6 dl qw 0dwwkhz & dw krol f &kx ufk · 2020. 6. 28. · 6 dl qw 0dwwkhz & dw krol f &kx ufk : lonlq...

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  • Saint Matthew Catholic Church 25 Wilkins Road, S.W. Winder, Georgia 30680

    Tel: 770-867-4876 Fax: 770-867-6034 www.saintmatthewcc.org

    June 28, 2020

    Parish Office Hours

    Monday 9:00am-4:00pm

    Tuesday Office Closed Wednesday & Thursday 9:00am-4:00pm Friday 9:00am-12:00pm

    Daily Mass Schedule

    Monday: 12:00PM Tuesday: 6:30PM Communion Service Wednesday: 9:00AM Thursday: 9:00AM 7:00PM (Spanish) Friday: 9:00AM

    Weekend Mass Schedule

    Saturday: 4:30PM 6:30PM(Spanish) Sunday: 8:00AM 10:00AM 12:00PM(Spanish)

    In case of a sacramental emergency or death, call 770-862-2007.

    Rev. Gilbert Exumé Pastor Deacons: Rev. Mr. Larry Welsh Rev. Mr. Dan Buckley Rev. Mr. Luis Londoño Rev. Mr. Jaime Agudelo Rev. Mr. Christopher Carroll

  • June 28, 2020

    Saturday, June 27th 4:30p.m.–Chad Allen Herauf

    6:30p.m.–Maria Guadalupe Barriga † Maria Tovar

    Sunday, June 28th 8:00a.m.– Rodriguez Family SI

    10:00a.m.– The People of St. Matthew

    12:00p.m.– Magdalena Dominguez †

    Monday, June 29th

    12:00p.m.– Kathleen Marie Wynn †

    Tuesday, June 30th

    6:30p.m.– Communion Service

    Wednesday, July 1st

    9:00a.m.– Joseph Chung Pham †

    Thursday, July 2nd

    9:00a.m.– Rita Laird Marshall

    7:00p.m.– Eliazar Rodriguez Trujillo †

    Friday, July 3rd 9:00a.m.– Special Intention SI

    Deceased- † Healing-

    Special Intentions– SI


    Mass Intentions Treasury Report

    We plan financially to go on vacation, we plan financially for the education of our children, we make financial plans for our retirement; do we plan financially to support God’s work in our parish community? In gratitude for the gifts we receive from God, 33% of our registered families and those visiting made a joyful re-turn to the Lord to assist in the sup-port of God’s work in our parish com-munity. Let’s increase this participa-tion to 100%.

    June Offertory Goal - $55,000.00

    6/07/20..……………..$ 6,875.00 6/14/20………..……..$ 6,034.00 6/21/20………...…….$ 5,609.00 6/28/20……………….$ Online Giving……….$ 7,962.97

    Offertory Total — $ 26,480.97 Includes Spanish Mass

    Walking Toward a Debt Free Parish

    Burn the Mortgage Fund Goal-


    6/07/20..……………….$ 1,352.00 6/14/20……...………...$ 1,058.00 6/21/20..………….…...$ 2,406.00 6/28/20...…..………….$

    Online Giving……….. $ 1,951.00

    June BTM Total $ 6,767.00 Includes Spanish Mass

    Parish Information New Members: We are delighted to have you join our parish family! Registration forms are available in the narthex and in the parish office. They can be mailed, turned into the parish of-fice, or dropped in the collection basket. Mass Intentions: Please stop by the parish office to offer a Mass intention for a loved one. Baptism: Family must be registered and par-ticipate in the life of the Parish. For more infor-mation on specific requirements, baptismal preparation, class dates and available Baptism dates, contact the parish office.

    Matrimony: Arrangements must be made at least six months prior to the wedding date. Couples must schedule an appointment with the parish priest to secure a date on the parish calendar and begin preparation. Hospital/Homebound/Nursing Homes: Ex-traordinary Ministers of Holy Communion take communion to the homebound. Family mem-bers should call the parish office to inform us about those who are ill.

    Altar Flower Donations: To honor or memori-alize a loved one with a gift of altar flowers, call or stop by the parish office. Arrangements are $80. Bulletin and Pulpit Announcements: Items to be published in the bulletin or announced during Mass are due in the parish office by 9:00AM on FRIDAY the week before they are to be published.

