHrl-tl. nenikkAfm8ssè 'je marche le 1r. par terre', nikkaHnBss' ,

'11~rche la lr. par terre'; neni'~kaHni'ra 'le 1r. par eau'; nenikkaHn-- . . "..,.

1nt8 'je chante le lr.'; nenikka~n8ssé8a~ 'devant lui'; n1kkaAnai8wl

'devant, par avanoe'.

4. ALDER. PA *weto:xpyi' (Ha66):

,' ... ,-

t \



, , r •


... 77

§! /wetoppi/. wtopp{ 'alder' (Wr75); odohpi 'alder' (0864); wdopi 'aIder'

(Lr84 pJ2). \._- --,

~ "Bdoppi".' 8doppi 'de l'aune do nt le charbo n -sert ~ piquer'.

1 .1

5. ALMJs.r. PA :kataw- (Ho.57) 'a1'Xtt, nearly':

2E /kataw-/. negadaw:! '1 intend to, l am abo\tt to, l 'Want to' (D864).

!li "kad'8-". kad681 'nota futuri'; keder~~er ll\8.f\da kad68i ke8~8aHdàm8

asskAmi8i 'je. crois que, tu ne serAS jamais sage '. " .\ 6. ALoNG IN SPACE OR TI}Œ (1). PA'·papa:M1- (He44b):

!B. "babaHmi-" .. nebabaHmi'ra "'je cours en de-~a et dé.H''-"

7. ALONG IN 5PACE OR TIHE (2). PA "pem- (Go6'7b):

_~ /pem-/: pemoss' 'he w~lk6', pe~kkAn6 'fe tra\l'els', pem~os6wjk6n 'lire', , .

'pemfos6winn& 'persoé; npem6ssal€ '1 guide, drive hirll', npem5ssat6n '1

oarry i t', peQdkwes6 'h;~orawls', npemfues! '1 orawl', pe~kwa6k 'they

float', pem{to6 'he flies around f (Wr7.5); bemiht6dzihl' 'he passes by',

bemSal~ 'he carr1ès him ~r it on his back' t obemod~n 'he packs _1 t', ob&m.­

enig,(n 'he carries it hither', bem6mahla' 'he runs by', bemtgwed-' 'he

sw1ms', bemAhkann6' 'he goes about', bem6gwa6 'he flosts' ;'.benddo6 'l'\e -

rlies about'~ bemthka~s{n 'he lies lengthwise', bemoh~~ 'he walks'~ pemanh& ..,

'he wanders' , bem6oz~ 'he lives', kebemoozi • '" • 41

live', be~oziani 'if l live', beméoz6w~g'n "

'to crawl' (Ma32 p75).

'thou livest', bem6or.olk 'they 1

, lire' (Da 64); wa ji ppdgw~imek

!!! "pem-". nepemakSitsin "jJ:l nage en m~ baignant'; nèlpemipi'bena 'nous

allons l~ en canot en nageant, &c.'; nepem8ss~ 'je marche'; pem8ss' 'il .. marohe'; nepem!g8si 'je r:mpe, mArche sur le ventre'; pemai8i, pemetsini8i

n 'de travers, je vais, v.g. en, un chemin et j.'vois q.q.'un qui va dans

un au~e de travers'; pemetsinantsem8 'il05e jette l la traverse'; - .

c~ ... : .a.. 1.'.' ~.



" ,

, ,

, t l ,

, ,



nepemaH8si~8H 'je l~i~nne ~a vie, le fais vivre'.

8. ANGRY. J *le~k- (He75):

KR "nesk-". neneskatlgh"eréraH 'je lui parle en colè;e' -. . " ""j' '-', ' 9. ANT. PA "'e:likwa (Ha67a)t

" ~ lalikwssl (diminyitive form). alikws8, 'likwss'k (pl.) 'ant' (Wr75),

ali~s 'ant .. pismire' (Lr~ p39); alikws 'ant' (Ma)2 pS4).


10. Ami. PA. ·-xpetoni (Mc35, ~1): •

~ I-pp~in/ ..... /-ped~n/ (reshaped). nppet!ri, nepet!n 'my arro', wppedn, \,

vpeth 'his arm' (Wr7,5); ohped!n 'his arm' (Ds.64); wpedin 'arro' (Lr84, p2S) • •

Ka "padin". padin 'bras'; nepedin' 'mon bras';' nesa'saghipedin'8i 'j'6tens

le bras pour prendre'q,q. chose'; nep8sk8ip~tin"tessin ,'je me suis cass'

le bras e~ tombant'; nep8ak8ipetin6tt6hAH' 'je le lui casse',

11. ARROW. PA *aSolns1 (Sb41): , fi'"" g "ar8s". ar8s, ar8sar (pl.) 'fl.)ohe a pointe, sahs ~te'.



12. ASRES. PA *penkwi- (Ta67):

!l /pekw(1)/. pekw{ ',duat" sand', skwe:U1pekw{ 'aahes", pekw'mkk' 'lSand~

soil' (Wr?5); 8kwed~1b.,~ 'ashes', bepi 'dust, .oU, soo' .. tow1~' 'dut

in the Air' (Da64); skweda 1pe gui , 'ashes' (Lr84 , p16h pegui 'aar~:!', towipeg;"

'duat' (Lr84, p16); w6b1pe~ 'lime' (Lr8~,~

KR !'pekk8". pekk8 ' oendre ". - ... 1

13. ASR TREE •. PA *a:kema:xkwa (Sb67b) 'White aah':

. ~. /~~kkw/. ~gemÜw 'white ash tree f (Da64); 8gl'llakw 'white ash' (Ma)2,


3.&.2 Mm d, t



, , "





-" 79


!Qi "aHgmak8". 'aTigmak8 t frA ne t • cf. TREE (2), SNOWSHOE

14. ASK. PA *kakwe:~i- (Ho57):

.2E Ikwakwac.i-I. wkwakw~c.:im~ 'he tries to as~ ~1rn', (Wr7.5). , , ~

1Q! ''k8ak8~tsi_''. nek8ak8'tsimBrafi 'je lui demande ~ 1 t interroge' •

cf'- TRY (1)

15. AUTOMN. PA .takwa:k. (S160):

Ho / takw~k-/. ~3ko6, tak1ko6 'it 18 autu.mn', nfa).{ Ukw5~ 'lut j

autumn', takW~kwika 'next autwnn' '(Wr75); dagw4gowi~:! 'in autumn' (Ia64); '. ~ " -

taguSgo 'autumn','tagu8'gua 'last autwnn', nialitaguSgua 'a year ago lut

aut~', taguegiga 'next aut,JlT\n', tagu6gowhri 'in autumn' (Lr84, p18).

!!! "t&g8IlHg_IJ. tag8âf1g8, tagSaf1gS10, 'l'autonne où l'on êst, c'est l'A~tonne';

tagBiflghigh6 'le prOchain (autonne)'; tag8âng8é 'le pass' (autonne)'.

/ 16. BACK. PA *nexpe6kwani (Sb41) 'My back'~

( .-: !E /-peskwan/. nepeskw'n 'lIIy back', kepeskwAn 'your'Jug.) back', wpeakwtn

'his back_~ (Wr7S); obeskwah 'his back' (Da64); wbeskuan 'his back' (Lr84,

p2.5) •

!!! tI-pElsk8in". nepesk8ân 'mon dos'; peskBin 'son dos'.

11. BAD. PA .mat.- (Sl60) tv .~a~~(B146)1 . ., .... ,

~ lmat-I ~ Imaci-/. lÛoikO 'he 1s bad', m!oik'n 'it 18 bad', '/ /


'1t 18 bad w~ll,thêr", ~o~kelol~ '1 speak nnsti~y to him', nem'odm'kw

{' , '1 have bad luck' (Wr75);' madr.ig6 'he i8 bAd " mad_~hkt 'bad 11100 l' (De.64);

maj1go-wSgan 'ug11~sa, malice' (Lr84, p24); maj1 'bnd, mean' (Lr84, p6S);

maj1git ,(an.), majigek (inan.) 'bad, ~1cked, roean' (Lr84, p~?); ~jigw8ga~ / ,

'wiCkerneS8' (MaJ2, P.54); majigo 'he i8 bad, ugly', majigoak 'they (an.)

are balh, ugly', majigen 'it 1a bad, ugly', JIl8,jignol 'they (inan.) are bad.

i ,

" , ~

l t •



1 , , .


80 ,

uglr' (Ma3Z, p64); madah8ndo 'b~d spirit, devil', mad8k8kw 'useless kettle',

madasem 'good for nothing animal', madjgisgàd 'bad day' (Na32 , p66). V ,

!Qi "matsi-". ms.tsigheni8 'cela est mal'; rnats{ghen 'j'ai le coeur mal·fait' •

18. BARK (1). PA *wdake :9kwa (Sb41) 1

§! /wala~askw/. walagaskw 'bark' (Da64); walagaskw, walagaskok (pl.)

'bark' (Lr84, p)2).

KR "8aràghhk8". 8aragh6sk8, 8aragh'sk8k (pl.) 'grosses ~corc8s pour brOJ.er'.

19. SARK (2). PA *meki- (Mo35)s

~ /meki-/. mekikk~ 'he barks.', nem'kil~kw 'he bu;ks at me', ~kU~ 'he

barka st him' (Wr7S); m~gfhk~ 'he barks' (Da~).,

!!l "8ghi_" 8ghikk~ 'il jappe'; 8ghirai1r 'il jappe c 'tre q .q. 'un'; n8ghirek8

'il jappe contre moi',.

Il 20.' BASS. PA *aq~ikanwa (sb67b) 'black bass':

fl..'/-asikan/. m51.asika!lt mnas!kan6k (pl.) 'bass' (Wr75); mo"1az1gan 'bass'

(Lr84, p39) •

. 21. BASSWOOD. PA *wi:'kopyi (B146) 'basswood hark':

~ /wikepi/. w!kep! 'bark for cordage, blaok aah splint or ba~k' (Wr?,);

wigeb! 'bark for cordage, e~p. bas sWOO? " , w{gebWanèk 'to" gather b:Sfnof9od

9ark' J w!~,biOhk6 'he gathers b/1sswood ba.rk' (Da64); wigbimizi 'basswood'

(Lr84, pJ2 . • -

KR "81~heb1-"~8igheb1mia1 'bois blanc'. . cf. TREE (3) . (\ - .

22. BEAR (1). PA ·awe:hseh~a (sb67b):

§!./aw&saossl (reshaped d1Jn1nuitivè). 'wass6ss 'bear' (Wr75). awghsôs , ~

'bear' (Da64); ava80S 'bear' (Lr84, pJ6); awaS08S, aWlsossak (pl.) 'bear'



, (&32, p60).

!Ii "a8~sI!l8s". a~s'!s8s, a8~ss8sak (pl.) 'ours'.

23. BEAR (2). PA *-a&kwa (Sb41):

!Yi "_ssk8". naj\~a5k8 'ours, le milf; ats6sk8 'ours, la femelle'.

24. BEAVER (1). PA *tema:ikwe:w8 (Go?l) 'cutter-off-of-trees': '\

~ /ternakkwa/. ternakkw'· 'beaver', temakkw'8.hl~ 'fernale beaver' (Wr7S);

demahkw' 'beaver' (Da.64); tmakwa 'beaver', tmakwaawa 'b'eaver skin' t tmalcw­

aiia 'beaver Meat' (LrB4, p)6). 1

!!l "tema'k8~". tema'kM 'oastor'.

2;. BEAVER (2). PA *ame9kwa -(Sb41):

§! /-am8skw/. k8.J11èskw 'adul.t beaver'. n~b'm8kw' 'male beaver' (DlI6!f);

n8bamskw 'rather beaver', squa,mskw 'mother beaver' t palmeskw ',2 years ald

female beaver' (Ma32, p58).

!Q!. "-me81<8". atsimesk8 'castor, le m~le'; n8s'meskk8, sk6mésk8 'o'astor,

la femelle'.

26. BEE. PA *a:mow-a (S160):

~ /-3T.floa;. waw.U'5mo' 'bae' ,'~aw:Ü'3'mo'isok'l 'crystalliud honey'. wawfl-~~ "

~lIIo~im1ass's 'honey' (Wr?'5j-kwawi18m,a, wawi18!IIWak (pl.) '~, wasp', koh1 . ----- 1

wa.wilQmwa 'drone' (Ù184, p40); a~'â-:imi~e8 'honey' (Lr84, p29).

---... t----. , '-

............. --.. ....... ~-~

27. ~ECH. PA *waqh:we:ndn~ya (Sb67b) 'American~beech': , '-

êf. /wacoilnisi/ (reshaped). w'oollnis! 'beech 1 (Wr75); wlI.joirnizi 'beech l,

wajoimen 'beeoh nut' (Lr84, pJl); wajlii,mizi 'beech' (-L;i, p55).

!!! "8a tsfhmisi ". 8a tath~iai 'h3tre ' • cr. TRE& (J)

- \

• ~

j " 1

,1 f' 1

i' '.t ! ,


1 .' ,

- ...---- - ----~._-. ----

82 , .

28. BEHIND. PA .a:kalo1- •• a:kw\ (Go65) 'behind, beyond': . ..

§r lakw-I. akwanakiatikàn 'curtain' (Wr75); aguanagi~digan~l 'curta1ns'

(Lr84 , p64). cf. SHAOOW \. -

. 29. BELT. PA *kaH6ipisowini CHoS?):

~ I-pison/. kwétekwapis6n 'belt~ (Wr75); dgw6dagwabizon 'his baIt' (D&64); 1

kwutguabizon 'belt, girdle' (Lr84, p26).

!B "-bisen". pedeg§abis8n 'ceinture'; mAooél.na8a k8p8lt.eg8abisBni7 'n'as-tu 1.

point de oeinture 1 ' •


30. ~END (1). PA ·pesk- (ae74a ), peaki. (0.41) 'folded': J

" §! /pkk-I ~ /pikk-I •. pkk3kikèn 'it i5 ~nt, c~oked", wpikk~kenam~n

the b~nds it', pkk~ena 'bend it (irop. sg.)' (Wr75); behk~gen ".bem. th9u ~

him or it', pehk~gigén 'it i5 orooked' (Da64); pk8gna 'band him, 1t (irop.

, ag.)·, p~agnogw 'band him (imp. pl.)', pkagnemogw 'bend it (imp. pl.)'

"CLr84, p189); phk'wag~~' 'fOl~ thou him or it,,1-(Da64); pkawagna. 'fold him, ,

it (imp. ag.)', pkawagnogw 'rold h~ (imp. pl.)', pkawagnemogw 'fold it

(imp. pl.)' (Lr84, p189).

!! "p~-" N "pag-". nepikang8ssè 'je vds courbé';, ~ik8Hg8ss' 'il va

courb6'; nepikangh~nemen 'je le co~be, menu.'; apika~ghènemen 'il le'ooutbe, ,

manu.'; pegaHghighen 'oela e~t crochu' •.

31. BEND (2). PA ·wa:ken- (Mc)5, Go6,):

lm "8ang-" ... "8angh-". 8aiigh:fghen, ~Anghets6ghen, 8~JiketsaakFla t t 8anp,8k~at

'oela es~ courb~, croche'.

32. BERRY. PA ·min- (Sb67b):

~ 1 -me nI ..... 1 -minI. sek6skim' ri t sek6 8,kirrie n6k (pl.) • rA spberry', msdkkwi­

~.; mSk1kkldm1\'lsUk (pl.) 'strawœrry', p!saw!menÜ 'little fruits, , 1

JJIJl!R. " \ .;..


• . , "


• !-~



berries' (Wr75); èlnimen~l 'wild, or co~on berries' , 5dabi~~n 'choke,

or black cherry', skanimèn 'saed', wn,imèn 'chestnut' (na64); an~skimé'n

'rad or black oak ecorn', pagiménakw~m 'hickory tree' (Da61); adotomen

'beam-tree berry', wajoimen 'beech nut', k8wakwimen 'gooseberry', anaskemen . , 'acorn', adbimen 'cherry', adbimenakuam 'cherry tree', pessimen 'curr~nt',

sgu8skimen 'raspberry', sgueskimenimozi 'raspberry bush', mskikoimins

'strawberry' (Lr84, p)l); maskwazimenakuam 'wild-cherry tree', nibimenakuam

'a bush-cranberry tree' (Lr84, p32); adebimen 'cherry', nibimen 'bush-

cranberry' (Lr84, p62). -"1- \

Alli " .. min". 8aHbimin, 8a~biminar (pl.) 'chataines'; -skaniminar 'graines'.

~ 3J •.. BIG. PA *keq t- (Ho 57) N *k~q~i (8146) 'big, much':

2I /kU .. / '" /k"eci/. kc.ci 'big, ol~', kcc:!wac6 'big mount.e.in', kcC~n?kskw' i

'ol"d "'~id', klP'cJao~ 'he is aId', b l" l' t' ' ... e ~."'~ kC1Ai 'ald man', kce~awlt 'old one (ah.)',

~tal{kcc{aw1t 'the olde~t one', kcp{kppiw{ 'forest', kett5Iékw 'steamer'

(Wr75); khtsinebés 'big lak.' , khtfsde'" 'big ,.,untain' .- khUhksmikw \

'the inland.', khuilikamig6k 'inland l' khts1ao' 'he is old', kloltsÜ{ 'old ~

. persan' khtsâ'i 'old man', neg~ts:!n+mah6m 'my great grBndfather', negets!-, , /

nohkemés '~ great grandmother' (D~64); kchi 'big, great' (Lr84, p6S); 1

kchi tegw 'great river' (Lr84, 1 p66); kchai alneba 'old man', kchi phanem

'old wornan' (Lr84, p20); kchial3'it 'he grows old' (Lr84, p97); kchiaoo

'he i6 old', kohiain8gwezo 'she looks old' (L1"84, p99); nia adali kohiawr-a

'1 am the oldest' (L1"84, pi00); kchitekw 'g1"eat, or main river', ktaadên

'big mountain' (l"1A32~ p66) •

.!lli ''ket-". keUlkAmig8 'la grande terre sur, le bord de là mer'. "4

J4~ BIRD (1). PA ·~1:q~i:pa (8146) 'duck':

~ /sips/, /sipes/ (diminuitlve non-redu~licrated forms). s!ps, s1p's,

sips~ (pl.) 'bird' (Wr?5); sibas 'solitary bird', s!ps 'bird of flock'

1 1


84 "-

" "-(Da64); sips 'bird', sibsis 'little bird', sips n8balha. ''nIale bird, cook'


(Lr84, pJ7,); sips 'blrd' (&32, p55); n8bahla ~ps 'male birdh~ squanla

" sips 'female bil'd' (Ma32, p59). '"

KR "s ip_". slpsis,.sipsisak (pl.), sips~io 'oi$eau'. - "

)5. BIRD (2). PA ·pele:- (Sb67b) 'fowlf:

tt /pela-/. pel~s, pelasik '-l.) 'pigeon' (Wr7.5); pel~z 'pigeon', plardgw

'flying, squirrel' (Da64); pelaz 'pigeon' (Lr84, pl1); pelaz 'pigeon', planikw

'flying. squirrel' (MaJ2, p55).

Alli "pz-'.II. p~ss, pr'ssak 'des tourtes'; prénik8 '~cureull'

36. BIITER. PA *w1:qssk. (Mc)5, Sb67b)1 '~l 1;

.§.E /wssak-/. wssaIU{kes'(w)5~'n 'be1ly-ache.', wssak!p1kw.ft. 'it tast,s bitter'

(Wr75); ossag:n1'0gw~d 'it testes bitter', ossag'~ 'asp~n'f poplar' (Da64);

'wessagagza.w6gan 'stomach.8ohe' (Lr84, p24). .. ' '<

!Q! "Bssag .. 11 l'V "8ssagh-". Bssaghip8g§at (inan.), 8ssaghipSg8s8 (an.) 'celà

" \

est aigre'; nBsagamadtmen neretsi 'ma ,main ,me fait mal'; 8ssagamares8angan

'maladie' • of. INn:.NSE f

37. BLACK. PA .mahkate:wi (M035, Ta67): l

§!. /mkkasa"-/ (reshaped). mkkas~sl!l, mk~sa8s'k (pl.) 'craw', mkkasA 'coal.', t 'J

mkkas'wi~'n 'i t i~ blaok', mkkaslw1k6 'he i8 black' (W:r:-75); mkaztwig'-n 1

'it is b18ck', mkaz's 'crawl (D964); mkaZAWi- :"bl~~k', mkaZAwigen 'it 'il!!

blact', mkazRwigo 'he is bla~k', mkazAwb~r,A 'it is 91hck ~quid' (Lr84 ,

p45); mkazas 'crow'; kchimkazas 'raven' (Lr84, pJ7) .•

~ "mikaz'_tl, "m(e)kaz'.II. mekad8ig8(an.}, mkaz'8.~n (inan.) 'noir';

nemiks z'ës~~ -'mon habit est noir'; nemi 'kasd81g~a 'je suis crasseux ,

au visage'; mkass'8ig§a 'i[ est'crasseux a~ visage'; mkasés 'courbeau'.


.' .c,


, '

... , '


• }B. BLADDER. PA *wi:skwayi (He?):

" ,

~ I-eskwa/. w~beskwa '~ladder, bubble', segod~beskwà 'animal bladder' (na64).

KR'&sk8~". 8sk~ 'vessie'.

J9~ ~LAZE. PA *peslewa.le:wi (He74b) ~;t bl •••• ~. catche. f1ro',

~ fpskwelaj. 'pskwel' 'it bla~~s up', pskw'1ahtAhikan 'flint' (Wr75);

!fi "pesk8ré"o"ll> peskRrtS 'il flamba'.

-r 40. BLOW. PA *po:t- (He74~) 'blow on someone':·

~ lpot-/. poU5ta 'he blows', wp6ta5m"5 'he blows on him l, nep6taSm~ '1

. ..' 'b1ow on h;tm', nep6ta~~n II blow on it' (Wr75).

!li "p8 It-". nepR' taRafimaH (an.), ne p8ta 811 Hd~men (inan.) 1 je souffle contre

lui' •

41. BLUE JAY. PA ·ti:nt~:wa (Sb67a):

. 2! jtitessol (diminuitive). tides80, tidessoak (pl.) 'blue jay' (Lr84, pJ8).

42. BOIL. PA *wens-, *went- (B146): .. ~ /-os-/, /-ot-/. nUlios5 'I boil him', ntAli6semén '1 boÜ It', Ul1osO'

/ .f'

'he boils', UUot' .'it boils' (lvr7.5); <iÜiod 'be comes ~ R boil', ,..J

d'liod' 'it ~omes ~ 8 bail', odk~iOZ~ 'he brings him ta B boil', od'11o_

tlem'n 'he brings it ta 8 boil' (Da64);.t&.liodeg wawan 'boiled egg' (Lr8f, PJO).

!Q! "8~-", "Bd-". l'l8sa~ (an.), n~semen (1n8n.,) 'je le fais bouillir'; S •• Hr

(an.), 8samen (inan.) ,il le fait bouillir'; 8s8 (an.), Pdâi (inan:)

'11 bout'.

. "" \ 43. BON~. PA *oekani (Ta67) 'his bane',

, §! /wskan/. wsk'n 'his bone,. a bQ~e', n6skan~m 'my bane' (Wr75); oak'n

'bane' '(0464); wskan 'bane' (tr84, p2,5).

; 1 l, • " _ .a .'"


i 1 , 1 f ~

" ~ ~

·f t t , .

" '


86 " ,

1Qi "8skan-". 8skanU6haiin, 8skanit~hannar (pl.) 'os qui est au coeur de

l'orignal' •

," 44. BJW. PA *ahta:pya (G065h

SF I(a'tt~pi/. tt~pi 'bow', wtatt~pilruf, wttSp1~ 'his how', ntâtt5p1m, --- '. ntèp!m.!rny bow' (Wr75); d~:! 'weapon' (Da64); tSbi 'bo"" or spring' (Lr84,


!li "(a)taHbi". tafibi, taHbiak (pl.) 'arc'; nedataHbi 'mon arc'.

, 45. BREAD. PA *pa6kwe: ~ikani (He?4b):

~ Ipkkwasli<an/. pkkwisikàn 'bread' (Wr75); pkuazigan "bread' (~r8~, p29).


46. BREAK. PA *po:ekw- ('S16q):

~ (pos~/. yP6skwenem6n 'he br~aks it in half, breaks it off', wp6skwen5

'he breaks. him in half' / wp6skwihl~ 'he or it is \>roken ' (Wr75); b6skwen'

1 break thou him or i t by hand', p6 skwkaw& 'break tflou him or it by foo t' ,

obol5kwig3daa.l~ 'he breaks th~ other' s leg by. tool', ob6skwh9Jl1'n 1-he breaks

it with his foot', oboskwihpedinaz~ 'he eut off the other' s arm', boClkw-

1hpedin.( 'he is eut off at ~e arm' (Da64); ~oakwena 'break 1t or hill!,

revoke it or htm (imp. sg.)'~' poskwenog 'break, or revoke him (imp. pl.)',

poskwenemogw 'break, or revoke 1t (ilnp. pl.iI)" poskwka",a 'brèak h1m wi~ the

feet (imp. ag.) ~, poskwka 'break it rlth the feet (imp. sg.:)', POSkwke.o~ . .

'break him with the f.,et (irllp. pl.)', poskwkslI1Ogw 'break it'with the feet

(imp. pl.)' {Lr84, p190). " ,

-Alli "p8sk8_". nepSak8saM (~,n.) t nep8sk8nemen (inan.) 'je le Quse, romps

ave~ la nui'in'; nep8sk8kamell;nep8sk8t~hemen 'je le casse, brise', lI'\8.rchant

dessus'; nep8sk8ka8afl (an.), nep8sk8kamen (inan.) 'je Casse le bois, &c., •

. tA a a m __ ...



~. 1

1 •


, 1

,"" --~~-- ~~--------~-- ----~


.,. 87

'je le casse avec les dents'; neIJ8sk8semen 'je le casse'avec instrument';

nep8sk8ipetin"tess~n 'je me su.is cass' le bras en tombant' (nep8sk8ipetin~ l ,

·~tt6hafi 'je le lui casse'; nepSsk81rits6nân 'je lui casse les doits'.

47. BREAST. PA *meSeni (Vo41, 1'~c35) 'a breast, nipple':

KR~ "msren-". meren~k8s ' la poitrine'. - ,

. 48. BREATHE. PA *le:hle:wa (BI46) l 'hé breath~s' J

2E /ne.ssa/. nus' 'he breathes' , nnass~ '1 brea1;he' , akk'wiTl8ss~ 'he stops

breathing', pela:'n~ssa~ "let's 'stop ta catch Dur brea'th' (Wr75); nahs~ .

'hé breathes' (0364)'; nasawan 'breathing', msinasaw6gan 'a sigh', taakui "

na'sa-wSgan 'short breath' .(Lr84, p2)) •

. KR "n~ss6". nen~ss.6 'je respire'.

49. BRING. PA *pye:ta:wa (8146) 'he bt-ings 1t', *~:ee:wa

(8146) 'he brings him'ro -~ /pat-!, Ipas-'. nepatbn '1 bring it', nep~sow~ '1 b,ring him'~p~t6 kLtJa;essa 'he brings something', awani{ pASQw6 'he brings ,someone' , pA80win

'be 15 brought', ~At5s6 '1t is brought' (Wr7~); .()b6zow~ 'he brings him', o

obad6n 'he brings i~', oba:dAW~ 'he brings it to him 1 , bad~zib~ ,'it 18 :;. )

jetched','b..{dObàn 'dawn i5 coming now' (Da64); pazowa 'bring him (imp. sg.)',

pado 'bring ,it (imp. ag.)· , par.o~gw 'bring ry,lm (.imrr. plo)',' p~ogw 'bring c " 1

1t {ilnp. pl.)' (Lr84, p190). c

!Qi "péd_"~' "p't-", IIp6s-,,~'nepbdRssaran (lm.), ,nep~d85sRdnf(inan.) • 1 ,1

'je l'A~ne'; a~èt8ssaran (an.), apéd8~hS~d,en (inan.) 'il Vamfne'; nep~taRBH

,"je l'am~ne à lui'; nepèt8n 'j'apporte cela'; nep~ta8Aii, nepèd8~sada8afi

• j' appo~t'e cela pour ffi,; nep~s8Bn 'je l t apporte (s.n. ,) 1 i nepkl~~ 'je " , 'i ',Ji' ,

viens, iFi portant Us 'meu.bles'; nep~t~i' ra 'Je vien~ ici ne port.'\nt riéri'; \

, ~/' .-r)l.epetsoare 'je viens avec ma charge'.

