88179407 effects of non monetary benefits on employee delight

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Effects of non-monetary benefits onbenefits onon employee delight Effects of of non-monetary benefits delight Effects non-monetary employee employee delight



SUBMITTED TO: MR. M.I.SUBHANI SUBMITTED BY: Arshad Nisar 0312-2355738 (7224) Bilal Hussain (7244) M ohaib M anzoor (4488) Syed Ahsan Ahmed (7129) Raheela Bahadurdin (7191)

Karachi, PakistanFlexible Working Hours

30th Nov, 2011 develops a

Effects of non-monetary benefits on employee delight

ACKNOWLEDGMENT All thanks to Allah Almighty for giving us strength and courage to accept and accomplish challenges successf ully in our lives. We wish to express our sincere gratitude to Dr A kif H asan, Registrar at Iqra University and M r. M uhammad Imtiaz Subhani, Incharge of Iqra University Research Centre (IURC) for providing us an opportunity to work on this project and for guiding and encouraging us in carrying out this project work and for their kind co-operation and assistance in the entire process of this research work. And lastly, we wish to avail this opportunity to thank our friends and our beloved parents for their untiring support, trust, confidence, assistance and for everything in life.

Effects of non-monetary benefits on employee delight

A B S T RA C TIn order to retain employees at workplaces, the demands and needs of employees of the organization need to be studied well. Monetary benefits, being researched by various researchers have shown a very large impact in delighting em ployees but the question arises about the involvement of non-monetary benefits in delighting employees and whether these non-monetary benefits act strongly in delighting employees of their jobs. For exploring these non-monetary benefits and their impact upon the delight of employees, a sample of employees, working at different organizations were asked to fill in a questionnaire consisting of the non-monetary variables that delight them the most. This enabled us in generating an employee delight model with eight variables. These eight variables acted as a base for our employee delight model. The delight model was tested on around 250 employees working at different organizations and was validated using t-test technique. The findings of the research showed that all the eight variables are not necessary in delighting the employees at workplaces.

Effects of non-monetary benefits on employee delight


Effects of non-monetary benefits on employee delight


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TABLES 4.1 One Sample Statistics 4.2 One Sample t-test 4.3 Hypothesis Assessment Summary

Effects of non-monetary benefits on employee delight


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FIGURES 3.5 Research model developed

Effects of non-monetary benefits on employee delight

C H A P T E R 1 : I N T R O D UC T I O N1.1 Overview:Employees are the most important internal resource of an organization. An organizations success is largely dependent upon its employees satisfaction and comfort; therefore keeping employees satisfied with their career is the major responsibility of every em ployer. There are various reasons as to why em ployees get discouraged and resign; these include high stress, lack of communication within the company, lack of communication or limited opportunity for growth which ultimately result in higher turnover rates in the organizations. Besides working on the needs of consumers, organizations also have to look for the interest of their employees, as they play pivotal role in making a business reach new heights. Work environments involving higher levels of interpersonal of conflicts, a lack of worker autonomy, and a high level of disorganization are problematic for workers and organizations (Chamberlain & Hodson , 2010), Therefore the question arises how can organizations expect persistent loyalty from its employees in the long run if employees cannot stay satisfied for prolong period. The answer to that is Employee Delight-to satisfy the employees at their workplaces. Delighting employees is not an easy job as it requires loads of efforts from the organization for retention of its employees. Monetary benefits are one way of retaining employees but other than non-monetary benefits also have an impact in delighting employees at their workplaces Other than that, training and skill development programs in making employees aware of their work duties and responsibilities and also developing motivation and satisfaction through training

Effects of non-monetary benefits on employee delight

process (Dr Hasan, Subhani & Rahat 2010) are another technique of understanding and delighting employees.

1.2 Problem Statement:The purpose of this research is to identify and validate the non-monetary benefits that could have an impact in delighting em ployees at their workplaces

1.3 Employee Delight Hypothesis:1:There is a positive relationship between workstation ambiance and employee delight. 2:There is a positive relationship between appreciation and recognition at workplace and employee delight. 3:There is a positive relationship between recreational activities at workplace and employee delight. 4:There is a positive relationship between career growth opportunities at workplace and employee delight. 5:There is a positive relationship between improvement in workplace relations and employee delight. 6:There is a positive relationship between workplace autonomy and employee delight. 7:There is a positive relationship between improvement in workplace technology and employee delight.

