7 ways to deal with social anxiety

Post on 17-Jan-2017



Self Improvement



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7 Ways to Deal With Social Anxiety

Stephanie Chan is a Sydney based Life Coach, Dating Coach and Presenter.

Does the thought of meeting new people or public speaking fill you with butterflies?

Extreme self–consciousness, nerves or feeling uncomfortable interacting with other people are common hallmarks of social anxiety.

The road to social confidence is a curly one, but there are small steps you can begin to take – try these tips:

Develop a habit of meditation. Learning to be at peace with yourself will give you stillness and strength when you need it most.

1) Practice meditation

Your thoughts will become your reality, so it’s important that you are talking to yourself in encouraging ways. Listen to what you’re

saying in your head and replace negative thoughts with the opposite until a habit of good talk is formed.

2) Turn around negative inner talk

The unknown is often what causes our nerves. Spend a few minutes before seeing people intensely visualizing the successful and positive

outcome of the event. What do you see, hear and feel? Make it as real as possible and you’ll find that you feel more assured.

3) Visualize a successful end

Other people actually aren’t thinking of you - they’re worrying about what you think of them, just as you are! Tell yourself that you

will be with lovely, friendly people who feel as unsure of themselves as you sometimes do, and you’ll feel more comfortable.

4) Remember that everyone else feels the same

Spend a few moments breathing deeply before any encounter that makes you nervous. Make the out-breaths longer than the in-breaths:

this will help to slow your heart rate and calm you down.

5) Breathe!

Knowing what you want out of the occasion will help keep you focused. Even if you’re just having coffee with a friend, choose an outcome like

“I’m going to ensure my friend feels listened to”

6) Set your outcome

What other people think is quite simply not your business! Go in with an attitude of “How can I help & serve?” – Once you make it about

others, your nerves diminish.

7) Remember, it’s not about you

Stephanie Chan

Sydney, NSW, Australia

Life Coach, Presenter, NLP Practitioner


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