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Post on 28-Jul-2018






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Mrs Clémence CHAPLYExport Sales Manager-Winemaker

3 Rue De Charleroi Zi Nord67600 SELESTATTel : +33 (0)3 88 92 40 00Mob :cave@louishauller.comwww.louishauller.com/en/

Languages : FR, EN

Technical sheet :Volume exported : 4%

Wine making method : Sustainableagriculture

Bottle/year : 350,000 bottles

Export price list : From 3 to 20 €

Type of wine structure : Wine producer

Representation on the market : Not yet distributed in this country

The Winery :The HAULLER Family is the result of a long tradition of craftsmanship: my grandfather, LéonHAULLER (1913-2005) was the last in a line of Master-Coopers since 1776. His son, Louis,specialized himself in winegrowing and wine making with one goal: a quest for elegant dry whitewines. Today, I run the winery with the support from my wife Laurence, and my two sons, Ludovic andGuillaume. My family is directly involved in the work of the house to continue the beautiful story ofLa Cave du Tonnelier. “A century later, our goal is still the same: making elegant and first-class whitewines”Claude HaullerOwner & General Manager

Medals and awards :

1Wines presented :1 : Sylvaner 20142 : Riesling 20143 : Pinot Blanc 20144 : Pinot Gris 20145 : Crémant brut6 : Pinot Noir 20137 : Pinot noir rosé 20148 : Gewurztraminer 20139 : Crémant 100% Chardonnay10 : Muscat 201411 : Crémant Rosé12 : Edelzwicker 2014

Notes :

MAISON CARLES BORDEAUX / Saint Emilion Grand Cru

Mr Julien SEFRAOUIExport Sales Manager

Mr Gilles CARLESOwner

Château Panet33330 SAINT CHRISTOPHE DES BARDESTel :Mob : +33 (0)6 28 21 89 42sefraoui.julien@maison-carles.frwww.maison-carles.fr

Languages : FR, EN

Technical sheet :Volume exported : 5%

Wine making method : Sustainableagriculture

Bottle/year : 40,000 bottles

Export price list : From 11 to 13 €

Type of wine structure : Wine producer

Representation on the market : Not yet distributed in this country

The Winery :The winery Maison Carles is made up of several estates and produces Saint Emilion Grand Cru andPomerol wines. The Carles Family has been a wine producer in Saint-Emilion for nearly 200 years andfocuses exclusively on high quality wines. The estates vineyards stretch over 45 hectares in total.The grape varieties are consisted of 80% Merlot and 20% Cabernet Franc. The average age of thevines is 35 years old.

Château Coudert was bought by the family in 1961. The vineyard of 5 hectares is situated on a slopeof Saint-Christophe des Bardes in the Saint-Emilion Grand Cru appellation area. The soil is calcareousclay. The wine is powerful, rich and concentrated. It is well-balanced and rounded with soft tannins.

Chateau Haut-Fonrazade is a 4 hectares property located in Saint-Emilion, with great sun exposureand is situated on sandy grounds.The wine is both woody and fruity, with a complex and expressivenose.

Medals and awards :Concours Mondial de Bruxelles, Hachette GuideHaut-Fonrazade 2008: Medaille argent Concours Mondial de Bruxelles 2012Coudert 2008: 1 étoile Guide Hachette en 2012Coudert 2009: 1 étoile Guide Hachette en 2013

2Wines presented :1 : Château Coudert, red, millésime 20052 : Château Coudert, red, millésime 20093 : Château Coudert, red, millésime 20104 : Château Haut-Fonrazade, red, millésime 20085 : Château Haut-Fonrazade, red, millésime 20096 : Château Haut-Fonrazade, red, millésime 2010

Notes :


Mr David COUVREURWinegrowerCo Manager


18 Grande rue51140 PROUILLYTel : +33 (0)3 26 48 58 95Mob : +33 (0)7 81 60 78 46earl-alain.couvreur@laposte.netwww.champagne-alain-couvreur.net

Languages : FR, EN

Technical sheet :Volume exported : 20%

Wine making method : Sustainableagriculture

Bottle/year : 50,000 bottles

Export price list : From 11 to 21 €

Type of wine structure : Wine producer

Representation on the market : No importer

The Winery :Located west of Reims , the Massif de Saint Thierry integral part of the Montagne de Reims. Thecompany is based in Prouilly .The Champagne Alain Couvreur , David and Rémi operates 6 ha 15 ares surface of vineyards spreadover 4 towns Prouilly , Pevy , Branscourt and Unchair, for a production of about 50,000 bottles .The vines are mostly planted on hillsides.Variety of grape : 2 ha 50 to Pinot noir2 ha 05 to Pinot meunier1 ha 60 to Chardonnay

History :We are the seventh generation of winemakers. Alain Couvreur has began making wine in 1961, theage work was artisanal. Since 2010, the family business was taken over by two son, David and RémiCouvreur.

Vinification:We are handling operator , and independent winemaker. We have a pressing center approvedqualitatively. We assemble the wines of the year with over 50% of reserve wines from 10 differentharvest. Since 2008 we grow wine in barrels .

Nowadays:Since 2013 we have begun the work of mechanically ground with a caterpillar vehicle. It is to work thesoil between the vine and mowing the grassy middle part row to avoid dealing with herbicides. We arecurrently in an expansion of the existing winery.

Medals and awards :Wine guide: Gerhard Eichelmann Champagne. Edition 2015 / Guide hachette 2015 / Champagne ilsogno fragile Samuel CogliatiMedals : IWSC 2009 Gold medal Best in class / Chardonnay du Monde Gold medals 2011 and 2014 /Effervescent du Monde Gold Medal

3Wines presented :1 : Blanc de Blancs Bsa (2011/12 )2 : Blanc de Noirs Cuvée décennie3 : Brut Tradition Bsa (2011/12)4 : Brut Rosé Bsa (2012/13 )5 : L' ambre d'opale6 : Blanc de Blancs éléve en futs Millésime 20077 : Blanc de Noirs Millésime 20098 : Blanc de Noirs 2002/03

Notes :



Mrs CatherineHUTEAU-BOULANGERWinegrower

41, rue Saint Vincent44330 VALLETTel : +33 (0)2 40 33 93 05Mob : +33 (0)2 40 36 29 26domainedumoulincamus@wanadoo.frwww.huteau-boulanger.com

Languages : FR, EN

Technical sheet :Volume exported : 12%

Wine making method : Sustainableagriculture

Bottle/year : 350,000 bottles

Export price list :

Type of wine structure : Wine producer

Representation on the market : Not yet distributed in this country

The Winery :The Domaine du Moulin Camus is a family enterprise, situated in the heart of the AOP MuscadetSèvre & Maine. The Muscadet Sèvre & Maine sur Lie represents 70% of the vineyard of the Domainedu Moulin Camus (45 hectares). It is purely from the Melon de Bourgogne grape-variety. Ourobsession with finding the exact mineral content for our wines is reflected in environmentallyconscious choices in the treatment of the vines.The harvests are limited to 50 hl/hectare, which brings us powerful and rich wines.The selection is done according to the individual vineyard, which contain vines of different ages. Thewinemaking is traditional : Sur lie.

