a considerate act · 2018-08-03 · a considerate act “ting dong!” my friends and all the...

Post on 20-Mar-2020






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“Ting dong!” My friends and all the students made a beeline towards the main gate.

My friends and I were really hungry so we decided to proceed to a food court. As we

were on the way there, we saw a convenience store and we bought some drinks as

we were really hungry.

About a couple of minutes later, we went to the food court. As we got there, we

rushed to get our meals as we were all starving. We ordered our food and carried

our trays to the tables. We gobbled down the food and we ate in silence as everyone

was busy eating their food. As we finally finished our food, an elderly lady picked up

all the trays. As the floor was slippery, the elderly lady fall down. We ran as fast as a

bullet train towards her to help her up. A man rushed over and we saw that he was

the manager from the batch that we saw on his shirt. He thanked us for what we did.

Then he saw our school uniform.

The next day our principal surprised us by calling us up to the stage during the

morning assembly. He informed the school about the incident at the food court as

the manager wrote in to him about it. He then gave us a certificate of appreciation for

our good deed and emphasized on the point of how to return our plate is actually a

considerate as it is a way of returning a favour to the community. We felt proud of



6 Integrity

An Animal Encounter

Whenever I look at the huge red mark that is implanted on my arm forever, I always

recall the unforgettable animal experience that happened to me.

I was the deputy trainer for the “Elephants for Tourists” tour. The scorching sun

blazed into my eyes. The leader was down with heatstroke and I HAD to take over

him. I buckled my belt and headed for the Tourist Waiting Centre. The receptionist

was bombarded with questions and feedback about how long they need to wait for

the elephant trek. I calmly walked towards them and told them that I would be their

guide and soothed their nerves.

After an hour, a fresh convoy of new and energetic elephants arrived. The guards

opened the gates to the elephant trek site and dozens of the tourists rushed through

it. “People are so inconsiderate nowadays” I mumbled to myself and trotted to the

first elephant, “Ben”. The bell sounded as my convoy of elephants trotted off.

Disappointed tourists waited beside the gates as they could not ride on the elephant

yet. Tour first, rides later I assured them.

While in the middle of the jungle recreation, Ben suddenly halted. “What’s up boy?” I

asked. THEN, the elephant suddenly trembled and THREW ME OFF ITS SADDLE.I

found myself flying towards a bamboo tree. I braced for impact and smacked REAL

HARD and landed on the ground. The elephant then attacked the other defenceless

elephants. The elephants panicked and tourists are thrown of their saddles. Ben had

completely went BERSERK and WILD! “STAMPEDE!!!” I cried as the panicking

elephants squashed the tourists with their mighty legs. Crimson red blood oozed out

of their bodies. It was a gruesome sight never witnessed by anyone before. Fear and

terror gripped every one of us real hard. REALLY HARD.

I knew I had to get some senses back. I slapped myself out of it. The safety of the

other tourists was in my hands now. I immediately knew what my next reactions

would be. I quickly took out an emergency tranquilizer pistol in my gun pouch near

my pocket and shot Ben. Down fell the beast. Almost instantly, the other elephants

seemed to calm down. I quickly radioed through the walkie-talkie for help.

After what it seemed like an eternity, the rescue squad finally arrived. They wrapped

up the dead bodies in cloth and treated the injured. The next day, I was reading the

news. “Elephant rampage at Australian Zoo. Death toll ten. Bravo to the heroic

efforts made by the deputy leader of “Elephants for Tourists” for protecting the

survivors.” I heaved a sigh relief that I wasn’t killed, just injured on the arm. At last,

the nightmare was over. But to many of us this unforgettable encounter with the

mighty elephants would remain etched in our hearts.

Jeryl Ng

6 Integrity


“What did I do to deserve this!?

I just feel like doing the SAME to them”

It was another epic, yet starting to get boring, Friday. Friday for games. “Better close

the door because I usually spoke loudly to myself when I play Oh, another reason

why was also because Mom was watching television, and her favourite show was on

and she did not like being disturbed unless it was an “emergency”. Tom’s thoughts

lingered on.

Tom finally went into the room and closed the door. Time was a thief, always

disappearing while selecting a game. Tom was always picky. The moment Tom

found a game, he went in as a virtual 3D character. He has taken many avatar forms

and each time he discovered new possibilities in the game.

As soon as he entered, he momentarily liked the game. Tom was having fun until he

made the biggest mistake of his life. Tom went to his Facebook account, a place full

of vulnerability and chances to be made fun of. There went Tom dignity. His dignity

had descended. Funny pictures of him were being posted constantly. Having the

door closed, Mom could not hear Tom. Crying uncontrollably, his tears filled with

sadness and anger, Tom vociferated “WHAT did I do to deserve this? I just feel like

doing the SAME to them.”

Tom decided to keep the cyber bullying a secret from Mom since Tom did not want

to make things more complicated than it already was from his perspective.

Tom had just made another decision which he soon regretted, which was not telling

Mom that he had been cyber bullied. Each day, Tom received hurtful messages and

pictures. Since then, when Tom came back from school, he went into his room,

locked his door and cried in a corner. Mom went to Tom’s room to check up on him.

Tom acted normal. Mom nodded her head left to right but she had missed out on one

very IMPORTANT thing. Tom had lost his sanity.

During dinner, Mom asked “Sweetie, what do you want for tomorrow?” Tom kept

quiet, but as soon as Mom said these words. “Tomorrow’s your birthday” Tom

immediately regained his senses. When Mom asked “What happened?” he

expeditively answered “Mom, I got cyber bullied!” “What should I do?”In that one

second, Mom started explaining elaborately what cyber bullies do and ways to ignore


Finally, Tom understood there was no need to get angry. Do not let today spoil your

tomorrow, stop CYBER BULLYING today! Treat others the SAME way you want to

be treated!

Jordon Soh 6 Integrity


It was the beginning of a Sunday. John was in his room slouching on his

chair and fiddling with his phone. Halfway through his game, an advertisement

popped up from Instagram. John’s eyes widened as he read the description of what

looked like an exciting application.

