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5 S iVOL. 16. NO. 183. ~ "

M N I l l ’

SBHEim,CWel EKeciitlve of Colorado Fl

Orsanlzes Concerted Jf-

-t_anoe pf l arketing Pact -S ^ NU

(Br Tlu AMOclaltd Preu) 'o® DRNVBB, Not. 8 - Oovenior Ed •

0. Johnion of Colorsdo, lonlght np*____Pttltd.ta.tli8 rhtft meiiUTt3.oLlhfl.------M «ajiU itt-W ttU ni.fiw .pniduci-• ln iiu m to j0 ln W m !p * i0 D ee r« aJ (Hort .to rtU ln .K apU nce by tho i naUooii idolnlstntlon of Uie tu c tr I t* ^ mtrUUng ogretmcnl wlilfh wm re- T

cenlly rej« t« l by Agrln»ltur») Bee- Ua n lu y WHJice. ’ ««

In ulegnuDi vhleh.he dlipUOted U>me'pncmo»ofld*ho.Ut*h,Ne. ^ bm ks; OUl/orali. •8oulh Dokolt,

ftrtoee »lUi rtp n sen titlm of Iho H Colorado twet sron'cn. Oovemor | T Johinon lU tfd: • '

-Due lo lh« liiimedlale neceulty ' of tecurlu favonble admlnlstntlon tcllon on the bed (ugar iltuiUon In order that Noreoibtr beet checks «1U not rtflK l the uncertala future con­dition of th9 Indiutry. l a a urtlns Bj|> you I*. UUnd a conference of the *'

a t ,10 a. m , Wedncjday, November1, ot Ctteyence, Wyomlns, aa the most cosrtnleot necUns point to formu­late an acceptable and pn c tla l pol­icy lo 'b: prcKQt:d lo tl;a pretl- •

■ deni. A.-'Como prepared ^ proceed to mat

Waehtnston If the conference detmi srcIt advisable and kindly adrlso that lactyou or.someone reprMentlns you will eowbe present.. Inll

'■ *TWj msitcr Ij ejttremely n n e s t oojas the entire future of the lucar beet RIndustry U a l sUke." the

9nlck Aeeeptaace Urttd . thaiAt the meetlcs wltb the fforemor rect

today. J .O .Panokeof Greeley, Col- u>biondo,iecrctar7 of the National Beet rini

. Growers' assocUtlon. speaking foe ute.tho Colorado growers, doelartd Qulek tho

' acceptance of the sugar agreement u l'•was desperately needed by the do- this

, mestle su n r industry, beeiV polntlnratthoforecastoflacreas- mo,J ed Imports this year of foreign and uwT Insular sugar and Ihe th ru t of re- tmi

dueed •Bnpr.4*rltfs, t^ rKsfa said g

T c f fS i^ 'e o -f ti iB v c b l fl- “

- i l l i l W ' lI. BolM.:Assoclation. Calls-on '3i

, Opmnbr and Lawmakers g T o Cliaji{J6 5 7 1 ^

th&i1 , W t?B .N w .8W K ‘nioBolseMla. sUcl

isterlsl aslocUUon today Issued a In i : statement ApW ng the im tn i sys- w . '

InioIniliiliterecilW tocaiiW w 'ui, ,ntl ' quuUon raised with .the disclosure wtu < tbat Warden Qeorso Rudd and his to < ! wl/e bsd-taken I<yda Southard and con'

• for plessure rides oeni

“ I t r thorooih dlicuulbn of tho; — WMdwshJp-of.ith*-Mshi>-pettlt«s- -gro

UaiT“ said tbe stateniem,-tho Boise Sitf— mlnJst«Ul-asBoelatJon*de*lre*-to dire

t sUto Ibat the present <huatlon, and gov-othe».^?ntlar,an-jM iw batm a,.b* m t

npetletl as long u Ibe wardenship tllltIs used as a pollilcal plum. yeai

' Urge New fintem ed i■■Wa depJon' this system and call r a t

OD-the goremor and legislature to Ataka Ibe neceasary steps to ranoro bee:the wardenship of the penltenllary factfrtw poaUislor plating it on p ro^r a nQuamiatlooK'uul fUneu.lor.offlce wer

— ratbar-than^'P^Uoal^Alroage.— end:t.wuih»onlydef»Jopmaat tn U » Bch

r Z « w ; « t t : ih T i e e T r a a . - f e B O ^ E fieial action will be taken by th t 7lel< prison board usUI Goremor Rosi crc|

• r«um s to taU office. Neither Secre- the tv y ot s u u a ln rd nor Attorney Kmi Oeoiral UUer eoonented‘ oo’the '

_ (0«U m irt-B O pi^a.C ol. g ) - belr

— P e t e r - A n i o } " e a r t ( j o r a 8

A f t e r Q u i i r r e l l n v o r

{tObbYWOOD. .N c rre 'v iV -lM U SM Hollywood light since- Al HU;Jolun, "Mammy" singer, sertrely m nsmol*;WalUr Wlnchey, goaiip ^ l - by :

-umalsi, s e ^ weeks ago, was de- twoi. scrlbpd In picturesque detail today tlUtl

— by friends and principals. Including n Peter Amo. New York cartoonist, eral

Amo got the worst, dKldedly^ ol Oab IhU UU»l bout staged ' wlthoui chot benefit tif referee or adrance pub- B<

. llclly, at the excluslre'embassy dob. had rendenous of morle players. He for« was knoaed out fairly this mom- orer log ,a fter.a quarrel wllh Orotel tattJ

' BlddU Steel, Phllsdelpbla actor nuti— and entertainer, which, boih'agrted ed I

UiA-olved Amo's fUm actress can? Ai tunion. Sally CNelL Steel was glr: accu tn g i party for Clal^ Oelmar, 6«rtu irkk sclrtss. . • no'>

, Steel and Amo rsch.sald he'h lt'h im . !_t&e.olher. £r.trJed-t0,-bul.both.sald alepi ,• the knockout punch wss delli-rred ber-

oy Gordon Duller, Steel's buslneu rerti

Iasnager. rersi

MUs O’Neil w u at some palm to 8tee deny a flrrt rlogsld# report thsi sh* In ti

mmA m e r i c a ^ P r

U n d e r D i e

B r i t i s h L e i

F l o w At N i a g a r a ,

F a l l s D w i n d l e s ,

" T o M e r e t r i c k l e

NIAGARA PAU A N .Y;N oT. -O nlejs the flow of wster down the . Hlttgtnt rlrer Ineressa. ~ N U y a Palls'slatjfll fc jo o rch ijw o f-g o la t - completely dry; ”

Very little water U going orer the falls now and Uu generaUj roaring wl cataract h u » Mrango appearinw u wlUnjuaniMimlUirroeka-eitpoeed -o torlewTThe w tltf lerel tn the |w r> below tho' fslU U » feet tower U>aa It waa last week.

u r i t l r f '^ S 'w W w U rth u p u iMIhs w aur -beck Into Lake Erie has rtduced the Niagara rlrer to tiardly'mon thso-a creek.

FiwitsT I I P M K

First Distribution on Crop . —T(rl)B’Made’No¥ember20; s

Approximates $700,000 th

Approxlmstely <709,000, It Is estl* ^ mated, will be distributed to beet growers trlbuUry tb' the Twin Palls ™ lactory by' lUo Amalgamated Sugar company on Norember » when tha >- inlllal payment on UiU yeSr's beet e»op'wmbemade.“ — - — i

R.-K.-Tallman. Idsho mansgcr.Jor. the company, annoinwd last erenlng to tha t'lO W ) tons of beeis had been ni recelred during SepUinber and Oc- » tober to quaUfy for Uio basis for U» fln t crop.payment to (armert. Oc- Ai Uterles, which will be completed Jn -tli tho next u n days, will bring Ihe to- ta tal production of tho n,lM aeres In . this secUon to about M «iO tons of beets, 1)0 uUmaled. This figure la m on Uisn hall agstn as Urge as tha ^ total production In -isn which „amounled to 1U ,000 tons, ' ^

yewlor tfiilrciop,M.MoC«BJeii was ^ la the lo rn ot U s flrst’ip c a n t tho tij

thanlmOQ.- g

Prltw lUg^er loLast year's wholesale price on su-; |„,

gar a t m is .d s te w u ti^ while today ^ the pries U U M per hundred pounds. „ Inasmuch os Ihls j e ^ c o t ^ k -_ u j ttcdlng to * M-SO profit-sharing plsn U dependtent upon Uie wholesale ^ ic e Uio QuUDOk for .in^ «°ne^

U r. TaUmanttpcrm tb ^ the huge ^ tonnato 'ihU year gives assurance - t h u the beet factory which began, sUclnf September M, f ill conthiuo _ In operaUon a t least unUl Jsnuary - 10. Wllh a payroU of HO men a t the factory In addlUon lo men a t the beet dumps » snb#tanlUl;beiKfll to thn local labor sllUiUoa vU be felt.

I jp ,o » lm a ic i,S w ^ o n » -a - 5 a r - Sim remain s* various dumps eqd — wUl yet haro lo ba moved sccordlag to company figures. To dsl« sugar content U showing about 17J per cent or slightly below Ust jesrs av- • erase ol IM per cent. . .

^ resUUnt see<}. whlcli liss been

pitfpoaes”ta*Sls'^McSm under UioairecU6h'6f O.-B.-CCirmlnyiindwta -government assUtance, will be avaU-.able n e it season In commsrclaleuan*__lilies officials report In unfsvonblo yean UUs type of seed shows mark­ed mp^OTlty over the, c o ^ a n beet ^

AS high as liOO tons of becU have been sliced dally, V. A. Plnlsy»n. . facte»y superintendent, reports, whllo - a new record of s s n sscka of sugar wera sacked In Uio 24-hour period ' ending— Sunday-morning.' Matt - - , Sehmldt,-president of the IocsIJkcI - ^

yield of a i s tons per acn on K5 crop UiU year. Crop’ averages fori Uia district wUl total qon .llisn U tons. It U esUmsled.: 'Ssles of pulp'for ui« as stock feed U-mcreuJnrrboth-eatUofaod-shaep— being fattened wlUi UiU b y p r o i^ . *

n i s t : K n ( r c k B d O n l r —

s o l v i n g S a U y O ’N e a l

’m u eh»lf.‘ she said, was reared mtnadngly orer the prostnte Amo br Steel, and she merely n n be- . twoen them lo prevent further h o s- / - . UUUes. ■ ■ '

.Tlie bout w u witnessed by sev-- • eral noUblrs, Ineludlnc the, CUrit Oablcs. Josn Crewford and m n - chot Tone. '

Both Amo and SUel said Uiey 'had bad one tiff a few minutes be- for«-which MUs.OTlcIl smoothed ' over tn d Uiat-Amo, seeing Sleel, taOlng lo the actress about the. matter a few minutes Ister. accost- . ed Sleel.and-started.U ie-fl*ht,-_..|_

Amo said It all started when hoi accused Steel of going sbout Holly­wood saj'lng he w u a friend of Ar-| n o i and 10018, 1^0 busbeis with him. The cartoonist u ld he Uler

Iw IVio plfy ■ mim.ber-and .then uw 'Sleet In a c«n-, reru lton wIUi Mlu CNcU-a con*! rersatlon, it developed* In which ' Sleel w u congntuUlIng the scuen In tum lnr ths f ln t quarrel off., J

' : . ..iiCCURATE-

W m ^7 — --------- - - ' - t w i n 'P .

d r a s t i c a l l y — ^

c t a t o r s h i p

e a d e r A v e r s e— . s

“B b Ordinary Constitution. Has Br'okeli Down in-tho

!_Uhiled-States.!LJtaniey;; 2 Baldwin Tells Listeners :» ' C|(

(By ’Hm AssocUted Press) hi 10 LONDON.- Nov. »-Stanley Dsld- m; g win. lord president ol the counell, . •n asserted s t a n lly todsy-that the d •ordlnarr-eoD stltutlon-^hu-broktn^ V j^ - - j - ; ~ ^ d o w n - t n - t h e

and U ut Ameri' ^

^ F dSuioriii**" * "

fw«uy#*u»}viN h y s te r ic a l na- n Hon.P “Tho ordinary constitution h u cer*

. der a dJcUtonhlp. Great Britain Is J the sole guardUn ot democracy."

He spoke a t a lundieon a t whiefi• Prime MlnUter Ramuy MacDonald

‘ and Poretgn Secretary Sir John 81- [! mon also gave speeches pn the ' achievements of Iho nstlonsi gov-• emment, on the eve of Ihe reopen* , ° .ing of parltament a fu r three r«. •.Lnwnlhslrtcfss.______IT. fTbe BrIUsb naUonsl government g loday U the greaUst steadying in- dl n fluenee In the world." u ld Mr. Mac- hs :- Donald. • . dl'* ‘Even In ihe UnlUd SUtes Uie U' I- Amerlcsns." Sir John said, “In Uielr *» n -time, of trouble are putting Ihelr oe >- faith In a man, not an lostttuUon." Ih ; • DetBomtraUoB of BriUsb Unlly » THe appearance of Mr. Baldwin, “ “ Uie conservative leader, Sir John, *

a nstlonsl.llberal leader, and Uie **! " prime mlnlsler, ot tbs nstlonsi la*^ bor parfy. a t Uis national govern-

» demonstnOon of unity wllhin “ pr u ie tri*partr,BOffpi* »

° Bietit.---------------------- ----------------\ Tha luncheon w u given the Uiree '

nilnlsteis by- th t na tliw l to o r si ^ pBrty. '.Tomonow' K liira * W .f» iil I* rwBsa thg'.tiMitf ♦ ■ / _

M 4bor JubUant over smashing Vic* lories In cmsemtlve E u t Pulham and In-munldpal elections througji. h«

f out England,' prepared to ask con* to ** crct«' steiv toward further reduc* Pl■'-Uona tn ^riUsh' forces.______■" _

The iconstiTaUve pariy ^ n t s fn- ha• creases In'trmsments. l» I Buut .pkUUHiiilH K.Uxwii'a ' T '”

Ths Uiree government leader* In- ® dlcatW the keynote of government ^

n , (ConUnued on Page 2. CoUl)- wl

y 1. ^ -

• And We Used 1 _ E 2

d ---------- • • ■--->■■ • ----------


r t f ^ p

E ~ ”AN A S S O C T A T m m


G a u s e s i w R T O e ■ - h B i g M a r k e t e

• 'w A S m K O T O N ,N o v ,^ P re s-I Ident Roosevelt's gold b t ^ p ^

gnm by which ho hopea to raUe• price levels UfUd domeiUo told

prices lo a new high to d a y ^ U U - fd lo sUr the principsl marteU from

I ihfir pasiJrlty. i|• The day's price set by U i o J ^ - I itrucUon corponUon.was U m «

iQmp of IT cenu over Saturdays I qtioutton, and SB cenU In excen of- tn n a n d o n w iee. The-Ia ndea -priw - , was'down fitt pence,-or a p j ^ -' mately IJ « n U under tho prttlotis

c|TO. TTie^new j ^ ^ J ^ t a ^ d

h u gone ahead since ttae dcmesUe ~• market-wu opened October J l

1110 pound sterling 'dlmbed jo a i,|' , newhUholH *l!>.exceedlntlU old „

days of Uie year wlUi only, sugat changes In the priee leveU pf shares other Uian m euu. particularly m - vrr. Some tn d e n said the l e t h w w u consistent wllh a pn-boUday Ks-

’ Sion. Bonds were heavy.' wlUt ' cotton and ifheat lower '»nd ^- punulag an IrreguUr trend: i

s in K1 Aiithorltlos-Tak«-Swlft-Ac4 ' tlon Against Spread ol J I Terrorism Into Interior mI ____ ^ ' Jc

' HAVANA, NOT. B HV-An Incldwit wl ’ Involving tho United SUiea.fUg aod■ a spresd et Urrorltm Into Uie'ln- « ’ lerlor of Cuba resiled lonlght In \■ swltt scUon.brsuUioritles.:--------- --»I Eyewllneeses.sald J.A . RubtoPa- «■ dllla, a student, leader, w t ^ 'h U ’ ”■ hands on an' American fUg u h«

dlmbed aboard an alrpUne vhleb .. IsUr csrrlad blm to UlamL It.wt* *• said authorjUtlvelr Uiat the .Inclf »• dent- w u immcdUiely reported tb " ' U iesU tedepU taentatW sabli^oa T

Meanwhile, Colonel Fulgendo BsV S UsU laued ordera to UiB-amy. <f “

’ whleh he U chief, to deal flnnly wltA ; all discordant elemenU. i’ 7)10 a ray commander’s chief tide!, wero busy trying: to locate tho lnsUl | i I M ton_o t^ jnoyemjnt w ia tte-B lj | | |. a rm r *w5» som? nlQbT^itoinwi ! believed to'be Uie begtontsg « t i n ,; : atunrpt ta stsge anathef : r

; S '' - - ‘'^M'QIOOQrOfBCll Ul^UX •“: - i f i t f ' t o i a r R 5 r r « 9 = ^ ^I ToriesodstyiUl,'AllecTuUy.-nade u , her debut In American grand open tc , tonight amidst In id .aod l n | ap*. u , pUuso a t the Ulppodrome. - 'be . _ M iss ju iiy .* .n i tce ^ j« m fr .A n i- !.j . hasssdor Alanson Itouahtoq, studied ‘a

in Paris for six yeari and made her ex■ iim eoncin euiiiieiucui ihen~ur'Qr . m .... ......... • icc

. Wllhln a few weeks she will n - . Eo ! turn lo Europe for an engagement to

with Uis Open Oomlquo In Paris, j co:

i To Think I t Was The P

Cop7zigh^ m



-NHIifiiFUIDICIMLKI-; l i s s m a s i. '1 Do Not Believe In Any Be-; strictions Whaleve ■ oni Ilm P rn « ’ Inhnm n De-

• Clares in Chicago Speech d •

le toy Ttie AssocUted Pttss) CHICAGO. Nov. • fl - Genenl

. Hush S. Johnion said todsy "Uw S bigsut imllAtlon dead cat" Uirown

I ii\ T h e g o re m -I ^ + 1 m e n th u n o ln -

UnUoa of s t-

r t onewspapers. U» NRA admlnU-

' Ira lW IO W W ■ U u * ' ! audleoeo ot bus-

'■ )nessmen.lndus-. IHaUsU a n d

flnanden, and 1 , ccMld not do so

1 HU0H JOKHION even If It dealred. He' rrprrttnUd Praldent R ^ - vcli. himself, and all the adffllo^

Irallon u being receptive to ta tr cn-

f dancing’' and "Inciting Uio JUlen' '• wlUi licsdlines-"

"1 do not believe In any reslrie- r lions whsterer on tho preu today,

Johnion u ld . "I am now going, to ■ take an offlcUl step which I Uilnk It will level this silly bugaboo forevch d "In my official oplnloo, there U i. no sutliorlly In the NRA to Uctnse n a ntwtpaper.-I Ihlnltthat-lhs-UoeD- . slng-seetionsofuiesutute-muslbe „ read wilh. ihe press dauses of- Uiek- conitllallon."------- ----------t • P int ef Sts Speeches f Johnson’s speech w u the t in t ot

a strics-of six to be dellvertd la Uis con belt, rent a t pitsent by a farm selling strike. He ddlvered tt befor« ttOO memben ot the Chicago Asso* daUon of Commerce and the minols Msnufscturen' usoelaUoa

Appealing for fuU support of:U>e

(Continued pn Page 2, CoL 1)

lU I t i f l a B S t r i k e s

I t S c h u n ^ H e i n k

■ SAK DIEOO. CaU .Nov. 8. W) - ' iw c k m « id d e a ly . l l l . ,» a e .* w .

r Une8duumna*Hdokir<ano>»«lng-

e It w u pUnned to keep her quiet for » sevenl dsys. I t w u Indicated slis i *. u under observation for whal may i

'besppendidUs. , ' i-!.Jttn Jj;yw r.p !d .w J[» !to ,M q!« l. J i -m olherofex-servlcem ni.w unw i r exhaustion irom work.In Uie.NtU tt anTM M iim * -W .itM JU fw n t f f i

I Corhonado home. In her recent i - E utem trip Mme.&diumann<KeInk , t took part in Uio American Legion , 1 convenUon In Chicago. I

s Players That ' ___ ,>n, ’ . ...----------------


U^by.TlMHewYoi^ *j f • ' . . .


AILY,-1938— ---------- :........................

“ M a y o r - o f - S

L S e n d s U i r g i

I F o r N a t i o

e- I n j u n c t i o n D e n i e d .

Jl, I n “ A n t i - C a t ” L a w

C o n t e s t A t T o p e k a

r TOPEKA. K u ., HOT. S m - w X r.n Smith, former K an iu supreme court

JuiUce'and former solicitor for Uie SsnUPe railroad, h u lost a round In

- h ! i-n y ir i i« u n rT 6 p « B n a u :e » r n l ordinance, which prohlblu a rtaldpnt he from having more than firs eaU or wn dogs.

Rll •U etsb ty-non .U un^re .Jou«E no ;of enjoin enforcement of Uie ordlnaric#

but his appllcsUon tor an InJuhcUon n . w u denied Saturday by Jud( a OUs n - E. Hungste. Smith h u not r I fUed It- an appcsU______________

i l i l M L I iS T O l iS SlU

^ stale Execiitives Meet to [*; Arrange' for 'Presenta-

r*” -ST-PAUL, Minn, Nov. f l m - ’The to Midwest will Uke beyond President nk RooecreU direct to . congreu Ihe er, fsrm relief prognm ha rejected Ust Is we:k, Governor Ployd B. Olton uld

lie loday.n— thu ttm fnvrmnrn «hnbe carried UmIt untucoessful. plea lo he Ihe WiiiU Hduse were firm In Ihelr

dcmandi, Olson said a conference would be held soon to prepare pUns

ot for eongresslonU presenUUon In hs Jsnusry.m Executives ot oUier farm sUles tn will be Invited. An embargo on tarn e* producU ihlpmenU may be dls* 9ls cussed.

Ho added he bdleved SecreUry he Wallacs aod oUien wllh whom Uie- governon conferred In WaihtngUn

to be sincere In their desire lo hdp farm relict,

. Ucwss SysUm InclB<sd

k "Bot I •believe,"" he c^Unued, “^ ■ a r e mora

- carrying out of m r pUn Uiw they !%•; Ua doubtful *a to pncUcabUlly ot t - liw iun t a t altempUng ler, l»,^UM Ut's direct m andsu fromiiff ---------------------------or Chief points of Ute program v « « he federal price-fttlng and mariuttag ay eontroL A system o t licensing fsrm*, en w u Induded. wim definite Jim* Ml i u u to . how much each could sir market.

n t production by voluntary agreement ^ alone, wlUi. the InoenUve .of Uu » pTOceulng ta x ,' and government

purchases, wlU not succeed.-*01son- asKrted.- .SaysFarmsr.MuiContrel

Ho a id Uio govemon were given- a-thorough and sympathetic hearing

by tbs president and hU^depirt-

J ^ U v e a did not be llm tha trip w u fntlUess.” '

•Tbe msla inubU wlUi UiqipUns of. .the secretanr of a g r ic u l^ Is Uist be U seeking to creata a eon* dIUon under whidj the law of sup* ply and demand, as Juggled by

_ memlstots. will openU to the ad* vuU go of Uie farmer,*^the gover* nor contended. " It never b u and

~ never~iMII'opitniM to-hU-«dvant*I sjW unUl ha controls -the market

'^'"vioa our pisn mwkeUng Is limited and not productloa' he went on, •^ut If markelln* U limit­ed tho production control U In- e v lU b le ." -____________

T e m p e r a t u r e s D r o p

_ - - : T h r o u g h o u t _ N a t l o n

Uia nofthweiumlhlrd of U i e ^ * ir r wlUi lu crest diarted over f l^ a n - Ing and eastem MonUna. wblle shal­low depressIOM a n locaUd'over tha

- MlnnesoUreiSOTandtbeMld^AU ^ lantieooMt Skies a n cloudy Umwgb

out the West, excepting ths souU^ em pUUau area, and flurries of anew have accurred In Wyoming and wHiem JionUnal'A'llino precfpiia- Uon h u aUo occurred wlU^la Uie area of -low pressure. Tempenlures are below normal generally througb-

- p^t Uw counUy.twt* - t * 'tt j s a«B«rg3S".j=5 s ; as:! 2 S = 3 ■; ■? »

S - S l E i i S S K"S.=:!! i 5 S

fv Sysihiaw a —« ss r a o ^


• :5ALBOiWAnilZone;iTov,8'«>H 'Canal tone acUioriUu reported to* 1 dsy Uist 4(1 vesseU passing Uutngli i

. Itie Panama canal during October i paid tUOOXn In lolU. ' ' i

_ ~>.^:w-tnaslsi-«od-tha4oUanoelH<l < wen Uie highest since Jancary, m l .

