9 night victoria falls, zambezi national park & … · nehimba is a luxury safari lodge...

Post on 25-Aug-2020






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SAFARI 3 Nights Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

3 Nights Zambezi National Park

3 Nights Hwange National Park

10 Days / 9 Nights

Reference: IG-9C

Start Victoria Falls Airport / End Harare Airport

Total Price 9 Nights: US$ 3291 per person sharing

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Overview This luxury safari begins in Victoria Falls town, home to fantastic activities from scenic and adventure, to cultural

and adrenalin. Historic tours are also available, including one to view the mighty Victoria Falls. From there, it

takes you into a beautiful and remote part of the Zambezi National Park, where luxury meets a soft safari. Stay

right along the Zambezi River where elephants and buffalo are regularly spotted. Spend a few days there

enjoying in-house activities such as bush walks, canoeing on the river, sunset cruises on the river and game drives

further into the park. The last part of the safari takes you to a unique area of Hwange National Park, known for

phenomenal birding, game viewing and excellent guides.

Inspired Journey Overview


Night 1 – 3 Deluxe Room at Ilala Lodge

Night 4 – 6 Luxury safari tent at Zambezi Sands

Night 7 – 9 Elevated Thatched chalet at Nehimba Lodge

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Transfers Included

Day 1 Road Transfer: Victoria Falls Airport to Ilala Lodge

Day 4 Road Transfer: Ilala Lodge to Zambezi Sands

Day 7 Road Transfer: Zambezi Sands to Nehimba Lodge

Day 10 Road Transfer: Nehimba Lodge to Victoria Falls Airport


View the spectacular and mighty Victoria Falls

Partake in the multitude of activities available at Victoria Falls from sedate sunset cruises to adrenaline crazy bungee jumping and everything in between.

Plush safari lodge set along the Zambezi River’s edge with splendid views of the river, in a beautiful and remote park of Zambezi National Park

Good iewing with regular sightings of elephant, buffalo and lion

Wildlife activities including boat cruises, game drive, walking safaris, as well as canoeing on the Zambezi River at Zambezi Sands

Lots of available game activites at Nehimba - drives, walking, hides sits and night drives

Excellent Game viewing on Nehimba’s premier game concession in Hwange National Park

Highly knowledgable, professionally licenced Guides that will enhance your overall safari experience

Day 1 – 3

Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

One of the original natural wonders of the world, the Victoria Falls is a World Heritage Site and an extremely

popular tourism attraction. Known locally as ‘The Smoke that Thunders’, this spectacle is accessible from both

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Zambia and Zimbabwe and it is an ideal place to combine a game viewing and water sports. There is excellent

fishing, a terrifying bungee jump and arguably the best commercial white water rafting in the world.

Overnight: Ilala Lodge

The warmest of welcomes awaits you at Ilala Lodge Hotel. A gracefully distinguished ambiance. Attentive yet

discrete service that always comes with a smile. The sublime surroundings of this boutique hotel will reawaken

your senses while the power of the majestic Victoria Falls renews your spirit.

Relax in luxurious style. Listen to the meditative rhythm of the great Zambezi as you drift off to sleep. As

morning comes, gently awake and lift your head to see the spray of the majestic Victoria Falls across the

unspoiled horizon – and let your soul sigh.

Feel at ease in the elegant and spacious rooms with African Teak furniture, soft, crisp linen – all

en-suite facilities, bathroom with separate shower, air conditioning, overhead fan, satellite TV, hair dryer, tea &

coffee making facilities, free Wi-Fi and a safe.

The view from your room looks across the lawns to the National Parks where elephant, warthog, impala or the

occasional buffalo might be passing by or simply grazing on the lawn or in the tree line.

Experience new tastes, indulge in unusual flavours and enjoy delectable dishes at our award winning restaurant

"The Palm”; dine in view of the spray of the majestic Victoria Falls!

Lodge also has a spa, where you can spoil yourself after that long safari!

Notes: Day 1, 2, 3

DAY 1 On your arrival to Victoria Falls Airport, you will be met and taken to Ilala Lodge, a 20- to 30-minute drive. After

checking in, you may want to grab a drink and lunch on the terrace and enjoy the view of the park and the spray

of the Victoria Falls, or take a walk into town and eat at one of the restaurants there. This part of your trip does

not have a schedule, so you are free to take part in Victoria Falls activities that you might be interested in.

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DAY 2 & 3 You have 2 full days to soak up the wonderful atmosphere of Victoria Falls, it is the adventure capital of Africa

and there are activities on offer to cater for everyone’s needs. View the mighty Falls, partake in the many

activities on offer or wander around the streets to do a bit of curio shopping, then finish off at a café for

refreshments and a bite to eat. Please have a look at the activities available Victoria Falls Activities and contact

us to arrange a suitable itinerary just for you.