Without a second thought, he downloaded the application and added almost

every one he know that had the application too. Overwhelmed with excitement, John

started posting random pictures and videos. ”Oh My God, I have received twenty-six

likes!” exclaimed John as he hopped onto his bed in joy. The next day in school,

John noticed people were gossiping about him as he walked through the hallways to

get to his classroom. He thought that they all loved his pictures and he walked

through the halls with pride.

After school he logged on to Instagram and realised he received a lot of

comments. However, as checked through the comments, his face turned pale. The

comments were all mean things like:” Oh My God you look like a big trash can full of

ugly things!” Devastated, he kicked over his chair and buried his face is his hands.

His parents came into the room to investigate. They listened to his dilemma

and offered him a solution to ignore them. This helped John realise that he should

not be so upset about what others say about him.

Marcus Devan

6 Integrity


Have you ever been dishonest before? I have, the whole process was like this ……

The sun rose up and shone into my eyes. I woke up and prepared to go out and to

buy some books as my teacher needed for to use it to use for my lesson the next


In a while, I was done preparing. I walked to the nearest shopping mall and took a

long time to choose a book because I could not afford it and it was too expensive. I

walked out of the shop with heavy footsteps.

On the way home, I found a leather wallet. Curious to find out who the owner was, I

opened it. There was a lot of money and a credit card in it. I was already thinking of

taking the money and buying the book which I needed or pass it to the nearest police


I went back home and thought of the decision to count the money. When I reached

home, I felt as guilty as there was lots of money. I went straight to my room. Siting

on the bed thinking of the decision and what I had done. I was still sitting on the


I finally made my decision to pass the wallet to the nearest police station with a

heavy heart but I knew it was the right thing to do. At the police station, I sat down on

the chair waiting for the police officer to call me. While I was waiting my heart was in

the mouth. The police officer called me. I walked over nervously and told him what

had happened to police officer but the police officer praised me for making the right


I learnt that honesty is the best policy and we should not take things that does not

belong to us

Hoa Chong Xin

6 Integrity


Ring! Ring! Ring! Finally, it was time to go camping with my classmates. I was very

excited to go camping because I had always wanted to go camping but I never had a

chance to go and it was my first time. After lunch, we waited for the bus to bring us to

the camp site. Meanwhile, the teachers were asking if everyone came and checked if

everyone was alright.

After a long while, the bus finally came. After an hour, we finally arrived at the camp

site, the camp site was full of activities like the zip lines. From my first look at the

camp site, I already knew that we would have lots of fun there. The trainer played a

icebreaker games with us. After that, we moved on to set up our tent. At first, I

thought that setting up the tent was not bad but after a few tries, I was already

sweating like I just played a full game of basketball. Finally, I thought that we would

need help from the trainer but we did it. After setting up our tent, we went the

canteen and had a feast for all that hard work for setting up the tent. The food there

was good but the drink was the best, it was my favourite drink, Milo. After eating, we

went ahead and did some activities like the zip lines. At first I was very scared

because I was terrified of heights and we had to jump from a four-story high building.

I was told by the trainer that if I jumped with my eyes closed and screamed as loud

as I could, I would be fine. At first, I thought that it would not work but I decided to

test it, so I closed my eyes and screamed as loud as I could. Suddenly, when I

opened my eyes I was already on the ground, I guess it worked after all. After a long

day, we were told by the trainer that we had to sing a campfire song, but we did not

know what to sing so we asked the trainer to give us some suggestions so that we

could sing the song. So, the trainer gave us some suggestions and we sang it to him,

he was amazed by our high pitched sound and teamwork. After the campfire, we

were all very tired and had to energy left in our body, so the trainer told us to go to


Although I was very tired but, I still had a lot of fun with my friends and I would never

forget this very special day.

Jasper Chua

6 Integrity


Looking at my scar, that red scar, the scar that was imprinted on me by my

dad because of my foolish act, I recalled what happened that fateful day... …

I went to the playground to play when I spotted a mini red wallet that was on

the floor so I decided to take a peep to see what was inside. When I opened the

wallet, I saw cards, cash and an ID card in the wallet. My eyes suddenly opened

wide. I thought to myself if I should take it or pass to the policeman. So, I decided to

pass it to the policeman. But when I was walking towards the policeman, I stopped in

my tracks again. I thought again and again what I should do. But, I let greed take

over me. I decided not to pass it to the policeman.

After half an hour, I reached home. I quickly went hide it. Later in the

afternoon, I took out the wallet and removed the cash to count. My mother asked me

what I was doing. I quickly hid the cash and wallet in my shelf but it was no use. My

mother had smelt a rat and took it out from the place that I had hidden it. I was a cat

on hot bricks and my heart was in my mouth when my mother asked whose wallet

was that. I replied that I don’t know. My mother checked the ID card and asked me

what was that. I knew that I was caught red-handed so I decided to face the music

and to eat humble pie. My mother looked draggers at me and started scolding me.

After a good scolding, my mother ordered me to give it to the policeman.

At night, when my father came back, my mother told my father everything

that happened that day. My father took out a cane testing out the strength and asked

me to stretch out my hand and “SMACK!’’ the loud cane sound and blood dripped

out from my hand. My father told me not to do it again as the act was dishonest.

From that day onwards, I learnt my lesson not to take things that do not belong to me.

Choh EnJia

6 Integrity


“Dub! Dub! Dub!” the sound of my heart beating fast. My eyes were fixed on the

black wallet that was in the old man’s pocket. I hesitated to steal the black wallet but

decided to steal it so that I could buy a calculator.

With my heart in the mouth, I quickly stole the black wallet. But I got caught red-

handed. I knew I was in deep trouble when he stopped me from running away. I felt


The policeman bombarded me with questions and called my parents. When my

parents came, my head hung lower and I was ashamed of myself. My mind was

empty and I knew I couldn’t do anything to get out of my trouble. The policeman

discussed with my parents. My mother yelled at me and I could tell that she was

embarrassed of what I had done.

