7 steps towards sustainable office culture

Post on 22-Feb-2017






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7 Steps Towards Sustainable Office Culturewww.honestcoffees.com@HonestCoffees

More-or-less all of us perceive a tangible threat from environmental problems and feel pleased when we’re able to do something to help so why not enforce a culture of sustainability in the workplace so that an awareness of what we can do to help is fostered.

This, in turn, goes beyond the workplace and into people's homes. We’re going to take a look at a few things which we should all be doing for the environment.


You also might want to consider using low-wattage LEDs or installing motion detector lighting, especially if you’re in a large office. Turning the light off when you leave a room really does make a difference.

According to a study by Boston University, turning off the lights when you leave a room can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 0.15 pounds a year which means that had everyone at the university turned off one light, for one hour a day, for one year, the amount of electricity saved would be the equivalent of removing 97 cars (or over a million pounds of CO2) from the road for an entire year.

1. Remember to turn off all the lights when exiting a room

Think about how much leaving the lights on might be costing you (or your boss!).

There are a number app-controlled ways to control your home remotely so that you can keep a closer eye at what you're using. Check out Nest and Hive if you're yet to get your hands on some home-tech.

1. Remember to turn off all the lights when exiting a room(cont’d)

Desktop computers and laptops are becoming increasingly energy-sufficient so if you're using an older model, switching to something newer might not only improve your productivity but also, your energy bill.

If you've already got a relatively new computer, you've got no excuse for not turning it off or putting it into 'sleep' mode.

2. Computers and office equipment should always be shut down or turned off at the end of the day

Most laptops and computers use almost the same amount of power when they're in use as when they're idle. In general, laptops are a lot more efficient than desktops, but if you're reading this off a beautiful 27-inch monitor, just remember to put it to sleep at lunch-time.

2. Computers and office equipment should always be shut down or turned off at the end of the day (cont’d)

Most offices can achieve a recycling rate of somewhere between 60% and 70% if they operate an efficient recycling scheme for paper, glass, cardboard, cans and toner cartridges.

Recycling is a long term investment at a low upfront cost. Making small changes can instil a change of mind-set in employees which will reward you economically in the long-run.

3. Buy recycled products wherever possible and encourage the use of biodegradable products such as tupperware boxes and rinsable water bottles

You might be able to recycle more than you think. Waste Electrical and Electronic equipment (WEEE) is committed to the recycling or proper disposal of electrical equipment and was set up as an EU community directive.

It's worth heading over to Wastepack to see what else you could be doing to reduce you carbon footprint.

3. Buy recycled products wherever possible and encourage the use of biodegradable products such as tupperware boxes and rinsable water bottles (cont’d)

4. Try to print double-sided wherever possible and reuse single-sided paper (cont’d)

Wrap have produced a very handy PDF on office waste if you're interested in reading a bit more, but don't print it off if it's not absolutely necessary.

How much do you print that could be read online?

We’ve all popped something in a general waste bin which could have been recycled had we had the patience to wait and find a recycling bin.The best way of preventing it is to make sure there's always a recycling bin next to general waste bins.

You can get your hands on a set of 5 recycling bins for as little as £35 and it sends a great message to everyone working in the office.

5. Make recycling bins as accessible as general waste bins

Thinking about cycling to work instead of piling into the tube with 4 million others? Check out the government’s cycle to work scheme.

Not only is it good for the environment, but it's also an easy way of squeezing some exercise into a busy schedule.

6. Put a bike rack at a convenient and safe location to encourage people to use greener modes of transportation

7. Build up an ethic of sustainability by ordering Fairtrade and Organic produce

If you're trying to build up an office culture which holds sustainability close to its heart, buying produce which has been ethically sourced and organically produced is a wise move.

When you buy Fairtrade produce, you know that the producers are getting a fair deal. You also know that certain guidelines are being met to ensure that everyone is getting a fair deal, including you. Buying sustainable produce inspires an ethic of compassion which will rub off on everyone in the office.

At Honest Coffees, we’re committed to sourcing delicious Fairtrade coffee for your workplace. We can also match you with a commercial coffee machine to suit your requirements so why not get in touch with us or visit our website to find out more


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