a brief introduction to markov logic network

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A Brief Introduction to Markov Logic Network

Zihao Ye


August 3, 2016

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A Markov Logic Network(MLN) is a probabilistic logic which appliesthe ideas of a Markov network to first-order logic, enabling uncertaininference.Markov logic networks generalize first-order logic, in a certain limit, allunsatisfiable statements have a probability of zero, and all tautologieshave the probability one.


Work in this area began in 20003 by Pedro Domingos and MattRichardson, and they began to use the term MLN to describe it.

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A Markov Logic Network(MLN) is a probabilistic logic which appliesthe ideas of a Markov network to first-order logic, enabling uncertaininference.Markov logic networks generalize first-order logic, in a certain limit, allunsatisfiable statements have a probability of zero, and all tautologieshave the probability one.


Work in this area began in 20003 by Pedro Domingos and MattRichardson, and they began to use the term MLN to describe it.

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First-order knowledge base(KB)


A set of sentences or formulas in first-order logic.



∀x, smoking(x) =⇒ cancer(x)

∀x∀y, boy(x) ∧ boy(y) ∧ friends(x, y) =⇒ friends(y, x)

· · · · · ·

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Formula symbols

constants. represent objects in the domain of interest.


variables. range over the objects in the domain.


functions. represents mappings from tuples of objects to objects.


predicates. represent relations among objects in the domain.


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Formula symbols

constants. represent objects in the domain of interest.


variables. range over the objects in the domain.


functions. represents mappings from tuples of objects to objects.


predicates. represent relations among objects in the domain.


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Formula symbols

constants. represent objects in the domain of interest.


variables. range over the objects in the domain.


functions. represents mappings from tuples of objects to objects.


predicates. represent relations among objects in the domain.


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Formula symbols

constants. represent objects in the domain of interest.


variables. range over the objects in the domain.


functions. represents mappings from tuples of objects to objects.


predicates. represent relations among objects in the domain.


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If F1 and F2 are formulas:

negation: ¬F1

conjunction: F1 ∧ F2

disjunction: F1 ∨ F2

implication: F1 =⇒ F2

equivalence: F1 ⇐⇒ F2

universal quantification: ∀x, F1

existential quantification: ∃x, F1

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First-order knowledge base(KB)

Some more definitions:term:A constant, a variable, or a function applied to a tuple of terms.

Anna, x, gcd(x, y)

atom:A predicate symbol applied to a tuple of terms.

Friends(x, MotherOf(Anna))

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First-order knowledge base(KB)

Some more definitions:term:A constant, a variable, or a function applied to a tuple of terms.

Anna, x, gcd(x, y)

atom:A predicate symbol applied to a tuple of terms.

Friends(x, MotherOf(Anna))

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First-order knowledge base(KB)

Some more definitions:

ground term:A term containing no variables, likewise, we can define groundatom.


possible world:An assignment of truth value to each possible ground atom.

Boy(Bicheng) = 0,Girl(Papi) = 1

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First-order knowledge base(KB)

Some more definitions:

ground term:A term containing no variables, likewise, we can define groundatom.


possible world:An assignment of truth value to each possible ground atom.

Boy(Bicheng) = 0,Girl(Papi) = 1

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First-order knowledge base(KB)


A formula is satisfiable iff there exists at least one world in which itis true.


The formulas in a KB are implicitly conjoined, thus a KB can beviewed as a single large formula.

The basic inference problem in first-order logic is to determinewhether a knowledge base KB entails a formula F , which is alwaysdone by Refutation:

Whether KB ∨ ¬F is unsatisfiable.

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First-order knowledge base(KB)


A formula is satisfiable iff there exists at least one world in which itis true.


The formulas in a KB are implicitly conjoined, thus a KB can beviewed as a single large formula.

The basic inference problem in first-order logic is to determinewhether a knowledge base KB entails a formula F , which is alwaysdone by Refutation:

Whether KB ∨ ¬F is unsatisfiable.

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First-order knowledge base(KB)


A formula is satisfiable iff there exists at least one world in which itis true.


The formulas in a KB are implicitly conjoined, thus a KB can beviewed as a single large formula.

The basic inference problem in first-order logic is to determinewhether a knowledge base KB entails a formula F , which is alwaysdone by Refutation:

Whether KB ∨ ¬F is unsatisfiable.

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Markov Network


It is composed of an undirected graph G(a node for each variable) andpotential function φk for each clique in the graph.

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Markov Network

Probability Distribution Function

Joint distribution of X = (X1, X2, · · · , Xn) ∈ X :

P (X = x) =1




)where x{k} is the the state of the kth clique.Z(partition function) is used for formalization: Z =





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Markov Network


Markov blanket: In a Markov Network, the Markov blanket for anode A is its set of neighboring nodes. A Markov blanket may alsobe denoted by MB(A) or ∂A.

