80927797 65107206 times of india bba mba project report

Post on 14-Apr-2015






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Sr. No. Particulars Page No.1. General Information 052. Production Department 193. Personnel Department 354. Marketing Department 525. Finance Department 746. SWOT Analysis 847. Suggestions 898. Future Plans 919. Conclusions 9310. Bibliography 95






Sr. No. Particulars Page No.1. Highlights 072. Company Profile 093. Size & Form of Organization 124. Time Keeping System 135. Location Justification 156. Objectives 18



Name of the Unit :

The Times of India

Address of the Unit :

The Times of India

Star complex,

Opp. Alfred High School,


Registered Office :

The Times of India

RMD, Sakar-1,

Opp. Gandhigram Railway Station,


Address of Production Unit :

The Times of India



Established Year :


Form of Organization :

Proprietary Concern

Size of Organization :

Large Scale Industry


Promoter :

Bannet & Coleman

Bank :

HDFC Bank Ltd.

Company Profile


A Brief History

The first edition of The Bombay Times and Journal of Commerce, later

to be called The Times of India, was launched in Bombay in 1838. After

several years of changes, evolution and growth in the paper’s character,

Bennet, Coleman & Co. Ltd., the proprietors of The Times of India Group,

was established with the principle objective of publishing newspapers,

journals, magazines and books.

Today, Bennet, Coleman & Co. Ltd. is India’s largest media house.

The times group is a multi-edition, multi-product, multi-media organization

and has to its credit several leading publications. Among the publications are

The Times of India, The Economic Times, Navbharat Times, Maharashtra

Times, Femina and Filmfare. The group also has interested in the

entertainment and media industry in the form of Radio Mirchi, Planet M,

Times Music, Times Multimedia and Times Zoom Channel.


Story of The Times

1838 The Bombay Times and Journal of Commerce is launched with J.E.

Brennan as editor, published on Wednesday and Saturday only.

1839 Brennan died, George Buist was new editor.

1850 Converted into daily

1852 Absorbs The Bombay Stanard I Bombay Telegraph & courier

1857 Buist ousted after proposing harsh and bloody reprisals against Indians

following the revolt of 1857

1860 Bombay Times agrees to sell Reuters in India

1861 Name changed to The Times of India under editor Robert Knight who

gave it a national character.

1890 Editor Henry Curwen bought Times of India in partnership with

Charles Kane. Curwen wills shares to Thomas Jewell Bennett

1892 Curwen died, Bennett became the editor. He entered into a partnership

with F.M. Coleman to form joint stock company Bennett, Coleman &


1907 Times of India’s first price war under editor Stanley Reed price cut

from 4 annas to 1 anna; circulation rises five times.

1946 Ramakrishna Dalmia bought out Bennett, Coleman & Co. for Rs. 2


1950 Son-in-law Shanti Prasad Jain gets BCCL as dowry from Dalinia;

Delhi edition launched, K. Gopalswami first Indian editor.

1952 Filmfare Launched

1959 Femina Launched

1961 The Economic Times Launched

1972 Illustrated Weekly launched


1984 Samir and Vinnet join BCCL

1986 Editor Girilal Jain Resigned, Arun Shourie assumed charge

1991 BBC leatures Times of India among world’s six great newspaper.

1993 BCCL starts producing Television software

1996 Times of India crosses 1 million mark in circulaiton

1998 BCCL enters music software with Time Music

1999 Ashil Jain dies, Indiatimes.com launched; BCCL wins bids for 12 FM

channels; Times FM to be re-launched in 2000, BCCL enters music

retailing business with Planet M

2000 Times of India crosses 2 million in circulation

2003-04Times of India entered in Television field with Times Channel Zoom


Size & Form of Organization

In every country, Government adopts different policies in measuring

the size of the unit. The Indian Government has adopted the basis of

investment to measure the size of a business.

The unit can divided into three categories:

Small Scale Industry

Medium Scale Industry

Large Scale Industry

The unit having investment up to 3 crore is known as Small Scale unit.

The unit having investment between 3 crore and 5 crore is known as Medium

Scale Unit. So the Times of India comes under Large Scale category. The

business can be mainly classified as under:

Sole Proprietorship

Partnership Firm

Joint Stock Company

Private Limited Company

As per the form of the organization Times of India comes under.

Proprietorship Private Limited Company.


Time Keeping System

Each and every unit must have its own Time keeping system. Since

time keeping system is must for every company to measure the regulations of

its employees. In Time keeping system the arrival and leaving of employees

are recorded.

In Times of India there is a reception counter where a separate register

kept where all the entries are kept of the entrance of all the employees. There

is a separate timing maintained for office and labors.

The plant works 24 hours, So for labors two ships are there morning

and night.

The morning labor working hours are

9: 00 a.m. to 8: 00 p.m.

I have break is given from 1: 00 to 2: 00 in the afternoon.

The night labor working hours are

8:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. with 1 hour break in 1: 00 to 2: 00


For office employees, the working hours are

11: 00 a.m. to 7: 00 p.m.