I returned the wallet to the policeman and was forgiven by the old man who I stole it

from. I realised how low I have stooped. Never ever would I do this again.

Amni Atiqah

6 Integrity

A Challenge

“Yes! I am the first to finish!” Every time I say this, it would remind me of the

day that I had won first prize in a cycling match……

“Mom, can you buy me a bicycle for the upcoming event in school? It’s a

cycling match with the other student from the other classes. And I want to practise.”

After I asked my mom, she bought it for me. I promised her I would win no matter


Only practising for a week, I got sick of it and stopped playing with it. The

next day of school, my teacher reminded me and my classmates to continue

practising. Once, my teacher reminded us, I suddenly remembered the purpose of

the bicycle. I didn’t want to let my mother down. So, when I got home, I took the

bicycle I left outside the garage.

I kept on cycling at my fastest speed. Sometimes, I would skip my lunch.

A week after the competition, while I was warming up, I sprained my ankle really


My mom brought me to the hospital immediately. The doctor examined

me and told me I could not cycle for days. Upon hearing that, I was super worried if I

had no to time to practise my cycling.

On the day of the competition, I recovered miraculously. “3,2,1! Ring”

the cycling bell rang. We dashed for the finishing line. Looking at my mom cheering

for me, I was touched so I immediately dashed towards the finishing line.

“Yes! I was the first to finish!” I was so proud of myself that I had received the gold

medal for cycling.

Xeanne Sim

6 Integrity

An Unfortunate Encounter

An unfortunate encounter comes when you are having a good time It was the day

that my family was invited to a party. It was new life in the family. A small baby. “Get

ready to go to Auntie Xeanne’s house! “ my mum shouted so loud that I almost

dropped my precious phone. After I was done changing my clothes, I came down to

the living room to get a drink. You know? Singapore is so hot.

When we reached auntie Xeanne’s house, we saw the small baby in a

turquoise coloured basket. I ran to see the baby. It was small just like a small potato.

“He’s called Joseph. He is your new cousin. “ my dad followed up. I carried Joseph in

the big house that looked like a castle, and was going to the living room to greet my

auntie. Then I went up the stairs to my new cousin’s room. It was really big! I put

Joseph to sleep and went down back to the living room. After a few hours, I heard

screaming from the kitchen. “Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Oh my goshh!” What is this ? Rat?


My mum screamed in horror. I rushed to the kitchen and saw a huge rat resting

under a chair. My dad contacted the pest busters and closed the kitchen door. When

the pest busters came they caught the rat and poured hot boiling water on the rats. It

was scary… it was back to normal after a few minutes. We returned home as they

had to clean up the mess. Unfortunate things always happen at a time that you are

having fun.

Serene Lai

6 Integrity

Being considerate

Every day was the same, our neighbour was always having loud music and

the television was always the maximum volume.

Coming home as usual from school, eating the same food everyday and doing

my homework, I had gotten used to this inconsiderate act of my neighbour. “Oh

no……it was 3 O’clock……” I said to myself as I was doing my homework. And once

again our neighbour was having the maximum volume on the television. I tolerated

the nonsense.

It was late at night and my neighbour was playing loud music again. I have got

no chose but to cover my ears with my pillow. I still tolerated this.

“Ring, ring, ring” My alarm sounded and when I saw the time, I was late! I

quickly brushed my teeth, took a piece of bread, carried my bag with my key and

rushed off to school.

Once I got home, I told my mother, “Mum, I cannot sleep at night, I cannot do

my homework in peace! Our neighbour is always having their television to the

maximum volume and playing loud music late at night! Shall we call the police?”

After I had told my mother about the problem, she immediately went to the

town council to lodge a complaint. A few days later, I noticed that our neighbour was

no longer doing the inconsiderate act. A week later, our neighbour came to our

house and apologised to us.


6 Integrity

An unfortunate encounter

Everytime I see that ring on Mother’s finger, I will remember what happened that


That day was bright and sunny. It was a perfect day to surprise Mother as it was her

birthday! We brought her to the nearest shopping mall to do what was planned. After

we brought the cake and had our lunch, we continued to do shopping. We saw a lot

of shoppers holding on to the same shopping bag, plus that shop was Mother's

favourite shop. So we decided to take a look at it.

Once we stepped into the shop, we saw a sales board with the words FIFTY

PERCENT OFF in bold. Mother disappeared. She went into the shop excitedly. I was

called into the shop as my Mother was sitting on the fence to choose which ring to

buy. During the discussion of which ring to buy, I smelled a rat, seeing a man

wearing a hoodie walking suspiciously. After all the discussion and decision, Mother

finally chose what to buy. While I was on my way to the cashier, one of the salesgirl

went to check with me how many rings my mother was buying, "One of the ring your

Mother chose had gone missing," said the salesgirl. Then, I thought of the guy

wearing a hoodie. I then looked around for him. I asked the salesgirl to get the guy

but it was too late. He knew we were coming for him. Luckily the security guard

passed through us and heard that we needed to get that man. He helped us by

stopping him from running away.

"Can you hand me your bag?" said the security guard to the man. There is no way to

hide anymore. “Is this yours?" After we found out that that man who was the one who

took the ring, I went to the cashier and paid, and my Mother left the shop with a

clean name.

What happened that day will not be forgotten. I hope I will never encounter such a

thief never again.

Tasha Sim

6 Integrity


If only Eon had reported about the wallet to the police. Otherwise he would not be in

this mess. The story started when Eon’s eyes were fixed on the brown wallet which

was lying on the hard marble ground .He decided to take the wallet knowing it was

wrong as he had been craving for a meal at a famous, yet expensive, restaurant in

his neighbourhood.

