9 ways to springboard your creativity

Post on 15-Jan-2017






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9Ways to Springboardyour Creativity

Creativity can be the key to success.

It can transform your core product or service, increase your customer base, and put you ahead of the competition.

Take your creativity to the next level by exploring nine ways to add innovation.

Spot Trends1

What is new and emerging in your industry? What do customers demand today that they didn’t care about ten years ago?

Are start-ups threatening industry norms?

Add a secret ingredientSECRET 2

Consider your existing product and ask: “What is ONE thing we could add to our

product or service to make it really special?”

It could be a new material, ingredient, feature, packaging, pricing plan, or design.

Borrow ideas 3

Sparks of creativity can come from nature, other industries, art, or even science-fiction novels.

Look outside for inspiration.

4 Your magic wand

Ask yourself, “If I had a magic wand and could invent the ideal solution to solve

my customers’ needs, what would it be?” Figure out how to implement that solution.

Extreme makeover5

Today’s customers want both function and form. Giving your product or site a design makeover could launch you into

a new level of success.

6 Transform it

Could your product or service transform into something entirely different?

If you had to morph your product to serve a completely different need, what could it be?

Make a BOLD statement7

What innovations to your core packaging and presentation could make the kind of

bold statement necessary to draw customer attention in a crowded marketplace?

8 Add a new utility

Set a timer for ten minutes and ask your team to come up with as many

new major features as possible. Go for quantity, and avoid judging ideas.

9 Zoom in, zoom out

Zoom in closely to discover something you’ve been missing or zoom out to see if you can create broader customer appeal.

Combine or rehash these techniques until you find the innovations hiding in your products.

Learn more ways to put your creativity to use.http://bit.ly/RoadToReinvention

Launch time vector © fatalien/Getty Images

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