7 principles of the constitution. republicanism how are people ’ s views represented in...

Post on 14-Jan-2016






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7 Principles of the


RepublicanismHow Are People’s Views

Represented in Government?• Republicanism is

based on the belief that the people exercise their power by voting for their political representatives…

Popular SovereigntyWho gives the Government its

Power??• The Constitution

rests on the idea of a government in which the people rule…

• “We the people…”

FederalismHow is Power Shared?

• Federalism is a system of government in which power is divided between a central government and smaller political units, such as states.

• Delegated v. Reserved Powers

Federalism(It’s like a Snickers bar)

• Peanuts represent the local governments

• Caramel is the State governments that bind the local governments

• Chocolate is the Federal Government. It surrounds and protects the state and local governments.

Separation of PowersHow is Power Divided?

• Legislative: Makes the laws

• Executive: Enforces the laws

• Judicial: Interprets the laws (decides if they are Constitutional)

• Government is divided into 3 separate branches

• No one branch is given all the power.

Checks and BalancesHow is Power Evenly Distributed?

• Each branch of government can exercise checks, or controls over the other branches.

President can veto laws

Can impeach president; confirm presidential nominations

Limited GovernmentHow is Abuse of Power Prevented?

• In the American government everyone, citizens and powerful leaders alike, must obey the law.

Individual RightsHow are Personal Freedoms

Protected?• Bill of Rights

guarantees certain Individual Rights that the government can not take away.

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