~! ' )


• ;'

, cf. COllE

• . \

... ' ...l~

- Q

~--:...-_---- ---' .... ' -"-


50. BUFFALO. PA ·pe~ehkiwa (sb67b) 'buffal0, bison': .

H /pe~"lkko/. bezihk6 'bison,' (Da64); pziko 'buffalo', pzikomakwsessis

'a yearling buffalo', pziko ai8ba 'male'buffalo, bUll', pziko ~a 'fema1e

buffa1o' (Lr84, p36); pziko 'buffalo' (Ma)2, p55).


51. BURST. PA *pal!k- (5160):

~ /pask-/. ",skihl~ 'he or it bursts open', .nep'sk1at6n, nepaskenem'n

'1 burst it', npaak3tepa~ ',1 knock, bbr4.t his head', wpukh~ 'he shoots

him', nepaskh'-m '1 shoot', np'skhamê.n '1 shoot i t', p'skh"lk'n 'gun' (Wr75);

, ,-1 .4 " LL A baska 'he shoots with a gun', ooask::t 'he shoots him 'ldth a gun', oD<\skamep

'he shoots something n'th a gun', obask6damên '~e shoots ft with a gun',

~skhigtn 'gun' (Da64); paskhigan 'gun' (Lr84,. p47); pas~gan 'gun' (&:32,


lm ,"~Sk-". nep'skam 'je tire du fusil sur q.q.1un'; ap'skaKr 'il ti~

dù fusil sur q.4'un'; p'skaKs8, p6sked' 'on tire'; ~,k~aHd1, p'sk~aHd1ar

(pl.) 'fusil'. t

52. CANE. PA *almpat- (Go67bh t §f./lJpat-/. 'P'taw4~J ,p{te&n 'cane' (Wt75); 6ba~ahot\' 'ne, c~tOht (Lr84,

p27). , .

( ) - j


5). CARRY. PA ~pemq.s ntamwa He74b 'he carries i: on hJ! baok i l 'le

!!'l/pel'NJt-/.' o'bemOd'n 'he paoks 1t' (Da64)., ' , of: ALONG lN SPACE OR Tll'IE (2

, ;4. CAT. PA *peUwa '(Sb67b) 'lynx,. bobcat t •

§!./pesot peseS 'w~d oat' (\qt75); pe~&. twild.oat t (0.64); pezo1. 'o.t' '~ ,

Am "Pes8". peSSi,II,' pea8isak' (pl.) 'chat'.

. "

55. CATnSH. PA *lIJiallameUcwà (m46) •

. •

.. r



• 1 , 1

,i' .

, ,

SF Im~!$lfIJJ.kw/. mjl~m'kw 'yellow peroh' (Da64); m6luigan 1 bass' (Lr84, p39).

KIl t1lU.Hrall1'g8". maHramtlg8a, lU.m-am6g8,s8.k (pl ) 1 poisson, oomme des 'turgeonlS,

mais petits'. cf. FISH' (2)

56. CEASE. PA .po:n- (8146, He74a):

~ lpon-I. nep6mat6n '1 oeue doing U, give 1t up' (Wr7.5); obonid'S'lIl'! .

'he oeaaes thinking of him', obonid~~~6 'he oeasee thinking of it' (0.64) •

. ,

.; , 57. CHESTNUT. PA' ,*'tfalpimini (m46) 'maize, white bead, é.pple':

~ Iw~pjjnMl/. w~~n 'toheatnut' . (Da64).

g "8aHbiill1n" ,... j'8aHbemen". 8aftbimin, 8aftbill1inar (pl.) 'chauines';


. .

58. CHIEF. PA ~sa:kiru.twa (006,)1

~ Is"5kem.5/. s~ell1~, s~em~ (pl.) 'ohièf', s~kemi8kw" 'ohiefte "ife'

(Wr?,5); l!I~ge~~ 'Chief", z~ge'mfQ& 'he 18 ch1ef', dgem~18kw' 'oh1ef'â rl.r6' . ,,' , ..

'. (Da64); segmS 'ch1~f, or king (cards)',. sSgmBskua 'chief'a wife', kohi

s8g1118 'governor'.' kOhisS~i 1idebe~w1nno 'minister of aute' (Lr84, p49);

s8gmB 'oh~f' (MAJ2, p55).

59. CHlLD (1). PA .nen~:.~a:n~ (Vo41r) 'IÇ' ohild':

!! InioPJn/.· ~idr.Sn 'off-spr1ng' (0.64). . 1

Il "nitsaJ\n-It • n8nitza&1, 'j'ai un Meatant'; 8n1~I.fin8, '11 a un ,entant',.

60. CHILD (2). PA .awa:U, (Go6.5, He73h

![ 18,,'6881s/. 'W~S:!8 'ohlld', nta,,~sis'Ill 'm;y child', 'taf!a..,~âa1n:!t . 'the youngest one' * 'w!aa{.oèf 'he 18 young' (Wr75); IlwOh.lz '\SlIIall chUd'

(Da64); .wel8i.ak 'the ohildren' (Lr84, p88). k'-d-awSaa1sem 'your chlld',

nia adali a~ •• in1a. '1 Ut the younge.t' (LrB4, pl0~;'~sa1I1oo 'he ~s

'. J '.'




. ..


youn&' (Lr84, plPt); aw8~sisw8gan '~nfanoy' (Ma32, p54).

lm "a8aI\61s" •. a8at\si~, a8aftsisak {pl.) 'enfant'. . /

, ~~ 61. CHOKE. PA ·kepa9alm~a (H057) 'he chokes',

~ t j g "kep,araHm-". nekepara!im8naf\ 'je l'6tourfe avec la main'; akeparalimBnaH

'il l"touffe avec la maint; nekeparaHm8'kka8aR 'je l"touffe avec violence'.


-" .

62. CLENCH. PA .petek- (He?4a) , olenohed, hurnpedl' 1

!E. lpetek-/. nepètekwelc{ 'my fiat', ~tekwelo! 'his fiat' (Wr?5).

63. CLOSE. PA *kep-- (H05?) 'olosed, blockéd', *kepahamwa (B146) /"

'he oloses the op~n1ng of it':

~ Ikep-/. kepah', kepaa 'close him or i t (imp. sg.)', wkeph~ 'he olos'es

him in', ke~"6cS' 'it is closed', wlcep'amén, wk'pha~n 'he blacks, covera,

olohes li" nek'pham'n, ne~ep'amén '1 b1ock, )over, close it' (Wr75);

geba' 'C10S9 thou him or it', ogépham'n 'he,closes the opening of it',

og'benem'n 'he oo~rs the opening with his harxl', ogeb6bicMn 'he ties it ,1.1.

shut', og;(ph:J 'he encloses him', ogeMamln 'he encloses it', ge~5B6 'he,

it 1s e~sed' (Da64); .k'ehaha. 'shut, oork~ empri~n hm.or it (1~p. ag.)', . '

kebahogw 'shut, oork, emprison him (imp. pl.)', kebahamogw 'sh.ut, cork

it (imp. pl.)' (Lr84~ pl84). . ~, ~

!fi "kep-". 'nekeph'~en 'je terme le bouohe, un trou', akeph'men '11 1'e1'lll8

la bouCh~ t un trou'; nekeped8n68i 'je ferme la Couche'; kepedOn~8 '11'

ferme la bouche'; nekeb8beremen 'je ferme le sac, liant'; nekepesakhama8aH ... ,

(an.), nekepesakhlmen (~n.) 'je l'enferme; dans la maison, ooftre, &c. ':

nekeb8b!ratl (an.), nekep8beremen (inan.) 'je l'enferme dans un sac'; kebas8

'il ~st oonat1~'; nekebeli 'je suis consti~'. 01'. CHOKE, FREEZE

, 1.

, ,...... o


64. COLO. PA .~hk- (V041 , He73) 'oold,. coo1'1

g./tJ<k-l. tkk, lit i5 oold' t kin1tkk~ 'it is very cbid', tkke'p! 'oold , l'

water', tk.kèBm8~n 'c:old wind' (Wr?S); thk' lit i8 co1d weather', t3ni

'dodzi thkak 'when it is oold weather'·, thk~b! ~it i5 oold water' thkeWgi ~ .

'body of cold watér', 'thk~gizegld 'it i8 coo1J ~ool weather' (De.64); tka

'oolâ, it"is oold', tkawanaen '0001 air, lit ia cool' (Lr84, p16); :tkelam8en

'" 'the wind blo~e cold' (Lr84, p104); tkebik 'in oold water' (Lr84, p106).

!Qi "tek':". tekigam{gat 'la oabane est rro'id'; tek'rihen 'oette robe est

froide'; tek!ghen 'la'terre est froid'; tkanôann 'U fait froid le matin';

tekeklzekat 'un jour froid'.

65. COM8. FA *pye:- (8146):

- •

, ! "

1 - ,1. /. §! /pa-I. paii 'he cornes, arrives', nep8i~ '1 arrive', npai5pen~ 'we come',

woi pappli~~ 'sinee his arrival', petek{pai~ 'he returns, cornes back', / nepetik!pa1~ 'I return, oome baok' ('Irlr?S); ni odz:!bai' 'he oomes from there', /

. 1 . bai,~ 'he arrives' (0..64); n'paiSn II oome (ta it)l, w'pai8n 'he oomes 1 (ta it)' (Lr84, p96); paiS larrive-, .. 00 me (imp. sg. )'" paiSgw" arrive, oome!'

('1"'1'. pl.)' (LrS4, pl89); • j1 papaUida 'ai ... his arri ... l r' p88);.

ohiga pai8an' 'when did you arrive?' (Lr84, p91); paiab 'ne oam~' {Lr84',I,

pl02). ' . /.

m ''ba.''. neba 'je viena'; bai' 'il vien~ par ~~'; i8 abaHn ,'il njn~ ici'; baiaRmlho 'oela vient'. ,1 \ 1 / f • ,-'

./ ~ i !! -!kisi/. kis{ 'al:ready', nek{si'l II f1nis~ making him, comple him t ,

ki.ik6 'he i8 ripe', k!.1k'n 'it 18 Iri~', k!s506·, 'he ia r,ea (W[15h

66. CO~lPLEiED. PA .k~ (H057):

. gb{ 'by th18 time, already', kig1z! 'beforehanà, already:', ~zSr.6 'he is

nady' t gil~t6n 'he makes, ooJlplete. it' t ogil~taw~ 'he

gizlg'n fit il r1~'. 'giz!lkam~ tripe ,Gorn', g1t!a1ss~ , e 18 cooked,done','

! ..

'" \


. '1 \ / 1

'/. '

/ /.'

~/ '


./1 giz!glsdA 'it ls oooked done' (Da64); kizi 'already, afteT', kigizi 'already,

berore~and' (Lr84. p86).

KR ''kiel_If. nekiei 'ttBn 'Je t'ais ,q.q.chose enti~rement, ach~vet; aklsi 'tt8n !

'il fait q.q.ohose entlàt-ement'.

./ ! , ,





\ 1

, ,


, '


67. COOK. PA *k1:.eswe:wa (5146) 'he oooks him done', -ki:.ste:w1 ,

(Bl46) 'it ls oooked done's

~ Ikiss-I, Iklset-/. k{setl fit i~ cooking' , nk!ssemén"I oook it',

nkfsik{ssemln 'I cooked lt', nekiss~ '1 oook him', wk!ssem~n 'he oooks 1t' ~

(Wr75); oz~!glss~ 'he cooks him done' , oz~igissem'n 'he cook~ it done', . . 'giz:{glss~ 'he i~ cooked do ne , , @:iz!gi~dl 'it 15 oooke~ done' (Da64).

!Ji ''klsed-". kised' "to? 'oelA •• 1:.-11 ouiU'; pess8.Hg~l kisedets !qu'il \ 1

soit bien ouit'.


, 68. COUNCIL. PA *kakye s9kime Iva. (Ra 57)' 'he exhorts, preaohes,

leotures to him t'I

, ....

. ~

.§!./aJ.d.m,../, /akltr-/. wtak:!~'n 'he oounts i~', ~kim:> the counts him,

them (an.)', ntikim~ '1 éount him', nUIQJn~ '1 c~~t them' ~an.)' (Wr75);

agW 'he COUl)ts him'. agid.<m 'he counts 1 t', wid'gim~ 'he oounts him, . ,,' 1 •

them as a, member', widag!d8ll16n 'he counts lt as one ot' a group' (IlII:64l; ,

agima 'oount h1m (iinp. sg .. )·, a.glinogw ',oount him (imp. pl.)',. agida. 'count,

or read 1t (imp. sg.)', agida.mogw 'oount, or read it (lmp. pl~)' (Lr84,

p. 182); n-d-agidam '1 read' (Lr8~, p6$),.

. ;,,' 70. CIADLE BOARD. PA -~hkinukani (Go6sh

m "tekina~gan". tekina8gati ·berceAu de bois'.



71. DAûGaTSR-IN-LAw. PA ·neq6em- (Ta67) 'MY daughter-in-law':

§.t fnssem/. nss'm 'my daughter-in-1A'W' t wssem( 'his daughter-in-law'

(Wr75)i ns'm 'my daught8r-in-law' (Da64); nsem '(~) daughter.in-law~

(Lr84, p21); nsem '(my-) daughter.in-law' (Na32, p;8) •.

KR "nesem". nesem 'dit le p~re ~ la fell\!l"9 de son fils'. - . 72. DAWN. PA *warpa.nwi (8146) 'it dawns 1 r

~ f(w)'5pan/. w3~n 'it da~sl, kis! k!s~p'n 'itois already morning',

". . , s~kkh~pin 'dawn approaches' , ~p9.nJkki"'k "Abenakis' (Wr75); w~ln 'it dawns', .

m~kh~in 'dawn approaches' , b'd~n 'd~wn ls corning'now' (na64); s8khSban

'day'break', w8ban~ki, 8banaki 'land of the aaat' (Lr84, p46); web~akiak

'the people from where the sun r1ees' (Lr84, p4?).

KR ".ai\ban". 8'maHban n'hi 'r' 'le 50\e11 va se lever'. - . ~ ~ ~ ;

73. DAY (1). PA ·~i:~ekwi {Mo35, Ho;?)r

~ IkisokwÎ ~ /kisekw/. kis6kw, k!sek6l (pl.) 'day' (Wr75); gi~6kw 'day'

(Da64); kisokw 'd~y' (L1-84, p19); kizokw "day' (r-!aJ2, p;5). ,

Q."kiz8k8". kb8k8 'jour, le oiel, l'air'; pez'k8n k1r.8k8 'un jour'.

74. DAY (2). PA *ki:~ekatwl (8146) 'it is d4Y':

~ Ikisekat/. wlek!sekit 'it is good weather'., V"tAkkeklsekAt '"it 18 cool

weather', p{kwssatû k!sek.Ù 'it 18 dry weather', mioik{sekit"1t ie bad ~ • 1

weather' (wr?S); gizegid 'it i8 day', gizeg~diwi 'in the daytime' (0.64);

k~~ga~iwi fon daytime' (Lr84, ~); pa?,8atakisg~~ 'it is dry, ~ we~ther' , .

(i.ra4, pl?); t8ni ato kw8bkisgad7 '.how l'ate (in the day) llJay it bel' (Lr84,

~. p10l); IIUldjgisgad tbad day' (Ma32, p66); wleglsgad 'niee day' (Ma32, p67). , ~ .

. ~!9! "kizegat". 8rikizegat 'voila un beau jOU1". matsikize,at 'un mauvais

jour' • . .. . .

.. -


o '.

- c -

75. DEAF. PA *kakye:pehte:wa (Ho57) 'he 15 dtaf':

~ Ikakapsa/ .. k'kaps' 'he i5 deaf' (Wr75); k~gapsa 'he 'is deaf' (Lr84, p9?) •

• !Qi "gagh"ps~". gagh"plSé' 'il est sourd'; negagh6'psa .je sUis sourd'.

76. DEEP. PA ·temi (Mo)~):

!E., l-te1A-/. ~s{t,~ 5ip6k 'the river 18 deept (Wr75); mo13demA 'deep va ter ,

(Da64). '"

77. o DImCULT. PA *sanak- (Bl46):

~ Isaak-I. s~akÂt: 'it 1s diffioul,t-', sa'sktmskS's'cS" 'it i5 ditficult to firx!' t

_.s'akitep1hl~ 'he i5 miserable' (Wr75); z.lagigJ'n 'it 1s difficult', dag!mezen3 ,

'he 1a dif'ficul t to get'. iiag!mezén5z6 'ft 15 difficul t to get' (Da64);

saag1goak 'they are industrious' (Lre4, p97); saag8wzimek 'living poorly'

(&)2, p76).

m "saag_". saagat, saagh:l,n~Hg~at 'il est difficile'; neaaag~ikilr, 'il est • 1/1. ' , ' d1f~~QU\~,d1re; je dis aveè dif1)c\Ùt"; 8aaga~d~tS 'U dit ~vec d:\ffiéult";

'n~saagaro~ 'il est difficile l faire'; nesaagh'rda~ 'j'ai de la peine'.

·78~TY. 'PA *mo'.- (5160) '8olled, .xcremont', \

H lmo-I. mohagon 'filth' (Da64)! \

v' 79.'-DISH. Pk\ *wela:kani (V041):

\ ,1 !!. /we15kan/. wel~k'n 'di~h', 6l3k'n 'h.is dish' (Wr7S); wel~g'n 'd1sh,

hollo" - inst1"ll1ll8nt' ,,(Da64)~Qh1 wl('gan 'soup-tureen', wl&gan1n&kwkU , \,

'pla tes, table utensils 1 (Lr84 ~\ ,p2B). , ,

!fi "8raHgan". 8raftgan 'plat d"co~'.· \ \

80 .. IX>G (1 ). PA *aQ.JIJà:h8~ (Ha 67a}t . ,

§! '".lerriJSs/. ~lèmo'.s, 'l~sS'k (pl~) 'd~,' ile\lk)8S{. 'U ttle dog' l ' "" (Wr7~l'.alemô's 'dog', llemos!, 'little 'dog': ~~SiSkwi 'bitoh' (Da64);

t , \..

J '


, \


.. 4


9S '

alemos 'dog' (Lr84, p35); alelllossak 'dogs' (Lr84, p69); aLnos ',dog' (&32,


llli "al!'em8s". arem8s, arem8sak (pl.) 'chien'. ' 1


81. DOG (2). PA *.aqeemwa (Vo41, SI~)1


~ /-assem/. skwas s'm., mat8s41ft 'bi toh " wSkwAssemtf, wtallr..w,'lJsem~ 'his bi toh ' ,

wlaSlS411l 'male dog' ('Wr7S); w5bass4S'm 'white doge, skwass6m al~rnô'8 'bitoh', . 'p 1 . •

n~ss6m 'mal, dog, mal~ bear' (na64); n8bassélll'almos 'male dog', squassem

a1mo~ 'bitoh' (Ma32,.p59).

!li "_8SeD1t1~ 8k8'8Sell1 'chienne' ...


-.a2~ DOWN. PA .pen- (He?4b): "

H./pen-I. pen5tari 'he descends' (Wr75); pènihlà' 'it goes down' (0864). , '.

83. DRY (1) PA *pe:nkw- (ào65, He?4a):' . '"

SF /pm-I. p'kwssatti 'it 18 dry', pfussass{t "the dry one (an.)' (Wr?S); - •• .. 1

bMcwsahU 'it ~s dry', nebikw8.ah.,:! '1 am d~, th1rs:\' (0.64); ·pakwéatak1.,gad

'dry weather, it is dry' (Lr84, pi?); pakwsasa 'dry him or it (tmp. àg.)',

pakwsasogw 'dry him (imp. pl.)', pakwS8Smogw 'dry 1t (imp. pl.)' pa.kwsaso~i , ' . \

'dry yourself' (imp. sg.')', pakwsasozigw '~ry you~s~lve8 C1mp. pl.)' (LrB4,

, ~ .. p191).


( o "

84. DRY (2). PA .kalhk~ (Go6S)s

§! /kakVc-I. kahkawilew 'dried Meat' (Da64).

85. DR! (3). PA *palqs-, ·palqt- (He74b):



'm Iipus';''', l'ptt-tl. ,kesepu.8 (an.), kesp'~ (inan.) '11 est .. sec.s'ohét • ~ , , , • 1

• 1 -{ ~:l'"

86. IMELL (1). PA *w11k- (Sb67b) 'shelter, ~lling, house"




, ,

, . '. r •




, 96 <. '

~ . -~ fwik-I. newildn 16 '1 live heret (Wr7S); wigo -'he dwell~' (Da64);

n'odose wigiak '1 come from home' (r.r84, p96).

!li ff81g_ If. 8igB 'il demeure'; n~ighi 'je demeure'; .~i 8ighié. 'voilà où ,

je demeure'.

~d'. MLL ,(2). PA *wi:kiwa:mi (Bl40) 'ho\~se':

gjwiJ<ew':Jm/... wikw~m t w1ldm 'houe.e', 11I,5mik~tM: 'inside the house', 108si

w~5'1nw~k 'he goes home', !'lew!gw~mn6k '8. t our house' (Wr7 5); wige~m 'house', \

w!gèW~m'k 'a t his house', new:!gw~men6k 'atour home', wigewomw~ 's. t tileir , ~

house' , ~gew~m6 'he OlfflS a house', a15migom' 'wi thin the house' ,( Da 64 ); .,

wigw8m 'house' (Lr84, p40); n'odosa k'wigwêmw8g 'I oome from yôur house'

" (Lr84, p96); n'wigw8m 'My wiSWB.lll', n'wigw8mna 'our ,wigwam', w'wigw8mw8 o

'thei.r wigwam t •

g "8ig~am" .-J '18iglfaHm". 81gëa~ t cabane, maison'; n8igtJam 'ma oabane t;

8ig~amBi8 'petite oabane'; 8ig~aHmek·tdans la maison'.

88. EAR. PA *wehtawak(ay)1 (Go6S) 'his ear'l .'

§!: I-ttawakwl (resha~). nttaw6kw 'my ear', ntUwakol 'My sars', wttaw:ikw

'his ear' (Wr7S); oht&.w'kw lhia ear' (Da64).

m "_ta8ak8t1 • I119ta8ak8 'oreille'; netaBak8 'inon oreille', keta8ak8 'ton 4-

oreille'. \ "

89. EARTH (1). PA *axlcyi (m.46~ 'earth, land', / - 1 •

~ /(a)kk1/. kit! 'earth, land', ke~k1n&k 'on ~art.h, tn ur land', ntakk! ~

'my land', ~panikktik 'Abenakis' (Wr7.5); ahk!, ki 'ear ',nedallk! 'My \0 • ,

land', madahkf 'bad land', ol1.hJd 'good land' (Da64-); d-'ki~ 'ourland' , ' '- l -

(0.59); ki, aki 'earth, land, tarm, e '~kdaki~' 'earth, the globe' ... , /

(Lr84, p16)'; ma.~i ki, mamadaki 'barren 'land, po \ Ns:nd', wli k1 'fertile l '


land' (Lr84, p41); n'-d-aki .~ land', W'-d .. a1cYh1s"-lan:i' k'-d-akinn.a.

/ //

- .


, "

/ --...;......;..---"!~~------, .... --'--- ..... :!!'a.tI~~ _~

'f'.. ' y


'\ ' " ,,\,,,

91 ,) .' ,1

\ 1 .. ' rio -

'OUl' hrm, our- ground' (Lr84, p.50)J pi1wild1 'diffe~ent land'. (Ma,J2. p6'l),-

KB. "'kk1/1. ki 'terre'; kil<: 'en, 'par terre'; la'kkik 'sur cette tette'; ,-, ~

araltmkik 'sous la ,terre '.

'! •

90. EARTH (2). ,PA *-almeHk-, ·-a:meHkw~ (0065) 'ear~,(soil': " '

~ I-Srnkk-/, / -'5rrdclor-l, ~seJlllkk61 'gravel', pS8~3mkk1h).t 'the Barth falls

in', pekw$mkk' 'sandy so11' (Wr'75) t; psan$~ah~ '"fill him or i t w1 th sam, ..,. • _. l'

fine gravel (imp. sg.)· t psan8l11kahogw , f~ll hfrn wi th' sand or fine grave1

(imp. FI.)', psanemkamogw 'fill it with sand or fine gravel.(imp. pl~)'

(Lr84, p192); sen8mkol, sen6'mkuisal 'graVeI' d'r8~. p16).


91. &AT (1), PA *mitt- (5160) IV ·m11l§i~ Lm.46't K'a'?:3)1 \" ~ .

~ /rn1t-/ l'V fm!c-/. nrn{ts! 'I est', nemic!n '1 eat it:.t, m!c~in' 'food'w"

m{tso'. 'he eats', tssernA nendts{w '1 haven't: saten, yet' (Wr?5); mid~& 'Etat • , ,

thou it', omid!{n 'he ea~ U,', mits6 'eat thou' (DA64);, n'lIIitsibena 'we

eat' (Lr84, pS8 fn.), miji 'eat-it (imp. ag.)', mits~ 'eat (tmp. ag.)',

mijigw 'eat it (imp. pl.)', mitsigw 'eat ~imp. pl,),,(tr84, p~86); n'miji

'1 est (it)', ~~m1jo·'he eats (it)', k'mijiba' ·you eat (~t)', miji kia

'eat,j.hoû', ndjikw kiow8 'eat you' (&32, P'72); m'\lÜdsi 'I eat', w'lIlidao, .-- ---- ,. '"

, ------- . ~.----- ." ea ta t, n 'Midsibna 'lfe ea't'. "1

-~_/ !m~'ni1.t." IV "lÙts-". nemitaesi 'je: ~nge'; mitsesi '11 ma~ge'; ne~tsil • • je mange cela'; 8i08 ne~tBi, 8108 nem~tsin 'je mange de 19 ohair'. '

~ .

92. !AT (2). PA *ketarn .. (Ho5'l) 'eat 811'j

'!t I-ketarr-/. WÏilaho{ke~n 'he eata it aU' (Wr7S); olllAtlS!geda~n 'he eats

" it OoJllpletelyt (Da64). ' "/

~ o 'je Illange tout oela'. . "

",JhIE .J2 b


J 1


, ,.

, ,


o "'\.


93. EGG. PA ~a:wali (Mc35):

~ /Cw"fjwan/ ~(l'eshaped). 5w'~, ~l.,arl"l (pl.) *egg', (Wr75); 5w{n 'egg' (Da64); - .

w8wan, wôwanal (pl.) 'egg', wski-w$wan, wsk6wan 'new laid egg' (Lr84, pJO);

Swan 'egg' (&(2, P56») K!i "8a.fl8an". 8aH8an, Baf18anar (pl.) 'oeuf' •

• ..

94. EIGHT. PA .ne~ha:Uka (8146)1

~ Inss'5sek/. nss5s'k 'eight' (Wr?.5); ns5z"k 'eight' (Da~); nsS"zek 'eight'

(Lr84, p74); nens8zek 'eight every 'time' (Lr84, p77).

Am "ntsaHsek". ntsaHsek 'huit ".

. '

95. ELBOW. PA *we~kwani (He?) 'h~s elbow':

-5F I.keskwan/ (l'eshaped). nkeskw'n 'My elbow', kkeskw'n 'your (ag.) elbow', - ,

wkéskwanA 'his elbow' (Wr75); og~skwin 'his elbow' (Da64); mkeskuan 'elbow'

(tr84, p2S).

" !!l~'.skBan". nesk8ân 'l!!On coude'; SskSanar 'Sil coudes'.

~ ELM. PA *ani:pya ,(sb6?b) 1

SF lanipi/. ,~p! ,~~, (Wr?5); anibi 'eIm' (Lr84, p31); anibi 'aIm' (MaJ2, ~ ,


lB,"anibitt • anibi 'de l'orme'.

