6 reasons you may need a personal injury lawyer

Post on 08-Dec-2014






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Have you been injured in an accident that wasn't your fault? Call a personal injury lawyer today to get fully compensated for all your losses.


6 reasons you may need a personal injury

lawyerYou shouldn’t have to suffer through personal injuries you didn’t


Personal injuries

• If you’re currently experiencing personal injuries as a result of someone else’s negligence or wrongdoing, you may need to hire a personal injury attorney.

• Personal injury attorneys negotiate with insurance companies to help you get fully compensated for everything you’ve gone through.

• If you’ve been in any of the following accidents that weren’t your fault, you should call a personal injury lawyer today:

1. Car accident

• Getting hit by a car when you were following all the laws is no fault of your own. If you have serious personal injuries because of this, you should definitely get help from a personal injury attorney.

2. Bicycle accident

• Bicycle accidents are taken very seriously by personal injury attorneys. Don’t let the person who hit you and injured you while you were biking get away with it.

3. Over-the-counter drugs

• If you are experiencing an illness or injury due to an over-the-counter drug or prescription you’ve consumed, you may be entitled to compensation.

4. Defective medical devices

• Unfortunately, not every medical device a doctor or nurse uses is safe. If you’ve gotten an infection or serious illness because of a defective medical device, call a personal injury lawyer immediately.

5. Dog attack

• A unprovoked dog attack or other animal attack definitely warrants a call to a personal injury attorney. Don’t let your injuries get worse before you call.

6. Unsafe premises

• If you’ve been injured from slipping or falling on a property due to hazardous or dangerous conditions, you may have a strong case that a personal injury lawyer can help you with.

Get Compensated

• If you have been injured due to any of the scenarios discussed in the previous slides, you should contact a personal injury lawyer today.

• He can help you get fully compensated for all your losses and suffering. Don’t try to negotiate with an insurance company on your own. A personal injury attorney knows how to get you the money you deserve.

Call an attorney today

• Don’t wait another day to call a personal injury attorney. You need help getting back on your feet financially, and Craig Swapp and Associates is the attorney to do that for you.

• You can contact Craig Swapp to simply discuss your case by calling 866-461-8834 -or by visiting his website craigswapp.com.

• You can get back the life you once had. One call, that’s all. Pick up the phone today and make that call!

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