For Editorial Department, the working hours are

Its starts, from evening 4:00 to night 2:00

For production employee, the working hours are starts, from evening 8:

00 onwards.


Location Justification

Any industry which is established at a particular place where it funds

less cost of production than the other places is known as industrial location.

Location means a place where raw material, labor power,

transportation, capital etc. are easily available.

The unit is located near Ahmedabad. Industry is an activity which

converts raw material and semi finished goods into finished goods for sale.

The success of business depends on the process of organization and


Any entrepreneur has to consider this entire factor requires careful

analysis because the location is once chosen can’t be changed often.

Frequently changes in location leads to losses.

Why this company is located at Sarkhej-Gandhinagar Highway?

There are some particular reasons which are given below




Water is a very important factor of any types of industry.


Power is a important factor for any types of industry. As THE TIMES

OF INDIA having fully automatic process so power is very important for

them, Their machines are very large and running with the help of power. So

they want power at low cost.


For most of the industry cost of raw material is the main cost. If raw

materials are available from the nearest area them the cost of production will

be less and this ultimately affects profit.


Cheap and skill supply of labor is necessary for every industry. The

company is free to take labor area but the labors are available in nearly area, it

is direct affects to the profit of the company. This plant is fully automatic so

they have required workers. There are many workers working in the industry.



The industry must be located at a place where cost of transportation

becomes less. Transportation facility is easily available for TIMES OF INDIA.

The location about TIMES OF INDIA is good about transportation.


Availability of market is the most important factor which is always

considered by an industrialist. Market is a place where consumers and sellers

are purchase or sell the goods. TIMES OF INDIA newspaper is easily

available in Ahmedabad.


The plant is located at Sarkhej Gandhinagr Highway area so all the

required industrial facilities are provided to the plan.



The main objectives of the TIMES OF INDIA are:

To earn profit for shareholder.

To expand the Business.

To create wealth.

To create viewer ship and leadership.

How it is different from others:

Has social responsibility

National interest

Welfare of the society






Sr. No. Particulars Page No.1. Introduction 212. Organization Chart 223. Production Planning 234. Production Process 255. Availability of Raw Material 286. Inventory Management 297. Information About Machines 308. Installed Production Capacity 319. Plant Working Hours 3210. Quality Control 3311. Waste Management 34



Production is the basic activity of all industrial units. All over activities

revolve around this activity. The end product of the production activity is the

creation of the goods and service for the satisfaction of human wants. The

production activity is nothing but the step by step conversion of one form of

material into another either chemically or mechanically. In a chain of

manufacturing activities, the finished product of the processor sometimes

becomes the raw material for the other manufacturing firms falling in the next



The meaning of the term “Production” and production management”

should be noted carefully.

According to E.S. Butta

Production is a process by which goods services are created”.

According to H.A. Harding

“Production Management is concerned with those processes which

convert the inputs into outputs. The inputs are various resources like raw

material, men, machine, method etc. and the outputs are goods and services.


Organization Chart

General Manager


Assistant manager

Supervisor/ Incharge (Machine)

Machine Operator


Production Planning

Production planning is an essential prerequisite to production control. It

involves management decisions on the resources that the firm will require for

its manufacturing operations and the selection of these resources to produce

the desired goods at the appropriate time and at the least possible cost.

According to Alford and Beatty, production is defined as “The

technique of forecasting to picturing ahead, every step in a long series of

separate operations each step to be taken in the right place of the right degree

and at the right time and each operation to be done at maximum efficiency.

It includes raw materials without raw material without that production

can not be done and after the process as storage has to be done.

Raw Materials:

Raw Materials required for the production of news papers are News

print, Butter Paper, Computers, Printers, Ink, Litho plates etc. these are some

basic requirement of production. To maintain steady flow of raw materials,

warehousing, preservation, costs control etc. for managing all these functions

various departments are created so that work becomes easy and everyone could

perform it accurately with fully concentration.



Storage of Raw Material is to be done by production department. They

have to maintain all stocks and have to plan in advance regarding it so that

steady flow of raw materials can be maintained. After News papers printed

daily at early morning vendor sand agents of agencies come to take their lots

so storage regarding printed news papers is not done as papers are printed they

are packed and vendors and agents take their delivery.


Production Process

The production process of a News paper industry can be generally

decided into three:





Information is gathered by the reports which are appointed by Times of

India both regarding happening and non-happening stories. All this

information reached what is called the desk through an extensive online system

developed in house by Times of India. The news and information is edited here

and decisions are taken as to where the page layout is arrived at and the stories

are then placed on the specific pages. This process is called page making or

page preparation. This prepared page then transmitted to the prepress

department for further processing.


