7 elements of egypts culture

Post on 25-Mar-2016






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In this document we are going to show you the 7 important elements of the culture os Egypt.


Jazmín Orantes

Katherine Barahona

María Laura Veliz

Katherine Zapeta

Karen Velásquez

Much has been written, read, debated, and discussed about the rich culture of Egypt. And yet, the Egyptian culture has remained as intriguing, as enigmatic as it was thousands of years ago, guaranteeing an ever-increasing influx of tourists and visitors to the country. Perhaps it has to do with the richness, treasures, the scientific advancement, the magic and colossal architecture. Egypt and Egyptian culture holds the attention of the world at large

The Egyptian language, which formed a separate branch among the family of Afro-Asiatic language, and is know from hieroglyphic inscriptions preserved on monuments and sheets of papyrus. Arabic come to Egypt in the 7th century and Egyptian Arabic has become today the modern speech of the country. Of the many varieties of Arabic, it is the most widely spoken second dialect, due to the influence of Egyptian cinema and media throughout the Arabic- Speaking world.

In Egypt you will find traditions that remain from the time of the pharaohs, and in other parts you will final pure tribal customs that were brought in by many invaders throughout the centuries. You will find that the customs and mentality tends to be full of warmth towards visitors and foreigners. This is the secret because Egypt is considered the most attractive country in the most attractive country in the region for travelers.

Ancient Egyptian Government was dominated by a single man, the Pharaoh. The people believed that the king was more than a man, however, but that he was a god. This gave him absolute control over the affairs of the Empire and its people.

Ancient Egypt was also a theocracy, controlled by the clergy. The Pharaoh¹s advisors and ministers were almost always priests, who were considered the only ones worthy and able to carry out the god-king¹s commands. As in most religious ancient societies, priests had special status above the rest of the citizens, forming a kind of nobility.

Egypt’s economic freedom score is 54.8, making its economy the 125th freest in the 2013 Index. Its overall score is 3.1 points lower than last year, reflecting declines in seven of the 10 economic freedoms, especially investment freedom and labor freedom. Given its challenging political and economic transition, the Egyptian economy has been experiencing an extended period of instability and uncertainty. Much-needed improvements in economic policy have been delayed, and the effectiveness of reforms that might have helped to open markets and improve productivity has been undercut by the fragile rule of law and the legacy of Egypt’s socialist past. A new, higher top tax rate of 25 percent applies to both individuals and corporations.

Deeper institutional reforms are critically needed to spur lasting economic growth and development.

Religion was very important to the Ancient Egyptians. Their religion was strongly influenced by tradition, which caused them to resist change. "Egyptians did not question the beliefs which had been handed down to them; they did not desire change in their society. One of the very strong traditions was that of Divine Kingship. Divine Kingship is the belief that the Pharaoh was not only the King (political ruler) but also a god. The religion of Ancient Egypt was a polytheistic (many gods) religion with one short period of monotheism (one god). Their religion hosted about 700 different gods and goddesses. In addition, it was not uncommon for deities to be combined to form a new deity. One of the more famous aspects of the Egyptian religious beliefs was their ideas of the afterlife. They believed the physical body had to be preserved to allow a place for their spirit to dwell in the afterlife. Because of this, mummification was performed to preserve the body.

This art was created by the Egyptians to show the history and story of the ancient Egyptians. Some of the most common elements in this art are the depiction of gods and pharaohs. Gods which were more

important than other gods and goddess were shown larger.. Much of the pieces out there were inspired by a god or goddess. Pharaohs were also considered to be god like or divine so they were common in Egyptian artwork. Ancient Egyptian literary compositions were generally copied on papyrus paper, and this has generally not survived the damp and fire of history. Nevertheless, these survivors, with the more numerous compositions known only from fragments, are enough to demonstrate the genius of the Ancient Egyptian art of words. Many later literary works written in the demotic phase of the Egyptian language are still being edited for publication: demotic literature includes cycles of tales and teachings (for a summary see Tait 1996). The extent of foreign influence in demotic literature remains a subject of intense debate.

Egyptian society was structured like a pyramid. At the top were the gods, such as Ra, Osiris, and Isis. Egyptians believed that the gods controlled the universe. Therefore, it was important to keep them happy. They could make the Nile overflow, cause famine, or even bring death. The Egyptians also elevated some human beings to gods. Their leaders, called pharaohs, were believed to be gods in human form. They had absolute power over their subjects. After pharaohs died, huge stone pyramids were built as their tombs. Pharaohs were buried in chambers within the pyramids.

Because the people of Egypt believed that their pharaohs were gods, they entrusted their rulers with many responsibilities. Protection was at the top of the list. The pharaoh directed the army in case of a foreign threat or an internal conflict. All laws were enacted at the discretion of the pharaoh. Each farmer paid taxes in the form of grain, which were stored in the pharaoh's warehouses. This grain was used to feed the people in the event of a famine.

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