Octobet'a average of ISM vessels ' passing through .the canal dally, i compared wlUi U-S in September j i te d u n in Octobcr, U31 )<

........ - “ • S ' M i g - - -

S i a u x - G i t y - i

? e n t A p p e a l |

i o n a l G u a r d s ,

Tenso Slluaiion In Midst of s ' ■ lowa Farm Strike Mariicd

By. New Violence; Rail- M way .Bridao DesfroyeilUieIln» r TBIOOX CITY.'IDW . WBT, B'W T - " pnt TDe burning of A railway bridge and :or the ShooUng a t t m igh t train in tbs „

midst ot.Iowa'a farm strikt brought' I

lice O Blylsbead'ofcttUereadiM Uie^^ lon maricet by Uuek. Thers.wen other

S " M K n o T f e d e r ef Uie striks at . the um e Uma u r ^ Ms foUowen |*|

"to striks witti'all the powpr we pos- “

. PkkeU on Uie highway* wen l / ^ a UireaUnlng mood. A Bloux C ^ |

s n b ra^ S d n g dubs when he .KUghtl^ Ul drive throufh Uw Unea. C

I n Sheriff TIM ’Of Bloux a iy and T Sheriff Ralph Rlppey of La Man di attributed the ’bridge burning te plckeU. . ’ h

to Threat of Inraslaa «At U Man, Sheriff Rlppey had u

|j t . UwcourUuose under guard. He w u a n m e d anonymously by talepbooa o

r=Mhatploketa«ould^nvsdelhstewnt» v ■ll telrievfl Ilarts Uken from th e n br pi

U» sheriff and would "Uke'can <3 Um courihousa a t Uw aame Ume."

rhe The-bridge, on the Northwestern _ ent ralltay, six miles north of S lousaty S Ihe w u fired shortly a fu r plckeU sought ^ lu t to stofi a freight tn ln Uiere.«ld l%e bridge s iu U near James, ?

scene ot • a doten battles between ^ lha striken and tnickm within the Ust I*

lo year,‘RwLe Man courthouse, under « ifir g iis ii Ust April m tb s 'a e m ,of *• nee Uw.abducUon of a-dlstrict court \sns judge.'---------- •-------plIn Order Deferred fe

Mayor W, D. Bayes ot Slouz OUy ti lies appealed for a "fan regiment' 'of ,tn treopa today. - - ' - S111* Ths'm atter of sending troops, (o

however, w u deferred for Uu prei* o itT ent by Oovemor Iterringi who after n Uie conference wlUi AdJutsmt General si ton Charlu llQ rah l,-sa ldbatnuefU N ei dp oplnloo local ettleUU could handle bi

Uis situation.. . •Governor ^Jferring . dispatched „

to andDenUon.' " v „ . ' ‘ 5 om r a t e t e l dge JnimlDT-ieUated. by. » rr bey fdik heun th i plundering of fight ,h of carloads tt- Uvestock a t U w tte . l l i i

Ing BilKSUfcwit n e n firm eaf M ill i l tw burltad* I — ^ t^ -ra ll ro a d -U ie k -te -s t^ -U M ■

tag Aris ^ ( U b l a , ^ OMiana , m* AdiUed ot Uw lum ofttf tab ijU i im* Sioux Cliy, Rene, strike leader, said < uld atDnM olncs. • - J

“These aels'of.vioJeneware n -,

ont picketing In the striiu. ** * tlu "It's easy la enmsel .respect'for ent law snd order by Uioae who a n not n o In din dtaUiu. Ifa qulU anoUur

mailer to Uw fam er who sees Uu eamlngsandaocTOuUtlonsotaUfs- . time being taken from him asd bU righteous requesu Ignored." la

^ EarUerRenosaldPresldentRooM- « velt "dellnlUly and dellbenuly ^ breke hU pi» eleeUetHri«d»s*4»4l>» ^

'rtp farmen ef Uie nat|od,'” by nfuslng .' U w presram 'olflvst^wesU ngoT- »

^ ems for fUed a^ c u ltu n l p rlc^ i ^

WtOMINO TURNS TOWARD "I^ KCNDBicirs noArc t o w n »

I4l _SHERIOAN,:WyiB^Qr*JJn=Alt InWyonlng lumed toward .Sheridan' Ui today for Uie burial o tO nlU dStf Us a

ot> BehsUr~JohirB;EtBdrfek:T1iU.hU » lut home town, w u crowded' wlUi £ T 'm o u H iffrah O W U a lirev e ^-a^ U

U munlty tn Uw sUU held memorial S he senlees for Uis 7S-yesr^d oowboy „ Itt* «ho becsme one of Uw West's most ^ In- notfdmen. ' „


LOSS MARGIN NARROWS)Ill.J<BW_yQllIcr«ftV« «»r?33w_R*r ea — dlo-ctErpunuon'of-Ameriea- today - •

RpottednetlossforUwquarterend- -' era ea-Scptcmber30 imoonted-toUM,»- ^

n l r v nine mooUu net lou totaled » l l . il.TMJW compared wWi'net lou of _ Jis |Sn.n}lfl'U ie sains period Ust year .\u ____________________:________« h ------------------- -----------------------------

rt P o l l y B e m i s , R o m a n i

g " E n s l r D a y s ' I i r l d a h o

h! OIIANQEVILLE, Idaho, Nov, 8 wl H>-A romsDtic figure hen since co

<r peded to this dUtrlct more thsn ne half s century tgo. Polly BemU, Uie st(

if chinne wife of a White man, died po ' a t a ho.'plUl h m today. wli f Poily. SI yean old, w u strldwn bu

Sr l u t A'-iguit In ChsmberUIn buln. en ea*t of here, where she spent most ha o f-the-esry rrrrtha t she lived in i

t .. Uils country. She w u brought (c a ga ; hoipltsl h tn throiish some of the wi ( r wUdol country In the nation to be ch V given the bejt care Uie WhlU men^s qu L doctors could glie her. to

Miny iwrles are told of Polly’s 11c early life In Uio rosring camps. Old* yei

iS tlmen. whoM'tbemerles fa d o 'u '. hJ they CO back that far, do tiot agree ^ o* In their ysms, but Uie ono told most of ill ofUo sifl accepted InUwielwU U pn cr thst polly Kcams U)e bride ot tw

Chsrlei Bemls « n ' the lum of a ac

^ “ )u a besuUful Uis of 18. Polly S ' •Is w u im unltd Into* Uio United : ly, Slstfj from Csnsda and somehow an «r found her w aylo the gold camps ty,

J around Plorenc* and Warreni, nei’ . -V. . ........... '

TODAY:;jCIondy ;

w m M= = = = ^ = = s s ^

- 8 PA G E S-^S :C E K T 3

- f t E C H I S « F r -

l PiDillliSFlIE :

Is ID f f i I881E8;;of S!* S t a te s V ote on R epea l •

«<l W hile N ew Y ork C ity’s

l i t __ B pdrtpnt . T firofl. '

I'oii C orne red M ayoral B a ttiii

(By Itie AssocUUd PretsI ' ' ™ Fringed by a mulUlude 'of loeal ^ " questions, prohibition. repeal today « « , cornea befor* Uis votan of sfx M U s

7»rrl testrtof-Trtistberrth#'! ■ IxnisUtuUuB 'shall retain lU anU*llquor prorls-' tons.

More Uian,a fifth or Uie naUon^ ren to Uia at*,spates)ct. that a n voting on rsMal-Pennsyl- ■

, vanU, Ohio, BouUi:cMlna,-NerUi , CjjuwnB, Kentucky and,Utah.: ^ | Of u u local issues,, dlier a iu n - , .

l S | n ^ m s y ^ r a New Tork .■ City b whld) is .Involved . wbeUier : - V-

and Tammy Hall ' ahsir ’ eonlUueMu tan domination:'

t^ Admlnlstntlon tsaden w ho-hava'' been urging rc m o ^ ot tba E l^ t- _ eenUi amendment tro o Uw consU* , ,

had tutlon, chief aineog Uiem Post* w u master Oeneral .PuJey..expressed ooe confldeofe that Uie day^ ntlng.- - — Bt» w m ld-algBaM be-tad-^HM r^m —

5:p a n » . ', 'teas Oeriala Abett D (ah.

S S Ouoltaa’ f c n d * \ 5 u ^ ^^ certain lo add Uwlr vo ta t«;tlw n

sutes whldi slrudy have roted for je , repeal tnd said Uwrt w u. little M doubt Ohio and North, Carolina luyw ould '40 UkewUe. They, war* les?^ w u n n b o o f Tnah 'b ut pcmmi tp ■■" 5 the, faet-Uiat--8enalor-Bbert7D .- Kut Tbomu w u'elected CD • ' repeal-

ptenk, TCtn , .tv*former Oovemor Dem. nbw-isere^' '

nty t C ) ' ^ a r , wen adraeaUBf t « ^'of la Bourn Oir a l lH k . 'B a ^ ’ J-! - Bynua and Oo w bo i- -BU dnnM -'

>ps, followed - a speech by- ? N t a ^ - i»* Oencnl y ir iw w lU f:M ''«D dSieV te r m sot-or repeal; • 8e a » to r - 'B .' '0 . \ ; >ral 8ffiUb.-iitiUe.Ukinr.ne-pait^in'tba --’.V ttaa campaign. sald'u 'a'vD tertM would ;• die be against repeal.---'.’ -T^vi-^'.— ;— ; ^ 'In-N erth O ar6 ilh i,-tlii» i4 i-n i,

" f ' m e r» e i» tc r.P ^ .J i)d g * :& -:n ^ -- '- ; .,^

,;^(OP u e d = ^ y ^

2 ' rf J " ■

H u s t r a i T o i i l h e i i M ^

t o b e r o f C a b in e t, ^ e o ia re s :

WASHINOTON, Nor.Ing for a Ulr trial iof the .new re- covery machine, Secretary WiUaee

g y tonight told- Industiy aM .affiaU- - ,

S l 3 f f b S R S i y “B a 5 r 7 ™eadi oUier" te lift Uwlr load from ------ :

' Uw d e p « ^ mire. . • . ..WalUca said* in a ip ee eb . U ul

. "innUy. U» sltuaUba b u been dU- ^ turtiing,’ but added:'-

Ibellevs.U iakthsncentlncrease ^ ln-payTeUs-wHLaoon.be'M leeUdJn^_

Uie stronger puicbaslng poifer of • . . t“ e lcr-eonnm m .fe tJW ^b« t« r,J iee^ _ :_ IJU pork and e fg s .n w » 6 eneounge-M maHJalamm tn .tha t And .Uitn_____ :?>: U aUo oontolsllen in ttae fact Uiat 2 5 Uw nUler np id rise In’ladostrU! . .. ^ prices aeems k) have beea’diecked,

and prices paid by farmen hanre* malned practically undunged dur<Ing Uw eight .weeks of September - - and October.- .

n g The secretary's . sddreu ,. w u , broadcart over Uw Nallobsl Broad- U? Triiwn ■ ru y - _ : :P ro f n m ..W s tlh .r » fc ;I rW ': .~ - ^ >**• • “Pertisps^be^-U m e-hu ' come.'— —r“S-' w an aa‘s4 id ,--f6 rario -ttyn rim ii-------:•

more pUlnly,.Uut.we believe.the .I™ new maebloery of the h «

u r . (Cqntlnued-onPagT^Coi e) '•

l a n t i c R g u r e o f G I d

a h o , D i e s A t A g e o f 8 1 —

8 where many, of ber countrymen had ice come lo search of gol^_, .

isn necUcut Yankte; and a Chinese Uie :he story goes.' wen deaUng two-handed ted poker. The luckless Chinese,, tn

whose hands Polly had fallen: aU :en but toil his shirt to BemU-The Ori-iln. enUl,theo luntsted.U w yideal .« --------oft hand for the sUve girl n -In Red shitted mlnen and sUk hat

> a gamblers dropped their cards to ;he waUh Uie deal, and Uie cUnk ot be chips and drunken songs were n:s quleUd. BemU won aod lo6k Polly

to h b cabla They wen married and, y’s lUtd happily toceUier for nearly M Id* yeara.u Afur BemU died tn i m . ‘ths - - ree aged Polly, Uien a rtspeded dUsen—M Of the region, deeded what UtUa ^U property she had accumuUted t« ' , of two friends, PeU Kklnienhelmer • a and James Sbep.' In retnro-U»ey

__nrom lsed jajaufljer bar the. test . ■illy of her l t f e ? / T '^ ‘~ T ^ — ---------------*d ’The .friends; kept Uwlr prtmiUa, ., ow and Polly died sumunded by plen*. . . , ip( ty,. Sho proUbly wlfl b* .buried u , nesg tjp old'home. • , - - . j

‘ ............. .. • • ............... •..'iV

I H S s S L — = = i = =

i M F S i l l B

5 ; a i i i § i i i'■ Ugfitjr Ppdifiiolliin In Hlcli-

. Igan: Puts California In . . Ua* W th filato Wnt

■ BAlf HUHCMOO. Kor. I {f>- ptrniO»* btMB enp wUi i t k U or Moood « J.700WO th!» yt»f. M»r- rt);O O O ^m on Uun lu t jm r

• rb*& U» output TU tU*n t x• • uooiatiWfiOi.

Thlc U becauM pilew t n miner

M U i ^ c t t n Jl lUbtff I|tn,w li:ebladtb*coasU Tlut}M r

• trtoitifcBfflpefbMfloti*. ^ —

" tD W tn ttu M e n iv u k e t s in o f * ac«bet.Z9ea»M id:

' *oo te f* io u itrB iu ^ u (« (p n > >

r ^ W m d i fKhrCW Uonil»-irl>i^5i^' butTMliOOO tu p . Tblf oootptru

I t a droppM bMk t» teeoiid. plM ^ m r . tb6 U iM t'tnlU bls MU

• «“»*« *■*!"» iffljOM vblch ll. S T i i S r t ^ t o « s W

' f f i ' l i r t m r . i r t i b 1,090•

^ - b«eaiaflntpUoi.Ule)i!ctaMeoi)il ' u d OolonOo UiM.• - n * piiM tf h u tta b u t m jtf-

f» e W fc » « b * fth te P b « l4 - Oa• ModnetleD ituttlon. .ooBwrnpl^oa

.....^ bWTter. ) w te l t »n*U«r

B u s i n e s s B r i e f s ,

' c radA O O vrfoU W -D eptrtottit 1 lio n tnd* bild' i t o ^ b tn l u t

' iNck, Ui* AaodtUaa of OwnatTM nportid tod«r> W u n tr vM ths u d

- - - to » t» d .f l fn i t t . .h U ,_ i» le i_ iU n ! ' a ito t« lo id iS (iu r i m t f t f thaa .

_ t M i a m r w . ■ - j

' i ' , M l K m » I » H W . « W - I b *' KflrtbwMtfiB Nttloaal Ul» lo n if m

. 4BW ttttfta r t tf tsM M tJ Oeto* , • ' k r 'M lN Mt * M * bleb ( o r- tb tt {

. : naath . wiib S U appUalleu I «Bu»nttc« .to KJHUO. n u « n . “ lUtBted to loa taa t o t 11 ptr c n t «

, « rtrO e io6e r.im O i»U |bM (pn r. ^ 1 lertbem oo th .-- .......

SC<TER,Iter.l(«HnMBBiUn|> it

~ L v ^ A * S t i d t o 5 l £ ° j f f l 5 ^ Bn w lr ta w ^ o c o f a n u i mob. «

' • O TtO Afl^lW r. flO n e t * t m f o t n p o M toUy N

'• Uitt Oetobtr mM t o t ^ f i » M . ><

9temU- •

. ‘ omOAOO. KDT. • ( tH L L PdQc — z - n i - t e a m f M u wportrt a** « ------- MnmOT-tntomobUi uIm la.Oc* ^

; Oe|ober.» « . , , . ~

J O T T O i a t» r . l « 9 - 7 l J * X ^ 2ttceU F om raD dU ibteoapuT .n- R twrti for tlM U noatb i esdtd 8ep. ”

. ■' U ntar 10, o it Inccai ot HitiO^SlS Z (qalnleat t r t a p r t£ n d itock dtr- ^

. U e o d i ta tU K A ib tn e o tb e c o a . » ' Bva ito e t r w tb* I I aoo lb i end- "

«d Biptcmbir » , IMS. ttM eoaptigr ,, ;-------->..<-> i„rfm* flf M m J lO o r »

' i l M t i i m . ■ IJ

T j n w f o ! ^ M ni'e wv^suckttQ ? . Ueter Ckr comptay npe tti u t a

, . .quu tttin io i»v ren tef |lM ,H O (cr a< -tlu pfMtdtsi quT tir la d w t IcM Ic

_____ o f »lW W Omtb*Bipt*nbtr<|Uir. «-;i* rB tw a .?» tb e flir tB in * a cB th i b

ot m U M -«optar h id Im ot «-------K tta rt-i I w of H M A O -

lath*CBTWp«dlBtp«riodrtlWl b


• ;— — u(OcBUnwd r r c n H p OM) ,

» J» TOild ttta ra to p irtr to m n .------ rmtct.Bf.M*fct.dteUtatibli>.la-.tftec =:

::Z Z Z " o rtM > w n e 6 tim 9 o . — ......... r-------------* ^ o :^ ? a : l» t_ d M p wlhMliffi '

v lih miDf MapinuBisti.* Ur; ' . BtMwln 'itM it*! "it l l oot vhellj

......'retBOTid fiwa hn tcrli.. . -btTt ttea BuaUMtitloQt 'ot

■tbit, lo oMzotrtw vhleb ih in bi ’ ^ nimelcti. I t U lenentfd b; \ u

Ihom b^'U at lf tn puB 'teirthtt '(tw7 e th pot (h inp r<((it ta flrf

. oloatH.'--------- P - .T h > - iX n > ii- o t- th l T O V ti-

Iroublw w t tno ds*p.«il*d fer tlitt.

*1(107 peepla hst* bcUind ln> Ulnettnly two y e in t*o th tt lh«

----------- fIr'.nH.l p»<tlon'i tr tlfh t tn d emploTBtnt found'for , tU Ja ^ L c U o rlS o u o ttu .

“ • "Ifog h tw ilim u to look N t for tbe b te k n ih of tb t t Uat Ot tlQ;

'We tr* Dov fic«d hert vtth thew oa tj a d t r t a u ' rliht tad toae OBTUM'Utl'IIUI'IIA ttiu l i t n ‘~| f lr tn op to hop* ef defflocricr. I

- TBire t r t peopti vbo trort to c tt rich Q^ek or m a t t dlcttlw.

-lAJp. I belleTf U ut f t ib » fora of , Eorenuoni m old bt thiolattl; I tUen te tbe cbtneter ot our pto< I pie."

O reit BHUla. Sir John tserted' - 'liea eo tth J tew a ae itn le o u atT iu

• ___la.th#i-.irorId.ln_*hleh ptrlUmtnl-UT IntUluUons tre teuret; ct>er<

____tUoc with tueees.“

« o o s m m a n sc n o o i. r . sn m c N T BAKas u m s o r “*■“ — n o tK T .-id th o .-n w .-i,(f> -rw . -i

rest Alpluulp, H. tBBWlt hUh „ ' ' ' achciol Mphamora. b ta iM himielf V

• «tf»Urt8eh bojB iaeir here thli It- . > ' — 'tfroeoo . 3%* i«alb « t« ta tpptreat

■iDOd het»h ta d dlrpvlUGa ta d a*' (UW lor lb* jsJeU* could b*«]Ka

...........■ - -


t x

herBit.eb>M r ,

>u*> I* eed

X R U tiN G blai-bYon tho'coi « (below) and General Hugh

. covery administrator, over \ If. J f can make jiurchises onJj b« may be mado by Comptivlle2 le ft). A Ford dealer In Was

bid for. Civilian Conservatlo

M M R M M Su t M a M S t

5? roBECAST roB i o d a t a n d3 TOMOUOW! • QeaertUr etoody

g ! ' S 5 S ? « 5 ^H e n lu t n l |h t v e rt: 11 p. m. M: mldaUbt 37; l t .n i . M defrec*.

^ inijb tnd low ttm pertium ftia- «• d ir - ti.r^ io r tw l bjr D. 8 . Oheyae, * : w rew aeB t vwOier ehw rnr n n

k tnd I t dfsreei: wind w -t ro m “» tbe wert, tn d ik l« wtr* ete»r; Bt- “• wnetrifl p ft«ui« wm reeerdtd t l

S0A7 tnd the humidity r tu f t t t «1 lo JO per cent e t u luntlon.

.. - Mondty - teajpenlure* » « * « ta d IT. vtad v u tron th i aorth

r» v*it tnd iWei ver# cletr. a ^ t -


i i E l i f f l r5 - m i K F Ma- BOMS. Not. 6 (4 -P ttc t etfleen w of tfx equntlM roted lodty la ftror ^ of laUtUlBi ndlo* la thetr tulomo-

bOa U 'taltt la mtlcblst wilt wltb

cd poUee ta d ib ir l l l l elflcet were . p ttu a t ta d • Momltt** v u tp - z polatedtetludyeotUoftbelBitiUt- r tloo vhleh will permit the otfleen to f : b* tdTUrt ImmedUtely of crimei >9 M suaitud la their loetUUet. The

cm m ittn win report t t a meetlnf ' ot tbe um * group Norember » .

*: aaa lltP /o it.com aliilonero fltv

locUUcn ot Polleo tirf Shertfrt O t- ; fieen. n ld tba IntenUw v u to h ir e '; tle v K t* u M d u tt a t , t h * re iu ] U

•t et vhicb Duy,b* preianted to the « next letHUtura for a ipeeltl tm ro - , » prltlloa lo pnnrldt the la tU ^U oo : M la tU itate bUhvay pitrol can. He r* exprtnedhopethftteotintt'tndmQ- u a idp tl'pctc t office* W t b*-»ble.to- »f (ecure {oioediato butaUitlbo.’ . - 10 -SUalUr-n*iUasi.vUl.b*.tie!d la .: . booir 4-Alro* and Pociuao la i b ^- B e*r*t«trPfeet*tld^-IW i*al-th»t » m e n t ncelln i reprtm ted Adi.

Ctayon. Payitte. aem. Wublnctoa > P tndB aortcounU es..-- . .- Prtnk PlemU, .Cinyon county ' a ihertlf, n t tppolQUd ehtlmstn ol

the eosusiltea to report tack at' tbs

%------Tension. GrowE

If WITH^SO pcrsong killed and 20 t* - Iw ln s t niisrallon of Germat “ situation among the Arabs ” tourists in Jonisalem are rc; t. procession to.the Moaque of

- th c r io u n ls r a U a a 'Q f

/ T W M r ^ l L i P A g j

M ake-N I^ Decision" ”

r c o ljlm e S rh e tw e c n Henry Ford igh 8..JohDBon (uppec righ t), r«* ■er w hether tho government legal, only from slipieiTi of KRA codca wller-Qcneral J . R. McCnrl {upper woshlntrton contends th a t his low mtlon -Corps trucks should bo ac* h a t lb r d h as not signed under thft

I o « e meetlnr. Other a e a b e n a rt Bota O. R im . Gem county iherlK. ta d J . 0 . fllewart, Payette counljr iherlff.

IND --=- --------- ------------■ ^ T b m s f ii iin a n ’s “ B o d y L e a v e s O n

3 0 0 0 ^ 6 T r i p

VAKOOUVEB.B.O,No<etff)- ‘f® r a a boir ot Texu Ouloaa, vhoi*.

car* r-M -a-al|h t-e lub-heit* i* -ta Mew York, ipltihed the beadUnit of the nation,. wUI leate tomorrow

t •* momlnj for Broadway. 3000 mile*

Jl" > '1 vould rtlbe r h a ri a. aquan r th laehot N ev York than »U the h i t ot

tbe vorld," aha had’told her maa.hu* a fff. BddlB Baker, ------------ — -•« t “ TuDenU-reraccrwlll be-htld-at'atr'

MaUchl'a chureh o f 'vhkh the wm ___a aember. The date h u not beea

w r u 'taeT M y wm ug'w it g n a :Ohtcaco aad Kew York ea m ( « eu t.

- - K la OuJaan, t t . «ed yeiterdayrn suralns.after.aa.opentloaJor.c»L r y UtK; sne had been UI tor lome veeki

but fought to eonUnue Iheatileal en* Ptem enla In the Pacific Northvejt.

» n U rreompaayor.40penonrvUldlt> .Tor bind.;» • The body, acecmpaaled by 'Qeone iJth ouiiuia ol-FOrtltad, a bniher, rUJ

U.i M■ere' me.’ Ho have a a opwrtmlty of lee*

S T '


BOISE, Not. S MV-Tie *oU tad !fu tu th e n " tna i of John OoertMa,

HtBiea, with the Mdniply

m iued opposlUon In Tvln PbUi jji, county 10 farm forecJoiurei. todiy

v u K t tor Norember V> hy Dlitrlct ro . Judge charJet P. Koeltth. ,

Judse Koelwh transfqrM the H a ' irUl w e r t l d ty i t | o from the Twla M . PiU* dutrtct to the Bolio district on Ito the complaint ot the prottcutlon th tt . ' a iiJ r' trfiJ'couMTiof be h'eld'lirUii- In ^ t y on account ot (he lentUncnt

m rK ^iied 'tn 'tne -e iw .------- - t t -— ^Ui*5L-*^Jo_»Uf|edly wtioUed tnd 4i . feitfim d m eonneellon w H Sliref.' too fort (0 foreeloio a firm In (lie eoon>

ty, tfie kldntplni chirct iplniC Bty QMrtzen ruultlnt. of The forccloeure u le w u slopped

tbs by lheirouA

)W8 In Palestine

J 200 wounded In cfcmonBtrnttons j •man Jews to the Holy Land theaba continued tense.'Arab.i and is rcadintt a poster forblddioj a '( of Oninr to protest against fur- \K’-s^ 'T j 'P h o to . '— — - J

u r i iC T g , r m s ] T A U J ,'m

rBorahHils“B Calls For Alnew" campaign “1» not protresJaj t t .til." BetitUT WQUtffl S. Seeal

. of idiho lu t nlfht d c ^ dejl^nitcT

■ I S S B k J S B theuatUriU'■ __ -».iiiitMe.eo«m clMrt the -bu:

J5 • palm net only v u oot pronw ln i Bf : ufMieforiJy hut 'In fact I t U no £ l proertu iafa taU .U U rK cdin i."

-n ie Mies Toluma u ihown CX' ~ ■^rur hff'conttned.'-is alsnlllcaatlj

unfivorible. There I t perhaps mon Uiin one nuoa foe ttiU, but (he

■ contxoUingrtuoaUthiprteeavhlcb conlronl lha buyer. • • •

■Many of these prices are h itb be- ywd all r tu o n and etoulniee. jj they a tre -Blue Eaile- prleei, li would make th li bird a bird ot ptt) lojleid ol a'blrd r t pTOtectloa.Tht^ t(u ui ni4iiji initsneca, ia iay jod f*

o rd ment, the prleei fbted fey cccattaM t c . tnd monopoUei, ihtlUred b r tbe , . i h m d v tn ti ol the dot&li beaded

enle. HldUij behind the in o e u i o( jibor and ibeprw w lD j tiM O iklnj

pe r th w an excuie, ]>rlc(* baie been low puihed up beyond all reaM albere- Afi. («e, when p ^ e a n u rp d to buy the . U w yareriaUyurgdtobay^lnnian)

‘We a n sufferUk th rf iu U T lin i __ _ Urge meuure, of th* mistakea act

a rt ^

s . Film Players Wj


iploM•lan u

U a


ta> la B m w rl i l i i r A W i ^ B I

n s

•Tg - g W B a M B W W W M

iM W W aM lfW iS iB naM M;k i .in*

'*• ADRIENNE AJIE3 nnd Braci a f^ e r th e ir m airiagQ in C a r

ea, h o u rs a f te r M iss A m es obi ^ S tep h e n A m es, N ew Y ork b:


S.Ae J M f f lB C t iB f lS s B B u B lrln m B jM M M B e on B ^ ^ B 5 9 | n | f i m B i H

;at_^______J . '


. . LAST DAT AT ORrJlEUM T h m of the betaU s rrom the

, <TDOtlUbt P t r ^ ~ fhona.