97. Et1BARK. PA ·pou- (8146, Ht74b) 'he embarks' 1

E {pos-I. poseS 'he $m.barks', nepos! '1 embark t , nî>os!pen' 'we embark'

(Wr75); Hoz6 'he embarks' "boz:! 'embark thou', bod~kw 'embark ye' (Da64).

!Qi "p8s.". nep~si 'je m'emba.rquà'; p8sa 'il stemba~~et.; nep8sihai\ (an.),

nep8si'tt8n ~1na.n.) 'jè l'embarqu~-'; p8s8red1.n 'on s'embat'qu~'; p8~8rèd:!da

• embarqUons-nous '.

?;T""~ " ~- :'f.i~'·i<' ~ -'!f'"' ~"""'''''; .-IiI-., • .. fI' ~ :J .' 1 .It~~'jtw.."(.,j-'1'~". "'o,".

'r '.


. "

" •

- 4

98. ENOUGH. PA *telp- (5160):

.2E. /t8.p-l. taMt 'stopl' {Da64); tabi- 'enough' (Lr84, p8?), S'da n'tabi ! . ..

wilawigiw. 'l'm not rich enough' (Lr{34, p97).

lQl~b-II. tèbat '~'est assez'; tJbJ..g8 '~'est assez pour une robbe';

8thba)ain moskes~ • U a ASS' d'une couverte'.

99. ENTER. PA ·piznt- (MoJ.5) 'within', ·pilntwike :wa (B146)

'he enters a dwelling'l

§l /pit-/. npitik~ '1 enter', wp{1(ika'n 'he enters, goes into U', p!t1k~

'come in (:i.mp. sg.), he comes in', n&pftiké'atO'n '1 bring it inside' ,

np{t1k'al~ '1 bring him inside', pith{keta6 'he jumps in' (Wr7.5); bidig'

'he enters', bi th1htassin 'he falls inside', ob:!thenemé'n 'he puts 1 t in

by hand' (Da64); pid1gada 'let us go in' (Lr84 , p95); pid1ga 'oome in

(imp. sg.)' (Lr84, pl06).

!ill "pit- II ,-v "pet-" •. nepitigh', nepeta8!ghé 'j'entre'; pitighé 'il entre';

nepeda8igh"rr9 'entrer vite'; nepitigaraH (an.), nepitigad8n (inan.)


'je le fais entrer'; ned'stt1pi.tighè 'j'entre dans la ollbane ~ je lui en sort'.

100. ERR (1). PA *peqt- (He74a) 'accidentally':

§[ /pitt-/. ob!tn~ 'he takes him by error' , obitnemén 'he takes it by

errer', ob!tsibask~ 'he shoots him by mist8.ke' (~6lt-).

101. ERR (2). PA *pa~U (MoJ.5) 'wrongly' 1 - . . !li "pa ts-". nepa ts8r~' t je trompe'; pa tf.l8r~' 'il trompe";'; n8n1sg,ara~

• je le trompe ~ • . '

• 102. EvÊNING. PA *weSalkw. (Ha67a) '(yesterday) eveningtl

,§! Iwel'5kw~/. vel~ko6 'an evening', p'mel~kw!k 'this evening', wel~iw!

'during the even1ng', vedko' 'yestercl;ay' '(Wr7.5); ol~g",iw! ',in the even1ng', .


, , 1



.. -100

ba~mowig{ o1Sgwo6 'when night ,cornes' ~ bimel~gw!k 'tonightj, ol~gw' 'yesterday'

(0&64); w18gwirl '1n the evening', pamlegu* 'this eve~~' (Lr~4'- p19); ..,

wlêpa' 'yesterday' (Lr84, p20); w18gwihla<s 'evenil1g b~rd' '(MAJ2, p67).

'!ill. 118'raKg8_ 1I • 8raHg~10 'il est,soir'; n8rank8sin 'je revois le jou:r<';

8rafig86 'hier'.

10). ~Rb;N (1) PA *-a:ntakw;-"(Sb67b) 'evergreen, needle tree': "':;.'

~ /-~tskW/. m~~dlli 'wh~te cedar' trée' (Da.64); sagask8dagw 'ground

hemlook', mêlSdagw 'cedar' (Lr84, p)2); ~bn6dageso '~marac' (Lr84, p33);

m81edakw' 'oedar' (MaJ2, p55).

KR U_a Î'Îdak 8 " • maHralüak8 'cèdre'; manrandak8~Fidag8k 'les cèdres' ~ , -104. EVERGREEN (2). PA ·~enta (sb67b) 'conifer, evergreen tree,

bough': .

§E /seti/ (reS'haped). ~eti 'cedar', alnfseti 'hemlock' (Wr~?); alnisedi

'hemlock' (Lr84, p32); sedi ,1hemlock' (MbZ, »5.5).

!! "sedi". ~sed:!ak(pi.) 'c~dre, sapin'. cf. TREE /

105. EXHAUST. p~ *lIlelqt- (Mc35) N ·mè:qg~- (Bl4.6) 'to exhaustion.':

SF Ims.tt-II"J /macci-/. lli'ttkaU 'it 1s t11 burneq', matépaJd 'the erd.', -- . mk.cihl' 'it 1s worn out', wmacc{ketam~n ~he eats it all', macdppoU , .

~ 1 t is used up t exhausted' t ne~c.cin! 'I Sin dead', ~cc1n' 'he 18 dead l , , ,.1 , l' ( ) 1 1 macc1nat ~'the dead one (an.)' Wr75; omattehkamen 'he vears lt out' " ~t8ih14 " "1 'it 1s .:rorn out', omat8!gedaln'n 'he aats it completely', ~tkad& 'it 1 . "

a'n.burned / , 'mit~,int 'he dies', nemJtsin6 'I die'; rats{nadt 'if he .êles', \

~t8inid 'he i8 dead', mahtanÂskiw! 'finally" (Da64); matanaskiw1 'énd,

. at the end" (Lr84., p20); machina 'he dies, he 15 dead', waj~ machinamek

'ta die' t machinad 'he 18 dead', n'dadan machins. 'IllY father 19 dead' (Ma,32, p77

m "mét-" cv "m'tai.". nem'tsar 'jale donne tout oe que j'ai de. vivre';

nem"tataH8' 'je le donne tou·t en tra1ttant'; m6tataft8' '11 le donne tout


1~ ": ,






-' .

101 1.

en trai t'tant'; nem'tanaskihafl (an.), nem~~naski 't8n (inan.) 'j'aohètye , '

quelque chose'; nem6tta8tsem1 'j' achÈtve de parler'; m6ttantsemi 'i~" "chhe

de parler'; m'tai 'r~ 'cela es~ us~'; nem'~'lnen 'j'use mes solt'Üeil"'~); .Q. 1 ~)..:

m6tka ns~ar 'ils le sont (us6s)'; nem6tka Z651 'je bMUe'; m'tka~8i. 'il

brme' ~ nem'tkadsemen 'je brID.e oela'; am'tkaz'sem~n 'il brID.e cela';

m'~d6, m'tkaztkl' '11 est brm.,,; nem~tsfn~ 'je me~e, je suis MOrt'; \

'm4'ts:!n~ 'li meurt, il est mort'; ~mesis manda m'tsins. 'ma. soeur a.inlie est

morte', .e 'k6m8ga méts1na. 'mon f~re .in~ est mort'; messim6tsinaHn 'on

" meurt'; nedask~aMamen, nem&isinaiin 'j'ai toujours lA pens'e que je murai

kient6t', nem'tanaski 'tan 1 je fin~s par cela'. ,

.. 106. EXIST. PA *teawa (m46) 'he exista t :

!Qi It~_tl. maÎ'ida t6ai 'il n 'y est pas'.

10'7. EYE. PA *-~ki:n~e~ (McJ5t m46):

§E /-ssisekw/. nssis6kw 'My eye, rrry face' t nss:!sek6l 'My eye! t, wssis'kw

'his eye, h1s faoe', kss:!sek61 'your (sg.) eyes' (Wr75); 6'hsiz'kw 'his

eye, face' (Da64); lIISizukW, 11lSizukol (pl.) 'his eye, face' (Lr84, p2S).

~ "-(t)sfsek8" ts!~ek8, ~~seg8r (pl.) 'oeil'; nets!sek8 'mon oeuil';

8a:!sek8 'son oeuil'; nesisseg8k 'IlIA face'; 8sisseg8k • sa face'.

108. FALL. PA *ki:p.- (HoS?)' 'faU down. 04ff, Qve,r',

§!. /kip-/. ?1ek:lptaamin 'I knook 1t do~' t nek!pW 'I knook him down' f

nek!Pc:>s's'penA 've' disemb~rk', nek:!ptassfn '1 rAIl on it' (Wr7.5); g!pts.ss!n

'he falls down'" ni ~ glb1hUft 'he falls thus' (Da64).

lm / ghiP-J. neghipte' ssin 'je me renverse, je tombe par terre'.

, • 199. FAST. PA *ke~y- (HoS?) 'speed': , r,

~ /kes;../. kes~ma.hla 'he runs fast', nkes~mahl~ 'I run fast', kesoss! 'he {

w:alks quiokly', kes/Umsén 'wind 1 (Wt:7 S); gez:!hll' Jhe goes fast, he rul'\8' t

; 1



,. : r,.1



. • r~


giz,:!hp6 'he ests fast', g'ze15ms'n 'wirid, thare is wind', kezelSlIIs'n '1 t . ....

blows fast' (na64); kzelSmsen 'wind, or it blows' (Lr84, piS); k'ozSmi

kezosaba 'you (pl. JI walk too fast' (Lr84, p95); wzSnù kezos8o 'it goes

too fast' (Lr84, p1B6); kzpIBmsen 'wind' (Ma32 , p5S).

!Qi "kes-". nekesirre t nekes8ss' 'je cours, je va 5 ~'; kesera~sèn

'il vent'.

110. FATHER. PA ·-o:h8a (Vo41, Bl46): .

~ f-05sessl (d:ilninuitive). mhloss'ss 'very old man' (Wr7S); me16hs6s "

'very old man' (Da64'); mhlosses 'old man' (1'~3?, .P.54).

!Qi ".85es". mer8ses 'viellard'; nemir8ses5~i 't je suis vieux'.

111. FA THER-IN.LAW. PA *nesigehsa (Ta67):


2I. /nesihlossl (reshaped diminuitive). nsihloss 'my father.in-law' (Wr7S); ..

neeih16s 'my father-in.Iaw' (08.64); nzihlos 'father-in.Ia~' (Lr84, p21);

n'z1h;tos 'fllther.in-Iaw ' (Ma32, p58).

112. FAWN. PA *maxkwehsehsa (Sb67b) 1 ,

SF /makkwfJsess/. nJlçws~s 'fawn' (Da64) • - 1

Am. "ma 'k8sas". ma 'kBaesis 'le fat;l de biche, chevreuil, orignal'.

, 113. FEAR. PA ·sa:k. (Bl46) 'he afraid'l , . ~ .

~ 1 8.k-/. nsikes! '1 am. afraid', s'kes<l 'he 15 afra1q'. l'\S~~p~o·l'k., " ,

'I Mn Ilfr~id of him'. ws'kep~olek~ 'he 15 afra1d of him' (WrtS); ~Agn6'

'he' fears', ozakpfwleg& 'he 'rears him', ~zakpiwlego'n 'he tear:s ft', kezak. ,. ~wlidz! 'thou shalt fear 1118', oz~wl~ 'he fr1'ghtens him', ,oi~kp~~ 'he

• • e

fr1gh tens Kim by speech" (Da.64). ,

!l ".'g~". "-J "_6gb.". nea'gh8si 'j' ai peur' t ,sigh.si '11 a peur'; nes'k­

paHh8raK 'je lui ~a1. peur'; 8s&kpailli8ral:\ 'U lui fait peur"; n8s'gpai\hBraH,



, .

""' o , , , ,

, .



nes'gp!ka8a~ 'je l'effraie'.

114. FEA~R. PA *mitkon~ (MoJ5):

2E /m1kwen/.' m1kw'n 'teather'· (Wr75); migW'n, 'feather' t ~awigrin 'a plwne'

(Da64); miguen 'teathel', pen, quill' t n'miguenom ~big()

(Lr84, p45); miguen 'feather' (&32, p56) ... ~ ,

. '1S!l "_1g8n" •• sa8:!gBnak 'plume que l;s Franc~is poftent ~ l.eur chapeau'. ,

. 115.0FEED. PA *a~h~am-,·.elh~a~- (conj.) (He7J):

. , -§f. 1 I!t$sarr-/. nUst$,m~ 'I feed him t t wtÂssam~ 'he

• '\ ~.... • t~ "

d-asame~kba, 'you would feed thfllM' ~r84t p?1). '" ' . ,


!li "a'sam-". neda'samafi 'je lui donne l manger'; 8âa'saman ;11 lui donne

l II!4nger'.

116. FIGHT. PA *mi:kal- (8146):' , ,


" 'he fights', udkakk'k 'they fight', miJ<akkiwinn6 'figh"ter' (Wr75);

, ,:'

om1gUùc~mi 'he fights him or them', mige.hJJdo'k • they fight each other' ~

(Da64).; migaka 'fight him (inlp~ sg.)', lIlikakagw 'tight hint (iIop. pl.)'. CÀ

lm ''mi'lca-". nemi'ka'k& 'je qqmbas'; mi'ka'k' ~il comby:,'.

. ~ 117. FIND. PA *me&k- (B146)1

H: lmesk-I. nedBka~n '1 find. it', wm'skam'n 'he firx:ls it', nem4'skad "

'I find him', WIII'skaw~ 'he t:i:nds him". maki ,'Uad him, it (imp. sg~)' ,

(Wr75); o~8kalé 'he tims hint', om&skim'n 'he finds it' (Da64). ) .

lm "mesk-". nemeska8aK (an.), ~meakamen (inan.) 'je trouva ce que 'j'avais 1

~ , '" perdu'.

118. PIRE. PA *elkote:wi (Bl46)l


, ..

! , j




/1 SF I(a)skweta/. skweU 'rire' _ nUskwetJm, t1skwetAm 'my fire' _ skwetA~kwi

tashes', skwetÂinep! 'firewater t (Wr7S); skwed6 'fire', skwed~ineb! 'f~-<

wa ter', Skwed'îbegw{ , ashes' ( Da 64); skweda ' fire " skwedaipegu.i 'a 15h88 '

(Lr84, p16); skweda (Ma32, pS6).

!Qi tlsk~ta.(1)". sk8tâi, sk~tar (pl.) 'feu'; sk8taiho 'il y en a (du feu)",.

119. FIRST. PA *neqtalni (VoMh

§! /nttarrt-/ r-: Inittam-/,.v /nattam-I. ntUmii, n~ttam:t' 'he i8 first',

natuCznap!t (an.), nattlms:tUk (inan.) 'the first one', natUm1w! 'first' . (Wr7.5); n1htÂmab:!d 'f:Î.rst animate one', nihtimahUk 'first inànimate oJWt'

." ,

(Da64); nitalnabit (an.), nitamatak (inan.) 'the first', nitAmagilllgualç . . c

'rirsUy' (Lr84, p82); nat.amiwi 'rirst~ (Ma.)2." p7,).

!Qi "nUmi" Iv -"riitam- tt • tAmi, nUnd 'premlerement';· nenitmnint8 'je chante •

le '1r. ". r '

120. FISH' (1) .. PA *name:qsa (BI~

o§!./n8111Ass/. na.mJss"nw8s{k (pl.) 'fish' (J?,); IUlmis Irish', nanul'sod

'he i8 a rish', 'lemi~s 'he becomes a rish', rrultsinid ~8 'dead

f1sh' (na64); namàs Irish' (Lr84, plt); namasiia 'so~ fish (food)' (Lr84, r

, ,

pJ.O); namas (Maj2, pS'); namaskik8n 'risH field', namas810 'fish tail' •

(&32, p67),

m "nam~s". na~8, nam68ak (pl.) 'polS8~n~

121. FISH (2). PA *-ame:kwa (BI46,'Sb6?b):

§l./(a)makw/. aln!na.dkw 'ord1nary fish'\(Wr7'); meskwam.(kw 'salmon', - , . . mkw1màlcw 'red fish t, m~l!S.kw 'yellow perch', nlulI-'kw, nam'okw 'lake trout'

(na64); w8bamagw 'whi t.e fish' t nalllagw t salmon trout', m8ltu~magw 'salmon'" , . "

(LrB4, p)9); alnamap 'dace' ,(Ma32, P.54); namagw 'salmon trout' (Ma)2 •.



. , . . ,

, ..

\ J'


" '\

- --

C' "'''f ~~.~t~'r"'\~"W.~*""" p .. r~7:").'':'ffY'';iJ.. .. ~1 ... r"'~"><~·"""\.~~' 1 :"t".of'~:~~vf?t~ '~·fl:lr .... ~ ~ -J~.. •


!Q! lI(a)6&g811 • na~g8, na~g88.k (pl.) ms.i\ra~g88 'poisson,

collUtte les 'turgeons, ma'is \pet1ts'; nan~m&g8 J


'poisson, la femelle'.

122. FIVE (1). PA *nya:lanw1 (Bl46) :

~ /n'5lan/. nn~n 'five ' (~7S); noHn n81an 'rive' (tr84,


123. FiNE (2). "

!Qi "ba~nesk8". bar4n8sk8 'cinq' •

1 i 124. FLEA. PA *pep1kw-a (5160): l '

, ~ /P'i~/. papfkw, pAp1kW'-k (pl.) 'fiea' Wr7S); pabikw 'flea' (Ma;2,

p55). - . '- " llli 1'bab1kB". bab1k8 , babik8ak (pl.) 'puce' .. 0f. RODENT

12.5. FLINT. PA *ma:ngehsi (.Go7; 'flint, flint-edged krrl.fe':

g: 1 ...... -1. ...~P.k.. 'flint' è r.r84, ~16) ? ... ·S.1P.kw 'flint' (Ma:l2, ;56).

1 1

126. FLUTE. PA *pep1kwani (He74b) 'whistle, nute':,

, .

~ /ppïkw-/. pp!kwjk'n 'horn (instrument)', ntapp!kw3k'n 'my flute' (wr7S);

pigu~ngan, pigubnganal (pl.) 'a 'flute, or a fife' (Lr84, pSO) •. ' 1

!li "pik8-". p~ingan 'flutte'.

127. FLY., PA *ol~ye :WB (McJS)s L

E /ocawalsf' (d~iriu1t1ve). 6oaw'ss, oo~wa8S~k (pl.) 'nies" (W~7S);

odzaw's 'fly' (pa64); wjawas. wjawasak (pl.) tfly' (Lr84, p40); ojawas

'fl.y' (Maj2, p5S).

n "pSts'8'" .(rell~aped). p8ts~8', pSts'8ak (pl.) tune mouohe'.

. '.

i '

1 l.

."" (:

.. "" o

, .


, f ./

128. FOAM. PA ~~ilqte:wi (Vo41) ·foam, frdth'; o ~

§.E Ipitta/. pi tU 'fom' (Wr?,5); pihU 'foam' (Pa64); pitah 'foailt, frot.:h''''

(Lr84, p)S).

129. FOG. PA *awanwi (~e73):

~ lawan/. p'sekaw~n 'fog' (Wr75); AwÂn 'air', pezegawln 'fog' (Da64);

awan 'air, vapour, fog' (Lr84, p1S!; pesgawan 'it is foggy' (Lr84,ap17); , .

awan 'air' (Ma32, p55).

Yi "aBan". aManis 'brouiÛàrd t'. a8an8ppan 'il faisait brouillard'.

130. FooT. PA *.sit- (B141),

.~ /-dt/. ns::!t 'My foot', kes:!t 'your (sg.) foot', wsit. 'his foot',

wsitÂ1 'his feet' (Wr?S); or.{d 'his foot', nezidÜ 'MY 'feet', wltkwadd ) ,

'his toe l (Da64); ~.zid 'foot' (Lr84, p25).

m ".dt". 'ne~1t 'mon pi"; Sait 'san pi"; m~ghitk§'6sit -'-le gros artaU'; , .

neghitka'sit 'mon gros arteU'; p8k'S1dafinar 'les autres arteils, seu, " ....

les 'fourches &0.'.

131. FOOTh'RAP. PA *a!1kanwi (Sb67b) 'sock, footwrap'i

§[ lasikkan/. 4sikk4n, as!kkan&l (pl.) 'tootwrap' (Wr7S).

132. FORBID. PA *ke&ahamaw:wa (Ho'51) 'he forbids him' 1 . . ',.' j

8F Ike1aha:maw-Jj il wl&lh'maw~, wkel'amaw~ 'he forbids him'. nekelhimaw~, '1 - ,

. torbid him' (Wr?S); 'gel4màw'"Il iforb1d thou him'. ogel4maw6 'he torbids

him' (Da64). , .


.1)J. FO~D. PA *-6kahtekwi JSb41, eo.69h , 0

§! / -ski. tekwal (re~haped). n.kl tekwJ 'my forehead', k.k~ tekw{ • your (.g.) ., !:r

torehead', ~sk',tekw~ 'his torehead' ,(Wr75); osk'degvl '~1s to~head (Da64); ,


. ,

.. " , . l

! If "

.. ,~, ,

1 J'" "

____ ~_L__ -__ ~_._I -

wsk~dgua )forehead' (Ma32, pS6) •

.!lli "':'sk'teg1M.II. mesk-' teg8~ 'front'; nesk4teg~~ 'IlIOn front'. ,\

\ 1)4. FOUR (1). PA * rye:WWi (8146):

§! .fiaw/. i'w 'fOur':, i'Wf5nkk'r 'fourteen' (Wr7S); tiw, 'four' (Da64);

1e.w 'four', t8wak 'four (an. ~nes)', 1awno1 'four (inan. pnes)' (Lr84, / . \


p73); ieiawak (an,), ie1awnol (inan.) 'four every time' (Lr84, p77); iswda

• . 'four times' (Lr84, "\>79).

m ''!'B". ~~8 'qustre t ; !'8ak 'quatre (an.)'; ~68n8r "q~tre (inan.)'; ... --~. _ . . !'Bda 'quatre, to, q~oties (4 times)' •.

135. FOUR (2). PA *nye:wokon1 (B146) 'four days'z . ~ /iaokwen-I. ia&kweniwf 1ror four days' (Wr75); ia6gwafi1w! tfour days',

186gwenag4 lit 15 four days now' (DR64).

136. FOX. PA *wa:koh~a (Sb67b):

!f: j(w)'Jkwssess/(double diminuit1ve). ~kwS~'S8 'fox' (Wr?S); w~s4s , '

'fox' (Da64); w8kwses ,'fox' (Lr84, p36); w8gwses 'fox' (Ma32, p55). , . . -]Q! '\:8aHk8ses" (reshaped). k8aHk8ses, k8amt8sesak (pl.) 'renard'; k8amt8set

'renard' •

137. FREEZE. PA *kèpat.enwi (8146) 'it freezes Qver'.: , ,

~ Ike-pat8n/. kepat6n 'it freezes over', (Wr?5); geb8d~n 'it free~es over'


!Qi "kebaden". keb~den 'la rivi~re est gel~t fig"; maM, keba.denni "elle

(r1v1~re) n'est pas gel"., l' of. CLOSE

1)8. FROM. PA ~nlSi- (0073, He?) 'trom there' J , .


108 , ---"'------ --- --'"--

. , ..


1 .1

,~ (


§E/"fIeci/, wc! 'from' (Wr75); odz{\'from', -. - .~-.- -~~ .. - -~ \

(r:.64); odd 'from', odzia!k od~n,1k ~ose \

from the vi~lage' (Da59); .oji \

'from' (Ma32, p76).

!Qi "8ts i ". 8tsi 'à _cause' •.

.\ 1)9. GALL. PA *owi:sopi (Ta6?) 'his gâl~': •


~ /wisi/ (reshaped). wid" 'gall', wiz!imenodé: 'ga11 ~ladder" (Da.64).

, !Q!' "8!si". 8~si, 8!siar (pl.) 'fiel'.

;. 140. GHOST. PA .~i:paya (Ta67):

~r'/;ipaif. ci~i', c!pai'k (pl.) 'ghost', cipA~t6p 'ghost's head, skuU'

(Wr75); tsibAi 'ghost", tsibAg~ba6 'he i5 a fr;i.ghtful man" (na.64); ohiba1 . . 'ghost' (L~84, piO); chibai 'ghast' (Ma32, p54); n'chibaiem 'my ghost'


(Ma32, plo).

KR "tsiba-". tsib'aghinaHg~at 'cels. est éffroyable '; netsibaghinaHg8, -natsibaghfna8aB 'il m'effroie'.

141. GIVE. PA -mi:l. (Bl46):

H Iro1l-/. nem1l~n '1 give it to hint' t nemil5 '1 give to him', W'I1Iil~ 'he

givas to him' (Wr?S); omi13n 'he g-iv.es it to h~', mU' 'giva thou it 1 /"... •

ta him' (Da64); tabaldak milit 'the ~rd who givas' (Lr84, p~); waji

m1l8mek 'to gi va (him)'" )'aji tnild8zik 'ta gi va (it)' (Ma J2, p74) • ,

Alli 'fl1'lir_tl. nemiresin i8"je me donne cela'; nendr8.H tj~ donne Ir ,luit; ,

andraH 'il dbnne il lui' •

142. GOOD. PA *melw1.'(Mc35) 'fine beautiful':

![ Iweli-I. wlek!sek"t 'it 15 good weather', wl{ppokwAt lit t8ste~ good',

wl:!matÛ 'it smells gaod', wl!n~lt 'it 'looks good' t 6lik6 'he i8 good' " .


6lik4n 'it'ie gooà', .n6lik1 'I am goad' (Wr75); olig6 'he i5 goed', oligén




'. . , ~ ..... .,.. 1 ~)..'

109 Il

'it 18 good', olllikl 'good land', o lin5'gwez6 'he a pp"ears we l~ , , olihtebab6

\ 'he adjusts himself in his seat', ol1htebeskab6 'he ~kes his aeat fit'

(Da64); wligo-w6gan 'good'ness, beauty' (Lr84, p24); w11 'good, gentle' < -

(Lr84, p65); wligo 'h'è Ùis good', w11gen 'it i5 good' (Lr84, p66); k'ol1-

dahawSgan 'your kindnes8', k 'ozerni wlidah6 nia wji 'you 'àre too good to

,me' (Lr84, p94); wlidebt810ka~ 'I behave weIl' (Lr84, p9?); wlit.ebahla \

, (~. ag.), w11tebahlogw (imp. ,pl.) 'fix him, set him in order', wli"t$bahto " l , ~,

(imp .• ' ~g.) wlitebahtogw (imp. pl.) ffix' :1t, set it in order' (Lr8J;. p194).

wlinnow8gan 'goodness", wlitodabw8gan ,,'well-being' (Ma32, p.53); w11go

aSS8S 'good horse', wligen Svdi 'good road' (~32, p63); wlidbiwi 'welle \ '

(Ma)2, p7S); w11dbiklozimek 'speaking correctly' (Ma32, p?6). 1 - ~ ,

KR' "Sri-": Br1J>?g8n8 (an.), 8ripégSat (in:.n.) ;ceÙ,\ est bon au gant'; --, \

n8r!tamen 'je le tro~ve bon è manger';'~ra8,tkaHg8~ 'cel~ m'est bon, Ille.

fait bien'; n8rit'han, nSrena8akesi 'je suis bon, sage'; 8r~ghen 'j'ai

" le coeur bien f~it'.

143. GRANDCHILD. PA ·~o:hJihsema (B146) 'MY grandchild':

SF I-08sessl (reshaped). non'ss - .. '~ grandchild' (Wr7S); n6hs4s '~

grandchild1 (1a64); ~se5 'my granàchild', 089S" 'his grandohild' (Lr84,


!B. "nasses". n8ssesak 'mes descendans, mes petits-fils'. \

, .\


144. GRANDFATHER~ ~~ '_blou •• h .. (~"~)&" '

~ tt.m88Smas". nem8s8me& t nem.8s&ni 'mon gram ~"t\ ~m,~.8U

grand ~re'. ", \



, .. \

14,5. GAANIH>'IHER (1). PA •• 0 f~omehsa (Bl46) 1

§! i .okk,emeaa/. J;$kke.s& '1111 gra~ther t" k6kkem'&& 'your (ag .. ) grand-"

mother', dkker!less~ 'hie gra~thert (Wr7,5h n6hkeMs 'my ,granclll1other' ,




'. \


--~-~----~- --~--- - -...,..--- ',,- ~ ~


"6hkemessl 'his grandmother' (Da64); nokemes 'gràndmother t, oke~è~ 'hie

"g.andmo the.' (Lr84, p20 li okeme..a 'their gun""; the.' (Lr84. p~Î)" ;::;~keDl8'

,~ 'granclmother' (MaJ2" p!;8).