Markov Property

A probability has the Markov property when:

Pr(A | ∂A,B) = Pr(A | ∂A)

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Markov Network


Markov blanket: In a Markov Network, the Markov blanket for anode A is its set of neighboring nodes. A Markov blanket may alsobe denoted by MB(A) or ∂A.

Markov Property

A probability has the Markov property when:

Pr(A | ∂A,B) = Pr(A | ∂A)

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Markov Network

log-linear models

Each clique potential replaced by an exponentiated weighted sum offeatures of the state:

P (X = x) =1




We will focus on binary features, fj(x) ∈ {0, 1}.

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Markov Logic Network


A Markov logic network L is a set of pairs (Fi, wi), where Fi is aformula in first-order logic and wi is a real number, together with a setof constants C =

{c1, c2, · · · , c|C|


From a Markov logic network we can construst a Markov networkML,C .

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Clausal Form

Conjunction Normal Form(CNF)

CNF : CNF ∧ (clause)| (clause)

clause : literal ∨ clause| literal

literal : atom | ¬atom

It has been proved every FOL can be represented as CNF.

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Clausal Form

Conjunction Normal Form(CNF)

CNF : CNF ∧ (clause)| (clause)

clause : literal ∨ clause| literal

literal : atom | ¬atom

It has been proved every FOL can be represented as CNF.

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Markov Logic Network



Assumption 1: Unique names.

Assumption 2: Domain closure: f(C) ⊆ C.

Assumption 3: Known functions.

These assumptions ensure that Markov Network be finite.

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Markov Logic Network



Assumption 1: Unique names.

Assumption 2: Domain closure: f(C) ⊆ C.

Assumption 3: Known functions.

These assumptions ensure that Markov Network be finite.

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Markov Logic Network


∀x∀y,Friends(x, y) ⇒ (Smokes(x) ⇐⇒ Smokes(y))

∀x,Smokes(x) ⇒ Cancer(x)

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Markov Logic Network

Probability Distribution Function

By combining groundings correspond to the same formula, we get:

P (X = x) =1










Where ni(x) is the number of true groundings of Fi in x, x{i} is thestate(true values) of the atoms appearing in Fi, φi


)= ewi .

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Markov Logic Network


P (0, 0) =1


P (0, 1) =1


P (1, 0) =1


P (1, 1) =1


Z = 3ew + 1, P (Cancer(A) = 1|Smokes(A) = 1) =ew

ew + 1

w → +∞, P → 1

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Markov Logic Network


P (0, 0) =1


P (0, 1) =1


P (1, 0) =1


P (1, 1) =1


Z = 3ew + 1, P (Cancer(A) = 1|Smokes(A) = 1) =ew

ew + 1

w → +∞, P → 1

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Markov Logic Network


P (0, 0) =1


P (0, 1) =1


P (1, 0) =1


P (1, 1) =1


Z = 3ew + 1, P (Cancer(A) = 1|Smokes(A) = 1) =ew

ew + 1

w → +∞, P → 1

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Markov Logic Network


What is the probability that formula F1 holds given that formula F2

does?P (F1|F2, L, C) (1)

Logic Inferencing

Whether KB entails F?

P (F |LKB, CKB,F )?= 1

LKB is the MLN obtained by assigning +∞ to all the formulas in KB.It’s implied in (1) just let F2 = True.

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Markov Logic Network


What is the probability that formula F1 holds given that formula F2

does?P (F1|F2, L, C) (1)

Logic Inferencing

Whether KB entails F?

P (F |LKB, CKB,F )?= 1

LKB is the MLN obtained by assigning +∞ to all the formulas in KB.It’s implied in (1) just let F2 = True.

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Markov Logic Network


What is the probability that formula F1 holds given that formula F2

does?P (F1|F2, L, C) (1)

Logic Inferencing

Whether KB entails F?

P (F |LKB, CKB,F )?= 1

LKB is the MLN obtained by assigning +∞ to all the formulas in KB.It’s implied in (1) just let F2 = True.

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Markov Logic Network


P (F1 | F2, L, C) = P (F1 | F2,ML,C)

=P (F1 ∧ F2 |ML,C)

P (F2 |ML,C)




P (X = x |ML,C)∑x∈XF2

P (X = x |ML,C)

Algorithm: MCMCRejects all moves to state where F2 doesn’t hold, and counts thenumber of samples in which F1 holds.

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Markov Logic Network


P (F1 | F2, L, C) = P (F1 | F2,ML,C)

=P (F1 ∧ F2 |ML,C)

P (F2 |ML,C)




P (X = x |ML,C)∑x∈XF2

P (X = x |ML,C)

Algorithm: MCMCRejects all moves to state where F2 doesn’t hold, and counts thenumber of samples in which F1 holds.

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Markov Logic Network


MCMC is likely to be too slow for arbitrary formulas.A more efficient algorithm can be implemented on cases(most frequent)that F1 and F2 are conjunctions of ground literals.

l1 ∧ l2 ∧ l3 · · · ln

Algorithm: Gibbs sampling on Markov Blankets(MB).

