7 2015 ndm bonner cornerstone activities

Post on 25-Jan-2017






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Cornerstone Activities The bedrocks of a developmental program experience

What We’ll Cover

• How Cornerstones build the foundation

• What these cornerstones are

• Best practices for planning and executing

• How they connect developmentally

• Innovative integration

How Cornerstones build the foundation

First Year Trip - new context for service & learning (i.e., poverty in campus and distant place)

Orientation - pre-college immersion provides a sense of community and a foundation for success

Second Year Exchange - the sense of a national movement and connections across campuses

Third Year Leadership - an opportunity to apply initiative on a project (i.e., international trip, campus-wide event, community event)

Capstones and Senior Presentations- an opportunity to integrative thinking and doing - at a site and often connected to student’s coursework

OrientationSense of place - campus and community

Personal Exploration

Bonner Program Expectations

Inspiration SEnse of Bonner Community

Sense of place - campus and community

Personal Exploration

Bonner Program Expectations


SEnse of Bonner Community

High-Impact Practice

Link to First Year Experience, Course, or Seminar?

Craft Your Agenda

1. Sense of place - campus and community

Relevant Resources: • Community Asset Mapping

Training and Book• Place-based Education

courses and books (local)• Bonner Brochure• Your Student Handbook &

Student Handbook Live• Videos (YouTube Channel

and Bonner Wiki)• Implementation Guide

- Overview of campus and service center - Overview of local community by partners - Short Service Project


2. Inspiration

Relevant Resources: • River Stories Training • Your Campus or Center

Vision and Long-Range Strategic Plan

• Your alumni email list (from the Foundation or Development Office)

• Videos (YouTube Channel and Bonner Wiki)

• Games, Games, Games

- Stories by other Bonners, Partners, and Alumni - Visionary Speakers, Videos, and Ideas - A chance to get connected to why we do this

3. Bonner Program Expectations

Relevant Resources: • Your Student Handbook• Slides on the Five E’s • Sample Expectations

(from other session or wiki)

• Videos on the YouTube Channel for BWBRS

• BWBRS Help Guide• AmeriCorps Handbook

- Reviewing Your Handbook and Expectations - The Developmental Model - Five E’s - Presentations by Seniors and Bonner Lead Team - Personal Development Plans

4. Personal Exploration

Relevant Resources: • LOTS of the Training

Modules, such as:• Identity Circles • Community Building

Challenge Course • Cover Story • Tower of Me’sa

• Your local partners or staff, such as Outward Bound or Service Clubs

- Engaging Workshops and activities that provide students with a chance to reflect and share - Physical Challenge Courses - Service Projects and Reflection

5. Sense of Bonner Community

Relevant Resources: • You• Your students• Your partners• Your meals• Talent shows,

bonfires, hikes, staying somewhere together

• The B-Love Videos!

- Respect - Fun! - Music

- Food - Laughs - Bonner Love

Craft Your AgendaDay 1

Move in dorms early Orientation - Bonner Program 101 Dinner together - staff, student, and partner speakers Introductions to the Bonner Community

Day 2

Make breakfast together and eat in Bonner families Community partner presentations (local history and context) Local scavenger hunt (asset mapping part 1) River Stories workshop Lunch with faculty advisors Review of First Year Experience course Accountability and Expectations workshop Ropes Course Reflection - letters to selves

First Year Trip-- open hearts, minds, and heads

3-7 days

Somewhere out of local context

Cohort experience for frosh and new Bonners

Use Bonner Funds

Provide a chance to delve into an issue - like poverty or immigration

High-Impact Practice

Link to course such as FYE for preparation or learning community

Craft Your Trip

3-7 days

Somewhere out of local context

Cohort experience for frosh and new Bonners

Use Bonner Funds

Provide a chance to delve into an issue like poverty

• Guilford College - Crow Reservation in MOntana - explores Native American experience and culture