Transfer of all images into a film substrate is done in a prepress. The

prepared pages which are transmitted to the prepress department are of a butter

paper of A3 size. In a prepress pasting of those papers are done to make a full

page. After pasting, the full page or film is fixed on litho plates which are

made of aluminum. For exposure of this film on litho plates which are heated


by the heater so that letters on a butter paper are exposed on litho plates. Plates

processing involves department of the image on the plate. Automatic alarm

rings when this process ends and litho plate are washed with the chemicals and

then it passes to press department for printing.


Press involves physical transfer of image from the plate to newsprint

using Web offset machine. After litho plates come from prepress department

special gum is pasted on litho plates so that due to atmosphere it does not

damages. Then these plates are folded on both sides (2”) and then they placed

on plate cylinder in machinery. After that machinery starts and letter on plates

are embossed on blengage and the letters which are embossed blengage are

printed on newsprint. Plates on machinery are fixed number wise and if front

page is colored then it prints out from color unit in which combination of 4

colors makes 1 picture. First newspaper prepress from Black colored unit then

to Blue after that Magenta and lastly through Yellow. From one side black and

white papers are printed and from other unit color papers are printed. In

between where they both meet there folding machine is attached so that full

paper automatic as number wise folds and comes out. Digital counting display

is also attached with folding machine due to it paper counting is done

automatically and when 100 papers are printed and comes out one strip falls

down which indicates a lot of 100 papers has printed.


Availability of Raw Material

The Times of India purchase Raw Materials for Newspaper are as


Glaze Paper for Magazine

Hase Paper for Newspaper





The Times of India imports Glaze Paper from Canada, Russia, Japan

and Italy. Rama papers come from within India and it also depends on the rate

of paper they will also take it from local market.


Inventory Management

Inventory means stock of Raw Material, work in progress and finished

goods. Inventory management is the planning and controlling of inventory in

order to maintain a reasonable level of inventory in order to ensure smooth

flow of production and minimum investment in inventory. There are various

techniques of inventory management.

In the Times of India paper are procured daily and that daily paper is

converted into finished goods i.e. Newspaper. Thus, The Times of India does

not using specific technique for inventory management but daily inventory is



Information About Machine

Times of India has imported machineries. They are using the best

qualitative machineries for printing of newspaper. Time of India uses the

following machineries for newspapers.

The main machine is used for the printing is Newsline-45. It

prints 45000 copies per hour. Time of India has installed 3


Another machine used for the printing of newspaper is Orient

line. It prints 35000 copies per hour.

Two binding machines are there for magazine.

One machine named Komoroi 35 which is kept in spare. It is

imported from Tokyo. It gives 25000 copies per hour.

So, we came to concluded that Times of India is having sufficient

machines for the printing of newspaper.


Installed Production Capacity

Times of India is manufacturing 14,00,000 subscribers in Ahmedabad.

Along with that they are producing 6,00,000 copies more and from them

5,00,000 copies can easily be sold.


Plant Working Hours

Generally printing of Newspaper is started in night. So, in Times of

India newspaper printing starts from 11:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. and that one hour

break is given between 1:00 to 2:00 a.m.

But plant works 24 hours because when newspaper is not printing at

that time printing of magazine is going on. So, that way plant works 24 hours.


Quality Control

In Times of India raw material which is purchased is inspected to see

that it is not damaged. The final newspaper which is produced is inspected to

see that they meet with standard set. And due to this quality control Time of

India newspaper is having the best quality and therefore it is the most popular

newspaper in Ahmedabad just because they are providing the best quality at a

reasonable rate.


Waste Management

Waste management has several dimensions-engineering, economic,

geographic and social and management. Its basic purpose is to minimize the

overall waste in a given system. Waste here refers to waste of all kinds of

resources but especially the material resources which constitute a significant

portion. Some waste is inevitable in any conversation process of inputs into

outputs. To reduce, waste we have therefore to minimize the use of resources.

Resource management and waste management are thus supportive to each


The Times of India can easily manage the wastages of papers and also

they use it in an efficient manner. It may happen least time.






Sr. No. Particulars Page No.1. Introduction 372. Organization Chart 393. Recruitment, Selection & Induction 404. Training and Development 435. Wage & Salary Administration 446. Promotion & Transfer Policy 457. Benefits to the Employees 478. Provident Fund Scheme 489. Personnel Records 4910. Grievance Handling Procedure 5011. Industrial Relation 51



The Concept of personnel management underwent a systematic change.

It is a process of planning, Organizing, Directing and Utilizing the Human

Resources in productive and efficient manner. The personnel Management is

viewed as a part of management function, which is concerned with the people

in the organization and the relationship with the organization.

Prof. Thomas G. Spates offers the following definition: “Personnel

Administration is a code of ways of organizing and treating individuals at

work so that they will each get the greaest possible realization of their intrinsic

abilities thus attaining maximum efficiency for themselves and their group and

thereby giving to the enterprise of which they are a part its determining

competitive and its optimum results.

According to French “personnel management is the recruitment,

selection, development, utilization and accommodation to human resources by

organization The human resource of an organization consists of all individuals

regardless of their role who are engaged in any of the organization activities.”