H8: There is a positive relationship between flexible working hours and employee delight.

1.4. Employee Delight Model:The foundation for this model was set by conducting interviews from employees at the time they felt delighted from non-monetary benefits offered at their workplaces. W Workplace Ambiance: S Stylish interior P Proper waiting area O Organized workstations Well-dressed employees A Appreciation and Recognition: R Recognition of efforts A Appreciation and rewards for outstanding performances Encouragement and support for improvement at work R Recreational Activities: P Proper car parking area F Free or discounted food and drink G Gym membership discounts Annual or quarterly company parties

E Effects of non-monetary benefits on employee delight

Safety and Hygiene at Workplace C Career Growth Opportunities: M entoring programs for career advancement W Work opportunities at multiple locations Cross-training in other areas of business

Improvement in Workplace Relationships:~ Friendly F

Work environment

Co-operative Supervisors A Autonomy at Workplace: Opportunity to Contribute I Improvement in Workplace Technology: Use of advanced and modern technological devices for time saving W Working Hours: Flexible Working Hours

1.5: Outline of the Study:The aim of this study is to identify and look for non-monetary measures that could delight the employees and satisfy them from their jobs, as job satisfaction develops a

sense of loyalty amongst the employees for their organization, which is highly essential for the growth and development of the organizations. For conducting our research, we distributed questionnaires to around 250 employees working at various organizations. We created an employee delight model by finding eight variables, which acted as a base for our research. We later compiled a questionnaire which included two sections, one based on situational analysis and other on demographic information. In situational analysis, employees were asked different situations and their reaction as under such situations. The other section includes employee profile, as on one of the various demographic factors to support this research. The demographic factors include gender, age, designation and work experience. The study of demographics assisted us in analyzing the employees perception towards delight. After the completion of research, the data retrieved was put in SPSS for further analysis and identification of results.

C H A P T E R 2: L I T E R A T UR E R E V I E WHenry Ford famously said, The customer pays the wages. This can be better explained in simple terms that ultimately it is the customers experiences and responsiveness that determine whether the company exists in its domain. It is essentially important for an organization to be successful and maintaining a high level of customer contact and prioritizing their preferences over all others. Various researches are being conducted to look for ways through which consumers could be satisfied and retained. When talking about private sector businesses, measuring the level satisfaction of customers is practiced largely, and most companies find it highly obligatory and em phasize on understanding customers needs and wants but what motivates and motivates the staff needs to be understood and studied as well. Various theorists have tried to create a link between them but only a few people agree to the fact that the only major precious asset of any business is its people. There is a direct impact of the well-being of staff and their satisfaction level upon organizational performance and organizational success; dissatisfied staff means development of dissatisfied base of customers, which has a direct impact upon the bottom line. Besides working on the needs of consumers, organizations also have to look for the interest of their employees, as they play a pivotal role in making a business reach new heights. Satisfaction of employees is considered as highly important because productivity depends of an organization depends on it. If an organizations em ploy ees are satisfied they would produce good quality performance on time and would result in booming

Effects of non-monetary benefits on employee delight

profits. In case of service industry, the quality of services provided by employees could flourish a business. Service quality measures the effective level of on-time services delivered to the expectations of employees. Besides better packages, good working environment, co-operative higher ups, employee delight could also be achieved through easy access of location and sustainable construction of buildings. Sustainable construction has focused on environmental sustainability but this may have contributed to improved health, satisfaction and wellbeing amongst building users. Factors like sick building syndrome and poor indoor air contribute to employees ill health and reduced productivity at workplaces, so the design of workplaces should be regarded as a strategy for productivity enhancement. (Smith & Pitt, 2011) Harassment at workplaces and acts of bullying are considered unacceptable and intolerable. Harassment at work includes aggressive and threatening behavior towards employees and individuals of an organization. Bullying is one kind of harassment and is considered an intolerable and non-courteous act and non-respectable as well. Roscigno, Lopez and Hodson (Mar 2009) identified bullying as a major social problem, especially at workplaces as well, and it is based on power differentials, racial and cultural differences etc and other practices as well. These practices hinder employees productivity and demoralize them. Under such situations, open and free communication talks and channels amongst the employees and with those above them act as a mean to encourage and motivate the employees. The free flow and friendly communication at workplaces get the workers better informed and they feel like a part of a family and this is showed in their work as well, in the form of their dedication

