)6, - california association of criminalists)6, officers ros?er l98s1s7 hasldrnt james norris srntr...

Post on 27-Feb-2021






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hasldrntJAMES NORRISSrntr Clrrr Oounty DA't OffrcoOiminrlln'rca t borrto.y1557 Bcrgar DrivcSrn Jor, CA 951 I 211081 2f,j*2221

htddont-ElctFAYE A. SPRINGERCA DOJ - RiwrldcP.O. Box 3679Riverida, CA 9260e1711't 7821170

*ctotttyHIRAM K. EVANSSrn Bcrnrrdino OountyShrrifft Dcprrt'nrntForcnrlc Sclencc LrbontoryP.O. Box 1557San Brmrdlm, CAgilml?i41 387-22(xr

TnaettrDANIELJ. GREGONISSrn Bernerdino Oounty9urilf'r D.plrtrn ntForenric Scicnce LrbontoryP.O. Box 1557Srn Bcrnrrdlno, CA 921t217111387-2290

ncgionol Dittor - llott,BRUCE MORANSan Mstoo County Shariff'r Ofllce31 Torwr RoadSen Mltco, CA 9&002{'1151 57}2216

negbntl Dirtw- $.tiltESTON SCHWECKEHuntington Btldr Follc. thpt.Crimindinlca L.bor.lory2fi)O lrrin StroctHuntington 8o.dr, CA 92648(7r41 $e5684

llembardtip $cntryCAROL HUNTER RHOOESCeliiornla l.aborrtory of '

Forensic ScienccI 7842 lrvine Blvd,, Suit6 224Tustin, CA g26m(714! 60$9461

Editoriel gctottryPETER O. BARNETTForensic Science Atlociatca14m 5&d StreetP.O. Box &113Emryville. CA 9{608(4151 653-3St0

lmm.diateMMidqnSTEPHEN COOPERGA DOJ - Srlinar745 Airport Blvd.Srliner, GA 93901(€81 44$3188

Apri I 1987



ANNOUNCMENTSSI^,AFS Jcrurnal Avai labl.eEAC Course"Analyt ieal techniqt-tes c':'ul'ge arrrrc'r-lrrced.Ll._gl-!_r,g avai LabLe tc' nterrtbers,Fc,r"ensie Science 5t t-tdents Ol'gani rat i,3n








REtrORT ON CERTIFICATION.Eert i f icat ian prc,cedure charrges.Frt:cedure fc,r Cert ieat inn.


Algc, inclr-tded with this rflai.ling:

1 . Annaltneerilent ,3f I AFS Meet i ng

g, List c,f candidates f,:r' Irrerflbel'ship and elevatic'n nfmerrrbel.ship status

3. LetteF arrd qlrest ir'nnaire ft'':nt the Fc,r"ensitr ScieneeStudents 0rganizat i$rt

4. ASCLD - Gnidelines fc'r. Fc,rensic Lab':rat':'l"y ManclgenrentFr.act iceg

5. Staterrr€rrts c,f candidates frr" CAC Fnat'd,rf Dir"ec:tnt'g

. .E,

. .a

. .11

. ,.!tr, .IJ

. . le,

CAC News-le-tten Apri I - L9A7


Is criminalistics a profession? t'le

call ourselveE "a profession and seien-tific {iscipliner " but do we have thehallmarks of a profession? Are crimin-alists merely highly paid police techni-cians, or" are they scientists with c,b-

.lectivity and resourcefulneEs? Are we

criminalists merely because our employerehooses to eall us that? ["le have e

literature, but we have no uniforrn educ-ation;rl r"equirements, tle have teehnicalsemin;rs, but we have no uniform employ-ment requirements. ["le have a vocabul-eryr b,.rt we have no uniform descriptivelanguage fc,r much of what we dc,. l'lehave some of the hallnarks sf a pro''es-sion, but not al 1.

One of the hallmarks of e Profes-sion is self-evaluation and self-regula-tion. For the last yeat' the Board efDireetor'E has been working on the devel-opment of a program for the certifiea-tion of criminalists. tlith the appoint-ment of a eertific:ation committeetehaired by Ereg ltlathesonn the Assoeia-tion is beginning ta see certificationbecome a real ity.

Certificatisr ha: been hotlY deba-ted throughout t,re c'iminalisties pt^ct-

feEsion fsr a nuntber of years. Certifi-cation is not a panaeea. It will notguarantee good criminalistics; but isone a number of steps which we must taketn meet cur responsibility to the Pub-lie, and to ansner ehallenges from at-tarneys and courts wha are leEs and lesswi 1 I ing to aceept the faet of a per"sont semplayment as pt'oof of the persont seompetence.

The certifieation proeedure devel-aped by the CAE is essentially one ofFEeF review: People will be eertifiedwhen they ean demcnstrate that they knawwhat their peers .1udge they shauld krrowta be a certified eriminalist. TheCertificaticn Csmmitteers timetable {see6reg ltlathesorrts repart in thiE Newslet-ter) calls for a certificatian examina-tinn in appraximately crne yeaP. TheEsard of Examiners eleetians wi1l beheld at the business rneeting at theupeoming seminar in Reno. F11 mernbersare urged to attend this meeting so thatthe election of the Board of Exaninersean have the widest passible base. TheBaard and the Certification Cc,mmitteewill affnr^d every oppartunity for mem-

ber"s to r:c'ntribute to the development afthe eert rf icat ion prneedune.

