9d group 4 news day

Post on 23-Mar-2016






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Zooming In On


CAUSES FROMAND EFFECTS ONPoliticsEconomySocietyCulture


    A history waiting to be told, it was formerly a famous trading center among Chinese and Malays with the local Tausugs, Samals, Subanons and Badjaos. A Catholic mission was later established by the Spaniards at La Recada, now known as Recodo. The cornerstone of Fort Pilar was later laid by the Spanish authorities on the date which came to be the founding date of Zamboanga City.

   Presently, the Zamboanga is a thriving city rich in both culture and economy. The diversity in religion and it's position in mid-Philippines is also greatly shown. But last September 9, it has been taken over by the MNLF rendering the whole city stagnant and putting the lives of the people at risk for more than 3 weeks. And that' s not even considering the people's mood that their houses may be destroyed and their loved ones gone.

This magazine will aim to zoom in on Zamboanga in all different aspects to give a complete perspective to the reader and hopefully gain more insight.



On September 9, the lively city of Zamboanga city, was taken over by the MNLF. They attempted to raise their own flag. A symbol that they were independent thus threatening the sovereignty of the Philippine government over Zamboanga city. We all know that there were many firefights, but for this we will zoom in on where it has all started and perhaps where it will ultimately end...politics. Now there are a lot of sides to this issue, it is also closely linked to culture. The fact that aside from Catholicism as the dominant religion of the Philippines with 81% the second being Islam with a meager 5%, it is to be considered that the Muslims are concentrated in the southern part of the Philippines, Mindanao. And because of this separation in both culture and geography have given grounds for some Islamic groups to rise and attempt to secede from the country. It started with the MNLF or the Moro National Liberation Front, founded by Nur Misuari in 1971. It was during the term of President Corazon Aquino who held peace talks which resulted in the in the making of ARMM or Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao. This gave predominantly Muslim areas a certain extent of independence. Corazon Aquino is also the mother of our current president Benigno Aquino III. It has been a generation yet this problem has not yet been resolved. Over the years the government and the MNLF had other peace talks. A notable example is the talk with President Fidel Ramos in 1996, which made it possible for Misuari to run for governor of ARMM. But the next president Joseph Estrada took a more aggressive approach and declared an all out war on the MILF and another faction split from the MNLF which was the Abu Sayaff. However Estrada did not manage to finish what he has started since he was impeached due to a Jueteng scandal.

The motive of this crisis is still murky whether it is to declare independence or try to disrupt the peace talks of the MILF and the government or both. But the most depressing part is the leaders of the country did not act as one, rather they saw this opportunity to increase their popularity. For example Vice President Binay, without any instruction from President Aquino, went to Misuari for peace settlements, something that the president did not accept. Binay criticized Aquino for not wanting peace. The Communist Party of the Philippines also jumped at the chance to put down the president saying that he was not considerate enough to the civilians of Zamboanga leaving tens of thousands displaced, sick and hungry.

Although the conflict has been resolved, this raises questions about our present government, why couldn't the army beat the MNLF quickly and decisively and instead draw the battle out for 21 days. Undoubtedly this issue will be brought up in the upcoming elections for better or for worse. But instead of looking at the glass as half empty, let's look at the bright side. Thank goodness it didn't take more than 21 days and at least there weren't any more casualties.




September 9, 2013 - A day that will never ever be forgotten by the locals of Zamboanga and the Filipinos alike. This forlorn and dreadful day was the day of reckless actions. Actions set upon one group who in their own right aimed to establish their own faction by raising the flag of their beloved Bangsamoro Republic at Zamboanga City Hall . These carefree and disagreeable actions led to a chain events such as the countless standoffs and the urban warfare that was brought upon by the MNLF .

One of the major aspects affected by the the crisis was the economy of Zamboanga which was halted simply to assure safety for the citizens and visitors alike. The closure of the Zamboanga International Airport and the relocation/displacement of approximately 100,000 innocent people were also one of the main disruptions. The economy is the driving force of Zamboanga’s daily life enumerated are the many advantages of this thriving city affected by this conflict.