!! fI_8'k8mes". nS'kSl1les 'lM. grande .ra ou ma m~re'; 8'kemesar 'sa gr~~~ - -' ~

m~:t"e ou Sa m~J:"8'. ~'"

'146. GRANlH)~ (2). PA *nolhkotna (Vo41) 'IllY grandmother': ; .

.§!: /nokkem/ nokk~m 'my father"s- sister' (Wr7S);. nohk6m 'IllY father's sister'

(Da64); nokemis 'mi mother's sister, my st.ep-l1X>ther', nokem 'my father's , '., ,

lister f (Lr84, p22); nokemis '~tepm,other" nokem 'f)~r'S 'dster' (&;2,

p5S). .~ '.,

KR ".8'k8m-". nB'k8mi, n8'k8mes 'ma, tante, ma. m~re'; a'k~~~ 'sa t$nte,

sa m~re·'. "',

147. GRASS. PA .ma~kixkiwi (He?;):

SF /mskÏlŒo/. lIlSkikk6, msk!kkoil (pl.) 'grasse, mskfrkoisÜ, 'lalm' (Wr7S); - - 't

ms~1hkO '&rass' (Da~); lIl8k:1koaso1kw8n' 'straw hat' (Lr84, p27); mSkiko,

mskik~àl (pl.) 'hay', mekikois, mskikoisal ~P~.) 'her~~ (Lr84, p4J).

lm. ''mesk:1. 'kS". me ski 'kBar 'herbes'; me ski 'ka, meskikS1 'k8 'le lieu où il

y en a (des herbes)~. ~

, , ,1

!! I~mi/. pend "grea~e" w!s3w!pem! 'butter' (Wr7S); bem; 'grease' (0&64);

pellli 'grease, ~il', pell1ii-kwatis 'oil cruet' (Ù'84, p28); wisMpemi"'butte~· ....

(Lr84, pJO). 1 !! "pemi". pemi 'grhsse'; a8tSss8s6ipem1 'graisse d'ours'; mBs{pemi 'graisse


149~ GREATER YELLOWLlroS. PA *serhse:hsiwa (Sb67b):


" 1

, r '" l, e \ 1



111 ,

!lli "s6s'ss8". sèsés.s8 'espEloe d'oiseau'.

150. GROUND. PA *-axkamekwe (Sb41)s

.ê.E /-(a)kkamllcw/. wsk!tk~' 'on earth' (Wr?5); csldtkamigv' 'on earth',

kh Ûhkamfkw ' ( the) inland', khUhkamig6'k 'in1and' (0.-64); me nahanakami~

'geninsula t (Lr84, p;5).

!Qi "-akamig8". ketakamig8 'la grande terre sur le bOrd de la. 'Iller'.

of. EARTH (2)

151. GROUNIliOG. PA *akwaekwa (Sb41):, \

" !E Jakask.w/. ak~sk.w 'grourxihog', nUkaskw6m 'my 'groUndhog' (Wr75); ag.{skw ,

'gro.undhd'g, 'WOodchuok' (Da64); a.gaskw. 'wo~dohuok' (Lr84, p)7); e.gaskw,

agaskok (pl.) 'groundhog' (MaJ2, p,54); ncl ~as~om 'My gro'llndhog' (Ma.J2,

"p70). \ '\

'\ 152., GULL. PA *kaya:Hkwa (H057): '\ .

§l /kaakkwj. ka.(kkw 'guil,' (Wr75); ka!kw 'gull' (Da64)t,kaakw 'gull', . -... ' \

kamis 'amall- gray gull' (Lr81t, p)?); kaakw "guU' (.Ma)2i~.54); n'kaakwom

'IllY gull' (Ma32, p70).

!B. "ka(i)Ak8". kaAk~, ,kaiak8 'e8p~oe ,d'oiseau'.

\ \,


'\ 153. RAND. PA ·-gen~yi '(V041\ RoS?) 'hard, f'inger':

\ ~


§f. /-lei/. wele! 'a hand, his hand, f1nger', nele! 'm;y hind, IllY finger",

n'loi~l 'My fingers ~, ne~tekwelc! 'My fiat', n!tkw~lo:! 'm~ thUlnb' (Wr75);

weldz! 'his h8rd', w:!tlnrnldz{ 'finger',.nÜkwAldz{ 'my thul1Ib' (Da64);

melji 'hand' (Lr84, p25); neljial '~ fingers (Lr84, p106).

~ "-retai". meretsi 'main'; neretsi 'ma 1III._1n~'; 81'etsiar 'sa main'; neretsi,

neretaiar (pl.) 'mon doit', 8rets1., 8retsiar (pl.) 'son doit'; nedask8a&ii-

• retsi 'le petit (doit)'; nepsk'retlan '(doit) annularis'; nenal\8iretBi



" f -,

11l il

'(doit) Medius'; nedar&hiretsi 'l'index'; negh:ltk8éretsi 'pollex'.

154. HANG. PA ~akos~inw~, *ako:te:wt (Mo35) 'he, it 15 hanging': (1

SF I~in/, /ak",h:;..a/. 'kkhoo;(n~ 'he is hanging' t ~kkhoU 'it 15 hang1ng',

~~J.Ô 'h~ hangs something' , wt1kkhot&n~~b.e~ngs-i..t', 'kkholes6

_.---- J.fle -ha:~g-s -nJ:iiî.s eIfr-(wr73T; ;hk~ddn:::-' he - h;ngs', ahkod( 'i t hang s' (Da 64 ) •

lB. "é'k8tsh .. ", ""~éd~". Bd"k8ts{nen 'il est p8hdu'; 8d"k8ts{nsn 'ils

perdent'.; ":Jléd~ 'il l'est (pendu)'. _____

155. HEAD. PA *-tempi (Mc35, Vo41, Tà67) 'heàd, bràin t:

~ !.;.t!ep/. ntkp 'TV head', ketép' 'your- (sg.) head', \'t6p 'his he ad "

----n~pkwanÂl 'head hair (pl. )<'. wl15tep3n 'his brain, a bra~" new:Ü5'tep~n,

nl15tep~n 'my brain', k8W{1~tep3n, k{15tep~n 'your (sg.) br~1n' (W~75);

od6b 'head;~ wil{deb~n 'his b~ain', odépkwln 'head hair' (0a64); mdup

'head', nxiupina.-w8gan 'headache', wdupkuan 'hair of the he ad " (Lr84, p24);

wilideb8n 'brain' (Lr84, p25); ~ep 'head', wdepkwan 'head hair' (MaJ2,

p56). , -


1.56. HEAR.- PA, *no : nt- (B146):

~!not-/. wn&ta~~ 'he hears him', wn6tAm"n 'he hears it', nnoUm 'I hear' , 1

. nnot~kw 'he hears me~- n6taw' aw~nihi 'he hears someone' (Wr?5-); nodém' 'he . . he ars i, on6d8w~ 'he he ars him', ken6d~kw 'he nears thee',- onôdam4n 'he

, ' l..j ~

hears it', nod~gwez6 '~e 1s heard', od"b1nodaw~ 'he can hear him' (Da64);

~ k'nodam 'you hear' (Lr84, piCS).

1Q! "n&l_t'. nenMam 'j 'entens, audio'; ne!l8d.ameo·' j 'entens cela'; nen8dan

'(j'entens) lui'; nenBdaftg8si 'on m'entens'; nBdaRgSat<'cela se fait


• /

, ! ,. !




• 11)

1.57. RIDE. PA *kya:ta:\J8 (B146) 'he hides H':

2!. /k5t-/. k~tt6 'hide it (imp. sb.)", wk~tt~n 'he hides it', wk~th1S 'he

hides him', nek~thles! "1 hide', nekSthB '1 hide him', .nekftt6n '1 hide

it', k3th1es6 'he hides' (Wr75);.og~ttl:f 'h~ hitles him', og~tt6n 'he hides

it','g~ttâ "it is hidden', og~ttlez6 'he hide~ hi~self' (Da64)j k~tlA , ,. .

(irnp. sg.), ~t1ogw (imp. pl.) 'hide, or concelll him', k~ttr> (imp. sg.), \

kSttogw (imp. pl.) 'hide, OI" oonoe81 it', k~ttnsi (irnp. sg.)., kataslgw

(irop .. pl.) 'hide, or conceal (yourself)' (Lr84, p186).

!Qi ''ka~d-''.<kaman8adin 'on oache',; nekaHda8aH 'je le lui oWc:he'; akaYtds.8an

'il le lui cache'; nekaHd8n 'je C8;che oela'; akai'rl8n 'il ..caéhe cela'.

158. HINDER. PA .0nt.Bmihe:wa (Hc35) 'he hlnders h~'~ "

m "&iBmi-". nBdami8' 'j'emp8che'; &la~iMio 18 'c~la emp3che'; n&iamihaH,

rt&iami'ka8an 'je l'em~ohe'; &lamihan 'ill'emp~che'; n8d'amih{gBn 'cela

ID 'em~c~; ?o~mih{g8n 'cela l'e~pSche' • \Î' . (

1.59. HIP. PA "'._&o:kani \(Hc 35 ):

§E I-loksn/. olog~n 'his hip' (Da~~

' ... " -- /

. ..",---/~

\ t! 1~. ROE. PA "'aiaskehikani (Sb67à):

~ /lakka1kan/. lakk'ikJn 'hoet, nlakkâik6n '~y hoe',

hoeing' (Wr75); lakaigan, lakaiganal -(pl.) 'a hoe' (Lr84, p43).

161. HaLE. PA *wa:&- (sb67f1)'

§llw'5l-/. w31'kw, ~1~ 'hole', ~16,koo' 'he, ft has ho~es t , wilkk'k~n

'shovel', new~lkk6 'I Ç1ig', w~lkk& 'he digs' (Wr7.5); w.nkJ 'he c:t1gs',

new3lesk6iga 'I dig ,out, ho~low out', ~'lig~~' tit is hollow', wnesk'ol'kw

'dug out canoe' (Da64); w818JO, 'hole' (Ma32, p56).

1 __ .l 2 ELU

. (, <,

. ;

Eil _522



- ,




" ~

KR "BaHr-". 8aitrade, 8alh-6dak 'plat'; 8aHrfg8 (an.), 8anri'ghe.n (inan.5

"'ne rond, le creux du plat'; k&gâina8a 8afirk6 'ta8an, kég8ina8a i8n8anr':

k~tt8n 'avec quoi creuseras-tu?'; naaHrkèhemen 'je creuse avec instrument';

a8aHrkéhemen 'il creuse avec instrument'.

162. HOOK. PA *mekeskani (sb67b) 'fish hook':

~ "mk{kan ". lIIk:!kan 'hameçon'.

16,'3. HOT. 'PA ·ke~y- (Ho5?) 'hot, heat':

§f. /kes-/. kes.(~U 'it is hot' weather', kesipes6 '1't. is hot', nekes~pes{

'1 am ho~", k~sa:pas6 'he i5 hot', ke5ipes6~~~ 'fever', wkes~pes~ 'he haats

hint', wkesipesemén. 'he hests it' (Wr75); gezâbèd~ 'it is hot' J o~ez~bez~

'he heats it' (Da64); kezabzo~w8'gan 'fever (Lr84, p24). ' ,'" .

llli ''kes-". kesÂbes8 (an.), kesabede (inan.) 'cela est chaud'; kes~besitt

kesid~ 'cel~ est chaud'; keseb&tté 'eau chaude'; keseraOd6 'il fait bien

chaud'; kesapskedè 'pierre chaude'; kesa' sk8d" 'boi5 chaude'; . nekes:!si .

'j'ai la fièvre"; kesfs8 'il fi l.B fi~vre'; kesid~ nhagk', kesass6dé nhagk'

, j'ai la fiEsvre'.


, '164. 1. 'PA *ni:la (8146): c.

, "

E /nia/. ni" 'l, me', nlaU 'mine', rdattl 'mysélf' (Wr7S); ni' 'l' (Da64); , ,(

u nia ~this ls mi<ne' (Lr84, p11); nia "l, me, ta me, mine' (Lr84, pl~);

niatta 'myself' (Lr84, p;9); nia 'l, me t (Ha32, p68); nia 'iys 'mine'",

niak 'to, trom, or by me' (Ms32, "p69).

, ,

165. IeE. PA .mexkwa~a (Sb41):

M. -1 pkkWami/. Pk~am! 'lce' (Wr7.5); phkwand 'ice' (Da 64;); pkuami 'ice',

'pk~ '~ciclesi (tr84, pl?).

m "pC e }tc8am". pek8âm 'gl.ace'; pk8amik 'sur la glaoe'; pk8af\m&, pkSafim18:1o •



. \

'. "

t --. ,

1 \

! , ,\

1 . /

. .

t •


'il Y en a (de glace)'.

166. nmRSE. PA "'kent- (Ho.57)~

§E. /ke't_/. oged6ban5 'he immerses him f, ,oged&banemé'n 'he irnmersetl l,t' •

167. INJ?EED. PA *ka (RoS?) 'you don 't say':

§E. /ka-/. klm~d 'you don't say', gaa.l~ 'reall.v. indeed' (Da64).

~ 168. INTENSE. PA "'a:hkw- (Go65):

2! 1 s,kkw-/. ntJkkw8mitam~n ntép '1 have R. headache', akkwé'mals6w3'gln 'sick­

'ness' , 6kkwipp6n 'haro winter', akkw1ppoprAt lit tastes bitter' (Wr75);

ah}<w!n 'bitter', nedihkwamadam&n neldzl "my ha.nd pains' (Da64); akwbi . '.

'rum' (Lr84, pJO); ndup akuamadama '1 have a headache' (Lr84, plOJ);

akuama1so-wegan 'i11nes5, disease' (Lr84, p~); k'-d-8kwama150in$~zi

'y01.l look sick' (4"84, p97); akwbi 'rUJ'll' (l1a)2, p66).

~ "ak§- If. nedakSamadamen ., cela me fait bien mal, cela me oui t bien'.



169. ~AW. PA "'.ta:hp1xkani (Sb41, 5160, Ta67) 'jaw, chin':

~ /.t~pp~kan/. nt~ppikkén '~ chin'~ wt1ppikk'n 'his chin, a chin',

ket~ppikk'n 'your (sg.) ~hin', nt5ppikkin1kln 'my,' ja~'! wt~ppikka'nik~n

thie jR~' (Wr?.5); od~ppihkin 'his chin', od~ppihk'nigan 'his jaw', (Da641; md~pp1kân 'chin' (LrB4, p25).


170. IŒTTLE. PA "'axkehkwa (1-1035, 8146)= '"

§r /(a)kkokkw!. 'kk6kkw 'kettle' , ntikkokkw'm, nkk~kkwém '~ kettle' ,

kk~kkwsls 'little kett~e' (Wr75); k6kw 'kettle', k6kwslz 'little.kettle',

nedéhkokw6m ~my kettle' k6kwaahUkw 'kettle stick', (Da64); madak8kw 'use1ess

k.ttle' (&)2, p66).'


. &!Z2JZ 1 (

1 1



.~ \

'- 116

\. /- ... "k8k8". "k8k8, k8k8ak (pl.) 'chaudière'. kantek8k8 'chaudi~re g pi' t.

1 ,


) )

!·171. KICK. PA *tanke~k- (51::>41, l-lcJ5, BI46):

~ ltaksk~/: ntfkskaw~ 'I kick him', nt'kskam~n 'I kick it', wtâ'ks~aw~ 'he

1 , , ',J kicks hint', wtikskamen 'he kicks it' (Wr7 5); odakska~:;, 'he kicks hint '0'

\ ,

od{kskamén 'he kicks it'. (Da64) ..

Alli "dakesk_tl. nedakesk~8aH 'je lui donne un coup de pie'. . . '

172. KILL. PA' *neql- (HcJ5, Go67a):

. ~

~ /Ml-/ rV /nfrll-/. nhll 'he kills h.im, kill him (imp. sg.)', wt;1ihl:> , .

'he kills him (def.)', -nnih~ 'I kill him', nihl6kw 'he kills.me' (Wr75); '" <c..

onTh13 'he kills him', nhl{hk~ 'he kills him (a- person)', nhl:ÜgA' 'kill -

me (imp. sg.)', on{~dam6n 'he kills. it' (Da64); n'nihl6 'I lcilled him' ;

(Lr84, p71); nhlawi 'he killed someone' (Lr84, p10S); nhla 'he kills it'

(&32, p6J).

Alli "n'r-" rv "ni'r-". nenirk' 'je tue'; kenirk.6. ~u tue'; n'rikk6, nrikk~k

(pl.) 'il tlnl,.. neni 'ran . 'je lui tue'; ne ni 'ra8imesi 'je me tue'.

173. KNEE. PA ·-k~t~kwa (Mc35): _ ,

'!E /-ketekw/ rv /-kketekw/. neket~kw, nkketèkw 'my knee,', kket~kw 'your

(s,g.) knee', .wk~tek6, wkkéteko 'his knee' (Wr?.5); ohked6kw 'his knee'

(Da64); mkedukw, mkedukok (pl.) 'knee' (Lr84, p25). , / !!! tI_kedekS". nekedek8 'rno_n genou'.

·174.,LARGÉ·~ PA *meq9- rv *meq~i- (MoJ5, 8146'):

~ /mss./.mBsek!1 'he is large', mss6kwikkw&n 'it 18 large', mss6akl 'he , .

has a large body', npiard lIl8ai~ '1 make hiln 1arger'. np'am! mssittOn, . neméssenemén 'I make i t larger', msslpak' 'h1gh wa ter' ,masal!' 'muoh',

"J1lssal't Cinan.) -mssa16k "(an. j 'there are Many' (Wr75); mseg!l 'he il ]..arget" y. ~ » ...


&&&1\&5.. .' 1 :


msegwihkwén lit is large', ms~h5kwedà 'lBrge fire', msàar.esk6. 'mu~h mud',

mss16k 'Many, or much of anirnate ones t, msal{d 'many, or much of 'inl;l.nirnate

ones', msâloâk tthey are mAny' (Da64); msi, mamsi 'large, vast' (Lr84, p65); ,

msinaguat? 'does Ù look big? l, lTIB.msi ki 'a vast ground' (Lr84, p66);

ms1ha (imp. sg.), .msihogw' (imp. pl.) 'make him gre.ter'" msito (imp. sg.),

msitogw (imp. pl.) 'make it ~eater' (Lr84, p186); msalhigamek 'shooting

lI'lany arrows' (Ma)2, p76).

~ "mess-". meseghir, messeghir 'il est grand'; nemeseghir 'je suis grand';

messeghi 'k8n 'cela l'est . (grNnd) '; nemesegh;lk8i 't8n 'je le fail!! plus

gr~nd ';, mesUred8r 'beaucoup, plusiers 'ohoses '; mesRirok 'plusiers ho.mmes ';

nemessi'tBnar !j'en ai beaucoup'; amessi't8~ar 'il en a beaucoup'.

'175. LAYER. PA *pi:htaw- (He74a):

2E Ipittaw-I. pitUwatti 'thers i5 one on top of the other', pittl,:attll

l ' 'they (iânan.) are staoked one on top of the other' (Wr75).

'176. LEECH. PA *.askwsya (Ge41) 'bloodsuck~r, sna11':

\ .


§E/-as~/. pa~skw 'leech' (Wr75); bab,(skw 'leeoh' (Da64)j pabaskw"pabaskok

(pl.) tleech, bloodsu,cker' (Lr84, pJ9); pllbaskw 'leeçh' (Ma)2, p5S)~

g, '~.'sk8". pa~sk8 'sangsue'.

177. LEG. PA' ·-mas t- tBl46, Go6S):

~ l-kkSt/. nkk~t 'IllY leg', kk~t 'your leg', wkk1t lhis leg' (Wr75); , 1 1

ohk5d 'his l'eg', nehk5'dal t,nor legs' (Da64); wked 'leg' (Lr84, p2S). i

!Qi "-~ant~'. nekant 'ma jâmbe t; 8kaiit 'SA j~m~'; gsHd6tèssin t je me, la

suis ro,mpue'. ~J


178• LIe,.' PA *nOlsJéw- (~5, ,B146)."DO •• ~I_ (Ge41) •

. "H.1./noakw-l. nnosklf'Üaamln '1 lick it', 1moskwilaauu(n 'he licks it', • > 1



1 .'


wnoskwÜa5 'he llcks him' ~(W,l"75); noskwÜA3 'he Heks him', n~s'kwÜa'I'II'

'he licks it' (Da64}.

!lli "n8sk8..'''. nen8sk§aHsi (an.), nen8sk§and8.l1lAn (inan.) 'j.e (lé) lèche';

n8sk8ansi 'il, lèche cela'.

179. LIE.' PA~·~h~1n- (Bl46, He74b) 'lie, fall t :

SF /-s51n/. nlessfn 'I lie down' , 'less{n 'he lies down', K'1nttass{n 'l}e 18 - ,

badly injured in fa1l1ng', nek!pttass!n 'I fall on 1 t', ossa1cttass{n 'he'

falls down hard' (Wr75); 'less{n 'he lies down, one who lies down', lèss!nan:

'if l lie ,clown', bemÂhka~s{n 'he or i t lieS' lengthwise', olÙess!n 'he lies

weIl', lânkas~!n 'he lies often because weak', k'ssess{~ 'he lies w1th

someone " gawassln 'reclining', 5'oldAss{n the leans on i t', wa"ktass!n , ,

'he fails', g1ptassin 'he falls down', peni~tass{n lit falls down', bith~ta-" .

ssin 'he falls 1ns1de', tsaohp!tass!n 'he f.alls into water' (De64); pagessin

- 'he fell (thunderbolt)' (Lr84, pl05).

!li " .. ssin". nede. '~ssin 'je me couche pour dormir'; t6ssin 'il se couche

pour dormir ',; n8ressin 'je suis oouch' ~ IllOn .9 ise'; nem~ UeKès;1n ' je S~i~

mal couchll'; neda~8'ssin 'je me repose, aiant tl'avai1-l~'; m~5ansBd8s1n, , .. nesafs~ghesin 'je m'stens 6tant couché'; nederesin 'je me couch~ sans dormir';

n~ktessin, neghipte'ssin, nederet6s~in 'je tombe per ter:r:e'; arit6ssin

'il tombe par ter:t;:e'; nebaghesin 'je tombe un peu loin'; neghip!-"ssin

'je me renverse'; k1p~tssin 'il se renverse'. < "

180. LIGHT IN ~lGHT. PA -19:nr (HA67a)':

g, /nan3k-/ "-1 /n'Sn'5k-1 (redupl1:oated l'Oot). -nan~ik~, nan3ksesso 'he 1s #

, . nnan~ses8{ 'l'am light', nan5ksesao 'he la li~ht' (Wr?5).

!CR t'natmaflk_" (redupl1cated l'Oot). neneKnaN<6sessi 'je suis l'gett t ; nai\n8.ilk~ -esessen 'cela est l'gare; na~aHkeses8 (an.). nanangan (inan.) 'cela est


. . , • 1

i, t i.t "


~. '" ';

't J. ~>

ri '~


.. .


_ 181. LI~. PA .ke~y- (Ho57) 'good, gentle, magnanioous':

!! /kes_l. nekes~ÜerJ il lik'e him·, nekes.üUm kakwi '1 like" something',

" nekesÜtam~n '1 like lt', kesllemékweso 'he ls likeable' ,(ivr75); ogedlemS

'he likes hirn' (I;>a64); n'kezalmSw '1 like thern' (Lr84 , p71); .n'kezalmeS-Wziji

"1 will he loved' (Lr84, p97); kezalga (imp. sg.), kezalgagw (imp. pl.)

'Iike, love', kezalma (imp. ag.), kezalmogw (imp. pl.) 'like, love him',

kezalda (imp. ag.), kezaidamogw (1rnp. pl.) 'like, love it' (Lr84, pI8S). ,

!E. "kes-". nekesaHhin (an.), nekessaHtokantçiamen (inan.) 'je l'aime avec


182. LISTEN. PA ·pesent- (Mc35, He74b):

~ /tepes~t-I (:peshape~9. nUpestim '1 Usten', nte~stam~n '1 li~ten ta

it', tep6staWA awlnti 'he l1s~na ta ~7one" tep~stawi 'listen ta m,a

(imp. sg.)', wt~ps~taw~. 'he listens-J him' , ,tépseUm 'he listens', wté'psé't-1

amen' 'he listens te it' (Wr75); od~p6edaw~ 'he listens for him', od'psedamdn

'he listens' for, i t' (Da64); tapsedamasimuk 'ta listen ta, hear " tebestamasi

(imp. sg.), tebestamasigw (imp. pl.) 'listeri, heer', tapsedawemuk 'ta

listen ta, hear somsone', tèbestawa' (imp. sg.), tebestawogw (imp. pl;)

'listen ta, hear hil11', tebesta (imp. sg.), teDestal1lOgw (imp. plo') 'listen

to, hear it' (Lr84, p191) •

.!Qi "Ûl'sd- tl• Upsda8i, "opute-moi autant qu'il faut t.

~ 183. LITTLE. PA ~pilqsw ... (He74a). 'sman partrX s':

S1 Ip1wss-l. p!WsS8ss'n 'it 18 little', p!wsse8S~ 'he ~s l ttle', p!wssess!t - ,

'the little one (an.)' (Wr75)~ biwhsess6 'he 18 ~ittle' ( '64); p1wsessit

(~n.)t p1wsessek (in.n.) 'l1ttle, small' (Lr84, p671;

p1wa~ssek (inan.) 'amall', p1wsesso ,'he 18 small', piwsesso.ak 'they (an.)"


f'\ , '

120 '

are smpll', p1wse5se~ 'it i5 sm~ll', piwsessnol 'they (inan.) are small'

(MaJit, p64).

~ "pi8s-". nepi8s9ssi 'je suis petit'; pi8sessi 'il est petit'; p18se.sen

'cela est petit',

, .'

184. ~VER. PA *we9kweni (Sb41, Vo41) 'his liver':

SP /wskwen/. wskwén. 'a liver', wskweném 'his. liver', nSkwe,mfm 'lII! liver',

• kskwen~m 'fOur (sg.) liver' (Wr75); oskwe"n 'his 11ver' (Da64).

185. LOBSTER. PA *ahsa:ke:wa (Go65) 'lobster, crawfish':

2! IsSka/. s~, 'lobster', ns3k6m 'my lobs~r', ws~k8ma 'his lobs~er' 1

(Wr75); sèga, sSgak (pl.) 'lobster' (Lr84, pJ9).

186. lDNG. PA *kenw .. (13146, Ho5'():

2r Ikwe,n-I. kwen~ lit i5 long', kwè~isb, kwen6:ttakes6 'he "'is long', kwânlk 1

'the long one (inein.)', kwen:!k6'111ika 'lo.ng house', k'wen/ttakâ't pikkon 'à -long rope', kwenosi 'pilee' (\vr75); gwena 'it is long', gweniz6 'he i5 long',

gwenlhtage~6 'it i5 a long rope', gwenahkWld 'it 15 a long stick', gwen~gwa:

'he has long hair', gwenaw!d 'lon~-haired one', gwen{gwe,zo 'he i5 tall'

(Da64); kwenawv.o 'he lives long~, ~enekuezo 'he i5 tall' (Lr~, plOl);

kwenoza 'pike' (Lr84, p)9); kwnlzo 'he 15 tall', kwnlzoak 'they (an.)

are tall' ,(Ma:32, }?64); kwênitekw 'long river' {Ma:32, p66); kwnoza 'p~e' . 1

(Ma:32, pS4).