Activities Info

Visit our Activities Page for all the Victoria Falls activities.

Day 4 – 6

Zambezi National Park

Zambezi National Park together with Victoria Falls National Park cover an area of 56,000 hectares. The northern

border of the Park is formed by the great Zambezi River which also forms the border between

Zimbabwe and Zambia for much of its length.

A wide variety of larger mammals may be found within the Zambezi National Park including elephant, lion,

buffalo and leopard. In addition, herds of sable antelope, eland, zebra, giraffe, kudu, waterbuck and impala as

well as many of the smaller species of game can be viewed. The Zambezi River is home to over is 75 species of

fish and is famous for its bream and fighting tiger fish.

Overnight: Zambezi Sands

Zambezi Sands provides a wealth of opportunities for drives and walks with experienced guides, while the

Zambezi River itself invites exploration by inflatable canoe or motorised launch. However, relaxing in your

private splash pool on your deck overlooking the Zambezi is also just as enjoyable. Elephant can be found

loitering on the mainland or in the river, while hippo, waterbuck and bushbuck frequent the reed banks and

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islands. Lions can be heard calling at night and the birdlife is prolific - African finfoot, African skimmer, pratincoles

and Pel’s fishing owl all occur here.

Notes: Day 4, 5, 6

DAY 4 On this day, you will be picked up after your breakfast at Victoria Falls Safari Lodge for your road transfer to

Zambezi Sands River Camp. It is about 45 minutes to an hour out of the town centre and into the western end of

Zambezi National Park. Check into your luxury tent, drop your bags and join others for some afternoon tea.

Afterwards, it is time for an evening boat cruise on the Zambezi River, with your guide. Enjoy the Zambezi River

while drifting through the nearby islands, the gorgeous African sunset, the wildlife, and your sundowners. It is

common to see elephant, hippo, crocodile and a variety of birdlife. After your evening cruise, you will be brought

back to camp and a 3-course dinner will be served at the main lodge.

DAY 5 Your wakeup call will be with tea or coffee, and then head down to the camp fire for breakfast. After that, your

morning canoe safari will begin. You will take a game drive through the Zambezi National Park and then drift

down the river with a licensed professional guide, and drinks and snacks will be served during your activity. You

will be taken back to camp for lunch. After lunch, you will be picked up for a drive out to a rural village to visit the

school and learn about the traditional Zimbabwean way of life. You will arrive back at camp in time for

sundowners by the deck, and then dinner will be served before you retire to your suite.

DAY 6 On this day, you may want to start with a walking safari after breakfast. Your guide will take you into the bush

and combine the activity with a game drive. Return for lunch or brunch depending on how much time you take

on your first activity. Have some rest and then catch a bit of afternoon fishing with your guide. Return for

afternoon tea and snacks before your last sunset river cruise for the trip. Dinner will be served after the

sundowners, and you may retire to your suite.

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Activities Info

Victoria Falls Guided Tour and Curio Shopping

A guided tour of the magnificent Victoria Falls rain forest (park entry fees not included) as well as a visit to the

Victoria Falls curio market.

Sunset drift among the islands

A wonderful cruise on the Zambezi River amongst the islands near the lodge – enjoy the river, its wildlife and a

Zambezi sunset with complimentary drinks and snacks.

Village Visit and School Tour – 2-hour drive from the lodge

Visit a nearby Village for an in depth look at life in a typical Zimbabwean village. The trip includes a tour of the

school and a moving performance of traditional songs by the local school children.

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Game drives

Traditional open safari vehicles driven by licensed experienced guides, Land cruisers seat up to 9 guests and Land

Rovers seat up to 7 guests.

Game walks

Conducted by a fully licensed and highly experienced professional guide, usually undertaken in the mornings,

ideal for photography of big game on foot.


Guided Canoe trips along the mighty Zambezi River in the network of islands close to the camp. Picnic lunches on

the islands is also on offer.

Recreational fishing

Guided fishing in the Zambezi River - home to the fierce and powerful Tiger and many other fish species.

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Day 7 – 10

Hwange National Park

Hwange National Park is Zimbabwe’s biggest reserve, home to a profusion of wildlife, including giraffe, lion,

zebra and approximately 40 000 elephants. It provides sanctuary for all the country’s endangered species,

including a population of wild dogs thought to be among the most sizeable surviving groups on the continent.

Terrain ranges from desert dunes and savannah lands to rocky outcrops and sparse forests.

Overnight: Nehimba Lodge

Nehimba is a luxury safari Lodge remotely nestled away in one of the largest private concessions in the

renowned Hwange National Park. Ideally situated in the central game rich section of the park, offering an all-

inclusive, privately guided authentic African Safari, which will be hard to better anywhere in Africa.