Effects of non-monetary benefits on employee delight

towards the work. The strongest key to develop any strong business relationship is communication. Lack of communication at workplaces at present especially in the accomplishments of tasks is essential for the development of any business. Employees are in short of information that is required for the achievement of tasks. The information and data related to external supplies and others, they have, may not be shared properly by their supervisors and colleagues with them and it remains undelivered as well. Acts of courtesy or politeness, respect and consideration of employees boosts up the employees morale and hence brings positivity in them and acts as a motivating agent in working environment. Courteous behavior at workplace does not mean the implementation of strict rules on social and organizational relationships. Courteousness binds people together and connects people with different backgrounds, specialties, interests and fellows need to move along with one another in the working places. For that purpose a strong leadership could act as a strong binding agent in bringing the workforce together. Leaders can create a highly positive work environment if they show their commitment and loyalty to their organizations. Strong leadership brings positivity with it. Poor leadership means an absence of hope, which, if allowed to go on for too long, results in an organization becoming completely nonfunctioning. Ann and Carr (2011) found out how effective leadership involves storytelling and how a story is constructed, reconstructed and circulated in and through organizations make stories themselves active players in creating relationships. These relationships further create

Effects of non-monetary benefits on employee delight

leadership development opportunities. The authors also explain why the need for some people to listen to the whole story before reaching to conclusions about its parts in between. He also mentioned some peoples lack of concerns about others stories and its characters. Zeffane (2010) worked on developing an approach to trust in leadership based on Herzberg's two-factor theory. He challenged the orthodox view of leadership and charisma, his paper argues that leaders' traits (or values) have a significant effect on trustworthiness. Their presence is important and absence could trigger mistrust in the organization. The research being conducted by Dr hasan, Subhani and Rahat (2010) on training and skill development programs of employees through which they employees get aware of their work duties and responsibilities and also feel motivated and satisfied through this training process as well. Day (2011) worked on defining courtesy as an active agent of employees problems and solutions. H is research proposed that the relationships between pay communication and pay satisfaction exist because justice perceptions mediate them. The discussed in detail the issues related to pay communication, which is of particular interest to managers of public sector organizations, where many aspects of the pay system are in the public domain, and without adequate communication, may be easily misunderstood by workers. The importance of courtesy can be judged from researcher Gruber (2011) work on how complaining customers want themselves to be treated. The research showed that the most important attributes for complaining customers are the contact em ployees' authenticity, competence and active listening skills.

Effects of non-monetary benefits on employee delight

Em ploy ee delight could also be measured through employees competency at workplace. If an employee possesses certain skills and capabilities and he has the potential to move ahead and knows well about the type of work that the organization wants from him, or the type of input required by his bosses from him, then only he would be able to live in harmony and would let others live in peace as well. In case if the employee is incompetent or ineligible for a certain job, then he would add to disturbance and chaos in the organization. In case of service employees, Nguyen and L eclerc (2011) investigated that the customers perception of service firms image can be changed from keeping benevolence as a moderator variable. Cowan (2009) in his studies on black and minority ethnic communities (B M E). He found that B M E had the highest percentage of mental health inpatients. His study revolved around finding the answers to three questions on defining, delivering and evaluating cultural competence in mental health care. Security at workplace includes freedom from all sorts of danger, risk and doubt. According to Chamberlain & Hodson (2010), toxic workplaces are a widespread social problem involving millions of workers worldwide. Work environments involving higher levels of interpersonal of conflicts, a lack of worker autonomy, and a high level of disorganization are problematic for workers and organizations. Organizational problems include absenteeism, tardiness, turnover, low morale and motivation, comm unication breakdow ns, impaired judgments, and workplace relations with increased animosity and distrust. It is crucial for organizations to control, attract, retain and effectively utilize the highest quality workers.