P;rge E

CAC Newsletter Apr"i I - 7947



Fou.NsIc SCIENJ.I_$ISFlay 13-171 1987The Spt'inq, tg17, semi-anltal seminar urfthe CRC and the NITAFS spring meetingwill be a .1oint nteeting to be held May

13-17 in Reno, Nevada. The nteeting wi1)'be preceeded on ltlay ll-lP by a warkshapon Frocessirg clarrdestic,ne labsratorieEhasted by the Drug Enfancement Admirri-strat ion. For f urther irrforntat ionneontact Capt. Ent'ica Tr-rgnerir l^iashseCounty Sheriffts Effieet Forensie 5ci-efiee Division, p. U. Fox 8915t Reno NV

s9505. (7A?'' 785-6e1r

AFTE - EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL SEI'IINARJune 14 - 19' L987The 18th Annual Seminar of the Assseia-tisn of Firearmns and TosImar"k Examinerswill be held in Seattle l.lashinqton. Far"f ur"ther inforrnat ion, cc'ntact Ft"ank R.

Lee or flli ke 6rubb, I'Jash ingtan St ateFatrol Erime Labnratary, Fublic SafetyBuilding, Seattle tlA 98104.


June ?3-?6n l9A7The annr:al meet ing of the Arnet'icastFranch sf the Electraphc,resis Societywill be held in San Franeiseo, CAt Juneg3-g6f fi97. CaIl for paPer"s orr elec-trophoresis and applieations. FlenarySessions inelude: Nueleic Acidsr Immrin,-r-

detect ion, Forensics, Electr"npnnat i*nand cell fusion, Elinical diagnnsist andagrieulture. Far f urther infs''met il--rnt

contact Electrophc,r'esis Sacietyr Fi. CI,

Bax 956, Iqt. Fleasant 5C 43464.

TNTERNAI!0.NflL_ ASq0EIATI.O.N pF _EORENSICTB}IEOLCIFISIS.JuIy 1987The 8th Triennial rneet ing wi 11 be heldin Banff, AIberta, Eanada. Fsr" furtherinfr-,r'ntat ic'nr cnntact N. Dunnettr Hs'rrte

Off ice Fc'rensic Scienee Labor"atc,r'yt Rl-der"rnaston, Berksh ire, RG7 4FtNr UH.

INTERNRTiONRL ASSOCIATION OF FORENSICSCIENCESFugust ?-7, t987Vancouver, British Eolumbiar Canada.Cc'ntact Intennational Assoeiatian ofForensie Seiences, 801-750 JervisStreet, Vancouver, B'C.t Canada V6E eAg.604-681-5886.

iHE_*lnL8!.lN_rEnMTtg$nL MeertNe E

EAN qUF R I cA N . . As-Foc_LA-T !AIL_.SE__Fi IENgJ_c_sErE|\rcEsFugr-rst 1A-14r i987.The c'-rnference wi 1l be held at the Hr,l i-day Inn FtIaza, tJichitat KS. Fat" ft-tt'ther"infarrrrat inn, cc,ntact Dr. t^Ji l l iant G'

Eekert, F.0. Bux 8883t tlichi.ta HS 67e[r8.

THE FrRSI W0RL_E MFEJINC EF.p0LICEil RGEEUS-EN!_I'IED IE!L-qEEI.E85.Ar-tgust 10-141 19gGThe purpnse af this csnfet'encer nteetingcc'nerr'"l"ently with the Ftan Ameriean Assr-ciat ion c'f Fsrensie Seiencesn i= t'ld j.sclrss and catnpare the rrtedical aspect:'nf law enfc,rcement and Folicing in var-isus corlntries cf the r+c'r'ld.



Octc'ber', 1387The Fal ln 1987r semi-annrial Eeninat" ':fthe cAC will be held in Laqrrna Beach,CA.

4gTH flNNUAL. FIEETIllE. 0F THE .AIYIERI$.AhinFApEr4Y gL F0RE|I.SIC SCIENIEFFebruary 15-eA, t?68'This cr'nfernce will be held at the l,lyn-dham Franklin Flaza, Fhiladelphiar FA.

Cr-,ntact RAFS, El5 $sr-rth Acadenry Fivd. 'Crlorado Springso C0, 8491O. {3Ct3} 556*



fl E€PE LY*EE_T!.EENSLC*_$ g JENgEgFebr"rrary gfi-45, 1989.This cc'nference will be held at the Ri-uiiera H:-tet, Lns Vegas, IiV. f,,:ntaciRAFS, t33 Surxth Acederny FIvC.l Cc,icradc'

[.-ri:r, g *.'r ;1:

CA-C -Nenelette-r'. fipr i r9a7


StdAFS Jour$al Avai igF-le

The €IJAFS Joyrnetl_ (Sor-rthwestern Assc,cia-tion of Farensic Seientists) is pub-lished bi-annually in March and Septem-ber". 3ubseriptions are available at anannual fee c'f $1A.AO. Checks shs'-rld bernade payable trr "SHAFS Journal " andr:mit to the Editar" 6CtCt N. LeanaStreet, San Antonio TX 74efi7,


Cc,urse An$ouneement

Tests for BAC in Highway Safety Frog'amsSupervision and Expert Testinany

This course is sponsored by the Ce.rterfor Studies of Law in Aetionr IndianaUniversity. The dateE are May 1O - 15t19S7. Tuition of $75O.00 includes allmaterials, but does not include roont andboard, For further informationt eontactHathryn Holmes, Csntra Costa CountyLaboratory, 7?9 Castro Streetr FlartinezcA 94553, (415) 37?-e96?.


fatensic SFience Stullents 0l"nani zat ion

The students at the Universityof Ealifornia at Berkeley would like tointroduce the Fc,rensic Scienee StudentOrganization. The goals of the FSS0 aremany. The main ob;ective is ta develrpa closer relationship with the pt"ofes-sionals in the field. Ssme af the HayEthat we are doinq this is by havingguest epeakers talk to the groupt estab-iish internships with Crime Labct'ai:ariesand infc,rm the studentE o1' the h rppen-ings of the EAE. A questionnai*e isrncluded with this newsletter, F'leasetake a few minutes and return ta ques-

F'age 4

t ionnaire. It wc,Ltld be benef ieial t*bnth the students and the 1;b,:r'ator"iestc have the questirnnair"e filLed c'rlt andret rrr.ned. I f t here ane any q uest i c,nsplease c,:ntact, Jenni fet' Sr-tper-lvlihal c,-vi ch, Cc,nrd i natc'r'r Farens: c Sc i enceStudent 0r'ganirat ic'nr 5chc,,-ri r'f Frubl icHealth, Unive'si.ty af Cal ifar"niao Eet'ke-ley CA 9471fr.