The fealure comtdy-rlot, "Love, Itoaor u d O Baby.-' u tc ti hit Kith

. SummertlUe asd Zu a ? iiu u ■ the lta ra. will hare iti lu t ih n tn i

lodty tt . th e Idaho tto ifr .Plenty of speed ind ttm » Is

premlie4 In the picture vhleh >howi ' eilm-**-*>^»r«r-*ad-2itu-a».tha -

timid w ltaeu la a trial «hlcti tormis th j thim o ot the plclure. eiwrt fub-e ifcu A eoraedy. wim Tom Hward ; d andaW CfcattO cev-M ouuinM el- ,

odlea." PM 6out*f oU » cacapJsM the pngrm. o « r je ; '* Barhler. LoeUle 01(iwa «nd Eddie■ a n m H a n iB tb e l ta iu re jtK tti .— i

■ . - • . • \

isAHO, TuzmAT uomiiiijt

‘BuyNow”I)riv Inti-Trust LaM'• DM«ln auipendlni the anU-tnut I ~>-Ky ifirw ffiu rririB w M T »rM T t-t e a ^ done. The people are paylas for ( S enh m liuka aov. i t w u aj^uoed I uter* the publle would be protec t-ra*- ihrM fb these eod^ but thitiH ui ; .o f tloo w u baaed upon wronj pern •truit and w u made without a suftid op 'a dealre lo re itnh i monopoUu." fto- Oeelarlnr prlcei ot th lap -’M

' Bc> tla l'to thecoaro rtaodh tiitho f ■Ion- tin n e r tnd U bortr-hire ruenti h ig h S2(oJN p«reent,b<nid''thlinie

denial, the dealai.which brinp i I be- ferlnj lor mUIloni of men aod • uem- men who are enlcrlns the fov idfoia winter ot Ibe depreailon." rural “Who Is It that U thus eiploli fdaho- a a ajnsdyoretburdenedpe^?'’ 7 on uked. aad replied that >-certal rlrer. the NAA' vUI not assume the r d e . spoQsUiUly and 1 do oot ehargt I 'buy ‘■Who then Is responilUe? Sea r»in»’ -one-huoel eoly be tw d ih w * ' M ini era bnt what ts loflnllely vene. s not ro f i f td lo a brasen precnm r," K ^glU tloa" lye*. "Auertlni rthe world h u b aatly Mlounded-tbat-tha-CnlUd-Sla more should hire from 10 to l l mlii

fhe meatndwomtaovtottmplcixmti rhlcb be went ea lo siy that -perhipi

expUnttlen o( thit-m iy b« found tl be- the r u t thU eren la the ytan ». 21 m t, 1937, and tn s , the foklen ye I, I t vhleh ve are s tr lrb i to reeoi prey there were 7J mlUloa ^ p l a In i

They Baited ststei thst hsd in ann h id ^ Ineom e^ltH th i n tOOOaj u r J I Mae* vhen Che crash camf our-rrser

tbe dUappeired oremlthl. laded ’T h e re ls a p e u ^ e a lm e re ln t M Of iltuitlon than thst of meeUnc i tklitf present crisis. We must abo sea to been lhat thou who jffoduce the wtU twre- ot the countty shtU hiTe a gnai i buy ihare of lia enjoyment. I repeal, w«ny v u a u d mlstake.lo suspend all i X. , t l - t ^ t Jura WAauTB noOUog

I act allty ahd a nobU purpose.;'

Wed In New Mexico

rucc'iCabot of the films |ire shon Carlsbad. Now Mexico, only a fe ob tatncd 'a Nevada divorce fro

r k b r o k e ^ ,^ ^ Photo.- -


Zt youVc-not ilntlns or vhlsUli tb* io a i or tune qf -Wbo-| Afraid Ut* BU Bad Wolf," It'i a n r e l l th a t you b a re s t p*Sd a Tliit to Jo

' Boxy, theatre w bm , for tb* ll t lm u today; T liree Uttle Pip," 11

^ o n y cartoon U bolding the teilu _ 1 po*lUonofThe~r«(Ur«Ue>moftl

- • propam. The feawre plclwe il tltii— -TKB-wwifftUjnrtttdTad-fltnUi

la with "Three UtUe P ip” and tun ful tune -Who‘s Afraid of tbe S

‘ sa d W oir for (be woTld,it is u l h u "lone m#4" ot thli icrten sti u tlon .

---------“Thp World oone Mad.“ fealuriiPat O-Brten. IMtlyn Bnnt, Mw Brian and h'eU Hamilton ii a tn

— atoqt-ot-AVall stre tt;f ln> neka_ good s(ralni>r ecnedy runs throuil oot Ihe pirture, with a cltow th h u y o u hanclnt'on th* edge of ym seat. 'Capera In City.' a Palhe Nei

_ r « l ind.ancilw%Pliode inof T a r u a the rtariess.- comPSl this Joe-K's’Roxy procnm. 'ntmoi row aad Thundty "A Chance i

I IleaTen" with Joel UcCrea and 01: * ger Rogcn, b u d s the guest Uek<

program.the ............. .. ............

CARO o r TRA.NKS We wish to Uuink otir kind {rlenc

and nelghbora for their k U of In and eympiUjy during the ttcenl Im

a p ofourmother.andalioextendgraU fuU thanks tor the beaaUful flon

' irJbuies to our lortd one.>«. c . M. Branson,Ith ' • Branson.M ” z .s.B ranson,

J. U. Bransoa. -A T

J; TOOLATETOCLASSIfTth* — ________ / .ms L o e r : BROWN tX A T B H ^ W Jb- for' chUda coat. 8undsy,betweo ird a u th snd Seren lh , oo iBMihon el- eirett. Phone l a i.. ;

nge t o a r -T p A m a H S t t - w i f lSdie g lu sti In cue. Reward wllh prop— tr-l8«natlc*tte.-PhaB* ------

iiiC 'H lO naaBBB'T, 18M V

j y ^ — — F i g h t i n S j D

I W "

T fbegn -tor that B e S B B a a i ^ ^ Ht i thatrotectidmump-

ifflctent ■ M H I H H i H l H

"eu a *


ad wo- B S l h > i 5 S ^ ; 5 ^ e B # W


ertainty the 're- a rgejt. 'Seoe-. '

>ne.to am ef

« been

millionr»eat,*iipcaa U * | S * f l e g 8 B M Bm adia ta n of nyeaq ecoTer,In th» anneal t j b o i . rserm

In lb li n* thl

WORKMEN are .h o m f [m te r R hode Is land , w here th i >eat. It a n d m a n y w er« in jured

low ed.--(/IO Photo.


(Continued prom Pige One)

ctneiT proerem Is worth glrUi fair tflsL • • *

- _ B c ten lngJ«Jh»_ i« :w w |a f^ .. tween tana .pricti during

lummer and recent'rlMsJo inc Irlal wages wftlJe agrteuJCunl pr ftU. WaUace said tome varlatloi the rate e t recorery w u Inerlli and It w u the progrrts.OTer a p

• ed ef many months “ih « i t UUs the tale.- -

Ke explained that in p u t yc fTou farm Incotae and fulory p rolls had gone up or failed IcceU aod had faUen fu te r and fart th io the total naUoaal inoome i tu the Income ot igrlculture i

' about'halt v h i t It ihould be i payroUa U per cent of v b it t

t ~ “I t NBA Increases lolal payp trom M to 100 per cent wllhln Bert.-l»^iMath i - a Dd ipleue Jp i th i t I offer this u a postlou aot u a propbecy-lt wUl not longJ^w after_unU l.lhe POU. cone of fannen Is virtually dm ed." WaUace u ld addlogi •

■'It vUl U te, I fear; i t least couple of yean before we get.bi to vbere ve were befort the depr sioo. some people thiak we ne wlli get hack there, hut I am « Tinted that If we really .iu* i h e ias 'and our’ Keuifc ll'We Bl Intelligent patience with one-1 other, w e' u n make renirka stridu during tbe next' yeir." •

H* lauded the accomptishmenli lha NRA la eUmlnatIng ehUd lal

hown and raising wage* b -certain i . tofioosly 3ekw ard JodaiWa," a ‘ expressed hi< desire to see the is: from prUclples cTtnluaUy applied to i


^ GOVERNORS URGED fe . "TO JOIN DRIVE FOR J l . SUGAR ABREEMEl^ (Coatlhued From' Page One)

-------- idoptlen^t.the agrtement.wu.vlito'the contlaued solvency ot (be d

U DtesUe ladojtry.'1 . . ' .The lallUl pejmenl ef Ihe'HRAM b**t sugat.cmp.wUlb*jnide.by,Tl

- tuaUy all Ihe Western beet sug i.iiin[f companleioa Norember IS, PancA raid of a 'l — ' -■-'u ' ' —

IsM- Johnson’s Moth »» i« t —C the : H W B n B f l B S'Sym- ' eituree r tt ii ~: tltied - r r t g h t - tune-

lu id , D B e i g a1 sen-

luring U try •I true ff.-^A _ oulh- t thst(yeur ■N««i

>1 n il

™ 'tt I Gin- ticket

(love lou '


so/r -weenkhone

• ‘ MRS, SA M U EL JOHNSON m o th e r of H ugh S. John

IOTP* Roodbye fo M rs. FVanklin— p ie -.\yhitc -H ouse .—

------------ 1----------

— •— -------- ..f — ----------^-^ D b u t r o u s O B - F i r e - — —

n fiffhtlntf' ihc oil /Ire a t Tivcrtoi three men were knoA\n to havo die ired as tanks exploded nnd fire foi

..M - «TM. - nirmnflt ttllle) llflrtlpresent conditions wUlarersgt aboi ■ NRA « J 0 *l«i|)jreugheuttheWest,»1 b* oude upon approximately 90 pi

L,,. • cent of lhel#33 crop vhleh h u a!IZ i___ r» d y been hanesled.in n s a With beet vorkets gcneraUy m

pocilag to recelre u thetr share be [a, ba- t* « n one-fourth and one-fifth (• iM , ' the-*m ount-j»ld-to .tbe.gro*er L-laiiZ miny-vUl be-ferced upon chirll

roUs for the winter unless the totitiM ta Pf>“ “jrtjJjjlj anee ot the agreemtnt. Paocalia peri: ^


5 ^ . NEWS SUPPRESSIOImt un- 'Continued From P a p 6ae>

? ^ recovery prograta, he u lV tU r t •1 t S . J«tlons raised to the NRA. frttdec “ .of the preu, eonstllutlooaUty^f tb

prlTata indlvlduallam, wen. eltbe "synthetic dead caU“ .or "bebgob

T?e tn a g rra d T fM W o s itlo ^ I h e ^ i ^ he asserted, were not the*

^ ,S l : J a u ts ,b u t r t th e t th e dealre of Ja.fff powerful m ea . . . for the benetlla (

. • J Ihe act bat none of ils burdens, " f fi He u ld “they want to organUe am •*-“ *‘ coinblne ahd escape Ihe Inhlbltloa d w ^ of Ihe Sherman act bul they don' ' -H r to glre anything In return fe » « « 'lthese .beneflia ,'n iey .w an t.to gir• W *nothlBs and takn ewrrthta*." r i u . BI, H8 quesiienetl whether ioKi U Ifli

M - objesions did not arise becsusa th NRA ’-raised wsgei and reduco

• ' houra of work and thus lacreasei lenlaof. m U la order lo relUre tha despal 1 labor of four mUUon bread vinneii." in no- Declaring the NRA and the Rocu

' and rcfe Bdminlstrallon hara “puUed Qb a same .eounlty one quarter way out of Ih to ag- March dumps. M per cent in' sh

i months." Johnsoa said It htd don< so without vloUUoR Ihe eonsUtU' tJoa, menacing freedom ol the pMs or coerehig tny industry hilo i code..

/ItNJ m oB acaoo iB oyN UPBOU rOO'TOALL I N m iU

,f) BUPPAIO. N. Y., Not. 6 «V-Ar. ’ . Ihur Kreger. ll-year-old Ambent' is.vltal_CentialJUgh.Bchool iia r.d ltd tods] be do- utheresultoflnjurfesrecelreddur*

Ing ■ football gflfba Saturday. Kli a 'lU S 'neck %ai broken when ba v u tack- by-rtTi_led.by tw ojiajren. Thli U the thW sugar high K)min3oU»U7ala3]lylo~Bur

incake lalo th ii leaaon.

)ther A t White House

)N (left) o f Okmulgee, OklahopiB, ohnsoo, NRA administrator, bids {lln D. Roosevelt after \-islting a t > -P bota-. , ------------....

■— f~^— -----

— UlSITOBfiMl^

t Z i N l I l M i p E

Not. »AIotui J), Uoyv. TT, rtildeat of th li district for 18 yean, waa-feond'tlaad-at-hW-baBfr-tbreo- aod oni-baif mUe* aattb et Buhl.

-------- Sunday mfifnlai. ichoottrcaUed a t h li bom* about I o’clocX Sunday momlag tad feeod tha body. Death had oceamd at u a iU m i be* Ivsen 9 o'eiock Biturdty trinbig uu i ( o'clock Buadiy, tnd Is bcilend to hare betn dui to heart troubU. n u wife pneedidblffl In death I ts ic an

* ^ e U lurrlred by three btxrthtfi tnd one ilster, tU residing hi MU- sourl

PMaertl amhgemeata hare so t ■ beea made, pending word f ra a rel-

aUns. T h l body llei a t tb* Erani - and^ohawn.tuner*l.heme. ____


--^ANDtOCAtrlSSUES-. (Owtlaoed Ftom Pag* Oh»

= ffebbi.eoraathor t f l h * Webb- ' Renyon a tt whlch-iaebiUUd^p^~

ment of vhUksy into dry. s ta tu , BUhop Xdvin D. Uounn of tb* Uetbodist Zplseoptl church. South,, tn d Olyda ft. Eeiy, ‘ oa* e t th*

' state'* foremoit lavyen aad era* ion. •

• Dry A4Toeal*a Rap*al; ' Th* v e t tight hw bt*a M by

a vet ticket tvo y*an ago. ta d . Waller L. Murpbey ot Ballsbm,

Senator Joilah BaUiy. t leog-Uioe i-crton, dry, had adiocated repeal aad n - , : X h tu n ot the dueiUon te th* cUte*.

“J ' ? « t i i . i « n o n s o " ;™ lln*' to dettmUa* vbether tt ih*ll

aUov the sak ot vhliky, •-- -nie Tote* of oaly Ihre* of « »

— r ■■ |(at(*-vUeb-ballotjoday.Jtaj>Md£. r iifirtcf ed to-wip* o u t . tbe tighteenth S » S i f c n " r i a - t h * ~ t b l r t T . t t o w - 'est, »1U which hare so far teted, tbe fw ilt r w p e r l iu been M 4»4M fer npeal and h u al- 3,7«.«ST agtlnst. ,

The Nev York intyortl election la aUy » • regarded u havM ImpUcalioni of lare be- importance (o the admlalstrtUoa ■fifth of The White floui* h u conil^ntly

S ^ y S r ! ’ " t o e Detnecnijc. g e w n U * ^ the ton- SW,. Postmaster Oenetal parley, h u accept- announced his support of J « p h

Pancake v . McKee, who u ld In a speech re- ccnUy “a rote for UcSce U a vote

- for RooMTell."---------7 ■'City aod Stale See itou‘ “ ■ Parley's la itrtst U u ld t« ba prt- Or' nsarUy not th i hnmedlate outcome

p c in u Bt tbe elecUon. but lha ensuhig alt- SSiUN uatlon vhleh vouJd InrolT* control )ne> of ihe-DoUUcal machineiy o t Nev

aU e^> ^ouiw 'm ayoral'e licUoni bar* tt - frttdom tratled more than local InU nit of ' r^of tbs those who are lookingr /or treads, e * - ^ In 01«velandHM>lp-and tuek ligbt - . •liber between Ray T.-UUIer. Democmtlo ‘>nbgob- Incumbent, aad Hairy DaTis. m Re- === = = ^imean.-UnmdtriwaynlB;Aihany« iltloa to yM o , joha B. Thacher. H . Demo- M th m cfst, U fighting Reynolds K. Towa-

jetllaef LouitrUIe t t e ^ U ^ l e d ' by Pro- jxdens. i^erlUs MUIff. d u a of the 1“ ,“ ^ OalTenlty of UmlsrtUe Uw i ^ l , JWUona „ to uahone R ep u b lic^•y d r a t 1 ^ by Dan M. CarreD,.vho hare ’" " J 5 been entrenched , lor 20 yeara. .

•'O ther- ipou along the. campaign « L _ frnrit. aw_tha IhUUUt* hu»_ in

New Y ^ l h e bwsT of which U ■“? ? ! new dominated by RepubUeani;

New Jeney. which eJefls eight itale eenaton and the entire 1« « b o w , and Kentucky, vher* h»U of the

n » « . state senate and 100 memben ot

g .“ ;

| | pensidns, nlorm of county rul* and UmlUtlon of tha real a iu te tax.

Peaasylvainla nte* on 12 ^ to amend .the cooiUtuUon.

among tbtm thn* vhleh p r o r^ fer Issuance of tiSfOOfW in bctidi; WtXOflV) to be used to pay veter­ans' bonuses; |U ;000,0(|0 .for unem- pWfBent -relief -aad -flO,OOOecO-/or - bridge purchases. C o m m i^ u Ihere-alio vUl voU on regulation., pf beer tales.

-Kew-Jeney-wUl-haTe-two-refer. eada on bond issues. ^

VlrginU vUl elect t acnator to ] [lU the unejcplrtd term, one yew.»f Claud* Swanson, now lecretary If Uie cary. A Ueuieaaat goranor , u f f w a ttoney general also wm be .. jlected. _ _ _ _ _ _ _


(Continued From P u t One)

w l ^ y or adiled Bnything to tbilr ;u ller declarations that they deea- sd It adrtuble tor tha warden to lubmlthlsiulgnaUoofaconsldera- . .loa of the board.

Qorertiar SUent A«trwi fBr^«iiment,QoTem3 rtow

laid ha did acrt car*, lo u iu It jefore the tia s of the pttisa oeui naeUng. He hoped to bar* aueh a neetlng probably early next wttfc

M U lUU rtcopen tlii ffc«a aa op- iratlco for remoral ot h li teoUli ^ le b kept him h) tbe boepltal aU of

K e^ ttra e d lo his baae UU W - irday night and u id ha w u feeUag >elter loday for the fln t tta « - .

of whlch'ls the lofthall g w e jtlwtea the Vswlsl* *nd Washing-

looal o n n g e eonrenUon meetlog Kre NoremMf 1>.


SPOKANt. w u h , NOT. 6 WVrThe loleonda’itines company ansounetd

It h id made “Important- s l j . , •{r.jfid d U e o w ie n h U J i ftBirfTl joeiir d'Alene region of aorth Idshs,. '

lAma The ort. encounUred in the.May-, fUJd mine, n u r WtUaoc* th e -u j-t,-

bids nouaetm enlu ld .cev lttio filx .ffti, tg a t of gileni avengtat 20 per cent leid

• and u ouacu of sU rc lo tb* too.

t E l Brw o , and Possib ly T h r i s , I to -

bo 4-H C lubbers W lji T r ip s ■

I T o 'C o n g re s s a t Chloago

I ^ ice co w , Idsho. NOT. « l - 8 U telOd Munly club C h w i ^ for

i i m h<r« been tn m w e ta m J .IL EUardtn, lU ts dub le*dff\«lih the OnJrenltT cl M»l>o » g i l c u l ^ «*• Itiulan dlrliloo. Tko ot Uie lUte

fl Uuunploaa v in Ulpe to the, tn U lh i t Milan 4-11 club eossrus l i Chlcaao

mozmL.M4 woUitr iaijM»In P lae. The other e t i i i thimplbn H - I • Mted * trip to tbt PicJUc tater*H u U o u l Urestock exposiubn. \I The (t«te ityle drcu reriis chim** ' ni«n i« Rernelce Hooper. U t> 'Hot « Bprinp, with l a r i j m e r . Buhl,\M “ I?; ilw ru U . M lu Hoope i iu com* f l ' pUlcdIUa]tev*o{MTlcselut)vorl^Ij L ipretklentotherclubuhlbubcea a ___ iJ o » l le«der I to y o n . A tChleuoI ih e^rep roenT ld iH oInan lU o tiT -\ J l l ity lt dre« renie conUit. Twelre n

M CQUDtlct nuoed couctjr ciuunploiu In Ibl* coDUit. Ths g umy^cht ^ o M

Hooper, U MI not Bprtnje; O im et Orten, Me- B Cammon; BonnerlUe - ChtrloUe '

VanDon>.8vuiValley: BoonleVan« ___-Darn. a w B VaHey: Wa«hla|ton r?pTiSr76oeirW U «r.-TaiSrm «-.V ride. -I I ner. W elw ; Kooteaal-Allen# WU- ''J c u . Dudley; M u tu e t NItkey, Dud- a tey; Piyette-FbyUU MaUievi, New / a Pljmouth! Fern Noya, New. Ply-

ntouUs; Ada - Ethel Teeter. Mertd- / las; Margaret May. Kuna; Jc rcsi» - ‘ m e Fuller, Jerome; Jenldene Han-

— Jerome.. . • \■, Twla F»U»-Loli .Miller, fluhll -

drtd ShoeUey, tUchiield; l ^ t b y T — H ejnoiU nucB C eia i-B annerS^ i' f

la re t Rathbum, aamueli; Carftoi»- nulh Browo.£oda Bptlnp; Ooodlog

\ ■ -E leanor Sutlfr.BUit. ■A Dairy Calf HoDm Luter Hendrix, Meridian, la the

>: i m Itate dairy caU elub (hanploo.Be recelied a trip lo the ITO Pa- ,

r -r-tSlte-lnleniatlOMMlVWrWohmoad, i ' - Suhl. was aeeond la ih l i conteit. , " : . state ehaniplooahlp In the 1PM “

meat anlnal Urestock contest roes ^ to John A. Pierce,’ Malta. C aala * county, wllh Waymw Outhrle. On- *'

; melt. Gem county, .a aheep clubber. ^ z a* the alternate. As etate champloa ® > Pierce' recetfa 4 handtome gold

watch and lia* a chance on a trip “ fi -to chlcaga The record booka'of ihe “ ? ' lU te champions a n Judged tor sec- . } llonal awards and the winner In each °V section goes to Chicago. Eight county >V champions were named In this eon- f J . •teit.,The»eeouDly'le»dcnareAtton f' I Nye. Caula; Dell 6mlth. Bannock; “

------'" 'to itro rB u tto ra o o d ln irH a ro ld * ®aianksma, canyon; Russell A. Relr ® yea. Payette; Harry Pharrls, Jer- s'

•=^M 5en«rer'n*M rtirAiJBrKid-way-- ^ manOuihrle.Gem. |,


^JILLS COIXEOE, Cal, Nor. 8 - S Projecting lh« stud> of EagUah for Y freUimen Into a dramalle panorama g

■ of American folk lore ™ ^5*' £

'! sented a t MUls College by the class ^ ot }937, last PMday erenJar, In l i i - >, ser Hall. “

Dr.' Lucy Lockwood Hazard, pro- ,, fusor of EnglUh. assliUd by Mrs. V Ellzabetli Conner Lindsay and Misses „ Catherine Lesson and Virginia Mor- gan -of-lhe English department, co- . operated with students In the dlrec- J

I Uono! lour skJU bssed oo conUw. “

V lore. The skiu Included T h e Great 7 Plumed Serpent," a Itopi Indian cer- ,,

■: ■ emony whleh embodies the tribal ]) ■ player lor (ettlllly and Is slUl ob- „

' serred annusUy In March; ‘’Cowboys « J on the Range." the lu t remaining > iS tlo w»h ihe esrfy West; .“A Play r 5 Party on the Blue Ridge;" story of ? 4->—thebacbcounttyofKenluekF-whleh Z 4 ' it sUU 7ull or wild chronicles and < a -j_ 'taU .tol«:L»ad.U fl»«_the.Ptr»te,1 C 1 Which deals with Soulhern Crtole

P — ^-BeauUet-and..Uie .soft.t6ngiltA.ten^ . R i- Uemen ot historical New Orleans.MT ' Miss nuUi Read. Twin Tails, waa m student director and ■ member of ,,■ the cast in Ibe conalrs' aklt, with a

{ prologue; two scents and epilogue. „---------------------- Il

I' - , . - — n

....... R eal, E s ta te T ran s le rs . , I

Titl« Osarangr Cetnptny ^

SATCRDAY, N0\XMBEE 4 D «d: z . J. Lynch j . w. Lj-nch. 110. UUi J. 3 .4 ,5 , 8. g. 10 and ll,

•B/flck-iJ iisn ttn Townslle,--------- *Deed: P.'Spenecr lo P. Barker, \

■ „ gl H, Kinney. *1660,l ^ l i n e n e m d I

, 6ENWNE 31 0 18. . «i D eod;A.E.RkksloLulaL.Oaull

, I1.LOU1271011. • cl Deed;. A.'L . flwfai to M ixaaii>- -

------- / -=


BURLEY. NOT. 8-W ort h u been - rscelved here thai Ronald Wilson, • sonolMr. andMrs.B.p.wUion.has ' tw ensppototedJoaM anhJpiaihe department of psychology at lha Un- Iverslty ol Idsho s t Uoseow, Ue is

, .ttorklng lor Ills majlcr's degree this '


SUIILEY, Nov. 6—JJrs-Oicar Pike, BurJfy. entered tie ftem jfsd hoe-

, _ p»al thlsmsrnlnsJwamaJoropera-

■ D o n 't S u ffe r-F ro m Sou r S to m ac h .Jn d lg e s tlo n *_;

'■ Indigestion, acldllj. heartburn ^ and. sour stomach -otten lead to ‘

;‘K._:*efJpM:stomach trouble. Dr. Emlll J, ..Adja‘.,Tab!ets'eounleraet llirje w n- •

dl,tl6ti»;v<3l« Quick reUtf. Majeitlc F n iannarj:- jn Ktaberly a t Slowc's « ia .io ac )-.-^ r .

