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Lektion 7 Wissenschaft und TechnologieSTRUKTUREN

© and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc. 7.1-1

Passive voice and alternatives

–Ist denn das schon mal gemacht worden?


Lektion 7 Wissenschaft und TechnologieSTRUKTUREN

© and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc. 7.1-2

Passive voice and alternatives

Passive voice• Most statements use the active voice to indicate that someone is performing

an action (John paints the house.). The passive voice is also commonly used in German to express an action that is being done, without necessarily indicating who is performing the action (Das Haus wird [von Hans] angestrichen.). In a passive voice sentence, the preposition von is used if the person performing the action is designated.


Lektion 7 Wissenschaft und TechnologieSTRUKTUREN

© and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc. 7.1-3

Passive voice and alternatives

Active Passive

Der Wissenschaftler erfand einen Impfstoff.The scientist discovered a vaccine.

Die Geologin findet Erdöl in der Wüste.The geologist finds oil in the desert.

Ein Impfstoff wurde (von dem Wissenschaftler) erfunden.A vaccine was discovered (by the scientist).

Erdöl wird (von der Geologin) gefunden.Oil is found (by the geologist).


Lektion 7 Wissenschaft und TechnologieSTRUKTUREN

© and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc. 7.1-4

Passive voice and alternatives

• To transform an active sentence into a passive sentence, use the direct object of the active sentence as the subject of the passive sentence.

Der Zoologe füttert die Tiere.The zoologist feeds the animals.

Die Tiere werden von dem Zoologen gefüttert.The animals are fed by the zoologist.


Lektion 7 Wissenschaft und TechnologieSTRUKTUREN

© and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc. 7.1-5

Passive voice and alternatives

• The passive voice is formed using the appropriate form of werden with the past participle of the active sentence’s main verb. In the present perfect tense, the past participle geworden drops the ge– in the passive.


Lektion 7 Wissenschaft und TechnologieSTRUKTUREN

© and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc. 7.1-6

Passive voice and alternatives

Werden + Partizip

Präsens Die Webseite wird aktualisiert.The website is (being) updated.

Perfekt Die Datei ist heruntergeladen worden.The file has been downloaded.

Präteritum Das Gerät wurde repariert.The device was (being) repaired.

Futur Das Gen wird entdeckt werden.The gene will be discovered.

Plusquamperfekt Der Artikel war geschrieben worden.The article had been written.

Modalverben Die Datenbank muss aktualisiert werden.The database has to be updated.


Lektion 7 Wissenschaft und TechnologieSTRUKTUREN

© and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc. 7.1-7

Passive voice and alternatives


A sentence using a predicate adjective in the past uses war. A passive action in the past uses wurde [+ participle].

Das Problem war schwierig.The problem was difficult.

Das Problem wurde gelöst.The problem was solved.


Lektion 7 Wissenschaft und TechnologieSTRUKTUREN

© and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc. 7.1-8

Passive voice and alternatives

• When used in subordinating clauses, the conjugated verb is in the last position of the clause.

Der Forscher hofft, dass das Gen bald entdeckt werden wird.The researcher hopes that the gene will be discovered soon.

Die Kernphysikerin glaubt daran, dass Kernenergie erforscht werden muss.The nuclear scientist believes that atomic energy has to be researched.


Lektion 7 Wissenschaft und TechnologieSTRUKTUREN

© and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc. 7.1-9

Passive voice and alternatives

• Von is used in a passive sentence to designate who is performing the action. Durch is used to designate what causes the action or how it is accomplished.

Die Patienten wurden von dem Arzt geheilt.The patients were healed by the doctor.

Die Patienten wurden durch den Impstoff gerettet.The patients were saved by the vaccine.


Lektion 7 Wissenschaft und TechnologieSTRUKTUREN

© and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc. 7.1-10

Passive voice and alternatives

• The subject of the passive sentence is in the nominative unless the verb requires the dative.

Der Mann wird geheilt.The man is (being) cured.

Dem Mann wird gratuliert.The man is (being) congratulated.


Lektion 7 Wissenschaft und TechnologieSTRUKTUREN

© and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc. 7.1-11

Passive voice and alternatives

• The impersonal passive is used to describe actions when the agents are not known or are not important. In this case, the word es is used as a neutral subject. This is equivalent to the English use of a generic subject like people, they, or one, or the phrase there is/are.

Es wird im Labor viel gearbeitet.People work hard in the lab.

Es wurde über den Moralkodex diskutiert.They discussed the code of ethics.


Lektion 7 Wissenschaft und TechnologieSTRUKTUREN

© and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc. 7.1-12

Passive voice and alternatives

Alternatives to passive• German has several forms that are considered alternatives

to passive. As in true passive, it is not always clear who is doing the action.


Lektion 7 Wissenschaft und TechnologieSTRUKTUREN

© and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc. 7.1-13

Passive voice and alternatives

Alternatives to passive

Alternatives Passive voice


Man arbeitet mit Nanotechnologie.One is working with nanotechnology.

Hier wird mit Nanotechnologie gearbeitet.They work with nanotechnology here.

sich + verbDas E-Book verkauft sich gut.The e-book sells well.

Das E-Book wird von den Studenten gekauft.The e-book is bought by the students.

sich lassen + infinitive

Die künstliche Intelligenz lässt sich nicht leicht erklären.Artificial intelligence is not easy to explain.

Die künstliche Intelligenz wird nicht leicht erklärt.Artificial intelligence is not easily explained.

sein + zu + infinitive

Die Robotertechnik ist schwer zu verstehen.Robotics is difficult to understand.

Die Robotertechnik wird nur schwer verstanden.Robotics is understood with difficulty.

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