One of the biggest advantages that Zamboanga presents is the gateway to BIMP-EAGA (Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines -East Asia Growth Area) that is why the crisis forced these neighboring countries to stop the various types of businesses in lieu with fear of MNLF attacks. Zamboanga, as a whole is known for their sustainable sources of livelihood such as manufacturing, service establishments, trading, exports, agriculture and fishery. These sources of livelihood were disrupted by the crisis. Furthermore, Zambo as the locals call it

had to cut the continuation of banking services which composed 40% of the region's banks, wreaking havoc and chaos amongst people who wanted to withdraw money. With its rich flora and fauna, wide array of luxurious white beaches and resorts as well as sumptuous and mouth watering seafood and local dishes, Zamboanga City has accounted for 66.8% tourist arrival compared to other cities and provinces in the region all the beauty presented by the city was interrupted anew by the MNLF. Not to mention, the political stability of the city was shaken up due to the fact that one of the two congressional districts were badly affected. Therefore the effectiveness and efficiency of the government's performance was fragmented. Another thing that counterfeited Zamboanga’s economy was the stoppage of the sardine industry. It produces 80% of the the sardines produced in the Philippines and these originate from Zamboanga City, equating to a massive disparity between sales and production for the numerous companies. Lastly ,I would like to express the simplest thing and this is the loss of income for every citizen simply because offices , businesses and other companies were gridlocked for safety purposes.

These factors not only affect the growth of Zamboanga as a major economy in the Philippines but also affects the Philippines itself. The breakdown of economy in Zamboanga may be very huge. However, proving that their economy was once strong before shows that it will rise once again to be a major player in Mindanao’s economic growth.


As we all know, the Philippines is a country that is visited by problems often be it problems like natural disasters, specifically typhoons, landslides, extreme flooding, etc, problems like corruption in the government is also very evident in our country and it affects the Philippine society, but some recent events are affecting the society to a greater extent. One of these events is the Zamboanga Siege that happened in September 9, 2013 and still on going. This event happened because of the desire of the MNLF group to claim Mindanao as theirs and to be independent from the Philippines. In addition they wanted to raise their flag in the Zamboanga City Hall. This siege has lasted for almost a month. But the people are still in the evacuation centers provided by the government. This siege has really caused a major problem in our country at present. A huge problem that this event has caused is the evacuation of over 116,000 residents of Zamboanga which led to overcrowding in the evacuation centers and has caused sickness among the evacuees. They also lacked food to eat and the use of the public toilets was very unhygienic. This made the morale of the people dip not only will the city have to recover but the people themselves.The recent typhoons that came in the country exacerbated the   situation   because of the flooding in the shelters. Lives were also lost during this battle including civilians who were in the way of the gunfight and those who were shot by stray bullets. Money was also wasted during the duel between the two parties because they used millions of pesos just for the military supplies, which is good for only one day. So overall this event has caused many negative effects on society, and we as Filipinos, should be aware of this. Some of us may not feel affected by this war, but in reality, we all are. This is because we are all in one society, the Philippine society.


Zamboanga city (or peninsula) is formerly known as the City of Flowers and is now known as Asia's Latin City. It was known as the trading center for the Chinese, Malays, the Tausugs, the Samals, The Subanons, and for the Badjaos, as early as the 13th and 14th centuries. The food products there are influenced by nearby countries, such as Chinese and Islamic food, and the food products are also influenced by countries who colonized the Philippines such as the Japanese, Spanish, and American food products. Zamboanga is a city that has close proximity to the sea, therefore, one of Zamboanga's main livelihood is fishing and it's main food product is seafood. Colorful festivals such as the Hermosa Festival, which is a festival that celebrates the feast of Our Lady of Pilar. Their main religions are Catholic, Christian, Muslim, and Protestant. Their dialect is Chavacano. Some artifacts are passed down to the descendants and if there is a happy event, such as good harvest, they would perform the Buklog, which is a happy celebration until the next day. Aside from this party, they also perform dances as part of their culture such as the Mangalay and the Sothalek. The indigenous people of Zamboanga, who are the Tausugs, Samals, Subanens, and Badjaos, also have unique dances such as the Kapa Malong Malong, wherein a malong, which is a simple but functional piece of cloth is used.