- r -.' ?v -------------- :-------


' i T f f A K E T T H I S - M C

g I : : M n P a t e


IM -------

||!! RUPERT. Nor. »1-Hay growcn ot

■ ^ g ? g S S i ? S S ^ 5b V .T iiS g a :n bousa'here trr»ed'(o''lioIct 'lu y for u *8 per ton UntU Norember 18, when

35 cents per ton wUl be added. About . . lOO growen algned the agreement . . aad a committee was appointed to

canrass the county lo secure a t least 14 IS per cent ol the- gt«wen to aanc- Ig Uon ihe..prlc«-and-i!gn~ttu agree- M ment" The committee, J, W. Woodruff,

George,Beaman. R. B. Corleas. Au- t , gust Crumroy, Dare Schorsnan and I). Howard.Eastman..reprtsenlnc.<Uf^ MJ ferenl'lections ot th# county, wero k. Initructed to make tha canvaa and ^ iepbrLhacLl6A jnetU nucejor.thk. 1. comtDgSltanlsy. Luka wuuams was r . chalman of ths seailon.r«-~ ' -------- - . '•---------


E -UnRTAUOH. Nor. 8 — A Urge

crowd gathered a t the Murtaugh ~ Community chureh Saturday night ,5 tor a pot^luck supper and to hear

fluperinlendent W. S.’ Smith, Twin ^ g»lk on th<!i procram of theY. NRA. -----------------“ The. get-together w u under the ' • leadenhlpflf Rev.iawJn WWta and was held to increase membenhlp la

?; the church organisation. WUllam ~ LIndau spoke on Sunday achool ac- “ Urltlei. R«-crend Whlto spoke on [' -Reorganisation;" Ralph Day ssng ’* a vocal solo and a ladles' trio, In- ' • eluding Mrs. Hall. U n . Bradshaw

and Miss Kesslnger, ssnr.

[ : to be held D efcbe r B or 15, ipw - “ tored by the mtrfiWncludlng: Supper,II Glenn D rlm, ArtWV Menser. James f* Boyle, Henry Reese. Paul Hlnc^UUf,• C. A- Hock; program—E P. Brown-

tag Ralfth Day, rtarold Jferser. WIl-i _________________id '


“ jjCRLSr. Nov. e - funeral ten-" Ices lor Mrs. Henry BaUey who paas-

cd aa-ay at Ihe famUy residence, Sat­urday morning, wlU be cotalucied Irom the L. D. S. Ubemacle Wed-

- nctday altemoon- a l . 2:30 o'clock wllh Bishop L, W. Drake atllelat-

^ta'tsnneBV TrDr-W-ln- Uja-Burley- C e le ry In ^a rg e of D.&-Johnson:- A-numbef-of-oul-oM«Kn-relat}re*

will be la attendance.

BUHL TWINB fiCCCUSOl t ODUL. NOT. 8 - The infant twins -■ aod-Mrt, Fn<i Jakubowskl,. who m-e ono nUIe west ot Buh, died ' at birth a t the Twin Falls county

^ giftTCslde Sunday aftcnoo'n a t 2 , o'clock with Falher Mlcheal Ryaa

or tho CalboUs church otllclauns. ...

■ ~~ ^

WflM.^ ^ Itk. r«

tf* lM M 4b««BM asaki»

: DetWeiier~: . COAL CO.: FOR COAL T H A rS FINE « PHONE 80D

HODEL-AT“ HGME5aiiy News Pattern'


*y O fc ne C M ^. You Just cant tmaglna what -In- doer ehia itaSy Is until you're mada Ihli attraeUre frock io wear during b u y hoint about tbe house. Il fol- towi extremely simple, slenderising' lines and adds a becoming collsr ot contm t-Just no trouble a t aD to

\ make with the Anne Adams In­structor that U Included, lo guide youl Try It In a prlnUand on a aeeond model, omit the coUar. -

Pattern 2S90 Is arallable In a im S8. it. 40, O . « and 4S. Site S8

-Ukea 3U yards S8-tnch'(abrleand-H yard contniUng. Illustnled step- by-step aewlog iMtruetlons lncIud-l ed. .

~ Send F irrse N c p r r s (isc) m' coins or stamns (wins preferred) for: this Anna Adams pattern. Write plalaly name, address and style num*'


I ' The smartest Fall and Winter 1 itylea. the newest fabrics, hlnla on I harmonious'wlftum and Jewelry.I - -how-to knit a unart sweaur. gilts

fcr the kiddles, l u t minute fuhton flashes-these are among the fas*

. '-cinauot Items In Ibe New FALl AND WINTER EDITION OF THE




5 n SHOSHONE, Not. 8 -M n . J, II. * Kilpatrick, entertained (he Tunday

Bridge club this week a t her homt . Mn. J. P. While won hlah pH » and

Mn. o . J . Branns^ w ^low .'M h.

^ tbe piMt prises.- Mn. um bert Dolphlni'enterlila-

ed the d T l M. 0 . elub a t her home Thunday erenlng. Guests were Mn. P. E. Barrett and Miss LuclIeHad-

Lui dock. Mn. Edwin Qrcssa won high prise and.Mn. J. E. Potter, low.

t r . Mrs. Catherine CUtlon entertained three ttblfs of bridge Thuriday ere- nlng. Mrs. SeweU Chapman won high prla snd Mn. B. O. U ne won low.

21, Mn.'Myrtle Burdett entertained at a social meeting on Thunday e\-e-

_,M nlng ]n~lionor of~the~Bustnc9s-and-* Professional Women's dub.

thl, A blrtliday surprise parly waa -iSj- Ktreiraftbrhome-ol-MnrS.-T.-Baer-

on Thunday erenlijg In honor ot Mn. Baer's birthday.

BURLEY STORES CLOSE <SH ■“ FOR-AWVIiSTiCE-OAYtrgs B0RLBY, Nor. 8 — Burley M a- ugh cliants' aswdatlon has decided to Ighl ticee stores cn Armistice day. No- tear >-enber 11, as has been tha a n n i^ »ln custom. • r - ’ - / /tha With the Ihe liaUday la lU n fj*— Uaiurday. there was s6hl< ounuiian the on cloalng, but merchanU cooclud- and ed week-end shopping, with «d- 1 la i-aoca notice, could conTcnlcntly be lam dona oh Friday and obserratlon of ac- the day made u iu u a l. Stores and on other places ot business will keep

ang open Friday night tor the accommo- In- (UUon ol patrons..

saw ^Double holldan are In vogue Ihls }Tsr. sines Ansllilee dsy e m a on

tc£. saturdw, with CtutHmu y d New jng both coming an Monday.

CAREY POST OFFICE ' ui't! . POSITION IS FILLEDwn- _____Vll' CARET. NOV. S-Miss sicOt K ant

h u been named postnUstreas here— to succeed,Joseph s. Cooperwhoias

served la thst capacity for a num-— ber M years. Taking clrll serrica ex- ftfj amtnations for Ihe position were; W.

QrPynili. Jr.. ’niuuias OrPatterson; O. A. M. Olsen. T. Li Condle and Les- IJe PatUnon. 'us-

ja t- = = = ^ = g =:pr.iK fie iran - H —

(. ..

^ f f l \ v S i,B W a 1 1 1

: H -

& A i

--------— TWIN-FAIXa DAILY:

p - . r - r r r — ...........—

S Q G I O Tnt P h b i

p A Businces and Profcsalona A ln * W d e p a r tn i e n l3 , / o n n c

la- , the pro jram a t the Busir Club meeting lA8t evchluff,at

‘5* Mra. Genevieve Dwight, pregi table of contcnta pw edin tr ca

ot 'T h e Magazine-tilrl,” Mra » natlonol president, whoso pli

\ m presented by Mra. Gra« cd llo{ .|n -:lil= r. p r c s c n W th» section .was prtsenled by Miss Ber-

i„ , Iha -.Tlc*; the poet's comer by Mn.' u B«4*h Osborn, who read a group ,.i : o f . ^ Mamuls:,.noasense tertes. „ Mn. Margaret Peck, representing

Ila auJlc .foluma, gars a hri«f history ot Grieg and Ulustrated her Ulk wllh a group ot his com-

“ hT ^*^n. H. w . cioucntK prttcntRT tor -n io w a s h l n g l o n Merry-Go- rite Round."- ■ ,im- - MUs Jessla Fraser gave a talk__ on iMoki. reprewnUM the.,book

rerfiw section w lS e magiane. Mn. P. H. Hlgbee presented the

'Kr iTdvertUIng and Miss Nettle-Badge; ,0" the comic strip. M n Msrguerite O'- Noble Kee garo a rerlew of lade-

pendent-Womaa The-news section ot the magatlne wai reprwenlad by s ^fflposlum of national stata and

, , i district elub newa. prtpared by MUs )K Jean Dlaketacker, stste publicity OB’ ctialnaan r w ^ -Tg O ^^ - Ml**-**** - UR DobUuoa. "7~ "rA. Preceding the program Miss OC Ethel FlnUyton, pspU ot Mn. Eftle EE Rlherd Hinton, pUyed a pUno solo.

Ill, -Guerts-of the eluB-were Mr»._E D, Kinney, Mn. Richard Bmlth, Miss Crystal Kelly, Miss Cora Me-

= Coy, M lu Katherine McOoy and — MJa-Srelyn-MeSJUlM-------— ^


II. The ra lb Arenue Junior Club met Isy Saturday attemoon a t the home of Bfc Mlsa RulhKestlcr. MISS Verna Bens,

[a. wero aerred a t the etosfl or «w *rt- me teroooa. Ths next meeilac WlU b ta l

.(], December aeeond. wllh Paujiaa Faw» Igh »on la charge ot the

,,d IlE U nV E SDINNER 110N(MES ' •

«h Honoring her h u i ta n l P. L.1Vek- )w. er.-whose blrthdaj) annlrenary w u led being obaened. and a^o . eompU- K- meatlng her da^hter. Mrs. A. a

o M * o ^ to t i l to lS S m e tb o ^ ^i-as Snako Rlvn caoyoa last week. Oth- if r en .arese ia jre reJJr .A adJto . Her» of b e rtB W .M n .a to U rfe ,an d ({ a 3 ^

ter, BUeea, M n; J. IL Drie. A. 0 . _ PHB-anfl •Charles 0 . Ray. w . |

men spent the altemoon quutuigioik ^ j L ^ u r t e., ;

lY Re l a t iv e s A T ftf ib '^ ~ MORNING NUPTIALS

Ataslmple home wedding, attend- ,to ed by’relsUrei only, MUs asie Del' >0; iHler and A. B. NeUon. boUi of Smith y* Center, K ansu, were ualled lo mar- V riage-Sunday moroU«-at.W-o'ckifc. OT t h e t o ^ o t ^ ^ D e t a ^ a b j ^

Id- ^ ,1 . • W ''d* Ber. G. U Clark, pastor of the h« Presbyteriaa Church, oindated. A of wedding bresUast w u served at tbe

Park lloleUollowlng tho ceremony.*P10- — ' . —


w . b7R2

S ' S £ ' ? ? S S . ’v ir=

F o r

S h e e r , O e a L B e a u t y _

— -we su g se s l .

S-TYLE 2345

HOSIERyAn «xlia iheer, all jllk, dull chiffon. Ill fine (ex-*

■ lure ii mstJc even more ■ beautiful by Holeproof't

iubllc coloringt.--i-joo

Tlifcc paif box, S2.85


Yo«d C L U B Shone 82

Ional W obcn ’s m agarinoV M m plci rm cd tb e m ode o f p ro scn tsU o B ii :» in e ss .a n d .P ro fo u Io n a l-W o m e n r .a t th e home of M lsa R a y 'S m lll iregram chairm an , r e fe r re d to ll: ;r cach num ber on th e -p ro g ra io , M ra. Gelint) M acD onald Bowmai s p ic tu re appeared on th o COTC [race Parsons. Miss FIora-.'BQW<; th e '•E ditorial." T ho 's h o r t a to rBcr-y ' ■ *

Tlie occasion was also a famUy n fOUP union. Those present la addition i '«*• thobrldc.and-bridcgnwm.weraMi [Ung J, H. Dctwiltr, Smith Center. S u m Botftw W th» brlSa; M n. S. J

Helflfcke. sliler of tha bride, ar n n - her son. Billy, Lot Angeles; Mr. i r

Mrs. C. L. Rmllh and.dautmer. Ml: figg ^nT X bu 8mUh, W n 1 ^ ! M ■Go- nnd Mrs. Ci R. Detwll« and Mt

Blanche Detwller, Twin FUU,/ar talk Mr. and Mn; J. t DetwUer, Smll book Crmtfc- ___ I . I- -

the KANSAS c l r i ' C l/BSr- ige: JIOSOnEDIAT DINNER

iiln. C. E/Joncs and M n. BeuU Jr '* Osborn entertained a l dinner Bur 4 rur evening a t the hocns ot Mn. i .11 c . 'victor, eixlh Avenu# East 1

hinor Of Mnf Martha WUsoB.Kaj ^ sas City. Mn. WUson U here, it. r i - «f Mn. A P. Senior. I t a rt w nram osr-D nhffT T B m nrw -nw u , . . pUylng bridge' a f Mrs.'Oibora ^ home in lha Rex Anna Apartment

V’ Mrs. IL c. Dlckcrsoa won the big •“ ®- score prise and Mra. WUson rtceli■ ed the guest prise.I. E..................... . — y


MUs Wnda Imogen# Beaty, Lilt

__ Bvkea^iirUugh. wera married .yeiterdsy afternoon a t the USlZIOdl: EplicoiaJ psrsoosge. Dr. WUJJaj

c e t BmU Voung. pastor of lha churcl Bof oi(lclstlng.MUsEdnaOanleUonan «n. Ed Coughnn a i t ^ d the coup! aess Th^r *'>U mske th tlr home la Mui

, r t - FAYOnSD AZPAHTT.._____a a l JlU set Anna WllUams aod Nln gen, Oundenon entertained their bridj a w club at ihelr homa In the Rex Am

Aparimentt, Saturday annlng. ,' raapsDeOrtheme w u favored In th

decontlons and 'tarota. Mlsa Hele Stesms won lha prUo tor big

lek. ____ , -


j . MUscs Elaine Dudley, and Alli 4 la Beaily e n le r ta in ^ a t a danein )Ui- evening a t tha 0. i

Dudley home. H allm 'en - decon ig i7~ tto iirfliH o*rtzm fflse^akem i: .•0 . ’ HaUowe'ca games, played'betwee «»• I_____ _______ I

£ 2 ' .......... ... .

nd- / •Jtir anllh m m m gAlar- m m m m m t r O c t-— # _ f _ # J l f , # g t


i l i rP

*25p - --

.—..You’II-w ondor h6tv.W e a th e ae luxuriou-^ coata c n r t i f u l f u rs a t- 80 low- a q u a llty .o f th e fu rs, tiic el

• • a n d pe rfec t tailoring' flill II - th a n any t»m parative, r

coats w ere nev er m cnnt U ■ ----. hoi* coultT t ln y -fa in

w here n e a r . th is moiiea f b o a s t all th e f ln ltc rin ^

ejevcr. a tyJc In sJ

. Don’t W o rr> - ' ;A bou t Vour

B eau ty .■problems ^

I Consult T he J S m ' D oro thy PcrkinN

f iea u iid a fl .. . H ere T h ls .W e e tc .



— 1_ dancing, contributed Interest lo U

u S ^ m d l^ m iM te IcSudcdT^'Misses Harriet Madlaad. b

. Smith. Pfggy Dankenbrtng, Colle. .- alee, Abble Andenon. Ifelen Jell

- — son, Atom Darldson, Batae Dudle AUc« Beatty aod Helea Harter.

. M ean. Ray Mooa, Roy WeU___ nrank Beatty, Harold Stearly, Lou------- -SalUrtoer BIU ■ MadUad,-ChartDigU Ronk,'Bud.Mark, King Shlpma

Frederick Drake and Uronna UsiBJOrnen'a .. .............

:■ ■

n. Coming Eventrover, ' : ,m « r club wlU ho^d U

•Norember meitlng Tuesday aftei ^ noon with M n\C arrie Jones. Ra

csU wm be ^WhV I Am Thsnkful iy re- .lon to The teachen'and o[{lcen of U »Mf!i BsplW Sunday, achool .frtU m « t t<

' nlglic at 0;S0 o'clock lor a coren B. B .' euh dlooer. Smiyoae Is requested I , and brlngacoTcreddUh,sandwlchu,sn r. and uble semca..-Mlu I \ .; Wr, American Legloa Aialllary. wi MUs meet Tuesday u 8 p. m. In Leglo

l^ n d Memorial haU. A specUl prognm hi p i t h beea amnged and all women elli /- - / JbletaUw A tutaiarrareelrenaw i — t «l»na«IaUon~to“ »ll*na."Duea'li

payable a t ihU meeting.

euUh 'l Tbe regular monthly cloied but! Bun- ness mMtIng of the Umbda Sign

r t . A-Chl win be held Tujaday erenlng i s t in 8 o'clock s i the boma of Yronc K in - 'Slnlton, 1 « Tenth arenue east.!, tha I i ——la re-1 Tlie_ SUtch and Chatter cucl spent—meellng-haybeett'poatpooed Kwn's next ifgular meeting Norember aj, nenUL ,high Chapter D, P E 0 , wUl hold lu ret

ecelr- ular meetlsg Tueiday, Norember a t a o'clotii a t the couolry home t Mn. Btuca McMlUen wllh Mn. ( J. llshn auUlont hoitasi. Mr Youiig of Jerome wUl glre the n

Llltle port of Ihe annual supnma eonret UtUa-Uon-al-Kansaa.Cltyr-Tbera-wUl-ali l.yei- be lalllaUon.-re d i i t f ‘ ' ' " y . ^ --------UJJam Chspler A I. PEO. vUl metiTvn lurch, day eretlng. Norember 7, a i Ui a and home ofM n. Wilbur HUl. Miss Jea oupte. sn e le r h u the program In c h ^ Mur-- — ~

The Blckel P.-T. A study gon •. wUl meet al the'home o fM n .lL !

------- ^MIO^-Pourth-annue-eastrTuM------- dsy aflerowa a t 3 ^ ‘eloek,.. , ,.Nina — ^ ,

sridge ‘Tw Unity club wUl hara the ar Arms ;nusl pot luck luncheon a t the hon «. A of Mn. A s ; Maftyn,.Wedn«sda n tha Norember B. /Helen / - — • -.high TheM .X »n<18'elub«U l n«i

rilh Rulh tiequi Wedoridt atwrpeft, No\tmber 8, a t 3 o'cloct

/ n e Sunshine Clrela club wUl foot A llc /a t the home of Mn. L W. NulU

aeinrweflr.csdarBftemoon;RoU caU-n 0. C., spouses WUI ba peace quoUtlons.

n j ! d '|" 'f l je “0enr"fll8fe"fltBtlytlBb"wl Iweeaimeet at tba homa of Mi*. Oeori

• #

i t e ja ss can possibly o ffe r ........enriched w ith 'b ca u - — . a p rice! T he fine

c choice new fabrics J g B B vill.show you b e tte r , . e, p rice th a t theso I m i B k it t o a e ll fo r 8o llttioU‘ TU'pInccd’ n f any----------f l U g)iiesl figu re . T hey ■HR silhouettes a n d .I sJcevcj flnd'j3ccjc-


'y ' " ' n ^ '

f, NOVEMBER 7 ,1D38 ' .............

Back Tn Ainerica

iCglon . oa ber. arrival In New York tnm mhaa - P a r l a . ( d e ^ coming to Uie I ellg- vm ted tn ilM to be a wltaea tor i«or- her tanriv husband, ZUrojd P. ia-Ire “ KeCormleltr-71n“ lh e~ IJi00«0

breftch of.^nralse action l ^ n t against hljn'by.Mn. Rhrt£..Tan-

3 ner D o t ^ d ^ ^ e w v A dl-

ijBireoiiiiffiiiI reg- • •ber T. • . T------- .me ot bcbilEV, Nor. tf-Barley pubUs» 0. library wUl obsene-National Book

Mra. Week thU year from Norember la tole n - IB, m e theme U 'Growing Op Withnren- Boolo,'' ehUdrra's booki being tea-

• , “ * Lbmlana will encourage chUdreiS ro L iJi? growfamUUr-wlth boota which wlU

be-of lu ting benelli la an eduea- tl« a l way.gorup

IL H. A hUtoi; of Cassia eounty and Bur* T u » - Jay,ta,ba,iUfrtby.achoolchltdfenJi.

home o t * K S ? d i u S g U ^ ^ * ^ ^ m aivr, Puk KeewU club wUI sponsor tha

ahow, "UtUe Women," and aia do-

lesday jomuon Wednesdar aftemooo a t t o c t o 'doct

'^UU ' Community Church Uillea' Aid U re* sodity wUl meetin Iha ehureh pu-- j . • Jon Wedneaday altemoon. Mn, Rob­

ert RaylwUl bo hostess. Memben are B-wUJ reflueeMd-to-brlnf-4onaUoas.fot-41ia leorg* baaaar........... ...........-


• ' i.

' natlng aerea.MV fletloo book ‘^ tha rental ahalLTbaUdJeiLlteaiT

— diib'wIlI'aonkla-loW airapBW rttr-- Womaa'a dob will doaata aooky for :

■;tJ“ new booka and the Uterary Gniltt i. r 'i', b u voted (o doaata . 2S new books • m - w lth-*ad>-ae«beK adcctlag.*niL_ jJW purthastngooaboot.,^|^ > ItiaS taka Mutual board b u a lso.'

donated 10 aew books, tba ones al< ■ * “ TbdTteeetfed-ara—A s-th r-esnh—■ ' Turns,’'14tUe'Bava'gts" and a bl«' '■ ognphy of Joeeph SmlUi by John K ' Henry Adams.1 ^ 1 , Mrt.' Paika plaoa to a ttoid tha

SUita UbrarUns' coaTtntloa to ba 4& J held durlag book week^t Bolsa and ^ a-Ul appear on Iho program w l^ k H I ' talk-oa‘-Library Managemmt." '

Much interest la being shown In H Burfayn growing lUnry, mora bor< ■ I rowen' cards having been Usued to g H (ar thU year than prerlouily. IDgh H achool students are among tha best W - patrona'and'n ia tha Ubrary dsUy.

Olttzens are larlted to TUlt Iho 11- bnry aad donate any worthwhlla

■•1 booki t e thed idvet.' :

= ^ = s = = = £ = - r

I S m WHY DO THE Y SAT - ” t tnxa “INSULATED?” .

-Eousei Tot Rent" ads Uka gM p these e ta be read la Dc«t any MO.OOO ■ h lg 'd trw p er.'e re n aa d lo s-ia r — r ^ . tell you insulation cohorts.

5 rms.,,steam heat, buotated i di- ttlJlng*. new; ver* desirable;

‘JML^S)3T. IOQDEN, s ^ y ^rm ,- -

^ bunK lnsalated. £ ^ t ^ , _ h e s tA g a r .m » Q 0 .4481 (& ?,■ B-rra. m o i bung.' ' I n n l a t e ^ D , gaf. KE. 4 n i.

HiTY >7 modem bongalm, latabUad. ~ llLLl lu rn a e e .'g ^ a .'P E a r t »48;7:: =

aeoi w . DOUOLA& 7 rmi., mod., gar., lasalatod. flne cos-

fw.Mto dllloo,- r tn t. K& 48M.

• IS t . las«lat«a._hoa.Jm nav de&i ,W lS c o ^ C u m a e i ^ . alee'yard, ,

* TnmUted booe* are demanded by ”

S T i a ' w ^ t o * . ID# owntr “ knowahs e ta rent bis boDit veryquickly.- - ■ • - -


IBur* Wb« people knew laititatlen.. f m u H M .tuel you a rt wasting .win ■

a lm atM per cent on their caal bUU.'to lay Bothlag of > donn other oomforU that, ate, you i

!!? ? '. -wlth..lasulatlon..!I1|a a w w = home Ota be atUo Xon^ated tor •

, I ttt than m . BABT TO APPIT I t t _80LD □« BAGS a m . m e k - '

J e p e ra q .f t . .MAKE YOUR OLD BOUE ,

I' Aid , MODERN ' , \1-pu- ., , , - : 0 A U c J 8 ; .T 0 0 A T l .^ V ^ roAHO ra sB L A n o N CO. ^or41ia Wwpa M> , Bex M8 .

f ' - 9 - ^ -


P w *,lire i.';.

' W n F o a r , ,

I C |W I I I - F A l L 3 - 0 « l l J f - N E W S ^

■ , „ , ^ , „ - , , : W i u a . . . . h iA ». - OvtiU* lUM K

• - PM TW fc-. . ---------- JtllU]

: i a S a f & K S . "f f i . - ■ ■ • - ih d r i

.»IUU U »«1»|. .

s s s a w j i a ^ n . i ; s ^ s S H ! e ’ t? r-“ S to «

r ,{ w a im * w e c W J ft^ - • • - - ' „

Ra MpeulbQin » ,mm»a to t ' '^Wwo.fBbnltud (sr puwiaiUoD

:— |B N «i!?S^SoS ?iS -«#an»*«-»*g s ^ s s a s f f ^ j s ' . f s s : ^

; ^ 4 :

^ Uredt\ t d to tn m *O IN T D0UAB8 . 8omK

lU oj c U tm n t n u fla t U M ; tb m

•_ |,^.^4«U.A»Hh_hUlt t i poe ta* la ip9 t«r th it our dolUr J ta to

'• tadT K tttH rnluljo«t«<l*rt»U an.u d n p n tn U tt i a o lr b i i rM B u e b « u ei l«U u Uu dtm tlon doUir.dld. v lln n

, H>Uw(wMmttoU»doU*firarUJ. ^ : ja<omm<*UU*iofto»jorUTl«.»i»out

— * lc f t t» * n -r t t t» o « c l ouMtUUa» p l? i^ ,-<l*bUwintW M W tH»TjB*|otUw « e » «

d e U w .b K k to U u (U n l.th a io ^ >' 'n i a t« p p tn n t l7 v 9 u u > r u u i in , uiitr i___bTMttlMup>n»fr»iin n n n tto > d . puMU. j u t iba rdd 'b id w l .pipct doOir

■ M tm iU oU r to th l ‘prte* Inda.* J , , %thtfiby itebUlitAi It M th»t b ia e i ' d m

■ I o * ttu w o u jd ij fw » b u 7 th iu m i' 'ameuot e( Urtai u d p ir tb i n m i ^ ^ -•aauBtotdeM i. . . .', - . .. euUhl ' 'T b m 'U oueb <Ub»U iheut tb« vhlti

' ^ U t i o( iucb tctlCB. M iiv BUlO> r f e H » T U . w o « H > .uaJ»tt IT ia r

Tcftcn u d credlton. Dr. lUrmosd time, ( , -,1|tum. teigaLbn to tm ttr . 'l r te r• il tu that' tueh ertUa m lirtprw Bt— tbrw iw iJiirot-lt.---------------------- iSmi I

-• -A imnuBTOt which tim alu fc « imi.dellir borrowfd »htn n h u t li on# "Tia

' doUv ft buihel to r u a i l a t t tbe USUreU tln Im l «h tn vbeat li titij York c oc&u I Duibtl u TloUtlni the n n t . 'irtieiptM or loe l*} 'W « ,- l>i u n - .- n i t r a id b u bHh wtlUni lor ? M *

L >«rrttiaM far lomt ippUctUoa ol 5 S T * prtottpl^lhtl vlU pem lt moBij, toniH

. whlcb u tha i tu d u d of n lu ii te b t , ^ th iM ^ tu d n o t th im u U r o t tb i comaodltr DtukcU m k e .