Anaiyt ie11 teehniques cs$r'se

A ccur.se titled "AnalyticaI tEchniquesin Forensic Scienee" will be taught atCal State - Ful lertarr. The c:ourse wi 1lbe taught 'fn cL'rnsecrrtive Monr;ay eveningsfrurm April 38 throirgh lttay ltl. One c,fthe instructsrE wi 1I be Tert'i Beatrttfnrrner'ly of the Ot'ange Eounty SheriffrsOffice ErimineIistics Labanatary. Fc'rfr-tr.ther infur"rnatinn, csntact the Officeof Extended Edueat ionn Cal i fr-'rn: a StateUniversity - Ful ler"tnn, Ful lert*n CA




Thanks ts the coaperation of the f,aIif-ornia State Departrrtent af Jrlsticer theCAC naw has available far" distributic'nto membet's a Lig.ileC nrtmber nf eaehissr.re to lf,lt .!!!., DOJ' s quarterly publ i-cation, These can be made availabler ona first-cc,rrten first-serve basis ta merrl-

bers whtr ntight find them usefrrl f*t'training purposts and whc, c'therwise d*nai have ac:ess tn them. Cc'ntact theEditar far fr-t'ther inf,:t'ntati,:n.

CAC Newsletter Apr"i I - 1987


(Job cpenings are obtained from a var"iety nf sr,urces. Given publieation deadlines and

delay in reeeiving announeements from sther parts sf the ecuntl"yr seme of the apeningsannouneed here may be filled by the time this Newsletter is received. Job announce-ments will norrnally be run anly one time. frlembers actively seeking employment areencoureged to eontaet the editarial seeretary far information about openings whiehbeeome available between newsletter"s. )

Agsr sTAIl.T cRIlrtINALI5.T/.CRMI NA! I sT

The San Diego Fol ice Departntent hasopenings at both the criminalist andassiEtant criminalist levels. The As-sistant Criminalist position requires a

BS degree in Criminalistics or Fc'rensicgcience, or a B. S. degree in a physicalor biologieal science and one year ofexperienee as a criminalist or in e

toxieology laboratory. The Criminalistposition requires twa years of experi-ence. Contaet City of San Diegat CityAdministration Building Lobbyr Employ-ment Infsrmation Caunter, g0e C StreettSan Diego CA 9a101. (519) e36-5753.


The Bexar Caunty ttledical examinert gOffice/Regional Crime Labaratory has anopeninq for a diver^sified position with-irr the laboratory, particularly in thearea of narcoties, serolagy and traeeevidenee analysis. ftlinimum requirementsape a Eachelorts degree in EhemistrytFiolagy or a related fieldr with prefe-l'ence to somecne with experienee in a

f$r'ensie laboratory. Contact the BexarCounty Civil Service Commissient4lO S.

Main Street, Suite gOTAr San Antonio TX

TBeC'5. (51a) ee0-e68s.


The lttaryland State Falice annc'unces J'lbopenings in the abc,ve pusitisns. Thebasie requirements fc'r all pasitionsinclude a Bachelorts Degree in chenis-

try, fwensic science, bialcrgy or uthet'physical science including at least 24semester hr:urs in ehernistry and/ot' bi,rl-ogy. The Level II pasitions requiresone year of experienee, the level I I Ipositions requires three years of exper-ienee and the level IV position requiressix years experience in forensic Eci-ence, Fc'r addit ional informat ion cgr,'-t act frlary I and St at e Po I i eet PerEonne lFlanagernent Divisionr laOt ReisterstownRoad, Pi kesvi I 1e FtD e1eA8. (361 ) 653-4348.


The Montgornet"y Cur-rnty, Itlarylandt Depart-ment of Police has openings for an indi-vidual with a Baehelort s Degree in Chem-

istry or a related field and E yeat's ':'fexperienee in the chemical analysis *fcr-'ntl^ol led dangerous substancest ol' anequivalent combinatian of edueation andexper"ienee. Cantaet Richard P. Gervasc'-ni r lvlont qomery Eounty, Department efPaliee, Crime Laboratory Sectiar;t 1451

seven Locks Road, Rockville MD eOS50.


The Eity of Fhoenixt Arizanat heg asepening for a Pel"son with a Baehelsr"tsDegree in Ehemistryt Criminalisticst trra r"elated field, or an equivalent eombi-

{c'rnt t an page 6)

Faqe 5

EFE NeEslett-er

(Jobs, continued fram page 5)

nation of work and experience. Dutiesinelude analysis of drugs and nareoticstblsod alcohol testing and training ofpolice offieers in the use of breathalcohol equipment. Salary $e4, l2A$3P,490. Eontaet Eity of Phoenix, Per-sonnel Department, 369 l"l. l.lashingtontFhoenix AZ 95603.


