7 dimensions of hinduism karma and samsara transmigration moksha

Post on 29-Dec-2015






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7 dimensions of Hinduism

Karma and Samsara



Aryan-Greek/Roman Polytheism

Aryan Henotheistic

One of many Gods is raised to highest rank

Mother goddess and fertility ideas

Law of Karma-reincarnation Brahman-unitary principle of

the universe Atman-inner life or soul

Brahmin-Vishnu-Shiva:Trinity have consorts

Greek-Roman Polytheism of many

gods/goddesses One life Appeasement of


Principles in the world

Karma-action or deedsDharma- ethical rules of right conductSamsara-wheel of rebirthMoksha-liberation from this rebirth


Caste system Brahmin, kshatriya, vaishya, shudra Priest, warriors and admin., producers, laborers and servants

4 stages of life Student, householder, forest dweller, sannyasin

4 goals of life Kama, sensual pleasure; artha, material success; Dharma, right conduct; moksha, liberation

3 paths to liberation Karma marga-works, right conduct Jnana Marga-knowledge, Vedanta, Sankhya, Yoga Bhakti Marga-devotion, rituals, pilgrimages, sacred cows

3 paths of liberation

Karma MargaRight conduct according to Dharma

Jnana MargaVedanta, maya-cosmic illusion, monismSankhya, matter and many selfs-free from bondage of

personalityYoga, physical and psychological way, 8 steps, get to

samadhi-transcendent state

Bhakti MargaGods and goddesses, pilgrimages, cow veneration

Periods of Hindu Historical development

Indus Valley Civilization 3-2 BCEAryan invasions, incorporated into India

A Vedic Age 2-1 BCEVedas intuited by Brahmin, Sanskrit, oral tradition

Agni-fire, life maintainingSoma-plant, life transcending

Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda, and ArthavedaRigveda, hymnal to all the deitiesYajurveda; manual of sacrifices and mantrasSamaveda; index to melodies of SOMA sacrificesAthaveda; domestic rituals and religious concerns of

popular culture

Epic Age

Verse Dramas-smriti, traditions Mahabharata Ramayana

Dharma Sutras, instructions on proper conductDharma Shastras, laws of conductCode of Manu-series of laws

Beginning of Classical Hinduism: codification of beliefs 3 debts: Gods, Ancestors, and ……

Puranas-collections of old storiesDharma, samsara, karma, and mokshaShakti-feminine cosmic energyBhakta-yogin ways, ritual ways of 5 Ms


Gave all Hindus ability to perform household ritualsWorld of ritualsAtman-Brahman understanding emerges

Samsara-distinction of separation is illusion, continue to transmigration until TRUTH understood-Moksha, release follows.

Bhagavad Gita; first of these texts


Cosmic Body of Purusha God’s self sacrifice brings

world into being.

Life body of social body Humanity reflects this in

our life

Cosmic Body All are one, and will be

reunited as one

Monism-all is ultimately one

Gods and Goddesses

Shiva-god of danceVishnu-great deity

Avatars-decents of VishnuKrishna, Rama, Narasimha

Devi-goddessDurga, Kali, Parvati

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