The wines of IGP Val de Loire are planted in Vallet and St Julien de Concelles. They are made fromthe Cabernet Franc (Vallet) which gives powerful and strongh wine with sweet tanin. Merlot andGamay Beaujolais (St Julien de Concelles) are fruity and easy to drink.

The society SARL FB Vins Diffusion distributes wines of other winegrowers from the Loire Valley. It isso easy to order and collect different wines at a single address, for then only one invoice.

Medals and awards :Concours Agricole de Paris:- Clos Perraud, Gold MedalConcours IGP de Loire:- IGP Loire Chardonnay, Bronze Medal- IGP Loire Merlot, Gold Medal- IGP Loire Gamay, Silver Medal- IGP Loire Cabernet Franc, Gold MedalQuoted in Guide Hachette des Vin

4Wines presented :1 : Muscadet Sèvre et Maine sur Lie 2013 White Clos Perraud2 : Muscadet Sèvre et Maine sur Lie 2014 White Domaine du Moulin Camus3 : IGP Loire Chardonnay 2014 White4 : IGP Loire Merlot 2014 Red5 : IGP Loire Gamay 2014 Red6 : IGP Loire Cabernet Franc 2014 Red7 : IGP Loire Rosé du moulin Camus 2014 Dry rosé8 : Tour Impériale Brut Nature Méthode Traditionnelle White9 : Bulle Privée Brut Nature Méthode Ancestrale White10 : Sancerre 2014 white & red11 : Pouilly Fumé 2014 white12 : Menetou Salon 2014 white13 : Quincy 2014 white14 : Touraine Sauvignon 2014 white15 : Bourgueil 2014 red16 : St nicolas de Bourgueil 2014 red17 : Saumur Champigny 2014 red18 : Chinon 2014 red19 : Cabernet d'Anjou 2014 sweet rosé20 : Côteaux du Layon 2014 sweet white

Notes :

DOMAINE FRANCOIS TRAPET BURGUNDY / AOC Bourgogne, Bourgogne Aligoté, Gevrey Chambertin, Gevrey Village, GevreyChambertin 1er Cru , Gevrey Chambertin Grand Cru


9 bis, rue du Chambertin21220 GREVREY-CHAMBERTINTel : +33 (0)3 80 51 86 91Mob : +33 (0)6 62 12 99 26domaine-trapet@bbox.frwww.domaine-francoistrapet.com

Languages : FR, EN, DE

Technical sheet :Volume exported : 20%

Wine making method : Sustainableagriculture

Bottle/year : 10,000 bottles

Export price list : From 7.00 to 100.00 €

Type of wine structure : Wine producer

Representation on the market : None

The Winery :The domaine is a family business for over 3 generations. fSince January 2015, changings haveoccurred. Francois TRAPET historical figure in the domaine, is retiring and his son LaurentRochelandet-TRAPET take his place. the area cultivated 6.5 hectares of vines left throughout the townof Gevrey Chambertin and produces all can appellation on the town:Burgundy red Pinot Noir, Bourgogne Aligoté, Burgundy Chardonnay, Gevrey Chambertin VillageGevrey Chambertin 1er Cru, Gevrey Chambertin Grand Cru.The field is growing, and HVE certification gait.For us, the wine is not just a simple product, it is a story, a living being in its own right that goesthrough all stages of life. In resumé, make wine is an art stirring the mixture nature, earth, and man.

Medals and awards :La Revue des Vins de France 2014burgundia 2015: gevrey chambertin 2012 "les carougeots medialle d'argent

5Wines presented :1 : Bourgogne Aligoté White : Les Pruniers 20092 : Bourgogne Red pinot noir 20133 : Gevrey chambertin 2012 "les carougeots"4 : Gevrey Chambertin 2008 "les carougeots"5 : Gevrey Chambertin 20076 : Gevrey Chambertin 2007 "les carougeots"7 : Gevrey Chambertin 1er Cru Red : Petite Chapelle 20118 : Gevrey Chambertin Grand Cru Red : Ruchottes 20089 : Gevrey Chambertin Grand Cru Red : Ruchottes 2007

Notes :


Mr Alain CAUJOLLE-GAZETWinegrower


51 Grand Rue34520 LA VACQUERIETel : +33 (0)4 30 40 26 81Mob :caujolle@club-internet.frwww.domainecaujollegazet.fr

Languages : FR, EN, SP

Technical sheet :Volume exported : 10%

Wine making method : Organic

Bottle/year : 25,000 bottles

Export price list : From 3.5 to 6.5 €

Type of wine structure : Wine producer

Representation on the market : Not yet distributed in this country

The Winery :Alain Caujolle-Gazet created the estate in 2010.Originally trained as an agricultural engineer, he created the Grecaux Estate in 1999, after living andworking on agricultural development project abroad and especially in South America during twelveyears.The estate is located on the edge of southern Larzac plateau, in the village of Lauroux, at the north ofLodève, in the Hérault area.The soil is composed of spread out clay-limestone’s gravels.This area is under the combined influence of the Mediterranean and the first Massif Central reliefs. Asa result, in this area there is a contrast of climate during the year. However, it is especially cold andwet favoring strong fine wines. The estate stretches out 7ha.

Medals and awards :

6Wines presented :1 : La Petite Coulée 20132 : La Coulée Douce 20133 : Orfran 20144 : Colombine 20145 : Andantino 20146 : La Coulée Douce 2012

Notes :


Mrs Delphine LEUILLETExport Sales Manager

56 avenue des Côtes de Buzet47160 BUZET-SUR-BAÏSETel : +33 (0)5 53 84 74 30Mob : +33 (0)7 78 64 76 60dleuillet@vignerons-buzet.frwww.vignerons-buzet.fr

Languages : FR, EN

Technical sheet :Volume exported : 18%

Wine making method : Traditional -Sustainable agriculture - Converting organic -Organic

Bottle/year : 12,000,000 bottles

Export price list : From 2.35 to 9.00 €

Type of wine structure : Union of Growers

Representation on the market : Not yet distributed in this country

The Winery :Les Vignerons de Buzet: 1870 Ha, 94% of the Buzet appellation, 198 winegrowers. Renowned grapevarieties: Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon for red & rosé wines, Sauvignon and Semillonfor the whites. Outstanding soils, 18 “Domaines and Chateaux”, 2 winery sites with a capacity of 268000 Hl, 10 million bottles a year, turnover of 27 million Euros , 2 ageing cellars with capacity of 2 200barrels, international presence from Asia to USA, sustainable development strategy (8500m2 of solarpanel, 30 Ha. organic grapes). International Standards: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, IFS, ISO 26 000exemplarity level.