A lodge where one’s experiences in camp can be life changing - dining with the elephants every night and usually

also at breakfast and/or lunch time. In the height of the dry season they can drain the swimming pool in a night.

Seeing these huge animals interact with each other just a few metres away, in fact so close that you can count

the eye lashes and look into the wise eyes of these magnificent animals, is a truly humbling experience.

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The staff and guides of Nehimba make it a special experience – clients are made to feel that it is their home for

the next couple of days. Meals are eaten with the management and guides, where you can enjoy and share their

knowledge around the table – encounters of the day being discussed and plans made for the next day.

The lodge boasts seven luxurious raised chalets under traditional thatch unobtrusively positioned around a

waterhole. Each chalet has its own en-suite slipper bath and adjoining outside shower. Decor is subtle yet

elegant, furnishings are soft, cosy and tasteful. The rooms are designed to be spacious, airy, intimate and safe.

Each chalet has its own private balcony that allows an un-obscured view of the waterhole and its thirsty visitors.

One can view herds of elephant, buffalo, hyenas, kudu, lion and even wild dog if you are lucky enough.

Nehimba has its own private concession which ensures that you have an intimate and personal drive because you

are the only vehicle in sight, so when you do meet up with the lions, it is just you and them!

Notes: Day 7, 8, 9, 10

DAY 7 Get up for breakfast on this morning, and then prepare for your transfer out of Zambezi National Park. You will

be picked up and driven to Hwange – an hour out to Victoria Falls town, and then 3 to 3.5 hours to Nehimba

Lodge. On arrival at Nehimba, take some time to familiarise yourself with the lodge and meet the staff. After

what can seem like a long day enjoy the cool of the evening sitting on the deck and watch whilst the “Elephant

Show” unfolds in front of you.

Dinner is served on the viewing deck allowing one to continue watching the elephants whilst enjoying a delicious

dinner. After dinner and drinks you will be walked back to your room by a guide, as the elephants continue to

wander around the camp.

DAY 8 No two days are the same at Nehimba and game viewing experiences are tailor-made to guest’s preferences,

including game drives, walking safaris and night game drives on the private concession in search of nocturnal

species of wildlife. Whether you choose to track a herd of elephant on foot with your highly trained guide at

dawn or spend the afternoon relaxing overlooking the waterhole on the deck by the pool, this wild and unspoilt

bush paradise will guarantee you leave with memories to last a lifetime!

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DAY 9 More game viewing activities at Nehimba, tailor made to suit your needs and influenced by what the wildlife at

the time of your visit are doing.

DAY 10 Wake up for breakfast and prepare for your transfer out of Hwange National Park. You will be picked up for your

road transfer to Victoria Falls Airport where you will catch your onward flight.

Activities Info

At the lodge

Game Drives

Nehimba is situated right on the edge of the mopane woodlands of northern Hwange and the Kalahari sandveld

of the west, and so offers the full spectrum and diversity of fauna that Hwange has to offer. The elephant

hunting Lions of this area are famous. The area is well watered so is host to large numbers of animals throughout

the year but particularly during the dry season. Game drives are conducted in specially modified Land rovers

designed to provide wildlife enthusiasts with ideal opportunities for photography.

Game Walks

For an entirely different perspective, join one of our armed professional guides and get close to nature. During a

game walk you can experience the thrill of approaching wildlife on foot. Your guide will also teach you the basics

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of how to track wildlife from the ground as well as interesting facts about the surrounding vegetation and


Night Drives

For those who would like to view Hwange in a different 'light', you are offered the opportunity to accompany a

guide on a night drive. Filtered spotlights are used to pick out the various nocturnal species that can be found

such as hyena, porcupines, civets, genet cats, and if you're lucky, perhaps even a leopard on hunt!

Visit The Nehimba Seep

This special designated conservation area is one of the only year-round, naturally occurring water supplies in the

massive Hwange National Park. The seep is an ancient source of surface water that was once used by the San

Bushmen. Today the area is frequented by elephant, who can be found digging for minerals as well as enjoying

the water.

Visit Mandavu Dam

Situated in a scenic hilly spot only 15-kilometres from Sinamatella Camp, the Mandavu Dam is a wonderful

location for both bird watching and game viewing. Take a leisurely morning drive to the dam before joining a

variety of wildlife for a picturesque picnic brunch at the water’s edge.

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Visit Mtoa Ruins

Mtoa Ruins are approximately a 2-hour drive from camp, and are well worth the journey! These ancient ruins are

located on top of a low granite kopje and offer excellent views of the surrounding countryside. Enjoy a packed

lunch at this ancient site before a meandering afternoon game drive from waterhole to waterhole back to Camp.