T h U iU p U r« tiU d b ith o u iib o h i yrti bkTt pronttd bjr tb i ihrliikii« o( P * * ^

■ cvamodltiei ta reliuoo to boost. U ® g ^• U retUted tlio bjr thou who h«Te

— ^ U t d b y t a n c r t m u a u n t - onnnj -— w o ru i« 'u * b iM * fo fT a o M -« i3 h t-u i

b m IneuiTtd dtbli to pw th i In*. : t t r ( t tm then u U v u M tb t Umi stroi

' vh iD tb*dibu w in coatnMttd." I b id l u ta m

jo is om.T n » t a i ro rao , ■ - n U UM to^bt. H aoit .tapamhW «niy.«] ^ -(cttnuBMcpteyid eraooii

• t d m 10i « i a » t w------hwtfcjlUd h itt iy .b t. IB Induitiy-U. u b » r d t ^ > » l > e < t o r t r i e i i t f t ____

Jcb.IafoaipUei*;theBeleM d(«e< -------tM}n rt>opin ind enp lo jv i ctn b m Ibelr pick ot all m u . they r«< g ^ (UH (hOH o m thSrt; y tu t.

Xbli asay ■ n a tu n l policy, U— ti«o»-aad(aihftM tan:t» t(tn td to

If j«.-, 1 -7—kHk a t H (ron thi uiual mntfpolci

— ocT W ratfapiur-flottn-.buim eflr y - r ' te'-eompeUUVi prow.* I t m ay'U \ ^

th l ‘'builoeu 'iui'* tblnt to ehoott (mploycw In tb i u o u impenonil war th i t opc.vould choeu honet,

— 'con 'orahM p. ■I t e rta(ii.benT tr, awkward eon*

pUcadont. T hen are Untta to human •• ptUasee.ItMcofflMapncUeaiQuu*

tknhowpitltnilytbirTOW lnittun* | H ben o(.men aod women belv tai , | H thirty and al» 7 will esdurt thii.'tit<

\ Asd aaldi (n m aajr dlrect.acUoa oa th ilr part, then c u bt DO doubt t^ t t aeclil7 u ft vholi, ucaebow, wiu b a n to cany thl burdu ol IU uaesploredabduaeapltyatilanen- H ben.

uowwUlltbtdoaitW Ultbiyouni H 'w orksa betwcio twcot; and thirty h a n to prorldi old a p pesslooa (or' tU th l r u t t Or will wialib bl taxad

' out of exUlepet to aupport thU r u t ■ IdUaeut o r will our m o ia le order Jlfclde. a f tc all, to ^ I d i , Urlai H ■jotMtwwoTfctnitUaltustUmlddJi ■ ■

ajf? ___________ ,

, , H IE BAIL B tlj , ■; „ r j~ . New adapUUosi o( tb] motor b u . ^

— E oinioaiTW Tnim Broailrirtpart^ —. in i to UH modified (o rm ^e d h U n -

ycliODthortbauUaiidUweblUAeJ. t iu i a U ts p u B a k l& il^ e h a w iU {„

. tb t 0 t t o u l i ^ t b w i A ^ t ( Cot> QQ,

C t ^ j A J L

DB^BiU Rallrota^Tbi J w ja lab-t u ^ • eamfoitabU laiSoM R oteb, nmnlDf oo ralli, but driTcorlU ew B p a motor and m teetln i wU unial.U ibtim i u d comfort'of .n nod im notertoa. l in l l artdint by thU tlB i that tbe mSihm b « a w t Wifil to h a w jv 1 'T tb tacitaow jrW -byasyltM eni, J U lupirtec (UxlbOlty U Batched by l l u iu p trtf lc ip iid a iid imoolh-rua- ^ lo f o i.tb t raU b u t Baqi itm b a n | | wlr OM. u WlU u e o im li part- lenta. . >Ptrbapt the Inlerurbtn trolley] o il tbat b a n too l out of builoeu r buadrMa, tbrouihout thU coon-;T. tn tb t Uat two decadei, laTi up » toon. With tbelr IroUey wJiti, o le tu d power pUnU, they w m too e tlanbenocDt and eipmilTe to meet ^ I t Btw eompeUUco._But we »ay M ralli W aialh o re r 'iu n y ru

rifb t e( way, wtib tb i M ae IW rail Iwneaibootlnf (rom city to ity I t twlca.tbt hl|bway g » jjed. doml

i ^ B B B B e p rr, oi i Bti

J S I brlDt ---------------— ---------------------1 - jTOit

^ A T L A R G E ^ '^ ^n ,iU « lc iu lu io s a ;

NEW VOBK-Two wburbaa hu j. r At ledi, accempulid by thilr wlrej,'pojt^ totond tn tbe othir trin lof to at- up to lOd a ooDcert at Camtfla Hall. At- ’, ia ,a red tn iten ln j elotbe*. they return-,1 to tbelr ear, parked In S9tb ttrceU ^ omio&t had been th jri belore ip ^ n ,

malleloui one bid l»Uled a Ip i around tb t door baniUe. b y t j ^ a tiad 61 t W l W i ‘tTO kW ,~onlrC^,;, >»hudl>eoo>a<».ltJool[ed bad; a iS T I indow would h a n to bi b ro k en .1 ^ ^ maihlnf ear wtadowa ta S»tb itreet \ a pnearloui itunt, ao a traKlo cop;

u ealM from 8< m lb anaua u j

Hs eajni, but bla natural oeatoeta ■ lomethlng madi hbn ibrlnk (rom rcaklnt wlndowi. AlUr 18 mlnuUa' ^ ^ - b t- ( o u B d - * -J a iv l lo f - w « b -* - ^ :&W rfi*h T*?‘" ^* aJirothtiS iP? • ottlletr aod tb t two n t to w ort

T bt women” iio o ? ^ U e n tly K y.'^ jM iilr m n ln i lUppin loaklnf up Ttt iddlN. Tht min btid (uih llihu They \d*niieoiira|id th t - p i i t i n n w n h r f niy worked u bour, (Inally tort;atloir If tba lock u d p r i^ open tUb.,parts w . ' \ pace“W beil' u ld th l lUt cop. iw tai- But I the door to b* euro II itUl work*L Tben he banced ll ehut a«ainl ut,bU(ellow-8aBarliaBba(lBeu« . tJnl bite (oujjd a tiocr knob, In d 'I t into ' Kkid. \ \ tenpl

wf «><■ ll rttuH

me, ih t two ofdcera ijuUtly dip- t l w

rrak t_ tb la -and -buy -yoB m hi|a -ft7 ( imi tm»ket.''.bi o ld , holdlai ea t'iM ct ML : ■ I^Ani“Thafa all rijh t. buddy," wld Cop niw a 1. “Put that ln<n«w lock." : \And ha n e w t III Who u ld Nc4 ork copt w tn unfeellniT • I

• I t Deetn'l Piy . Bundling out o( a ^ h»d i ;» a B., 1 bunled. t i i ln r lu In thei

o n u c S t« p ^ ’d M rn * ^ h a S w ) ^

'aSbarinI Cornell w u abroad, but' lU atar, who ibortly bfflni.a lour I “Romeo and Juliet," w u not yet n k t. Nor w u PrtU Kreliler. but I f u Id Mcluilon, tnrwiy, PeUow' 1 u tinc irt aald ho hadnt a p p e a ^ “ J deck ooe« durlnj the.trtp. 1 Beril Rachaootaoff abo prefer- f i . ' ' < prtney. H t tppeaitd only once ' r" 'i ‘ii iT irip r in T ^ ' V" ! i-M l-ont-a(l<nwoiii wltb- band ' luklni hU fact, on<tiio boat dedt hUt readlnj a boot'StroUInc down to the roomi P»(c bad breakftrt wltb the purwer. Bel mikli wmd to b* Iht only ptnon oo u ei aordtwikt. ■ ine piNott: RoQln henarttr t t m e et'____^ly-ihlp* ihiM oeiiln th M iti a f t - 7 =rnoQo.---------Li-------------------------betci^ ------------bittttO ro rr Whalin reVialed hlmieir tlir ii la-naittrd lp lom attinn ik tn ipeactrt^ ti

S e a tU f l S i n g e r S e t * N e w

. C r i H c i O n t a i

I d T in th e memory o f tb e e ld est ci one btluTO gun ^ tq them in G S V irginia Lo H ie o f SeatUo, 2C Chicaffo O pera c im pany , ^eache York dubuU' B u t desp ite h e r un i in to M apd atage presence is ii' come • i ta r . tb^ j; M i d . « ^ Fbo!

/ ■ I.'

q ie M ID r . I ^y i t s i m

R O f e - i^ 3 / oil I

e tfW K U M H w koM K raaiuN ^to o

. .WAflHXHaiON, N ov.eL soenw than aeyoot ixpected th t Niw Deal haa oometo tb i partln jo( Ihe waya. 1“ ^, [iUt week Rooitnlt 'faetd altema- * U nt o(,lnduitrlaI (u d im dlcUUd „ br hit btulna . ,' a l o c i t a e r i ^ t e ^ dominated by labor and the farm- “ rr, or a mldwey poune. \

Brenti’mored, afaUnche-llke, to the brlDc'tbe eonfUct to a head.- Ohlef >oin m nti-w erethipollcyor-pnnbsjlBf deni rold. plua O enrd Swope's plan (or a )f{ budoeia dictalonhip of Inifui-

'T b t araUnche began wllh a mid- light conference of Rooienlt'a mon- itaty expertJ held Jmt two weeka P* “ i |0 ." ir d ld not'break Up uiUil 3 k Ppt i V. on BuDday. October a . the day P>«- Touerelt dellrered hU radlo''rcport f “ *1ft thu Am.rir«n (vnnlf. , 1 In-U

At th li conference a majority op- 7 ™ xacd inftotlon. A report w u OnvD jp to thla effect One man. however, the Ilood out (or modified inflation :hreuih purehulng gold abroad. m w u Profeuor George r . W amn. joultry exptrlo f Cornell unlwplty.•ITio prealdent w u (aeed wttb • P* "

teiperate (arm iltuallon. ‘m e Mid- ^

loared durlni mldiummer. (hen (al- ^ en wltn a eru h . 'ffain t r tet 'tpecu*' »ntialkm w u the eauu. D rvtle m eu- raluiK M -m orotbana»hetln the a rm - hadre n needed to tacreve farm prteea. woul

ito o u n lt w u tom between eon- >tatl< lerratln Wall street which deaand- !d lUblllntlon of the dollar andibt radical (arm group which howl- ca :dJatJafltU oii._K noT laiJhftL la: t h u

S S r '5 i ? £ 5 , X ? R ^idopted Warreo) plan of depreu- uoiii n r the. doUar by buying gold. m n t

I te a m y experti won long (act*, i t rhey eren challenged tbe legality o( j y j hv~Rteoiut?vetluii Floaaet*nTpor- coml itloir buying nold.-The}ttstlei - de- tm i »rtm ent lloilly wrote u elirco- lace opinion on ih t lubjeet. s a

But the preildent went ahead. tam< . Wall Street

. tJafortunalely. he.played dlrecUy ) ,a ^ nto Wall itreefi handi.-Tht War- c h i en p lu did not ihow tbe ImmedUto lu te MutUJMpfd-forr-Tbe^prefuibr-hatt' sot counted Importantly enouib'oo miai hree fu to n . ito «-Qnt-wa»-th»’lnhfrtfl^*lr»nath-of- J>ejlelljr._Deprei»ed-nioment*rtlr uiTr iy gold purchuej, ll bounced right (o o> ?acit. lo r t'.Another w u Ihe trencmdoui »ur-

plus of'commoditlrs In ttie IJnlted 3Ulu. With luch a lurplui com- Aaeet nodlly pricea wUI not rUe eaillr. k . .

The third factor w u Uie dlffl- - « nilty of buying gold abroad. Buying Mmii !iad to be dene through the-Bank iV EngUnd. , 0,-b i- Actually tbe gold-purcbulng' pel- rv h u net harmed tha montterr : lyilem. Tbe cutrcncy u ju it w 7 ^ . nund u erer. The plan frankly w u . q , J uperlmental and w u announced by b o a m lt u luch. • . [ " '*,\Ilul big builneai had been willinc lor loniethlng like IhU. The Wolroa iflWall itreet had been praying for >nl| laUe m on. So (ar Roooenlt had ' ”

iDYulnCTblfc -nirT could pin

Nof, howewr, ther gleefully pin- itd '.'nibber money" on hU coat- ^ Jlta! They read of the ayitern tliat [>rotcMcr W am n once derUed for naktne htna lay more rg ;i by using n^,i„ in elfclrle bulb, and pounced on ,.g i„ be point lhat wblle thiiytlem pro-

— ■ At

between rital facllont.ln lhe.gai-bi«\fiMdftnAB6r-dupmt5.-n«-Ti itinLlir town'll rpllome ot.iartorlal pro-

I Hsihi" I ------------ rcienl

• i)fr\UI . I nduji

J e w Y o r k ”

E a r W i t h G S h a r p eI ---------1

' ---------- . ~ — • — -- :mroVf c s v IrtTilie

• • . > fi«»

s :out at

^ B M B p i T r l i r i ''

U the j thl

m en-

how t Afrlci of tbe day., trade u ry ; Driiui Thu Outb

■ rarloutry n i

lu lU '

a t critics o f G olham had any - ,Jf?v .G .S h itp e -ab o v a iH ig b -C b a t i« ib . 25 y e a r old m em ber o f th e iprini

w hed th is no te In h e r N ew «*ht unuBiial ranRC, im provem ent

is needed before she can be- “ Pbolo. • _Ad,

. 1 ..................... :




By KIKKE BIStWON ,fAiiocUled Preu Staff WriUr) ' WAfllUNOTON. Nor. « - TWO ,

lualltUi In Prtaldent Rootenlt h a n '

hit governmental aiioclatee, parUe- uUriK.hU cabinet olllcen. T h l (act that tn econonUl, or even a polltl- » l experlmenl. never h u been tiled U no aniujnent agalnit U a t all In bu mind. And. 6nce.havln| decided m a courte. experimental or other- ilM . Uie preildent dem udi apeedy . action of hU execulln u iU lu U to m'ake 11 good.

Some or hU cablnct offlcen havefound eut lhat U it Iralt or a n n o w .......In‘the proceu ef learning about It In a hard Kbool of experlenoe:

If. or whfn. there U a change la Uu Booietelt wsinei circle lor oUj- = er Uian health reoMma, 11 U quitt likely to be inceahle to ilowneu In Iht up'lake on the part o( the out- {Oln ^^eilltlal In carrying out preal- _ _

AcUoa C n n d The ipced wlili which-Ur. Roote-

reit reaefcid hU gold., purcbaie »llcy decUloD. announced ll andlut It Inlo effrel. U a itrlklng ex am -------)le. U u than N houn afler h t dU- ;Io(ed hU purpote U» tin t made- n-USA.goId quoUilon w u out.;TUI me piuisent'i"mtnd^perfec" ion or tha machinery' to deltrmlne b l margin pver world ptlet to bt nalnulned, Ute leltlng up of meth- kU under whleh RPO }olna t t t treuury u a goremment gold loardcr. and all other delalU, wen )f recondary ImporUnce.

He wanted quldc action to begin > tw t of the Uiroa. of doineatlo _ ramodity prtoe'im iation tbrougb T»iBtp«ll«/l-nuflii»tW nf th« ilftllir ^ 'ralut of gold, and he got It. If h i i lad BOt,'umtbodr'i head would / rould have been dote to Ihe.decap- tatlon baiket

Tba N e w ^ PilbtCandidate McKee’i new' ilo g u tn '

hajnaj;onl41«>>UnJ{aw<Yorb«l^('A vftt» fnr w* t l « ynfit far _ _ _loojcrell." may.han Uft Uit W blttlOUH lUU OUtrardly m ilnu in in , | ___ !undi-off policy In Uiat fight ------

I t w u noUble. niverUiiIeu, U ut aeote »_,^ooH«ll ipokeiman aroit _to oomr, ombat that Implication of prcaldn- lal lupport Thl

' countSomething elte happened a t .tba <itua|

ame Ume lo New- York whlcb relt i loeafartoaccounlJorUcKet'acoo- n i . i , Idence In claiming tacit. R oounlt Yorklacking. ............Chairman ^Ucy ol the RepubUcu :Ut« commlltM warned ot wbat roald-happetrif-thnarty "lM t: iu “ nSi niagn-majority (ooUiold In tb t ^t^ “ VP^Iy-. '-

iirmb)y.''Maey.aald, " w e tu m o n r lo ia i 0 om patty Uie buHneu of d id d r ,Th( V how boUi pattiM .may b l n p re - i

• ____________ 1 : . out 0r : ^ ’ ~ to be

uced egp ,.lt erenluaUy killed the en llj

"Mort golden eggt, tnd 'U U Uie tcrmlntctry,’' Wall itreet whUpertd. many An of IhU played Into tb t bu d a Bet

f'blg InduiUy. conni Induitry for weeka had been cbaf- ed.

W per cfnt for ihi Blut Bigle. “ TT Kcded up to lake advantagt'ol Uw ' rice rtae. I t wm abo when Indui- 7 wanted to Uke advutaga o( alven of the MiU*lruit lawi.ThU ardor cooled when IndusUy JL*/ , lund lhal Ihe NRA w u a two-a-ay ■.? f iDpoiIllon. I tw ua 'partnenhlpbe- ^

la t " 5So Uit week Induitry took adran- Vigo of the piychologlea] moment ■armen*Wtr«'atlackIng the KRA. muilneii men wero grumbling M ;alnit ll. Wall ilreet w u ridlcul- ig th i ‘Rocserflt rubber dollar."At UiU particular moment btg B Jm n e m p ran riu rm iraritro k e .— ■Jtputiorward.lhe.aKDpe.DU&.-Jt ■rdpoaed that the NRA./ haring ■own unpopuUr, aliould be run by __ .r* ih« .rii-W po*rtn iriabo r'«p - ~ lilenuilon. no real £«'ernment lu- ’r\Ulcn. U propojed a'.form of duitrlal fudim . IThe Kew Deal had'eomi to ' the f lirUng of Iht Waya. ' IM

Fom rr Tenant i Hflecne: Mailing room In Uie bue- Hrotjjf-Uie-exeealhe'offlcts-of-Uio ■'niit Houae. ■SeUlngLUrge^ille.or.mallcn.lB-. ■

riece'de reaUtence: Lying coni'plc- \ H luiiy on tep 'o fp iK .'a 'iirte broikn « ivelope addreued: •'Mm. Herbfri w jover. While Houie, Waihlnilon." '« M lu t Uine wordi w ta crowd \ it Md "Palo Alto, CallfomU.- m t- n In wllh pencil

Menetatr M m yO o-Kound

th l (act that tha bullion market - »! Ute world U controlled l)y fire =en-BrlUih, French and Dutch gold ^Oden. . . They meet ere.ry day Ui ^

IW mucli they.wUl pay for South g Omean and Indian gold . . . M ut S IUie ulea take ptace on!}- oi} TUri- M ,

ly.. . Since theie bullion mercbania ado only. In ilerUng'. ll U n w i-ry (or thi-tm ited SUtr* to buy «ItUh pounda In order to buy goin ,tiU almigUsiha-thi pound . . . Kalnesi totereiU chiefly wroie tl;.' « rlous codes for tbelr own indiu- m f - IB l NRA-bad-WTlti(n-i;ic~det wlU)6ut builneu dIcUtlon. re^; fW tlU would h a n been leu d liu . fg koua^fOopyrlght, lIS). by United . m ti« tu it SyBdleite. teeorpont«d>. M

ew C o m f ^ fo r Those I 'Mk Who Weu- Fnbo T t« h I f l

No longer need you' feel uncem- I m ttabli 'we&rlng (aUe teeth, r u - H Mb. a-fnaU y ImprOTed .poxder i f l irlnklad en your pUtei holdi them 11 ■ ih t and.eomforUble. No gummy; ; H uty ta itt or feeling. Deodort»j. ■ { e t Faiteetb- at Klogibury Dnii; ' m 0. or your druggist Ibree lUei. | B •Adr.________________, • _____m m


H I g l

.......ioP E H U ^m11 putt h

- -eOLO-----

KOted a t Albany for many yean to JJfjomr,::___ _________ ___________^

That U a fact, ne t a theory. U a<- »unta for tbe otberwUe confoilng . LituaUon u to Uw pert the Rooie- rell admlnUtraUon U pUylng, pri- nlely If not publicly, lo Uie New <U| ^ork mayonl fight P>‘ ...........— • -______; ...................... tag

Slew M >.V it«w , . . . ~n6pe'forearly'nmpUlldnof Uu roi rortew of reienna’.dUaballty pay- Mr nenUU.yiing;-yM-i>retitUolUI-^ £s:

tolng than expected ™.The Waihlngton Ifcal board han- pti Uea.only ib( or aeven eaaea a day wt of 700 to go. Tbe u m t U u ld . » be true ot tbe review boardi gen- tally. They have to-H b u k beiiind ?iUraM-admtaUtntSh fUa In de- PL «Blnlng ierrlce..conneetlao In . nany caaei.

Better than « per cent ef service- mmected cUtma are being nu taln- ^

^ p r t i

I t may be Juit colncldenct >or It ednay no t yet Uie fact U Uiat Rui- jlU ahowed a ludden item front qu0 Japan orer the Manchurian piU- prtilay control row exacUy a t the time i t ihe luntc ot Itu^ilnn recognition 71alk broke out in lliU country. 1^

»u itn :| i f e | HrTr.x~AST-

H it or■ ^ 'i iL r a W r •' t j Ia ^**i®


J ..

J 1


Igh P r i c e d G g l d P i ^ H t

i lS i '

f e l - ^ 6 0 1 0 lla o w H l^ ^

■ y f l


~ ........................copiitight," -\i


. - ~ i - * ■ ^ BAILCV..NOV. 8 - Mn. BUabeUi

RoberU, M. died a t Uie home of her dt daughter, &In. It. B. Prench, three gt< miles north of llaUey, Sunday inom- «itag. - - .............................. :— ih


Roberta, a ion, ta Bellevue, wbero Mn. RobetU had Ured for_a nuRi- _ tsfrTTTfiii^fihe U rurTlnd-bT her - joii mill Itrui dsuthfersfMro.—W f'in RhoadM, Pollock, Idaho: Mn. Van fo Pfierton, OoUe: Mn. W. A. Brod- re head and Mn. I t B. Ftfnch, Hliley. »i

' Tl


WASHINOTON, Nov. o 'w - T h e prices and putchailng power of farm g

cd,0«ober35. min e S u rca u of asricullural eto- }”

nomlu u ld today Uio le -el ot form r*prlcti row from 63 per cent ot the — 19I0.I9M avenge on October 18. to71 |)er cent on Ociober 29. regain- ■Ing the loM ol Ihe precedliifl week. ,wm

IRRYi-KURBYI-littBUVI ■i T T I M E S - T O D A Y ! - : ;

j S f l H - n H I - H a k a T e a . j

Orer Agtla.

rbrlUtag » i Ddn«

KU*-Se« U ie': l y i l i m New .Stanwyck!

— — — ■ ■ M i ■

. 1 :

Ilities-^A • (

Hm'VfOfFldC r ^ l \ [ \ | ‘ I

. j' -__ ^


' Ooi‘T JiT by 'T hT F fiT rS frT Y IB U B ri^ ^

"■ ' ' ( BBURNS MOVE frATAL "j'f


Laura.Krewtoo. 70, Drain, Oregon, 'died ta a boipllal here today from *bums received yeiterday when ber go_eloUilng eaugbt flro from-a heaUng . . . |atove. She w u alone tn Uie house _•]■whcntheaccIdent^tfxurred^.^ough t | „

clothing, the bums and abock proved q ' • Qai


for builneu Saturdaz.momlng u a am u lt ol attachmAit on stock, c u b Mo:and accounta, following the filing of iida eqnpUtat.ln the dUtrlct court ariThunday bH he Sunict Meat com- |„ii pany ot Twm FalU. Judgment lo Uielum of lu im u a o u g h t =

•AUfOES NON-SinrORT |"“SHOSHONE. Nov. S-&(n. LoueUa '

League h u lUrted lu lt ta tbe. d in _trlst here for divorce from =Ceell B. Leaeuej o whom aiy wai =m m M » Jerome In im . She ai- ilegea non-aupport and u k a for eui- J M y ot her Ihrce-year-old aon.

JOE.K 8AT8:- I ■. Ifa a mre ilgn ol winter |when Uie peiclmliu atop worry- JFIng about (lu a6d atart dreading- fflpneumonia. Eh what? No uie Nworrying about entertainment a t ■itaionablo coil f o r.." itl All In HFun and We NEVER RAISE WOUR PRICES (or tbe Oood s-<Tlm« (that are here) Juil ,around the corner- ' f l---------~ ~AT JOE-Ky — ........ I I



-.iiSLlTTLEPIGS” J" ;<


■ “ AU*..- p''SUrlllnR RetralaUons or.P lllnn In B is Bim lness!




A Novtlly, riUia Newa'and AneUier t pUoda.ln

~ > T U g ~ i n g t» r T A R n T r ~ p -^

NOTE: It'a AD ta Fwn, and We I Narer BaUt Onr Prteet!'


f i n t o \ 6 u r V

icJ. l i io i iB B a a* ' Alice C U d ^ R k b a w a d

The country U lupplled wltb

etilldrea. And Uio a b m Uo liued with children being flUeB wlUi aboea dulmed and built to pw nota 'tba . . n ^ l development of (eit aM Uia correct baUnce.of the bodA ’

A llU iU conanuesuplotaiteeiii. , ■men Uio picture, (or the gUU a t -

V leMl,\chanjcs. Tho aame I^Ui,foik \ who aVear or two befort were Ihod

« ciefully and » c l e n l U l ^ > •^ Vu In hlgh-lieeled alioei, teelerlAg

wim Uiolr bodies thrown io t\ iS r i lo an\unnauinl and ungatalyN atthndo to prevervo Uielr baUnce, \

• and V lth Uieir entire lupport U d \ on a & t i whlcb bend underaitrata

-W t (iw Veel able to do a^U itaf '

. a m t iL Jb e y are ihocked at Uii \ u iy ^ tX p Iy ^ ln a . bijl becaui^tho .