!lli ~k8n-". k.8nag§at, k8nis8, k8n' 'il est long'; 8saÎÙlltk8nau.gat '11 est

trop long'; ni ak8nisin '''IOil~ C011IM 11 est long (an.)',:nek8nà'k8si

'je suia gr~nd'; k8n8s' 'brochet'. cf. PlKE·

18~. LOOK AT. PA *kexkinaw-I (He7)) tknow, recognize': /\

§f 1 (ki )kkin-!, neklkldnamén 'I lodk Il t 1 t ., nekikld~nawf '1 look Il t ,him t J

_ ; t.._ LIikL , ! &i EiLa a uza t



t"". (




c,~~{n""'n" 'he looks • t i t '. wkilcldn,w!f 'hfoo k. a t him '". dnaw! '100 k

-,-"at.-\~e (imp. sg.)', kikk!ns.wA 'look at him (imp. sg.)', k:Ùcldna 'look st it

(imP.!~g:.~W~75); gihk{nawi 'look thau at. me', gihldnawt 'look thou st

;l.t', negihk!~aw~ 'I look at him', gfukinol '1 lo~k at thee', gihk!naw!

'thou lookest st me', neg!hkin5kw 'he'looks at me', ogihk!namén 'he looks

at it', kin' 'look thou (1mp. eg.)', gihk{n~ss6 'he looks at himself',

gihk!nagwez6 'he 1s lo)ked st', gihk{nowâ'doâ'k 'they look st each other'

(Da64); kina 'see it (imp. $g.)' (Lr84, p102).

!lli "(ki)k111-" .. nekikina8ailn (an.), nekikinamen (inan.) 'je le regarde';

klna 'vois oela, regarde-le'; nek!kina8aHbi 'je, regarde pour m'apprendre'.

cf. WC.'K ON, SEE '

188. lOOK FOR. PA *kwl:Sa- (Ho57)' 'look for, seek':

2! /kwila-I. ~lawaS, wkw!la~pam1 'he is looking for him', nekwlla"'att6n ft

'l'm looking for 1t', wkwilawattOn 'he 1s looking for it' (Wr75); gwil'wa'

'he seeks 80meo;e', ~il'waht6 'he seeks something', gw1lJwSb6 'he looks

ta Bee' (Da64); awani k1dlawahoan? 'whom ~o you look for?', kagui kw11a- -

watoan? 'what do you .look' fort' (Lr84, p93); kwilawaha (imp. sg.), kwilawahogw

(1mp. pl.) 'look,for, se,.rch hj.m', kwilaW'ato (imp. sg.), kwilawatogw (imp.

Plo)" 'look for, searcp i~' (Lr84, p183);,waji kwilawa8mek 'te searoh for , 1

8011leOne', waj1 kwilawat8tik 'to sear"Ch for s'omething' (Ila.32, p74).

!Qi "kaira-". nek§ira8anb1 'je ohereRe'; nek8ira~ahaH (an.) ~ nek6ira8a '~n

(inan.) 'je le ohe l'ohe t; nederik~it'a8;l t8n '-tnan.) 'je le oherche là'.'

189. LOOK O~. PA *wa:piwa (B146) 'he looks on':

§.f. / (w)~p-/. n15p:! 'I look', wlSp:!n, takk& 15pô 'he looks there', wl~kw~p:!n ,~ 1

'he ,looks ln that, direction', m&lhat43pd 'he looks on, is a spectatol", b

k!m~pO 'he.peeks', nep!lew;p! '1 Bee differently, l have poor eY8sight'

(Wr75); b4:~3b& 'he looks on, or sees', gwiliw5b6 'he looks to see', ni





ll:Sbid 'he looks there', tahk~ oUhin 'he 15 looking there' (Da64).

!li ."-( 8)anb-". nSah'bi, nepesk8/ld:o! 8a Kbi 'je vois, je n~ suis pa s aveugle';

nep6ss8saHbàlMH 'je le vois de près'; neder8ilb~man (an.), nederRMbAd~men '"-

(1nae.) 'je le regarde'; nedâisanoadamen 'je pen~tre, je vois ~ travers

q.q • cho se '; nekSira 8aRb! • je cherche'. cf. LOOK AT .. SEE

,-190. LOUSE. PA *ehkwa (B146), .wetehkomiwa (B146) 'he has lice': • 1 •

§.E /(a)kkem-! (res;t;ruoture~).kkem'5, kkem3k (pl.) 'louse ", nU'kkem~m 'my

louse', ketikkem3m 'your (sg.) louse t, 'Wtakkem~m~ 'his louse' t wt/kkemô'

'he has lice' (Wr75); kem3 'louse', nedâ'hkem~m 'MY louse', od.fhkem5mA. 'his

louse', od~hkem6 'he has lice' (Da64); kem8, kem6k (pl.) 'lduse' (11'84, p40).

!lli "(a.)'kem". kem, kemak (pl.) ,~u, pedi~uLst; n'la'kem 'j'en' ai (des

poux)' •

191. MAiE (1). PA .na:pe:wa (8146) 'male, man': . §.E. /n5paf. s~n'~ 'man', Ün5p' 'Ind18n', n~pà}~ll 'll18le'bird', o8~n~pamA

'her husband' (Wr75); zânl5b~ 'male human', n~bAh16 'male . t) . . 'male dog, ma~ bear', n%aglkw '/MIe ott.er, ~81e' sE;lal',


b1l'd', n~bassèm

nSb8mskw 'male

beaver', &ln~Â, iln5b~k (pl.) 'Indian', zln~Ak ·men', ot'n~'m 'her

man', new:!ùz1,(ln~~', n1dz!alnSb' 'I1IY feilolrT Indian' (Da64); A.lnQM'~nah~n

'Indian's Island' (Da59); san8be 'man'" 'sln$ba 'Indian"(LrP4, p9); aln8bai

phane~ 'Ind1an-woman' (Lr84, p54); alnebao 'he 15 a. man' (Lr84, p99);

aln8ba '!nd1an", kin8ba 'brave man', (Ma32, p54); s~m8b1l 'man' Ül.q3t2 , p55);

!li "nanb-". arenAr\b~ 'homme, homo'; s'é'naHb~, .sèé!l~5b~k 'h~mme, vir';

nai\~kik8 'du mile (Rni~ux) '; naf1b 'm~le (boeuf)'; nanb~ssem 'mhe du

cheval, lièvre, loup-cervier'; n?n~a6k1k8 '~le du loup-marin'; nanbaA5k8

'male du porc-'pi'; nah"b'mek8 'mile du castor'.


: l


" o


-" ~.


192. MALE (2). PA *aya:pe:wa~(Sb67b) 'buck't

§! !dopa!. s'i:fp~ 'male' (Wr75); l:\i1b~ 'm~le moose, male bison1 (Dl;I64). "

!@ lta!nHb6" ~ a~a~, aiafibé 'm~l& du chevreuil, cerf, orign~~'. "

193. MAPLE. PA_ *aqsena :min!f~a (Sb67bh . • 1. )

~ / ssen'Jmosil. ~sen'J~ 'maple', .wss'n1Ilkfsil1ll 'his l1laple' (Wr7,);

senomod 'maple" t,Lr84, p31)., " .

KR "ssenaH8". ssenaH8 '6raQl.,' •. - ~f.'STONE, TREE (3)

194. MARROW. PA *wi:ni (~c3,):

~ lwin/. w:!n '!lUlrrow' ('wr7,)~ w:!n tm.qrrow' ~Da64); win 'm~rrow~ (L\84, p2,).

!@ "ein". 8in '1!Io~lle, qui est dans les o~ t; Sin 'graisse de mo~lle ,'~

195. l'LARRY. PA *ni:pawiwa (G~65) 'he stands':

2.E /nlpawi/. nnfpaw{ '1 am Illarried i, n{ba6 'he 15 maril'ied', n!paw:Ücawén

'the ring finger' (Wr7S); nibaw{ 'msrry tho'l\ (imp •. sg.) ~ (Da64h n:).ba • .

w8gan 'marriage' (Na32, P5'+).

196. MAT. PA *ana:xkya:ni (Sb41):

\~ /anakk-/. an'kk5l<tn 'mat' (Wr7,); 8nh'hk~g'n 'mat t .(Da64).

!li "ana'kafin". ana'kat\n 'natte, pellU, v. &co sur quo~ on s"à'sflol_'_; ana'kafls8 ~

'il Y a des nattes, la cabane est natt6e'.

197. MEAT. PA ·wi:yawehsi (Ha67b) 'meat, flesh':

SF /wioss/. wiéss, w!oss~Ü (pl.) 'meat', wsk{w16ss 'fresh meaf' O-Jr75); ,--- - f

w16~ 'Meat, flesh' .(Da64); wi.98 'meat( fl~sh' (Lr84, p12); wlyos 'meat'"

(Ma32, p,6).

!@ "'8io.". 8~os 'viande'.

198. MIDDLE. PA *&and- (Mo3" Go6,) '11l1ddle, between':

, . .~


o , .,

-~, • l \


'§l. In~il. nan~wiwi 'the middle' (Wr75); nSwiwi" nan~iwi "middle, at the

Middle' (Lr84, plO); n6wi ppon 'the Middle of winter' (Lr84, pl06);

nAwitebakad 'midnight, it i5 midnight', nAwitebakak 'at midnight', asmo

n8witebakaclowi 'it"is not yet midnight" (Lr84, p19).:

!Qi "naH8i-". naft8181 'milieu'.

199'. MI~S. PA ·pa9- (He74b) 'miss hitting H':

!Qi ''bar-'~. nebllrenaH (an.), nebarenemen (inan.) 'je le ms.nque, 'je ne le

puis l'a t trapper t je ne puis le pretldre'.


~OO. MIX. PA .kelek- (Ho57) 'mixed together':

.~ /kelek-/" geleg!g~mo6 tH is' mixed fat' (Da64).

201. It)CCASIN. PA "'ma.xkesini (B146):-

§! /mkkesen! ~ /-akeseri/. mkkes~n, mAkes6n, mAkesenâl (pl.) 'moccasin,

, shoe', tln/kkesén 'Indian mocaasin' , k6os~kesé'n, k{o~aw'kesen~l (pl.)

'oowhide mocoasin', m6sâkese~1 'maose-hide mocq~sins' (Wr75); mehkezén

'someone's moccssin', n~hkez~n 'my mocassin', mahkess6n 'moccssin' (Da64);

mkez,en, mkezenal (pl.) 'DIOccas~n, shoe' (Lr84, p26);,mkezel'l" 'maccas1n',

mkezn8b1 'shoe-string' (Ma32, p56).

~ ''mekessen''. mkessen, mkessena.r (pl~) 'souliers sauvages'; nemekessen

'mon soulier'. -202. MOoSE. PA ·mol.wa (Sb41):

1 _

~ lmas!. M6S, mos!k (pl.) 'moose' (Wr75); moz 'moose' (Lr~, p9); mozagen

'moose sk1n'. moz~a 'mo08e meAt' (Lr84, p36); moz 'moose' (1'18 32, p54);

ay8ba moz 'bull maose', alhla moz 'cow moose' (M~)2t p59); m'mozem 'My

moose' (MaJ2, p?O).

m ''m8s''. m8s, m8s8k (Pl.) 'orignal'.

, '1 • r


, ~ ,

2l. jnes9,kwess/ (Loss of double diminuitive).~ nsek:w~ss' 'my m0tber-in-Iaw' , , ,.' ,.

oô ~s~kwess~ 'his mother-in-law' (\~r7~); nezegw~s 'my !"other-in.;..law' (Da64);

nzegues 'mother ... in-law' (Lr84, p21); nzegues 'mother-in-law' (l1a.32, p5B).

KR "neseg8s" - . , .

~9seg8s 'dit le' gendre a 58 belle-m~re'.

, ' , (----

204. NOUSE. PA *w8::pilnta (Sb67b) 'mouse, rat': u

§! I(w~'bik:wssoss/ (double diminuitive). ~pikwss6ss, Spikwssoss6k (pl.)

"mouse' (Wr7S); w~bikws6's 'muse' (Da64); w$bikws'os 'mouse' (Lr84, pj6) •.

!ill "8am:,ig8sès s8". 8airb1g8s&ss8 'souris'. cf. RODl!:~T

205. MOUTH. PA *-to:ni (Mc35, Ta6?):

2[ !-ton/. nt6n 'My f!IOuth t, két6n 'your (sg.) mouth', wt6n 'his mouth',

wtonÜ 'mouths', sips wt6n 'bird's beak' (Wr75); od6'n 'his mouth' (Da64); 1

tndon 'mouth' (Lr84 , p25); wdon 'mouth' (Ma32, p56).

!Qi "_d8n". ned8n 'ma bouche, mes l~vres' i 8d8n 'sa bouche, 5e'S l~vrest.

206. ~OVE. PA *ma:t- rv *ma:~yi- (B146 , Go65, H 75) 'move, go

away' :

.2.E /m3t-/, Im5c-(. m5c6 'he goes away', ~5'c6 'he moves', ne~'m"c{ '1 move',

wm~c:!n 'he goes away from it', nem3'c! '1 leave, go 'awe.Y", nem1cat6n '1

take' it away', m~catO 'take it away (imp. 5g.)', ,m~d~ '1eao. Ùnt (imp. j

, sg.) ~,' m~cJ. 'ha beg1ns t, m)cl.ssati 'i t begins' ~ m~c~1okk,{ 'he beg1ns td work'.

nem3c' '1 be~in', nem~casst 'I begin it',mScak6 'he grows', ne~cAk! '1 , '

grow', m~cakén 'it grows' (W~75); mam~dzd' 'he mayes oCf'" m:5tkd "he moves',

mannbtam3dzQ_ ~~!3, moves _slow1y', m~kab~ 'he moves as he si ts.', omamtcIenemén

'he moves it with hi~ hand', m3dz6 'he goes &llSY', om~6n 'he takes ~- ... - -

1t away', m6mannim.~dz6 'he mayes so~thing slow1y", m~zag6 'he grow,s',

m5'dzagJn 'it grows~, -'!I!~zi the begins', m,5d~aht6 'he begins a work'"

" -~---



. C\ o

-j' -"t'-

" 126

m5m5:lzas6.ig' 'at first' (Da64)j waji m6jassaik 'in the beginning' (I:.r84, .

P20rr mOja 'he begins' (Lr84, plO,); nikBni ~6job 'he went ahead' (Lr84, "

p88); n'mSji wigi8k '1 am going home', 'm$,jo wigiidit 'he isC>going home'

(Lr84 , p95); akui m8ji 'don't go Awa~' (Lr84, p96); mejoo, m$jowiwi 'it

i5 going', k'ntejiba 'you (pl.) are going', nm8jibenaji 'we wi'll go' (~84,

pl03); adoji m8jimuk lit i5 time te go' (Lr84, Pf07)j m$~la (iInp. ,sg.),

mSjalog., (imp. pl.) 'oarry hiril away, tAke him away', mSjado (imp. sg.), , '

~jad.ogw (im. pl.) 'oarry iJt away, take it away' m$ja~a (flllp. sg.), m8jahogw

(imp.· pl.) 'bring him', m8jato (imp. /*g',,), m8,iatogw (imp. pi.) 'bring 1t'

(Lr84, p186). // / !lli "mants-". nenemantsi 'j~ pars, je m'en vais p.gr terre·' i mants8Fedin

'on part'.

207. MOYE CAMP. PA *kos~ (Ho5?): . SFfkos-/. k6sotA, kwesoU 'he moves camp', nek6soU '1 move camp' (Wr75);

gwézod' 'he moYes camp' (Da64).

208. NAIL. PA *-xkans-s (5160):

) SF I-kkas-a/. nkkJs 'my na1I', wkkasA 'his nail', kkastk 'y~ur (~g.) nails', -- .. - .

. s:!psikk's 'bird's clew' '(Wr7,); ohkaz~ 'his nail, hoo!' (Da64); mkaz-,,'

' ...... ",. mkUPK (pl.) 'nsil' (Lr84:, p25).

!Qi "-kas". mekss, mekasak (pl.) ~ongle'; nakas, nekasak (pl.). 'mon onglf;

8k's~r 'son ongle'.

• • 209. NAHE. PA ~:nl-, *wi:nt- (Bl46):·

~ /wihl-/, lw1.tt-l. w1h~ 'he n~me.s hil'l) t, w!ttamt<n 'he names i t', Wl:!-'

wihl~ 'he names him thus', wl{w{tta~n '~e names it thus t , nt~l:!wihl~ li name him thus' (Wr7.5); willl! 'name thou him', wihl~ 'he names hil71', wihtimaw~n

'he names 1 t: ta him'.

, 52 li 4&i k(4 _ .. 6 . J .. ,._ ..IF lA Il.

- ,



1'"""\ o

" ,


1ill. "8i'r-", "8itt. tI • nederi'8i'rnii fje l'appelle 1'1., nomino'; nederi8ittamen (..'.... r-

'j'appelle cela N., seu nomino' • ..

210. NET. PA *aql~pya (sb67b):

2E I(a )hlap/. hi~p 'r:et' (Wr75); Bhléb, ni.~b 'net', 'n~Mhl8b6rn, nhla.bém

'my net' (DA64); ahlab, Ihab 'net', n.d.Ahlabem 'my net', k'.d.ahlabem .,

'thy net' ~ w'.d.ahlbema 'his net, or his nets', n'-d.ahlabemna 'our net',

w'-d-ahlab~llIowG 'their Mt; or their nets' (I.r84, p48) •

. !li "rh~pen. rh'pe ',rets, filets'.

211. NEW. PA ·we~ki- (\'041, B146) 'new, fresh':

§! /wski-I. wskiken 'it is new' , wski sk~m1n 'new.Indi,m oorn', wsk1 kk{ .-

/ /' / / / f 'new land " wsk1kàmikw 'new house', nO§k1kam1kw 'rrry new house " noskassolkwon \

'my ne"1' hat', wsk{wi6SS 'fresh meat' (\'ir7.5}1 oskig~n lit is new', osk{g6 ! r ~ ~~ ",,' \ \

'hè,: i5 young~, osdge'n 'it i,s!young' (Da64); wski 'new, young' (Lr84, p65)';

wskia 'new' (Lr84, p67); wskigen 'new v~getable' (HiJ2, p67). , KR "8ski-". Bski 'de nouveau' •

. 212: NIGHT. PA *tepexk- (Hen, Au?2):

SF /tepakk-/ rV "/tepokkw/. tep6kkw, tap6kk 'night', tepokkwil, t+kk~l

:ights" tepdkkwiw:( 'd~ing tHe night '" tepa.kk6k~, of ·,the. nig::" ,

pam{tep8kk~k 'tonight~,. kwan{ tep'akklk 'during the night' (wr75);' deb6kw·' .. - 1

'night' JDa64); tebokw 'night' (Lr84, p19); tebokw 'night' (~,J2. p.56).

!Qi "tebi 'k." ~ "teb8k8..";, tanni lid8tsi tébi 'kat? 'Quelle heure, ~ queU"

partie, quel tel115 de 11'1 nuit soJ1ll1les nous?'; titeb8k8ikèban 'h nuit'.

213. NOSE. PA "'-~ya :6. (Go6,S):

§!. /-?!Jl/. non 'illY nase, IllY nôstril', kec:;l ,tur (SR.) nose, nqstril',

wc~l 'his nose, nostril' t4:akkwéc~l' 'he h8:.ï a short nose' - (Wr75); odzh

,', . ' ~.








'his nose', od?51~l 'his nostrils' (D::l64); mejôl 'nase' (Lr84, p25); wj81

'nose' (l-'~J4, p56).

214. NUT. PA *paka:n- (He74b):

SF /pak:;n/. p~kdn, p~k'ntl (pl.) 'nut", ~ak~nis~l 'hazelnuts~, pak~nos{

'walnut treQ' (Wr7 5); bag1n 'butterl'lut', bag3nozi'6 'he ls a butternut tree' 'f"

(Pa64)j pag~no?:! 'butternut tree' (Da61); pag6~,lpagônis 'walnut, hazelnut', .:. -) , ..

pàg8nis, paganisaI (pl.) 'chesu;ut, Ulbert' (Lr84, pJ1); pagBnolli 'butter-

',nut' (11aJ2, p55).

!Qi "p~gafu1". pagarm, pag,g~nar (pl.) 'noix'; pagaltn8si 'noier'; pagannes,

pag~Hnesarx (pl.) 1 noisette' •

, \

2,15. ON TOP. PA *wa8ki~i (Sb41) 'on top, on the sUTfaC!e': )

2.E /wskici-/ "-J /wskit-/. wskiciw{ 'on top', wskitta 'he 15 on top', wsk!t­

kamikwà 'o-n earth', n6skici~'p!n 'l'm standing on it', wSk!tepak'wA 'on top

of ~watert, wskitton 'he puts it on top', wsk!ta.p6 ',he or it sits on

top', wsk:!takké'n 'h'é throws, it on top' (Wr75); osk!daM 'he Si~5 on top", , '

osk!dziv! 'above (position)', osk!dzihp6 'h~ eats from the ~p of something'"

osk{dzigw6rnigw{ 'on'top of a hous~' (Da64) •. ....

!li "Bsskitsi-" f'J "8sskid-". 8sskitsi8i 'au dessus'; n8skidapi 'je ~Ui5

assis s~ un ban v., haut'; Bsskitaii'tebi 'au dessus de la t3t~'; ~ssk!debé­

'BU dessus de l' ea,u'.

216. ONE.' PA *nekotwi (Bl46):

..... 2!. Inekwet,..1 t'V" Inekweoi .. j. nekwét~nkk'w 'elteven', nekwtftntekw' 'one hundred ", .'

nekwet6kweniw! 'one d~y', nekweo:!kat'n 'one ;vear', nekwet~mkk!ppoti "one . ,-

o'clock', nekweo{tekwliwf, nekwétikw{iw{, nekwet!tekwa:'iw{ 'he looks out " . l' .

of one eye' (Wr7,5); ne~dzig8d'n 'one yeer' \ ~egwétkami~z6 'one tribe',

negwedz{gandgwez6, 'a farnily', negwé'd3'nk{,., '.1 ....... ' (v.64); ~jigada. '0.0

... • 1 ,-f· " ~

'. f, .

i' -..

" , J



yeàr', n8nguejigadegi 'annually' (Lre4, p20). J , \

217. ORDINARY. PA .eleni- (bl46) 'ordinary, plain':.

~ 1 alni-/. aln!nazn.(kw '~rdinary fish', aln!set:! 'heml.ock', 'lnikkesén

"Indian mocGBsin', ~lnahl~kw liron' ,~~lnakk~iW! 'right (direction)', ~l.n~pa , / ;' .-

'Indian' (Wr75); aloi S1pS 'ordinarv bi _. nal 'ordin~ry berry,

wild berry, COll1ITlon berry', a'1n8hkw~m 'oràfn;J~ wood', ~lniAbad lordinary

stick', aln~hkai~ 'r~ght side, r~ht direction', alnahltkw 'ir~â'ln~a'~ , ,ç---

8In~~k (pl.)<'~lndian", AlnigaIllikw 'lndian house· (Ds64); aln<?b~ymenah'n p 1

'Indian's Island' (Dà59); alneba '~nd:iPn' (LI!84, p9); aln8bai phanern

'IndisFi wornan' (Lr84, p54); lagosa lalnakaiwi 'he goes te the right, go to , -/ '''0 J - ,

the right (imp. sg.)' (Lr84, p9.5); IÜn8hao 'he is Il man' (Lr84, p99); aln8ba \ ~

'Inciian' (MB32, p,54); alnigamikw 'house', alrlah1akw 'iron' (MAJ2", p66). -' .'

!Qi, naren_". ar:~naHb~, arenaHbak (pl.) 'homme, homo'; arenara[;8 'fer';

.arenaragfhé 'cela en, est (du fer)'; arenakai8i 'la main droi tte'.

JJ 218. O'IHER. PA *kotak- (Ho 57):

2.E /ketak/. ketà~ 'other', ketakfk 'others (an.)' (wr7.5); ged~"other",'

ged,glk -'other animate,.&?n.es'. ged~g.ü~ 'other inanilMte ones' (Da64); ketagik ~,

'others (an.)' (Lr84, p91); kdak awani 4tother person', kdak kagui 'other

thi.ng' (Ma32, p68).

!Ql "ke~ktl. ketek 'autre'; ketaghik (an.), kedaghir (inan.) 'les autres']"'

219 •. OTTE;R. 'F?A *nekikwR (sb67b):

J~ /wenekikw/(reshllped). onegibr 'otter' (Da 64 ); ", .

pJ6); wnegikw 'otter' t'kaJ2, P.5.5). cf. RODEHT


220,.. OUT. PA *ket- (Ho57) ~out .of enclosure or entanglemen~':

f. ~ /kaf:...tl N /ket-/. ogidenem6n 'he take;' it O\1t', og'deb.(nemé'n 'he takes



, '


it out of water', g~deg;6 'he tligs, out something' (Da64). '",

!li "kad-". nekada8aza 'ra 'je veux m'en f'utr'. \.

221. OVER. 'PA ·pa:~H!i, (H~74b) 'over, stepping over':

§!. lposici-/. p<Js{ciw{ 'over'" pOsic!to6 'he flies over' , nep6sidta'W~n


'1 step over it, c1imb over i't', np6siciketa{n '1 jump over i t'. npOsitaMc:!n ..

'1 swim over it' (Wr75); boddziw1 'in motion over' (na.64); ,p8z~jiwi 'over'

(MaJ2, p76).

222. 0\-.rL. PA *ko:hko:hkE'lho:wa (Sb67b) 'Great Horned O'Wl':

E /kokkokkhassl (reshaped enàing). k6kkcikkhâ'ss. kokk6kkhassâk \ (pl.) \ , ,

'ow1' (Wr?S); gohkohkh's 'hornad ow1' (na64); kokokhas 'owl' (Lr84, p37);

kokokha s '0'W1' (&32, p,54).

:223. PALAT.~' PA '·nalaka~kwi (B146) 'my palate':

~ /nalakw/ (reshaped). na1Akw 'my palate' (~64). , 1

224. PARTRIOOE. PA *paxpaxkiwa (Sb67b) 'partridge, Ruf'fed Grouse ~:

2!. /pakkesso/ (non-redup1icated dfrtimd tive fo-rm). p~kkess6' 'pBrtridge' , ~

wpikkesswa, wpAkkwssomâ' 'his partridge' (Wr75); btkkess6 'partridge, ruffed

. grouse' (Da64),; .pakesso 'partridge' (Lr84, p36).

225. PENIS. PA . .II<-i:9aka:yi (HcJ5, Ta67):

!f./-lakesi/ (reshaped). n1~ea:! !my ~lly', wlhes:! 'h.is bel1y' (Wr7S);

ollge~:! 'his belly', ol'geziAl 'his guts' (Da.64); mlagz1 'belly', mlag,ial

'the bowels' (tr84, p2S). "

!ili "-1ragh'''. 8i,ragh' 'vir:1,.lia'.

226. PIERCE. PA *patahkahamwa (He74b) 'he pierées, pricks, sUngs ~

r -

, 1

• Q' •

• 1

. 'il perce un bois aveQ' instrument'. "

227. PIKE. PA .keno~ye:wa (Ho57, Sb67b) 'northern pik~': .

g, Ik-wenosa/. kwen~5' 'pike', ~nos~ 'his pike" (!l~75); kwenoza, kwenozak

(pl.) 'pike' (Lr84, pJ9); kwnozl'I 'pike', (Na32, p,54).

!li "k8n8s'''. k8n8sè, k8n8sak (pl.) 'brochet'. cf. lONG


228. PITCH. PA *pekiw- (He74b) 'pitch, rosin':

§l/peko/. pekO 'pitch', nepek6m 'l'Il"f pitch' (\~r7S);.peg6 'pitch' (Da64).

!ill"pek8". nepek8k6 'j'y mets de la ~OlllITle (a~ canot)'.

229. PIIT (1). PA *ketem- (HoS7) 'ruined, rnise'rable':

g, Iketem-/: ~m3ksess& 'he 15 paor', nek'terac!ta5mf "I pit Y hirn', wk~tem­

~k{taSm~ th; Pities hirn', kétemS'kftepihl} 'he is rl.P.ned·, ketem,~3'osô 'he

is li'rlng poorlr" ketem~kipp&'he eats poorly/ (Wr75); riegedem"5g.l.da3ma '1

pit Y him' (Da64); kdemagaldow6gan 'Mercy' (Lr84, p13); kdem8giwi 'poorly'

(~~32, p7S); kedm8gi pagah8 '·paor devil' (11aJ2, p77).