Medals and awards :CGA Paris, Guide Hachette, Decanter, IWC

7Wines presented :1 : VDF white Nuage2 : VDF rosé Nuage3 : AOC BUZET white 2013 Château Loustalet4 : AOC BUZET white 2014 Le Lys5 : AOC BUZET rosé 2014 Le Lys6 : AOC BUZET red 2013 Le Lys7 : AOC BUZET Château de Gueyze 2011 red8 : AOC BUZET red 2012 Château La Hitte9 : AOC BUZET red 2012 Domaine Chapellanie10 : AOC BUZET red 2012 Oniric11 : AOC BUZET red 2013 Exit12 : AOC BUZET red 2013 SANS Sulfites ajoutés13 : AOC BUZET rosé 2014 SANS Sulfites ajoutés14 : AOC BUZET red 2012 Baron d'Ardeuil

Notes :


Mrs Isabelle CHETYWinegrower

5 Mercier33710 SAINT TROJANTel : +33 (0)5 57 42 66 99Mob :isabelle@chateau-mercier.frwww.chateau-mercier.fr

Languages : FR, EN

Technical sheet :Volume exported : 20%

Wine making method : Sustainableagriculture

Bottle/year : 200,000 bottles

Export price list : From 3.00 to 7.00 €

Type of wine structure : Wine producer

Representation on the market : Not yet represented on this market

The Winery :A parchment dating from 1698 records the 1st purchase of a plot of vines at Mercier by one ofIsabelle and Christophe Chéty’s ancestors.In the 19th century, the Cru Mercier, run by Guillaume Debande, was already listed in the FERET. Hisgrandson, Emilien Blanchereau, took over the estate in the early 20th century before passing it on in1970 to his own grandson, Philippe CHETY.Finally, Philippe’s son Christophe joined him in 1999 and his daugther Isabelle in 2012, thus ensuringthe continuation of this 300 year-old winery with the imprint of the thirteenth generation. The firstoffi cial recognition of the Cru Mercier was a Gold medal awarded at the General Agricultural Contestduring the Universal Exhibition of 1900.Château Mercier, a 23 hectare estate located in the commune of Saint-Trojan on the right bank of theGironde river in the northwest part of the Côtes de Bourg appellation, located in the Bordeaux wineregion.The clay-gravel terroir is ideal for wine growing and the grape varieties are perfectly matched to thesoil: 45% Merlot, 25% Cabernet-Sauvignon, 20% Cabernet-Franc, and 10% Malbec. And 1.4 hectaresof white wine vineyards are planted with Sauvignon Blanc, Muscadelle, and Sémillon.In 2011 the Chety family launched an ambitious sustainability program and implemented afar-reaching environmental program. Chateau Mercier winery is a member of the 1ère Association ofBordeaux, ISO 14001 certified.

Medals and awards :Consultant Steve Blais at Michel Rolland Consulting.2 Starts "Guide Hachette" 2013, Decanter, Gold Medal Challenge Blaye Bourg, Revue des Vins deFrance

8Wines presented :1 : Côtes de Bourg - Château Mercier Cuvée Traditionnelle 2009 Red2 : Côtes de Bourg - Château Mercier Cuvée Traditionnelle 2010 Red3 : Côtes de Bourg - Château Mercier Cuvée Prestige 2010 Red4 : Côtes de Bourg - Château Mercier Graines Blanches 2013 White5 : Côtes de Bourg - Cuvée Lucas 2011 Red6 : Côtes de Bourg - Un Frère, Une Soeur Red

Notes :



Mrs Chantal BASTIDEAssistant

Chemin de Saint Come83740 LA CADIERE D'AZURTel : +33 (0)4 94 90 03 01Mob :domaine-garenne@orange.frdomainedelagarenne.net

Languages : FR, EN, DK

Technical sheet :Volume exported : 10%

Wine making method : Sustainableagriculture

Bottle/year : 100,000 bottles

Export price list : From 5.90 to 7.40 €

Type of wine structure : Wine producer

Representation on the market : Not yet distributed in this country

The Winery :Kom og opdag Garennes vineDomaine de la Garenne ligger i Saint Côme dalen tæt på Middelalderbyen La Cadière d’Azur. Formange år tilbage var egnen hjemsted for jagt på de berømte vilde Garenne kaniner, men blev sidenlagt om til vindyrking af Greve Jean de Balincourt.Siden den første årgang blev tappet på flaske i 1965 er domænet stadig udvidet og strækker sig nuover 26 hektar hvor de 22 er appelation Bandol. På en ler og kalkholdig jord fra neo-cretace-tiden, ervinmarkerne hovedsagligt beplantet med Mourvedre, Cinsault og Grenache, der nyder godt af et mikroklima, der gør det muligt at kontrollere og optimere druernes kvalitet.DomænetIdag udføres arbejdet i vinmarkerne traditionelt med håndplukning af druerne, der muliggør endyrkning, hvor vi i stadig højere grad søger at respektere naturen.Vinkælderen og vinfremstillingen undergår en løbende modernisering takket være nye teknikker ogved anskaffelse af nye vinfade. Ved lagring på fad i 18 måneder skabes en rødvin af en exceptionelkarakter.Siden år 2000 har domænet oplevet en ny ungdom gennem Béatrix’es utrættelige anstrengelser for atgøre Garennes vine kendte på nye markeder, ved at deltage i internationale vinmesser og exporteresine vine til både Europa, USA og Austalien.Druesorter til rosé vinene: Mourvedre, Grenache og CinsaultDruesorter til rødvinene: Mourvedre, Grenache og CarignanVinene er fremstillet og kommet på flaske på domænet.

Medals and awards :Vores Bandol rødvin 2012 blev tildelt 1 stjerne i "1001 Dégustations"

9Wines presented :1 : BANDOL ROSE 20142 : BANDOL RED 20123 : VIN DE PAYS ROSE 20134 : VIN DE PAYS RED 2014

Notes :


Mr Michel FONNEManager

24, rue du General De Gaulle68630 BennwihrTel : +33 (0)3 89 47 92 69Mob :michel@michelfonne.comwww.michelfonne.com

Languages : FR, EN, DE

Technical sheet :Volume exported : 75%

Wine making method : Sustainableagriculture

Bottle/year : 130,000 bottles

Export price list : From 3 to 25 €

Type of wine structure : Wine producer

Representation on the market : -

The Winery :Following in the footsteps of many generations, Michel Fonne studied winemaking in Dijon. After anapprenticeship at Haffner Vineyards in Alexander Valley, California, Michel returned to Alsace toassume management of the Barth Rene vineyards and winery from his retiring uncle, Rene Barth in1989.