The society of personnel Administrative of USA defines personnel

management as “An art of acquiring, developing and maintaining a competent

work force in such a manner as to accomplish with the maximum efficiency

and economy the function and objectives of organization.”

Organization Chart

Manager (HR)

Chief Executive Officer




Recruitment, Selection & Induction


Recruitment forms the first stage in the process which continues with

selection and increases with the placement of the candidates. Recruitment is

the discovering of potential applicants for actual or anticipates organizational

vacancies. In the other words it is a linking activity bringing together those

with the jobs and these seeking. There are various factors affecting


The Size of the Organization:

The employment conditions in the community where the

organizational is located.

The effect of past recruiting efforts

Working conditions and salary and other benefits etc.

The Times of India adopts three methods for recruiting personnel, i.e.


Direct Method

Indirect Method

Third Party Method


Selection is the second step in the process of procurement of people. It

is the process of choosing the individuals who possess the necessary skill,

abilities and personality to successfully full specific jobs in the organization.

Thus in other words it is a problem of matching a man to the job. Selection

process begins with screening of applications and ends with hiring decision

and placement.

The Times of India follows the following procedure for selection:

Initial Screening


Preliminary Selection

Final Selection

The company formulates interview committee for selection. Here,

interview is taking by Director or HR head and if in case of production

employee test is also being taken.


Induction may be defined as “The determination of the job to which an

accepted candidate is to be assigned and his assignment to that job. It is

matching of what the supervisor has reason to think he can do with the job

demands. It is a matching of what he imposes and what he offers in the form of


pay roll, companionship with the other promotional possibilities etc. A proper

induction of a worker reduces employ turnover, absenteeism and accident rates

and improves moral.

HR manger is giving induction to every new employee for an hour.

Training & Development

Every organization needs to have well trained and experienced people

to perform the activities that have to be done. Training is a process of learning

a sequence of programmed behavior. It is application of knowledge. It gives

people awareness of the rules and procedures to guide their behavior.

The Times of India is well aware about the need of training for its

employee. Training is depends on the nature of the job in the company. It

means all information regarding the job. It defines the scope of job, activities,

responsibilities and relation with the other jobs. It provides both organizational

and functional information. It means job analysis and it is provided by the HR

manager to the new employee in Times of India.


Wages and Salary Administration

Wages and Salary administration is one of the most important functions

of a professional personnel man and organization to manager a business is to

balance a variety of needs and goals, which requires careful judgment. The

most pivotal point in the character of employment of an individual in a

productive organization is to secure for him and his family the basic material

needs of life with inspiration to improve the conditions of living. Salary and

Wages received by an employee in the organization therefore assumes

priorities of consideration.

The Times of India has good wage & salary structure. It provides good

salary to their employee and provides incentives along with bonus at Dewali.


Promotion & Transfer Policy


“A promotion is the transfer of an employee to a job which pays more

money or one that carries some preferred status.”

“Promotion involves a change from one job to another that is better in

terms of status and responsibilities”. Thus from the aforesaid definitions it is

clear that promotion involves the following three basic elements:

Better Job and Status

Greater Responsibilities

Increase in Pay and Perks


So according to collection or total points promotion are given but in

The Times of India due to new and fresh company they haven’t given any

promotion as well as not having the performance appraisal system due to not

completing a year.


Transfer is process placing employees in positions where they are

likely to be more effective or where they are likely get more job satisfaction.

This transfer is a process of employee’s adjustment with the work time and

place. Transfer is “a lateral shift causing movement of individuals from one

position to another usually without involving any marked change in duties,

responsibilities and skills for compensation”.

But transfer is done because The Times of India is a newspaper of

Bennet, Coleman & Co. Ltd. which has many other newspaper like Economic

times, Maharashtra Times & Magazines like Filmfare and Femina so transfer

are done between the different offices or presses in different states.

Benefits to The Employees


It is called “payment by result”. Incentives are paid in addition to

wages and salaries. Incentives are included in salary in Times of India.

Fringe Benefits:

Provident Fund Facility is provided to each and every employee of

Times of India. As well as canteen and the recreation facility on a designation



Non-monetary Benefits:

Non-monetary benefits like challenging job responsibility, recognition

of merit, motivation, leadership are provided by Times of India.

Provident Fund Scheme

Provident Fund Scheme has been introduced in 1962. The Govt. has

made the law that any company must follow the provident fund schemes after

the establishment of 5 year plan.

In the scheme the firm orients the certain percentage of employee

salary and on that 12% of interest is paid. This amount is deductible from

salary. The employee can get this entire accumulated amount at the end of the

job if he retired. The standard of provident fund is 0.33%.


Time of India provides the benefits of provident fund scheme to each

and every employee.

Personnel Records

A record is a piece of writing or a chart which provides ready

information and which confidence for future references or use. The importance

of record and reports for the management of an organization can not be over

emphasized. The personnel records that are maintained in a company are past

records, reference letters, leave records and attendance records etc.


