75 healthy snack foods that satisfy junk food cravings

Post on 22-Jul-2016






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Must…have…warm cheesy pizza fresh from the oven. Must…eat…the whole bag of potato chips. Can’t…stop…eating hershey’s kisses. We’ve all been there. Cravings are a part of life: in fact, “up to 97 percent of Americans get seized by strong and specific urges to indulge” (Dr. Oz). We really only have two options: fight off the cravings, or give into them. Most of us give in because we think it’s hopeless—but…is it really hopeless? According to Dr. Shawn Talbot, “If we eat better foods like lean proteins, whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, and fish, we [can] short-circuit the junk food cravings and have higher energy levels and sharper mental focus.” In other words, there is hope when it comes to cravings. It’s starts by choosing healthy snack foods. Need some inspiration? Keep reading to discover a list of 75 Healthy Snack Foods That Satisfy Junk Food Cravings… http://www.snacknation.com/75-healthy-snack-foods/


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75 Healthy Snack Foods

That Satisfy Junk Food


The word “craving” hardly does justice to the alarm sounding in

your brain.

Must…have…warm cheesy pizza fresh from the oven. Must…eat…the

whole bag of potato chips. Can’t…stop…eating hershey’s kisses.

We’ve all been there. Cravings are a part of life: in fact, “up to 97

Info PR: n/a I: 655 L: 0 LD: 70 I: 2 Rank: 821147 Age: October 27, 2013 I: n/a Tw: 28 l: 15 +1: 11 whois source Rank: 


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percent of Americans get seized by strong and specific urges to

indulge” (Dr. Oz). We really only have two options: fight off the cravings,

or give into them. Most of us give in because we think it’s hopeless—

but…is it really hopeless?

According to Dr. Shawn Talbot, “If we eat better foods like lean proteins,

whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, and fish, we [can] short-circuit

the junk food cravings and have higher energy levels and sharper

mental focus.”

In other words, there is hope when it comes to cravings. It’s starts by

choosing healthy snack foods.

Need some inspiration?

Keep reading to discover a list of 75 Healthy Snack Foods That

Satisfy Junk Food Cravings…





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Craving salty foods can be a sign of adrenal weakness. Your adrenals

manage your stress response. A person with an impaired or weak

adrenal gland may suffer from low blood sugar, low blood pressure,

low body temperature, depression, fatigue, and cravings…especially for

salty foods.

Studies have also shown an emotional aspect for cravings. According to

Lynda Malerstein, CHt (Certified Hypnotherapist), “people with a lot of

anger and frustration tend to choose crunchy snacks–this isn’t to say

that every time someone eats nuts or popcorn it’s because they’re

angry, but the compulsion to eat those crunchy salty snacks can stem

from intense emotions.”

Whether your suffering from low blood pressure, adrenal weakness, or

you’re having a bad at the office…snacking on overly-processed

packaged snack foods will probably only make matters worse. Why not

feel a little better instead? Try switching to snacks made with all natural

sea salt–the benefits include increased immune function, alkalinity,

weight loss, improved skin, better heart health, reduced risk of

diabetes, and improved mood. 


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“A craving for sweets can come from an imbalance in your blood sugar

level from habitually eating high sugar foods, but again the compulsion

to eat sweets can mean that there is a sadness, loneliness, or lack of

sweetness in someone’s life,” says Malerstein. 

Women’s Health Magazine found similar evidence in a recent study:

77% of stressed women regularly craved sugar, compared with 31% of

non-stress group.

If you can’t eliminate stress from your life completely (who can?), try

satisfying your next sugar craving with an all-natural dessert choice.

You should quickly feel a nice burst of energy and improved mental

focus, and it will last a lot longer than a cupcake or cookie. 

Quick tip: Try pairing fruit with a healthy fat (coconut whipped cream,

almond butter)–it will taste a lot more like “dessert” and it will keep you

satisfied longer. 

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 Bread, pasta, and rice cravings are a sign of depression and anxiety.

We turn to carbs because they make us feel better. (Eating whole

grains actually causes a similar chemical reaction in the brain as taking

opiates). The problem is that many of us turn to highly processed

carbohydrates, made with white flour, over whole grain varieties…the

result: empty calories, a short lived mood boost followed by an energy



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Craving fried foods is a sign that you body needs fat…but not just any

fats. Many crackers, chips, store-bought baked goods, and fried foods

contain synthetic trans fats (partially hydrogenated vegetable oil) that

promote inflammation (a huge cause of most chronic disease). On the

flip side, numerous studies have demonstrated that healthy fats, like

omega-3 fatty acids, actually support brain function, heart health, and

reduce depression symptoms.

Quick Tip: Pairing whole grain carbohydrates and healthy fats in the

same snack will increase satisfaction and keep you full longer.

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Cravings for ice cream, mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, or ice

cream signal anxiety or fear. I guess they’re called “comfort foods” for a

reason. Unfortunately, that comfort can come at a high price— diets

high in processed saturated fat have been shown to reduce cognitive

function and increase the risk of heart disease.

Substituting plant-based creams (coconut cream, nuts, avocado) will

have the opposite affect, providing your brain much needed omega-3-

fatty acids that support brain function.

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Craving caffeine? Do you also have any of these symptoms…feeling

dizzy and lightheaded, producing less urine and darker urine, anger,

impatience, tiredness, flushed face, irritability, anxiety, depression,

snoring, insomnia, or a short attention span?

If you answered yes to two or more, you’re probably dehydrated. Your

body craves caffeine because you want to feel more alert, calm, and in

control, but you may actually be making matters worse. Drinks

containing caffeine, such as coffee, tea, hot chocolate, sodas and

energy drinks, are diuretics when consumed in large doses (more than


Quick Tip: Stick to one or two cups of coffee or tea a day, and spice up

your water consumption for the rest of the day. 


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“Real hunger comes on gradually, and has a physical sensation like a

rumbling stomach. When you’re really hungry you’re more open to

different types of foods–you have more flexibility. When its emotional

hunger you’ll crave a specific food, and without it you’ll feel uneasy.”

(Lynda Malerstein, Hypnotherapist)

How about you? Do you immediately reach for potato chips after a

disagreement with a co-worker? Do you feel compelled to eat chocolate

cake or ice cream after a bad quarterly review (or breakup)? Do you

turn to coffee every time you need energy? 

There’s no right answer when it comes to why you crave. There is a right

answer when it comes to how you satisfy your cravings. So, next time

you need a snack, choose a healthy one. I bet you’ll feel the difference. 

If you’d like an even easier way to make healthy snack food choices at

work, ask the decision-maker at your office about SnackNation.

SnackNation’s corporate healthy snack delivery services are making

healthy snacking convenient at offices nationwide–why wait? Try a free

sample box (just pay $9.95 shipping and handling) by clicking here. 

Jessica ConflittiA passionate singer, yogi, and vegan baker, you

can usually count on Jessica to be writing

songs, inventing recipes, or doing handstands.

Most notably, Jessica is recognized (by her

parents) for a 3 minute vocal solo at Carnegie Hall (at 13), by her

friends for her amazing Raw Vegan Peanut Butter Chocolate

Chip Cookie recipe, and also by her yogi friends for her recent

mastery of Camel Pose. In all seriousness, Jessica is beyond

excited to write for SnackNation, and to share her passion for

health, wellness, and delicious foods.

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