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Post on 08-Aug-2020






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4 – John Michael Darrow

Tammy Knox

6 – Jonathan Zadina

10 – Garrett Pounds

Linda Rae Hendrixson

11- Breckin Weatherman

12 – Gretchen Cleveland

14 – Rodger Peck

16 – Bryan Weatherman

17 – John Campbell

Lauren Edelman

Cody Hamm

Ty Hamm

20 – Andrew Kuder

23 – Austin Crosson

26 – Evan Atwell

27 – Chelsea Cole

29 – Susan Mukwindidza

Angela Diercks

30 – Maleah Griffin


5 – Rick & Deb Nichols

6 – Bobby & Jo Hudson

12 – Lowell & Mary Ann Tasker

25 – Steve & Pat Baccus

29 – Nicholas & Andrea Hernandez

31 – Justin & Anne Abell

A High Standard Beloved humorist Will Rogers had great

appreciation for his mother. Mary Rogers taught

her eight children God’s laws, and she loved and

guided them with wisdom and passion. She

performed endless works of charity, thus setting

an example for them to follow.

So it was with Mary, the innocent maid God chose

to be Jesus’ mother. She witnessed Jesus’ cruel

death and was present at his glorious

resurrection. As proof of their unbreakable bond,

Jesus, from the cross,

made sure that Mary would be cared for.

According to The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible (Abingdon Press): “Mary … represents all

that was finest in Jewish womanhood and

motherhood. Her deep spiritual sensitivity; her

purity, faith and obedience to the divine will; her

scrupulous attention to the training of her son in

the religious traditions of his people; her loyalty

to him, as evidence by her presence at the Cross,

even when she did not fully understand him — all

mark her as a person of remarkable qualities.”

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

. 1 2

3 UMW Sunday

4 5

Men on a Mission 6:30

6 Psalm 100 6:30

7 National Day of


8 9

10 Mother’s Day

11 12 13 Psalm 100 6:30

Ad Council


14 Last Day of Preschool

15 Preschool Program



Graduation Sunday


OCMA Family Picnic 6:00 p.m.

19 Men on a

Mission 6:30

UMW 7:00


Grade Graduation

20 Psalm 100 6:30

21 Ellie Labes Sr. Recital 6:00 p.m.

22 23


Day of Pentecost

25 Memorial Day (office closed)

26 27 Psalm 100 6:30

28 29


31 Peace with

Justice Sunday (special offering)

Soup for Mission

5:00 -7:00

First United Methodist Church NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION 418 N. Rock Street U. S. POSTAGE PAID Minneapolis, Kansas 67467-2242 Permit No. 6 Minneapolis, Kansas 67467


Pastor Kennedy’s Message

Birthdays and Anniversaries

May Calendar

April Administrative Board Minutes


Ada - Minneapolis UMC

May, 2015

Christ’s Ambassadors by Inviting, Sharing, Nurturing and Forgiving

From the Heart of the Pastor! There are a number of interesting as well as worthwhile activities in May. Graduations are in May and the schools close down for a very long school holiday. Parents with grade school age children find it extremely difficult to find activities to occupy their children. Yes, I am aware that there are a lot of activities like ball games and many other social activities. Still families where both parents work outside the home find it difficult to get something to occupy their children when they have both gone to work. Planned family vacations and Mothers' Day holiday activities do not do justice to this challenge. Of course, the long school holiday extends to the second half of August when the new school semester, or year begins. Oh, did I say Pentecost falls on May 24, 2015? Pentecost is the observance of the coming of the Holy Spirit, fifty days after Easter. The coming of the Holy Spirit to the disciples made a great difference to a group of people who were so desperate and dejected that their lives were renewed, revived and enthused. The Holy Spirit strengthened them and empowered them to the extent that they were no longer afraid to testify about the risen Christ. The Holy Spirit was able to remind them all what Jesus had taught them before. The resurrection became a reality after the coming of the Holy Spirit! The period between Easter and Pentecost was extremely difficult for the disciples of Jesus. The risen Christ had appeared before the disciples several times. Some authorities say that Jesus appeared to more than 500 people during the fifty day period to stress the reality of the resurrection, but that did not help more that the coming of the Holy Spirit .Pentecost stresses not only the reality of the resurrection, but also the urgency of the task God gives to the church through his son Jesus the Christ. And Jesus repeats the urgency of the task. To Peter, Jesus three times commands him to “feed my sheep!” John 21:15ff. To the remaining disciples, he says; “as the Father has sent me; so, I sent you...” At Pentecost, the disciples discovered the secret of the power God had given them. And to that end there are some Christians who believe that Pentecost is the birthday of the Christian Church! There is need for the church to take advantage of Pentecost today, and transform the challenges, temptations, trials and testings brought about, in this case, by the long school holiday into testimonies And help both grade school age children and their desperate parents by providing mid-week activities for the children. Each local church needs two or three dedicated persons with passion and zeal to entertain, educate and give Christian values to our children. These would draw a two day program per week for one or two month for the children and invite those interested to come for various activities at the church. Invite volunteers from the church to bring snacks for the children during the time they are at the church. Can you imagine what Minneapolis First United Methodist Church would look like during this long school holiday! Can you imagine seeing a hive of children activities on our church facilities two mid-days a week for one or two months! During this past Lenten season, I was reading James' epistle and the part that caught my attention was where James challenged his readers to “show me your faith apart from your works, and I by my works will show you my faith!” John 2:18. James demands works that produces real results and demonstrate salvation. Yes, as a faith community, the church has a lot to do. Let us claim the power of Pentecost and make a difference in people's lives especially the children and youth. Thank you all. See you all in church. Pastor Kennedy Mukwindidza

