8 ways to determine if your brand is likeable

Post on 18-May-2015






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As much as consumers would like to think that they make purchase decisions solely based on hard facts such as price and quality, the truth remains that we live in a world of emotional decision makers—not robots. Consumers base decisions on their personal feelings toward a brand, connections they may have, and ultimately how likeable they find a brand. If you were asked, "Is your brand likeable?" would you know the answer? Or better yet, would you be able to prove it? In this can't miss webinar, Cara Friedman of Likeable Media identifies what it means to be likeable on social media and begins the conversation of how to measure likeability. Register now and really learn what it means to be likeable.


8 Ways To Determine If Your Brand Is Likeable

Cara Friedman Senior Director of Marketing, Likeable Media


Have a question?

∞ Tweet questions to @LikeableMedia, or use the hashtag #likeable

∞ Ask questions on Likeable’s Facebook page at fb.com/LikeableMedia

∞ Use the chat bar in GoToWebinar to ask questions!


What’s inside?

∞ Meet Likeable

∞ Why Be Likeable

∞ What Is Likeability?

∞ Measure Likeablility

∞ 8 Ways to BE More Likeable

∞ Questions/Feedback






Why do I want to be likeable?


FUN FACTAccording to a study done in 2005, an ad’s likeability accounted for 80% of whether it was remembered later. People choose (and purchase from) who they like and the more you are liked, the more positive things will come to you.


What is Likeability?


What is Likeability?


What is Likeability?


What is Likeability?


What is Likeability?


What is Likeability?


How do you measure Likeability?


How do you measure Likeability?


How do you measure Likeability?


How do you measure Likeability?


How WE measure Likeability

Listening Interactions Kinetics Extension


8 Ways To DetermineIf Your Brand Is



8 Ways To Determine If Your Brand Is Likeable


1. Listen beyond your owned communities

2. Change attitudes


8 Ways To Determine If Your Brand Is Likeable



1. Listen beyond your owned communities

2. Change attitudes

8 Ways To Determine If Your Brand Is Likeable


3. Create compelling content

4. Reward conversation


8 Ways To Determine If Your Brand Is Likeable



3. Create compelling content

4. Reward conversation

8 Ways To Determine If Your Brand Is Likeable


5. Set goals for speediness

6. Respond to the positive and the negative


8 Ways To Determine If Your Brand Is Likeable



5. Set goals for speediness

6. Respond to the positive and the negative

8 Ways To Determine If Your Brand Is Likeable


7. Invest in growth

8. Incentivize growth


8 Ways To Determine If Your Brand Is Likeable



7. Invest in growth

8. Incentivize growth


1. Listen beyond your owned communities

2. Change attitudes

3. Create compelling content

4. Reward conversation

5. Set goals for speediness

6. Respond to the positive and the negative

7. Invest in growth

8. Incentivize growth


Likeability leads to….

- More repeat customers - Higher profitability - Larger reach - Happier employees - And more!



Questions? Feedback?

Cara Friedman@Caraizzle @LikeableMedia

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