7 ways to improve your credit score

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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7 ways to improve your credit score

For more details visit : https://www.letzbank.com/

1. Watch those credit card balances

• One major factor in your credit score is how much revolving credit you have versus how much you're actually using. The smaller that percentage is, the better it is for your credit rating.

• To boost your score, "pay down your balances, and keep those balances low"

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2. Eliminate credit card balances

• "A good way to improve your credit score is to eliminate nuisance balances,"

• The solution to improve your credit score is to gather up all those credit cards on which you have small balances and pay them off,

• Then select one or two go-to cards that you can use for everything.

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3. Leave old debt on your report

• Some people erroneously believe that old debt on their credit report is bad, says Ulzheimer.

• The minute they get their home or car paid off, they're on the phone trying to get it removed from their credit report

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4. Use your calendar

• If you're shopping for a home, car or student loan, it pays to do your rate shopping within a short time period.

• Every time you apply for credit, it can cause a small dip in your credit score that lasts a year.

• The length of that shopping period depends on the credit score used.

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5. Pay bills on time

• If you're planning a major purchase (like a home or a car), you might be scrambling to assemble one big chunk of cash.

• While you're juggling bills, you don't want to start paying bills late. Even if you're sitting on a pile of savings, a drop in your score could scuttle that dream deal.

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6. Don't hint at risk

• Sometimes, one of the best ways to improve your credit score is to not do something that could sink it.

• Two of the biggies are missing payments and suddenly paying less (or charging more) than you normally

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7. Don't obsess

• You should be laser-focused on your credit score when you know you'll soon need credit.

• In the interim, pay your bills and use credit responsibly. Your score will reflect these smart spending behaviors.

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