7 killer ways to an effective webinar marketing

Post on 14-May-2015






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http://whoissvenwolf.com/7-killer-steps-effective-webinar-marketing/ If you are having trouble getting people to attend your Webinars, here are the lucky 7 methods that will help you guarantee that nobody misses your next Webinar session.


ePreneur Global


7 Killer Ways to an Effective Webinar Marketing

Webinar is still one of the best ways to generate revenue to your business. It not only promotes your

brand, it also establishes yourself as a legit expert on your field or niche.

But if you are having trouble getting people to attend your Webinars, here are the lucky 7 methods that

will help you guarantee that nobody misses your next Webinar session.

1. Choose an interesting topic

Do a research and try to find out what your target audience would want to learn more from.

You should not pick a topic that every Webinar hosts have already tackled. And if you pursue a

topic that has already been established, make sure that you will offer something new, and that

you will deliver more than your audience expects from it.

2. Strive to provide Quality content

This does not just apply to your Webinar content. It should be on everything: video, blog,

articles that you provide online should give value that no other expert has already offered.

Doing such will help boost your Webinar attendees because it will establish you as an online

authority about a particular topic to your audience.

3. Create that killer marketing landing and registration page

The webinar title should answer the question: What will I get by giving you an hour of my time

and attention? It should be followed by a brief description of what your attendees will learn

from it. And if you have a guest speaker/s, include their name/s, too and make sure to highlight

his/her accomplishments. This will further attract attendees.

Positive testimonials of your previous attendees about your Webinar also will do the trick.

Basically, you will be answering the 5 Ws and 1 H questions (Who, what, when, where, why and

how). Learn more here: Your Landing Page Sucks! Here are 10 Examples That Don’t…

4. Pick the most appropriate day and time

If your target audience have office works in the morning, it is best that you host your Webinar at

night, after their work – but not on Fridays as those nights are often filled up with last minute

catch up at the office. And do not think about hosting it on the weekend. Those days of the

week are often allotted for relaxing and family time.

Just think about the most convenient time for them to join your online session.

ePreneur Global


5. REMIND your attendees to attend

It's critical you play an active role in keeping your webinar at the top of your attendees’ mind, as

distractions might hinder them to actually remember going to it. So remind, and remind them

about the Webinar they signed up joining. The proper way of sending reminders is to send two

weeks in advance, one week in advance, and one final reminder a day before the session.

RELATED: Webinar Marketing: The Uses Webinar for Business

Also, remember that usually, Webinars only get 30% attendance rate. So do not fret if you get

only this much. Just strive for more the next time. It gets better.

6. Make it memorable for them

Make them feel special. You can try giving them free, cool stuff for attending your online

seminar. Think of ways to make them excited before and after the session – there is a possibility

that they will talk about it afterwards with their social circle – paving the way to word-of-mouth

marketing, and consequently increasing your attendees the next time.

7. Promote your Webinar

You can do this via social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and the

likes. You can also blog about it. And of course, you can promote via your guest speakers. Use

their connections and reach their audience that you do not have access to. Paid media

marketing also would not be a bad idea, if you have the resources to allot to it.

And you made it this far! Congratulations! I hope this helps you set up an ultra, audience-magnetic

Webinar session. If you have anything more to add, just leave it on the comments’ section.

Sven Wolf is an online marketer, computer enthusiast and musician from Sweden. He is the Managing

Director of ePreneur Global.

He can be contacted directly at sven (at) whoissvenwolf (dot) com or through his website WhoisSvenWolf

(dot) com.

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