6w -rvhsk &dwkrolf &kxufk · luke 10:23-37: at that time, jesus said to his disciples:...

Post on 11-Oct-2020






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Our former Pastors: - Father Aloysius Mlinar, 1911-1913; Father Z. Rozanski, 1913-1920; Father Andrew Lavicka, 1920-1928; Father Paul Kucera, O.S.B., 1928-1930; Father Joseph Hayostek, 1930-1969; Father Michael Lukas, 1970-1983;

Father Victor A Cloquet, 1983-1991; Father Richard Cebula, 1991-1998; Father John Wilkie, 1998-2009; Father Tuan Nguyen, 2009-2011, Father Jacob Maurer, 2011-2015


PARISH STAFF: Secretary/Bulletin Editor:

Sandra Whelan (253) 472-2489

Karen Kralovic

Tuesdays and Thursdays Noon to 2:00 (253)625-7207


Call the main office

(At least 6 months advance notice for weddings)

602 South 34th Street Tacoma, WA 98418 Parish Office (253) 472-2489

Email: parish@saintjosephtacoma.org Website: www.saintjosephtacoma.org

Email: st.joseph.tacoma.pastor@gmail.com Rectory (253) 301-2416

Sacramental Emergencies Only


Sunday—8:00 AM Low Mass Sunday—10:30 AM Sung Mass

Daily Masses Monday thru Thursday 8:00 AM

Friday 6:30 PM

Saturday Daily Mass 9:00 AM

Confession—half hour before Masses

pastor@saintjosephtacoma.orgEmail: pastor@saintjospehtacoma.org

Deacon: Rev. Mr. Caleb InscoEmail: INSCO@SAINTJOSPEHTACOMA.ORG

Rectory (253) 301-2416Sacramental Emergencies Only

(253) 234-5714

August 7, 2016 Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost

Introit Ps 69:2-3: Deign, O God, to rescue me; O Lord, make haste to help me. Let them be put to shame and confounded who seek my life. Ps 69:4: Let them be turned back in disgrace, who desire my ruin. V. Glory be to the Father... Deign, O God, to rescue me… Collect Almighty and merciful God, by Whose grace Your faithful people serve You worthily and righteously, grant, we beseech You, that we may hasten without stumbling to those things You have promised us. Through Jesus Christ, thy Son our Lord... R. Amen. Lesson 2 Cor. 3:4-9: Brethren: Such is the assurance I have through Christ toward God. Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think anything, as from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God. He also it is Who has made us fit ministers of the new covenant, not of the letter but of the spirit; for the letter kills, but the spirit gives life. Now if the ministration of death, which was engraved in letters upon stones, was inaugurated in such glory that the children of Israel could not look steadfastly upon the face of Moses on account of the transient glory that shone upon it, shall not the ministration of the spirit be still more glorious? For if there is glory in the ministration that condemned, much more does the ministration that justifies abound in glory. Gradual Ps 33:2-3: I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall be ever in my mouth. V. Let my soul glory in the Lord; the lowly will hear and be glad. Alleluia, alleluia. Ps 87:2: V. Lord, the God of my salvation, by day I cry out, at night I clamor in Your presence. Alleluia. Gospel Luke 10:23-37: At that time, Jesus said to His disciples: Blessed are the eyes that see what you see! For I say to you, many prophets and kings have desired to see what you see, and they have not seen it; and to hear what you hear, and they have not heard it. And behold, a certain lawyer got up to test Him, saying, Master, what must I do to gain eternal life? But He said to him, What is written in the Law? How do you read? He answered and said, You shall love the Lord your God with your whole heart, and with your whole soul, and with your whole strength, and with your whole mind; and your neighbor as yourself. And He

said to him, You have answered rightly; do this and you shall live. But he, wishing to justify himself, said to Jesus, And who is my neighbor? Jesus answered and said, A certain man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he fell in with robbers, who after both stripping him and beating him went their way, leaving him half-dead. But, as it happened, a certain priest was going down the same way; and when he saw him, he passed by. And likewise a Levite also, when he was near the place and saw him, passed by. But a certain Samaritan as he journeyed came upon him, and seeing him, was moved with compassion. And he went up to him and bound up his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. And setting him on his own beast, he brought him to an inn and took care of him. And the next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper and said, ‘Take care of him; and whatever more you spend, I, on my way back, will repay you.’ Which of these three, in your opinion, proved himself neighbor to him who fell among the robbers? And he said, He who took pity on him. And Jesus said to him, Go and do also in like manner. Offertory Ex 32:11, 13-14: Moses prayed in the sight of the Lord his God and said, Why, O Lord, is Your indignation enkindled against Your people? Let the anger of Your mind cease; remember Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to whom You swore to give a land flowing with milk and honey. And the Lord was appeased from doing the evil which He had spoken of doing against His people. Secret O Lord, we beseech You, graciously look upon the offerings which we lay upon Your sacred altar; so that they may bring us plentiful forgiveness while they give honor to Your name. Through Jesus Christ, thy Son our Lord... R. Amen. Communion Ps 103:13-15: The earth is replete with the fruit of Your works, O Lord; You produce bread from the earth, and wine to gladden men’s hearts, so that their faces gleam with oil, and bread fortifies the hearts of men. Post Communion May the holy reception of this sacrament, we beseech You, O Lord, restore us to life, and bestow upon us forgiveness and protection. Through Jesus Christ, thy Son... R. Amen.