On his way to the restaurant, two mysterious figures appeared in Eon’s mind .One

figure with a golden halo with an angel-like pair of wing while another with devil-like

horns on his head. The one with the angel wings said “Don’t do it!” The other one

said “Do it you deserve this since your siblings borrowed your pocket money and had

not return it back.”

After much deliberation, Eon decided to follow the advice of the horned one and take

the money inside the wallet into the restaurant while counting the money. When Eon

walked out of the restaurant and paid for his meal and was about to leave when the

shopkeeper shouted “Hey kid ,you paid using some counterfeit money!.” The

shopkeeper ran after Eon and called the police.

Eon ended up getting caught red-handed .the police called his parents and told them

what had happened. Eon’s parents arrived at night and were disappointed with Eon.

Eon knew he was in DEEP trouble. While Eon explained about the incident, but

Eon’s explanation fell on deaf ears. The police allowed Eon to help the restaurant as

punishment. Eon finally understood that honesty is the best policy and he should not

take things that did not belong to him. He learnt that the hard way, Eon decided to

turn over a new leaf.

Lim Zhan Qi

6 Integrity

Being Considerate

It was an annoying day for me because my neighbour who is my friend John, always

turned on the television REALLY LOUD! I barged to his house angrily and knocked

on the door and said “John! Can you keep it down please?”

John came out of the door and said “Sorry bro, I will keep it down… and are you still

sleeping?” I replied “No… I was before and your television woke me up…”

I went into my house and took a shower. Then I wore my clothes and went for my

group meeting. When I entered the MRT train and I saw an inconsiderate boy.

Seeing a pregnant women right in front of him and he pretended to sleep.

I went to the boy and said, “ Kid. Stop pretending to sleep... can’t you see there is a

pregnant women right INFRONT OF YOU!” A few seconds later the boy got up and

let the pregnant woman sit down. She thanked me and the boy. It was my first my

encounter of a boy being so inconsiderate to a pregnant women and other times I

see children giving up their sits to an old man, an old lady, a handicapped person

and or guiding a blind man.

When I reached my destination, my friends were mad because I was late and I told

them why I was late. After the meeting with my friends to do the project, I went to the

library because I had forgotten that I had other assignments to work on the computer.

I went to the library because I had no computer or laptop in my house because my

brother accidentally dropped the laptop and it had cracked and I was having a hard

time doing my work.

Suddenly I heard somebody scolding with anger so I was really curious so I went

there to find out what was happening. I saw somebody being so inconsiderate to a

little girl. She was doing her homework at the computer and someone so impatient

pushed her off the chair and shut down her computer. I called someone for help and

a librarian came to help the poor little girl and the boy was kicked out of the library

and he ran off and we did not see the bully again and his action was so

inconsiderate that other people were very annoyed by his action.

Soon I began to go back home and tell my parents about the things that had

happened during the adventure.


6 Integrity

An Unforgettable Encounter

It was a hot afternoon. Mary was hot and board as she suddenly remember that a

new shopping mall was open, so Mary asked her Mother, “Mum , can I go to the new

shopping mall?” “Sure, go ahead. But come back home early for dinner.” Mother

answered. Mary went into her room to get her phone and handbag and out of the

house to the shopping mall.

When she reached the shopping mall she went in and started to shop.

Suddenly, she remembered it was her mother’s birthday the following day so she

shopped for a present for her mother. When she went across a jewellery store and

saw the most beautiful necklace she had ever seen. Mary thought her mother would

want a new set of jewellery to wear.

But sadly it was too expensive for Mary to pay for it. But an evil idea popped

up into her mind as she went into the shop as she picked up the necklace and

dropped it into her handbag and wanted to leave when she felt someone touch her

shoulder as she turned around she saw the security guard of the store. The security

guard said, “ May I check your bag first “. As Mary handed her handbag to the

security guard, he started searching her bag and found a necklace in her bag, the

security guard said,” you need to follow me to my office.” Mary knew that she had

been caught red-handed. She went to the office with the security guard to call for

the police.

After a few minutes, the police arrived to escort the shoplifter to the police

station. Mary was handcuffed and was sent to the police station. Mary’s parents

were called and informed at the police station.

When her parents arrived, they scolded her that shoplifting is a crime and was

against the law. After 15 minutes of talking, the police officer gave Mary another

chance to turn over a new leaf. Mary was sad by her parents as punishment Mary

cannot watch television for the whole month. This was unforgettable lesson indeed.

Ng Jing Wen

6 Integrity

Being Considerate

It was a public holiday. My family and I decided to go out to have lunch and also

do some window shopping. We took the MRT train, and sat down on the MRT seat.

We wanted to go to Yishun and have lunch, but my family and I lived at Jurong East

so we decided to take the MRT. After a few stations, we saw a pregnant lady, and I

stood up to give the pregnant lady the seat and she thanked me. As we arrived at

Yishun MRT, my dad said that we should try the hawker centre food.

Then we went to the hawker centre. We searched for seats. After we had

found the seats, we settled down. And my mum asked me what my dad and I wanted

to eat. We told her what we wanted, and she went to one of the stalls to buy the

food. As it was a public holiday, the queue was very long. After almost an hour of

waiting, my mom finally came back with the food that we had ordered.

I ate hungrily as if I had been deprived of non-vegetarian food for few days.

After we had finished eating our food, dad and mom told me that we should put the

plates and cups back to the tray return area. Upon returning the plates and cups to

the trays, we decided to do some window shopping. Following an hour of window

shopping, we went back home.

My personal reflection is that it is always kind to help people in need and also

nice to be considerate as every one of us play a part in building a caring community

and society.

Ng Wen Xi

6 Integrity


It was a Saturday morning, birds were chirping on the tree outside my window, I was

getting ready to go to tuition. All of a sudden my stomach started grumbling. I

needed to go to the toilet.

When I was in the toilet, I was using my phone to play my favourite game’ ’Mobile

Legends:Bang Bang’. Suddenly, I felt something furry brush against my leg. Then I

thought it was just my right leg brushing against my left leg and I continued playing

my game. Then I felt it again, this time I looked down. It was a rat. I immediately put

on my pants and ran out to call the pest exterminators.