The City rf Phoenix has on opening foran individual with a Fachelq:rts Degreein Chemistryn Eriminalistics or a rela-

Apri I - I9A7

ted field, and 3 year^s experierrce in acriminal ist ies laborator"y. Requ i resJr:ruFneyman experience in fC,r.ensie serc'-logy and at leaEt one of the fr-'llowingareas: toxieology, erstrn investigation,polarized light microscopy, firearmE andtsr:I mar-k identification, hair and fiberident ification, general eomparative anal-ysis, technieal macrophotography and x-ray teehniques. Salary $e9,370$391728. Contact City of Fhoenix, Fer-sonnel Department,3OO tl. I'lashington,Fhoenix AZ 856O3.


Statisties are kept by the same systemdeseribed abave. The statisties al'ekept by ageney, type of erime and timespent.

pER. prEFr _POSTTToNSSherifft s)

(Kuc'-Orange Eounty

As an alternative to lab technicianstper diem pasitions prcrvide help at aposition lower than eriminalist, Salat'yis base salary only, with no benefitstno holidays. The benefit to eounty isapproximately haif the cost of a seniorCriminalist, The benefit for the mana-ger is that these positiuns al'e non-budgeted and can be requested any time

(cont t an page 7)



Itleetinq of Nsvember 13 & 14, 13S6

Reparted byEston Schwecke

Regional Directat' - Sctlth

The foll.owinq is a synapsis ofpics covered durinq the two dayat Rena:

LBl., . BUDCET COI'IPUTERIZATIOryl'lashoe County Sherifft s)

the to-meet ing


In house progrems were written fop re-ports and work done on blood alcoholstnarentics and some other basie cases.Basie worksheets then produce eertainreport form results.


A modem system for eommunieation withDAtE offiee gives file fon drug chemistto look at to see which eeses at^eneeded, The only eases done automati-eally are "buys" op "subpoenas", DAtsare ta give 7-10 days nc'tice.

traqe 6

Cf,C Newslette:'.

(CACLD I'leet ingt cont t frorn page 6)

during the fiscal yeaF. There iE noneed for reeruitment, background inveE-tigations are waived, and the employeeretains the titte of Criminalist. Thesepeople are restricted to tasks thatrequire minimal training. They need notwork 4Q hours per week. These positionscould also be used to evaluate peoplefor possible full time Positions.

IIURKERS RI6HT f0 KNCIt"J (Holmes-ContraCosta County)

l.le have establ ished hazardcommunications program including atraining protocol with policies andproeedures. The program includes mater-ial safety data sheets (MSDS), an inven-tory, labeled containers including sec-ondary containers, and a written proqFamincluding traininq. Some vendors havethese programs available. FISDS can bein seetions by ;ob eategory. The rholeprogram may not be neeessary for ehem-ists but it is probably necessaFy totrain thoEe with no background.

68LCI(IE .AIR DISflSTER (Le BIanc-FireDept. ; Chief Vogler-tl' C' S. O. ; ttlcCartyl.l. C. Corcner)

Approximately 68 people died in an aircrash which was used aE an example ofinteraqency response and the IncidentCommand System. Operations, plans andaetual interworkinqs of the ineidentwere shown.


CSU (Kuo)

A fixed Speetra Physics Arqon lon Laserand a portable YAE laser transported ina van are available. The entire programwas described. A program has been star-ted to search for latent prints on deadbodies and has nst been suecessfu!'.


Randy Hraft Case "Freeway Ki I ler"(Kuo) Orange County DAt s Offiee would

Apr"i I - 1947

not release evidence frrr defense analy-sis so Orange County Sheriffts Officewas ordered to providt EPaee in theirlab for the defense analysis. A "lrlasterEriminaligt" was hired to watch over theexam.

D*EI0__E!SIEU$ ( Rynearson-DoJ )

Terminology necessary for cornputer lit-eraey was ppesented' Knowledge of vat.-ic,us types of terminology is necessaryfor both office and lab comPuters.

Some netnorking eould be eehieved, Thepossibility existE for automatic erimescene sketeh. Other possibilities in-clude qraphics, video imaqingt budgettstats, and time sheets.

SAFETY 6RRNT PSOFtlSAt (Rynearson-D0J)

The proposal Has re;ected by NIJ review-eFs, The reviewers indieated the an-sweFs were available and need nat befunded. Reviewers also indicated thatthere was not sufficient detail in theproposal. DOJ will eontinue to puFstle.

coNcREgs tlF _ cRIHINALISTS-SERtlLQ6-ygYMEgSIUM (Helsey-D0J)

The COE is scheduled for Saeramento $nApril ?"-e4. DOJ is trying to get POST

funding. There iE an attemPt ta getlawyers involvedl however, in initialcontact there was no desire expressed.


A User Advisory Board has been eEtab-lished, A surveY will be sent out todeterrnine the needs of labs within theEtate. Cecil Hider will be in charge ofCCI and intends to visit manY of theIabs within the state ta help determineneeds,

(cant t on page B)

F,age 7

CFC Newsletter

(CRCLD Fleeting - contt from page 7)


Discussion of tiability problems tookplace, ltlention was made of a disposalhauler in Oreqon being fined by EtrA.

AIDS (Togneri)

If a case iE received for blood work andis suspected of beinq possibly AIDSrelated, the whole blood samples in-volved are tested andt if found to bepositive, the evidence is sealed and not

Apni I - 1887

analyzed. It was stated that the FFIhas the same palicy, The Center forDisease Control is supposed to be send-ing additional information.


Kuo (OSCU) wes elected Trea-

++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++

Itlargaretsurer.There may be a eombined CRC/CACLD Meet-ing in Fall t 87 if it can be arnarrged.Next CflCLD ltleeting: Flarch le' l3-LApDtKest ler.