Times of India keeps file individually for all personnel for report

purpose. The officer continuously observe the personnel.

Grievance Handling Procedure

A grievance of not attended to or the grievance holder not satisfied than

they can be negative effect on the moral of the workers and also it will reduce

the worker’s productivity. Thus, a company’s grievance handling procedure

should be effectively executed in a company.


In Times of India disputes among the workers and management is

settled through negotiations.

The relation of the unit with outside and neighboring units is also

excellent. This is the main and major part to get success in the present

competitive world.

In Times of India, there hasn’t any case of grievance arises but if it

arises then it will be taken car by the head of the department.

Industrial Relation

Industrial relations are concerned with the relationship between

management and workers and the role of regulatory mechanism in resolving

any industrial dispute. The company is succeeded in maintaining peaceful

industrial relation. In Times of India no strikes or any disputes has raised. It


show that the management is powerful efficient and clever enough to identify

the problem of workers.





Sr. No. Particulars Page No.1. Introduction 542. Organization chart 553. Product Planning 564. Pricing Policy 575. Distribution Policy 596. Advertising 61


7. Marketing Research 628. Market Segmentation 639. Competitors of The Unit 6510. Sales Promotion 6611. Contribution to The Society 6712. Market Readers 6813. Circulation 7114. Satisfying Consumer Demand 7215. Brand Management 73


From the ancient time human always has been working to satisfy their

needs and wants. The six basic needs of human are food, clothes, shelter,

physical needs, medical needs, entertainment needs and educational needs. In

ancient time, people used to exchange different goods to satisfy their needs as

the monetary aspect was not prevailing at that time. But as years go by, people

realize the importance of other than basic needs like status, social needs etc.

Today is the era of globalization; people have become more concerned

regarding their all kinds of needs. In previous era, there were very limited

options to satisfy their need but today to satisfy a single need more than 25

options are available in the market.

“The marketing concept is a customer oriented backed by integrated

marketing aimed at generating customer satisfaction as the key to satisfying

organizational goals.”


“Marketing is the process of planning and executing the

conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of goals and ideas to create

exchanges with target groups that satisfy customer and organizational


- Philip Kotler

Organization Chart

Vice President

Chief Manager

General Manager

Assistant Manager



Product Planning

Product planning is the process of determining that line of product

which can secure maximum net realization market. It is an “act of marketing

out and supervising the search, screening, development and commercialization

of new product, the modification of existing lines, and the discontinuance of

marginal or unprofitable items.”

Marketing is typical seen as the task of creating promoting and

delivering goods and services to concept holds that consumers will favors

those product that offer most quality, performance or innovative features.


Managers of Times of India favors on making superior newspaper and

improving them overtime. They assume that buyers admire qualitative and

well made newspaper and can apprise quality and performance.

Pricing Policy

Pricing is very critical decision in marketing management. The term

price can be defined as “Monetary value of anything at purchase or selling

point.” The pricing decisions are handled in a variety of way in different


According to Philip Kotler, “Pricing is the only element in the

marketing mix that creates sales revenue the other elements like products,

place are the art of cost.”


Various factors affect a decision of price. Pricing is one of the

important elements for getting success in today’s business world. Decision

concerning price to be followed to a period of time may be called a pricing


Times of India considers all the following factors while

deciding the prices.

Objective of the Business

Market position

Analyzing Competitors cost, price & offers

Distribution policy

Estimating Demand

Social & Ethical consideration

Selecting a pricing methods

Selecting the final price

Pricing is decided by the top management. They are using skimming

pricing. The price of The Times of India is just Rs. 2.50/-

Distribution Policy

The marketers use distribution channel to display or deliver the

physical products or services to the buyers or users. These are physical

distribution channels and services distribution channels. They include

warehouses, transportation vehicles and various trade channels such as

distributors, wholesalers and retailers.


Distribution channels should be set up properly otherwise its result

would in the failure of the product. Channels should be chosen according to

their efficiency, controllability and adaptability.

Distribution channel is the combination and sequence of agencies

through which are or more of marketing flows move. It may be defined as “a

pathway composed of intermediaries, also called middleman who perform

such functions as needed to ensure smooth and sequential flow of goods and

services form the manufacturing ends to the consuming ends in order to

achieve marketing objectives of a company. “Broadly distribution channels

may be classified as non-integrated and integrated”.

Channel Choice

Manufacturer - Consumer

Manufacturer - Retailer - Consumers

Manufacturer – Wholesalers – Retailers - Consumers

Manufacturer – Wholesalers – Retailers - Consumers


Times of India has good distribution channel that they have their own

office in Ahemedbad so from over there newspapers agencies can collect the

newspapers and distributes to the final consumers.


One of the most representative & widely accepted definition has been

given by the Definition committee of the American Marketing Association i.e.

AMA. According to it, Advertising is “Any paid form of non-personal

presentation & promotion of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsor.’