S ie T p ^ d ttte lulfertag u d dtior- mlty wf tbe b lu in g process, they i ^ '

V n o ilB ^lty 'tW w ccn tbo two fash\

J U UtUoV to a A i ^ *bcut\

V blddlng lhem X (ollow )bm .ItU , \ bVevcr. quite p i ^ I W c . t o ^ Uielr connon aenu andlDtcUlgekcs on tba I f tide of reaaon and autabimy.’ « \ r

- On Uia, dance floo i\evcs\atf(lfrr ' 'V 'hooa funeUona, hlgbvieeli bavs a (■ i -■pU cfU ndB ubtedlrihekaM ta>ihi - I

pace of a foot'and a n k l \ ^ d when '' they are not to V w alked\n to any / .1'

great extent, are • probably ^ l e i- rhanalesK-----------:------------- rr— —

I t U when high heeU a p ^ eo \ . ; walking and lehool ahoe* th tlb e y , V lote Uielr a ttn e t ln n e n a ^ m a ^ o ' . • ' Ihelr wearen clumay u d auWartL , Attention called to a kangardb gal4 .. or lo the rear vUw of » pair ottow A — ' ed ankTea. will aome make a \ ' girl conicloua of w h a v w henelf \ . muit look like. Ai)d taiUteDce d n -x v

“ TPHkliigTonu dlltMCes~nuiyTflBti^V ■ _ pUle tba cure.__________ \ -


ben of tbe Idaho agrlcultunl ad- '_ vUory committee togeUier with f~

aoremor Bou, Benalbn’Bonb aod s ’ . r fo p ^ n d -O o ngreta n en C o ffln -in d -r— ^

White, have been ta sted to attend l = a meeting of Uie (ann credit ad- -,

mlnUtratton a t Spokane November,i Jfl,-.aecordlng_lnjin.Mi>ounceBcat_____. today by Ira H. M u te n of thli J- dty. aecntaty of Uit lU ti adrUoty ,•» committee. ’“ Tbe purpoie of Uie meeUng, ao. ' .I cording to Prealdent B. M. Ehrbardt'* /* of-Uie Spokane (ederal Und b a n t •I will be to aet up the new coopera- •° tiva bank and production credit . j . eoiijoiai.uii.° Deputy Govemora Myen and .▼

" Utnllon u d other o((IcUU wlD a u ]^ jenjL fngnJV ai& lng^ V ^

z ■BEffM O * ''" " '” " / ' ' ' - '" ' ' ' - 'a Btrcw.lall Bottoa DaR pop^'letlb Monday erenlng aboat » o'cloek, In .rf >Iclnllrof»(b,and8bothontNorUi.. _t ARium lo nanio of PadjeVTtader / .'• BoUfy Tbe New*. j •

> H u r r y ! H u r r y ! ~ irb U B LAST CHANCE. I



, :« ^ jg lP llT 5

W th^«OMI^ ro ,^ U c ^ ^ ^

FromlhcSim H.H*rriipU»,"OII,'Pfei»i a

Comedy. TOM nOWABO U ; !“STATIC* .. I


%S S '

Flat—comedy - Newa - BeenU ' UaUiiea and Eveatftg. lOe akd tie

•High Sc\ , . \ ■ I

L eaders in Folff

Foo tba ll Groupsx

R em ain U nbeaten I

B y W inn ing All C on ference M

, . Q am ts, . Flle'i; W ildca ts | | |

\ M ove A h ead o f N am pa | |

\ l n ' P e rcc tita iie Column M' ____________ s

\ ■ STANDIKaS ' HJ A ■ 810 TEN I H

9 T m a - W oaLwLTItdrct. '/ W . . . ............ 1 - 0 o . . i .» o » n n p

K u sp t ■ * 0 0 iM t JBBrity ■ I 0, 1 JOO e®c w a w D - ______ 1 - 0 . J .wa th<iw » A —_________» 1 * t .JM J b:MiheW i ■ ? f ? •“ * Wl

^ « a ■ 4J1. t o m _________J ' » 0 -uo e » =

Twta‘.r» a « _ :____ 1 1 0

l I C c

CLASS A, NON.BIO TEN V ’ T m uh- ^ Won to r t Tied rcL

“ WmbCTtr - J _____ X I (An0 « « d ln r - / ---------0 1 1 JMO HBV

- O a k l e y - , ____,-Q *• I M» {wtbi

' m s A . ,» o n T i i » i i i i ! “ -

-81w.hon.---------^ 0 ,XMO .Byfl

H11. J --------------- 1 > " p IXlnc Hill -__1 4 • J « 0 * a ,B khfleH ........... ., .0 i 1 JOO e

CMBB B. SOUTH SIDE >T e im - W w L c tT U d ftL ^ J * ®

H u*en _____ J « . 0 tMtCMUetoriJ_______ a fl 0 1.000 ^De*b ---------------- * M • 1f5 cls r - z — 1. ; I

Ine Umm lUodlngs are only con* ,a m , •=J»ninoe;S»m«, UigLl*, Ui*.rc

~ 0 « m 5 “ o/'oUtpr'dJt'ii' k ju j , Ion I ' a n nU coiuldertd prutlce p gamu, and are nol reeoptl«d Ja de-tennlninc U» conreKnCi'chamiAonA. ujink.'A ruling In the Big Trn coattrcnce - cdUidK laru tha t a tie same la to be dgim

'eoimled as haU rim e won tad hiK jtin i

Sine ioit. In other dlvUIoni the „{vcrM are not coniMcad i t an rxetpt (umbli

aa a ginft play'ed,) Thcr ?»erhlghKhoolWUd»ub;Tlrtufl

I ,o{ tb ttr defeat c t ths BolieBrara! Jumped Into the t in t place.leid In S =

pa and B url^ In el0M ,p u ^ in aecond and third'placet rMpecUre*! l f | i f | Ijr while tlje lead la the'other three * '* "

' dlrblonA' Involving South Central _ Idaho elevens remalni unchingcd T ’•(ter nnoUier week's l l

Inumueh u Nampainraded Uis <«mp of the Ba»cr,J>fnoo. eleven,

\ ihlp race u Filer, the other tchool p |i;|g1 with-»>U)00 percentage rating rHHd i '«d a win over Bolte. Burler Pfun- n „ ' t&lned h«r hold on third pl»te and UU

-ttmalned In the eharaplonifilp nin* __ nlac b7 defeating'Twin f t l l i l a > r r

wnjc.-C*3dw»H^a DPt play In c«aferencs c o n i^ tlo n IhU

:p l4 t» e i .B o |je d rp P 3 ^ o lh e n id * _ p jn )marker with a ^ c to rV a defeat aod nior h

i M W W l iun fin» alCTg^^MU

• ^ a i a f e t y , ^ 0 , ' Bl^ickfwt. ^ w nn Nea*Cen(mtiM Gamte ‘ U > « ite llo playeil Monlpeller cut of I tha conferenee while Diihl pl»red Jlirte. F\ ooodlnR an4_Bup«rt. ’enterlalned W"®*'

Klmbe'rV. all out of the conference. ‘Twla F^Us slipped a noUh a t a re- -------auit of her <Ufeat .br. Burley u h l l s _____

.American raltt, although quiet this ••• w t«k ,-rem alne< loutofthe« ll» ra!i--------• BUckfoM-idrt-anothff l6 ’lioW-the —;— ! ’.low honort.............. [—

Wendell rtrenglhened hrr lead In j c• the Oatii A. non-Blg Ten itroup even

thouih the wat Idle thU week, when *T”• *roB ». her neareit rlral. played a

tie a V with Oakky. This makes the I W tie In this dh-Ulon wllheach having one and Jerome . the peittior of 'two. Klmberlv and /

—OoodG irbOlh pUyej out oi their — t confcrence while Ctakley exhlbllcd / 1 tbo potential power In holding Jer. / one to a tie tem . f ■ ■

- ^^'erth .Side U aden Win . DJetrtch and Bhoahone continued ” •]

their march towart a North fllde elus B title In defeaOng'-Riehfleld aod King Hill rrspectlrtly. Dletrtch new has five straight wins, two be* i<

- Ing over Richfield while. 6hothone . \ I ha t pUycd bul th r« conferenee \gVRM iml-accouaKd-tar-a.jrln-ln ------^\-m l>. aifnn* Perry and PWrfWld \ traded pUees this week by virtue of

.~the-iaH#r'«-</efMt a t the-hawU-c: ---------Qlenns Terry «iu«l. King HUl leit to fiboahoae while nichfleld remain-

. *d without a win wlien she fell be- ' fore the onslaught c t the Dietrich lads.

----- Harinrand'CsjUefofdTibldMhe- —j;-—strangle grip upon tl)e championship — race In the South Side division. Sian* B D sen defcMed lU uIton to mike It fire straljht. having now played ev* M

» »rr team lo ^ e l r division except Css- ylleforttTrhtfErthertacklc-wxt-week - U ' for the eonferenco champlorjhlp. . M l

Eden and HclUster pisyed thr other — «aine In thU group lu t week, th e ; former breaking Into the wbnlng,*''^"*’ pohnan by s u io t ol'lbe t*!"* tnc

icheel T• * X

I r o n M a n

p i

3UPUCATING th« {eib oi( Oreiro ed the full 60 minutes without thfl WMblnyton "iron m fn." Bai Joy Honibeak and Hurley Do R Wiatrak. Glen Boyle. Charles M goals from placement a t yarc

C o a c h o f ^ i a n t s S e l e c

" T F o r A l l - A r o u n d P c

D e s c r i b e s E x p e r i t

------LnrgnwAnni.wm.N » Tl(AtMclated Prest f ip M Writer) goU NEW yoBK. Kov.\fl — Collen w " '

MU>an Itlll peers down IU note a t the he profeislonal game, desplU ths baci IslngpopularltyofU ietportiadthi' h it ' a au a ln u h o f the.beadUneratrom arrt anput to commercial grtdlront. “I Such a feeling, however. Isn't mu.

* T W « * f n 8 f f i rp n t t rP W T « “ ^ (ge footbaU ttim t," u y t Steven Hha, coKch'^t the Olaati la the ^ tiiIoaai'Ieague,"but toraU-arDUBd 3 ^ a n d - t l a t s r u ttke-Mlehlgin.- *>tnd trere'i a . center out there, m ..

ne Chulea-Bemardrwhodoeaabout >1 verything you can ask of a great «hei aU'Plij’cr.Ue puses perfecUy.-ttopi w u verythUig In sight, h u a fine often- g ^ ive charge, and he's always knock* -r U down piases. U that be^ Isn't an a «i Ib A O lt tlf lx J I ltf lJ te ttJ in iJ f lli tout OFcn. a tackle a t PhlUlpe unlver-. ever;

lly In Enid, Oklahoma, in Ills col* to g:

a u before ho took over the coach* " I Ig.reUu *>'><•* yi.aw ayft jfflU

[e usuillyukcsfili teimalong.TtM tr ti r * plsy Sunday., once,.'Next to Michigan Is Fordham, 1 my e link.-sty* Owin, "»CdUege footbill. Oa-en thlnki, li what

olng a great deal ot harm by con- stani tini changing ol rules. Tho prM neck, ever did accept the Idea of letting en b< jmblu and blocked Ueki Iiy dead, they' Hey plek them up and run unUl 'T jmeonenaujthem. him.

HackAim oiuices s

T ffoP layer-D eals s_________ ______________■■ to ’c

'hiladelphla Club .Acquires - • Outllelder and__lnliclder From t. Paiirind'Tbledo S

and— othet

PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 6 QD-na* I Cwh lor having traded moat c t hliitar-, frfomien to other cIiffia>iUi6Ul' ^ , Is knowledge, Connie Mack today rny ] (Ran to buUd'Dp the philadrlplila o a s ihletle* for the 103< campaign. ■

Me lonounced thal Raymond nad- Ueve life. iMlflelder and left-hand bst- Ing : T ^fthe6t.PaulcluboftheA tner* He I; i n association, will be with his j nbou



)HN C. RANSOMe ! rouRb nnd rc the University of California's Goli


r e a m ^ C

m I d e a S p r e a d s I p N o r t h

regon AKsles»thcM Unlver?lty of lOut substitution and defeated Stai Backfield, (Jefe W right) Matt A

>0 Roln. Une (left to right). Ted J s Mucha, Woody Ullin, and Bill Snii yiiWrseHTirteintirstimranrcj

le c t s M ic h ig a n , \ P o w e r a n d C la s s ; _ r i e n c e W ith T h o r p e’ toal w«U are-rlght 00 th e : i ‘

ward or teckward. anywhere behind { tha line of icrlmmact. And a t for a ; back being technically stopped once hU-tnwanS-motlon li temporarily arrested, that't too much.

‘T h a t works towards a point,’ tays .ih atere. 'where you can Just Ug a ij'f man and-the pliy itopfrTbit'e-oar*-rylny tnw ttr" ■ ‘ ‘

Owto h u played igaiait iU tbe r ,t t i n , sorae befon th ^ gnduited, wmotl of them after they Joined tho Z \pmffMlpnil rinta, frr him there ^»U1 klwaya be one Jutt topping them .y l111. Jim Thorpe.. g l

"1 pUytd agalntt tbe ofal-lodlan f J when he ipu around M." he ttld . *Iw u a amartyouag tickle. Ke wasn't ^ going to fool me any.'’ . I f l

T o r three quarten Jim. plsytag I .*|a wlngbick on the offense, never I ^l o u t h ^ e J TU watting fpr.blm.en.I 3every play, feet pUiitcd. hand ready I ^ to give It to him, biil he'd go right

"‘X col to thinking that Tliorpe l l i ! tnew he w u through, was too old t o ___

trsi H v f f if f H I m ir o e S w w o ^ ^ " cnee, in the fourth quirter. 1 took _ ' my ere# off him.

' ’I t w u quite a while before I knew w hit hit me. I faintly nmember - standing on tho back of my own neck, and looking ap a t my feet. Sv* en before 1 feU back on the ground . ^ they'd scored, M

•There wont ever be another like

- . l iiBnrn TifTt Ttar. In return Mack to '•

Tony m i t u and seme cash to St.

Mack abo announced that he lias' CLir dccldedloBlvetheToledoclubcftho. a t American association Joe Zapus- Tc: tls, formerly of Fordhsm university, of for Oeorge Detore, Inllelder. _ thr

' —?irFoss Not Mrnllofltd (ro

Mack w ld there would be no lur* ther announcement of deals for the ^ pretent Lait week he denied that *** -Lefty" Orove. ‘Mickey" Cochrane and Max flliliop' had been tent to other elute. I t h u been reported that f Cochrane Is to go to the Detroit club o** <<WTMiiijer:-------------------------- " T — -=iboulithe.oaly4 tlM ec-tliakxum ot:~~ hM norinenti<m«I'rt«enUy Is Jim- [ Ms my F a a . roajor l u gue home t^in. Dtloi aiam W oiTaiSle^rtgTiJittfnrTO rH 'e'r. Ametican league,. ' 'I Bufft

Manager Mack said today: be- and 1 Ueve we have pickedr up a promU- , , Ing young,ouUleldcr In HadcUffe.i , H< He h u dhly been plsylng bosebaU;About three years. L u t season, he

— - - • - Ooael

e g 2 S P N f t . ‘ A ■ ‘\ ' him I \ ■ ’land.

6 0 1

i B K I t ! w S C s t l I on<

^ Amu! / an<lD

if m l B W i l l M B B r / oi tbit S B S m f S ^ S B ^ - / - ______' B m m m m S l F / Metw S K K B U a K ' / plicin

' ’ tho pw uni

Wel------------ iiiej.,

-------------- ---- . h e h s■ t l J ’ J club I

. paid tW S I B ^ I 2 s m s t S S ^ M

11M M a l a l B i M g of-«i»H f l H B H M s f f l B H Etp

u m j i

d ready tackle, is cBptain*of Golden Berts.—(/P) Photo, toaie]

3W S ;f-n 7 IN “F A L L S , TOAHO, H

ClMtinu1 • "I ■ J

> Q 1

t h w e s t i 1 Q j

IF E llj'■ l l j H K <<w



I ! tpoj of W ash ing lpn g rid d ers play- hort jtanfoVd 6- lp 0. P hoto show s jo«J t M uc& nsk i, P au l Sulkosky, d MarRov,’ T ed Isaacson, Joo rars Sm ith, 9,mlth kicked tw o field part ~cm ^lgiiK ^^=^7prrhu tu .’ . 7;;^

I ' ' ' • ^ 'theT ■ . thej

\ S o u t h w e s t A c c ; j "

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“ — ;

1 W M i wm. B » ' 'Irri

CW n V f B | .. ■ ■.“’Un

\ \WBSm I H ,\ « ■ ' » . . ^ / , uici

. , / \ l i * » l W 6i B B e | < ^ pituL U t i n i M B I H & H Ba l 'j m . M U M — ’ N(



P R e N C H Y 'O O M I N G U B med '■ ,'lToi

JLIFFOnO irrtENClIY DOUIN- PUyl auE . above, quarterback of Ihe | irr Texas Aggies, vcu lesdlng scorer; eral Of the Southweslem Contrrenee comr through October, fwvlng run up Calif

TU' tMlnla'Jrf'US KkhlU. lia'IllUil. tire-' from_ Port Arthur, Texat.

---------------. • ' a iilrvu lelected on the all-'ttar Amtrt* c an astoclitton team. Ke started la ho 'Texu league. Ira "niomu a n d , fonf« ly son. a r l , scouted.Wm and liked i }»m lls looks,-; . ! /» V

: T ~ g ta7i:^o.< ;

’ITaTirrbo’ luid a gdod ■»w d"leTr~® )elore as an »U arwind InflcidT. f t 'r t r a e r in ’uyra-w trcn 'nw ra.--^— luffalo'ln the Inttmatlonal'lcsgur NC ad Ju t leuon , wlUj -njledo. •

i nlon,"Ue also 'WAS flee ted on the ali- lerwe

Ur auoclatlOnlt am.” Mtck s.^id.'a . jo- Jelore bat evenb en a catcher dur- tfoii« :ig hU short bai^ laU .career,' iTiie I

PreltM. «iioie homr ft Jn MKfjnlti.! alley. Callfoml ,-lws*-purehssed t "** «rn the 'l^cran :i\to club of lh « , , • ««et leicve fhortly aitn- the 1M2 J lH I «on-openrl. D tn n g - ib jl" ea m -: ' ' algn he was tmrtrwlre. and was ittd a* onf [of Oorfnle Mack's start- j Ig battery of l>«Wn (ot^l933. I NEiifoweiTr-heopeDejllartseajontiili

few drfeat* and! Mwli-rctiirnul • i Im to .the Weal cout, wlUi Eon* md. • , ••' -_■ ’ ____ . • I'lclur

5 o t t o m ! e y L i k e l y ' ™

W i l l B e S e l ^ t e d a

M a n a ^ o f K c d s K

OniClTKim. hot. c m - Tlie nqulrrr ;P5' Lutj- McPIuU. for- er prc.'lii-ii of Columbus ot the [j] ic u iu a ^ : l o n , loday scqulrrd r L!^ i'lDterr.7 In »<( Clnclnnstl lUdi ' tbe ieatue and will be . IfXefiftjprJiii''iii oMheclub. ' j \MePhaif »iii ix rn lo tho club, re- . U jf ic ln t sldOT jVfli. now presldtnt. iK p sp r f!Ud.iThe club franchise u n u t im'5l ' t '1.‘'>'h« negoUattnns. ^ Well tried to g*i the Ilfdt In 1C2S, . .K ? led- attln In ix f . nna wn'tbTOgti ~ u i ‘ t hsd 'to Ro 0.1 » b-jj-lrg spree r f c ub f.tock I** '1" >’• reputedly u tg 1I4 IJJOOOO f(ir|33W sliares to get titroi. H'' invsrlswy chefry, it 11U btlifvi^ I‘5 ha* IMI upwstds / ' '-«l»,CM-ia-ih5-lasi.foutjcan--------1 ^&perirvrr.!area t r ’Jrf today lhat ^ McPlirJI f.'i-fflci control, the n e ^ -

! i , n ‘, r s . . s s s

), TUESDAY j'rO R iroG , NOVE

i e r ^ ^ D r i v i' ' ' . ' . .

O regonians S tand

In T ro jans’ P a th

On W estern C oast

"Wc’rc Not Ucady'tfl-'Thinlf Aljowt that' New' Yjj3l‘’s Day Game,” |Athletic) OI* ” ficials o{ U. S. C. Report

. ____ I I .

Hr TAVL ZUtiUSaMAT^' ' ■■■ rAiiiicisled PresJ Spc«lt W rto )

•L03 \ANOELES. Nov. 6 -4 The tpotit world 'scanned the IcUbaU hortwn today and bused Boio ' Tournament talk, but SouUieri Cal* ... •UornU, probably ths West'i leading . caBdldili, ftaek lit lim n Ia >1* cars and refused to Usten,’ let alone partlclpste In the dlscustloa. I

la'defending thd Wetl'i hoapn for “ the third consecutive teuoa. but . they luve too much to w orn about through Iho remaUidcr of the tebca- iile-Stanlord. Oregon, Notre Datnf. Qeorgla and. Washington — v l th ^ t raising their sigtllt

Tlie Iltuitlon to so serious lhatAVIIll. f> n.m ltj Illwftnr. _and Coach Howard Jonea itrtlw up

Indlaitlon the dltcuulon to ip l to ' turn Rote po«l way.

-Dont mentJon- Hote Toumaaient around- here," • prorte«i-Jtuater, ~ Jones and the oUicr offlclato la unU aon.-We're not ready to think about „ tbat New Year’s dey gime.-

InlerHted In Eui'aTeamsL ’/

^ r e are Ornon and Oregon SUle among the West's undetfated.'One . Biay_te eliminated.8atutdrvy_wlicn J these (wo teams Hags their tfad l- 4 UtantI biitlt. \ !' i] I

The West seemi moreilnteretted. * ho«cv’cr,ln.theeUglbIsEiiterrieiii. ' dldstA, with Amy, Prlaeilon, D ub , Ulchlgan,NcbraUcaiodP^i)eml)it W frcQucnUy mentioned.' ■ j ei

Army probably would, be t o t F choice If'the poUllcal tlnngt could di be puUed lo bring the CadeU ^Velt ind.provlded H anard. Penn MlU tar^. Nary and Kotre bam s Ire n

p \i ” p , Wcjtem eoaferenee aJumnl al* .< jead>--are aclly« to-tbelr^cffort.fa ^

wme from Ihe faculty reprm nti4 ■ IrrsuflheDlgT^rtforejtbtrMlcbH n

Ifcin or Purdue, but after'what Jia^ n Pencd last ycir whtn Soijthem C illl n fornia refused t« await unctloa foi ti Ulchlgan any longer aad pukecl . PltUburgh. the ehaneeis aftpearedi ’ Jllm. '. \ l l

Nebraska, wllh a tough'aalAmrnt q ahead In taking care-. ot K i r u u .O PltUburgh and Iowa, hu'redelvdd l J more than paulve attention. \\j; I | T

Georfla\MctU lYeMn.* ' I- In the Soutft. Duke tnd O natU t l!

K.mo oul. irtd^lii'bop*'* isr’c J)w*j; f i med by the f a ^ lhat ll to oti li)e|| IToian ’schedule lo r . Occemb^ j) ' Jf ptoylnp.here. t ! 1| h

imder the pUril In vogue for t>CTf i eral yrara, ths Roee ToumaaeoLI ' Committee In session with Soumer*’ o CfllifqnjU sport! wrlten, wUl \ »(

tlie P aS lo eouTra^^^^^ f cplan. rn » t Instltbllon then cxtiVidb [rian Invitation to the Eastern; SotiHf he em OTiMldwestetTi leim of lU chqffl

Oa the batto ot the Pacific c ^ i iconfertoca scnediile -the Wes era ue iM m prebail/w JljM tbeM m frfuifUI a f t^ Novemb^ 18. j ' J n

D & t W p i R l l t - G h a m ^

t y M e e t P c t r o H c Idei

NEW YORK. No;'. 8 Ml - Bsmey Itoss ot a i e a p , llshtweigijt rham- Wllion, and iilly Petrolle. Duluth wel- Meerwelght, liave agreed to lerais.Tor s»r

lO-rounil bout a l the H er York Uct■oltoeurli t ie week of’Deeember 4; painie bo^t tjul bo held In tl;e Inter* Sh<’SU of khd New York Amerlcan’t Iht:iirlstm b fund. . wc«

( I m ; T i j o r p e F l l e s - ^ ^

S i l i t F O T 5 1 0 0 ,0 0 1 ) ™

NEW YORK. NOV. fi i,n - .Ilm 'lorpe. Indian athlete, ifWiy IiM “It for 1100.000 against tliP.Colum- ■la.PlctOrej Corpcrallen. clsimlnc lie corporation it*fd hi.' n*m<! sniil Jclure ’In 'advcrtt-iing t h ; Whlie y

w a r . ' I ’ ■ ■ Sen Nalhnn Burkan. attorney for the

orporation, said In his ar.:*cr l l i i t , f „Ijorpe had consented tp sp.-^sr in „ ■ig picture and Ittfr reltueii,.but s i ij£.la tlmo lavance wivciiumf auuJj- [i,|iad been dblrlbuied. bui


I r ^ W [ \ W M

V E M B E R 7, l e s s ..........................

^ T ^ o w a

. Bruin Pass A rtist


i '

f ~ HiCTtra»MS n r g s ^ t • i ^ . ! ^ l E s a w a te ii{ .M a tiy t

? W B B i

‘ ''PaInTS” Ll iS A Y jlvo j hln 1 m on^ wit! his adept handi

a . I I I1 J __ I __ ______________________

B R { E ^ T I € S <rallenU Dismissed - Jamea W.

I While, Qlenf and UotinSlattCTT. ni> er. were dLfelAsei from the Twla v

t M l t county VenerUbosplUI)reitet* .iJ diy. • \ \ t

Called le and U n. 0 , tL O ,.lU llJeft-l(™ (J« .i{(frpooiU « d

PorUge. i;tah,tto a iM d the funer« ii• al of Mr. Halli brolher. They will a

I i Here From d tm iB y — Mra. S. j 1 DrcJdner. mothiA ol .Mr*. WiUUm h r Oerber, l o t trrAed frtvi Berlin, t r a rn n in y ,.to ’m im her home with t []Mr. ana Mn . O e r ^ . * £

I'Recelved at H oiplu - .M rs. P.M . 'V I nowtr^; Twin iPallA tad Jenols. ' ' Dnge, Burler, werriianong the p«- ‘ : tlbnu admlttM tolthe'Tw ln Palto I ' t f i t y ^ e r irp fll^ ia l-yettgnliy.