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Markov Logic Network


We learn MLN weights from one or more relational databases.


A database is effectively a vector x = (x1, · · · , xl, · · · , xn) where xl isthe truth value of the lth ground atom.

Closed world assumption

If a ground atom is not in the database, it’s assumed to be false.

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Markov Logic Network


We learn MLN weights from one or more relational databases.


A database is effectively a vector x = (x1, · · · , xl, · · · , xn) where xl isthe truth value of the lth ground atom.

Closed world assumption

If a ground atom is not in the database, it’s assumed to be false.

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Markov Logic Network


We learn MLN weights from one or more relational databases.


A database is effectively a vector x = (x1, · · · , xl, · · · , xn) where xl isthe truth value of the lth ground atom.

Closed world assumption

If a ground atom is not in the database, it’s assumed to be false.

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Markov Logic Network


Object: Find the proper w to maximize Pw(X = x).

Method: Nonlinear optimization.


∂wilogPw(X = x) = ni(x)−


P (X = x′)ni(x′)

Counting the ni(x) is intractable(#P-complete in the length of theclause).Computing the expectation of true groundings is also intractable.

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Markov Logic Network


Object: Find the proper w to maximize Pw(X = x).

Method: Nonlinear optimization.


∂wilogPw(X = x) = ni(x)−


P (X = x′)ni(x′)

Counting the ni(x) is intractable(#P-complete in the length of theclause).Computing the expectation of true groundings is also intractable.

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Markov Logic Network


Object: Find the proper w to maximize Pw(X = x).

Method: Nonlinear optimization.


∂wilogPw(X = x) = ni(x)−


P (X = x′)ni(x′)

Counting the ni(x) is intractable(#P-complete in the length of theclause).Computing the expectation of true groundings is also intractable.

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Alternative: Pseudo-likelihood method:

P ∗w(X = x) =


Pw(Xl = xl | ∂xXl)


∂wilogP ∗w(X = x) =


[ni(x)− Pw(Xl = 0 | ∂xXl)ni(x[Xl=0])

−Pw(Xl = 1 | ∂xXl)ni(x[Xl=1])]

Doesn’t require inference over the model.

Method: Limited-memory BFGS algorithm.


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Alternative: Pseudo-likelihood method:

P ∗w(X = x) =


Pw(Xl = xl | ∂xXl)


∂wilogP ∗w(X = x) =


[ni(x)− Pw(Xl = 0 | ∂xXl)ni(x[Xl=0])

−Pw(Xl = 1 | ∂xXl)ni(x[Xl=1])]

Doesn’t require inference over the model.

Method: Limited-memory BFGS algorithm.


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Alternative: Pseudo-likelihood method:

P ∗w(X = x) =


Pw(Xl = xl | ∂xXl)


∂wilogP ∗w(X = x) =


[ni(x)− Pw(Xl = 0 | ∂xXl)ni(x[Xl=0])

−Pw(Xl = 1 | ∂xXl)ni(x[Xl=1])]

Doesn’t require inference over the model.

Method: Limited-memory BFGS algorithm.


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Alternative: Pseudo-likelihood method:

P ∗w(X = x) =


Pw(Xl = xl | ∂xXl)


∂wilogP ∗w(X = x) =


[ni(x)− Pw(Xl = 0 | ∂xXl)ni(x[Xl=0])

−Pw(Xl = 1 | ∂xXl)ni(x[Xl=1])]

Doesn’t require inference over the model.

Method: Limited-memory BFGS algorithm.


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Alternative: Pseudo-likelihood method:

P ∗w(X = x) =


Pw(Xl = xl | ∂xXl)


∂wilogP ∗w(X = x) =


[ni(x)− Pw(Xl = 0 | ∂xXl)ni(x[Xl=0])

−Pw(Xl = 1 | ∂xXl)ni(x[Xl=1])]

Doesn’t require inference over the model.

Method: Limited-memory BFGS algorithm.


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Markov Logic Network


Collective Classification

Attri(x1, v), R(x1, x2)⇒ Attrj(x2, v)

Link Prediction

Attri(x1, v), Attrj(x2, v)⇒ R(x1, x2)

Link-Based Clustering

Social Network Modeling

Object IdentificationEqual(x1, x2)

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Application in DSTC-4

First-order logic:1 word in transcript(seg,$t,$s,$w) ∧ value in transcript(seg,$t,$s,v) ⇒ state(seg,$t,$s,v)

2 ......

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A Toolbox for Statistical Relational Learning and Reasoning.The following representation formalisms for probabilistic knowledge aresupported:

Bayesian Logic Networks(BLNs)

Markov Logic Networks(MLNs) & Adaptive Markov LogicNetworks (AMLNs)

Bayesian Networks(BNs)


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Thanks for listening.

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