The domain Barth Rene is located in Bennwihr, in the heart of Alsace. It has been in the same familyfor six generations. The Domain is spread across 13 hectares.

The sales are very export oriented. Actually, we export in more than 30 countries : all around Europe,US, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan...It is managed with the utmost care using entirely natural methods to grow and cultivate our grapes.We are proud to carry the Tyflo symbol of the Lady Bug on our label which attests to the strictstandarts of quality to which we adhere.

Medals and awards :Medals for "Riesling du Monde", "Gewurztraminer du Monde" and "Pinot Gris du Monde".

Mentionned in: Guide Hachette, Wine Advocate - Parker, Decanter, Sigile de la ConfrérieSaint-Etienne, Wine Spectator, Revue des Vins de France.

10Wines presented :1 : Crémant d'Alsace Blanc2 : Crémant d'Alsace Rosé3 : Pinot Blanc Tradition 20134 : Riesling Tradition 20135 : Pinot Gris Tradition 20136 : Gewurztraminer Tradition 20137 : Pinot Noir Tradition 20128 : Gewurztraminer Grand Cru Marckrain 2010

Notes :


Mr Marc FUES

3100 ch. de La Carne84820 VISANTel : +33 (0)4 90 41 91 04Mob : +33 (0)4 90 41 96 52info@domaine-coste-chaude.comwww.domaine-coste-chaude.com

Languages : FR, EN, DE

Technical sheet :Volume exported : 90%

Wine making method : Organic

Bottle/year : 60,000 bottles

Export price list : From 3 to 6 €

Type of wine structure : Wine producer

Representation on the market : No exclusivity

The Winery :Located in the southern part of the Rhone Valley in the so-called « Enclave des Papes » at 360 m highabove Visan Domaine de Coste Chaude is producing white and red wines. Vineyards already existedin the 16th century in the “Quartier de Coste Chaude”. The estate extends on 36 hectares of which 23hectares are dedicated to vineyards.Coste Chaude’s terroir is quite specific. The soil is set out of gravel and clay from ancient alluvialdeposits with a layer of smooth pebbles. Climate is Mediterranean: hot, sunny and with little rainfall.Vines benefit from the “Mistral” – a north wind which reduces risks of mildew and odium.Main grape varieties are Grenache, Syrah and Mourvèdre for red wines and Roussane, Viognier andGrenache Blanc for white wine.The harvest is mechanical, but sorted out manually.Since 2014 the estate is certified organic (grapes and wines).

Medals and awards :Guide Hachette, Decanter World Wine Awards, Wine Enthusiast / Parker

11Wines presented :1 : IGP Méditerranée, White, 2014,Cuvée Trilogy2 : AOC Côtes du Rhône, Red, 2014, Cuvée Florilège3 : AOC Côtes du Rhône Villages Visan, Red, 2014, Cuvée Madrigal4 : AOC Côtes du Rhône Villages Visan, Red, 2012, Cuvée La Rocaille5 : AOC Côtes du Rhône Villages Visan, Red, 2011, Cuvée L'Argentière6 : AOC Côtes du Rhône Villages Visan, Red, 2012, Cuvée L'Argentière

Notes :


Mrs Michèle GOËMONExport Manager

16 rue Basse89530 SAINT-BRIS LE VINEUXTel :Mob : +33 (0)6 14 33 27 64domainepetitjean@orange.frwww.bourgogne-petitjean.com

Languages : FR, EN, DE

Technical sheet :Volume exported : 25%

Wine making method : Sustainableagriculture

Bottle/year : 80,000 bottles

Export price list : From 3.90 to 5.50 €

Type of wine structure : Wine producer

Representation on the market : One or two clients, no exclusivity

The Winery :The estate has been a family business for the last 4 generations and is run today by RomaricPetitjean, whom has been involved in vinification since 1999. In 2009, at the time of their father's andaunt's retirement, his brother Mathias joined him.

It was originally a traditional farm, including the vineyard, growing cereals, with a dairy herd and cherrytrees. About twenty-five years ago, the evolution of French agriculture turned out to devote their soilsentirely to viticulture. Nowadays, 18 hectares of vines planted exclusively in the town ofSaint-Bris-le-Vineux, a village close to Auxerre, produce white and red wines. The appellations areBourgogne Aligoté, Saint-Bris, Bourgogne Côtes d’Auxerre white and Bourgogne Côtes d’Auxerre red.

In 2 years, the estate will also offer his own Crémant de Bourgogne!

Medals and awards :Decanter:- Saint Bris 2013, CommendedConcours du Grand Auxerrois:- Bourgogne Côtes d'Auxerre blanc 2009-10-13, SILVER & BRONZE- Bourgogne Côtes d'Auxerre rouge 2009-13, SILVER- Bourgogne Les Boisseaux 2010, SILVERCGA Paris:- Bourgogne Côtes d’Auxerre rouge 2013, SILVER- Bourgogne Les Boisseaux 2012, BRONZE

12Wines presented :1 : AOP BOURGOGNE Aligoté 20132 : AOP SAINT BRIS 20133 : AOP BOURGOGNE Côtes d'Auxerre white 20134 : AOP BOURGOGNE Côtes d'Auxerre red 20135 : AOP BOURGOGNE Côtes d'Auxerre Les Boisseaux red 2013

Notes :


Mr Christophe RETHOREWinegrower

Les Vignes49110 SAINT REMY EN MAUGESTel : +33 (0)2 41 30 12 58Mob :rethore.c@wanadoo.frwwwrethoredavy-vins-de-loire.com

Languages : FR, EN

Technical sheet :Volume exported : 18%

Wine making method : Sustainableagriculture

Bottle/year : 300,000 bottles

Export price list : From 2.40 to 5.00 €

Type of wine structure : Wine producer

Representation on the market : No exclusivities

The Winery :Réthoré Davy vineyards are located in the south of Loire area between Anjou and Muscadet.We produce IGP Val de Loire wines on 40 hectares of vineyards.Growing on a very specific soil composed of schist or quartz, our different grapes (chardonnay,sauvignon blanc, pinot noir, gamay and cabernet) are able to reveal all their characteristics.Four ranges of products are presented:- “Les Parcelles”: single grape variety, easy to drink and fruity- “Pavillon”: blended wines in red or white.-"Le chapitre": produce with ripeness grapes of Pinot Gris and Pinot-"Temps d'M ": the white one with viognier and sauvignon and the red one with syrah and pinot.Our wines will give you a genuine and typical expression of the Loire Valley vineyard.