It is paid communications because the advertiser has to pay for the

space or time in which his advertisement appears. The advertiser or sponsor


(seller) wants to persuade & includes the readers, viewers or listener to take

some action viz. to buy the advertised product so that the advertiser can have

profitable sales.

Advertising aims at creating, maintaining & increasing sales of the

products of the enterprise. It informs the customers existing & prospective

about the products of the company draw their attention to the product and

encourage them to buy the products of the enterprise by creating the will and

desire in their minds to purchase the goods.

The Times of India has always kept a low profit and is a firm believes

of “Quality speaks for itself”. Further before it is going to launch in

Ahmedabad, mouth publicity had been done by the newspapers. So, it doesn’t

need advertisement but there is a special campaign going on named ‘Satta

Paltai” and for that they are doing the advertisement by hoarding boards,

wallpapers, pamphlets etc.

Marketing Research

Marketing Research has been variously defined by marketing

researchers. According to crisp marketing research is “The systematic,


objective and exhaustive search for and study of the facts relevant to any

problem in the fields of marketing.”

According to Green and Tull, “Marketing Research is the systematic

and objective search for and analysis of information relevant to the

identification and solution of any problem in the field of marketing”.

However, by far, the most widely accepted definition of marketing

research is the one given by The Definition Committee of the American

Marketing Association. According to it, Marketing Research is, “The

systematic gathering, recording and analyzing of data about problems relating

to the marketing of goods and services”.

Market Segmentation

Market segmentation is a method of achieving maximum market

response form limited marketing resources by recognizing difference in the


response characteristics of various parts of the market. In a sense, market

segmentation is the strategy of ‘divide and conquer’, i.e. dividing markets in

order to conquer them. “To whom should we sell our products and what should

we sell them?” It is strategic choice concerned with “Doing the right things” as

opposed to tactical choice, “Doing things right.”

Market segmentation emblems the marketers to give better attention to

the selection of customers and offer an appropriate marketing mix for each

chosen segment or a group of buyers having homogenous demand. Each sub-

division or segment can be selected as a market target to be reached with a

district or segment can be selected as a market target to be reached with a

distinct marketing mix. Now a day, newspaper has become a necessity. Men’s

primary needs are food, water and shelter is necessity to satisfy. But my

personal belief that in today’s era except food, water and shelter one more

thing is there i.e. Newspaper is also a primary need. Sun does not rise without

newspaper that’s what I believe.

Market Segmentation of Times of India through geographical it is

spread in all over Ahmedabad in Urban and rural area.

Age: 10 +

Gender: Both male and female

Geographical: Rural and mostly in Urban

Class: Doctors, Lawyers, Officers, Students, Teachers

Competitors of The Unit


In today’s world, there are competitors in each and every field whether

it is in the field of food items, industrial goods or newspaper. Competitions has

its own demerits and advantages. Competitions is indirectly beneficial to

customers as customers achieve quality goods at reasonable prices. Hence the

first priority for any firm is not to attain maximum profit but to services in the


Times of India faces tough competition form its rivals firms. Their

main rivals are:

Gujarat Samachar


Divya Bhaskar


Sales Promotion

Sales promotion is an important instrument in marketing to lubricate

the marketing efforts. Today, sales promotion is necessity and not merely a

luxury or a fashion. It is expenditure; it is an investment which can be pay rich

dividends. It is an integral part of the marketing effort.

According to William J. Stanton, “Sales promotion is exercise in

information, persuasion and influence.”

According to Philip Kotler, “Promotion encompasses all the tools in the

marketing mix whose major role is persuasive communication.”

In short, sales promotion is the bridge or a connecting link covering the

gap between advertising and personal salesmanship, the two wings of


For sales promotion, Times of India gave an attractive guide book of

the whole Ahmedabad. Those subscribers who are having telephone, Times of

India has given telephone diary. Along with that Times of India has also given

free calendars, Quarranty bond, Posters, NRI guide & Panchang.

Discount or price cut-offs are given to the dealers by Times of India for

the purpose of sales promotion. They also organize seminars for the college



Contribution to The Society

Times of India contributes to the society by following ways;

Provides Employment:

Time of India provides employment to large no. of employee as it

works continuously and also raises standard of living by paying them

satisfactory returns.

Provide Donation:

Times of India is giving donation frequently in funds like prime

minister’s fund and other funds. There is no specific time or occasion. Some

income of advertisement is charitable to women’s welfare organizations.


Market Readers
















As in Saurashtra most of the people follow the vernacular newspaper as

Gujarati is the mother tongue and due to it more local newspapers are

preferred. Though due to awareness the rend is changing now, as we can see in

the above diagram Gujarat Samachar is a leader in a market with 20% but

Times of India is also chasing and the market covered by 19% while of Indian

Express is of only 3% Economic Times also progressing with 10% compared

to Financial Express of just 3%.