Total Price 9 Nights: US$ 3291 per person sharing



• Accommodation in a comfortable deluxe room with views of the National Park and the spray of the Victoria


• Daily breakfast

ZAMBEZI SANDS • Accommodation in a huge Bedouin Style tent facing, and on the banks of the Zambezi River • All meals, soft drinks, beers, wines & local spirits • Laundry • 1 free return shuttle to Victoria Falls town per stay • Zambezi National Park entry fees per paying night • Two activities per paying night: Game activities as available by vehicle, foot or boat, Guided tour of Victoria Falls (Victoria Falls National Park fee not included), Canoeing, Fishing, Sundowner drift at the camp, Village visit and service of a licensed guide on safari. NEHIMBA LODGE • Accommodation in an elevated thatched chalet, giving a commanding view over an ever busy waterhole in front of the camp • All meals, soft drinks, beers, wines & local spirits • Laundry • Activities: Game walks, drives, all day excursions, hide sits and night drives, and service of a licensed guide on safari • National Park entry fees per paying night TRANSFERS

• Road transfers between Ilala and Nehimba Lodges, and Victoria Falls Airport

• All road transfers between camps and lodges in Victoria Falls and Hwange

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• Premium imported spirits and champagne

• All other meals and activities not mentioned

Travel Information

A nation of spectacular natural beauty, friendly people and rich culture, Zimbabwe’s status as one of Africa’s

leading safari destinations was dampened for years by its political instability. But now that the country is

transcending its strife and returning to a state of equilibrium, it is once again emerging as a vacation highlight of

the continent. Victoria Falls – known to locals as ‘The Smoke That Thunders’ – is one of the seven natural

wonders of the world and the sheer power of this massive body of water plunging into the Zambezi Gorge is

awe-inspiring and unforgettable. Lake Kariba, with its game-rich shores and islands, is an idyllic safari spot

featuring mind-blowing sunsets; Hwange National Park is known for its huge herds of elephants; and a kayak trip

down the Zambezi through the Mana Pools National Park will appeal to the intrepid traveller, providing close

encounters with crocodiles, hippos and a host of other wildlife.

Banking and Currency


Zimbabwe uses US$ as its own unit of currency. South African Rands and Euros are also widely accepted. It is

advised to carry small denominations of change with you. However, it is best to pay for as much as possible

outside of the country.

South African Rands work well in supermarkets, while US$ are preferred for curios, accommodation and



Banks in Zimbabwe are open for business Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 08h00 to 15h00, on

Wednesdays from 08h00 to 13h00 and Fridays from 08h00 to 11h30. They are closed on Sundays and Public


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Travel, Transport and Getting Around

Taxis are safe and reliable, and can be booked through your hotel front desk. Taxis in cities travel within a 40km

radius of the city. Always take a taxi at night.

Major airlines fly into Victoria Falls, Harare and Bulawayo. Charter flights are available to most attractions and


Zimbabwe has a good road infrastructure, by African standards, although potholed. Between major towns, there

are frequent road blocks. Traffic drives on the left side of the road.

Food, Drink and Cuisine Advice

Zimbabwe's native cuisine is based on sadza, a cooked porridge made from ground maize which is normally be

accompanied by some tasty relish, perhaps made of meat and tomatoes, or dried fish. Safari camps will often

prepare sadza if requested, and it is almost always available in small restaurants in the towns.

Camps, hotels and lodges that cater to overseas typically serve a variety international fare, and the quality of

food prepared in the most remote bush camps is usually excellent.

If you are driving yourself around and plan to cook, then get most of your supplies in main towns.

Water in the main towns is usually purified. The locals drink it, and are used to the relatively innocuous bugs that

it may harbour. If you are in the country for a long time, then it may be worth acclimatising yourself to it.

However, if you are in Zimbabwe for just a short period of time, then try to drink only bottled, boiled, or treated

water available in towns and from all camps, lodges and hotels.

Clothing / Dress Recommendations

When in Zimbabwe the cardinal rule is to wear casual, comfortable clothes during the day as temperatures can

get very hot. It is advisable to wear light loose fitting clothing, such as cotton or linen, as they are cool and easy

to wash. Warmer clothes are advised for the evenings and rainwear for the wet season.

A brimmed hat and sunglasses are a good idea year round. Long sleeved shirts and long trousers will also guard

against the scorching sun rays. It is recommended you wear light shoes, especially if your itinerary entails a lot of


For safaris, please remember to wear appropriate clothing and shoes. Earth colour clothes, such as browns,

greens and tans are advisable.

Electricity and Plug Standards

Current is 220/240 volts at 50 cycles per second. Both square and round plugs are used.

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