MARCH e, 1987

Since the implementation of theaecreditation proqrem in 198?r e totalof 5l erime laboratories have beeomeaceredited by the Ameriean Soeiety ofCrime Laboratory Directsrs LaboratoryAecreditation Bsard (ASCLD-LAB) TheStandards aznd Criteria govenning thegranting of accreditation are eontainedin the ASCLD-LAB flccreditatisn Manual.A eopy of the manual may be obtainedfrom the Executive 9iecretary of ASCLD-LAB.

The By-Laws of the ASCLD-LAB Fe-quire that any Eubstantive ehanges inthe accreditation procedures must beratified by a mail ballot of three quaF-ters of the Delegate Assemblyr a badycomposed of the Dir"eetors of all thecurrently aeeredited laboratnries. In

Fage I

order to allow maximum input fr"om theprofessian at large, the By-laws alsorequire that proposed ehanges be pub-lished in the Crime Lab DigeEt at leastthirty days prior to the vote of theDelegate Assembly. l.le are also askingthe various farensic aesociation news-letters to publish these proposals ssthey may reeeive the widest cireulationwithin our profession.

The ASSLD-LffB is now proPosing thefirst substantive chanqes in the AccreC--

rle!-le!---Uerue!. The text of the prc,-posed changes is attached. The FroPs-sals are based on experienee gleanedthrough the proeess of leboratory in-

(c':nt t page 9)

CflC Newsletter

(Accreditationr contt fram page 8)

spections and on sugqestions from theaccredited labsratcries themselves. Fc,rfurther informationt or to expt.esE youropinion on these proposals, contact theRSCLD-LAB or any member of the DelegateAssembly.

flSCLD-LAEThomas J. Nasser, ChairmanJan S. Eashinski, Executive Secretary



The Ac--creditation [anual is silenton the subgeet of what actionr if anYrcen be taken by the ASCLD-LftB if anaceredited laboratory fails to eomplywith the Standards once it has beenaccredited. The situation could arisewhere a laboratory fai led to fol lot'tthrouqh with eompliance in an area re-quired by the Board as a condition ofits original accreditation. To clarifythis point, the ASCLD-LAB pt^oPoses toadd the folloning paragraph to the Ae-@:

Ammendment to page 9, Acereditation TimeLength, paragraph E:

It is exoeeted that a laboratorv willcontinue to Seet the Standards underwhieh-it nas accredited for jthe fivevear-duration of the acsreditatioJ oer-isd. Subst-ant ive al.leqat ion oF ngn-:ompliance reoardino q!'r aeeEedited lsb-uratory will be addrFssed bvjhe- Board,:f a ease-bv-eaqe bF-5i9!- - Demsnstratedpersistant nqrg:cErrull.!.ance witl a.n Essen-tial StanCard Egy.be qrounds Jar witb:dnawa-J. o.L..FecredLtetion- bv the Board.



fvt,st laboratc'ry aecred itat ian PrE-?r.ams include tnandatary profieiency'; est i ng af sc,me sort. The RSCI-D-LAEStandai"ds rrtandate a series af prcf icien-cy tests as a part oi the hasic tt-aininq

April - 1987

and qual ifieat ion af eaeh analyst.There is no requirementn however, fonthe eontinued testing nf analysts toverify that their skill levels remaincunrent. Furthermorer nhile internaland extennal proficieney tests erestronqly reecmmended as a basic qualityagsul ance measuFer they are not eurrent-ly mandatory. This compromises thestrength of the accreditation program aga quality assur"ance toal.

The membership and the Board r-rf Direc-tsrs of ASCLD have neeentlY gone onreeord as suFporting the implementationof stronq quality asurance proqrams inthe nationt s crime laboratcrries (see

"ASELD Guidelines for Forensic Laborato-t.y lttanagenrent Fract ices" ) . In view ofthe reeognized productr the ASCLD-LRFprsposes ta strengthen its requirementsnegardinq proficiency testing by makingthe foilowing changes in the Accredita-tion ltlanual (ehanges are underlined) I

Page 5:


It is required that a crime labaratorypartieipate in a Program or combinatic'nof pr"ograms which inelude the following:

(1) Periodie eaEe Fep$rt and ease nstereview done on an internal basis- Thistype of review assut.es that the exami-ners aFe following the laboratoryt sestablished procedures and that thefindings are ppnperly doeumented; and

(E) graf ie:Le$cv test inq. J Internal--ggd/g1_ bJind

Bldl-op.---gpg[-gg1'leles JaFe "true" resultsoJ tilhich are unl<tr-swn Jo urF examiner-priof to_tLe anglvslE

.(-a) Open sample testing- this type,:f progt'aril meesr.tres the act ualcapability of a labor'atory and itsstaff.

{cnnt t on page 1t})

!--'aqe,r I

CAC Newsletter'

(Accneditation, contt frnrn page 9)

(bl Blind sample testing- this typeof proqram is an excellent measut.eof the quality af the daY-to-daYcase output.

(e) Extet'nal test ing- externalpt^ogFams serve as a eheek gn "in-breeding" within a laboratorY orlaboratory system. "

Fage E3:


ltllCI Eaeh labqratorv must have a o!:o-qram.of nroficiencv testinq which oerio-dically mFasures the clrpabilitv of itsanalyEis and the r".el iabil itv of itsenalvtieal requltg.



Spr"ingfield, ILF'lor.ton, ILJnI ietn ILCarbondalet ILl4aywoad, ILRnekford, ILFairview Heightst IL

Apr"il - 19S7





Existing Desirable Standard 14110 andCriterion 141 1 I Fe! external test ingwi I I be r*enumbered 141e4 and l4leetrespeet iveIy,

Existinq Important Standard 141e0 andEriterion 14le? r^e internal (intra-laboratory) testing will be renumbered

14130 and 14133, r'espectively.