!Qi "ketem-". t!eketemaHgh'rmeg8si 'je suis digne de compassion'; neketern­

angh6rmaH 'j'ai compassion de lui'; neketernaMgaHbadameh 'je regarde cels

avec compassion, en piti~'; neke,temang~amIlH 'je regarde lui B~O com;assion';

neketemang~ssi 'je parle d'une manière pitoiable'.

2)0. PIIT (2). PA "'!8we:le-m- (l'1035) 'take pit y upr>n, have mercy

upon' :

!ill "-st3~rem-" •. n8sB6remaii 'j'ai COl'lp8.ssion de lui'.

2)1. PLAY. PA .pa:hp1wa (Vo41) 'he laughs, plays':

:R Ipapp-/. papp6 'he plays', nepapp{ fI play',. kepapp{ ~you (sg.) play, 1 ,


• nfsapi pPo'k • they (tw~) ~Y t,oge ther' (\ir15); bahp6 • he ~J.a.y.'" (Do 64 ) ;

papoldoak 'they play' (Lr84 , p91). , ,

232. POHCUPINE. PA *ka :kwa (floS?):'~

, ,

g, /k'5kw/. k~kw ,'porcupine' (\Jr75); 'k5kw "porcupine' (Da64); kSgw 'po!'cupine', i

'k6gwis 'a young porcupine~ (Lr84, p9); k8gw 'porçupine.' (MAJ2, ):>,54)';

n'g8gwem 'my p:>rcupine t (&32, p70).

r , . ,

233. PORTAGE. PA ·wenike:wa (0067a) 'he carries something over '1 ' \."J- '"

a portage': 1 • \'

SF "/onik;/ (restructured root). 6nikl.f 'he makes a p0rtag~e', ~6nik' 'I

- pÇrtage', &nikJn 'portage' (Wr75) •

. !li "8nigh6". n8nigh~ 'jl;l fa:ts port:3 ge ' • /

2)4. paUCH. PA *kaskepita:kani (Ho57) 'tobacco 'pouch':,

2!. /;i'r:k.an/. p!t5kén 'pocket', ~5'n!pit-3kln "tobàcco .pouch', ~si,{ p:!t~kAn 'rnoase~ide pouch 1 (Wr75); pidagan, pid8ganal !pl.) 1 . \. . . ,

,. 'pocket' (Lr84,




23.5. POUT. PA "lIa: hsehsiwa (Sb67b) 'br()~ bullh~ad, eastern "

qatfish, horned pout': L

§.E /w'$sessof. w5zes"so 'hqrned pout, hull-pou~' .(Da64)-; w8zes5o 'pout' . ,


!Ql"~~flsesB". 8aHses8, 8afises~!'k (pl .. ) 'b~rbue'.


236~ PRICKLY (1). PA "'ka:w- !Ho57)~~---

§.f. Ik5w-l· k~Wi'k 'parcupine qui\l.lS' t k~Js,-kM~ik (pl.) 'thorn', k3w----~~ ..

'kkwilnc:f~t kM~jJpas:i w-th~re:e', k~w!so6 'U 15 prickly:, wk~wi~' ~ ,

'his thorn' (Wr?S); k5w! 'thorn, prickle' (ea64); k8wakwimen 'gooseberry' ,

1 f l

, ',.' 1 .

, c

" . . 'J

. '

" \ .




, ... #' • r -: '>~J ~l 1 -. ' •

' ..

(Lr84, p3i).


, ,

,'f!!. "kaH8-". '~aH8is" kafl8i~k (pL) '6pine'; ka.HSèio, ki!~8is8 'cela est \

. 'pineux t r1,1Cle, 8 igu' ; .• kan8i~k '( porc_épia) $On poil'.

237. PRlCKLY (2~ • .lIA *kaHk- (11057) 'sharp':

§! Ikakk-I. kahkig'n lit is prickiy ' (Da64). )

2)8. PROPERLY. PA $kwaya&kwi (Ho5?) 'properly, goo.d, straight',=

SF Ikwaskw-I. kw'skwa! 'enough, just" right' (Wr7S); gwaskwâThU ~ Just ---- ". '. "

ri~ht', gwaskwa{ 'enough t (Da64); kwasktiili 'Just, precicely, enough' (Lr84,

plO;); kwas\(uai ps.skua nikwb"!;>i ',it 15 jùst noon no'W' (Lr84 , pl0Ù; kWaskwai

'exactly' {Na32, p751.

2~. PROSTRATE. PA *kaw- (HoS7) 'prost~at9, reelining', $kawsh-

aDlWâ 'he fells i t by tool':

sr Ikaw-I. neka~! '1 sleep', wkawh~ 'he ehops him down' (Wr75); gawaes!n. - ,

'recIin~g', negaw{ '1 sleep~, ga6 'he s~eeps', neg4ssigawin '1 sleep with

him' (Da~); kawha (inlp. sg,), kawhogw (imp'. pl.) 'eut him~down', kawhakua ~

-(imp. sg.), kawhakuagw (itnp. pl.) 'eut hlÎ1l down (tree)' (Lr84, pl84); (

kan (imp. aga),. kawigw (imp. pl.) 'sleep' CCr84, p183); n'kp'Wi t.I go to

bed' {Lr84, plO?); we.ji ke.w:imek 'tn sleep' (llaJ2, p74.). • 0

!ill. "ka8-". nekaShaH (an.), nekalfulrnen (irnm.) 'j'abbas un P.'~re, securi'· , ' " l'

neka8~hel'llen 'j'abbu u~ arbre'; neka6i ',je dors',; ka8i '11 dort'; nelèa8 • .. .

i'ttamen 'je dors sur'q.q.chose'.

240. PUS. PA *me11 (Mc;) ·pus, matter':.

~ Imeli/. mel{ 'pus' (Wr7S); mel~ 'PUfi' (D864).

KR "meri" - . meri 'pus, qui sort des plaies'. t


î '

\ 1

1 > ,. 1

l '. 1






/ (.


,241. QUARREL.PA *ki:hka:- (B146, HoS7) 'berate, quarrai':

§! /kikk'5-/. wkD<:k5m'! 'he denounces him' (Wr7 ~); og1bkS'm3 'he denounces

hi1l'l' (Da64).·

!ill. ''kikai'f-". kik~ fid8ak 'ils se querr~'llent'.

242. RACCOON. PA *e:hsepana (sb6?b):

§! lasepan/. lsepin 'raccoon' (Wr7,); 8sban '~accoon' (Lr84, p37).

KR "6sseban:'''. 6ssebanes, 6ssebanesa.k (pl.) 'chat sauvage'. -24J. RATTLESNAKE. PA ·~i:h~i:kwe:wa (He75):

2[ /sisikkwa/. s!sikkw' 'rattlesnnke' , ws!sikkw~ 'his rattlesnake' (Wr75);

si~ihkwl 'rattlesnake' (Da64); sisikwa, sisikwak (pl.) 'rattlesnake' (tr84,


!B. "sisik§é". s1sik86, sisikaak (pl.) 'serpent l sonnettes'

244. RED (1). FA *meskw- (B146, Ge41): L

2! 'tmkkw-I, /mokkw-,f, /maskw-I. mkkwikén lit 1:; red' t mkkwik& 'he 18 red',

mk~k!t (an.), mkkwikik (inan.) 'the rad one', nem6kkw~ccem~n '1 dye l "'Jo."

i t r~d' (Wr7 5); rnkwfg6n '1 t 1s rad'., fIIkl..dio' 'he 15 .red', rnkw!w! 'wh;ll 1 t

is rad'; mkwimlkw '~d fish'. mkw!bag' 'it 15 rad liquiti', meskwallllkw 'salmon'

(0864); mkuigen fit i8 red', 'I1Ik:uigb 'he.1s red', mku1 sezowig~n 'red paint',

mku1. sezow6'Eo 'h.e 1s painted red', mku'ats1gart 'red dye', n'moku'atsiga . 1

'I dye rad', mkuebamegua 'reddish' (Lr84, p44); mskuamdgw 'salmon' (Lr84',

p39); mkwigo 'he is red', ml<w1goAk 'thoy (Iln.) nra rad' 01(\32, p64).

~ "J!l(e)k{Lt', "1II8'k'B-". m\cSighen i8 'cela est rouget; nem8'kgntsEissemen

, je. le rougis'; l'flek~ig8ssi '( peinture) rang. t.

245. RED (2). PA .me:skw- (conjunct) (He7J):

,...,--_ ..



É , \

. ' t . , , .


vine t (Ila64); makw1gid (an:), rnakwigek (infln.) t( the) red t (114)2, p6,) ••

!Qi "m';k8-". m"k8ampak tdu vin'.

it' :

246. REJECT. PA' *a~ye:~- (B146) 'he pushes it back, he rejeots


§! / asa-I. odizaS 'he rèjeots him, pushes hirn back", od!zaamén 'he rejecta

it' (Da64).

!Qi "asann-". ned'saflna1'l (an.), ned8~afmemet;l{inan.) 'je le re"jette'.

247. RELATION. PA *eea:nko:metwa (Bl46) 'he has him as (that

kind of) a relative':

.2.E./al'5koM-I. l13k6mokik !~ relatives', .~15k6m;d 'his rel~tives', al5kom­

~an:!k 'your (sg.) relatives', wic'n'- ,f~:Jk6mekoc:! 'he has relatives' (Wr75);

alSgom$mek 'relaU.on' (tr84" p20) •.

, !Qi "6rBiig8m.;". ';rBHg8m~ghik 'mes parens'; ~ra.fig8m'tsik 'tes parens'; .' ,

'raftg8l118.fttsi 'sas pardns'; nederaAg6man 'je l'ai pour p2rens,;',8derangéman

. • U l'ai pour parens'.

248. RIB'. PA *-xpike:kani (Ta67):

êE I-ppikassenl (reshaped). wppftassJn 'his rib, a l'ib', wpp{kassen6'l

'his ribs', npp:!kassen61 'my ribs' (Hr7,); ohp:!gahs'n 'his ri,!?- (Da64).,

K!l "-piga~gan". nepiga1gan 'l1li1 eSte, mon cSt~' •

249. ROAst. PA *apwa:ns, *apwa:ni (Go65):

SF lap'Sn/. a~~n, 'p'nlk (pl.) 'bread', ap~nkk51('n 'o~n-' (Wr75); abÔn, - .. abSnis 'cake' ab6nk8gan -'oven' (Vr84, p9); ab8n' 'qread' (Ma)2, p5.5).

!Qi "abaKn". aba'fln, abaHnak (pl.) 'pain'; -neba!\nk' 'je fpis du pain';

aba~aBgan 'four, olll'on lI1~t ouire le pain'.




e o


~ o

, 2.50. ~CK. PA •• upe&lorl (Sb41) 'rook, stone' s

!l/.apskw/. nislp,kw 'win rocks', g'-d!1gipskw ts:teep rook, cl1f'!' (Da64);

kajigapskw 'a .teep rook', kSkaj1gapskw 'an extended steep rock' (Lr8~,

p16h w8bapalew 'white rook' (Ma32, p6?) •

. !! ".apesk8". pnapesk8, pnapeak8r (pl.) 'pierre'; kebap.ka'Ûpnapesk8

'cela, cabane v.g. est ferm'. par une pierre'.

251. Ro~NT. PA ... ~kw .... (~?b) 'emaU snawing animal, rodent' 1

![ I·~/. onegiicv 'otter', ..db1kwa68 'l1Iouse' t n~bag!kw 'male_,otter, .mal.

s.al', ps.n!kv 'gray aqu1:rrel' (Da64); akigw 1 a.al', .k1gwawa 'seal akin'

(Lr84, p9); alfus 'ant, p1smire' (Lr84, pJ9); psanigw 'black .quirrel' ,

plan1gw 'tl.y1ng squirrel', vnegip 'otter', webikwso. 'mouse' (Lr84, p36); ,

anikw.es . '.tr1ped ~l' (Lr84, P.31); al1kws 'ant' (Ma)2, p,54); ·pl.n1kv' • j..

'tlylng squirrel', vneg1kw 1 o ttalt , , nBb.k1kw 'male otter', pabikw 'fie.'

(&)2, t:55); equak1kw 'sh. otter' (Ma32, p59).

lm " .. 1kS". ak:1k8, alc1k8lk (pl.) 'loup marin'; naBba'k1k8 '~e IiiUe de loup

II1&1'1n'; akSdk:1k8 il. femelle de loup marin'; pr'n1k8, 1II •• 'n1k8 "oureu1l, .

ce. 2 ont un beau poil' J .k§'kik8 'loutre';, na~~1k8 • a1e dI 'r .1 't.em de

la marte'; 8a&ig8,' •• 8 'souris'; 'rig8e, 'rig8H.k (pl) 'fourmi', bab1k8,

~b1k~ak (pl) 'puce'. t.,

252. SAND. PA ·18 :kawi (He73) ~

§!;/n.ak.a-/. ~akk6'\ '.and' '(Wr?S); nagahk6 'sand7 aoU' (Da64); nagak~

• und' (Ma32, p56).

g ttn'ga_ tt. ~ga' ka 'sable'.

253. SAY (1). PA .nea1 (m.46) '1 say 80':

lB. .... e.1". Mai 'je d1.' J k.s1 'tu d1a'; n •• 1 t&lIlen 'j8 dis oela'.

254. SAY (2). PA •• t.amwa (Bl46). 'h. I&y. so, te 1t' 1

1 , , .

,i i " f

• 1

, ("'\


€ .'5'.:WJ M"&Ii. . J


§l. /1t-am/. 1Üm 'he says', ketit'm 'you (.g.) say', ntitlm '1 .ay', ,

nUtameCn '1 8a~ U' (Wr?5); id' t say thou', ned1db '1 say', idtm 'he saya'

(Dl.64); k'-d-idam 'you .ay· (Lr84, 1'92); ida' (1m.p. eg.), idUlop (imp • • \ .

pl.) 'say it' (Lr84, p1S3).

lB "idam-". nedidam8h8ban 'je disois'.

25.5. SEAt. PA *aukikwa (Sb67b)s

~ lakkikw/. ~bag{~ 'Illale 8eal, ""l~ ottar' (0..64); a.kigw 'aeal', akigwawa

tseal .kin'- (Lr84, p9); ak1kw 'seal', nd'akiJewelll 'ury lIeal' (Ma.J2, p70). . \

g "ak1k8M• ak1k8. ak1k8ak ,'loup marin'; nailba'k1k8 'le mâle'; skê.~kikà

'la felllelle'. cf., RODENT

2,56. SECRET. PA .k1II1l- (HaS?) 'i" seoret, stealth1ly' 1

~ /{ki)kh6-/. kilc:!m3s6, kikiM~to' 'he whispere', k:fl<1m5soik 'they whisper',

nekilc:!m~8! '1 whiaper' , k-!a~~ 'ha ptJekl', k!kim!~~lk 'they aee eaoh

other' secretly', wk!mikk!naw~ 'he 100ks at ha in .ecret' (Wr'7S); gig:!mi,,{

'seoretl,., nois.ie .. ' , g1:m{QlihMn 'he makes 1t seçretly', g1gfm5dwt 'he /"

wh1.per., talke 8aoretly' (Da 64). ' .. ' . <9

lm "kikim-" (redupl1cated root). nakilciJll8maH 'j. lui parle en .ecret';

. nek1k1Jned8mc' 'je par le bal, in malis t; nek~a~s1 'je par 1. bas, in

boni.' • 1

, 2~. SEE •. PA *elizwawa (Bl46) 'ha \>8ees 1t 10' •

§L /na-Ll. -..nÜ1tt6n 'he .e~. i~~, nnbitt&n '1 aee ut, nnlü1 '1 ae. ha',

~m1a aw(n1{ 'he Beee someone',' n~6kw.s6 the 111 seen', ntm1okW~t 'it

18 .een' (Wr7S); oniftd~ 'he aees h:1m', onfmihMn 'he sees 1t', nim1ogwe~ ;

. 'he i. a.en' (Da64); 'nam1to 'he Ieee thelll (1nan., indef1n1te)', w'naadtonal

'he .u. them (inan., def1nite) ~ (Lr84, p71); namiha (1Dtp. .g.), rwn1hogw i'

(hp. pl.) ' •• a, or oba.ne him', namito (1,mp. ag.), namito!J1' (~. pl.) .

' ... , or obserVé 1t', nam1tlowa (1mp. B,.), namitl.owagw (1mpo pl.) 'ahow'


&2&.222 1 "'JELiW&zœz waiLa



".1 \.

, : . , 6


.,. -

(Lr84, piSS); n'namih~ '1 see hitn' (Lr84, p10S).

KR "nam-". nenamih§i 'je voie' J' nona1ll1haH (ail.), nenam1' t8n (inan.) 'je - ,

le vois'; nerwd.tr8' , 'je ,tais voir, JIOntre'; nenamittran 'je montr.~

lui'; nenami'u 'je TOi.'; naud'taS 'U voit'.

2.58. SEED. PA .... Skan1Jl.in1 (Go6S)1 1

KR ttskaÎdm1n". skanbl1nar 'graines'. ote BERRY

2.59. SHAOOW. PA *uka".zqte:w1 (Go6S) 'there 18 a shadov' a

.E f....xav.tuf. ~pak'wat~ 'ah.dow, there 1, a .ahadow, ~p.k.watt"1k'n ,

'Wlbnlh' (Wr7S).


ot. BEHINp

260. SHAMA.N. P. *metecwa (Bl46) 1

. 'é1• SBARPEN. PA *k1lnl- (HoS?), *ld.ant- (Hâ.58)a

~ I-kill-I. jk1tt-l. "UkihlO' fit 15 .harp' (Wr7sh ke,{g1hl6 'u 18 aharp' ~ • - .>t"

k1htad6 the shf.rpen. it'. kihtal~ 'he sharpena h1m' (Da64); kitala (imp. n •

\ ,

'C.) ~ kitalogw (imp. pl.) 'lharpen, whet him'. k:1tado (1mp. 8g.), Idtadogw " l ' _ 1

(1mp. pl.) 's~rpen. whet it' (Lr84, pi8S). , .

III ·_~i'r-tt. ke8igh1'r8 'cela est aigu'; kedgh.1r8ak (an.),,,kesighir8ar

• (1nan.) 'l1s sont aigus'. •

262. SHELL~ PA .•• I~"/I~He1)~ 'clam, ehelP 1,:

§l/ale.' (relhaped). 'l.a, al .. A (pl.)~'07."I", .h~ll' (Wr7S), ala, l '

.- al~ak (pl. ~ 'oyatsr, ahsU' (Lr.84~ ~)O). r


l '

. ,



, / / / lm "es". es, essak (pl.) '00 qui,lle, •

26). SHOULDER. PA *metegemankani (&:3.5) 'somebody' 1 Ihoulder' 1 ~---------

~ l.elem'$kanl.'.el1'. (~.h.ped). n"le.mc~ '111 ahoulder', k'lelllrun

',our (ag.) ahoulder', we1.I'Il~kanf. 'his should.r' (Wr'7S); od'ie.3'gin-th1 .. -~--, "

a,houlder', od..l{ 'hia .hould.r b1&d.' (Da64); lIICleW'&n, lIdellll8ganak (plJ

'.houlder' (Lr84, p2.5). , .

!Ii ".erema.flgan". nederema.iÎgan 'mon 'paule'; 8dereJl1l.iigan 'son 'paule t. '

264 .. SIBLING.IN.tAW (1). PA ,·nirgemwa (B146) 'ury I1ster.-1n­

lav (ule .peald.ng), ~ brother-in":law (temale 'peaking)' 1

§! lnil.ml ~ nU'. '. aister-1n-law' (Wr?5h nU'lIt '111 s1ater.in-lav' (male . lpeaking)' (Da64); n11e 'III)" Iist.1\-1n-lav' (Lr84, p2);' nllem 'si,ster.

in-1&w' (Ma)2, pSS).

!Il "nirem". n1reJIl 'dis.je ~ la femme de mon fr*re ai~'; Bir.m8r 'dit-ll

.~ la temme d. son trire ai~'. '.

26.5. SIBLI~.IN-LAW (2). PA *.unkw- (006.5) 'siblilll-in-law ot ~

the lame .ex's

![ l-lIa.'. nat3lar 'IllY bl'Other-in-1aw', nlt~as Imy 111&1. cousin', vit5kwaaa'

'hi, male cousin', natb ••• kri 'my temale oousin (1Il.1J.) 1 ~t~,~a!a 'IllY

teule cousin (f ••• )' (Wr7S); nad~ ~D11 aister-in-law (r.a.), my brother-r

10.1&.,. fII1 male cousin', nadS'gn_ 'fII1 lUl~ cousin l , • u.d~kwel.lkW' '1111 telllal,

OOUS,in' (Da64)i nadôgw ~~ hU8bànd' s si.ter .01' brother, fII3' brother-1n-~aw',

n.d8gwe.. 'IIY ule cousin'\ nad8~~kua 'IIY temale cousin (male speaking)', --~~ ,

nadSgni. '. t.lUle· couain (tlmal. apeak1n&) , (Lr84, p22); nadSkw 'brother.

iD-lall' (Ma)2, p.58). 1 •

g "-ailla-. nada5gB 'dit-on ~ la',t ••• de Ion trire';' nadai\g8 .. 'dit la

aOlur 1 la rl_e de 80n t~re'; kadaiigai 1 tu- as uné belle-soeur, a.u, ton



, -,

140 "

. , ,

tNre a pris une remme. &o. f; nnadaiig8s, ~daiSgBSI!Iak (pl.) 'IlIOn cousin,

1. rila des paNnl de ma ~~rel; nnadaitg8seseak8' 'ma eou.!'lne, la tllle

du parent d_ DIa mère'; neg8dafigM8ak 'ramille, aeu, tous les parenl". . ~


'266. BlSTER. PA *nelllihaa (Bl46) • ..,. elder ailter"

§lln.m. ... ~.I. (double d1mi.nu1the). nellle •• :!' 'IllY older aliter' ~ WIII'Sa1.i

'bis older ai,ter' (W!1S); ne_hah 'IllY èldeJ)- aiater' (D..64); Measis 'nr;y

older a1ater' (Lr84, p22); nmel11s 'elder ailter' (Ma32, p58). , m "'_aia". 'meai~ JllAikia "'taina 'ma so.ur .in'_ .est morte'.

, , 267. SIT. PA ·ap1wa (Bl46) 'he .ita, he is in place':

2[ /ap../. ap6 'he lita', nt..ap{ '1 ait'" wtap1n 'he aita down'.' ~tIoIap6'

'he 18 .e .. ted', nepitkwap.! '1 1111 a.ated', ~pltap6 'he ïs lean1ng', nepasaotap{

'1 ait near him' (Wr7S)1 '.1>6 'he s'ita', ni a'lk.b1d 'he sita thüs', on!.kwab-

1n,~ 'he aits W1th him'" taas.hkwab6 'he sita on a lo~' " ol:Ûlte~b6' 'he . ~djuets hims.lf' in hi. seat', olfbtebeskabÔ 'he make. hie lut fit',

m'fut.bd ')le lIIO'Y'es as he 'sita' (:0.64); waji abimek 'to litt (Lr84,' p74) •

. IR "I.p.o". ndpi t je suis •• sis'; apB 'il •• t asais'; nedap1tta8aft .. je s'?i'

._.i_ a1,J.pftl d. lui'; ned~p1ttalllen 'je suis asds .uP"~ de cela'.' ,

'. -J. 2.68., SIX. PA *nekotwa:Uka (8146):

![ /nek.wetrtJ./ (reshaped). n.kwet~s '81x' (Wr?'s)r neped~z '.ix' (Da64); " 1

nguedS& .·six' (Lr84, p73);·nengued3& 'Iixeftrytime' (Lr84, p77).

IR "neg8daRs". nek8d.al\. 'six'; negSdal\ak's88ak (an.), neg8daHak'aeenSr

(1nan.) 'six (conorete)'; negBdaftsk$'sseta 'six foie'.

269. SKuNK. PA *leka:1ara (Sb67b) 1

• Il

!l/,.k~kw/. s.k~ ·I~·., ".ek~k.m& 'his skunk' (Wr?,S); _eg3'kw 'Ikunk~ n

(Da64); •• g8p • ~kunk' (Ll"84, p36). . . D "1',a&8". a'I.WeB 'hat. ~Ul:nte'.


1 l,

\ 1,



..... ,~\ ,\,,j,,~,, , .... "'. ~..,,'j".r ...

141 -

'ZlO. :uŒLL (1). PA .mela:_ (Mo,-S):

~ 1'M15-1_ nkveo:!me1~tam*,n '1 smoll i t' , nkwec!melSJll~, neidl~m~ '1 .~ll , (

ha', ne.i5Um kakw! '1 IIme11- someth1ng' t aw~n1{ JI1el~JU: 'he sMUa SOIM-

one' (Wr?5); Ml~th1g-' 'he am.UI', ome15m~ 'he slIle1111 him', ol!me15m&'

·he;1ke. the IDlell ~r h1Dl' tDa64~"', . ,!!l "aeraK-fi. nek8tl1meraB8aR (an.), nek8tsimeraMame n (~nAn.) 'je le fiaire',

n.D1~.158aH (an.), nellleraMaJIle~ (1nan.), 'je le flaire'; atHraMIMn (lban.)

271. SMELL (2). PA *-1Ç'II- (Mc:35)1

§!: I-m'-I • . ol!a~kwit 'it amolls good', maak!m~kw't 'it amella bad' t l!œ!­

kwea6 'he •• 1115 l1ke that' (Wr75), ol:!m~gwad 'it IlI1ells good'. madz:!mS-gwid

fit .t1nka' (Da64) • .. - \ , KR "_mali_Ho mata1maflg8a8 (an.), Jllataimaftg§at (1nan.) 'cela sent\mauva1a';

:-rizaBgS8S (an.l, ~r1maflga.t (~non.l '0010 •• nt bon'. ~

Z12. SNAKE. PA' *a9kolka (Sb41)r

.~ !(a)akok/. ak6kt .koldk. (pl.) ';nake', Ik6'ka, Ikoka~ (pl.) 'lIOl"IIl'" '

ak6ksidk 'maggot.' t ketJ.ekokael,YO~ (ag.) pen1a1 (Wr7,Sh ek6g 'snake',

ak6ka, skog{Î, .koks!. "vom', odah.k6kseu. 'hi. penis' ... (Da64); skog, ~ ., akogak (pl.) 'snak.' (Lr84, p9);_ msaskog 'Boa', SkO~8 'worm' ~Lr84, p39);

skog 'snake' (Maj2, pS,S). .. '.

KR "sk8k". Ik8Jc,. sk8gak (pl.) '.erpent t •

27). SNOWSHOE. PA .aake. (Sb61b) r •

!l/'Jkea/. ~k'lI, ~kealk (pl.) '.nonhoe' (Wr7S); 'g4111 'IDOwshoe' (0.64);

- 3cellllk (pl..) 'snow.hoe t (tr84, p61).

!!!. "IHghe1l1". afl~eJII, aHghemàk (pl.) 'raque~'. nedaftghemak: 'Illes raquettAt.'"

ot. !SR TREE


~------------- ----..------------=----------~~---~---~


"274'. SOFT. PA *10 ,xIe- (J{e7S) t

!l/mkk-I. ~kk'kesenÜ 'soft shoel' (Wr1.5); noki 'soft', ,nok1gen 'it is

lott' (Lr84, p6S); nok1git (an.), nok1gek (1nan.) '(the) soft, tender' '" ' . !

(tr84, p68), n>k:i,g1d (an.), n>k1gek (1nan.) 'ether tof't', nok1go"?" 18'

,ott', nok1gen ~it 1s soft' (KaJ2, p64). -, .


'215. SOMlOClNE. PA ·avezn- (Bl46) '~ 18 itl' i

!lI à_ml. I.wan{, 'someon.·, a,,'ml;· a"in1h{ "someone (obv.)' (Wr7S);

, .".n! Jlomeonè, anyo~, who?· ~ aw.n1g:!k: 'someone, anyane .(pl.)' (0..64';

a".ni '~o' ,(1, p91); ""!~,~1 'an;yboctY (~l.)· (Lr84, pi0.5); awani .'