• Emory &and Henry College - New York City -\\ learns about urban poverty, comparing it to rural (Virginia) poverty

• Maryville College - Border of Mexico and Texas - learns about immigration and border issues

• Siena College - Presque Isle, Maine - learns about very rural poverty, comparing it to urban (Albany) poverty

• Waynesburg College - Philadelphia - works with homeless and city ministries, building on their rural experience, and visits Foundation

Picking a Place

Need help? Talk to a Foundation staff member to connect you with another school or partner




Service or Meaningful Action*Culture &and HistoryCommunity and Team BuildingEducation, Reflection &and Discussion - meetings with issue experts Learning about the Organizations & Issues

Trips contain a mix of

activitiesYes, it all counts for hours!

1 Find a destination in a region different from your campus; identify strong partners

2 Designate roles and responsibilities for Bonners (frosh and leaders) to plan and implement the trip

3 Engage in preparation during Class Meetings — education, learning the history, language, prominent issues, culture , and other information.

4 During the trip, engage in meaningful activities — service, learning, reflection, cultural & team-building activities

5 After the trip,have your students process learning and share reflections to your Bonner team or even the campus

6 Consult the detailed Implementation Guide on the Wiki!

Trip Organizing Steps

Second Year Exchange2-5 days

Pair up with 1 or more other Bonner Programs or other schools - cluster

Cohort experience for second years

Use Bonner Funds

Delve deeper into an issue - like poverty - adding advocacy/policy dimension

Can also use IMPACT or other national conference!

High-Impact Practice

Link to service learning course or learning community


2-5 days

Pair up with 1 or more other Bonner Programs or other schools - cluster

Cohort experience for second years

Use Bonner Funds

Delve deeper into an issue - like poverty - adding advocacy/policy dimension

Can also use IMPACT or other national conference!

1 Engage second year students in identifying partner school(s). This is a chance to build cross-campus connections!

2 Engage students as planners and leaders. This can happen through strategically using your Class Meetings to organize Exchange.

3Engage in preparation during Class Meetings — Find strategies for linking the Exchange to student development. For example, providing advocacy training or tutoring in Spanish.

4During the trip, engage in a wider array of meaningful activities — this isn’t just a service trip! It’s goal is to expose people to the bigger ideas, a sense of movement!

5After the trip, have your students process learning and share reflections to the broader Bonner and campus community. You may want to link with blogging, vlogging, videos, and other social media.

6 Consult the detailed Implementation Guide on the Wiki!

Exchange Organizing Steps

Third Year Leadership1-14 days!

International Service Immersion Trips

Cohort experience for some or all Third Years

Often raise funds

Build on issue knowledge - in broader context

Often link with course

Campus-wide events

For international immersions

Relevant Resources: • International partnerships

resources• Curricula - found under

Common Commitments and new international curricula

• Bonners Abroad Blog

- Develop international partner relationships - Partner with Peacework - Utilize international resources on wiki

High-Impact Practice

- Undergraduate research - diversity and global learnining


1-14 days!

International Service Immersion Trips

Cohort experience for some or all Third Years

Often raise funds

Build on issue knowledge - in broader context

Often link with course

Campus-wide events

Capstones and Senior Presentations

A semester or year project - plus a presentation

A chance to connect studies and engagement

A high-impact project

An engaging presentation for community and campus

Capstones and Senior Presentations

Relevant Resources: • Implementation Guide on

Senior Presentation and Vocation

• Videos that can be found on YouTube - Bonner Network and other Bonner Program channels

- The student may initiate a culminating project - Many are developing connections to academic capstones in major or special program

High-Impact Practice


BrainstormA semester or year project - plus a presentation

A chance to connect studies and engagement

A high-impact project

An engaging presentation for community and campus

What’s on your worksheet

• Orientation

• First Year Trip

• Second Year Exchange

• Third Year Leadership

• Capstone & Senior Presentations

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