Effects of non-monetary benefits on employee delight

Security also means safety and prevention from unnecessary stress, violence and assault at work based on ethnic and racial differences etc as well. Schwe, M ejz and Rehomme (2010) investigated that, the homicide rate is the highest for taxi drivers in U.S. There is highest rate of violence, stress abuse, physical assault, robbery, fare evasion, and false allegations in s Taxi driver job, although it is a large contributor to the local economy, and tourism industry is heavily dependent on it. Apart from all this, in evaluating an employees satisfaction and maintaining healthy work environment, the generational differences at the workplace should be minimized. Kapoor and Solomon (2011) found that the modern workplace now consists of four different generations: Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Generation X and Generation Y, and creates a new challenge for employers. Companies must make workplace adjustments in order to create a productive environment for all employees, regardless of their generation. Other than mentor programs, generational diversity training, and enhanced communication methods designed to cater to each generation's preferences employers must create a work environment that helps in productivity for every generation; and must pass the information and skills needed to understand the generational characteristics of their co-workers to create understanding among em ployees. Sangeetha and M ahalingam (2011) came up with their research findings based on various service quality models and also appreciated and highlighted and identified issues in these models that could later help carrying out more future researches on this topic.

Effects of non-monetary benefits on employee delight

Their research was done on service quality in banking sector and the application of SERVQUAL and its effects on banking sector of different countries. The research revealed that the several universal aspects of service quality as determined by the similarities in the underlying dimensions proposed in different studies and these dimensions vary across different cultures of the country, even if the banking industry is same. The adoption of information technology (IT) in the Business process management (BPM) as proposed by research journal of Brocke and Sinnl (2011) is another new idea of finding delight of employees at workplaces. Their research also focused on the element of culture as a key element in the BPM practices. They worked on BPM conferences and central journals and conference databases for their analysis and developed a model of cultures role in BPM. Their research proved that culture still is a widely studied topic and it has its effects of various workplace activities. When talking about employee satisfaction, reliability tools used at workplaces also have an impact on the content level of employees. Hensley and Utley (2011) came up with their service reliability framework to classify technical reliability tools used in services for better understanding of managers and for better usage at work as well. As there are number of traditional and outdated tools used in services companies so this research came up in categorizing tools within a service reliability framework that considered subsystem reliability, system configuration and system reliability.

Effects of non-monetary benefits on employee delight

Teku and Pecht (2010) also on finding how reliability as a variable could act in satisfying employees at the workplaces, they came up with their study based on validation of reliability evaluation model using quantitative assessment process. They were of the view that reliability capability is a measure of the practices within an organization and it contributes to the reliability of the final product and they are quite effective as well in meeting the reliability requirements of customers. Based on the findings from the survey and statistical methods using multivariate correlation analysis for the theoretical validation of the model, the researchers found out the list and ranking of tasks that could hinder the development of reliable electronic products and strain their growth. Talking about tangibility, that includes the physical evidence of the services, Burt and Davies (2010) came up with the idea of reviewing the existing research themes in retail branding and further development in it after the evolvement of branding in retailing concept. They found out that there enormous academic literature can be found on branding, or facets of branding in retailing or so. They initially focused on product perspectives via studies of store brand. This research concluded that the evolution of branding has been matched with the wide aspects of research on retail: from the product as a mere brand to the involvement if store as a brand and above all at present an organization as a brand. Also the research work by Styven (Mar 2008) on tangibility revealed some facts, as she worked on increasing the understanding of the relationship between music

Effects of non-monetary benefits on employee delight

involvement and preference for tangible music formats and for that purpose she performed


Effects of non-monetary benefits on employee delight

segmentation analysis based on music involvement. The findings revealed that that high music involvement is positively correlated with subjective music knowledge, tangibility preference, and portable player use. And the behavior of highly involved consumers suggests that digital music is fulfilling different needs of consumers for example, sampling and complementing vs. collecting and displaying. Chinese authors Miao and Kim2 (June 2010) worked on satisfaction and employee performance and their researches revealed the perceived organizational support and job satisfaction are in positive correlation to performance of employees in China. In conducting the study, the selected participants were 130 employees, along with their 34 supervisors from two of the largest government owned enterprises. Psychological scales were monitored and measures of the satisfaction of job, aspects of citizenship behavior of organizations and the perception of organizational support were tested. Results revealed that when zero correlation and regression analysis was used it showed the relationship of job satisfaction and POS as positive with work performance, and also positive connection with four facets and with OCB. Werlinger, Hawkey and Beznosov (2009) worked on determining the main challenges faced by IT security practitioners in their organizations that include interplay among human, organizational, and technological factors. They held semi-structured interviews with 36 IT security managers in 17 organizations and the analysis was done. 18 challenges were identified and described that can affect IT security managers in organizations. The analysis done was grounded to create a framework of challenges

Effects of non-monetary benefits on employee delight

security, and to help future researchers develop frameworks based on the factors mentioned above. Hagen and Albrechtsen (2009) discussed the importance of e-learning tools in improving the information security knowledge, awareness and behavior of employees that act as an agent in releasing employees tensions and worries.