Medals and awards :Madal Paris, Guide Hachette, Mondial du sauvignon, Decanter, IWC

13Wines presented :1 : Les Parcelles - IGP Sauvignon Blanc 20142 : Les Parcelles - IGP Chant Grillon Rosé 20143 : Le Chapitre - IGP Pinot Gris 20144 : Le Chapitre - IGP Pinot Noir 20145 : Pavillon - White IGP (Sauvignon, Chardonnay) 20146 : Temps d'M - White VSIG (Viognier , Sauvignon) 20137 : Temps d'M - Red VSIG ( Syrah , Pinot Noir) 20138 : Les parcelles- IGP Chardonnay 2014

Notes :


Mr Philippe PAQUESWinegrower


1, rue Valmy51500 RILLY LA MONTAGNETel : +33 (0)3 26 03 42 53Mob :phil.paques@wanadoo.frwww.champagne-paques.com

Languages : FR, EN

Technical sheet :Volume exported : 20%

Wine making method : Sustainableagriculture

Bottle/year : 95,000 bottles

Export price list : From 12.0 to 20.0 €

Type of wine structure : Wine producer

Representation on the market : Not yet distributed in this country

The Winery :Winegrowers for 4 generations, the PAQUES family cultivates 10 hectares (25 acres) of vineyards inRilly la Montagne, the heart of the 'Montagne de Reims', in France. All the vineyards are located in the'Premier Cru', on chalky soil.The annual production of 95 000 bottles offers a wide range of champagne : "Réserve", "Vintage","Rosé", "Blanc de Blancs", all of which mature in the cellars for a minimum of three years.The wines are elaborated with great care and passion which is part of us.Uniquely for AOC wines, the champagne wine Producer marries Pinot and Chardonnay grapevarieties and wines from different harvests. It is in their intricate blending that all their secrets arebestowed upon us.

Medals and awards :* Guide Hachette* IWSC London : Silver 2014 Cuvée Grande Réserve* Concours des FEMINALISE Beaune* Prix des VINALIES

14Wines presented :1 : Champagne Carte Or brut - Premier Cru2 : Champagne Carte Rouge millésime 2009 brut - Premier Cru3 : Champagne Grande Réserve brut - Premier Cru4 : Champagne Rosé brut - Premier Cru

Notes :


Mr Robert HELMOORTELExport Sales Engineer

La Marzelle33330 SAINT EMILIONTel : +33 (0)5 57 55 10 55Mob : +32 473 702289robert.helsmoortel@lamarzelle.comwww.chateaulamarzelle.com

Languages : NL, FR, EN, DE

Technical sheet :Volume exported : 80%

Wine making method : Sustainableagriculture

Bottle/year : 75,000 bottles

Export price list : From 14.00 to 25.00 €

Type of wine structure : Wine producer

Representation on the market : No

The Winery :The vineyard of La Marzelle, Grand Cru Classé Saint-Emilion, extends over 17ha. The Upper Terraceof Saint-Emilion is the old bed of the estate. The vineyard of La Marzelle shares this land with othervery prestigious Crus, namely Petrus in Pomerol, Cheval Blanc and Figeac in Saint-Emilion.

Only organic fertilisers are used, and they are adapted to each variety of grape and soil. We handpickthe leaves in order to expose the grape clusters to the sun. Green harvesting, done by hand, isintended to result in a maximum output of 40hl/ha to ensure optimal quality.

The handpicked grapes are brought in crates to the cellar and emptied onto the first sorting table,around which stand the workers who look after the ‘cleaning’ of the harvest. A de-stalking machinethen removes the stalk and put the grapes on a vibrating table eliminating the unripe grapes, thepieces of leaves and any petals. On the third and final sorting table, our staff focus on selecting theblackest and ripest grapes. The vinification process now starts with the phase of cold macerationbefore fermentation, as the colouring agents are more easily extracted in a cold liquid medium. Thenfollows the alcoholic fermentation. The wine then undergoes malolactic fermentation in barrels. This isthe beginning of the maturing phase, for which we use 225-litre barrels made of French oak. Thetoasting is always long and gentle, so as not to give the wine an overly wooded taste and to let thefruit express itself.

Medals and awards :2001 - 2002 - 2003: 1/2 finalist "Coupe des GCC de St-Emilion Vinexpo Hong Kong2004: "One of my favorite St-Em GCC wines" Andreas Larsson, World's best sommelier2005: 89/100 Stephen Tanzer, 90/100 Wine Spectator2008: 17,2/20 Decanter2009: 90/100

15Wines presented :1 : Château La Marzelle Grand Cru Classé 2006 (Red, Still)2 : Château La Marzelle Grand Cru Classé 2007 (Red, Still)3 : Château La Marzelle Grand Cru Classé 2008 (Red, Still)4 : Château La Marzelle Grand Cru Classé 2010 (Red, Still)5 : Château Prieuré La Marzelle Grand Cru 2006 (Red, Still)6 : Château Prieuré La Marzelle Grand Cru 2007 (Red, Still)7 : Château Prieuré La Marzelle Grand Cru 2008 (Red, Still)8 : Château Prieuré La Marzelle Grand Cru 2009 (Red, Still)

Notes :

FRANCE WINE BORDEAUX / Fronsac, Bordeaux Supérieur, Bordeaux

Mr Olivier FROIDEVALExport Sales Engineer

19 cours de Verdun33000 BORDEAUXTel : +33 (0)5 56 52 48 60Mob :of@francewine.frwww.francewine.fr

Languages : FR, EN

Technical sheet :Volume exported : 100%

Wine making method : Sustainableagriculture - Organic

Bottle/year :

Export price list : From 2.49 to 6.20 €

Type of wine structure : Group of producers

Representation on the market : Not yet distributed in this country

The Winery :France Wine Export is an outsourced export department for our numerous winemakers so that theymay focus on the art of winemaking. Our member share the same philosophy that vine growing is anart that must be done with passion, carefully respecting the terroir of their region to create very uniquewines.