    Burn the Mortgage Debt


    Balance Due

    $ 1,119,880.21

    $ 1,208,285.30

    View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com

  • Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    In Our Prayers...

    Dee AndersonTino BernalRon BowenKerstie BowersDick CieriBetty CohronWilliam & Misu CohlChance CownMike DaytonRon DawsonLaura DeckerRon DeckerDavid DupreeJudy De GuilioDenise DonaldsonLinda EngleConnie FlahertyJerry FlahertyBreanna FoutsDot GeretyChris GerkeDiane GuthrieJean Hajjar

    Fred and Virginia HedgesRobert JuddThomas KillackeyPat Kisters John KistersCindy LairdTania MartinezPat MatthewsAnne NeedhamNora OliverEd PatmoreScott PellRuss PellegrinoMary Beth PierceMichael SchinglerTaylor SharrettAngela ToddMary TinnHerminia VillarrealChris WehageGrant Winsauer, Jr

    Parish Activity Schedule

    and all those listed in our prayer book of intentions.


    Michael AcevedoMichael BaileyJordan BakerJustin BakerNickolas BarkerKendall BurdetteTyler BurdetteJacob CardoneKelly CarterBrandon CotterLouis DewittJason Duffy Ashley EllersDan Gagnon Walter GarlinghouseJacob GilmoreIan HarrisAnette IlusJeff KolbJay-Cee Larrea

    Augie Marks Thomas Martin Fr. David McGuireMatthew McGuireGary Miller Jr.Kasey Mortillaro Andy MorrisonSam MorrisonMarcelino Ortiz Jr.Maria Patricia NickersonAndy Powell Daniel PrimmEdwin RodriguezKarina RuizJustin SeeleyMichael ShekeyRyan ShekeyBlaine Stewart Bruce TuckerCasey Warren

    Reports of child abuse and neglect can be made by phone to

    1-855-GA CHILD24 hours/day, 7 days/week.




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    For more information please call the parish office at


    View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com

  • June 28, 2020

    Parish News and Activities

    View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com

  • Our Lord Jesus Christ, King Of The Universe Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Please patronize the advertisers on the back. They make this bulletin possible at no cost to the parish!

    Bible Quiz, 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Readings: 2 Kings 4:8-11, 14-16a; Rom.6:3-4, 8-11; Mt.10:37-42. First reading. 1) Which statement in the first reading is true? a. Elisha had dinner with a woman of influence in Shunem b. The woman of influence in Shunem was a widow c. Elisha stayed with the couple in Shumen only once d. The couple in Shunem set up a bedroom in their basement for Elisha 2) The woman in Shunem a. had several daughters and one son b. was married to an elderly husband c. was also married to her servant Gehazi d. could not get pregnant. Second reading. 3) Just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too . . . a. must live without sin b. will be saved if we pray c. can learn from Christ's example d. might live in newness of life. Gospel reading. 4) Jesus said to his disciples that . . . a. we must love him as much as our parents b. we must love our father or mother more than Christ c we must love our children like Christ does d we must love Christ more than our father or mother. 5) Christ says: Whoever receives you, . . . a. receives his neighbor b. receives a little one c. receives me d. receives a righteous man's reward. 6) Whoever gives a cup of water to one of these little ones a. will receive a cup of water in return b. will not lose his reward c. will be blessed a hundredfold d. will be my disciple. Answers:

    Parish News and Activities

    1) a 2) b 3) d 4) d 5) c 6) b

    View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com

  • Junio 28, 2020

    Noticias de Nuestra Parroquia

    Ofertorio - Mes de Junio

    6/07/20..…………..$ 1,352.00 6/14/20…..………..$ 1,215.00 6/21/20..…………..$ 1,117.00 6/28/20.…………...$ Total $ 3,684.00

    Reducción Hipotecaria - Mes de Junio

    6/07/20...………...$ 690.00 6/14/20..………....$ 838.00 6/21/20..…………$ 1,142.00 6/28/20..…………$ Total $ 2,670.00

    Para confesiones hable a la oficina para hacer una


    Virgen Santísima de


    Reina de los Ángeles y Madre

    de las Américas. Acudimos a

    ti hoy como tus amados hijos.

    Te pedimos que intercedas por

    nosotros con tu Hijo, como lo

    hiciste en las bodas de Caná.