While the pest busters were on their way, I tried getting rid of the rat myself. I took a

broom from the store room. I tried hitting it but it was too fast. Then the exterminators

arrived. He asked where the rat was, I said it was in the toilet.

He went to the toilet and closed the door, when he came out, I asked’’ Is that all?’’

Then he said in a cool voice that the JOB was done and he flashed the rat right

before my eyes – trapped in a rat cage. I would never forget this unforgettable



6 Integrity


I was tasked to write an essay about cyber bullying, as I saw the title. I remembered

what happened to me when I got transferred to a new school…

I was born with a huge birth mark. When I got transferred to a new school, I was

constantly getting picked on and ridiculed for it. I remembered, I was sad and

miserable and hated going to school I thought I would not get bullied at home but I

was wrong ,when I opened my social media, my feed was with people laughing at

me, saying bad things about me and I even had terrible nicknames.

Whenever I was alone I felt sad and always locked myself in my room. I did not tell

my parents or my teachers about my problem until 3 months later, I gained some

courage and told my teacher. My teacher brought me to a counsellor. The counsellor

gave me some advice on how to solve my problem. Soon ,the teacher approached

the bullies who kept on picking on me and started scolding them and told them that

was wrong and asked them to apologise to me.

My problem was solved. No one was picking on me anymore. No more nick

names! My feeds were back to normal.

“Ring!!Ring!!”the school bell snapped me out from my flash back, I am still very

thankful to my teachers who helped me solve my “cyberbullying” problem.


6 Integrity

An unfortunate encounter

I got back from a holiday. I went there with my teachers and classmates. We went

to Brunei. I was dead tired. My parents were going to miss me. I am the apple of my

parents eye.

When I was home, I saw a lot of decorations. My parents did that because it was

my birthday and I thought it was also a ‘WELCOME BACK’ celebration. My parents

invited the neighbours from the same floor and block to join in the birthday party.

After the birthday party, the presents, the visitor gifts were all stacked up until it

looked like they were going to touch the ceiling. About ten minutes, I had opened all

the presents. In one of the presents, there was a gold ring and a red crystal was

shining brightly at me. My mouth was agape in shock because it was too beautiful.

I showed the ring to Mum. “Maybe it is a lucky charm,” she dragged her voice. We

were extremely tired. So I went to sleep and had a good dream. I wore the ring

wherever I went.

The next day, I wore the ring to school and went to school. Everyone in school

asked me why I wore the ring to school. “ Haziq, why are you wearing the ring to

school?” my friend Johnny asked me. “It is a lucky charm for me,” I answered him.

I got home from school, I was in front of the door and someone was shouting from

inside the house . I opened the door. I saw both of my parents quarrelling. Mum was

throwing things around and Dad was scolding her. Why are they doing this? They

had never done this before.

I went to Johnny’s house. He was so moody. He was so moody the he pushed

out of the house and told me to go home. I was curious. “Maybe it is this ring. Maybe

it’s not even lucky charm,” I said.

So, I threw away the ring and went back home I opened the door slowly. No

quarrelling. “Mum did you quarrel with Dad just now,” I asked because I want to

know if it is true that ring did that . “No,” Mum answered. Bingo, I was right. The ring

was the one who did Mum and Dad quarrelled and Johnny was moody.


6 Integrity


Ever had that feeling of failing your exams? I know how you feel but mine was


It was a month before PSLE and all I did was play games and not revise. “It’s

only PSLE, what the big deal? I’ll eventually go to a secondary school.” I thought.

When my mother asked me to revise, I took a textbook out with a reluctant look on

my face and would daydream.

While I was at school, one of my classmates asked if I had revised for

PSLE. ”Have you revised for PSLE?” “No, I don’t even care about that.” “WHY?

There is still time to revise! Your grades were always good so why not improve your

grades? You don’t want to fail PSLE and stay back in school for a year or two do

you?” I rolled my eyes and replied”I’m born smart so I don’t need to revise!”

My classmate gave a furious look to me and swiftly walked away. It was a day

before PSLE, I could feel the stress spreading throughout my body. I tried revising

but I could not focus due to the extreme amount of stress I had. During my sleep, I

kept thinking of me failing my PSLE and everybody laughing at me. My forehead was

beaded with cold sweat.

The next day, I woke up sleepier than usual, I had profusely yawned and eyes

itself closing. I went to school which somehow took like it was an eternity. During

PSLE, my face turned pale, limbs were trembling and the words all seemed to be

laughing at me in an evil tone with an evil look.

“W…what is this?” I thought. I pretended to have a bright youthful smile on my

face and did the exam. To my horror, I could barely finish the exam and time was up.

I felt scared, like I was petrified with my mouth opened and a stunned look on my


After many days of horror, PSLE was over and the marks were given out.

Many of my classmates passed PSLE with flying colours and went to good

secondary schools. But for me, I felt that I was alone, isolated with no one except me.

Tears filled with regret, sorrow and so much more I could not describe with pen and


From that day onwards, I learnt my lesson and paid full attention in class and

revised. When possible, I would take short breaks and played games, during that

time. After all, studying for long without playing can be REALLY tedious.

The next year, I passed my PSLE with flying colours and went to one of the

best secondary schools. I gleamed with pride and a genuine bright youthful grin was

on my face. This time, my grin was so big I could even fit a banana sideways in my


Joel Lim

6 Integrity


I am Primary Five overweight boy. I was quiet and not sociable in class, thus I had

no friends . I always failed my examinations and my position is the last in class.

All my classmates disliked me because my results affected the whole class’s

performance and due to my weight, I could not do well in sports. In the School Sports

competition, I tried my best but I still ended up the last.