By stating the several practices, celebrations, and parties that the Chavacanos perform, the Chavacanos living in Zamboanga are generally a happy tribe. Even though they were a happy tribe, an unexpected event, which is the Zamboanga crisis, happened. Misuari sent in a couple of troops to attack Zamboanga devastatingly through the use of bombs, cannons, and bullets. An effect of this bombing is that people had to evacuate to an evacuation center to avoid stray bullets from hitting them and to stay away from this crisis. Economy of Zamboanga has went down during this event because stores closed as a result to the fighting. The evacuation center is also too small for the evacuees and the evacuation center sometimes lacked supplies, such as food and water. The crisis was that horrible. Though the fighting is over now, there are still people who need rebuilding of houses because of the massive infrastructure damages. As of September 22, 2013, 104 died, 192 are wounded, 10,000 houses are destroyed, and over 100,000 civilians are displaced.

Not only did crisis happened in Zamboanga, but because of four decades of fighting of the Muslim separatist movement in Mindanao, there is a death toll of about 150,000 people (SOURCE: http://www.cordaid.org/en/news/reflections-zamboanga-city-stand-/). Children and women suffer both physically because of wounds, and emotionally because they are traumatized. The normal lives of the Zamboangueños have been affected by the first tragic happening that they experienced; there was disruption in work and in classes. When president Aquino first attempted to work on stopping this crisis by sending military troops to Zamboanga, the MNLF regrouped again and therefore, it became even harder to stop them from attacking Zamboanga. After several tries of president Aquino trying to stop the crisis, the crisis finally ended because 52 MNLF fighters eventually surrendered and at least 223 were captured, and 100 killed.

The Zamboanga crisis was not religious motivated. The cause of the conflict was simply because of one selfish man who wants to liberate Mindanao from the Philippine government, and the man who started all of these, who is Nur Misuari, thinks that Zamboanga already has the complete elements of a state. Even though Zamboanga isn't the capital of Mindanao but is known as the former capital of Mindanao, Misuari chose Mindanao because he knows that the Philippine army is stronger than the Navy and Zamboanga isn't landlocked unlike Zamboanga which has seas nearby. In case the army tries to stop Misuari through land, the MNLF could escape by the sea because just as said in paragraph 1, Zamboanga, is surrounded by bodies of water unlike the capital city of Mindanao which is Davao, which is mostly surrounded by land. This crisis omitted the human rights law because of the destructions caused.

Special Write-Up



Even though there are a lot of crises that are going on in the Philippines, we can still do something about those several crises to help our fellow countrymen. It doesn't matter what ranking we are in the society to help. Not only the people could help but the government could also assign nation-building activities to the special volunteers show concern to our fellow countrymen.

    A concrete act that the government could have done to promote the well-being of our country and to achieve unity among our Filipino race while the crisis was still happening was to send in medical support to aid the injured victims of this crisis. The citizens of the Philippines, even the students, could simply help by donating canned goods and bottled water to the victims. Donating goods could already save a couple of lives just as learned from the typhoons Maring and Ondoy, Xavier had relief operations to pack goods to give to the victims of the typhoons. As a member of the Red Cross Youth Council, I could also show my concern by collecting the donations of Xavier School and giving those donations directly to the Philippine Red Cross so that the Philippine Red Cross could distribute those goods directly to the affected people of Zamboanga. I could also help the people of Zamboanga by donating canned goods and bottled water to the victims out of my own pocket money, and not asking my parents to buy those canned goods and water for me to donate to the victims.

    We all need to work for peace, and we should not just stand there and do nothing. Even though we are not involved in these situations, the people who are involved are still one of us, Filipinos. By helping people during these kinds of crisis, even in simple ways such as donating goods, we could save a lot of lives, and also show that the Filipinos are a united race and that we also help and show concern for each other. We should help each other and exemplify unity regardless of which part of the Philippines is affected, and regardless of the situation, whether a crisis or a calamity.



The Filipino people, as a whole, has faced countless hurdles. Let it be natural disasters such as typhoons, floods, earthquakes or volcanic eruptions even man-made such as building collapses and fires. We always show our solidarity with each other no matter what, especially in the most devastating times such as Ondoy, Ormoc Flooding and the Pinatubo eruption to name a few. Most of the time, we help each other in the form of monetary donations or do it in kindness just to help.