Medals and awards :

16Wines presented :1 : Chateau Lalande Mausse 2012 - AOC Fronsac2 : Chateau Clos du Roy 2011 - AOC Fronsac3 : Chateau Clos du Roy 2010 - AOC Fronsac4 : Chateau Clos du Roy 2006 - AOC Fronsac5 : Chateau Roc Meynard rouge 2012 - AOC Bordeaux Supérieur6 : Chateau Roc Meynard blanc 2013 - AOC Bordeaux7 : Chateau Grand Français (Organic) 2010 - AOC Bordeaux Supérieur8 : Chateau Grand Français (Organic) 2009 - AOC Bordeaux Supérieur9 : Chateau les Ancres 2011 - AOC Bordeaux10 : Chateau les Champes de Lucas 2012 - AOC Bordeaux11 : Chateau la Favière 2011 - AOC Bordeaux Supérieur12 : Muse de la Favière 2011 - AOC Bordeaux Supérieur

Notes :


Mr André BERTREMExport Sales Engineer

1 rue de St AffriqueLeyssac33180 SAINT ESTEPHETel : +32 (0)4 98 72 60 78Mob :info@chateaulahaye.comwww.chateaulahaye.com

Languages : FR, EN, NL

Technical sheet :Volume exported : 50%

Wine making method :

Bottle/year : 90,000 bottles

Export price list : From 4 to 30 €

Type of wine structure : Wine producer

Representation on the market : GOSMANN VINS GRAUBALLE WINE IMPORT

The Winery :The chateau’s history goes back almost four and a half centuries. What makes this domain so specialis that it has always been part of a vineyard. The vineyard of Château La Haye was established in1557. The property remained in the same family for 370 years. According to legend this castle was themeeting place where Henri II and Diane de Poitiers met to go hunting. The enlaced initials H and Dare engraved on the stone at the entrance to Château. The royal monogram, symbol of La Haye,figures on all labels.

In 2012, Chris Cardon bought the property after discovering the region during his participation in theemblematic Marathon du Médoc. Chris Cardon fell under the spell of the Médoc Peninsula with itsrolling hillsides. From a pharmaceutical background, Chris Cardon is by nature prudent and esteemsthat the most important factor is that no decision should be taken which may be to the detriment of thequality of the wine of Château La Haye. A first decision was to keep the team, they are guided by thecounsel of the oenologists Marc Quertinier and Eric Boissenot.

Medals and awards :Decanter Award for the 2009 vintage

17Wines presented :1 : Majesté par Château La Haye 2010 Saint-Estephe, Red wine2 : Blanc de La Haye 2013 Bordeaux, White wine3 : Bordeaux de La Haye 2012 Bordeaux, Red wine

Notes :


Mrs Meredith HYSLOPExport Sales Manager

Route du Brestalou34270 VacquièresTel : +33 (0)4 67 59 00 08Mob :meredith@chateau-lascaux.comwww.chateau-lascaux.com

Languages : FR, EN, SP

Technical sheet :Volume exported : 50%

Wine making method : Organic

Bottle/year : 300,000 bottles

Export price list : From 2.75 to 27.50 €

Type of wine structure : Wine producer

Representation on the market : Not yet distributed in this country

The Winery :Château de Lascaux is an historic family-owned and operated 85 ha estate located in the Pic SaintLoup of Languedoc. Jean-Benoît is the 14th generation to make wine from his family's vineyards. Westrive to make wines that are terroir-driven with very pure expression of the Languedoc and Pic SaintLoup appellations which is also why Jean-Benoît took the steps to implement organic farming in all ofour vineyards. We are known for wines which are complex while also having nice balance andelegance.

Medals and awards :Wine Spectator - Top 100 vins du Monde (2011)Wine Spectator - 92 pts.Decanter WWA - Médaille bronzeBettane & Desseauve - Coup de coeurRobert Parker - 94 pts

18Wines presented :1 : Domaine Cavalier - Red 20132 : Domaine Cavalier - White 20143 : Château de Lascaux "Garrigue" - AOC Languedoc - Red 20134 : Château de Lascaux "Garrigue" - AOC Languedoc - White 20145 : Château de Lascaux "Garrigue" - AOC Languedoc - Rosé 20146 : Château de Lascaux - Nobles Pierres - Red 20097 : Château de Lascaux - Pierres d'Argent - White 20118 : La Grange de Lascaux - AOC Languedoc - Red 20149 : Les Secrets "Madeleine" - Red 200810 : Les Secrets "Bois de Tourtourel" - Red 2008

Notes :

DOMAINE SOHLER PHILIPPE ALSACE / Alsace, Crémant d'Alsace, Alsace Grand Cru Muenchberg

Mr Philippe SOHLERWinegrower

Mrs Christine SOHLERWinegrower

80a route des vins67680 NOTHALTENTel : +33 (0)3 88 92 49 89Mob : +33 (0)6 87 76 60 39contact@sohler.frwww.sohler.fr

Languages : FR, EN, DE

Technical sheet :Volume exported : 10%

Wine making method : Sustainableagriculture

Bottle/year : 38,000 bottles

Export price list : From 6 to 25 €

Type of wine structure : Wine producer

Representation on the market : Not yet distributed in this country

The Winery :The SOHLER Philippe Estate is a family-run wine farming operation that dates back through severalgenerations of wine growers. Vines are grown directly in the heart of the Alsatian wine growing regionin Nothalten, halfway between Strasbourg and Colmar.Christine & Philippe SOHLER, in charge of operations since 1997, are constantly looking to achievethe highest in quality by working to express nature and uniqueness of the varied native soils in theirwine.

They chose to keep the best of tradition, while providing the necessary innovations.Their garden is called Grand cru Muenchberg, Fronholz, Heissenberg, Clos Rebberg…As much landas they try to respect.The wine is grown in an area of 10 Hectares of AOC vines, in 60 parcels. They are all individuallyanalyzed, soil, orientation, to plant the most suitable vine to make the best wine.

The appellations produced by the estate are:-A.O.C. ALSACE-A.O.C. GRAND CRU (superior wine from a specific hill)-A.O.C. CREMANT OF ALSACE-VENDANGES TARDIVES (LATE HARVEST)

We are responsible for all of our production, the estate only sells wine originating from our own vines.We take into account the impressive diversity of our land when cultivating each of the seven Alsatiangrape vine varieties: Sylvaner, Pinot Blanc, Muscat, Pinot Gris, Riesling, Gewurztraminer and PinotNoir.

