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  • 8/3/2019 9LK


    S. Nichols, On the Genealogy of Norms: A Case for the Role of Emotion in CulturalEvolution, Philosophy of Science 2002, vol. 69, pp. 234-255.

    I. Summary

    (1) Theses:

    (a) Normative prohibitions against action X will be more likely to survive if action X elicits

    (or is easily led to elicit) negative affect.

    (b) Norms prohibiting core-disgusting actions (i.e., actions that are likely to elicit core

    disgust) will enjoy greater cultural fitness than norms prohibiting actions that are unlikely to

    elicit core disgust (or other emotions).

    (2) Abstract:

    The author supports epidemiological approach to cultural evolution. On this account, one

    investigates cultural evolution by considering what makes certain cultural items more likely to prevail. Furthermore, the epidemiological approach maintains that the characteristics of

    human psychology will play an enormous role in determining which items are likely to

    survive. There is a large amount of data from psychology that supports the thesis that if a

    representation has an emotional component, this component enhances the chances of retention

    of such representations. Because, on a popular account, norms are considered to be

    representations, it follows that if norms elicit emotional responses there is a greater

    probability of their retention in comparison with norms that do not elicit such responses.

    Using this data, the author proceeds to investigate whether norms governing manners that

    elicit core-disgust (which is considered as a basic emotion) had greater chance of survival

    than norms governing manners that were affectively neutral. Testing of the above-mentioned

    thesis consisted in comparison of the etiquette norms from the most important manners book

    in history, Erasmus On Good Manners for Boys, with contemporary etiquette. The resultsshowed that, out of 57 investigated norms from Erasmus book, over 90% that elicited core-

    disgust were part of contemporary manners and only around 30% of norms that did not elicit

    such response are regarded as a part of contemporary etiquette. These findings support the

    thesis (b). What is especially interesting, is that the author states that some of the moral

    norms, e.g. norms against harming others, prohibit actions that are likely to elicit negative

    affect. Because these moral norms possess such emotional component, it shows why they

    ended up being so successful.


    (1) The article presents a very interesting and promising approach to the issue of the

    genealogy of norms. Traditional approaches to this issue (e.g. Nietsches account,

    evolutionary account) focus on the origin of norms (especially moral norms). The main

    problem with these approaches is that there is a lot of different origin stories which seem to

    be equally plausible. The epidemiological account offers a more modest solution: we

    investigate what makes cultural items more likely to prevail.

    (2) Because the main thesis states that norms which elicit emotional response are more likely

    to prevail, the familiar question about moral norms comes to mind: is an action wrong

    because we disapprove of it, or do we disapprove of it because its wrong?

    (3) There is no doubt (the author agrees with that) that societal factors play an enormous rolein determining which norms survive. If so, then perhaps societal factors play a more

  • 8/3/2019 9LK


    significant role in the survival of moral norms than in the survival of manner norms.

    Therefore, moral norms require a similar investigation to the one carried out on manner norms

    before we can plausibly extrapolate thesis (a) on moral norms.

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