. 'Iomebody', who', tBn1tta aw.n1 ,'anybodyt, 8nda a'W~ni '~body'" Jcdak allani

'other person' (MaJ2, p68).

'KR "a~nn1" - ,0


a~nn1 'qu.1qu.'un'. ' ,)


276. soMÉTHING. PA .ke:kolh1 (B146) 'something, anyt.hing'z "

.. ,

,!t/kaMf. kakw1-, kikn.d 'SOll1etl'dng, whatis i~T'.{Wr75); gap!' 'someth1,ng,

.nyth1ng, what?', gagw1 16, glgwessa 16 'what 1s this?' (Da64); leaguessi

'lfhat' (4-84, p11>l kagui?, kapes ni? ",..hat 18 that?', kagui 11a? 'what il

the III&tterf' (Lr84, j>91); tBni"tta kagui 'ahyth1ng', 8ndakagui 'noth1ng', /

kdak ngui 'I()thel" thing'. k.gùessa 'wh.'V (Ma)2, p68). • r

" r 'IR, Hk'g81"_ k'g81 kes1? 'que veux tu dire? que demandes-tu"; k'g8a~,

k'g~1ni" nek'gSsT 'qu·.st-oe ~t'. '";. ) , "


m. SOUTH. PA *latwanw- (G06.5, eo69)a

![ Is31ian-1 ~ _fsowan-/. 8'1w~ness"n 'south wind', dwanakk1, 8ovlnaklc{ Ith • . • v

~uth', s5winakk1k 'trolll toPe' south' (Wr7.5); ~ow'nahk{ '(the) 8C?~th'. zowl~-

ahk!k '.outhwarci' (Da64); IS~~k1. 'the IOUth'. ,owa.na1dk 'Iouthwal'd, et, f,

. t~, troJll the south', so~ane .. en 'south wihct' (Lr84, p46).


278. SPEAI (1). PA *k.9o- (RoS?) 'talle' 1


, . ..--k- .





~ Ik,!lo-I. kelo~ 'he speaks' t nektÜoa1 '1 speak'. kk610sf 'you (sg.)

epeak', m~mann!keloI!6 'lie speaks slowly', nma.cfteloJ.5 '1 speak naetily te ., him' (Wr7.5); ge1oz6 'he speaks, talks' (Da64); wadd klozim'k 'fpr t&lk1ng'

...... ,

(o.59)j keloto-wSgan 'speech' (Lr84, p2,); klosowSgan" t(a) tâlk t (Lr84,

p67); n'keloz1w '1 speak' (Lr84, p92); kelozo 'he speaks' (Lr84, p94)~

kelozi (imp. ag.), keldllgw (imp. pl.) 'spaAk, talk', kelola (iap. ag.),

kel6logw (imp. pl.) '.peak ta him' (Lr84~ p18); wlidbiklozilll~k '~peak1ng

correctly' (&.32, p76).

KR "keré~". nekerés1 'je parle'; ker6si 'il parle'; neker8r~p 'j~ ~le ~ -­... lui"; ak~X'aH '11 parle ~ lui'; negher8rd'mén 'je parle ~ cela~.

279. SPEAK (2). PA .-aStowe (Go.65) 'speak a'hngu,age'l

. ~ ISta-l. nt5t6kkaa! '1 converse', ~tokk'solk 'they converae ~, ~t6~a,,{

'tell me (1mp;., sg.)', nep:!w~to' '1 speak low', k1k!m3to' 'h~ wi!fspers l, ,

'ln3J>'~toé 'he lepeaka In::lian', nt5panAkk1~to( '1 speak Abenaki' (Wr7 5);

Ü.n'5ba'3dri the talles Abenak1'. ~d6hkaz6 'he converses', g1g!m~{ 'he

.hiapers· (Da64); adokaci (iIIlp. ag.), 3dokuigw (imp. pl.) 'converse' (Lr84,

p189); lfaj1.8dokazimek 'ta cQnTerse t (&)2, p75); \

m "-ai\dl!-". DS1 tafid8élWl • je parle oOIlllllé" lui, j'.1 le mame languag~ t ,

nedarenafid§' 'je par'; Abnaqui'; des.ilgnaHaM§~ 'je parle Algonkin'; m8na ~.J "

'reMr.i~'g 'c'est de la man1~re que nous le disons, qui est bien'.

1 ct. TELL

') ~80. SPtASH. Pl -a.p- JGo65)' .C

1 ~ "!t loaopp-I (reehaped). o"ppike*--d', ~be jump8 into the' water', nciopp:!Jcetai

(1 '1 jUlI1p 1nto ~e water', notoPJ1SS& '1 go into the water', noiopp'kk~l'kw '\ l '.

'-J the thro1f8 1118 into the vater' .jciopperdkl.n 'tish1ng lin.,' (Wr7,S).

IR "taap." •. ne1-api '~ me pl nge dans l'.au'; netnpenegh' 'on me plonge

dans l· ... u'.








281. SPOON. PA *e:mahkwazn1 (0065)1

.§f. / amkkw'5n/. aJIIkkw~n 'spoon', ~Jd(W5'rrle • t1ehtng reel' (Wr1 5); amkw~n

'.paon' (Da64); amlcuan, amkuSna:k (pl.) '.peson' (Lr84:, p28).

m "emk8ailn". emk8.fln, emk8almak (pl.) 'cul1ere', negBdemkgafm. • j'ep ...... 1.

ft / une ouileree'.

282. BPRlNG. PA *l1akwamd (He75)a

~ /.jkya:n.!. dIa.n 'sprlng', e1kw'nwiw! 'in epring', a!kwak' 'nen .pring',

,!kwana, n1'll8!kwa~ 'llst 'pr1ng', sfuan!k18611 'month of spr1ng';

zi~n '.pring', lIigwlniwf 'in sprins' (Da64h 81gu&n '.pr'-ng', siguana . -

, <t 'uat spring', il1.1is1guana • a year ago lut sprlng', 81guag. ~next spr111c', .

• 1guamw1 'in' .pring' (Lr84, p18).

m "s1gB'an".' .(g8an ~'l. printelllS où l'on est', sig~.nlJ10 'il est le printems'; ,

.1g~an' 'le (pr1ntelll~) pass"; a1g~agh' '1. (p~ntelU) prochain'; ne.igSan-

•• inbena 'nous SOll1l1es au pr1ntema'.

283. SQUIRREL (1). PA *an1kwa (Sb67b)'

~/amk;w/. pnn:!kw 'gray 8<tuirrel'.(Da64), p.anigw 'black squirr.l'

(Lr84, p)6); an1kw.es 'atr1ped equirrél t (Lr84, p'7).

KR "-anik8". 1De.'n1k~ "oureu1l, qui a un he. u po il' • - .

284. SQUIRREL (2). 'PA .pelern.1k1ta (Sb61b) 't1y1ng squ1n'el'l

§l./p,laD1kv/. planip' 'tlying Iquirrel' (Lr84, p36}J pla~ '~g , c>

.qtd.l-rel' (Ma)2, p55).

!}! "prin1k8". pr'~8


"oureuil, qui • un ~au poil'.

285. STAND. PA *""kup1- (Mo35) 1 - ,

ote BaDENT


,!! 1-k'Sp../· n6okio!k5ph 'I~. ltalldirlg oD 1t' (11)75>1' Jdc3b6 'h. '-'r" i "~

1< 1

- ! _ .... t .


• 1 1


, '-..-



(' il


, \

1Il1g5b:! 'stand up (imp. sg.)', 115,dg5boa'k 'they sta:rxi grouped' (Da64). "

286. STAR. PA *a8ankveqsa (Ha67a, Au72). ,

§l/alakws_/. Oillkwsl. al'kw.,.'k (pl.) 'star' (Wr7.5); .Ûkws 'star' (0..64);

alakws' 'star', kch1 a1akwa 'IIOrning star' (Lr84, p14); alakwa 'atar' (Ha32,


2.FYl. BTEAL. Pf. ·kemolt- (McJ5. Ho57): )'

§l/ke1flt)t-/. ne*.em6tenf '1 steal'. nekem6uul-'n '1 ateal 1t', k.m6teni th.

a teal~' (Wr7 5") ,1 gem6den& :~ .te .. l~' ( Da64); kemodna (blp. sg.), ke~dnagv -

(illp. pl.) 'steal' (Lr84, p186).

2.88. STONE. PA -aq.enya (Bl46)s

E/Ca)ssen/ • ..,6n, ... nil (pl.) '.tone', S8en!a~ sa.ni ... l (pl.) ' .. n

stone, bead', nl •• n' •• nU.se~ 'lItY' .tone', ya.é~m., vtislen1rn' 'h1a atone', ,"

1\ "'nikk. 'it 1s stoney·(Wr?.5); .'n, se~l (pl.) 'stone', sen6k 'on the atone'

(Da64); nn '~tone' (Lr84, p9); aenis 'pebble', .,enSmkol, aen6irùru1sal

'gravel' (Lr84, p16); ,sen, &sen 'awM, slate' (Lr84, p46); sen 'stone·

(Ma)2, p.56). ct. MAfLE

2.89. STRIIŒ. PA *pak- (Go6.5) '.trike, beat'a

!! j~-/. ...,ik:.dm~ '1 bu.p ._1f' (Wr7.5) ; page881n 'he tell (thUJXierrlt)·

(Lr84, p10,).

lB "bak-'!. abak88ak8"haft~8 'on '7 trappe, il '1 taut trapper'; abak8t'haKs8

'on "1 trappe, T.g. oanot. '09rc-', &o. " n~bag~1Uhelllen 'je trappe contre

1 •• bois'.

290. STRING. PA *O.1talp1s (B14i) '.aoo.sin lao&': '

r !! /.'Spi!. 1IIkk' .. n'Pl ·aloo •• in 1.&0.' (Wr7,5); lIIke.n8bi 'shôe.string' (Ka~:t

. -


-- --- ~~ ~----~- - ---~- ....,..---- ,-


,. ,. -r: ';' ~ 'f



,. IR "-aDb!". tatasag8anaHbi 'les courroies'.



291. SUCKIE. PA .not- (Bl46),*nornlezv& (8146) ,'.he ftOkle. him'I

!t 1'00"110-1, /nonohl_/ (redupl1oat.ed root). nDcS'non1s, nnonfs 'IllY IIO~'S

siater', nnonOn '111 Mo""', o~non& 'his l'b.' (Wr15); o~nom4 'he suck. ~t th. brea.t', on6noh1~ 'she auok:'!.e. him', gvani on6nohJ.id 'wh1le sh •• uokled

hia', nnon6n '.-;y Mau l, nnomrdE 'IIY IIrJther's ail ter , (0&64); n'QOnon

'mothèr', nnomni. 'JIOther'. sieter' (Ma;2, p,58).

!! "n8-", "nSr.". Sila8s.ar Sn8nathuflr 'l'enf.nt tète •• mère';- nBna_fi

• je la tête'; nen8naHdUien 'je Ùtp cela' ~ nenS .. ! 'j'allait.'; nen8rali

• je lui donne ~ teter'; nBni ·~te,.. Ûte-mo,i'; nen8ni • je Ûte, ait puer'.

o 292. SUN. PA *k1t.oqGva (Ha67c, Bp7J) t

, , ,

R /ki.oas/. ld..,6811 'sun, lDOon', k1.6seo& 'it .1s .~', n. s!kwanflcis611

'IIOnth ot .pring· (Wr7S); g1t.6s 'sun, 1D:)Qn', g1s6so&' 'the sun· ahine.' (0&64),

k1so11 'sun, JIOon, !IIOnth' (Lr84, p14h .p111 k1s01l, 'nell JIOon', pazeko kiao.

'a IIOnth' (Lr84, p20); sakh1poc1t kisos ·.unri .... at fUnrise' {Lr84, p19};

kiso •.• Skhipo$Q 'the 'UD 1. ri.inc' (L~4, pi01); Idso.oo 'the lIun IIhines' , , &d.a klaon1Yi 'the aun doe. not IIhine' (Lr84, 'p104); Idzol 'sun' (&)2, pS4). , - . g "klE8s". kls8s '1. 801e11, la lune'; ~"k8 k1s8s .~ 11101.'; ld;sS.aak

,'de. IllOis' J n1baftki~. 'la lune'. ~.. r

29). TAIL. PA .".eani (Mo,S) "'hi. taU':-"

'IR "Sa:r"ni". &:r"ni l(01 •• att), .lia queue'. '

294. tAIE. PA "nten- (Bl46) 'talce tro. " there , : , /

§l./_ten-/. vte~ 'take 1t (imp •• g. )-'. n!ten~. '1 ~ke h1m', n6tenem4~.

'1 iak. 1t·. cS'ten~ tb~ talc •• 'h1af , d'tAn.n 'he take., it t, k~.s. vt.~1It


t , i . !

, 1. 1

\ 1

\ (J'"

,- -; ... ~ t~.~ '" .... ~ "$ ,t~t.-~'J



'he tak •• aoJlleih1~' (Wr75); &dene~n 'he takes it troll thera by band' . .

(Da64); wdenmowi 'he takea thelll.' (inan.), (Lr84, p11); riena 'take hill or

. 1t (1Jnp. Ig.)·. wdepogw 'take h1m (iMp. plo)', wdenelllOgv 'take 1t (btp.

pl.) (Lr84, p194~.'

~ "8ten-". n8unaH (aD.)" nBtenemen (1nan.) 'je pnns de oel~'.

295. TELL (1). PA *al~ia- (Bl46) 'tell or, relate'z

Ii/50eri.-!. 6oem:! 'tell it (!ap. Ig.)', ~c_ 'he tell.', n~oem:! 'I teU'

'(Wr75)J od~em:! 'relate thou to me' (Da64); Sjemi (1mp. ag'.) ,. Sjemigw ,

(iIIlp. pl.) 'HIate, deolare' (Lr84, pl88).

I! "a~taem-". nedaHtsemi, nederaHtaami 'je raconte'; .Rtsemi '11 raconte';

naÏÜ\egaftnaRtaemBa.figan 'histoire'.

296. TELL (2) .. PA -uteql.olhke:. (Mc35) 'tell a .tory'l

§l/'3trili)kka/. ~thlo1cÎc' 'he tell. & • tory , , net5thlo~' 'I tell a • tOry , ,

~th16kkav! 'teJl.tte utory (iIIlp,. Ig.)', ot~thlokk'n 'he tell. about 1t' ~

Sthl6kk~k'n 'story' (Wr75h ~ntblohk~ 'he tella a .tory' (Da64).

KR "aBtrB'kk'". nedaHtr8'kk' 'j'en l"aoonte'; aHtr8'lck' 'U en raconte'; - \

nedafttrB'kk'8aR • je lui e'; raoo~te.·; afttr8'kan, aKtr8'ka~k 'table'.

ott SPEAK '

297. 'l'BR. PA ... taatah&. (m,46). 1

§l J-tala!' (re.haptel). _taÜ 'ten' (Wr?S)a MdaÛ 'wu' (Da64); ~ù.'

'ten' (Lr84, p14); _lIdala 'tan .,very timè' (Lr84" pn).

g "na~ra". .-ura 'dix'.

." ;-

. .

", .{

l ,

i ' l' (

f ,.' f. a 1


f-t: f

t . . " : 1





, .

. , , p , , .j~" J


2/j9. '1HERE (1). PA *ta9- (He74t.):

'§l ltal-I. n:!tal{ 'tJlere' (Wr7S); nida11 'there, in that place' (Da64);

ni t.all "th,re' (Lr84, pS?); niela11 'there' (Ma~ p7S).

)00. nŒRE (2). PA • .. qtelk1 (Bl46) 'wen 1t·11 there',

~ /(a)ttak/ ;tt: .. kk' 'there' (Wr7S), gwatd ahtak 'Wh.n 1t 15 there' (Da64).

)01. 'l'HICK. PA .keX'p- (HoS7,. s16o, Au72h

!t Ilcpp../. kppak. 'u 11 th1Jk', kpp'k1s6 'he 11 t.h1ck', kppl"! . 'woods'

(Wr7S); khpig' '1t 1a th1.ck', kh~g1io 'he 18 ÙhCk' t kh~kU 'U 11 a

thick layer', khp!w! 'woods, in the woods' (1)&64); kpag1 'th1ck' (Lr84, . ,.

'p6,); kpag1zo 'he 11 th1ck' (Lr84, p67); kp:1,wi ,'a ,forest, 1n the fo·rest'

(r.;84, p40); kpag~.), kpag1d,t (1nan.) 'th1ck (one)', (Lr84, p68).

!R "kep-.tI. kepl.!h' 'planche, bois 'pais, en plat'; kepagh'g8 '0' eat 'pais

(an.)'; kep181 neda 'je va1. danl lei térrés, v.g. ~ 1 .. chasse'; kep181

nBm fj'en reviens (dei terre.)'. 1

'" !l/k1a/. kit ',ou (sg.)', iliu 'tours (ag.)', IdatU ',ourseU' (Wr7S); ) p.' 'thou (Da64); k1a 'thou, thee' (Lr84, p58); kiatta 'tbyaelt' (Lr84,

pS9h lda 'thou, yeu', Jq.ak 'to" trom, ~r W tpee. J'Ou', kia '1y .. ' ,t.nfn:.

)0). mREE. PA ·neq9vi (~146) s

sr lna.s/ ~ Inl8~/. ~ •• 't.br4Ie', nss'nkk'w 'thirteen' t >nllfkatem1 'he 1a, - j , .

thr&. y.ara old t (Wr7S); n&s t'threia' (Da64); nas '~.' (Lr84, p7); , -

naeda 'three t.1mes' (Lr84, p79).'

m "na .. " ,..." "nta-". nà' •• 'troi.'; ntleda 'tro11 1'01.s·. - .f

r"\ (.

! .'" 1-

• j

1 •

-- '.

- )04. 'l'HOOAT. PA • ... kontalkani (MolS, -~57)& -

§f. /-kkvet'Jkan/. ~t~.œn '1q thl"Ôat', ~t~~ 'JOUI" (sg.) thl'OLt',

v~t'k'~ 'hi. throat' (Wr7S); ohkv'd~g~n 'hie throat' (Da64); wkued.3gan \

'neok' ('Lr84, p2S);. 1f'k11~gan v' ... d.a.kuaJnadamen 'he bas lot a 80re throat'

(Lr84 .. p98). A

, . 'aon gosier'. '

,os. 'l'HOOOOH. ~A. -lalPW- (Mo)S, Co69h

§! /s3p./. e~piri 'through' {Wr7.5h sabiw1 1fhagak 'thro~h the body' (Lr84,

p89), s8biwi 'thrciugh' (Ma)2, 1>76).

)06. TRUS. PA •• 6 ... (He?4a):

!!:/al-/. nhli Ithua, l1ke that', a1.6slafk '1thappens thus', alÜQkk't

lit la ~U8, worke t~U8', nika Ü1k:!k' 'it is me that' (Wr75);. ni alf , r

tthus, .so, like that', ni AU gidht6kw 'he male •• it 10' t ni allltt3z{d . 'be il made ao' (Da64).

g "er .. ". ned.eri'tt8n 'je taie q.q.ohole'; Bden'tten 'u tait q.q.choa.';

n.w.r1'ta8aH ~ je ta1~ ,q.q.cho.ecllui, pour lui'. . ."'

'$J7. 'roNGUB. PA ·owi.9ani (Mo)5, Ta67) 'bis' to~e' 1

!l/-1alol (reehaped). n!lal& 'My tongu.', kn.16 'your (ag.)" tong9', , 1

WÛal& 'hi. tangue' (Wr7S). w11ù6 'hie tongue' (Da64); wUalo 'hil, her

to~ (Lr84, p2S).

IR ".1raJ.8". JI1rarB !la lallgUjl'; nirarS 'III langue' I\!:r~~~ '18 langue'.

)08. roo HUCH. PA ·olaun (lfe),) 1

!! Ive~'Jm/. VIS.:! t too 1111Gb', n61~.d '!pkelnrt~ '1 .l.ep tao late' (Wr7S) J

-.ami 'too weh' (~, pB?); k'oz8J111 nelkt8gvz1ba 'rou III&ke too DlUch


"-J 1


t· , \

. , .


" . noise' (Lr84, p94); w&8m1 'too muèh' (Ma 32, p15).

)09. 'lOO'IH. (1). PA ·.isp1t (Bl46)s

!! l-ip1t/. nip!t 'My tooth', rdpiUl 'My teeth', kiptt 'your (sg.) tootll',

vip!t 'hie tooth', rtpit6 'he has tE!eth' (Wr15); wib1d 'his tooth', nib1dÙ,

nev!bid'l '1II\Y t .. th' (De.64); wibid, vib1dal (pl.) 'hil, her tooth' (Lr84,

p25); wibit 'tooth' (&)2, p,56).

g fI_ipi t". nipi t '!lia dent'; 8ipit 'sa. dent'.

)10. TOO'l'H ('2). PA ·au~upitéswa (Bl46) 'he teethes' 1

ICR ltaaHgaKblâ'a".' ne8~Hgaiib:!da 'les dente 11\8 viennent'; eangatfuida 'les

:nu (mnnent'. ' ' )11. TOWN. PÂ ·ostelweni (Sb.61a) 'town, village's

§!../otanal (reshaped). 6tana 'town', oUnass!à 'Uttle town', otan4k 'in

~wn' ('WJ"?5)'; odanâ 'town' (Da64); od!.1 ocU~ 'from the village", odciaak ,

odtnak ~thos. !'rom the village' (0.59); edana, odanal (pl.) 'town", city, . , . villag·e' (Lr84, p40); aln&ba'odana 'an Indian nllage' (Lr84, p,54); oelana

r 'v1l1age' (Ma)2, pS6).

lB tt8dâine" ~ "8d'n.". Bdâ1ne ,'viUage'; neha 8diinek 'j 'y viens'; nad.ralle . -

)12. -'!'RADE. PA -atal,,- (8146)1

KR "atal\8-". ne 'ta 'ta~ 'je trdtte'; netatai\~'t8nJ neta 'tal\8aftll' 'je traitte - . cela·; netatafi8'hafl • je lùi tra1tte', Mda tan8asi • je tra1 tte pour !a~ner

, q.q.chose'.

'1). TREE (1). PA •• a.htekw. (Sb6'7b) 'tree. stiok, .te.', K I.attekv/. ~naht.kw 'trap 'aulce'; kokwaahtekw 'kettle' at1ck' (Dt.64).


1 1 ,

1 ) !

l ' 1

. . , ."' ,.

! .



m "(a)'tek8'". netek8 '~u de bois frana); neteg8ike 'ou 11 y en a (001.8

fr.na)'; skahe8a'tk8 'orOix'.

314. TREE (2) PA *-alxkw .. (Sb41) 'tre. t wood' z . -

![ I-ak.k:w-I. kwe~ ta loni stiok' (WlilS); 4lpahkvim 'ordinal')" wo~d' t

tassihk;.wab6 'he ,dts on a log' oSlaglkw 'aspen', ma.ahH:kws 'blaok ash

tree' t ige~ 'white ash tree' (Da64);. ·pagb.~nak1nGn 'hiokory tree' (0.6f); . .

mahl.kws 'aah tree' (~, p)1); temanakv 'a broken tree, a .. tub', DlSoalcw , .

'decayed wood, a dry tree', nib1menakuam 'a qush-oranbel'rY tree', kokokh8akw

'fir' (Lr84, pJ2); a181Ukuam 'heart of a tree' (Lr84, p))); pokjanaJew 'part "

of .. tree, st\1lllP', tlllanakw 'part of' tree trunk, _tub', wjakwam 'but't end

of tree'. akakwam 'green wood' (&32, p67); ·kokokHWcw 'f1.r', kag8wakw

'pr1.ckly.a.6', mahlakwa 'black ash' (MaJ2, p54)r8gmakw 'white ash' (MaJ2,

pSS); lldawakwam 'oheering or May pol.' (Ma)2, p66).

m ".ak8..". areaksak8 '(bois) ,"rd, qui. l1t!l peut bruier'; kekàk8i~k8k . 'bo1.a r~re.t'; aDgmak8 'trine'.

tree' 1

!! I--ail rV 1-lIli1i/ rv 1-111011/. 8IS.n~lIIOa{ 'maple' t -'coWa:! 'beeoh'

(Wr7.S); &nlake_~{ ',pd ~ak', wataUme.! 'white oak' (Da64); pigi.s.~{.

'black walnut (tree)' (Da61); ana8k.lIle~i 'oak', wajo1m1~i 'beech~~ a.nourzi,

' .. pf." .que.k1men1moz1. 'r •• pbe!'T'1 bush' (Lr84, p)l); waohllmezi 'white'

~àk' ~ P~1.m1,1 'walnut tree', vajw1Ja1z1 'be.ch' (&)2, pSS).

m ...... a1." rV .. -m1.1 .... ,-....J tI_S.1". anukamea1 'chane -qui porte des glands';

Sa:t.atb.m1a1. 'hitre'; pagatm8ei 'no1..J".

316.' TROt1T~ PA *DaII1e'kwa (Sb67b) 'lake trout'. '

f l' t

l -" 1

, . ,




> LJ -:L .>~~ ,_0


trout' (Da64);.namagw, namagok (pl.) 'salmon trout' (Lr84, p)9); namagw

'salmon trout' (Ma32. pSS); Il'namagwom 'lIT salmon trout' (&32, p10).

IR "na~.s8". DaMg8, ~g~ak (pl.) 'un po1seon'.

cf. FISH

317. TRY (1). PA *kak1nt1t- 0J *kakwe-l~i (Ho57)' -------- -


![ l~akw~~1. rv Ikvakwacij ~ rie~o! '1 try'. irdkwacl 'try 1t (imp. sg.),

he ~1es', nekwakwloittdn, Delcwakwickw&at6'n '1 try it', wtcwlkwa~!taw! .

'he tries to get s"mething out 01'- him', kvi.kwao{notim 'he tries to hear' - ,

(Wr7S); grigwadz! 'try thou', gwagw'den' 'try to lift 8ometh1ng' (Da.64);

kwaguatlkoala (ap. sg.), kwaguatskoalogw (imp. P~.) ttry h1lI t, kwaguatBkoado

(ilnp. sg.), kwaguatskoadogw (imp. pl.) 'try it' (~t p18S).

~ "k§akg'tsi-". k~~k'8éte181 ·tta ' •• sa1e de dire cela'; lleg~agâétdhan (an.),

neg8agâ'tsi'ttBn (inan.) 'je tais q.q.ohose pour voir si je le terai bien,

j '.ssaie &o.' ct. ASK

318. TRY (2). PA *ko31- ~Ho57) 'tr;y to.' s

'KI! "k8tsi-": ne1câta1harai\ (an.), Mk~tsihaq8n (inan.) 'j '.s, .. 1e, 'prou," . q.q.oWose'; nek8tsit8n 'jtee.aie de taire q.q.chose'; k8ts18i'ta 'es.aie

d. d1.re oela'.·

., , 319. TUBER. PA ~Xpal17a (8146) 'tuber, potato', l'

SF 1 (~:~. p~n 'gJ'Oundnut', ppe~. p~l1idk 'gro~ndnut.', nt,ppen~k 1

'My te~:~s' (Wr'lS); ~n, ahpen!~ 'grourxlnut', ,odâ'hpenilllA1.c. 'his te_Uole.'.

~ "pen". pen, penak (pl.) 'poires de terre'.

)20. TORTLE. PA *lIexlcena ihkn. (Sb41) '.napping tUrUe' s

~ lrrdl<kit1&kkw/. ~klcw 'turtl. shell' (Wr?sh IIIilckin&w 'turtl. aheU,

oarapace' (Da64).

. /

/ _.10 : 3 i 2 *035,,@ ,1. i ; ( i. S,EEZMZ iZ


~ \ . 1 1 ,

• - 1 i

0. ..

1 1 1

---~------..------ ----~--,

'i "oA4t ... ' tE ,. '.


IR "-kenakS". lJI1kenak8 '8012 'oaille';' naflb~lnak8, ekâ'kenak8 'tortu.'.

