7 killer golf swing tips that will make you play like a pro

Post on 14-May-2015






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Golf is a gentleman game and it is played through out the world. Especially, America and Europe are the ones who spends millions of dollars in this game. As far as United States is concern exquisite golf courses can be seen in every big city and families comes with their children to play golf. Golf is a little bit more expensive than the other sports and requires rhythm, balance and technique to play it properly. In this guide we will try to cover all essential and basic golf swing tips that can help to become a pro player. http://www.guidemeabout.com/7-killer-golf-swing-tips-that-will-make-you-play-like-a-pro/


7 Killer Golf Swing Tips That Will Make You Play Like A Pro

Golf is a gentleman game and it is played through out the world. Especially, America and Europe are the ones who spends millions of dollars in this game. As far as United States is concern exquisite golf courses can be seen in every big city and families comes with their children to play golf. Golf is a little bit more expensive than the other sports and requires rhythm, balance and technique to play it properly. In this guide we will try to cover all essential and basic golf swing tips that can help to become a pro player.

Better Golf Swing Ingredients

Maintaining rhythm Keep your balance Body Posture How To grip Speed of swing

As you may know that thousands of people spending handsome money to learn the art of golfing by buying golf training videos and manuals and some of them also join gold training club. This beginners golf guide may help

to save your money by teaching you some basics and core mechanism to improve your golf swing. 

7 Killer Golf Swing Tips

Understanding Of Core Mechanism

To be a good golf player, you should first know pre-swing principles like how to grip properly and what are the alignment of your grip. Secondly, your body posture and your feet position matters a lot. Thirdly, your dynamic body balance, release and timing. Fourthly, how well you shift your weight by the time of takeaway. All of these above mentioned factors matters a lot while improving your golf swing skills.

How To Grip Golf Club – A Right Way

If you know everything but don’t know how to grip golf club properly then you are wasting your time and money in this game. Most of the immature golfers don’t know the basics of gripping and they either grip too tight or loose with their palms. There is a drawback if you grip this way because in summers hot weather will make your body sweating and there is a fair chance of slipping golf club from your hands. Just grip golf club the point where

your fingers joins with palm. Simply focus on your swing path instead of thinking too much about your grip. Just relax and slowly release your grip and you will experience great results.

Better Body Posture Having Paramount Importance

Your body needs to be in a good posture to get a perfect golf swing. I have also seen many recreational golfers who bow down their body too much while their swing and it has a negative effect on their game. Keep your back straight in the direction of your target will surely help you to get good scores. While downswing you should try to turn your body continuously.

Ben Hogan, a famous golf instructor recommends that while the time of downswing you should turn your body to left ASAP.

Keep An Eye On Your Follow Through

The reason behind getting mistimed shots is the bad follow through of your body and head. Don’t move your head too fast while hitting because it will disturb your swing path. Just try to moves down your head and chin up while swing will reduce the chances of bad-struck and

mistimed shots. Your head should behind the ball at the time when you release the club.In this way you will get a balanced follow through.

Ian Woosnam, often advises that while the time of swing moves your head down and chip will give you smooth balance and clean struck.

Shifting Your Body Weight

Shifting your body weight while swing is also a art and every golf should try to master it. It a good practice that you shift your weight by the time of swing and aim your left knee at the ball and top of the swing and aim your right knee at the ball through impact.

Build Muscles To Get Perfect Golf Club Swing

Whatever sport profession you are in, you would know the importance of having strong muscles. Golf is also a game which requires power and strength to remain in course for a long period. You will need power at the time of long shots. You should exercise your shoulders, upper-back, lower-back,butts,quadriceps and hamstrings before playing. There are some online programs that will help you to build strong muscles in a short time naturally.

Practice Makes A Man Perfect

Just make golf your passion and do as much practice as you can so that you could analyze your mistakes and rectify it. Above mentioned tips don’t come naturally you have to practice to be a master in this art. Do some physical and mind exercises so that you could develop muscles and focus mind that are core essence of this game.

These above mentioned, 7 killer golf swing tips are just a basic but necessary for every beginner golfers. If you are one who choose golf as a profession then i will recommend you to check out this The “Simple Golf Swing Program By David Nevogt”.

Simple Golf Swing is a leading golf training system which ensures its member to drop 7 strokes in 2 weeks. It is a best golf training system with having video manuals and follows step by step by approach to make out a good player from inside of you. Simple Golf Swing has helped thousands of immature golfers to drop strokes of their handicap and be a pro player.

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