69235374 pv off grid design

Post on 03-Jun-2018






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  • 8/12/2019 69235374 PV Off Grid Design


    Designing a PV System

  • 8/12/2019 69235374 PV Off Grid Design


    Input Data Required For PV SystemInput Data Required For PV System


    The daily or hourly load requirements during aThe daily or hourly load requirements during atypical yeartypical year

    The required security of supply, taing intoThe required security of supply, taing intoaccount the !ac"up source, if any#account the !ac"up source, if any#

    The mean daily irradiation in the plane of theThe mean daily irradiation in the plane of thearray at the chosen site for e$ery month of aarray at the chosen site for e$ery month of atypical year#typical year#

  • 8/12/2019 69235374 PV Off Grid Design


    Data Required cont%dData Required cont%d

    The ma&imum num!er of consecuti$e sunless days lielyThe ma&imum num!er of consecuti$e sunless days lielyto !e e&perienced#to !e e&perienced#

    The mean daily am!ient temperature for e$ery month ofThe mean daily am!ient temperature for e$ery month ofa typical year#a typical year#

    The estimated cell temperature rise a!o$e am!ient of theThe estimated cell temperature rise a!o$e am!ient of the

    modules in the array#modules in the array#

    Typical current"$oltage characteristics of the module atTypical current"$oltage characteristics of the module at$arious irradiances#$arious irradiances#

  • 8/12/2019 69235374 PV Off Grid Design


    Data Required cont%dData Required cont%d

    The selected D' !us $oltage#The selected D' !us $oltage# The ma&imum allo(a!le depth of discharge ofThe ma&imum allo(a!le depth of discharge of

    the !attery#the !attery#

    The estimated percentage energy losses in theThe estimated percentage energy losses in the!attery, po(er conditioning equipment and!attery, po(er conditioning equipment andcontrol system#control system#

    The estimated losses in the array from moduleThe estimated losses in the array from module

    mismatch, ca!les and $oltage drop acrossmismatch, ca!les and $oltage drop across!locing diodes#!locing diodes# The estimated losses from dust and shading#The estimated losses from dust and shading#

  • 8/12/2019 69235374 PV Off Grid Design


    Ty e s o f )a te r i a ls

    Single CrystalPolycrystalline


  • 8/12/2019 69235374 PV Off Grid Design


    *ff"+rid Design

  • 8/12/2019 69235374 PV Off Grid Design


    *ff"+rid Design &ample

    Step -. Determine the D' /oad#

    D' De$ice De$ice 0 1ours of 2 D' 3att"1rs 3atts Daily 4se per Day

    Refrigerator 56 78 -,886

    /ighting fi&tures -96 8 566

    De$ice : -7 ;

  • 8/12/2019 69235374 PV Off Grid Design


    Step 7. Determine the :' /oad, 'on$ert to D'

    :' De$ice De$ice 0 1ours of 2 :' 3att"1rs 3atts Daily 4se per Day

    De$ice A -B9 5 -,696

    Pump ;6 6#9 86

    Tele$ision -B9 7 @96

    Total :' 3att"hrs=Day -,886Di$ided !y 6#;9 CIn$erter, losses

    Total D' 3hrs=Day >A? -,5

  • 8/12/2019 69235374 PV Off Grid Design


    Step @. Determine the Total System /oadTotal D' /oads >:? 7,-@5Total D' /oads >A? -,5

  • 8/12/2019 69235374 PV Off Grid Design


    Step 5. Determine Total PV :rray 'urrent

    Total Daily :mp"hr requirement = Design Insolation@;@ :mp"hrs = 9#6 pea solar hrs 2 B5#5 :mps

    Insolation Aased on *ptimum Tilt for Season

    Step B. Select PV )odule Type

    'hoose AP Solar"Solare& )S0"56 module.)a& Po(er 2 56 3 CSTP

    )a& 'urrent 2 @#95 :mps)a& Voltage 2 -5#; VoltsEominal *utput Voltage -7 Volts

  • 8/12/2019 69235374 PV Off Grid Design


    Total PV :rray 'urrent = C)odule *perating 'urrent 0C)odule Derate FactorB5#5 :mps = C@#95 :mps=)oduleC6#

  • 8/12/2019 69235374 PV Off Grid Design


    Step --. Determine )inimum Aattery 'apacity

    >Total Daily :mp"hr=Day (ith Aatteries CStep 90 Desired Reser$e Time CDays? = Percent of4sa!le Aattery 'apacityC@;@ :mp"hrs=Day 0 @ Days = 6#;6 2 -,8@5 :mp"hrs

    Step -7. 'hoose a Aattery

    4se an Interstate 47S G -66 Flooded /ead :cid AatteryEominal Voltage 2 5 VoltsRated 'apacity 2 776 :mp"hrs

  • 8/12/2019 69235374 PV Off Grid Design


    Step -@. Determine Eum!er of Aatteries in Parallel

    Required Aattery 'apacity CStep -- = 'apacity of

    Selected Aattery-,8@5 :mp"hrs = C776 :mp"hrs=Aattery 2 5#9 4se 5 Aatteries

    Step -8. Determine Eum!er of Aatteries in Series

    Eominal System Voltage = Eominal Aattery Voltage-7 Volts = C5 Volts=Aattery 2 7 Aatteries

    Step -9. Determine Total Eum!er of AatteriesEum!er of Aatteries in Parallel 0 Eum!er of Aatteries in Series5 0 7 2 -7 Aatteries

  • 8/12/2019 69235374 PV Off Grid Design





    " "H

    @ :-7 V

    @ :-7 V @ :

    78 V

    @ :-7 V

    @ :-7 V

    H H

    " "


    "5 :-7 V

    Series.Voltage is additi$e

    Parallel.'urrent is additi$e

  • 8/12/2019 69235374 PV Off Grid Design


    Step -B. 'omplete Aalance of System

    a# 'omplete the design !y specifying the.'harge 'ontrollerIn$erter3ire Sizes CAattery (ill ha$e larger gage

    due to higher currentsFuses and DisconnectsStand!y +enerator, if neededAattery 'harger, if needed)anual Transfer S(itch, if needed#

    Step -5. Determine the need for a Stand!y+enerator to reduce other 'omponents

    Cnum!er of )odules and Aatteries# Se$eraliterations may !e necessary to optimize costs#

  • 8/12/2019 69235374 PV Off Grid Design


    d# *!tain permits as required#

    !# Determine mounting method.

    Roof mount+round mount (ith racs+round mount (ith pole#

    c# :ssure proper grounding for safety#

    Step -BC'ont#.

  • 8/12/2019 69235374 PV Off Grid Design


    The legance of Simplicity

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