One day, I realised my photo was taken during school sports day was posted on

Instagram. My classmates were commenting in the account that I looked like a

clumsy pig running on the track, some were making while some added on hard

comments like I stink in class. I tried to pretend that I did not see the post and hoped

my classmates would stop insulting me. But things turned up worse. Few weeks later,

my photo was circulating in Facebook. My body in the photograph was replaced with

a pig body. I could not believe what I had seen. My photo was shared by nearly one

hundred times

I was very demoralised, I did not feel like going to school. I did not want to get

humiliated and felt embarrassed by all this insult I got. My classmates were pointing

fingers at me and whispering among themselves. I could not tolerate the insult so I

skipped school and locked myself in the room for two days. My parents were worried

that something will happen to me so I spoke to my teacher about it that I always felt

doubtful when I checked my phone and looked at the messages. My teacher

investigated and found out what had happened. My teacher felt pity for me. At the

same time, she was ferocious about what my classmates did.

My teacher punished the classmates who posted to photo and warned them to forget

about the incident and my teacher told the principal to give a talk on cyberbullying

and the seriousness of cyberbullying to prevent such incidents from happening again.

After my teacher had spoken to them, my classmates apologised to me and made

friends with me. They even helped me in my studies and encouraged me to exercise.

I felt much better when they made friends with me than before. My mother was

happy that I was not as disgusted that my friends looked on me

Jorden Oh

6 Integrity


“How I wish I could get the new comic book that was released a few days ago”

I said. My eyes were fixed on the comic book that was displayed in the book store.

Just then, I noticed a red wallet was lying on the floor, I went to the wallet and looked

left and right to see if anybody was looking. I quickly picked up the wallet and walked


As I was counting the money inside the wallet I felt guilty. I thought to

myself “should I take the money and buy the new comic book that I want?” When I

reached home I ran into my room and thought whether I wanted to buy the new

comic book with the money I found or give the money to the police station.

After much thinking, I finally decided to pass the money I found to the police

station got out of my house and walked to the police station with a heavy footsteps

When I reached the police station, I sat down waiting for the police to call

me. When the police officer called me I walked to him with my head down like I just

committed a crime. I told the police officer what had happened and he praised me for

what I had done and told me that I was honest boy.

When I reached home, it was time for dinner. After eating my dinner, I went

to the bath room and when I was bathing I felt happy that I did the right thing today. I

also learnt that honesty is the best policy and we should not take things that did not

belong to us.

Lee Jun Hao

6 Integrity

A Camping Trip

I still remember the camping trip I went on last year like it was yesterday. It

was during the school holidays. We were so excited because our teachers and

friends were going on a camping trip together at Pulau Ubin. Everyone was looking

forward to a great adventure.

When we reached the campsite, we looked for a suitable spot to set up the

tents. After that, my friends and I picked up firewood.

Night time came. We had just finished picking firewood to build our fire for the

night. Suddenly, a pack of wild dogs were going to attack us. They looked very

hungry. They growled menacingly.

All of us panicked. We stood rooted to the ground. Our faces turned pale. We

did not know what to do. Our class monitor, Mary, shouted for help and the rest of us

also started screaming. Upon hearing our shouting, my CCA teacher, Mr Tan,

rushed over. He picked up a piece of firewood and scared the ferocious dogs away.

When the dogs were gone, everybody felt relieved. Eventually, we finished

building the fire and we all huddled together to eat our dinner. We had the adventure

of a lifetime.

Aden Chan Pin Xu

6 Integrity

A Bullying Incident

“Come, May! It’s recess time. Let’s go down,” Jane called out to May. “You go

on first, Jane. I need to pack my bag and then I’ll join you,” May replied. As May was

packing her bag, Adam, the mean class bully, went over to May and bellowed, “Give

me your money or else I will beat you up!” May was so terrified. She quickly gave her

recess money to Adam. Adam left hurriedly before anyone saw him.

After school, Jane noticed that May was feeling down. She went over to

comfort her and to ask if she was ok. It was then that May could no longer contain

her emotions and she told her best friend about what had happened during recess.

She told Jane that Adam had taken her recess money. He threatened to hurt her if

she did not listen. Jane encouraged May to tell a teacher. However, May was

worried and frightened as Adam lived near her block. She was afraid that her would

beat her up along the way.

Jane encouraged her friend to stand up to Adam instead of feel miserable and

suffer alone. She assured May that she would approach Mr Tan, the principal,

together with her. Mustering up her courage, May went with her best friend to see Mr

Tan. Mr Tan was glad that May had come to see him and that she told him what

happened during recess. May told Mr Tan everything. She related that during recess

that day, Adam came over to her and asked her to hand over all her money to him. If

not, he threatened to hurt her.

When Mr Tan confronted Adam about the bullying incident, Adam tried to run

away from Mr Tan. However, Mr Tan managed to catch him and he brought Adam to

see May. He asked Adam to apologise to May. He also promised Mr Tan that he

would not bully anyone again.

Mas Asyura

6 Integrity

A Camping Trip

I still remember the camping trip I went on last year like it was yesterday. It

was during the school holidays. We went to a forest in a kampong to camp.

Everyone was looking forward to a great adventure.

When we reached the campsite, we looked for a suitable spot to set up the

tents. Once the tents were set up, we were going to cook dinner but we realised that

we did not have any firewood. So we went out to get firewood.

Night time came. We had just finished picking firewood to build our fire for the

night. Suddenly, we heard a growl coming from the bushes. I stood rooted to the

ground and my face turned pale. A group of dogs jumped out from the bushes. They

looked like they were going to attack us.

All of us panicked. We stood rooted to the ground. Our faces turned pale. We

did not know what to do. So the line monitor shouted for help. A teacher picked up

two big branches and chased the dogs away.

When the dogs were gone, everybody felt relieved. Eventually, we finished

building the fire and we all huddled together to eat our dinner. After dinner, we got

into the tents. We were wide awake because we were so petrified. We were scared

that the dogs would come back again.

