8/8/20151 objectives for opening the call explain the 5 purposes of a good opening understand the...

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04/19/23 1

Objectives for Opening the Call

• Explain the 5 purposes of a good opening

• Understand the role of and be able to create a positive first impression. (Question #1, Ch#6)

• Know how to meet the customers behavioral norms using the DISC system. (Question #2, Ch#6)

• Two ways of building rapport (Q # 3 Ch 6)

• Explain and use several types of opening techniques.

• Relate the role and importance of both listening skills & non-verbal communication.

04/19/23 2


• Each exchange undertaken with a view towards achieving long-term relationship & benefit for both parties

• Loyalty is a ______________________: • ________________________________________, if you want customer’s loyalty• Trust is foundational component• Reputation building takes __________• Price sensitivity & direct competition is______________________________• Service orientation must be _______________

Chapter 8 3

Building Relationships

• Begins with the _________________

• Are built around


Buyers will rarely buy from someone they don’t like, unless they have no other choice

Chapter 8 4

Building Relationships

• Meet the basic expectation of any ____________________________

• Meet the ___________________of the business or person to whom you are selling

• Meet the _______________________________

of the customer

04/19/23 5

Five basic things to accomplish in an opening:

1) ____________________________

2) ____________________________

3) ____________________________

4) ____________________________

5) ____________________________

04/19/23 6

• Most often used to make the initial appointment

• The goal is to _____________________, not ______the product or service

• Salespeople need to __________________________________________________________________

when selling the appointment


Telephoning for Appointments


Chapter 8 7

Creating an ImpressionTheir impression depends on how you look:

Your clothes should be…• ___________________________• ___________________________• ___________________________

Your grooming…• Hair trimmed neatly – slightly conservative • Nails clean and neat• Dress shoes should be polished.

Chapter 8 8

Creating an Impression-Evaluate yourself carefully

• If you have a question, choose the ___________________________

• Your vehicle and briefcase or sales notebook should be __________________________________________________________

Pay attention to:How you ____________

Where you __________What you are __________

Chapter 8 9

Creating an ImpressionHow you ______________of your car Where you ______________

-Stay out of the barn or operating room unless ____________-Check at the house or office firstDon’t______________________________________

________________________________________ Use ___________________

• If offered a snack, ________________ or be sure to: _________________________Every circumstance is different

Chapter 8 10

Creating an Impression• Take notes if you wish but ________________if it is

sensitive• Always carry pen and notebook• Never move anything around without ____________

• chairs, • papers, • or the desk_______________________ _______________________

04/19/23 11

OPENING 1) Appropriate Greeting

• Create a positive impression:

– a first (+) impression


» but a (–) impression can


• Get the prospect’s attention:– People are usually very

busy, ________________________– People cannot hear unless

you have their ________________________– Try to secure a setting as

free from ________________________________________________


is a good idea

04/19/23 12

First Name or Formal?

• In which situations should you use the prospect’s first name? When should a more formal salutation be used?

• Many trainers note that ____________________________________________________ should be used until the prospect signals that using the first name is okay.

• Some trainers state that it is okay to ____________________________ to use a first name (e.g. “My name is Steve. Do you mind if I call you Bob?”)• Still others claim it is _____________________________ that a first name basis is always best because it seems more friendly and makes

both parties more equal.• There is __________________correct answer. It probably truly depends on

the ____________________________________________, how other salespeople address the buyer, etc.

04/19/23 13

OPENINGAppropriate Greeting (continued)• Establish a comfort level and create environment


• Signal our intent for a


• Evidence of organization helps to


• Have an opening in mind that directs attention towards your


• Different opening fits


Chapter 8 14

The Greeting

• Be sincere• Being too pushy builds barriers

• _____________________________________• It’s OK to plan your opening line, but be

______________• Select a topic likely to be of interest to the

prospect• Approach the prospect confidently • ____________________• ____________________

Chapter 8 15

The Greeting

• Introduce yourself ______________________________________________________

• First name…(1,2,3) Last Name

• Tell them what company you are with

• And what you do

Chapter 8 16

Business Cards• Have your cards handy• If you work internationally,


Chapter 8 17

The Greeting

• Pronounce the prospect’s name ____________• _____________________

when introduced• Use titles unless you know them• Be careful using nicknames• Maintain _______________• Be courteous

Chapter 8 18


As you greet the prospect, you are receiving


that are critically important for

• Sizing up the prospect

• Re-evaluating your


Chapter 8 19

Look for ___________

• Search for areas ________________

• Examine the setting for things to discuss

• Select your best opening



Chapter 8 20

The Second GreetingOn a second meeting

• Remind them that you’ve met before, but _______________________________

• Until they say, “Oh, you don’t have to introduce yourself to me.”

• Make it easy and comfortable for them

04/19/23 21

– 2) Build Rapport• Allow for some


• ___________________

mood, attitude, personality, environment

• Tips:

– Use this time to confirm the individual as having


– _______________________

on things of the interest to the prospect

– Don’t spend too much time on this. Too much time can be wasted.

– Rapport-building serves the function of letting buyer and seller


• The customer is also _______________________________ to find out what kind of person you are.