The Rernaining Standards and Eriteria onpeges PB and P4 will also have to be re-numbered to incorporate this change.


Seattle, WA

Taec,ma, l.rA

Ke1so, tlAKennewickt tlREverettt tlASpokane, tlA


Oakland'' CA


Kansas City, FIO


lrlt. HoI ly, NJ

(cnnrt on page 11)



The Delegate Assembly as of trlarch P, t987t csnsists sf the Directors of theftrlloxing erime labc'ratnrieE (listed in the crrder accredited):


Fh*enix, AZTucson, AZ

Flagstaff, AZ


Fage 1A

CAC Newsletter'

(Accredited labs - eontt frsrn page 1O)



Treasure Islandr CA

Rockvi l le, llD



Jefferson Eity, t'lu5t. Josepht MO

lrlaeono MCI



Memphis, TN


6rand Rapidsr ttllBridgeportr MINorthvi I ler t{IBrayl ingn ttll


Forest Park (Fart Gillem)t 6A

ffpri 1 - 19S7


Bend, 0RSpringfield, 0RItledford, OR

Coos Fayo 0ROntario, CIR

Fendleton, 0RFott land, OR


Shreveport, LAtJest Monroe, LAAlexandria, LA


Austin, TX

Avilene, TX

Amarilla, TX

Corpus Christit TXGarland, TX

Houston, TX

Lubboek, TX

McAI len, TX

Waco, TX


St. Lauist FIO


Greg MathesorrChair"man

Cer't i f icat ien Cc'ntmittee

The C, R. C. General Cert ificatianFr",:gram is presently in its develapmentstage. The certifieatien eomm.ittee iswonking an ineor"porating the goals ofeertif ication intc, a workable pt"c,cedur"e

whereby a criminalist meeting the mini-mlrm r"equirementE ean test their under-

standing of our field andcertificate that statesis an accepted member oftics profession.

(cont t on paqe lE)

then reeeive athat he or shethe eriminal is-

Fage L 1

CAC Netrt,slejtet: Apri I - 1987

(Certificationt eontt ft'om page 11)

Cer.tification of the General Crimi- which demonstrates suffieient professia-nalist by the E.A.C. Hes initiated to nal involvement over the previous fivemeet the following goals: yeet's, No retesting is antieipated in

rnost cases.o To shon an appt"opriate level of

understandinq of the field sf crim- FeeE fcrr certifieation are unknowninalistics, including a gener.al at this time. Ther"e is an anticipatedfamiliarity with the fieldts eapa- fee advantage for C.A.E. Members.bilitiesr limitati,:ns and ethicalresponsibilities. The anticipated timeline fc'r im-

plementatinn is:.3 To aI low the individual to know

that he has reaehed that level ef Spring 1987 Business meetingawareness of the field and can - Fresent propnsal to the membershipproperly apply whatever :pecific with aII available detailsprocedures at.e required to conrplete - Election sf Board of Examinationa task, both technieally and ethi- - Elieit membership inputcal ly.

Fal1 1987 Business meetirrgc' To provide, for some solidification - Present the final certification

of the field of Criminalisties, a procedurer including costsr filinqgeneral aeceptable professional procedures, qualificationst etc.umbrella: A progrant to bring qual-ified professionals together; R Sprinq '88conduit by which people cen be - lEt Certification examinatisninformed of the basics.

Now is the time fst' your input soo To provide a first step toward that the final Certifieation Prccedure

certification in a par.tieular spec- reflects the needs and the desires c,fialty. L.rLIt. membErshiP.

Reeertification is rrst speeifieally A Cal1 far Nominatians for theaddressed in the eurrent proeedure. Certification Board of Examinations willHc,wever, it is anticipated that it will be rnailed shartly to all members.ir.ralve a reeert ificat ian appl ieat ian


At the Board of Dinectars lrleeting help on ltlareh 19t I9A7, several changesureFe made ts the Cer"tification procedure published in the Oetobern 1996tNewsletteq. These changes refleet proposals made by the Eertification Com-

mittee and were approved by the Bsard. Fst- the benefit of the membershiptthe entire certificatian propasal is r"eprinted belawr with the recent changesshswn by d;*ct*anr and edditions.

(curntt on page 13)

F,age 1e

CAC Newslettef

(Centification, cont t from Page 12)

Apr"i 1 - t9a7


by the


l.lhereas, the applieation of the naturalsciences to the examination of physiealevidence and the interpretat ion of law-scienee matters is of fundamental irnpor-tance to the administr"ation af .lustieetand;

l,lhereas, the membership of the Califor-nia AEsociation of Criminal iEts hasexpressed a desire to develop a progl"amfor the Eertificatisn of Criminalistst

Be it, therefore, t'esolved that theCalifornia Assoeiation of Criminalistsshall establisht as set forth belowr aprocedure far fcrmally establishing aCertificate of Professional Competeneyts be granted to those irrdividuals whc'

meet the qualifieations and r"equirementsherein set forth:


A. The President of the Califarnia Asso-eiation of Criminalists (hereinafterreferred to as the President) shallapp:int, sub.lect to the aPProval ofthe Board of Directorst a Eammittee(he'einafter ca}led the (]ertificationCom:rittee) to be a standing cammitteeurf 'l he Association

B. The Eertifieatior' Cc'mmittee shallconsist of six members of the Asso-

C. Cert i f ieat ion Ec'rnmittee members eanonl r be nernnved frorn the Committee byter',iinatic,n $f membership under Arti-

tisn nembership pursuant to thoseseetions Ehall include termination ofCertification Committee mentbershipand the Fresident shallt with theapproval of the Board af Directot'snappaint e new Certifieation Cc'mmitteernember to fill the vacated seat.