I- Iccnelfllr V U I ^ ^ a n d Mn. O. ,,

' (if Mh. CarM ter'i UirenU, Mr. and II ^ . ' p t t o J^i|iisonj[ . •: |j

II n ir tl lA nnU iwdtJmrttrot a ton I' I: oMrikkdMrl.Bur.l<ta Moore.Idaho It I *a lto ,t^ l ftldfy. f iu - announced

l a S t w o l M r S^ I n U s , i l n d ^ KaU U vtoltlng >

atoeery In Nfw 'llsnds^Ptler B .’ Uesell u p rtnwfd the Five Point | erooerr « t e/comer of AddWon avenue nnd I ’ashlngtcn ttrret, frnng It- It-gQla it.e re ii!^ . whca.tbe-former-ap.. piled tolihe Ity Muncll lor a beer dealcr'tUierrall. ,

Here Irom Mnrew-MUt Betty WUsin, HxreUry^to MlM-Bmilee MeCd>', Ureetor ot the pliccment strvlcb 0 Uie Uiilrersity cf Idaho, to U crollr I lew days, the gueit of her pareatli. 4 -. ond Mrs. E. A< Wilson.Bhe e m ;lk to return t« Moscow fo r : Ihe I k iqccmtng feiUvltlet next 1

—^At'ttCem ceuiiler—Three m ax-' l l ig e ll f t r M '’«iei#-Iiwfd-'at-'Twla-' FaUt coiinliy recorders office yuter* d»y. AppUcsn1-*-nere fUy letUe i aykct.Murtaugii, and Wade Imogene; Oeniy, Little Rock. Arkintai; R o s i: TerrUI and Martha Drereton, both ot < luipert: D. wither>Dcon.ima.Maile;M. Dick, both of Flier.

FIremm ’Snm manfd^llgh l^ i l^ . 1

dcnce of H J.dtrett, iSI Third ave>! nue wett. which occsslooed a call for Ihe lire dc^ttrtmcnl a t l l l t i a. m ,‘Sunday. ^ blaio .wu autet)

llist iiad Just b«n Mt up In the buenjent. flrenftn said.

■' Dr. Bevard lo'^peak-After a dla.Uer a t the MethodUt EplMopal Church tomornjw evetilni. Dr. W. B. Oovard. (3 ' tbe au rd of education ot the..MeU3Mtlil Estoco^ Cliurcb,: Chicago, wUI ipcak. Ha wlU be ae* compaaled by President Tanoey of Ooodlng CoJlrge; Dr, J, Penly, M «.- oow, and Dr. Andrew Warner. The public Is Invited to hear Dr. B o v ^

C o l d s i h a t H a i i g O n

Don't lel them get a tlrangle hold. Fight germs quickly. Creo« mulslon ccmbinu the 7 best btlpa b w n jfe .m o .dc rt» jc!en f* iP ^ ^^ but.harmleu. Pleuaitt to take. No narcotla. Your own. druggist to viOioiUta to refu;;d ym r aooer Ml the tpet If your cough or eold U not n U n td t7 ,CrtoffiultloiL I d r ,


■ • r " ”’' r " " • ...............


i B t 'S c o r l n g ' ' r h r c a t . ^

< £ ' 9 2 ^ ^ ^ . . u,.»>>eo:ti:

'{Q lM E B sS iH flH B ttk^ 1 B*■ bt

. . . eviK K H g g B M B M W A h i

n v J I f f ii ii iJ B i i i i i i iF i ii f i r t f n b iCl


N S S ^ S S B M ^ B I H . bo


r a i m E * ^ 4 s s * t i ^ s B -

^ M S H H p W i 5n ta

h is opponen ts m a n y w eary-m o* ( ndliiy r o f th e ba ll in InM ca to hlch th o UlrsTii^ ex'celL — UFi ^

■ Cti

J C u b T e a n i T r a v e l s i

T o G l e n n s F e r r y «■f. _____ • ' tol• Twin ’Pilto hlgU tchool Cub tooU b«l ’’ ball squid vlU ttiT t today to btojr• the Oleoni Ferry high Khool « n * P*

enontheU tU r'krrldlnm .The.C ute K did not pUy lu t week when thetr ,*

>, regularly tcheduled garni with Wen- 5. d*U.irM Jin«U «(|jlm_»jittmw oui.)»• tn ju ria o n C o ic h P .a cru te lifU ld l ^

5. within th l two Iquada h u greatly m n tempered the CubT aggngaUoo (or a 1 V titolalttrooon'i battle. Coieh J t t o p l> fV «1U take a liub ls tqutd to toi

jCUeani Ferry, ’ r • - • Yoi\ . i . — . ra]

f. ‘ t i Ui» V iteran Backstop tr. : j f R e l c a j ^ - B y C u b s . ^

. ' tiinoAoo.Nov. SM V -Z K hT ay-ro t loy. veteran of IS cimpalgni a t a »a

x id tp w u b im d ed to ra o m d to w ? i ^ by tlu Chicago Cuba. Taylor wa ^ dlime lo the Cute In a n u h dea) ta ihl

jM9 when Cabby Hartnetl'i ana I / jailed l« mpond to treatment and > to 1

. . 1 -

N f.wm

P R KD e l i v t

' - Within City

- | •~ T A N C T T U M F - ^ „ L .

STO V E ___________ _

„ N U T _ _______------------------

■ U T A H S L A C K _________

' ST A R ROCK SPRIN G S ............SLACK ---------

Phone 11

Itah Chief- w i n t e r

S h o s h o n e a n d F

d Titles

. S p e c t a c n l a r ^ g : . .

B attle P red ic ted ; .

O ijts land lng B oxers o l U tah

A nd Id ah o M eet In M ain . ■

r ■ ^E vent.“ a t “ L e g io n V A r e n a '“

[ going to rere'al ioms lentaU oul ac- ' ~ Unty In their eight rooml Ilgbt oa

I the Legion^ nest eaird Tbttnday, tlM' ‘. nlalb,many.local rant bellen. Both . .

eoaleitanU aro npldly eUabla« to •= iimfl’iirtbd’p iig m iU e-c trfle io rtiK irr^

niUre tUtea ind both a n betnc com- Belled to aeircb eltewhen for com*

’ biUnU worthy of their metUe. ■ • NelUier Caaaon nor Biirka hai«

.. evir-beta d e te i t l , allhough-bolh........haw (ought a few drtwi. B u te la dleMng tor a fight In Dtrrrer with . Baby Joe Oaot or WUbur WUUam'f tM W t o ^ b w flg ht l ^ , '

• (Ight which Canfloa'woji In tia'ier--'**', enth round by a knockout, ntlUur ' . boxer h u (ought norg thaa a k '

nundi. In Ibe figbU which were ’ ~ mauhed to go further, they stopped

. U i{lr_tittlmLla.tl)^tlxto9r ,* a r l I e r ^ .^ In tha eaie or both (Ighten th t pub­lic h u often thought them ever-

^ malcbtd..but«achona aeem ito rlu : . - lfl tltg~ocgi t8rn i u ^ i t Ui ijtfB'tuusli ' '

aomelhtnc ti brand to bappea a a d ' wbaUver It may be, I t wUl be aen- ■

— uU oaiU W IaU niilqg : ! . ^Xiye% r e O m n Cffifltatt

0- Oooeemlni Uh ilx*i«und le a l- to (Inal, tb u t ire mott n n e r a 'u d - n dUlittaet* of eplnloa than ts -

Cunningham to recegnlxad a i a elev- _ er, heady aod ccungeoui m tk box-— e r,-B l» -«ppo rten r(ee l-U ia» rh» ri3 -r^

loo ( u t to b t a u g h t by a knockout b lw , aad tb i t be l l eltrtr e&wgb

y to wear Kayo Conner down to a win. Oa tbe .other band. Ootmer’i tolleiren tcotf a t the idea o( tui not

4. being able to h it uyoaa hk lUa In » lix roundt. No o u c m deny that b e . - . ' J. packi a puneb ner that b* t t a b le ': ': ':. ' ba to Uke can of blmteU. ilr S a n n y W a b lln th e - a U r t^ tp ^ n . etolmeUanoUMrbcyoftbetypelbat u t to to dUtleult (or him. Bonny Wetl i i r r t a r i M w 'M w w w ^ i i r s --------.. ibort itralght punch thit'caTTles a " bt' ----- ;•

Oy e n r beea la before. Bonny b u bad - cr a lot e(-to«gta luek.ln-hto-appcir- lui aneei la Twla FsUiand'(aell tba t h« .' to toaboatduetoiprtn |B M «deC B3d

Yoonc, Um Denver boy who l i ao rapidly irowlni'In popularity neeU Max Cadcr ol n ie r ts a r« 0 round-- er. U u top roudo (a t«pu la tloabe

. . buacqnlndroralw iysttv tocp ln ty '•a oraeUm andflcbtm ardleM orwbo. ' >

U i opponent may be. H i e (oor 1 y . roundeis talaxitoerhunotretbeen. . a aaneuDced.

f.9T WU initramenUl la the ebanpton- In ih lp drive,'m l Aa a 10-year player. Tayler it free Id I to dlcket wttb-whon b a j t l e i ^ < .



B i t y L i m i t s -

i i z : : r $ 1 4 5 0 ^ —

10.25 ^7.25 : —

_ _ _ 6,25!lf__6.25-. , —

l e i m _____^

II Coal Co. 'n t e r h o l e r

i d F i f t h W e s t

............................................I - ' ' - > : - r r r

- g < _________ .

E S i E i

. . 'new Yori! itokel’i V olum s |

' C o n tra c ts to Sm allest "

T o ta l In S s v m l- M o n th s g

— B

________M ARKETS AT A - O U N M ®KEW YORK. NOT. eW H , I ! Stoefci: In tfu Ju : *U«r ioM i ^

itntac.Boad*: H tarr: jm iw su tM

____ ^ Curb; iTTTg^; ch m tu w , Ure».‘ ■

ro n lfo o c h i s r t : tneKuUr; r rrtnllB i op; m canaeltt tuo. W.

OoUob: to te r ; pn-bom u Uq- ^■=r— - ■BauuBBn*'»w “ i— !S

Boftr: Btttdy; eomalulon J«Mlllny IM

CotM : quiet; iljoij BnxO* m U a m u b ti .

OKICAOO: •= ■ ~ W b e i trw » k r in c n u * « « l^ ’

**Cora: Irrerilir; no eiport * • ^TW>Wrt. •« I

CktU«: He»Ty: il**" unw nt- « • Mi; Utlil atU e itMdr.

H ep: 10 lo Ite top ^

B /JO im i . COOLEY *Z-(AMOcUtcd PTtq Wn*nem ^ t eo,

bolU ir in th l Qinv. flock a u k « t xni Totome CQOtncted to tbi vnallcit ; tottllnMTenliBOQUiitodir.Prieti, erei «e«)tforM m im eU ltouM .reflect, iim •d tba cumiUncQt of inltUtlTi u d n i

^ ^ 'l a i l i - l o a M - i n n gesenllj tU -juls. — o ik ls c th l net c h u i« i

' ' deeilu of lo t t h u hiU ■ polau ' »•____ lt*denm»yh»Tsbe«Jlnflwnc*d

5 w hSt'tBifW BinletfiruDeotitii' -(jfl

th ifreihn»riupo/incullur»l< lU - - content u d br further erldenci of

--------- duUB*i»-li»-lndmU3f-*n<-by-h“ Ty —Br«lnin»rkit*.Doam,»Whou*hTeT3f „ w tu K k lu t iltiUnf I t oni time,liDprondlflrtUUontotheioIdeur- ^ m e ie j durin< mirket boun. Ttu v . RieomtnicUea n n u e « eoiporaUon

---------»l£ed-1tt-tl*arboyliif-ll|un-lo-* ^------- u d dlnlOMd th U l-g

11 b id il r t id ; nude told purchua w ,______ tO-1

- Britlih rottsd AdnaoM. lU itM Brltlih pound bid u w rl;

n m u n <rfn«n t h u « eent^ pntiln*UM ( u o S U w lS w a u n a - r T i n r ~ N po(t<wir bicb. » v u lUo itnm i era!

. K itn tt French fru e , which led to itM th iu n tm p tio a tb i to p U t ln ib * - potr

. . . 1B( ihiftid tro o m n e i lo London biciUM et iam usat un w ln f or*«r t te ? u l i lonm m eotl ibm i; to N: itlelc to the | 0ld itu d i td , « ip e ^ > ver i j U budfittrx dUUeuUlM ptnliU

WiU ittw t^ unwininriMi to ttn»■:— ^ ItfT fS o 'Q in M aiia rw T iru e irK

hie luttf n t h v eloidr in Ih i: l u t per; ------- - (o r t id ^ v u iT ld e n t froa lh i« lm u r i■M 1 Mwii — ■ - ■ •mrw

. in i t |i l« d a u ^ 4 0 ihiret,th«im tu* U-CX eit ilnM April IT. SODd Tcdumi w u lr ilM llth t, Witt th i tiuiditlU down- Fen WUd. pu tleu lu li for Oniied Btatw ibti gOTtmmenti. l a itoeki. then w u id UttU to ■mw| th l di* Eul rtiloni. H u belt ihewloi w u m d i Zl bjr minlni ihUM w bm iU t« i did u d theJudln(colneklaniw lth>m uk< Ai u p ta bftrmettl to «!» eenU u Q

• • ouD M .th ib iib iiti iseeino .In lu '- BiUoDil BUm u d United OUlei Pm»inn| eich'itlQed n o n t h u I Kl

r u d ’Amertm a S S u ^ 'i r w S * ? ^QoU luuei w tn ite id r u d quiet. SMi

M otoU c .SMcUea la BilU m t induitrliii ed«ed lower. United 4th

6 u tu fiteei. WetUnibouu, Qu?!* «th ' lir. O m n i Molon. T e iu Corpot*-

'tloo, Amerleu Can, Ou Pont, Ni> 4Ui Uontl Blacult. Cue u d HmeiUr U 4

____ - th u » point, AUlid Ctumleil toit sH i9 ^ u d Amerleu TeUptioni m , s s ilU lli fiUM to loUow fiilurdiT'i id< s h i

- ' TUte, but confined (heir reictlotu ji^ i■ to moderite proportlooi. Alcoholi j

flipped on Uie ere of u elecUon■ which miy m l tbe Ute ot prohlbl-, tlon; however. Ihue ihtrra ippir* n

--------- »nUjf-h***.dlieounled-rtpeil--------- «u,i----------- Th#-we«klreiUmil«-oo lU tl pro- (om

• ^ ■ Pl - - - ;-------- ictc

~ T W I I T F ; M S : M A I 'K E T r

m Twin riUf euulet m unt r » huvun*r «■* *» tsuowii p 't 'ut«t«cfe undtithlbuUh(n.l«toU0pi}UO(U.IIW liou;

■ s s z r s r a i ’s s r i g siiDdtniutat Dutciun. u><iag u d

ptp, *0 » us p o u B « _ ^ jf l 4po

r . ?VUI 10 HJC |b01

r n i tn MarJ S!!* ■ t«ni

1 ^ ? . “ "* ---------- n

. - »DucM. Il<« pounli tM ** *Duet*. JO p o u o a * _ i ^ o w _ _ i j

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I S to c k M a rk e t A verages

S^i& zS^ fiiS ‘112 SS

C O l H M O D i T Y -

P R I C E . L E V E LNEW YOEK, Not. B of

U — 1 ^ -P n r lo n day }^H’Week ------------------------------ !*»•« •M outhy : '

I r a Sw ■— 51.7i r a h lih t

• (CopTrtjht. UW. by HeedT-il (DMMiber tl . in i . ii lakea w IM

U d Ibe fellowtai eemsedltla. with tbe epprezlmle ptrrraUft n i t t ef the wbele lades aniDed le each, a n Biedi Whest U eeltea II. b w U, Itetl le n p It, iw at ID. wee) 1, topper 8. hldei *. com i rsbber «. lOk 4. eeffee 4. lead. 1 iU?er 1. eoeea « t-E d ite r)

I — — " V'~ " ■ Andutlloa by^AnrrluU'lron'ud'flteci' xkIniUlute pUced the current i re n ie «I t 29,2 per cent of capadty, a d<> ^crease of nlni*tenlhi of cce per cent aoIlnce l u t Mondiy. The curreni n te «w u clou to Uide calculadoni. 2t!

POREiaNw'cUANOE g« NEW YORK. NOT. 8 (ff)-PBre«n iiu

S S s S E Iai lOOJM. , “

— :----- - UUNEC ! cHNEW YORK. Nor. 9 {« - GUI S

money: Steidy: K per cent lU day. oo: Time loeai: Steady: SO dayi K to coi

S-. three, four u d Ilw monlbi S ( J to « : alx monthi «j o j j e r c e n l^ Sr P r t o i commertlal p a p e r 'l l no- BaiA ui* ■ccetpin tti-imchBigtdr SS M dayi H to K: 80 u d M dayi H u toH ifour-D onthi-t-K H iM lrs-ud £• aU moathi !i to K. ^

■ COTTON_ Oj NZVMfORXrltoyrlTfl^'niBTtnT ^

era] cotton market cloicd barely ao Iteady a t net decllnw'et I* lo 2J o» potnU. ^


Ter firm. H hiiber a t 41H. lat

^ MITiS s iS!

per; Quiet; elecln^Uc ipot and fu*

laoo; futun.eo.3}.iron: Quiet; No. 2 fob eu tem m

Feniylvanla.njO; Buffalo 17J0; Al^ uoahama UM . St

Lead; tSeady:fpol New York 4J0rE u t SU Louli 4.19. N*

Zinc: Steady; E u t a t, Louli ipol "•u d futura HO. —

Antimony: Spot 8.73.•QuIckillTer WJOi«7:00- |®


UBEBTY ’SMi JJ-47------------------------IW1.10m 4Ui n-47 ................i i n .u '4th 4Ua Si-Si............... Z— IMJB4th 4Ki r tf . 102^

■ TREASUBY4Ul 47-S2 - -IIMIQ on

SHI 40-45 Jun i , . ... ~1 100.J2 j.j3S l 43-47 _______________ 100.13 "•3 S i 41-43 March---------------100.10 c3Ul 4«-48 _______________ 88.0 ,S lS l- J i_______1------:-------- -KSO cj,

BCaAR 3SNEW YORK. NO/. 6 tT) - Raw 4,’;

«uiaiuwai-iin«ltan«*d-lo4ay-«l-3J0 —foMppti wllhno NUee reporled.— * —

Pulu;ta alter InltlaUleadlntsa n -actcd under liquidation wllh tb i (mitket'tloiing 3 io3i»lnt<net-]ow- trjer.'Balti wen only 7300 to n i — • dj'

Opening price* wen 1 to 3 polnta opblgber, but tlie upturn w u loon lott p'.iiindericattercdloealandeommlulBn letliouM ullins «ll’) December eon- u rtracts KlIlnR otf fnm 1J3 lo 139 ai,.and .May from 1.43 lo IJ7 or 3 lo m,4 polntl below tbe pnvloui cloie. yoi.OoTcrlns near Ute clou cbctked No^tUTIN'Ulfprnti.l priori w«o a jallow IhBjejOTtattwnCJW WW J; « .-C lw : December 139. Jinoary 155; «{

M irth 1J3. May ijg . July 1.41. Sep. :o'tember 1.1». . . 1’

The market for nflned w u quid . . . and unchanged with n fln en llitlntat 4J0 and lecond hand^ tr illib le *‘. at around 4.U.


Ui«»:'n<ctIplal3W pouh(U;--------TButler: RceelpU 130.SOO poundi;

OJ »eoro Me; D tieon 22e; M ifore :ic ; ei icore 30c.

CfEC Rectlpls 1300 cues; eand- I..tn lrni 3Bft) panrtled rligti __

larjo ilandardi Ko; cudled clean nedtumi 23c; eaiidlrd e lc u m ^iim * «t«nil«nlj'20c; cnndlcd clean imallJ p. Ue. . • «•

Poullo’: Lesliora henj. under 3i; ^ pound} 10c: lo 4 poundi 10c; o;-fr 4 iwumU 13c: colored heni 3il to 4 pounds 14<; orer 4 poundi ISo; broil- e n lto l'i.T K > u n d il6 c ;o T erlH to • 3 'i pounds 18c; U ihom fryen 3^10 3 pounds lie ; O am d Itocka 3\( to 3!5 pounds J6c; other colored He; Barred Rock rootlen orer SH poundi 18c: When Me. DucU: Younc. under • I ’j pounds lOc; old 8c. Oeeu 12c. Turkeyi: Young ,tcstf. 13 to - l i l . poundi IGc; o n r 18 pounds ]Sc; bcQt B pound! and up iSc; old toms 13o; old b e a 14c. „


BulterfataJe.toSSHc— ------------- -' Onloni; Block yellow COc to 7Je

cwt.,Potatoes: atocktonJonj white 11.40

to »1J0, few 11 A>* WuhlnBlon Oenu tl.S 0 to llA ); few 8I.7S. ,

roultry: Kens 13o lo ISc; broUenlfc}-to l»«-fryen-l3e-lo l k i rout------t n 14c; rM itcn (c lo 8c; ducki lOe

....... - I

*' f IP 'iOOVB pCUB' I HAW6 ^ 1 g /M ^ jv r rg r rw ja ■ r>i<innj*t i- -------fo o -c o O ltr -T O — OM-MV-SS 1 BBLOMO ro OUft, I HAD I to. a -6ECB6T SW, J D6WMS T x , 6OUIWT. WHBN <2 i V | r ' l V H V ; r r I t g J V * ^

L>f ^ 1

•« •.7 •j_ I K __ ',7 " " "^ ^ = = = S = B S = ^ =


I. (Oy 7T>t AHOcUUd PrtM) Hii 1U|& Low C1M« {|s Alllid C&em ll D r*-]» l»

Aiii* Ctuimin____ l l i . n u UUJ£*2?“4 . % z z : g | " I : "ii ^

• Am * U f Pow«r__ i • eti i j j■I x S n f i S u w T i ^ n n r ^ j J—is j r S

'¥ ' Ie Am wiwrworu ----- iji i i] l « i ®*

s a s f T W r z f f ’ i i ' . 4 s - r s M i S M i i s ' ‘- i £

BtUilihrm fiwtl _ M 3» 5!1 Uurrauitu A <U *.-.1]U 1) U 1 ^ f Cu» TUmlJlni “-----e«l'.. WU | i

■ g 'S . 'lS - f iT iz :* ! ] : r

: s f e s l i | r 1i s s s a — i : uii oo? o u d £1 ^ } | ( | k 5^

an « n i b k u u ___3o;i iiH 4Ouitrtl read* _ _ U ji ' SS (i

I s

liirt*fvil ^ 1 ii»| 11! 11 J aj,UUmuiI 'HaeUlo 4 k 4 •' 4 An \ UUMUII PUIIIO pl_ I I » Bl

^ ___Z l i i i ll! l l i I f t> i i i ~ » « }‘ *« j f j ' s

'Sli ! ! ;i!! ;

to l1c ;p l|eonslllo tIJ i;iquab i21o dli lo 23c: liarei. Ulve) 4c lo 10c; tur- Id keyi, dressed. 18c to'23c. . n

. Butter;P3icorcac;Blicore31Hc: UiaQ.tcare.2Ie_________ _____ :_______

U W U. 8. extru, large 2Jl4c; n mediums 3m c; unalU 18!ie. I, Cbeeie: FU U ortrlpleli 12c. , a}0 Sat EVAPORATED FRUIT I, NEW YORk,'N0V. 0 Wl - Ei ap- S » onted apple*; Siesdy; choice fiH1 to loc tnncv m>. tn ll r__________ J iJ Prunes: Steady; California SU to “5 ; 0‘ic; Oregon 7 to 8c. •. 1" J Ajirkoti; Firm; choice lie ; extra * ! choice 13c; fancy 13c. , . '

Peaches: Plmi; standard 8Se; J choice 7'.ic; extra choice 7Hc. ^

Raisins: Steady; loolM MutcaleU *®‘3S lo 4*.c; cholw lo fancy leeded *"

f 4’i to4Hc; ae«dlcM4‘i to54e.

r “ tlllCAaO PRODUCE Jij i CHJCAOO. Nor. S M^-UvB poul- =; tryrn«(li>U J carirSJ trucks: liea- ^• dj'; brn* B to 10c: Lcjliomi 7e; Roek ( I Oprlnm 10 to lO'ic, colored B lo Poi t B'.ic; Lethom chlcketu S'.jc; root* t n 1 len *c; lurkeyi, young hens u d ne■ um i 13e, o!d toms lie. No. 3 8c; old hg> and youiig ducks B lo 10c;.)«uRs J n> ind old g(M« S'.ic; dtettcd turkeys, dti . youns liftis and toms 20c, old Ijc, 1 t

No. 2 . 13c, - J, Butter; RKeIpl*j6Bl lulls; cfcam-, ^■ Ob• extras (Hi 23e; extra fittu (»o-Bl) kol ' :ov to3H > c :< inu (88lo e s H s m o h i , IB'jc: neconds (8«-87) 17'. to IBc; L . ‘ stsM udj iW centnllied csrtotsi . m ' JIf. .• E.-a; IUcelp:s Oil cases; Jlrm; ex- __

tra Ilrsu 31Sc; Iresb fn d m l in u 1 . 2lc lo.-al; current recelpu IS lo I9!>c.