Lee Tat Rong

6 Integrity

A Helpful Act

It was the school holidays. Ben was excited. He had finally saved up enough

money to buy the basketball he had wanted for a long time. On that Sunday morning,

he visited the nearby department store. He picked a blue basketball. Then, he went

to the counter to pay for it. He was waiting to pay when he saw a young lady with

headphones. She was carrying a huge bag.

After that, the lady paid for her things and she just walked away and she

forgot to take her bag and Ben collected the lady’s bag and he ran after her.

He gave the bag to the lady. The lady thanked him with a grateful smile. Ben

went home feeling over the moon as he had done a good deed.

Delvin Ng Sheng Jie

6 Integrity

An Interesting Lesson

“Today, I’m going to teach you about insects. Here is a picture of an insect,”

Mr Tan held up a picture card of a cockroach during Science lesson. The moment Mr

Tan took out the picture of the cockroach, Tom was visibly frightened. The whole

class started to buzz with activity.

Suddenly, a cockroach came out from nowhere. No one noticed the

cockroach beside Tom’s legs. Immediately, when Tom saw that the cockroach was

there, he swiftly raised up his legs. Everyone started to panic and some pupils ran

around the classroom. One of his friends, Judy, took out a book to kill the cockroach

but Mr Tan told everyone not to kill the cockroach.

Then, Mr Tan used an empty jar to catch the cockroach and he brought it out

of the classroom to release it. Tom was relieved after Mr Tan had released it.

Everyone heaved a huge sigh of relief.

Shais Zuhairi Bin Mohammad Isham

6 Integrity

















6 Integrity Group 6



















6 Integrity 胡志恒



















6 Integrity Group 6

















6 Integrity 林炘颖














P6Integrity 吴国旸

















P6 Integrity 王思颖















是好。 当她回过神来,便一个箭步冲到附近的一个公共电话报警。电话








稣俊宇 Soh Jun Yu Jordan 6 Integrity





了游乐场里的秋千。弟弟问道:“姐姐,我可以荡秋千吗?” 我答应弟弟便带他到游














6 Integrity Group 6




















周恩嘉 6 Integrity CL group 3

记忆像一张大鱼网, 捕捉生活中大大小小的有事些事已经渐渐淡忘,但有一件事









“ 铃!铃。。。”上课的铃声响了,我周围的同学陆陆续续走去教室。我赶





















李峻豪 6 Integrity

Ponteng Sekolah

Cuaca hari ini sangat gelap. Guruh dan kilat memancar-mancar. Nizam

sedang termenung di luar tingkap memikirkan nasibnya yang malang. Dia rasa amat

sedih dan tertanya-tanya mengapa tiada orang yang mahu berkawan dengannya.

Adakah kerana dia ini budak baru ataupun memang orang bencikan dia.

Nizam sedang duduk di bangku di kantin dan sedang makan seorang diri.

Tiba-tiba dia terdengar tapak kaki orang menghampirinya. Dia melihat di depannya

dan dia terus menjadi takut kerana di depannya adalah Aniq , Reza , Azri dan Irfan.

Mereka adalah budak yang paling jahat dan nakal.

Azri menanya Nizam jika dia mahu berkawan dengan mereka. Nizam

menerima tawaran itu dengan bulat-bulat. Dia tidak fikir apa yang akan terjadi hari-

hari yang lain. Mereka semua merancang untuk membuat Nizam menjadi budak

yang jahat.

Mereka semua merancang untuk pergi ke bawah kolong blok selepas

sekolah. Mereka semua berjumpa dengan seseorang. Azri menhampiri remaja itu

dan menghulurkan wang dan remaja itu menghulur kotak rokok. Azri lalu

mengeluarkan sebatang rokok. Dia menawar Nizam sebatang rokok. Nizam

mula-mula tidak mahu terima. Tetapi selepas Azri mengugut Nizam jika dia tidak

mahu terima mereka akan meninggalkan dia seorang diri. Nizam terus menjadi takut

lalu menerima dengan hati yang berat.

Apa yang Nizam tidal tahu adalah, Aniq dan Reza sedang merakam dia

merokok. Selepas dia merokok, keesokkan hari Aniq dan Reza pergi ke guru mereka

dan memberi tahu cerita mereka dan memberi tahu guru bahawa Nizam telah


Guru mereka memarahi Nizam. Dia rasa amat menyesal tetapi dia tidak

boleh melakukan apa-apa. Nasi sudah menjadi bubur.

Nurul Erleena Binte Muhammad Ridzuan

6 Integrity

Lari Dari Sekolah

Keadaan di kantin dan padang sekolah riuh rendah dengan hilai ketawa dan

bualan murid-murid yang sedang berehat . Sudin sedang berjalan ke kantin. Sudin

baharu pindah ke sekolah ini satu bulan yang lalu . Dia cemburu kerana murid-murid

lain semua sudah ada kawan dan mereka selalu bermain bersama-sama .

Sudin duduk di hujung kawasan sekolah . Tiba-tiba seorang murid dari kelasnya

berjalan ke arahnya . Dia tanya Sudin jika Sudin mahu sebatang rokok untuk

menghisap. Nama murid itu Kudin.

Sudin dan Kudin pun berjalan di pagar sekolah dan keluar dari sekolah.

Mereka duduk diluar kawasan sekolah. Mereka menghisap rokok dan membuat

bising. Ada orang yang Nampak dan membuat laporan polis. Polis dating dan

bertanya mereka. Mereka dihantar semula ke sekolah. Mereka dimarahi. Ibu bapa

mereka dihubungi.

Sejak kejadian itu,Sudin berasa menyesal. Dia meminta maaf dan berjanji tidak

akan membuat perkara itu lagi.


6 Integrity

Keras Hati

Halil adalah seorang yang keras hati. Dia selalu ponteng sekolah dan dimarahi

oleh guru. Dia tidak mahu mendengar nasihat ibunya dan suka merokok.Halil dan

kawannya suka merosakkan harta benda awam.