The Certification Committee shallhave the general respc,nsibility afadministering the Certification pt^s-gFarfi, in addition to those speeif ieresponsibilities designed in ArticlesII through VII, below.

lrlembers of the Certif ication Commit-tee and Board of Examiners shallserve withaut campensationt exceptfer aetual expenses.

The Certificatisn Cammittee ffiaYr trn

its own initiativet or at the requestc,f Fsard of Examiners, and with theapproval of the Eoard of Direetorstretain such professionalt technicalor elerical assistance as it deemsnecessery to perform its function asoutlined telsw.



A. Rll applieants shall be Members of

le II, Secticn 1(a) and Article IItSeetion €(a) of the bY-Iaws of theEal i fornia Ass'rciat ion of Criminal-




e_iation. Eervinn lhree-year , tgrms. -., thq Aa:oeietionCalifornia ffssoeiationof Erintinalists, aE defined in Artic-

cle .1I,. Seeti.on 6..- Parqqraphs (a). - jlsts;'r GF sther regianal farensic(b) and (e) gf the bf1awE of the seienee assaciation approved by the

Board crf .Dirgctar"s.

(cr:nt t an page 14)

F'age 1J

Assc'e i at i on. Term i nat i on ':f Assac i a-

CAC Newsletter

(Eertifieation Proeedure -cont t from Page 13)

F. Ocerlpat ional Gual if,ieat isns

1. Alt applicants Ehall be employedin a Professianal eaPaeitY in a

laboratorY PrimarilY enqaged inthe examination af PhYsical evi-denee and technieal eonsultationfot' Iitigation PurPoses.

e. The applicantts principal eetivitymust be (e) the examination ofphysicat evidenee, (b) interpreta-tion of data, ot" (c) techniealeonsultat ion.

C. Educational 0ualifications & Exper-ience

1. Applicants shall hold an earnedbaeealaureate or hiqher degree ina natural seience from an aecre-dited college on universitY.

g. In addition, all applieantE shallhave a minimum of 5I Year^s exPeri-ence pursuant to Article IIt See-tion B, above, or equivalent ex-perienee aeeePtable to the Certi-fication Committee.

3. The Bertifieation Committee meYr

with the appnoval of the Board ofDireetors, establ ish such addi-t ional eriteria for educat ionand/ar experience as theY deem


The Certifieation Csmmittee shallreview the applicantts qualifieatisnsunder Sections A, B and C abover andshall aceept or re;eet the aPPlica-tion for Certification based upon theeriteria in these seetions.

In the event the aPPI ieat ion forCertification is reSeetedr the Certi-fication Committee shall provide theapplicant with a written statement,:utlining the reason for sueh FeJec-t ion.

Apr"il - f987

F. If the applieation is aeeeptedr theapplicant thereby beeomes a Candidatefor the Cert ificat ion Examinat iontpursuant to Article III.t belsw.


A. Board of Examination: This Boardshall be composed of * number ofg.members of the Assoeiation detcr-m*ned by tha Eart*f*eet*on Eomm*f,-tec who neet the guidelines setforth in Article II.

1. Eompositionl The eomposition ofthe Board of Examination shall bedetermined as follows:

a, Each member of the aEsoeiatinnmay nominate no more than 3lrlembers for the Board of Exami-nat ion. Such nominees shal Inot be from the membert s euP-rent laboratory of emPloYment.

b. From the list of nominees a

ballot Ehall be prePared whicheontains a number of nomineesequal to twiee the membershiPof the Board of Examinatian.These nsminees will be seleetedbased on the total number ofnominationE, In a Eecret bal-lot, each nember shall vc,te fsrno more than Qth; tota* nunberof members g[on the Board ofExamination. The Board ofExamination shall be comPosedof thsse nominees with the mostvotes.

c. The eandidate t'eeeiving themsst votes shal 1 be named

chairman. Subsequent senioritYshal I be based on the number ofvotes received.

(eant t on Page 15)



trage 14

CA,C !!e.Wslettet

(Eertificat ion Frocedur"e *cont t frnm paqe t4)

d. In June of each Year" the Esardof Directors Ehal I rePlaee thenrc,st senic,r' mernber c'f the Boardof Examinatic,n by electisn froma list af three nameg submittedby the Eertificatisn Committee.

(1) For the fit'st four years nfits existenee such rePlace-ment shal I be made cf thementbeps Hith leaet seniar-ity based nn the ot"iginalvrte.

(A) Other vacancies on theBc,ard nf Examirat isn shal lbe f illed in the same trlan-ner.

e. Funct ic'n; The f unct irln of theBoard of Examinat ic'n wi 1l be tadefine the level of camPetence trrbe certified and to deviEe thewritten examination neeessany torneasure that level nf competenee.

B. The cet'tificatisn examination shallinelrlde the following gener"al subSeetal'ea5:

1. The phil*saphical, ccnceptltalr andscientific basis nf Crirninalis-t ics.

E. Basic technical sr-rb;ects nf erint-inaliEtics.

3. Spae*f*e tlechnieal procedt-tr-es.

4. Ethies

5. Tl-*se apprapniate areag c,f Civilarrd Criminal Law

C. The examinat i':ns shal 1 be given tnapplieants by the Ec'ard ':f Exanina-t i on nreet i ng at sltch l acst i,:ns arrdfreqrrency dictated by appl icat iL-lnsfor" cet'tificati':n.

D, The Esat'd ,-rf Examinatian shali gc':'t"e

the test nf eaeh Candidate. AnY

Apr'i I - 1987

section of the test ntt scorable on astricty ob;ect ive basis shal 1 bescsred independent ly by at leastthree mernber's of the Euard ':f Exami-nat ion.

