7 easy tips to help your website design

Post on 24-Jun-2015






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Improving the design of your website doesn't need to be too difficult. In fact, the tips that you see on this page should be incredibly easy to implement and increase the conversion rate of your website.


Hireawiz LLC HIREAWIZ – 18729 N. 77th Ave Glendale AZ 85308P: (623)521 1418

7 Easy Tips to Help Your Website Design

Improving the design of your website doesn't need to be too difficult. In fact, the tips that you see on this page should be incredibly easy to implement and increase the conversion rate of your website.

Hireawiz LLC HIREAWIZ – 18729 N. 77th Ave Glendale AZ 85308P: (623)521 1418

1. Tip number one is to keep it simple. For some reason, there are plenty of companies out there that seem to love the use of splash pages and use images and text everywhere. This is a very dated design. A professional Phoenix Web Developer will use modern techniques when crafting a site for you. They will ensure that the site doesn't look too busy and that there is very little to distract a potential customer. Design your site with a single goal in mind and you really will find that your conversion rate will begin to climb.

Hireawiz LLC HIREAWIZ – 18729 N. 77th Ave Glendale AZ 85308P: (623)521 1418

2. Get the perfect balance between pictures and text. When people are browsing a website they don't want to read through pages and pages of text, they also don't want to wait around for images to load on your site. Therefore work with your web developer to develop the perfect balance between the two.

3. Make your navigation system is easy to navigate. You want the website visitor to find all of the information that they need within a couple of clicks. There are plenty of websites out there that create fairly extravagant navigation menus, but honestly, they don't work. As I mentioned at the start, make sure that everything is as simple as possible for your website visitors.

Hireawiz LLC HIREAWIZ – 18729 N. 77th Ave Glendale AZ 85308P: (623)521 1418

4. Consider exactly what you want your visitor to do when they land on your website. Even if you are not carrying out the web design yourself, this is going to be very important information to pass onto the company providing Web Development in Phoenix. Remember, the whole theme of your site is going to be based around getting customers to do exactly what you want them to do. This can be anything from filling in a form online to actually purchasing a product from you.

5. Base the look of your website around your company's target audience. For example, you are going to need a more professional website for a law firm than you will for a flower shop. Very bright colours should be ignored on the law firm’s website, but the flower shop’s website will probably prefer them. Remember, there is no 'one design fits all' when it comes to the look and layout of your site. This is why it is important to work with a company that understands this.

Hireawiz LLC HIREAWIZ – 18729 N. 77th Ave Glendale AZ 85308P: (623)521 1418

Of course, this is just a small example of the various things that your web development team will be considering when they design your website. Remember, they will be working hard to ensure that the website experience is as pleasurable for your customers as possible, so do make sure you choose the right team.

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