An example of a recent man-made disaster is the Zamboanga conflict, this is mainly between the mostly Christian state against the Muslim minority. A prelude to this situation is the fact that Nur Misuari, the founder of the MNLF, wanted to have peacekeeping troops in Mindanao because of the supposed increase of military troops in the area. A largely ignored signal that signaled this conflict would happen was the alleged declaration of independence from Misuari in Sulu. Nearly a month later, in September 9, he ordered his men to land in Zamboanga to take over Mindanao. To start this off, I believe that a solution must be provided in a manner that must benefit both the Muslims and all other people in the state in an equal way.

The Filipino people should be the binding force in our nation both through thick and thin. We see all kinds of demonstrations on what they think about on whatever situation and what the government has to do about it. However, we normally see them as idle when it comes to doing the action but they are the ones who have power in numbers. In my opinion, what they must do is never treat with prejudice others of their race and religion and treat them equally. In this way, they will not feel left out in the things and decisions we do and have in our everyday life. In this way, we can also help them if they need help in making their decisions in a manner that both parties benefit. This in turn may symbolize a bond that will forge a great relationship that may ultimately solve this long standing conflict between the Christians and the Muslims.

For the government, I believe that a feasible plan may be more Muslim representation in the Philippine government. There is very little or even no Muslim representation in the government. I believe that the very reason why they started this conflict is the fact there is lack of communication between the two parties and the only manner in which they communicate is when they organize peace talks and that is only when a situational crisis with the Muslims arises. A viable solution to this dilemma is that the government must push Muslim representation in the legislature. Since the root of this problem is communication and representation in the government, another root is the ideology that both cultures have. The government should have proper understanding not only of the Christian ideologies but the Muslim ideologies as well. From this, the government may avoid such conflicts to happen again by doing these tasks which are both simple and doable and in the end will benefit all people of the Philippines.

Even the smallest people in society may have a large impact on a situation. As such, I can do my part by listening to other people's ideas, try to understand their ideology and share my own ideas in activities such as group-works, graded or not, or even in the other extra-curricular activities. In this way, I can promote the idea that we must also listen to other ideas and they might even benefit us. Through sharing my ideas, I can also help others expand their ideology to other people in the society. This can be in parallel in making decisions when we grow older so we may also have less conflict with others and at the same time, have better ideas and a good working relationship with other people.

A good relationship with people from different cultures is the key to achieve peace with each other. Let it be within the government, the common Filipino, or it can even start with people at our age. According to Sting, a famous singer, "We share the same biology, regardless of ideology". This shows the broken bond between us people is our ideology, however, we can seal it by understanding their situations faced in their everyday life

Special Write-Up

By Maximillian Lim

This is a very pressing time for the country. With the recent crisis in Zamboanga it is still very much relevant to day since Misuari still remains at large and the MNLF still operating. Since this was a big blow, not only did it exemplify the audacity of these terrorists but also their lack of fear of the government which can encourage others to do the same.

While this may appear to be very distant to out daily lives for now, we as the people should unite, each one of us. We should refrain from fanning the fire by not blaming Muslims, as generalizations often go. We should know the difference and not turn this into a Islam vs Christian conflict. This may provoke other Muslim communities around the world which would be in Misuari's favor especially technology today has made it very convenient for information to travel across the world and with it, the comments of the people. As one people, we should make it clear that our war is on not Muslims but on these terrorists, in fact we should treat them warmer than ever.

In addition, we should donate food since they have not worked and may not be prepared so this can help them. Also money would be very welcome because they need the resources to get back on their feet especially now that their economy has been inoperative for more than 3 weeks and it's not that easy to resume as if nothing even happened. We should also pray for them this small act can go far they should know we support them and this may give them the moral support that they desperately need.



The government who has the biggest responsibility should take greater measures to prevent this kind of problems. One way would be to capture Misuari and give him a severe consequence as this will be a precedent and similar behavior will be discouraged.The government should also make it clear that it will not accept anymore violent means of the rebels, but is willing to hold peace talks.The MNLF and other organizations like the Abu Sayaff has been a problem of our country for more than 4 decades and of this crisis isn't a stimuli for the present administration.