E, The nrlrnerieal resultE af eaeh Candi-datets exarninati'rn shall be fcrrwardedtn the Certificatisn Csmmittee within6A days af the administratinn of theexaminat iorr.

F. Custody sf the examinatians shalI bewith the Fsar"d of Examinatian. TheEc'ard of Examinat ion shal l makeavailablen r-tnder supervisian sf oneof the mernbers af the Esard of Exami-nepsf ta any Candidate who fails t,lpass the exarrtinatic'n, a capy of theexanrinaticn, together with the Candi-datet s answel"E and seoFes on eaehseetign. The Candidate shall have 90days from the tinte sf nurtificatinn offailure to review examination.

6. Six rnanths aftet" each test is giventthe Er-rard r,f Exarninat i*n shal I ants-nratically destrr-ry all testst unlessatherulise instructed by the Certifi-cat isn C':rrtrrtittee.

H. Unsr-rceessful candidates mey nepeatthe exarrtinat irn again at any t ime itis scheduled, pr'rvided al l r"eqtlit'e-rrtents nf Article IIt above, are stilInret,

I. The centificatic,n crntmittee sha1ldeterrrrine the frequency and manner sfrecer"tificatisn.


A. flIl applicants wh'r successfuily cBr'l-plete the reqr-rirementg af Articles IIand I I I ebnveo wi 11 be isstled anapprc,priate f,et"t i f icate by the Cert i-f icat ir,n f,crrtrrtittee.

(cr,nt t c'n Fage 16)

Fage 15


(Eert ification Frrocedure -conr t from page 15)

Article V: APPEALS

A. Any applieant whose application isre;eeted under Artiele II, abovet hasthe night ta appeal sueh re.lection atthe next nreeting cf the CertificationEommittee, which shall be no longerthan six rnonths after the date ofsuch re;ection. The aPPlicant mustpresent his appeal personallyt to-gether with any necessery dscumenta-tion. If the appeal is re.leeted bY

the Certification Eontmitteer the rea-sons for such re.leet ion shal I beprovided in writing to the applicant.

B. The applicant who fails to Euceess-ful ly conrplete the Cert ificat ion

Apri I - 1987

Examination may not appealt unless acLerical ert'or in the computation ofthe Ecore haE been made. Sueh appealEha1l be made to the CertifieationCommittee.

C. All deciEians af the Er:ard of Exami-natian and Certificatic'n Committeeshall be considered as final.

Article VI:. FEES

A, The fees to be charged far appl ica-tion, exarnination and certificationshall be set by the EertificationCc,mmittee and approved by the Foardaf Directors.

here. If you would like ta see e

DeHaan or Grady Goldman.

Fatches: CAC laga only, black-nn-whiter$5. AUI

6c,1f Shirts (Hanes Cotton-Folyester'shart sleeve) : $15' 5O AvaiLable in:blaek burqundyt slate greYr ecerur l-lavytkel ly greenr red, yel 1or,r, I i ght bl uetsiler and white

late baEi (natunal canves tweed): t9.O0

:::::::::v:::Shew your colors (or cslsurs) - at home, at work or at PIay. Be the first(and pr.abably the anly) per"son on y6ul' street tn have one of these. Limitedstocks sn hand at CAC Seminars and by mail (via Jcrhn De Haan ATF). Speeialcrder items and colar.s available on request. All CAE clothing items bear a

specially embroi dered emblem. These qoodies are affered to you at costr sc'

you wc'ntt find a better deal.

The cltrrent al"ferings are l istedparticular product offeredn csntaet Jahn

Sr{eFtFhirts- variouEblend) : $10.00

Hats (sne size fitsvaric'us calsrs with

cslcrs (54/50

all, mesh and foam,whiter $5.5q1

lrl.uqs-: Glaaed ceramic nugs: $4,50

Kerchiefs: Navy: $7. AO (other cclc'ns onrequest )

Nanre,-Esr-dqes: Custom engraved (narne &

agency) : $5,60

Fage 16

(eant t on page 17)

CAC Newsletter Apri 1 - LggT

(FSA,/FSF Stuff -eont t frc,m page 16)

SwgaterF (lcng-sleeve aeryl ic pul 1- Veg!- (sleeveless act'yl ic pul lovers:overs) : $17.50 $16.58

Sweaters cr vestg available in: blaeknbrown, burgundyr tan (camel ) r I ightblue, red and nevy' (t0,fiX Orlan avail-able at extra eost)

Forensic Sgienee SseietJ

TieF: Embrc,idered FSS motif: $6.30 (navy Flaques: $eO.OO

brown, burgundy) t^loven mult iPlescale/microscoPe motif: Fin Ba-dses: $3.00

$.594 (burgundY)


Forensie Science S*ciety:

Explosion Investiqation, Yallop Sg5.gro Heasurement of Breath Alcohollll *13.64

Seience Against Cr.inre, Kind/0verrrtan Biblioqraphy an Ethyl Aleaholt Holley-head $€5,00

tlorld List of Labor"atsries $?Q.00S,:,r-rr"ces and Origins $8'0O

Eiqht Feak Index of ltls $65.rAA

Ncte that these prices ane substantiallyless than those directly rffered by theForensic Seience SaeietY.


Three Ring Binders: BIue & Gr"ey with CAC

Logo: $10, tAQ

Cnmolete Ev-Laws r.rith Binder: $30. tlQ

Inde.lt-to CAC Fqmin+fs - free to mernberst$14. 0O ts nsn-mentber"s'

cAc_Abstraqts (with jndex, in a three r.ing binder with the cfic\- 1,:go) - $95. tlQ fnr member"s, $54. A'E f,:r nan-nrernbers

F aqe 17

top related