Medals and awards :Gold Medal Riesling du MondeSilver Medal Pinot Gris du mondeGuide Hachette des Vins

19Wines presented :1 : Alsace Grand Cru Muenchberg, Riesling, white, 20092 : Alsace, Riesling, white, 2012, Heissenberg3 : Alsace, Pinot Gris, white, 2012, Clos Rebberg4 : Alsace, Gewurztraminer, white, 2013, cuvée Marine5 : Alsace, Riesling, white, 20136 : Crémant d'Alsace, white, brut, non millésimé

Notes :

VIGNOBLES GARZARO BORDEAUX / Bordeaux, Saint Emilion, Pomerol

Mr Pierre-Yves CALAMEExport Sales Manager

39 route de Branne33750 BARONTel : +33 (0)5 56 30 16 16Mob : +33 (0)5 56 30 12 63pycalame@vignoblesgarzaro.comwww.vignoblesgarzaro.com

Languages : FR, EN

Technical sheet :Volume exported : 30%

Wine making method : Sustainableagriculture

Bottle/year : 350,000 bottles

Export price list : From 2.60 to 13.90 €

Type of wine structure : Wine producer

Representation on the market : Not yet distributed in this country

The Winery :The Garzaro family bought several estates at the beginning of the 20th century. It is located along thechalky clay hills on which the vines flourish.Today, Pierre-Etienne et Jean-David Garzaro manages the 70 hectares of vines at Baron in theEntre-Deux Mers area, along with 10 more hectares that are scattered among the most prestigiousLibourne appellations : Pomerol, Saint Emilion Grand Cru and Saint Emilion.Garzaro red wines thus benefit from four generations of experience. They are harmoniously blendedfrom the Bordeaux noble varieties : Merlot, Cabernet Franc and Cabernet Sauvignon and aged in thepurest Bordeaux tradition.Garzaro white wines are blended from the Bordeaux varieties : Sauvignon, Semillon and Muscadelle.Finally, the Garzaro Crémant brings successes to make your celebrations bubble with joy.All these wines regularly win prizes at different national and international competitions and feature inthe selections of the trade guidebooks.Today, we try to make wine that blend together the charm, the fruit, the aromas and the elegance withthe best value for money.We pay attention to our customers needs to make them discovered a new charm, elaborated by a newgeneration of owners.

Medals and awards :

20Wines presented :1 : Château Le Prieur, Cuvée Passion, Entre-Deux-Mers AOC white 20142 : Château Le Prieur, Cuvée Passion, Bordeaux Rose AOC 20143 : Château Théophile, Bordeaux AOC red 20124 : Château Le Prieur, Cuvée Passion, Bordeaux AOC red 20115 : Vieux Château Flouquet, Saint Emilion AOC 20126 : Vieux Château Flouquet, Saint Emilion Grand Cru AOC 20117 : Château Fleur Du Casse, Saint Emilion Grand Cru AOC 20118 : Château Elisée, Pomerol AOC 20139 : Crémant Du Prieur, Crémant de Bordeaux AOC, white and Rose

Notes :

Volume exported :

Wine making method :

Bottle/year :

Export price list :

Type of wine structure :

Representation on the market :


Mr Nicolas BOUCHEManaging Director

10 rue du général de Gaulle51530 PIERRYTel : +33 (0)3 26 54 12 44Mob :nicolasbouche@champagne-bouche.frwww.champagne-bouche.fr

Languages : FR, EN

Technical sheet :Volume exported : 50%

Wine making method : Sustainableagriculture

Bottle/year : 250,000 bottles

Export price list : From 12 to 18 €

Type of wine structure : Wine producer

Representation on the market : Not yet distributed in this country

The Winery :Champagne Bouché Père & Fils, a family Champagne House for the last four generations, wasfounded by Abel Bouché in 1920. Today, the estate covers some 30 hectares (75 acres) planted withthe grape varieties Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier. The vineyards are spread over 10different Champagne villages. Particular care is taken of them to ensure they produce ripe, healthygrapes that express the character of the different terroirs.Blending is a moment of sharing, where the decisions are made by the family: it is a period of longreflections, negotiations and even compromises to find the perfect balance. A high proportion ofreserve wines is included in each blend.We carry out our own tirage (bottling) and disgorgement, using our own equipment and expertise. Thechampagne is aged on the lees in the bottles for a minimum of three years in the darkness of thecellars.

Medals and awards :Sommelier international : Cuvée Réservée Brut + SaphirGuide Hachette des vins : Cuvée Réservée Brut+ Vintage 2004Gault & Millau : Cuvée réservée Brut + Saphir+ Vintage 2004 + RoséGIlbert & Gaillard : Saphir + Cuvée réservée BrutGuide Dussert & Gerber : Saphir + Vintage 2004 + Cuvée réservée Brut

22Wines presented :1 : Cuvée Réservée Brut2 : Blanc de Blanc3 : Rosé4 : Vintage 20045 : Cuvée Saphir

Notes :

CHATEAU GARREAU BORDEAUX / Côtes de Bourg, Blaye Côtes de Bordeaux

Mr Francois GUEZWinegrower

Chateau garreau33710 PUGNACTel : +33(0)557689075Mob :info@chateaugarreau.comwww.chateaugarreau.com

Languages : FR, EN

Technical sheet :Volume exported : 50%

Wine making method : Sustainableagriculture

Bottle/year : 50,000 bottles

Export price list : From 3.60 to 12 €

Type of wine structure : Wine producer

Representation on the market : Not yet distributed in this country

The Winery :The wine of Château Garreau has been renowned for its quality since the roman times (under theConsul Ausone).Many of the buildings remaining today date from the middle of the 18th century. Château Garreau haspassed through very few hands. Therefore it has been able to produce a wine which has always beensought after.

Its uniqueness has been maintained by discretely handing the property to the priviledged few whoappreciate its excellence.At the end of the 20th century, the current family owners of the Château, who also originate from theregion, intend to shave this secret.Having fallen in love with this house instantly, the family has thus decided to revive this sleepingbeauty and elevate her to the top of Appelation Blaye and Bourg.This endeavour was quickly crowned with success. Medals followed and, since the millenium,Château Garreau is listed in the Parker Guide. A château taken over by a new owner eager to try theexperience of quality, taste and esthetic on this old soil crossing over the Blayais and the Bourgeais.Two appelations, two wines

The Château Garreau having already sure assets in vines, grounds and material investments, it isfrom that, and in a definitely modern and totally respectful of traditions spirit that the Château Garreauhopes seducing you with its quality wine, balanced and generous, in a word "séducing".

Medals and awards :- Vins & Terroirs Authenthiques (N° 73 spécial côtes de Bourg) 18,5/20 Three stars ***- Andreas Larsson - 91/100 Tasted Journal- Markus Del Monego - 90/100 Tasted Journal

23Wines presented :1 : Chateau GARREAU Côtes de Bourg2 : Chateau GARREAU Cuvée Armande3 : Chateau GARREAU Blaye Côtes de Bordeaux4 : Barbe-Fer 2012

Notes :

DOMAINE ZINCK ALSACE / Alsace, Alsace Grand Cru

Mr Philippe ZINCKWinegrower

18 rue des trois châteaux68420 EGUISHEIMTel : +33 (0)3 89 41 19 11Mob : +33 (0)6 13 45 27 83philippe@zinck.frwww.zinck.fr

Languages : FR, EN, DE

Technical sheet :Volume exported : 70%

Wine making method : Organic

Bottle/year : 200,000 bottles

Export price list : From 4.10 to 12 €

Type of wine structure : Wine producer

Representation on the market :

The Winery :Domaine ZINCK is a family Estate located in Eguisheim right in center of Alsace. The Estate farm 20hectares organically and source five hectares grapes for the production of Crémant. Philippe ZINCK isthe current owner and winemaker. The production is divided in four ranges called Portrait, Terroir,Grand Cru and Crémant.The goal is to produce high quality wine, vintage after vintage.The styles of the wines, are fresh, well balanced, pure and minerally.70% of the productions is shipped abroad towards 15 countries. The final distribution is made towardsRestaurants and Retailers.