Pada hari Isnin, Halil dan kawan-kawannya tidak hadir ke sekolah. Gurunya

berasa marah jika Halil dan kawan-kawannya tidak hadir ke sekolah. Sebenarnya,

Halil dan kawan-kawannya berada di kolong blok 476B yang berdekatan dengan

sekolah mereka.

Mereka berbual dengan gembira. Kawan Halil,Chris,mengeluarkan satu kotak

rokok yang dia telah curi dari bapanya. Halil pun mengambil satu rokok kerana dia

suka merokok.

Semasa mereka merokok, tiba-tiba, ada seorang murid ternampak Halil dan

kawannya merokok. Murid itu pun melaporkan apa yang dia nampak kepada guru.

Dua guru pun datang ke kolong blok itu dan memarahi Halil dan kawannya.Halil

berasa menyesal dan janji tidak akan membuat perbuatan begitu lagi.

Izzat Bin Mohamad Saini

6 Integrity

Perbuatan Nakal

Cuacanya sangat sejuk. Ajib sedang berdiri di satu sudut untuk mencari kawan.

dia melihat ada beberapa murid yang sedang berbual. Ajib berasa keseorangan

berdiri di satu sudut.

Tiba-tiba, ada sekumpulan murid lelaki berjalan munuju ke Ajib. Mereka

mempunyai tiga ahli kumpulan yang bernama, Faizal, Fariz dan Khairul. Mereka

cuba berkawan dengan Ajib. Tiba-tiba, Faizal mengeluarkan sekotak rokok dari

koceknya. Ajib terkejut bila dia melihat rokok itu. Faizal menyuruh Ajib untuk

merokok. Faizal menyuruh Ajib untuk ponteng sekolah esok. Ajib bersetuju dengan

Faizal kerana tidak mahu dituduh penakut. Akhirnya, Ajib bersetuju untuk merokok.

Ajib memonteng sekolah esok. Ibu Ajib tidak tahu yang Ajib hendak ponteng sekolah

dan pergi morokok dengan kawan. Ajib terus bersasa takut untuk morokok tetapi dia


Esok pagi, Ajib sudah bersedia untuk menemui kawan-kawannya. Ajib sedang

menunggu Faizal dan kawannya untuk sampai di bawah blok yang sedikit jauh

dengan blok Ajib. Ajib pula mengambil kotak rokok itu dan mula merokok bersama

Ajib. Dia dan kawannya morokok dua kali. Masih mereka merokok, Ibu Ajib

ternampak Ajib merokok dengan kawannya. Ibu Ajib bersasa marah. Ibu Ajib

menyuruh Ajib dan kawan-kawannya untuk pulang rumah. Ajib pun pulang rumah.

Ajib janji ibunya dia tidak akan merokok lagi.

Muhd Nur Ramadhan Bin Mohd Rafie’e

6 IG

Kesalahan yang tidak dapat saya lupakan.

Cuaca sangat panas. Jam menunjukan pukul 1.30 petang masa untuk

Haqiem pulang . Haqiem seorang yang ringan mulut dan panjang akal. Dia sedang

berjalan keseorangan untuk pulang selepas hari yang pertama di Sekolah Rendah


Tiba-tiba sekumpulan pelajar lelaki menghampiri Haqiem mereka adalah

Aiman,Sufian dan Haziq mereka dikenali sebagai pelajar yang keras hati,nakal dan

jaha. Mereka bertanya dimanakah Haqiem mahu pergi. Beliau hanya berdiam

kerana Haqiem tidak mengenali mereka .

Kemudian Aiman,Haziq dan Sufian berkenalan dengan Haqiem. Selepas itu

mereka berjalan ke taman sekolah. Sufian mengeluarkan sekotak rokok dan

diberikan kepada Haqiem. Sufian menyuruh Haqiem mencuba , dia terpaksa

menerima kerana dia tidak mahu diapa-apakan .Dia lalu merokok .Haqiem terbatuk-

batuk .

Tiba-tiba guru disipin lalu di hadapan mereka, GURU DISIPIN! , Sufian

menjerit ,dengan perasaan begitu maraH. Guru disiplin menyuruh mereka semua ke

bilik pengetua .Pengetua itu memberi amaran kepada mereka. Haqiem menyesal

akan perbuatan dan dia telah memalukan ibu bapanya dengan perbuatannya. Dia

telah berjanji bahawa dia tidak akan berbuat lagi .

Nur Rizhayulfitrishah binte mohd rizal

6 integrity

Ponteng Sekolah

“Ring!!” loceng sekolah telah berbunyi, Itu menadakan waktu rehat sudah

mula.Kelvin ke kantin dengan murid-murid yang lain. Tetapi tiada orang hendak

pergi dengan dia. Kelvin berasa tersisih kerana tiada orang hendak berkawan

dengan dia. Dia berasa bosan apabila tiada orang hendak berkawan dengan dia.

Tiba-tiba ada tiga budak lelaki menuju ke hadapan Kelvin dan memberi Kelvin

sekotak rokok. Mereka menyuruh Kelvin ikut mereka ke tempat yang tiada

orang.Mereka memanjat pagar sekolah dan lari keluar.

Mereka keluar dari sekolah apabila tiada orang sedang melihat mereka .Mereka

lepak di kolong blok sambal hisap rokok. Ini pertama kali Kelvin melakukan perkara

yang salah .

Kelvin mengikut mereka kerana dia hendak membuat kawan. Orang lain hidung

tinggi dan keras hati tetapi tiga orang ini sungguh baik dengan Kelvin.Itu adalah

sangkaannya sahaja. Kelvin tidak pernah gembira begini.

Setiap hari Kelvin selalu balik lambat kerana dia selalu melepak dengan tiga

budak bernama Ali Ahmad dan Aidil. Mereka selalu melepak bersama-sama dan

mereka menjadi kawan baik.

Tidak lama kemudian, perbuatan Kelvin diketahui ibunya. Dia telah dimarahi dan

tidak dibenarkan berkawan dengan budak-budak nakal itu

Ryan Rosli.

6 Integriti.

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