Effects of non-monetary benefits on employee delight

CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHOD 3.1 Method of Data CollectionIn order to study in more depth, the non-monetary factors that affect the employee delight at workplaces and bring satisfaction in the workplace environment, focused interviews with the employees working in various organizations and at different levels, were conducted. In order to create the base for the focused interviews, an open ended questionnaire was designed and was distributed to around 250 employees working at various organizations of the city. The respondents were all employees male and females, belonging to different organizations and working at different designations and with different income ranges and age brackets. The respondents were asked to write down the situation where they felt extremely joyful and delighted at their workplaces and the factors associated with it. At the end, every single response was carefully monitored and was monitored and studied and same situations and responses were categorized together.

3.2 Sampling TechniqueWe have applied random sampling technique in carrying out this research. In order to reach to the respondents, non-probability based sampling technique as per the researchers convenience is applied. The selection of organization and respondents is also dependent upon the researchers convenience and ease.

Effects of non-monetary benefits on employee delight

3.3 Sample SizeAround 250 employees working at different organizational levels acted as respondents. This lot of employees included both, male and females belonging to different age brackets and income ranges. The reason for keeping this number of respondents is that the irrelevant responses will be excluded and despite the exclusion, we would be left with proper required information for conducting our research.

3.4 Instrument of Data Collection:The data collected was through questionnaire and interviews conducted from working people and the responses generated through that acted as the base for developing our employee delight model of satisfying employees.

3.5 Research Model Developed:

Employee DelightImproved Workplace Relationships

Advanced Technology at Workplace

Flexible Working Hours

Effects of non-monetary benefits on employee delight

This model shows a few non-monetary variables that could delight an employees life at workplace and brings with it the positive and negative changes in an organizations free flowing working environment.

3.6 Statistical TechniqueWe used regression Analysis for our statistical testing. In order to find a relationship between both the variables that are independent to dependent variables, Regression A nalysis works best as it includes the techniques for modeling and analyzing several variables.

Effects of non-monetary benefits on employee delight

C H A P T E R 4 : R E S UL T S4.1 One Sample statisticsWe applied One Sample Test on Employee Delight A nalysis. The descriptive table shows 248 respondents Mean, Standard Deviation and Standard Deviation Error against each delight factors. The categorization of delight factors was done as per their mean disperses.

One-Sample Statistics N Workstation Ambiance Appreciation and Recognition Recreational Activities Career Growth Opportunities Improve Work Place Relationships Autonomy at Workplace Improvement in your work technology Working Hours 248 2.42 .584 .037 248 248 2.40 2.48 .545 .524 .035 .033 248 248 248 248 248 Mean 2.33 2.64 2.44 2.59 2.39 Std. Deviation .537 .489 .514 .517 .504 Std. Error Mean .034 .031 .033 .033 .032

As it can be seen from One Sample Statistics that all delight factors mean is between 2.33 to 2.64, which clearly suggests that all factors are not showing clear indication of employee delight. As per data analysis, ranking the delights factors mean as to which factor shows the highest level of employee delight from delight model,

Effects of non-monetary benefits on employee delight

Appreciation and Recognition has the highest level of mean (m=2.64) but still not much high, and the workstation ambiance shows the least mean (m=2.33) in delight factors.

4.2 One Sample TestOn Employee Delight data, one sample t-test was applied and the test statistics shows the results. The df column shows degrees of freedom. In this case, this equals the number of cases in each group minus 1. The Sig. (2-tailed) column shows a probability from t distribution with 247 degrees of freedom. As the value shown by all delight factors is insignificant, so we can conclude that our delight model is not affecting employees, and hence the non-monetary benefits offered at workplace is f little significance to employees.

Effects of non-monetary benefits on employee delight

4.3 Hypothesis Assessment SummaryHence, it can be concluded from the above analysis, that the employee delight model involving non-monetary benefits, could not bring fruitful results and the non-monetary factors could not delight the employees at large and the test done verifies it further.