The Good Samaritan of the Gospel is the great example of brotherly love. “By this shall all men know one

another” (Jn. 13:3,4) Love of God and love of neighbor summarize the whole of Christian life. Our neighbor is every human being.


We continue to pray for our Military

Personnel: SSgt. Nickolas Dery, Patrick C Marshall, Chief Warrant Officer 4. For those who are sick, and the homebound members of our community: For those who have died: †Lawrence Bowlen †George Cooney+ Father Victor Cloquet

Mass Intentions for the Week

Sun. Aug.7th 8:00 AM Priest’s Intention Sun. Aug 7th 10:30 AM Pro Populo Mon. Aug 8th 8:00 AM Priests of FSSP Anonymous Tues. Aug 9th 8:00 AM Kevin Fredrickson Camille Fredrickson Wed. Aug 10th 8:00 AM Personal Intention Gabrielle Tuttle Thurs. Aug 11th 8:00 AM Jesse Fredrickson Camille Fredickson Fri. Aug 12h 6:30 PM Personal Intention Gabrielle Tuttle Sat. Aug 13th 9:00 AM +John Powell Elizabeth Reynolds

JUBILEE HOUSE REMINDER St. John (1 John 3:13-18) wrote:

“My dear children, let us not love in word, neither with the tongue, but in deed and in


St. Joseph Catholic Church has been assigned interior painting the week of August 28 through September 3. There will be orientation available on Saturday, August 6th or August 13th and on Thursday, August 18th. You must go through orientation before being able to work on site. Please contact the parish contact person; Jeanne-Anne Kubeja for more information 253-444-8366, email: manywaysblessed@gmail.com

4US ~ FRI AUG 12 & SAT AUG 13 ~ Join us at the Rally Round 4 UltraSound at Fort Steilacoom Park, Lakewood, WA for 5

spectacular events, spanning 2 fun-filled days, with 1 mission -- to illuminate hope for pregnant women through the gi of ultrasound. Thanks to the all-volunteer charity of 4US, 100% of all registra on fees, concessions sales and dona ons go towards the purchase of ultrasound machines and training for pregnancy resource centers. Friday night's events include a LumaGlow Fun Run with a rockin’ DJ at theBEAT. Saturday includes 2 bike rides, 4 runs, 2 walks, 1 motorcycle rally, a family fun fes val and THE WORLD'S LARGEST SQUIRT GUN FIGHT!!! Register onsite at the park on event days, AND kids 13 & under are only $5 for all the events! Learn more at 4US.org

Respect Life

Confraternity of St. Peter Pilgrimage to Ireland September 5-14,2016

Join the Confraternity pilgrimage to Ireland with Father Simon Harkin ( a recent visitor to St. Joseph’s) Ireland lush landscape, archaeological ruins and rich Catholic

patrimony will inspire you, enrich your faith and ring the Breastplate of St. Patrick, “Christ before me, Christ beside me,

Christ to win me” alive as never before! Highlights include Glendalough, Legendary Killarney, Galway,

Croagh Patrick, Downpatrick and many more! For more information including a detailed

itinerary visit www.syversentouring.com/confraternity or call Tish Gallagher ((916)223-3112

Treasurer’s Report

July 31,2016


The Feast of the Assumption falls on a Monday, therefore the

obligation is abrogated, however we will still have two Masses on that day

(Monday, August 15th). 8:00AM low Mass and 7:00PM Solemn High Mass.

PICNIC North American Martyrs parish is hosting a Parish Picnic on Saturday, September 10th at Rhododendron Park in Kenmore, (6910 NE 170th St.) from noon to 6PM. The parishioners of St. Joseph Parish are invited. This is a great way for the FSSP parishes to stay closer and enjoy each others community

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