Interested sections read by different segments



103 12









Considering the general public they are mainly related to the current

news so they prefer those newspapers that are catering current as well as local

news. Therefore the highest rate of area of reading is of news i.e. 36% people

are also wanted news related to their business which is 12% and for leisure

time they wanted to read something about sorts which is 13%. There are only

10% who are interested in Economic news. And especially for English Dailies

among English Readers there are 10% readers who are interested in editorial



Reasons Affecting Buying Decisions



13 Language

Local New s


Slice 4

As here in Saurashtra the major problem is of language i.e. most of

people prefer Gujarati newspapers that are why in above figure we can see that

almost half of the samples have given the reason of language which affects

their buying decision. And also people are habituated to the local news because

of their mentality that they are not related with the international news, that’s

why 38% of them are selecting newspapers which are providing more local

news. Here in Saurashtra there is a trend of subscription schemes because 13%

are also selecting newspapers on such schemes.



Circulation is a very important part of publishing industry. Circulation

not only ensures that the product reaches the end customer, i.e. the readers on

time but also ensures increase in circulation sales volumes by consistent and

innovative circulation marketing efforts through scheme based promotions.

Circulation system of Times of India is very good. FMCG (Fast Moving

Consumer Goods) companies take immense pride in their distribution setups.

But when it comes to distributing a newspaper, the network is more complex,

more intriguing, and more rigorous than any FMCG product. Newspaper reach

millions of homes, day in day out, at 6:30 or 7:00 in the morning.


Satisfying Consumer Demand

As print media is a growing challenges The Times of India looks

forward to satisfy the following of the consumers at the fullest which are:

Save time

Give me what I want, when I want and the format I want in

My need will change so keep pace with me….


Brand Management

Brand management was introduced in late 80’s The strategies for the

brand management are:

Brand reality evaluated objectively

Individualizing the customer

Promoting the power positioning

Humanizing the identity

Other similar success stories are :


Business Today

The Times of India (Delhi & Banglore)






Sr. No. Particulars Page No.1. Introduction 762. Organization Chart 783. Finance Planning 794. Capital Structure 815. Working Capital Management 826. Price Determination 83



Finance is the foundation some of every business in the present day

setup. No business can be started without adequate finance nor can be

developed. The success of every business depends upon adequate source of

finance. The financing of sole and partnership is not difficult as the main

source of finance is their own contribution and financial requirements. Are

also limited. In the present modern requirements are large volumes of finance

which can be contributed by few inventors.

Finance management is a managerial activity which his associated with

planning and controlling of company’s financial resources. The financial

resources are always scare and limited which needs proper planning and

control in order to achieve the best result out of the complex situation of risk

and uncertainly prevailing in the business world.

“Financial Management is an area of financial decision making,

harmonizing individual motives and enterprise goals.”

- Weston and Brigham

“Financial Management is concerned with the effective use of an

important economic resource, namely capital fund”.

- Ezra Solemn & Cringle John J.

“Financial Management is concerned with such matters as how a

business corporation rises its funds and how it makes use of it”.


- Hoagland

Organization Chart

General Manager

Chief Manager

Sr. Manager




Financial Planning

Capital is a life blood of a business. No business, however small it can

be carried successfully without proper arrangement of capital. Since

incorporation of a business, funds are invariably required off and on to carry

on the various activities of the concern.

Meaning: Finance planning means deciding in advance, the financial

activities to be carried on to achieve the basic objectives of the firm. The basic

objectives of the firms are to get maximum profit out of minimum efforts or to

maximize the wealth of the corporation to its shareholders in an efficient

manners. So, the basic purpose of the financial planning is to make sure that

adequate funds are raised at the minimum cost and that they are used widely.

In The Times of India, there is a Finance & Account Department for

financial planning. This department plans, organizes, directs and control the

Finance & Account of company.

The main functions have to be performed by this department are:

Dealing with financial institutes, banks etc. for the dealing of

sources of funds

Optimum utilization of funds

Cash flow management

Lease and Hire purchase


Capital Structure

In order to start and function a company smoothly, desired capital is

required. The finance is needed from the date of promotion of the date of

incorporation and commencement. Correct estimate of finance is a necessary

condition for functioning. Current and future needs. Capital structure of a

company refers to composition or make up of its capitalization and it covers all

long term capital resources, loans, reserves, shares and bonds.

“Capital Structure of a company refers to the composition or make up

of its capitalization and it includes all long term department, preference shares

capital and share holders’ fund.”

- Gerestenberg

“Capital structure includes long term 72epts.. Preference shares, capital

reserve and surplus etc.”

- I.M. Panday

So by that way finance can be procured form various sources like by

issuing equity shares, preference shares, financial institutions and banks these

are some of the external sources whereas an internal sources includes rising

funds from relative, friends, directors and through plough back etc.

The Times of India have sufficient sources of funds or capital structure.


Working Capital Management

“Current assets, by definition, are assets normally converted into case

within one year. Working capital management usually concerned to involve

the administration of these assets namely cash and marketable securities,

receivables and inventories.”

