7 ways to bring romance back into your marriage

Post on 31-Aug-2014



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Do you love your spouse but wish there were a little more romance in your marriage? If you do, read this slideshare to learn how to bring some of that romance you once felt for each other back into your relationship!


T H E R E I S S U C H A T H I N G A S R O M A N C E I N M A R R I A G E !

7 Ways to Bring Romance Back Into Your Marriage

Why is romance important?

Romance is as critical to your marriage as your heart is to your life. Romance keeps things exciting and fun. It also helps you stay physically attracted to your spouse which can help increase physical intimacy.

How do you bring back the romance when you’re surrounded by dirty diapers, piles of laundry, and endless bills? It is possible, and the next seven slides will show you how:

1. Go on a date.

Going on a date once a week will help you reconnect on an emotional and mental level. It will bring your focus back to each other and it will help bring back some laughter and life to your relationship.

2. Embrace the details.

Your husband’s cute smile or your wife’s encouraging eyes are details to embrace. Love the little things, and you won’t ever be wanting for more.

3. Let go of grudges.

Forgive. It’s that simple. Don’t hold past mistakes against the person you love. It will keep you from progressing as a couple and it will drive a wedge between you that will only grow with time.

4. Love yourself.

How can you fully love someone if you don’t know how to love yourself first? Be confident in who you are and what you have to offer. Once you realize you are worth loving, you won’t be as afraid to unabashedly love someone else.

5. Attend a marriage retreat.

You and your spouse can probably think of many reasons to retreat to San Diego for a fun adventure. Why not attend a marriage retreat there?

Marriage retreats are the best form of marriage counseling San Diego offers. They provide couples with one-on-one counseling and exciting activities that help them practice important skills.

6. Show affection.

A gentle touch on the arm or face or even a surprise hug from behind can say much more than words. Affectionate physical touch breaks walls of insecurity, discouragement, and despair.

7. Surprise each other.

Pleasantly surprising someone is just as fun as being surprised. When you surprise your spouse with tickets to a show or with a clean house, you’re showing that you notice his or her needs.

Book a Marriage Retreat Today!

If you and your spouse are truly interested in attending a marriage retreat, San Diego is a great place to go. Marriage retreats truly help couples rekindle their romance.

To book a retreat today, contact LIFE Marriage Retreats by calling (877) 376-7127.

You can also go online to lifemarriageretreats.com or you can visit their Facebook page today.

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