6 months industrial project training in php delhi/ncr

Post on 06-Dec-2014






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Multisoft Systems offers 6 months project based industrial PHP training in Noida, Delhi/NCR, and Dehradun. Our goal is to provide project based training to the students by skilled technology experts, Know more at http://www.multisoftsystems.com/6monthindustrialtraining.php


Software Development & Education Center



Detailed Curriculum – Core PHP


� Classes & Objects

� Object based & Object Oriented Programming

� Three Tier Architecture

� HTML & significance of HTML in web development

� What is CSS & how it is helpful

� Database & its properties

� Difference between DBMS & RDBMS

� Why PHP is called server side scripting language

� Why it is useful in web development

� What are type shape & type loose languages

� Difference between various versions of PHP

� Compiler & Interpreter

� What is ZEND Engine

� Work of ZEND Engine

Language Constructors

� Tags in PHP

� Data types in PHP

� Resource Management

� Constants & Variables

� Simple variable declaration

� Dynamic Variables

� Checking type of variables

� Changing type of variables



� Precedence of operators

� Associativity of operators

� Operator types

� Identical & Comparison Operator String Declaration


� What is an array

� Why we use arrays instead of simple methods

� Types of arrays

� Indexed Array

• Indexed array declaration

• How to print single element from an array

• How to print every value present in an array

• General functions related to arrays

� Associative Array

• Associative array declaration

• How to single element from an associative array

• How to print every value present in an associative array

• General functions related to associative array

� Mixed Array

• Mixed array declaration

File Handling

� Creating a file

� Opening a file

� Reading a file

� Writing into a file

� Closing a file

� Deleting a file

� Checking size of a file

� Checking existence of a file

� Sending the pointer to a particular location in a file

� Finding the current location of a pointer

� Check whether file contents end or not

� Locate the pointer at the beginning of file

� File locking

� File Uploading and File Downloading


� Isset, is_null & empty functions

� Call by value & call by reference

� Local & Global Variables

� Pre & Post Increment & Decrement Operators

� Static Variables

� Global Keyword

Types of Errors

� Methods for sending requests to server

� Super Global Variables

� Include & Require

� Explode & Implode

� String & Array Remaining Functions

� Header Function


� SQL Introduction

� Connecting to MySQL

� Creating a database in MySQL via script

� Selecting a database

� Dropping a database

� Creating tables

� Inserting into tables

� Modifying a table

� Updating values in a table

� Renaming

� Grant & Revoke Functions

� Closing Connections

� Triggers

� Joins

� Fetching data from MySQL Database


� What is a session

� Initializing session variables

� Retrieving values from session variables

� Destroying session variables


� What is a cookie

� Types of cookies

� Initializing Cookie

� Variables Retrieving cookie variables

� Destroying a cookie

Object Oriented Concepts in PHP

� Public, Private & Protected

� $this keyword

� Constructors & Destructors

� Polymorphism

� Overloading

� Operator Overloading

� Function Overloading

� Overriding

� Inheritance

� Abstract Class & Methods

� Interface

� Final Class

� Exception

� Checked Exception

� Unchecked Exception

� Magic Methods

Working with Regular Expressions

� preg & ereg functions

� Email validation

� String pattern matching

� PCRE expression

Working with XML

� The Extensible Markup Language (XML)

� Creating an XML Document

� Simple XML

� Parsing XML Documents

� Accessing Children and Attributes

� XPath Queries

� Modifying XML Documents

� Working With Namespaces


� Loading and Saving XML Documents

� XPath Queries

� Modifying XML Documents

� Moving Data

� Modifying Data

� Removing Data

� Working With Namespaces

� Interfacing with Simple XML

Communicating with Internet Services

� Sending Internet Mail

� Project: Sending an E-mail with a Mail Class

� Reading Mail with IMAP or POP3

� Getting and Putting Files with FTP

� Performing DNS Lookups

� Checking Whether a Host Is Alive

� Getting Information About a Domain Name

Java Script

� What Is JavaScript?

� A Short History

� ECMA Script 3

� The Document Object Model (DOM)

� The Browser Object Model (BOM)

� Syntax

� Variables

� Functions

� All about Events

� Cross Browsing


� Understanding Web Site Design Structure

� Table Structure

� Div Structure

� Iframe Structure

� Working with DIV tag



� What is CSS?

� Types Of CSS

� Types Of Selectors

� Hierarchal CSS

Industry Interface Program


� 3 Assignments / Mini Projects

� 1 Web-based Project

� 1 Major Project

Domains / Industry

� Retail Industry

� Banking & Finance

� Service

� E-Commerce

� Manufacturing & Production

� Web Application Development

� Research & Analytics

� HR & Consultancy


� Consumer Electronics

� Event Management Industry

� Telecom

� Networking

Training & Performance Tracking

Knowledge related to current technology aspects and corporate level deliverable &

Continuous training and assessment to make you industry ready. Throughout the

Training Curriculum Candidate will go through a Scheduled Assessment Process as


� Continues Assessments

� Practical Workshops

� Modular Assignments

� Case Studies & Analysis

� Presentations (Latest Trends & Technologies)

� Tech Seminars

� Technical Viva

� Observing live Models of various projects

� Domain Specific Industry Projects

ZEND PHP Certification Path

Why Become a Zend Certified Engineer (ZCE)?

Accelerate your Career

� Differentiate yourself from competitors when looking for a new job

� Boost your value at your annual salary review

� Get your resume/CV noticed

� Gain recognition from your employer

� Have your profile displayed in Zend's Yellow Pages for PHP Professionals

� Receive a special invitation to join the LinkedIn Group Exclusively for ZCE's

Personal Rewards

� Be recognized as a proud and dedicated supporter of PHP

� Show your commitment to the spread and growth of PHP

� Help the community prove that PHP is reliable, stable and dependable

Rewards from Zend

� Be listed in Zend's PHP Yellow Pages

• Used by employers and recruiters to find top PHP developers worldwide

• Personalize your listing by uploading your photo, inputting your

company information, CV details

� Get certified and receive a free perpetual copy of Zend Studio and automatic

invite access to the Zend Developer cloud at my.phpcloud.com

� Get special discounts on Zend PHP conferences worldwide

Skills Development Workshop

Communication is something which all of us do from the very first day of our life, yet

there is a question that haunts us most of the time “Did I express myself correctly in

such and such situation?” The answer to this question is really tricky, because in

some cases we leave our signatures and good impression but in some others we

even fail to get our idea clearly. It happens mostly because we don’t know how to act

in certain situations. Every time we fail we don’t lose completely, we do learn

something, but prior knowledge of the same thing could be more beneficial because

then we could have turned that failure into success.

The course / workshop would focus at many aspects of personality, like:

� Building positive relationships with peers & seniors

� Building self-confidence & Developing clear communication skills

� Exploring and working on factors that help or hinder effective

interpersonal communication

� Learning impacts of non-verbal behavior & Dealing with difficult situations and difficult people

Workshops Consists of Following Activities:

� Personality Development

� Group Discussions & Debates

� Seminars & Presentations

� Case Studies & Analysis

� Corporate Communication Development

� HR & Interview Skills

� Management Games & Simulations

� Aptitude, Logical & Reasoning Assessments & Development

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