Effects of non-monetary benefits on employee delight

Effects of non-monetary benefits on employee delight

CHAPTER 5 : CONCLUSION, DISCUSSION AND FUTURE RESEARCH5.1 ConclusionFrom the research, it can be concluded that the non-monetary benefits do not have a large impact in delighting employees at workplaces. The Employee Delight M odel that we framed that consisted eight non-monetary variables, proved to be unsuccessful, as these variables do not really affect and bring contentment in the lives of employees and this model cannot be implemented in any organization for delighting employees.

5.2 DiscussionIt is important here to understand that in this research work, other than finding the monetary benefits that could delight employees at workplaces, we worked on finding the impact of non-monetary benefits on employee delight and through responses of employees belonging to different organizations we found out that the impact is negative and non-monetary benefits do not have a large impact in delighting employees and employees are not in great need of these non-monetary benefits at their workplaces. But from our research findings we came to know that the impact of non-monetary benefits is not much high and just only increasing the non-monetary benefits could not drive employees for moving further and delighted from their jobs.

EffectsEffects of non-monetary benefits on employee delight of non-monetary benefits on employee delight 5.3 Implications

The implication of this research is that, we have a very limited number of employees for our research. The number of employees should be increased and the research should have been done on even broader scale considering the employees working at other regions and cities as well.

5.4 Future Research:This research could be further expanded to employees working at different organizations of the country. As every individuals choices and preferences differ and the regional circumstances and problems have affect the employees perception on delight. By broadening this research to other locations and regions, a fairer idea could be grasped and it would be easy to judge whether the non-monetary benefits act as an essential measure in delighting employees or not.

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EffectsEffects of non-monetary benefits on employee delight of non-monetary benefits on employee delight

Sangeetha Jaya and Mahalingam S, (2011). Service quality models in banking: a review. International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, 4,1,83 103. Brocke Vom Jan and Sinnl Theresa. (2011) .Culture in business process management: a literature review. Business Process Management Journal, 17, 2, 357 378. Hensley L. Rhonda and Utley S.Joanne, (2011) .Using reliability tools in service operations, International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 28, 5,587 598. Tiku Sanjay and Pecht Michael, (2010).Validation of reliability capability evaluation model using a quantitative assessment process. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 27, 8, 938 952. Burt Steve and Davies Keri. (2010). from the retail brand to the retailer as a brand: themes and issues in retail branding research. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 38, 11/12, 865 878. Styvn ek M aria. (2009). the need to touch: Exploring the link between music involvement and tangibility preference. Journal of Business Research, 63, 9-10, 10881094. M iao1 Rentao and Kim2 Gil Hueng. (2009). Perceived Organizational Support, JobSatisfacti on and Em ployee Perform ance. An Chinese Empirical Study, 81-88. Roscigno J Vincent, Lopez H Steven and Hodson Randy. (2009). Supervisory Bullying, Status Inequalities and Organizational Context.. Social Forces, 87, 3, 1561-1589.

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Effects of non-monetary benefits on employee delight Effects of non-monetary benefits on employee delight

AP PENDIXOne-Sample Statistics

One Sample statisticsN Workstation Ambiance Appreciation and Recognition Recreational Activities Career Growth Opportunities Improve Work Place Relationships Autonomy at Workplace Improvement in your work technology Working Hours 248 2.42 .584 .037 248 248 2.40 2.48 .545 .524 .035 .033 248 248 248 248 248 Mean 2.33 2.64 2.44 2.59 2.39 Std. Deviation .537 .489 .514 .517 .504 Std. Error Mean .034 .031 .033 .033 .032

Effects of non-monetary benefits on employee delightOne-Sample Test Test Value = 3 95% Confidence Interval Sig. (2t Workstation Ambiance Appreciation and Recognition Recreational Activities Career Growth Opportunities Improve Work Place Relationships Autonomy at Workplace Improvement in your work technology Working Hours -1 5.768 247 .000 -.585 -.66 -.51 -1 5.750 247 .000 -.524 -.59 -.46 -1 7.488 247 .000 -.605 -.67 -.54 -19.136 247 .000 -.613 -.68 -.55 -1 7.055 -12.525 247 247 .000 .000 -.556 -.411 -.62 -.48 -.49 -.35 -11.558 247 .000 -.359 -.42 -.30 -1 9.512 df 247 tailed) .000 Mean Difference -.665 of the Difference Lower -.73 Upper -.60

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