May Acolyte Schedule

3 – Brinley Boyer, Braxton Grimes

10 – Connor Peck, Riley Bohl

17 – Brock Constable, Ethan Bohl

24 – Riley Bohl, Joel Abell

31 – Maddy Krueger, Jordan Peck

3 – Puppeteers (Anne Abell)

10 – Dale Henderson

17 – Shayla Boyer

24 – Pastor Kennedy

31 – Megan Grimes

There will be no Second Sunday Dinner in May due

to Mother’s Day falling on the second Sunday.

The next dinner will be on June 14 and the

Trustees will be hosting.

“Memorial Day”

Is it enough to think today

Of all our brave, then put away

The thought until a year has sped?

Is this full honor for our dead?

Is it enough to sing a song

And deck a grave; and all year long

Forget the brave who died that we

Might keep our great land proud and free?

Full service needs a greater toll,

That we who live give heart and soul

To keep the land they died to save,

And be ourselves, in turn, the brave!

Dear United Methodist Church,

Thank you for allowing us to come to your church

and present the Love INC message to your


Yours in Christ,

Virginia Hoover

Director of LoveINC of Ottawa County


Michael McDougal, Mary Hrabe, Becky Gassman,

Cheryl Adams, Richard Pieschl, Donna Johnson,

and Carolyn Underwood

Men on a Mission have made the decision to meet

every other week. In the month of May they will

meet on May 5 and May 17. They will be studying

the book of James.

Mark your calendar! Men on a Mission will be

hosting Soup for Mission to raise funds for three,

including two youths from Ada/Minneapolis United

Methodist Community, interested in joining Pastor

Kennedy Mukwindidza on a mission trip to

Zimbabwe August 3 through August 17, 2015.

The first Soup for Mission event will be from 5:00

-7:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 31, 2015 in Fellowship

Hall at Minneapolis First United Methodist

Church. Sharpen and whet your appetite; come

and support our own people going on a mission trip

to Zimbabwe. Check the weekly bulletins for more

information. Need more information concerning

the mission trip? Ask Pastor Kennedy at any time!

As mentioned in previous newsletters, those who

are interested in attending summer church camp,

please contact Cassie Bohl, our church camp


There are several camps available and more

information is posted on the bulletin board in the


Scholarships will be available.


April 8, 2015

The Administrative Council of the First United Methodist

Church of Minneapolis met for the regularly scheduled

meeting on Wednesday, April 8. In attendance were 14

members: Dale Henderson, Sharon Foust, Patti Huiett,

Steve Baccus, Paula Baccus, Joyce Hamm, Colette

Henderson, Gail Eckart, Tamala Lott, Kathleen Wedel,

Gary Kay, Al Miles, Kristi Ocker and Pastor Kennedy.

Chairman Dale Henderson called the meeting to order.

Pastor Kennedy opened the meeting with a prayer and

short devotional on this special time from Easter until

Pentecost with emphasis on Luke 24.

The minutes were presented in written form. The motion

was made to accept, it was seconded and all voted aye.

Steve reported for the treasurer and the Finance

committee. There is nothing new to report as they have

not met.

Paula reported for the Trustees.