04/19/23 22

David Gress, Manager• Opening the call


Chapter 8 23

Building Rapport• Rapport-building looks like innocent, friendly

conversation • To the well-trained, professional salesperson it is

filled with ____________________________________________________________________________________

and what makes him/her “tick”• The customer should do most of the talking

• If you talk too much, you may well __________________________________________


Chapter 8 24

Chapter 8 25

Building Rapport

• It is good for the prospect to feel that they are in control of the conversation• _________________• _________________• _________________• _________________

• But in reality, it is the salesperson who _____________________________________________

Chapter 8 26

Body Language• People often communicate through means other than


• People are less threatened by others who

___________________________• _______________________

is the process of matching “kinesics” or body language

• If it occurs naturally

04/19/23 27


• Openers:

– Standard approach: chat a while,


– Leads to general conversation and areas of mutual interest

04/19/23 28

__________________ • tell them exactly why you’re there. Discuss your call

and even long term objectives. __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________

State your purpose in a way to get attentionin terms of buying or selling but as a ___________________

The biggest drawback is that is often misses the opportunity to ______________________________

04/19/23 29

• ________________________________

– . . . May



– Consider . . .

• Caps, pencils, key chains, etc.

• Copies of a relevant magazine article

• Cold drink or coffee

Other Call Openers

04/19/23 30

Other Call Openers

• ________________________________________– and that will lead to further explanation

• Referral –




_______________________ them on something important

Powerful . . . If sincereSincerity is the keyMust be and sound natural

04/19/23 31

• Openers: – ________________________________ compliment your

prospect on something you noticed likely to be important for them. Powerful, if sincere. Must sound natural

– ________________________________ typically leading a question intended to bridge into themes relating to your sales call objective. Tie question into opening compliment.

– ________________________________ suggest a mutual acquaintance had something to do with your call. Be sure it is ok to use the name. When dropping names, do your best to use names that will help your cause.

– Many other possibilities exist. Needs or activities survey of prospect in your territory.


04/19/23 32

Opening Techniques

Jeff - Dow AgroSciences

A combination _____________________ _____________________________________________

04/19/23 33

The Mystery Opener

• The snake light flashlight was a mystery opener because …


• Why put an opener at the end of the call?


04/19/23 34

Openers List

• ____________________________• ____________________________• ____________________________• ____________________________• ____________________________• ____________________________• ____________________________

04/19/23 35

Headliner or Startling Opening Examples

• “We have noticed a serious magnesium __________________________

• Hey, we finally got a local market for ___________________• Our agronomists are tracking an insect

infestation and it … is about 200 miles from __________________________

• Have you seen pictures of what _____________________

04/19/23 36

Standard or Introduction Opening

1. Hi, I’m Larry Smith. Pleased to meet you. 2. Hello, Mr. Walworth, I am Larry Smith, a

representative of SK Technologies. We have been interested in your firm for some time.

3. Hello, Mr. Walworth, I’m Larry Smith. As you know, SK Technologies is the leading manufacturer of machine components in the east.

4. Hello, I am a representative of SK Technologies and would like to introduce myself to you. I’m Larry Smith.

04/19/23 37

Direct or Benefit Opening

1. Mr. Malley, your employees will have a much easier time cutting this new fabric.

2. Mr. Malley, this new fabric is somewhat more durable than nylon, and costs less.

3. Mr. Malley, there are two advantages to our product: price and quality.

4. Allow me to explain. Mr. Malley, this product will increase your product’s durability by 7 percent and decrease its cost by 5 percent.

04/19/23 38

Referral Opening

1. Mr. Jones, Hank Joyner of Northern Manufacturing mentioned that our components might dramatically reduce costs in your firm. Hank has been using our components for fifteen years and he’s very enthusiastic.

2. Mr. Jones, Hank Joyner of Northern Manufacturing suggested that I contact you with regard to our components. I have looked forward to meeting with you.

3. Mr. Jones, St. James Production Corp. recently switched to our components and they’ve reduced costs by 15 percent. I think you can realize a similar gain in productivity.

4. Mr. Jones, the age of plated components has arrived. So many companies are satisfied with our product that I can’t wait to tell you about them.

04/19/23 39

Headliner or Product Opening

1. [Handing the prospect a new telephone model] How does this look to you?

2. [Holding a new telephone model] How would you like to take a closer look at this new model?

3. [Handing the prospect a picture of a new telephone model] I see a lot of potential for this phone in your heavy production locations.

4. [Handing the prospect a new telephone model. Saying nothing, just letting the prospect look at it and play with it for several minutes]

04/19/23 40

Direct or Question Opening1. How is business, Mr. Smith?

2. Mr. Smith, does your firm use steel or nickel plated components?

3. Mr. Smith, are you familiar with SK Technologies, the manufacturer of machine components?

4. Mr. Smith, have you seen our brochure outlining over 1,000 components useful to your firm?

04/19/23 41

Compliment Opening

1. Your company produces the finest machines in the field. With our product you will be able to maintain that level of quality.

2. Ms. Bops, I recently read about your firm in Trade Weekly. I am enthusiastic about meeting you and welcome the opportunity of showing you how our product meets, and even surpasses, your high standards.

3. As a leader in sales and technology your firm is undoubtedly interested in our product.

4. The story of Bops Machines is truly impressive, Ms. Bops. You’ve built your firm with intelligence and hard work, and you’ve grown to your present position through a philosophy that reflects economy as well as quality. My company’s product will interest you.

04/19/23 42


– 3. Probe Customer Needs• to discover needs & to find solutions so you

________________________________• Ultimately, you are trying to validate and

expand upon your customer profile. • You may (_________) want to look at



04/19/23 43

Probing Methods– Methods of probing available:

• ________________________________ what kind of tillage practices have you tried? • _____________________________________ I understand Bob Smith has been trying a no-tillage

approach with his pumpkins. What have you found that to work for your operation?

• Try to lead discussion toward a productive additions to your knowledge of the customer, but remember, you can’t learn much while

________________________________________________________________Use only when necessary to prime the conversation.

04/19/23 44

• 4) Arousing interest in product/service– _______________________

between the opening and the presentation

– Can & should build on information you came in with and that



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