But most of all, the fact that we are aware of these problems, is already a huge step to resolving this problem. I think the whole community should be aware of these problems and know what this means for the administration and more importantly the country. As we all know our country is not wholly united since there are lots of political parties, as compared to America's 2 political parties. From language we have different different dialects and most of all I personally feel we as the people lack nationalism. Although this does not encompass all of the people there are some people who're indifferent to the problems. We know that there is still hope, slowly but surely we can make our people aware starting with the youth since as Jose Rizal said they are the future, even though it just means making it theirhomework.

By Jason Ng

Special Write-Up



By Santi Romero-Salas

Special Write-Up

Once destroyed, now reborn. This is a statement us Filipinos would love to hear. As a matter of fact, we would be absolutely delighted as a nation to hear this. Therefore it is of utmost importance that I present to you a plan. One that will hopefully enlighten not just the citizens of Zamboanga but the Filipino people as a whole .

As pertaining to the locals of Zamboanga who as for now are still probably shocked and devastated due to the recent events and happenings, there are quite a few ways to alleviate themselves from their situation such as helping each other slowly but surely assuring themselves of gradual development from the current situation. Another element that will surely put emphasis to the efforts of the people of Zamboanga is if the various regions of the Philippines comes to their aid by donating and praying sincerely and whole-heartedly without expecting any reward.

Now to talk about the government and how their actions can have a lasting effect on Zamboanga, the Philippines and the ties of our country. I mention all of this because the government plays a crucial role not just shown on the outside, there is something deeper underlying within all their relief operations. I am talking about the 1996 peace agreement which was allegedly disregarded by the Philippine government and caused the

Zamboanga crisis. Therefore it is imperative that the Philippine government makes smart decisions when attempting to resolve the crisis because small mistakes here and there may break ties with neighboring countries that are involved and it may further endanger the locals of Zamboanga

Lastly, us students also play a vital role in rebuilding the war torn Zamboanga. There are numerous actions we students are able to contribute to the society thanks to popularity of electronics and social media. First and foremost we as students have to be in solidarity with the people of Zamboanga, we can love as lavishly as we want for that would be extremely disrespectful and inconsiderate due to the situation of the people in Zamboanga. Something as simple as remembering the hardships that these people went through and praying for their continuos peace is already a big help. There is one specific way though, of donations that I can perceive once again with the help of the church. This can be done by talking to one of the church clergymen and asking if they could request for additional collections to be sent to Zamboanga. I am almost certain people have enough remorseand pity to donate their extra income.

Special Write-Up


By Mark Son


At present, the Zamboanga crisis has caused a lot of problems for the government, people, and our nation. Lives, money and properties have been wasted because of the crisis. The government is having problems dealing with the MNLF and how to address the situation because the two sides agreed upon a peace treaty years ago, but it seems like it has not been followed. The people involved, especially the residents of Zamboanga have been suffering since the start of the siege. They were all relocated in evacuation centers which caused sickness and criminal acts due to the overcrowding of the centers. Houses of the residents were used as bases for the MNLF and they burned and destroyed them just for their benefit. All of these are problems caused by the Zamboanga crisis. We, as Filipinos, can do something about this situation and act upon it. As one Filipino society, we can all contribute to the rebuilding of our nation by helping our fellow Filipinos in Zamboanga by just simply doing what we can for them, like donating food to the refugees who have been suffering and giving them supplies that they need. Even if it is just a very simple act like praying for them, it may help them in their struggles. While our society is doing our part in this crisis, the government can also address this crisis by resolving the conflict in Zamboanga by figuring out the cause of this crisis and stop it from there. They can help the evacuees by also giving them supplies and goods for them to at least live properly despite their situation and they can also implement programs for the residents on how to deal with their traumatizing experience and the current situation. As students, we can help resolve this crisis by generally donating to the people, but there are a lot of other things that we can do besides donating. If a normal student is low on budget, he can just sacrifice his time and volunteer for the packing of goods for the victims. It is our job as students to also know much about this topic so therefore we can give our personal insights and opinions about the Zamboanga crisis and inspire people to do the same. The government may even get ideas on how to solve this problem from the students and their insights.



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