~1. T'I«J. PA *n1.M (Bl46),~ . . §! 1n1.8f. n!a 'twc', Jl!"nkk.fw 'twelve', n:!so~ (an. ).' niee~l (1nan.) . '

'they are tvo", nia ilap~t 'the second one (an.)' (Wr15); rds 'two' (0.64); . . ni. 'two', msoak (an.), nianol (1rwÏ.) 'two' (Lr84, p13); nis, niees

'd.ua.' (Lr84, pSO); DtnJoak, nenienol 'two .very t1Jl1e, two 8&00' (Lr84,

p76); nisda 'trice' (Lr84, p79); 1duw8 n1a1rl '"ou twê' (Lr84, p1(0) •

• ~ "ni.aa". mas 'deux'; ni.aak (an.), nis.nar (inan.), 'deux (ooncrete) 1; ~

n1sseda 'deux tois'.

322. UNOO.YJR (1). PA ·JIk)I6ken- (sb4t) 'uneoTer by hand'z

.§!'/JAOsken,../. oJlOskenem'n 'he unoover. i t' (0.64).

3Z3. UNCOVER (2). PA .par6ken- (Sb4t) 'uncoTer, break open by

hand' :

§l. lpask:-/. pUkik.~ '\UlOOver 1t (iJap. eg.)', nepi.klkene.n '1 unoo ... r

i t'. np'ikA.ll~ • l unconr Ida'. wpiakikenetntfn 'he unao"rs 1t' (Wr1 S) ;

ob .. k~g.ne-'Il . 'he unoonr. lt by hand' (Da64); paslétaha (iIIlp. sg.), paak.

tahuIogw (oblp. pl.) 'break, shen 1.t' (Lr84, p189).

Y. "pask. ". nep .. kaH8â~naH t j. lui d'couvre 1_ vis.ge '; pask.t1g~nal\ 'il

lui d'co,"" le v1~age t; nepa.kigh'éd' t j. cl~co~:," la cabane'; pa..klgh~êd'

tu d'COuvre la cabane'.

324. UNTIE. PA ·up- <éo6;?), *upi.kw1- (Ge41) 'unti~, release,

.et ~e, loo .. n, detaoh, ~epar.te"

![ l'$p.-I. nt~pene.n '1 untie 1.t', nÛpen~ 11 unti. him,', ~penA 'it 1. Untied,

untie bill or '1 t (1mp. .,.)', nt~po~-'n • l unbutton 1 t', ~pkkw4 .. ak'h1k'D

'key' (Wr1S); ~bena tunti. h1a or 1t (iDIp. ag.)t, 8benop 'untie hira




• '~,' r

, .. '". ~ ... , -;-. 7



(imp. pl.)', abneJllOgv' 'untie 1t (1mp. pl.)'. 1

~ ".i\bèk8i-~. nedanpkg1aresi 'je me d'lie'; nedambkgiharan (an.). nedaiib.

ek81had8n (inan.) 'je le d'Ue'; nedambk8i'ai 'j~ d'Ue v.g. 'oe1ntU1"e';

~bk81'h 'oela est d'li".

325. UP ABOVE. PA •• ~pe~nk1 (Bl46)s ,

§l!(a)apem:-I .• pea-'k 'up .1:19"', spelllldd 'heawn', n~.pemkkhn 'IIIJ h •• ftn'

vt'.pe~ 'hi. he. ftn' (Wr1.5); ape-'k • up aboye' (na64); .pltmki 'he. ven'

(Lr84, p14); apemkik allhl6d 'The Aaoension' (Lr84, pi3); spemaalar 'up.

ataira' (Ma)2, pS6.); ~pe1lk1 'upland, beaven' (Ma)2, p67); apemek 'up above'

(&32, p?6) ..

!li ".pem-". epelllek 'ha'ut'; spelll8.iPk8k 'au dessus de la Dlnt.gne'; spemki ~

'paradia 'l speJlllcik, apemk:!'gh' 'en paradie'.

~ fi )26 .. ·UPON. PA *te:h6. l''V *te1hU (MOJ.5)1

r §! luaa-!. Ueaap6 'he lits upon aomething', U-IU.p! 'dt down (bp •• S.)',

• tu.tIckwap&D 'ohair', U .. tU 'it reats upon someth1ng', ".u: .. ttcSn 'he 'pute

it- down', tlaattika~l ,.helft., (Wr7S); t,4ss1-rl 'CÙMl on top of eomethins.

dovn onte', ta .. ihkwa~ 'he aita on a log' (Da64>; tu1vi 'upon' (Lr84,


1 1 ' j

l 'J2!l. WAIT FOR. PA • a Bk. (Sb41) 'watoh, lie in ambush' r j

~ 1<.psk.l. nta,ld3p!" nta.ldwit.t6' '1 am wait1ng', ntask'wi3 '1 '&Ill wait1ng

to~ him',_ ask'~p6 'he i. wait.ing'~ wtasklwittôn 'he 1. wait.ing for'it',

ak'ritt6 'wait (iDlp. ag.)· '(Wr1S); ask~vU 'nit tor hiD C1mp •• g.)' j

(Da64), kagui aak~v1to.nt 'what are ,ou ".1t1ng tort' ,- n'd.aekawiton '1 '. a. wa1U~ for it' (Lr84, p92); k'd.aak.w1holj1 '1 will va1t for yeu (SS.)',

aka1dh1gw u talt 'wa1t -for me' here' <!.raf' p96);, .kaw1ha (ap •• S.),

/ ' .. 1 1 1


" \ ,

• 1


r\ (1'


.. '


skawihogw (imp. pl.) '".1t f?r him~ expeot lrl.m', skaWito (imp. ag.),

akaw1top (imp. pl.) '"ait for it, expect it'. !R "(a,)sk-". nedaska8aiibi 'j'.t.tens'; nedaska8ihaK. (.n.), nedask~81'tt8n

(inan.) 'je l'attena,', Bk.8ih' 'attens-1e'; aka8ihi 'attena.moi'.

"-)28. ~. PA •• oheel- (Mo)S)a

§!. /.ossa/. vtoaa' 'he comea', lossA: 'he goea', Ukots' 'he tl)rJlS', kesolai , ,

'he ~alks quickly' ,! .... ~olsl 'he goea strligbt ahead' t nek!olul. 'l, go

1 tor 1 ~aUe' t ~k6a~,I.' '1 walle .vay', pemoSlla, 'lIlIrtJlsi. ~~e walle.' t nepelllOs.i, ,

D81B11Ossl '1 "aUe,', "pa •• 6tou' the approaches', ilemoss," the VIlk, .1.0 dg "

nsiossl 'I get out, COllle~ut', n{aoas'· 'they (tvo) "alie', mS'mi~ss' ,

'he. walks 81o.ly', npe~'latc:S'n' 'I ~àJTy Ut, ntJto'Bs' '1 lea,"', .:lpkoI84

'~e stars aw.y tor • long time', plpemo.ài 'he wa1ks about' (\t1r?5)' belllOh.

'lÎe ~lkS" alohs' 'he goes', bam1 n6hpaohsl "he goes !arther' ~ ~lOhl. . ,

, J 'he goes th1ther', taag' alohsln 'it' he goes', giohd. 'he takes a walk',

,S',ioha' 'he Itro1f.S', leShlen! 'go there', ohtodohs'n 'he moV&1I by' (Da64)J

k'Qz8mi ke~os.ba 'you w.lk too·fast', wz&m1 manMsak' 'they walk too slo,,',

lahos.da.. 'let us go out', 'ahOsagw 'go out (imp. pl.)', u lIagos.da 'let

UI go this way', ni alagosaadit 'they go that vay', lagosa a1nakaiv.i

'he go .. ta the right, go to the right (imp. ag.)', eda llagosawi pSj1w1\ o

'he does not go ta the lét't', e&aasagoytta 'he Boes 8traigh~ ,along, go

atraigbt ~ong (imp. sg.) t (Lr84, p95); t8ni alosaan 'where are you (.g'.) 1

going?" t6ni alosaakw 'whe" are you (pl.) going"; n'-d-eloe. '1 8l'll goi~'

, (Lr84, p94); loa.ni 'go there (~. ag.)· (Lr84, p96); kSdosUI8k 'walk:1ng

pr1vUy', mannosauaek 'walk1ng .10"ly', pedgosallek 'walldng back' (MAJ2.

p76). (

. ,

urche len~~nt' J n •• ipal8ag8ss' 'je pass~ 10~8 un arbre', nenilckan8s8'

'je nia devânt, Je Marohe 0 le 1r 'par terre'" ~Hta08s8' 'je Tai. ab.olu-


"i ).,

'~ ! •




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rot 1. Bans b1al ... : ••• 0 '.st < 011 j. souha! te alle.'.

} '329. WANDER. PA ·klrw- (HoS?) 'around, turning, ret:urning"

~ Ik1w-l. ldlilhlo6 'he 18 IItupid' t nek{lfanl,lcwahl~ '1 u; d1~~y' ,{ k:!wan..

'.kwah1i 'he 15 d1ZS1' (Wr7S); glwinf.& 'he vamer.· 1 glwh16wiwf 'orazy',

g1whl.&' 'he 1. .tup1d'; gioh., 'he takes a vall<', g3g1ohd:, 'he strOlls'


g "k18-". nek18ad8nahaii 'je le oherehe par tout'; nek18a~:1 • je m' 4., me d'tourne du ohemin'; k1S.HS '11 a • 'gare 1; neki8aii8ihaii 'je l' 'gare t

le .taisant d'toUrner du chemin'; nekllJana8'k6~sl 'je suis 'tourdi'; ki8.

anask86st 'U est etourdi'.

:nO. WASH (1). PA ·kes11. (Bo57) 'rub, wiPe, vash".

![ tqs'-I. nek~Hpa:al~ '1 w.ah him', nek'se~at6'n '1 w~lSh, lt', neké'se.

p'ales1 '1 w,ah 1IIYsel.!", nek'.1kw~ '1 waah JJY face', nek'8ilc~ '1 wash IllY - "

'h.ms', ke8ep'al.s~ 'he washes h1n1selt ~ (W:r?S); o~e~.b~~dig' 'he va."",

. ,g.z.bUle,6 'he vashes hilUelt', n.gezÛdz~ '1 vash IllY, hand' (Dl64);' keze-"..10. _ ~ 1

, #

baa~ (11Ilp • • e.) f ke .... baad1gagw (illp. pl.) .'v~lh (your.elt)', k.~al.

(1ap. sg.)., ke"baalagw (blp. pl.) 'wash him',' kezebaado (imp. ag.) f 'l,



ke ... ebaadogw '(iap .• pl.) 'wa,h it' (Lr84. p184): a • '.,

g' "ke •• -" t'V ke'si-". neke.e ... h4haraM 'je le lave'; neke8eb'h~aH (aD.),

nek.!aeb'hadBn (inan.) 'je le lave'; ke.1.barip~iia~ 'il faut fztotter', l'

nlk •• tgBl 'je me lave le vilai.·; n.k~.!retla • jè me lave l,. mains'; ,

nekls1rets'-nàft 'je lave les Jlaine 'i lui' •

.. ~. "~~1. WASH (2). PA ·kauia. (H6'S1) 'rub',

2/kase1-,. ~ka~!ppot6n "1 v1pe 1t', nekas.:!ppO~ '1 wipe Mm' ,(Wr?.5); ~

la"~Eni1g~ 'he wipe.'. gill1hp6d1gi '~e ripe • . ott' (Da64).

IR "ka ....... 'nekae •• 'lII&8ait (an.), nekassehamen (1nan~) 'je l'es.u1e, ~

, l

\., ~~~~' ... , " 7~l~~ .-.-. ...... ' .. ,... ~

7 ul


1 x'


.. ,1

71 \ ..

. ' ..... '"





torche'; nekaliligâ6h~si 'je m'essuie le visage'; gaSSigaéhisi '11 s' enuie

le visage'; nekass1g§6haH 'j'essuie le visage .9: lui', neka8h8ll\en, ~al!8 ..

hainen 'jtet!.~e, &c. '; ka.i'm 'oela est effac'. ne paro~t plus'.

'32. WATER (1). PA ·nepyi (m46)r

.§!. I(n)epi/. nap! 'yater' Lnep:Uc: 'in " .. ter', :skwet'.iinep1 'f'irewat8r'" . 8o~k:w1nep1 'oce~n vater', tkkep! '~old water', awikhik.nnepl 'ink' •

• 6kel~nnp{ 'rain ""ter', nep!oo 'he or 1t i8 nt' (Wr7S); neb1 'yater',

/" " ·neblJC ab6' 'he is in water'. neb:!kti 'it is in va ter , , obon:> nebile 'he pute ~ .

b.im in wa ter', nebfo6 'he 18 vet', thkeb{ lit 1a cold water' (Da64); nebi

'water', eoglSnbi 'ra1"n water', sibob:1 'river water'-t t.kebi 'spring yater',

whawdazib8l11inebi 'wall water', nbi80nbi 'IIdneral i ft ter'. p1bganbi 'muddy

w.ter' (Lr8,4, plS); akwb1 'rum' (Lr84, p30); nbitont,l 'medio1ne' (Lr84,

p98); nebi 'water', nebizon 'medicine' (&32, p5~~; akwbi 'rtUIl' (&J2, p66) .. \

~ "nebi tt • neb~ 'eau'; tekehi 'eau froide'; neb1k ",dans l'eau'. , 333. WATER (2). PA *alar1nt-, *.kw1~- (Bl46, He7J) 'itt waUr't

m "ag81t." rv "ag81ts_ tt • ' ag81den, agS!den8r (pl.) 'canot·'; nedagSltain"

, j'y tombe (dana l'eau)'; n~daggi tsimaH nebik ~e le jette dana l'eau' •

334. WE (1). PA *n1slawenu.n- (Ha67b) ·ye (excl.)' 1

/ /

~ !nional (reshaped). n:!o~. 'we (exo1.)·, rdorJ.U 'our. (.xcl.)', nio~tt' , (> ft

'oursel!Bs (exel.)',(Wr>7S); n1o~ '118 (axcl.)' (Da64); nyo"'- 'lie' (Da59)J

n:i.una '118, us, ta ua, our, ours (exg1.)' (Lr84, p12); niunatta 'ourselves,

to ourse1wa (axe1-)' (Lr84, p.59); n:1ona 'n, us' (MaoJ2, p68); nionak {> ,

• te from, or by us', Dio na , 11a 'ours' (&)2, p69).

" !B "n18na". n~8t 'nous'. , '

:335. WE (2). PA .k1llav.na~n- (Ha67b) ,,'lle (1ncl.) 's


~ " ~

f t

f . f' ~


. tl~

"'­n 1

..", .....


158 1


~ IkÛJnal (relh,ped). kiclni 'ln!! (incl.)' (Wr75); giO'~ Ive (incl.)' (D&64);

1l1una 've, ua, to • s (i.ncl.)' (Lr84, p58); Idunatta 'ourael'i'es, to ourle1yea

(inel.)' (Lr84,

3;6. WEASEL. PA ·lalnknahl1 .. (Sb6'7b) 'Irlnk'a ~

n: laakwueul (dimi~ t.1'"!8 fON). ugwahs{'! 'wea~' (Da64); aguais

'veasel' (Lr84, p)6r.

~'5l. WH,ITE. PA *waJP:\. (Bl46h

§.[ 1 ( li )Pjp~ 1. v~pik6, ~p1kcS' 'he i6 'Wh1 t.è " v~p1k'n, 3pik'n '-1 t 11 wM. tA ' ,

~v~1klc!1t ~p1kk:!i 'tbewhite'ones (1nan.), ~p1k'k 'the white one (1~n.)t,

1 ~p1k{t 'the white one (an.)t t ~pik1h1üar 'goose', ~pase'S8 'woodpecker';

~phak'" 'cary', ~p1kw.a6. 'lIIOule' (Wr75); v5b1g& 'he ia 'White', v3big'n

'it ~~' w~ig1d a'lell&l, V~8I'1I1 'white dog', ~1kws6s 'muse,

v~b1m'n 'chestnut', w~Phf.g'l 'oarp' (0.64); ~bigen 'it 18 white', w6b1go

'he 15 white', web1 gam1gv ~a white house', treb1g1t (an.), w8b1gek (inan~)

'the white', ."ebbagak 'the 'White l1quid' , w6bbag'a 'it il white l1guid',

"Sbipegw 'lime' ,(Lr84, p4,); w6bhagaa 'carp' (Lr84, pJ9); v8b1gid (an.),

v8bi,.k (üv,n.) , ( the) wh1 te', w8bigo 'he .115 white', .8higen 'i t 11 white'

(Ma)2, p64>t v8phagas 'oarp' (Ma)2t p55.); vBbapakv 'white ro~k.·, w8bim8ni


'white lIk:mey' (Ma:32, P6'7). '. 1 m "BaHbi-". Baftbighen 10, 8aiibighen8r 'oe1a est blano (inan.)·; 8&l\b~

·oe1. est blanc, (an.)'; n8afSbihaH (an.)" nagl\b!ttBn '1nan.) 'je le t'aia , ,

• blanc'; .8aHb{ ttBn 'il le tail blanc (inan.)'; 8aHlt1g8d188 'aour~I'; , . .

8allbimin , Baflbim1.nar (pl.) 'obttainal'; 8aKbemenar 'bl' blanc t.

:3)8. WIOOW. PA ·lisko:9kwenra (Sb41)s

§l/-18o(ekwa)/. I~O'kw& 'v1do,,', .~o:!t 'v1c:lowel'" '(Wr?S); zigoakwl

\ . .. ..... ~ F 7










twidov', z1gw!d tndawer' (J;lI.64); sigrld 'widover', ligoaqua 'vido" , (&32,


m ~.igB(8k~)". IigB'k& 'veun'; dgBit 'veuf'.

JJ9.' WILLOW. PA ·keDOlfye.qs1wa (Sb67b)'

§!./b:DDla.tJ/. kano.â' •• , kan6.as~k (pl.) 'villow' (Wr7Sh ganoziÎs 'villow' ,

(Da64); k&n:lZ&a 'villo..,' (Lr84, p32); kanous 'v.Ulow' (Ma)2, p54).

J40. WING. PA ·oOenkw1 (Mo)5, Ta67) 'hi. ving, armp1t':

!l / -olekw1/. -wlekwin 'nng', w6'lekwa~ 'hil ring', ndleJnr1 'my armpl t t ,

k6l.lcw! 'l'our (ag.) armpit', wlelctrl 'his armpit' (Wr'75h nolegrl tmy armpU;,

od'l-eP! 'hi. arD1pit', wolegwin 'his wing' (Da64); wu1guan "'a wing' (Lr84,


lB -.reg81". nereg81 'DIOn a1.elle', ned'tsireg~an 'j '1 mets (ai.eUe)·;

BrgSana, Brg§anak ~ aUe'; Brg~"'n!g6nak 'lea plumes de 1 '-tUe ' ..

\ / 341. WINTER. PA .~po,nw. (Ta61):

![./pe~~. P9p&n, pp6n 'w1nt.r', pepo~l, ppo~l 'winters' 't rdalf.ppc;ni - ,... .

'lut v1nt.r, ppok', pepok' 'nen rinter', pp6ntwf, ppô'nw1~ 'in, winter',

. 'kkw1.ppOn 'bard winter', peponkk:! 'north', ppOlùck~ 'to, tram the north'

(Wr75); peb&n, p6'n~nt.r', pèb6nocS '1t 18 vinur', pebog' 'next vint_,r',

~Y'tA~'':'I_'', p6 ,f 'north' -«(Da64)., pe" bon ,.._oou .... 1. rua. 'v1nter', pebona '1.8t winter', rd~l1-

• ppona 'a yeu ago" lut vinter'. p4tboga 'nen winter', pebon1wi 'in winter t

(~84, plB); pebo~1 'the north', ~bonk1k 'no,rthward, a,t, to, tram the no"Ïht, ',. ~,

pebonk1ak 'northern people"' (Lr84, p46>,; nSvi pwn 'the IIlidcile of winter t

(~4, p1Q6). .. !! "pebBn" • .-b8n '1'h1T8~ l'on est'; pebBn' 'le paas' (hiver)'; p.~gh'

/ ,

" 'le proohain (h1't'er)tl na~8ip8n 'le 1Ili11eu lor.qu·on y •• t'; ak~i:'p8n,

~ , tld t p8n"U e.t b1ep rude'; Bdagan1'p8n 'U n'est pa. rude, 11 est doux'.

'. ,-l





t i,

" ,

t 'J-..


1 ,1


342. WI'l'H. PA *witt- rv ~t~i .. (8146), 'Along, vith'", r,

H. lwi t-/ rv /ldo-/. w!caw~ 'he accoapanies h1J1', rd. t5p{ 'IllY trieo:i' t

~t'pA 'his triem' , 'v106kkl.Dl~ 'he helps hiII' (Wr1S>, widz! '~long, vith',

w!dI&W~ 'he, accompanies' h1l'll<', nawid.~~ln~, n1d!:l.ln~ ,'-:1 tel'low Indian', .

vitk,vi'nn& 0 'travelling cOlllp"n1on', rldl6hkam~ 'he helps h1m', wtdr.6hk.agam5

'he helpa aOllleone' (Da~h adaaba k'ki&! 'ldjawiv 'you can't come with ~' . '), -

(Lr84, p94); wi j a1dgwj'oollle with ., (1mp. pl.)' (Lr84, p9,s); wijokama (imp.

ag. ), wijokqogw (~. pl.) 'halp hill, assllt h1m', wijokada (1IIlp. Ig.),

wijokadamogw (imp. pl.) 'help 1t, assist 1t', wijokamzi (iJnp. eg.), w1j..

okaluip (ilap. pl.) 'halp ones8lf', wijokad1gw (ap. pl.) 'help aaoh other'

(Lr84. (Pi!1); wijo k_ •• ~ 'holp us' (KaJ2. YI?).

/ !Ii "8its.. • 81ts! 'simul, in compositione tantllm'; neBitsi 'r'ma~ 'je vai_

a .. o lui, je Ille joins i lui'; n81 te\'6m..H • je mange avec l~'; ni tei'

'mon camarade'; DitlS "mon compagnon'; n8i t.iokk'JUB (an.), nSi teolck~n

(inan.) 'j'aide cela'.


J43. la"I;HIN. PA *.Sac. (Go6S) 'urderneath'. ~--! /

![ /a13a-/. a~~v{ ',i~1de', .arl.püwt '\Uder w»-~" ll~a1kou "Î1nside

• 'the houae' (Wr?S); al~bagw. 'under the wat.er' t al~lIliw! 'w;tthin, 1naide' 1 . , al~lII!gomi 'w1thin the house' (Da64); a16môlagua 'the hold. in the hold',

a18l1U1ap. tcabin., ohaDlbe~', a16meagok 'in the cabin' (Lr84, pi?); a16111.a-~ ,

va11u 'p1stol, revolver' (Lr84, p47); a1811UlkuaJI 'heart of a tre.' (~, " ,

p)3); a1811l1111 ababskedalc 'in the .ton' (Lr84, p8S); a1811\aakw 'in.eide'~oll' .

(Ha32, p66).

m "ara.Hm..". araHmk1k 'sous la terre'; nedapin araHm181 araf\laen8ineak8a8k

'je .uis dan. l'arbre'. \ ,

~. WJKAN! PA."'.eJcwen,a~(B146)r

§.[ /(a)lkwa/. n~k8kw' 'sirl', n~klkv ... !. '11ttle ,girl' t. nat.~kwll ... kri 'IV' , .

~ IJLt&Ui31=S_Z_U' J,Sr : •

, ".



1 r



.te .. le cousin', slafaltU 'teillale bird f , WSkwAhl.ami', 1ftaskrihlam& 'hie t'Illale

bird " skwa •• 'm 'bit.oh', w.kwia~emi, ~kv~a •• ml 'Ma bitch', .~kem~skwA 'ch1et'svife' (Wr75); n~slcw" ',young wo ..... n, ,girl', .~ger.~iekw4 '~r'.

1d1'e', c1goslew' 'w1d~', nad~kweeslcw. 'my femal. cousin' (t>a64); nSkskuasis )' . .

'a young, littl. girl' (Lr84, p21); nadSgwseakua 'IllY remale cousin (JIll, ,

epaaking)' (Lr84, p22); 88p8skua 'ohler's v.1f.' (Lr84, p49); n8kequa ~1I&:1.d',

n8klquulls 'girl', 11goaqua 'vido" , (Ma32, p58)1 IquuseJl alnos 'bitan',

equahla alpe 'r .... le bird' (Ma)2, P.59). " 1

li ·.ak~". naHklk~, nafSk.k~ssll (d.1m.) 'fille, vierg~1; s1g8sk86 ',..uve';

nnadaKg8ses.sk~ '~ cousine. - la :fille du' parent de lU. mère".

. , :345. WOODPECKER. PA * .. llII8lwa '(Sb67b) 'P1leated Woodpeokel',

logcock' 1

J.. §[ /JJJ&J1I&/. 1IIIJU., lllamak pl.) 'black woodpeoker\ (Lr84, pp).


J46. ~ ,PA ·aBoxky- {He?" 'Bl.46) a . , ." l " R I.lold<-I. nÛlokk' II work', &1okk' 'he -works', ntal.6kkar~ 'I work for

,\ .

hia', "IU1Üokk' 'he works a lot', me~'lokk' '~e work~ hard', akkw-

fiokkt 'he stoPs. vorklng' t oftSilokk&. 'he continue. te work', rdall akkw­

'lakktt 'he flnishe. thUI', âlokk' the does someth1ng' t wk:f"llilokkin

'he d1d it', ltak410ldci 'he trades' (Wr7,5); alo~ 'he worka', ocia1.6hkarl

'he WONa fOf him', odal6hk5ciamen 'he vorka' ror it' (Da64); aloka~gan 1

'vork, labour' (Lr84" p63); alaka. 'I vork', wlideb'alokaa '1' behaTe "81.1'

(Lr84, p91); a1.oka (.1mJl. Ig.), alokagv (up. pl.) 'vork' (Lr84, p182);

"agaloka 'he da_gel' (Lr84,f p10S); ka gui k'-d-ela:loka! 'what are yeu

(sg.) doi~~elalokaba? 'vhat a" )'Ou (dual) do1n!?', kagui r,:. . ---.. ~ -. . -) k t-d-,la1oklÏed:1ba 'wh.t· are you (pl.) clolngl' (Lr84, p92); kagui n'-d-


achon llalllk.bena' 'wha'/have VI to dot 's alokaw8gan ~work' (Ma)2, p,54);

pisVaJ.oJwnek 'working tor nothing' (Ma)2, p76). ~,

f""\. ()

.. "

m "al'Olck-". neda~kk'm 'j' •• ploie, je loUe'; nedarokkaHran 'je lui

emplo1e'; arolck.H.rafl '11 lui eMplo1e'.

341. YELWW. PA ,*veaarw1 (eo69).

H. /~8~w1-/. w1s~wik& 'he 11 yell01l' , , w1s~w1k'n '1t 18 yellow', w:l.~W!-. . .4 peia! 'bu.tter' • v.!8~.8:!' 'canari' (Wr7,5), v1~:)1d.gdn 11t i8 ,-11ov", . v1.~w1g6 'he i. yellow' (0.64>1 rl~Sw1lah-w6'gan 'jaundicI' (Lr84, p2S); .

v188w.1piJl1 'butter' (Lr84, p)Oh. ~s8rlhl&l1a ta ruard, Any ;rellov bird' 1

, '

(Lr84, Pll); w11~ ',.110"', 11'1 ke~aberowegan 'yellow !ev.er', vi&8v-/

,'atsig.n 'yel101l' <?,-', v1.~gen 'u 115 yellow' (Lr84, p45).

Ü. "81 .. *81-". 8uaR8lg8 (an .. ) 811all81ghen (inan.) • (peinture) Jaune'.

348. 'YOU. PA *ki.lwa wa (B146) r

al /kÛJv'3/, /kllewo,,5/ (reshi. ). k!o1f~, k:Uewow~ 'you' (Wr7S); g1ow~

'you (det1n1 te nUlllbe~)', . g11 ow~ 'you (1ndet:1n1 te number)' (Da 64); k1uw8

'you, ta you' (Lr84, p58); luw6t:ta 'yourselves, ta youreeln.' (Lr84, p,59)a

klow8 'you', kiow8k or ,by you', k1~w8 '~a 'your.' (&)2, ~

. ,

, . "

1 ,


- :1


,4Â( .\1



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