Medals and awards :Trophée International Decanter 2014Guide de la Revue des Vins de France*Guide BETTANE et DESSEAUVEGault & MillauGuide Hachette92pts Wine Spectator93pts Wine Enthusiast

24Wines presented :1 : Pinot Blanc Portrait 20132 : Riesling Portrait 20143 : Pinot Gris Portrait 20144 : Gewurztraminer Portrait 20135 : Riesling Grand Cru Eichberg 20126 : Gewurztraminer Grand Cru Goldert 20117 : Crémant Brut8 : Crémant Brut Rosé

Notes :


Mr Valentin DENIEExport Sales Engineer

35 rue de la Fontaine44690 LA HAYE-FOUASSIERETel : +33 (0)2 40 36 92 28Mob : +33 (0)6 80 30 22 04domaine.de.la.foliette@wanadoo.frwww.domaine-foliette.com

Languages : FR, EN, SP

Technical sheet :Volume exported : 55%

Wine making method : Sustainableagriculture

Bottle/year : 240,000 bottles

Export price list : From 2.50 to 7.50 €

Type of wine structure : Wine producer

Representation on the market : Not yet distributed in this country

The Winery :Situated in the heart of the wine-growing region around Nantes since 1926, the “ Domaine de laFoliette ” has developed a range of Muscadet wines that will suit all tastes and all gastronomic uses.

As a member of the “Terra Vitis” label, which advocates sustainable viticulture in France, we maintaina limited production (short pruning, low yield) and we operate a rigorous selection to provide ourclients with authentic wines that reflect and express our local soils.

Our Muscadet wines are appreciated everywhere in the world: from the United States to Japan,throughout Europe, and of course in the gourmet restaurants of Nantes and its region.

This range also includes “pleasure wines” such as the vin de pays de Loire “Sauvignon”, “La P’titeFolie”, a traditionally produced quality sparkling wine, and “Douce Folie”, our latest creation, a sweetwine.

Medals and awards :Silver Medal IWC 2014Gold Medal Concours Général Agricole Paris 2014Dauphin prix Clémence Lefeuvre 2014Ambassador of Val de Loire 2013-2014Prowein 2013 and 2015's 100 best French Wines

25Wines presented :1 : Muscadet Sèvre et Maine sur Lie - White - 2014 - 1926 l'Origine2 : Muscadet Sèvre et Maine sur Lie - White - 2013 - 1926 l'Origine3 : Muscadet Sèvre et Maine sur Lie - White - 2014 - Vieilles Vignes4 : Muscadet Sèvre et Maine sur Lie - White - 2013 - Vieilles Vignes5 : Muscadet Sèvre et Maine sur Lie - White - 2013 - Tradition6 : Muscadet Sèvre et Maine sur Lie - White - 2012 - Château la Foliette7 : Muscadet Sèvre et Maine Cru Communal - White - 2010 - La Haye-Fouassière8 : Méthode Traditionnelle - Sparkling - La P'tite Folie9 : Vin de Pays du Val de Loire - White - 2014 - Sauvignon10 : Vin de France - Sweet white - La Douce Folie

Notes :


Mrs Mireille BERTRANDWinegrower

Mr André BERTRANDWinegrower

Malavieille34800 MERIFONSTel : +33 (0)4 67 96 34 67Mob :domainemalavieille.merifons@wanadoo.frwww.domainemalavieille.com

Languages : FR, EN, SP

Technical sheet :Volume exported : 30%

Wine making method : Organic - Biodynamics

Bottle/year : 150,000 bottles

Export price list : From 2.80 to 4.50 €

Type of wine structure : Wine producer

Representation on the market : -

The Winery :We are a family estate, in the south of Languedoc, with two locations of work: Malavieille nearSalagou Lake and Saint Saturnin-Montpeyroux.

55 ha, biodynamic working (Demeter) since 1977.

Medals and awards :Gold Medal Concours Général Agricole: 5 Montpeyroux 2012Silver Medal Concours Général Agricole: Alliance red 2012Silver Medal Vinalies Internationales: Alliance white 2013

26Wines presented :1 : Charmille Red 2013 Pays d'Oc IGP2 : Charmille White 2013 Pays d'Oc IGP3 : Alliance White 2013 AOP Languedoc4 : Le Cinq Saint Saturnin 20125 : Le Cinq Montpeyroux 2012 AOP Montpeyroux6 : Alliance Red 2012 AOP Languedoc Terrasses du Larzac7 : Charmille rosé 2014, Pays d'Oc IGP8 : Red Permien 2013, AOP Languedoc

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Mr Olivier GUITARD

lieu dit BRU46700 VIRE SUR LOTTel : +33 (0)5 65 36 52 73Mob : +33 (0)5 65 36 50 62chateaunozieres@wanadoo.frwww.chateaunozieres.com

Languages : FR, EN, DE

Technical sheet :Volume exported : 20%

Wine making method :

Bottle/year : 150,000 bottles

Export price list : From 3 to 7.20 €

Type of wine structure : Wine producer

Representation on the market : Our wines are present in Belgium, Netherlands, England, USA, LCBOof Ontario,Austria, Germany.

The Winery :Château Nozieres was founded in 1955.It is a Family Run 50 hectars Vineyard located in the village ofVire sur Lot in the Heart of the Cahors appellation, the birthplace of Malbec.The domaine is cultivated using traditional methods which respect the environment (exploitation ofalternating parcels, planting of grass, and a minimal use of chemicals).The diversity of the soil combined with the knowledge of our grape : the MALBEC - that can beblended with MERLOT-contributes to the elaboration of high quality winesWe have a wide range of red AOC Cahors wine : soft and supple, or intense and full-bodied, as wellas fruity rosé and white wines.Our main goal is to reach the best expression of the Malbec, our speciality, by searching to wellunderstanding each terroir.

Medals and awards :Decanter 90+, wine Spectator 90, wine enthusiast 90+, guide hachette, médaille in famous frenchchallenges (Paris, Macôn,...).


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