The trustees are recommending the acceptance

of Brown’s lighting proposal. The cost will be

$4,689 plus the installation of the LED dimmable

bulbs. Paula made the motion to accept the

trustees’ recommendation and Sharon seconded.

All voted aye.

The trustees have had the elevator switches


The roofs on the church & parsonage have been

scheduled for the replacement of shingles.

The trustees are recommending the acceptance

of Chuck Kieffer’s parsonage steps proposal. It is

recommended that a 4’ x 4’ concrete deck with

non-slip surface be built with steps to the south.

There would be a railing on the west side. The

proposal is for $2000.00. After some discussion

Steve Baccus moved and Kathleen seconded that

we allow the Trustees to determine the best

method of fixing steps. All ayes.

Paula noted that the trustees had welcomed John

Darrow to the committee.

The trustees are discussing long-range planning to

present to Finance.

The trustees are working towards the completion

of the installation of the security cameras.

The trustees are in the process of replacing

batteries in smoke detectors.

Patti reported for the PPR committee. The committee

had met just prior to the Ad Council meeting. They are

working on a report due May 15 so will meet in May.

A written report from the Missions committee written by

Blythe was read by Dale. Unless something comes up

that needs their attention, this committee does not plan

to meet until fall. Mission Moments will continue.

Kathleen reported for the Worship committee. She

announced that the Ruble family will be a part of the

Worship Service on April 19. She is in discussion with the

4-Told quartet to return for a concert in June.

Gail reported for the United Methodist Women. Their

focus at this time is on the District Spiritual Retreat that

will be held in our church on Saturday, April 18. A few

more salads are needed. All women are encouraged to


Old Business:

Colette reported that the fair food stand committee will

begin meeting in May. The fair is July 14-18.

New Business:

It is possible that a refrigerator/fridge will be

donated to the church. After discussion, it was

decided that the Trustees would take possession

if it becomes available.

The matter of camp scholarships was brought to

the attention of the council. It was the general

consensus of the council that this is an area in

which the Education committee needs to set the

parameters for the camps but the Missions

committee will help support financially as a

mission of the church. Tamala, co-chair of the

Education committee was asked to meet with her

committee to determine the guidelines for camps.

Pastor Kennedy gave his report on the state of the church.

Several in our congregation are ill, one is in the hospital.

He thought we had a good Easter service and was pleased

with the attendance. The Lenten Bible studies went well.

Men on a Mission are continuing to meet every other

week. Plans are being made for annual conference.

Pastor Kennedy closed with a prayer.

Dale announced that our next meeting will by

Wednesday, May 13 at 7:00 p.m.

Meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Joyce Hamm, recording secretary

I thank you for the recognition of my birthday in

the Communicator and the many cards and

greetings I have received. I enjoyed and

appreciated each one. I fell very blessed to have

lived such a long and good life. Thank you


Muriel Herpich

May Volunteers

3 – Megan Grimes & Tammy Krueger

“Gifts of the Spirit”

10 – Rodger & Diana Peck

“Fruit of the Spirit”

Storekeeper: Colette Henderson

(Last Store Sunday)

17- Tamala Lott & Shayla Boyer

“Seven in the Spirit”

May 17th will be the final class before summer

break. Sunday School will resume in the fall.

Louis Andersen is the teacher for the adult class

and they will be studying “One in the Bond of

Love” during the month of May.

for allowing the National Guild

of Piano Teachers to hold local

auditions in your lovely church.

We enjoy having the grand piano. Seventeen

students of three teachers played for the judge

from Emporia.

Musically yours, Verna Davidson

May Volunteers

3 – Kristi & Paul Ocker, Becky McDuffee

10 – Angie Darrow, Becky McDuffee

17- Blythe Atwell, Becky McDuffee

24 – Barb Kibler & Becky McDuffee

31 – Deb Pounds & Becky McDuffee

3 – Tammy Krueger

10 – Mother’s Day (no coffee hour)

17 – Graduation (no coffee hour)

There will be no coffee hour during the summer


3 – Dean & Illa Rae Johnson

10- Dean & Illa Rae Johnson

17 – Mary Ann Tasker & Doris Davis

24 – Andrew & Melanie Kuder

31 – Andrew & Melanie Kuder

It has been announced that the final day for preschool for this school year will be Thursday, May 14. The promotion program will be on Friday, May 15 at 7:00 p.m. The preschool will be celebrating how they have grown and learned during the school year by singing songs and performing learning activities. Director Megan Grimes will be presenting those children who will move to kindergarten next year and those children

who are qualified for another year at Noah’s Ark Preschool. All are welcome to attend!