    Ruega por nosotros, Madre

    amorosa, y obtén para nuestra

    nación, nuestro mundo, y para

    todas nuestras familias y seres

    queridos, la protección de tus

    santos ángeles, para que

    podamos salvarnos de lo peor

    de esta enfermedad. Para

    aquellos que ya están afecta-

    dos, te pedimos que les

    concedas la gracia de la

    sanación y la liberación. Escucha los gritos de aquellos que son vulnerables y

    temerosos, seca sus lágrimas y ayúdalos a confiar. En este tiempo de dificultad y

    prueba, enséñanos a todos en la Iglesia a amarnos los unos a los otros y a ser

    pacientes y amables. Ayúdanos a llevar la paz de Jesús a nuestra tierra y a nues-

    tros corazones. Acudimos a ti con confianza, sabiendo que realmente eres nuestra

    madre compasiva, la salud de los enfermos y la causa de nuestra alegría.

    Refúgianos bajo el manto de tu protección, mantennos en el abrazo de tus brazos,

    ayúdanos a conocer siempre el amor de tu Hijo, Jesús. Amén

    Inscripciones para clases de educación religiosa ya empezaron. Para más información llame a la oficina parroquial at 770-867-4876.

    View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com

  • Décimo Tercero Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario

    En Nuestras Oraciones

    Recordemos en nuestras oraciones a los siguientes feligreses quienes están hospitalizados, o sufriendo de cuerpo, mente, o espíritu:

    María Acosta Rodolfo Arango Martha Avilez Liliana Brignioni Carmen Loera Camacho Araceli Contreras Zonny de la Paz Gabino De Leon Guadalupe Diaz Evelyn Dunn Luis García Teresita García

    Saba Duque Sara Escobedo Marcela Galván Tomas García Maria Lidia Gutiérrez Cristina E.Fernández Dulce María Hernández Guillermina Juarez Carmen Rivas Cecilia Rodríguez Jovanny O. Sánchez Johnatan Torrez

    Y todas las personas apuntadas en nuestro libro de intenciones.

    Los Sacramentos

    Requisitos Para Bautizar • Tiene que estar registrado y ser miembro activo de la parroquia

    • Presentar el certificado de nacimiento del niño/a.

    • Los padrinos deben ser Católicos practicantes y deben estar ca-sados por la Iglesia (presentar acta de matrimonio)

    • Si los padrinos no son miembros de nuestra iglesia tendrán que presentar una carta de la iglesia a la que asisten

    • Los padres deberán de asistir a las clases de preparación pre-bautismal antes de recibir una fecha

    • Haya cumplido 16 años, esté comfirmado, haya recibido ya el Santísimo Sacramento de la Eucaristía y lleve, al mismo tiempo, una vida congruente con la fe y con la misma que va a asumir.

    Requisitos Para Casarse Haga una cita previa con el sacerdote por lo menos 6 meses antes de fijar la fecha del matrimonio.


    Grupo Propósito Hora de Reuniones Contactos

    Bienvenidos Proceso espiritual de renovación diseñada para reunir miembros de nuestra parroquia a Cristo

    Grupo de Mujeres- Viernes a las 7pm Grupo de Hombres- Sábado a las 7:30pm


    Cristo Rey Invita a las personas que han servido el retiro de CRSP a reuniones de crecimiento espiritual

    Mujeres- Viernes 7pm-9pm Hombres- Sábados 8pm-10pm

    Aurora Avila

    Juan Tolentino

    Grupo de Oración Ayudar a que la renovación carismática en el Espíritu llegue a mas católicos hispanos

    Jueves 7:00pm Jesus Padilla

    Escuela de Evangelización San Andrés

    Formando nuevos evangelizadores para la Nueva Evangelización del tercer milenio.

    Cada quince días de 5:00pm a 7:30pm

    Maria Lopez

    Sabado, Junio 27, 2020

    6:30p.m.—Maria Guadalupe Barriga † Maria Tovar

    Domingo, Junio 28, 2020

    12:00p.m.– Magdalena Dominguez †

    Descanse en Paz- † Salud- Intencíon Especial- IE,

    Grupo de Evangelizacion Con el propósito de vivir mas profundamente el Evangelio en comunidad y en pequeñas comuni-dades con un sistema de nueva ngelización.

    Sábado a las 7:00pm Maria Alexa Morales

    View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com

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