- James C. Von Horne

Working capital means current assets such as cash, accounts

receivables and inventories etc. minus the current liabilities (Net working

capital concept). The management of current asset is an important as or rather

more important than the management of fixed assets because the fate most of

the business very largely depends upon the manner in which their working

capital is managed.

The working capital is used for the purpose of Raw Material, payment

of salaries to the employees; day-to-day expenses like payment of tea bill;

electricity bills other administrative expenses etc.

In The Times of India working capital plays an important role. The

management of working capital is done in such a way that the firm does not

faces financial crisis because the security of finance will create disturbance in

the working of the firm.


Price Determining Chart

Particular Parameters AmountDVC Act (per copy)

Total DVC Copy

Circulation Revenue


Other Exp.


Response Revenue

20 Paisa * 20 Pages

1 Lac. Circulation*

Rs. 4

Rs. 2.5 30% *1Lac


OH+AFC etc

(7Pages) *460cc* Rs.








PBT 2,69,000

The above chart shows that how the price is determined for the

newspaper and how advertising holds to cover losses into profit. The net profit

of The times of India is 1500 crore (approximately). It publishes 20 lacs copies

per day from 8 different sector.





SWOT Analysis

If you do not know where you are going you can take any road. “This

famous quote epitomized the attitude of people and their lack of planning. It is

primarily because of lack of strategic direction. As a result it is hard to look at

the actions and determine where you are and where you want to go. This is

where SWOT analysis plays an important role. SWOT is an acronym for

Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats.

SWOT analysis is universally accepted as an effective method of

identifying your strengths and weakness, and examining the opportunities and

threats you face. It is a process in which you can gather and assess, in an

orderly manner, information that will become the basis of your development



It is one thing to discern attractive opportunities and another to

have the competencies to succeed in these opportunities. Each business needs

to evaluate its internal strength and weakness periodically.

Best Quality at Low Price:

The major or the biggest strength of The Times of India is that it

provides newspaper at the best quality than any other Gujarati newspaper in


Ahmedabd. And the price of this newspaper is just Rs. 2.50/- along with latest

magazines which no other newspaper is providing.


Another strength of The Times of India is that it has got popularity in

Ahmedabad and those are the subscribes of The Times of India newspaper

feels proud when they read this newspaper. In short, every one knows The

Times of India in Ahmedabad.

Good Working Environment:

The Times of India is having good working environment for bottom

level as well as middle level management. So it may affect the moral of any



The business does not have to correct all the its weakness nor should it

gloat about all its strengths.

No Advertising:


Major weakness of The Times of India is that they are not doing

advertising. And because of that people of Gujarat don’t know about this

newspaper except Ahmedabad.

Limited to Ahmedabad:

The Times of India newspaper is published only in Ahmedabad so they

should look forward to other big cities of Gujarat.

Less Staff:

In The Times of India’s finance department, there are a few numbers of

employees working over there. They are not having sufficient staff for finance

& Account department.


It is an area of buyer’s need in which company can perform

profitability. The company’s success probability depends on whether its

business strengths not only match the key success requirements for operating

in the target market but also exceed those of its competitors.

The Times of India is having the opportunity to enlarge its selling in

whole Gujarat. The quality of The Times of India newspaper is the best at very

nominal value so if it enlarges it’s selling towards Saurastra region, definitely

the selling of THE TIMES OF INDIA will high. They are also having the

opportunities to start any magazines or news channel in Gujarat. Because


Ahmedabad people fully trust THE TIMES OF INDIA and it is starts a news

channel them it may get good response.


It is challenge posed by an unfavorable trend or development that

would lead in the absence of defensive marketing. Action to deterioration in

sales or profit.

Generally for any of the industries, its competitors are the biggest

threat. So for THE TIMES OF INDIA. Gujarat Samacher, Sandesh and mainly

Divya Bhaskar are the major, threat, Along with that its less awareness in

Saurastra region may become a threat for it.




I would like to give my views to the company so are as:

1. They should try to provide other bulletins of Times to the other


2. Company should also concentrate in Research & Development


3. Efforts should be made to increase the productivity and to provide

the newspaper at cheaper rate.

4. They should do some advertisement to aware the people of other

cities of the state about the newspaper.

5. They should provide various types of schemes to attract more


6. They should have to maintain good communication with the



7. They should have to attract new generation for their product by

organizing different types of seminars, tours etc.



Future Plans

THE TIMES OF INDIA is looking forward to enter into infotainment


Look for more sanitation of Radio Mirchi.

They are also looking forward to expand planet M





I am thankful to The Times of India for giving me all the required

information required during the visit in the most successful newspaper unit.

All the managers, staff members and workers were polite, lend and quite

helpful. I am thankful to all the mangers of different departments for giving me

information by spending their precious time. Especially I am thankful to Mr.

Mukund Shukla (HOD) who guide about The Times of India. It was a great

experience to visit THE TIMES OF INDIA. I won’t forget it for life time.


Thus, it can be concluded that the company reach the target of




















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