Photos compliments of Megan Grimes

SUNDAY, APRIL 19, 2015

The Ruble Family

Dave, Angie, Mason and Wayne

shared their talents with our congregation.

Photos by

Donna Johnson

Proud parents, Lori and Wade Blake, present their infant son, Easton for

baptism before family and friends. Pastor Kennedy officiated.

Photos by Donna Johnson & Angel Constable

An Easter egg hunt was held on the church lawn prior to the Worship Service.

Joan Miles presented the Children’s Message during the Worship Service.

MHS Graduation May 17, 2015

Kathryn Campbell Ashley Constable Brooke Campbell

Following graduation, After graduation, Ashley Brooke is undecided

Kathryn will attend will attend Project Search regarding her plans after

Bethany College and at Salina Regional Hospital graduation. Brooke is

major in Music. Kathryn for the 2015-2016 school the daughter of

is the daughter of year. Ashley is the Shane and Lori Campbell.

John and Danya Campbell daughter of Angel Constable.

Eighth Grade Graduates Jr. College Graduates College Graduates

Gunner Campbell Weston Penn, Butler CC Katie Duggan, Baker U.

Joseph Huiett

Gage Middleton Congratulations also to David Womak and Anita Hamm. David

Colby Nichols received his Master’s Degree in Criminal Justice from WSU

Corey Nichols in December. Anita graduates from CCCC with a associates

degree in nursing. Anita will be working at SRHC and will be

enrolling at WSU in the fall to attain her Bachelor’s degree.

Advice for grads The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be

compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well. —Ralph Waldo Emerson



The organized unit of United Methodist Women shall be

a community of women whose PURPOSE is to know God

and to experience freedom as whole persons through

Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive

fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through

participation in the global ministries of the church.

May 3 – UMW Sunday The ladies will assist with

morning worship service.

May 19 – 7:00 p.m. UMW meeting in the Wesley room.

All women are welcome.

A BIG thanks to all who helped with the District Spiritual

Growth Retreat on April 18. There were 105 ladies who

attended the day, blessed and challenged by the

program on prayer. The salad lunch and fellowship

around the tables was enjoyed by all. Special music by

Shirley and Isaac Kuder added to the special day. We

received many positive comments about our beautiful

sanctuary and fellowship hall.

---submitted by Gail Eckart


Psalm 100 has suspended weekly practices through the

upcoming summer months. We will continue to provide

special music for worship service on the third Sunday of

each month, practicing familiar hymns at 10:15 am on

the Sundays we sing. HymnSings will be scheduled in

July and August at OCHC and Good Samaritan Society.

All voices are welcome as we make a joyful noise unto

the Lord.

The Missions committee has announced their mission

focus for May, June and July. In May, the mission

emphasis will be on the military. In both June and July,

the mission focus will be the trip to Zimbabwe that

Pastor Kennedy and others are taking in August.


Enclosed is our check for the use of your building and

the beautiful piano. Thank you so much.

Ottawa County Music Club

Norma Gasaway, Treas.

The UMC Churches of Ada & Minneapolis

Office Telephone 785- 392-3029

Church email – minneapolisumc@eaglecom.net Website: www.minneapolisfumc.com

Pastor: Reverend Kennedy Mukwindidza Email – mwaona@hotmail.com

Parsonage Phone: 785-392-5175 Pastor’s Cell: 620-382-5480

Johannes Schweinebraden has become a familiar sight at our

church. He is a foreign exchange student living with Daren,

Ruthie, Lane, and Carly Sanders on their farm near Miltonvale and

he is attending Minneapolis High School.

He is 16 years old and is from Niedermollrich, Germany - a small

village of 800 people about 2-1/2 hours north of Frankfort.

Johannes is the youngest of three boys. His mom works for

Mercedes and his dad is a tax advisor for farmers. He hopes to

pursue a career in finance.

Johannes has become very involved in school and the American

way of life in general. He likes Sweet Baby Rays BBQ sauce,

Spangles, baseball, basketball, football, Nutella and hanging out with friends.

As he prepares to return home, we wish him the very best in all of his endeavors and we are so

happy to have had him as a member of our church family. Blessings, Johannes, and safe


(Thanks to the Sanders n family for the photos.)

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