^ r S iS T • L. , . _____ , HOI A.\ GELEV P OTATOES-----

, T.OS.ANCEI.FA Nor. 0 m (U 8 » ri J D Al - rcUloe*: Moitly lUO to bul:

)1.I0 en tood qaallly Dubankx; or- to :


>. C ® 7 * IAUGHIU<}' MKTt ^— ; . BE51DE5 MftKlUG- TWOS• |-A\OTlOHSf»JE HE{vRC r • W'UTTCRlM&ABCaiT ; ^ M M D * 5 W 0 R D 5 ‘


*NB. I W . *iiM »_gaB Q tL ^, u JU JU I J J 4 T ^ m lr 'T n r i i i r i i0 A HOLS •• r t B ’^ wIM 8 0 0 PBBT f i n 5 ^ . . :>) ow e PA3RMW / ' n y ^

1W N G 0 UP y *m is s im : I --- ------------

Y O R K Is

m r n ^ iS '‘ s

S S i f r S i i ; — S I' “S S e j I " i i b

l5M ?;3T=:'i'^£! ‘il: Ss a s « 5 . ”= s “ a ;i s '*

£ f e = 3 p i F - E r t e i i s W Sliouuxm n« in o __ao L » » 11;,BU M ^ u « a y ^— t a ! « ’* 50;BUsdaM Oil Cal. 4IU 40e u i i i t wuntr ^ » J 8 l lunBtudtMker Corp___ 4 k l i ,Tioa-COTp I I__^Tlmlia noil D n r_ 27 \ ZTIk n i t 3'Ci Ttant Aminca _ _ 3 i a{« s%* cics ; S T f c ] ! S u aVQIMI Atrtnct----- IH MU 31 re<

I ;

CURD MARMT ' g ;“ KSW YOnKrW#m~M^=CUrh~m»rr liii ketqiwuuoni cloud;

BfeWe 'Bonrt iiid IJ J ^Brctrlc Band and flhai# pr - TI , P®

Winr**’ i ! 5 a i5 ? 'tw rZ Z Z ^ 3 i ' ***i

s g f g g = i ! :

ireCIAL WIRB • »;!;

Ajnwctn IX)WW »pa U |h t ....... .. U ™Ammctn ivrcirn ro*rr vartaau )• on

fc'i-'lh ;—1 CDmmtrdil BouUirrn « u raa ta_ VfiI UBIIM Qai n r n n u Ibldl_____ U *3'

u B > r “J b = = : 5 i ' 1 J--------- ' ----------------- ■ asi

dlnary quallly IIAJ to $1.10 cwLj l|^Idaho itnaets Ne. 1 11.40 lo tlJO; 83 t ^ l l y IL4J ewl! Np. 1 |lJ 7 ! i lo


A>-8hIp;lar point infonutloa ler 1Saturday: Cl

Upper Talley earloadi f. a b. c u h Uttnek : RihmU U. S. I moilly 88c to toMo: an oeeaslonai ear lower; lomi hijheld hither: V. 8. No. I mesUy We; «•oiua ouincitbt caili U gH ie iii'S iu - W set! U. B. 1 mMtly 8 e le 70e; V. 8.3moilly3«e. PO

Twin ralts.BBfley: Carloadi I. a JlCb. rash track lo dealen: Rnsseti U. *'■S. 1 JOc lo Me; belt moeUy Sta to JWe; batk oalwelfht c u h lo graw- toc m Roneti U. 8. 1 Mo to 7»ei b n t J"moelly lo «7e Inek u l n farm ^

S.'l-inosllr75e-to-8i>ei-a-few-b«t higher. _

^ ^ C U iC A G b fbTATOEs’ '^ ^^ " CHICAGO. Not. 0 |U S D A)—

PoUloet: ReretpU IM carloads; on j tnek S75| total Unllefl NUIei ship-menu Salarday 979. Sunday JJ; Ida- „bo aad )VlK«nsoD iloek firm, oUi- r,eni aboQt iteady; snppUn Ilbcnl. <> demand tndinc noderale; V. H. No.1 IVlieonila Rennd W bltn tIJO to o .f133rr»w'ftM-)|l>sUiy-fal|her;Mia. m- D m U .-1/erth D akota-Rrt-TUTef f f | OhlW :#U8:lot|U 7UTrNorthrn».- fe]keta Red Rlrer Cobblen It.lO to nO11.20: Idaho RttneU |I .U in }l.;4, u .moeUy | 1X( lo 3I.U! U. S. .So. 2, EILU' lo lIJO, few 1J3. Che

p M M i r i i

OMAHA LIVESTOC-'k 5S0 OMAllA, Not. « «■> (U 8 D A l- »3i

Hogi: RectlpU.SOOO; strong to 10 10 lo I

10c hliber than Friday; lop « ,js tor ilot sorted 200 to 230 pound nverscts; pou bulk 110 to 2i 0 pound nrencrs c to tUO; 3S0 to 350 pound a\-en«a cos

*KtTtR.TATHE^ f / ^ U S r A picTUW HOSE STRNMOE ■ PROaABLVl I WCw?D Hiw> ^ A a o u r tM K r i ■>UT ■'aUHS* j ... COWCEM-rewWD 5 * « - - > '^ou V.’AUTED A\E— - V^n^ o v t> BOY TV



PIOOSReD*.60M 6BOOS » PtX L E O g W j T ANT S»W <eO



~ X ^ — ^

t3£0 to lUO; 140 to 160 pound t u enges t3i0 lo (3.75; wwi 12.78 lo 13.25; few lights to t3J3; i t a a 82

” in2 .75 ri«de rT u«ri2 .73~ w isa5 rc « : Saturday. 13.43, weight 378 pounds. '1

Cattle: Recelpls I3>X; fed tleen and yearlings alow but mostlf'about ileady; choice 1297 pound welihti

i ISJ5; yesrllngs 917 poundi U.78;• gniM Iho Slock itron t to 10 lo 15c ' higher; few loedicowa UIO IO83.40;J p t i i beUen 83 lo.|4 moally; eomtJ. ►./•Ill fhnl/w }<«rtlny it/wIrT* r $5; Choice itock calrei iiSO ibd k beifcr calm 14.40; fed ite en u d ‘ yeitllsgi tiJO to UJO; few losdi i arouad.1200 poundi m o lo 85 ^ ;• short load mixed yearllnp WAS;

fed helfen 84JQ 10 U27; graii cowi< tl25’tb 83; c u l t« r g n ^ t l JO to tS.*• 10; medium niUre bulls 83J5 lo 82.-

50; few wcstersi 81.78; practical topk. T ea1en(3J0 t-te«-W |-ito (kfn-u4 t | ^ * n « J 0 to few loedi year-

• 8hwp;.Bweliilfl_M0fl:Jimt>i.ud J yearltngi iin n g lo 25c higher t b u •• cIuM of ia tt week; bulk nngo lambs '• iflJO to 88.79; sorted natlTi iambi ‘ moJtly 86.78; fed wooled Iambi 86.75;

red clipped lambs W; led yearltngi ‘ up to 85J5; bulk rahgc feeding b Umbi 85.65 to 14.15; closely u ried up_ tA np In miIM

mouth ewea 83.


S D A)-Hogs: Receipts 500. InclM- - Iiir^OO'aixectrabMrsteadyrr^l'n .'

pound Caltfomlu 85.15 top; puk - ( a«D 117 pounds 83JU; good 140 to4 tco pound light Ughu 84.90; few 120• pound lU uthter pigs 84.25; pukln<; SOM quotablo 83J5 down.• Cattle: Receipts 475, Including «0 i direct; parUai clearuce steen u d , slie-stock about stead}-; few loads• mcdlum.770tol032poundgrauiteen

t I J l to 8(J0; lomo desirable under. ICOO pound grassen quoted possibly ~ K rc tr 1065 iffl^a^a llf^ t» i83 ,73 r

• on sale plain killen. itoekeh ' u d< fcedcn; load 852 pound grau helfen , 83.50; car S73 pound hoklorer cowl

8:.75; bull! weak.to 35c lower, mort-ly$3.75tO «.--------- • - •

Sheep; RecelpU 2£S0; fairly acUre; early sales Iambi iteady to itrong;

•• asklnghlgherlnlnstanceaforahomi;, ihnedcckalargelygood.toeboleeM- i 82 pound *«oled 16*) 10 88.75; latler

sortedIO.nercent;doubled^wool­ed Neva|to MJO: toned 10 per cent; K rv 863$aorted.


Cattle: Recelpu 3200; early laleiI Ugbt and mixed heifer yearlings up> to $5J0; belt long yearllnp held• higher; lao loads fed Western steen : 84J0; bulk beef cqwi 8233 lo 83;

■ lo 8335; lop vealen 88;' cholce-'474 pound steer ealvei 88; c*her sales stock calves and yearlings 83.75 to

' 81.75; four loads light feeden 83.85. Hoji; Recclpu 5000; generally 10c

to 15c higher than Friday; bulk good I and choice 210 pounds down 84.tiS;

few loads H15; bulk sowi 83 to 8335.L _ ffl ie n ilJK e lP la .» P g lJa t_ ta n ^: mo»Uy.2ic.blghet;-range-ila5g>ter.

bm bi largely 88.6B lo 88.65; three loads clipped lambs 88; natlrei dovn- ward^ficm 8ft.75.r-t—---------;—


A)-Hocs:'Receipts 150; iteady to weak; Callfomlu 84.75.

Cattli: Recelpu 2900; iloW, iteady to weak; fed steen 8t75 to 85J0; yearling! held above 88; grau iteen U.CO lo 8IJ5;'gnss.beU en 83.80 lo

S f T S S S l r T f c ' - ’Stelia^up-lo^83«.=Oal«*:=R««Ip« 1100; aleidy; Southweitema 11.50 to 85.

Sheep; RecelpU none; good to choice iamba quoted 8&M to 87.


A>—Hoes; Recelpu 5000; holdown 3000; 1000 dlfw l; itrting to lOe hliib-

on 5000 cholec 190 to 230 j»und.i; good and choice 140 lo ICO pounds 83iO 10 83.90; 163 to 290 pounds 83.SO lo 81.10; 290 to 350 poundi. packing

Itock plKs, good'end choice 70 to 130 pounds 8325 to 83iO.

Catlle: ReceliiU20M0; calves 8500. compared wUh close lut.week; Ugbt-

TURBHS'SMhKlW'- r " I f lC WOULDWT WORRy \ ----- If----------? r i -H E 'S l u s r » . , wiW [I WHAT WAS r r M y W - ycA\E TO t>0 BEFORE +

r rw D S ^



^ 1 PO LLD W aD AK <eO ^ ^ THAT UQKTFlt

4b " I WBLL AND 6U W K f D • I N E ^ T -T » -H 1 S -C O R

IT. er weigbti of beef it«en u d jrear- 10 ila ii Ilow; atcady to easier: medium 82 k ^ b t and heaTy i le m duU; n oit

25J W d n r io T S T lo w e rT c I^ ^ lO M 278 pound yearling steen 85M; choice

1160 pound weights 85J9; moit aalea en fed tleen t i to 85J8; belfen. good w t and choice 550 to 900 pounds H.50 Its to 88; cows good 82.85 to 83J5; m l - IS; e n (milk fed) medlBm to choice 83 15c to 88; Stocker u d feeder ite e n good 10; and choloe (ill welgbU) 83J0 to 85.- |Q( 25; common u d medium . (all ttl, Jflg h in ' 8175 In 81,7S . bd Sheep: ReoelpU 4000; Iambi 25 10 nd 40s higher; odd market iheep about idi steady; top 'nnge lamba 88.8S: fed 15; naUre 88.75; Iambs good and choice 13; 90 peuDdi down }8.35 to' 88A5; com- ws mon ud 'm edium 'M ^ l inds down' 27 M JS 'io I8JS ;ym liiv w lt lu n m a - 2.. lum to choice 90 to 110 pounds 84 op to 8SJ5; ewes good and choloe 90 Dd tff^lM-poundi 11.7! tr- Ing lambs (nn ie) lood and cnoice

w to 7A pounds » . » to KUo d -------------- -------- ------- •---------------U ' CiUCAGO LIVESTOCK ‘5? CinCAOO, NOT. fl (3>» (0 8 D A ) - " Host: Receipts 21M0; bo ^ 1000; begs, acUre, 10 lo 20c i ^ Ute hulk betler gnde 200 to 290 ^ pounds 81J010 84.40; top; 84i0:free- {S ly; most I80 lo 20Q pounds 81-lO.to

84i33i~Dtbeiti'lu'i8U]e~as'early7'S80 — to450-poundi-8).78-to-H30:'180-to . 200 poundi 84 10 84J0;m oit plga 83.- ‘ ‘ S00083.75; packing lowi SS to 83.* (U 50; snooth light welgbls to 83.80 u d

TO' ^ n S n iT r il& lp ir iB ’.OOO 'bulk'Ted' k - ' s t « n and long yearllngi cloilng to weak to 25c, mosUy 18 to 25o lower; 1)0 dem ud for medium weight u d n< weighty ileen Mml-demoralUed at

decline: light i t « n u d llglit bdfer 80 and mixed yearllnp fairly well nd cleaned up; betler gnde mUed and

heifer yearUngi llrm to higher; bulk '.n welghly.atetn unsold andxleanDce lu Incpoiplete on long yearllncs: light >lr mixed yearllnp 8835;.long yearlings fJr«rheIftrt;88 ;-|trle ilf,enq tar:1470 d p pouflQ' (leen n ju ; uu<i> kcIkIiI) nd tleen howerer 84J0 to 8SJ10; 3000

western g ru ien mostly itocken In w* hm; bidding weak to 25c lower: oth- It* er killing clacei fairly active; Iteady

. moit vealen 88 down; ouUlde on w u m e bum 83.IS but loppy kinds

ig; absent.u ; Sheep: Receipts I3M0; fa t lambs » • mntly iUong to.25t higher; strictly

choloe kinds up mon: beat natives aorted 87J5; no choice n n g e n of- fered; sheep steady; beat ewes 82.75;

“ i31d: feeden active: best-lmndy welgbU 88.65; few loodi cllppen u d

M inbetween gnde fa t lambs 88 to 86.-1 lei 60; Ihrowout nallvea mosUy around UD 85; fat ru g e lambs vary scarce; lid biilk 85,75 to 80J5; with belter kinds :n held higher; sheep Heady.

i” . OODEN, Nor. 6 t n ’lO S D A ) - Hop: RecelpU ISSBr Included 237

“ poInU; steady wUh Saturday; lop ~ 84J5 on best drlveln butchcn: few i r heavy butcben 8430; Hsht tlgbu ” 141 pounds . |3 « : packing w w 8335

down.Cattle: Reeelpts 1030; skia-, limited

ff- rdW ft*iiH fer8-»Jorie'na;»-w ufa ” belftn 82.75 to 83; bulk.good drlve-

ln,cow^83J5 to CJO; cutter and

' Sheep: RecelpU12.S38;nocarlyac- tlon, l u t week's close two double* 91

° pound Idaho Umbs 85.15 and two ^ loads same weight 1935, all wltb jjy freight benefit.

PORTLAND LIVTSTOCK lo ..PORTLAND,N0V.8M1(lf5DA) to -H op :R ec«Il>U 3000 |m ^tslfa(li 0- lo strong; spou lOc hlgher; good to {j choice Ilght'welghla-mMtly-HiO; to fewloadsupwardto81.60;fewaround

280 pounds 81; light llghu 83.75 to to 8435: packing tows mostly 8335.

Cittle; Recelpu 26C0: calves 175;. fairly lellve on better gndes; lully

iteady, other alow; betler Rradci D Steen 835) lo 81.75; lop 85 for fed rs grassen; plainer kinds doanward lo

82J0; helfen 83 lo 83.75; plain loUtrr C B i7nn73orn>n$«ns3w nj3yio .1; 83 ;Iow cultenudcutlcn81 to 82.- fis 25; bulls 13 to 82J0; no vealen told;M bulls talking weak to unerenly low- Ig «r.

30 lum to g ^ wooled lambs 84.&0 to 8535; few good lo choice unsold;

0. j-eatUngs M lo 83J0; slaughter c4tes t- 75c to 8135.

IW A ur^U T D H 'ftSIM V w E U L THEO'mERROOW.AND I U K S T WATTtl MAYBE rr OP SPI YOlSCAM'rew.'NHlfr j F HIW.BU «E'S 001M5 - - ^ WAM'

■ "■‘'T —— -----

, NOVEMBER 7,1988.

AW P O t ; M ^ S 6 R B tTFlNO eR . ' OlVB O P fMl- B n = i H m = = : : z w a n g = n aK IT ftlOHT y B S N T DRA<:ORRAL, • .• OOt-UlSS Wl✓-------

DID YOU Y t - ^ ------ ---- - -kWKB HIM I

.S R iN a tTBACK. ^ S S S t

study Appointmentsaost :______________:____________ '

IL . ■ _■ .^ j T = = a B g a g T ^ ^ 'olce




olce3m-_ ’ ;

olce ;

i r wMO ..................V ^ ‘ n - f e ! | ;1*^ PEOEIVERSIUP u d bantraptcy ^ ~«ppolnlm'«nt».of-re(ifral-judge- - >-to -C h ir k i- E ,—Woodward—(abeTe>r ■ W.- were itudled In Chicago by a Ju-

diclary lubcommlttce ot ths na- j Uonal boux of re^esentatlves In '

Ted' ~Harcm>raiti-rorprepojed-if8isi-1 ling ’’latlon to correct alleged abuses.— ; rer; m i Photb. • ^

iiiracE8“ iW #--------1000 ------- >

Selling Increases, Despite ,• « C urta iled E s tim a te s Of j

A rgentina’s S u rp lu s Ii b i - ' tllyIves By JOHN P. DOrOIIAN 3 or- (A b la te d Preu Market Editor).75; CHICAGO, Nov. 0 —. Incr^axd

ndy piu u ic lodsy, and prices avenged |nd tower. -,Qd Whest vslues especially ahowed

weakncsi. Pressure lo. eeli wheal 1 here camo to a notable extent from t

, Minneapolis u d Kansas City. The com market recclvcd a black eye ' from British reporU lhat American

— corn w u tim i3 ciiiti a iminti <»it ' *— of line for -Europe, except ipecUl237 _____________________________ clop -----------C'«» DENVTR SHEEP hbu tl135 DENVER, NOV. a l/F) (O B D A)— ^

Sheep; Recelpu 11330:6000 Uirough, tled naUve fat Iambs 25 to 35c higher; «ind -

ve- cations on feeding to l ie steady. • n md _________

1 : b•wo BOSTON. Nov. 0 OTKU 8 D A)— ^ Ith Quotallozu on.domesilc wool in Ooc- }'

(on a n being fully maintained a t ei IcveU preraillnjc lor severa! weeks. 8 The conlldent attitude ot wool men

A) for domcjtlo wool prices U aided ma- . i(lB to ta lly- by ■> better fce llD ffirrj^* - to TnrUw wool goods sittiatloaiuil by B

JO- th« trn-ntih MlipltyFil In nd foreign *-ool markeU. to EiUmaled recelpU of domesUc

wool a t Boston, reported to the Boi- IS; (ga QnLn u d Flour Exchange dur- lly Ing Uw week ended November 4,

amounted to 10347300 pounds os 'c<i compared wllh 6J2J00 during the lo previous week..................................

To = =2.- Id; Then U No Delter Feed Than

GLOBE A-1. _ tsT lni H uh 10 Pet Yea ^ More tn * . ■ -

0: GLOBE SE E D & F E E D^ C i 4Ui Ave. Sa. Phone 401

DON’T t e a s e

gTH EteC K ( t l \spytu'oM I

H J > 1

■ . .. ~ 3 F

BUT WB MAD TO • . •P YMB IDSA O P AM a u r c r = f f i « = a z 5 r w o R e r : w r = f e :=== ORAOaiM' .UP AM' OOV fM S B YJB MAD TO C liT r t .n o POBT HOUBS. y

J ' ,

b grades of white com.Wheat eloiod aerroui. ISl to 1%

• ceaU under Balurdsy's finish, corn— T c 4 i iV ie w 4 rw w » i jn a jh e r ro a tr r B » to !• off. and provlskmi uo-■ changed to 16 cents .up. ^■ Argentbe Eitlmatei Bedaeed V H . T hen 'w u much telling of wheaC^ n against p u r ^ n of com. Absence lW of any agpcsslve ipecuUtiva de-

m u d lo r wheat waa k te :^ ItlV and lelllng p n u u n Increased on all

- raUlei.-<U3plie-curtoncdoUtMto

M lurplus u d notwiuutandlng ad-iM Tlets'of 24,000,000 bushcU Australl-m \ u wheat: lossu compared with thaf l jite it official forecut of , 1933 pro-

H ' ‘* N ^W M tL iw llS ou tfL i^^K l^ '."_ ■ ' of whelit IB Chicago w u asserted■ lo be dua to the fact that of Uia H lha Chicago market had shown n l- I H ailMlT itrmgth tti*"

markeii. Belllnt o t wheat against SifBTIlUd'IO lUltiib «;mcaga comgarfcet-adrance«—which- a t- c n e —

^ lUge amouQted to 1 cent a bushel r t for. M ay.and July deliveries of J J corn. . —W Corn and oata were bearlihly af-

fected Uto by lJ«fl,000 busheli la- crease ofihe corrnvblble supply,

pvcy PrwUltaa tended upward to Un* « llh hivf valuM . ______ _

= s . l i i 1 **

• Si Sv.^ 1 Y

r n f f i ; ! s ^ " i Si!i ’L f l — -.CHICAGO CASU-ORAIN— -—--------- CHICAOO. Mot. 9 to - Wbriit !

No. 2 hard 87c; No. 2 mUed 66'ic. C om ;N 0.2m U ed44c;N o.3 :^-

l ' « ed 43\ic; NO. 2 JtUow U » 4S\e;No; i j-ellOT 44 to 45c; NO. 1 whlto

Ol 45Ue; No. 2 white 45Uc; new No., 2 Sued 44-,ic: NO. 2 >tUow 44«« lius No, 2 while 44c; new and old mUed

No 2whlle' 41Hc.OaU;No.2whlte86Wc; No.3wbll«

34^10 34*56. . or) No rye.

Bitley 43-Wc.

WINNIPEG GRAJN ,wed .WIHNIPEO, Nov. i 4 J ) C u h neai wheat: No. I northern «2Uc; N a 2■fom northern eolic; No. 3 no.nhemMiifcS,™ OaU; No. 2 while 29-ic; No. 3 cytt White 26UC. _____

---------P0ftTtANl>-oaA1N-------- -—y-il PORTLAND. Nov. S MV-Wlicat

close: May 7S'.ic; December 7014c.= C «h : Big Btnd Bluestea 7ic; dork

bard wlnicr M ptr cent 77c; dark .. hard winter 11 pcr cent fljc; soft

D - while E9c; western white hard igh. winter C9c; northern spring 63c. ler; western red Wc.•86^ - eatarN o.-2-whlte-822.------------ ------la ir -carr«elpU ;-W heal'4 irbarley 3, r. • Hour 25, oata fl, hay 1.

--------:------"OTTOW b lTAY ' ^SORTJoASD, Not. 0 W —

buying price from producer: Alfalfa V No. 1. new crop. 816 to 816i0; vetch

Hs- ilS^l WUUmette toUc; tamlth; ttS*. a t cuiem Oregon tlmoUiy 817J0; oafs

Iks. 815. . _____

^ SEED...............td - -TOLEDO, Nov, 8 ( ^ R e d c1 « « _ J -by Decbmber 87J0A; March 87.75A. - In ■ *l»i>:e; P u b 88.50: December 88.70,


1 RRENGEL’S=; -Hardware-&-Shop- r-r E lee lrira l Supplies

Pipe and Plpo F U U nw

— r ^ t r b a n ka-Ato ra e -E-q p b r- —

___ PH O N E 1202)l

i S E T H E A N I M ^ _

i ^ ^ [ [ ^ a t r a g e o a s

I g T O i i " ' S y P j i m i i_________(O oc ttno rtttaa U

8T N 0M IS iJiaB u« ilfisA i.ta ' Jim — K u a tm s o in x iU ir T Uai.U^. Tr-gy

harboodbBrnf.lhaVuDcrfcmW’ w tm i ..•Idfc E rU m M pelatit* & i / w i ..T h.j

tta tb th M fto k B U w a .rH b th Hw nematy t{UHr e( Uutt. noddJt

. m tU n(« iM tlu tbappca*d ln tb i .yg, . h i t ^ w M k i . n . •a m U i tn

m icbcd frwn h it b u d i Iw gn> .-aU^ with U a iB tnA i^ eh iM b la

_ U b M M r ^ u M i t a t m ^ t a U

■Ul«r>iB>Uw ol NmU ■Mnrti'i N ate net iu>l7.(*T«><(t«l«U>e " 5 *

an tn U f. M tti»« b t b ber b » -

kanra b ta lonf. ' « gbi................ .................... bukrt

. o b » p te f« -ifeWFOBTANT NBW8 ’

— nrea ajiouud-n iendii::_______'Oh, n o .'» W Mln M «n.- ■

' • •Mln— whea «ld yw m til me Itrtt?"

. H» lo t • round blu# » im . • r *Oh.you'kMW." do*'*

■ •__Tni i lr>ld_H loal.ahiIlw» tuni , . -* n d in ax i)» e k « i* ln » ..i.d o irt.iu iK ^^ 8

poM uiyono Imovi ut. but rou *'."3^ J MTtr c tn UU. And nor—n'hen did • *“ ?

# , j o u m e e i a * l i n i r :"01i.but youdokno iflliit- jrou

’ o ta t h u t forjotlto to i o « r . »*“ 0' . . . " S o toon?-.;■ “i f i not t u ld M la -you « »}• . o n t h t r t fo rn iK n r .' 'Jim lelt t ruins acll«m*ot. ' .i**

■4-gw a-*-wH H >-Po-7 ou-a *tB-yott- - M l .•Btrer i t * n s bifort «esU brouib* • ^

ms iro n ih it hwplUl tV E liionr * •. “Ko, nerer." ahe looked up t t h ta • wn

wllh « i t i r or childlike ctndor. w M t .. -Thtn It wta N «{t who told ;w .

~ “ * ^ u i ^ h e ^ « ^ t o ’t“ h« B ’r o ^ m ai'^ •^mUUke. She n u r t ■ h tr» known - « « g

lu r own huibtad—■* ^• Jim l ito L ito a H y . . ’

■ :. "HtdnyTora met me ilthert" .

- 4 - 6 # U a A ^ th t t r J t a ‘ftIl-u-U » luro It 1 heiTy ptrlni-ttone h id beea lined "I H- o!t h li btek. U It w n onljr KnU Ho^ •who Identiried him u Jim RlddtU., «*•

■ he w u pieptred to l» j Tery long oddithttiuw un-tJlm R lddeU . ' p lw ti

They retched the end of the colon* J® U aide onee mort. «‘meh

___ ^ mu^ 'U e e o you.* be »tld. I I M

'-Oh,'won’t you-piew 'M oii b»cirl-'-5“ .w H hm eindJu»tteeber7,youdoat nUht'j* know w hit m ty n t come of It 11 you I h»re 'g o -o n itijrlns tw ty. Wont you<nice ' . plfim f n w hti-fc?" ' tereat ' T h it very dallct(« extra taiu: Oiit. , which tometlmei wtrru. tod u o ie - ' tuun i■ tlm a dUcena th ln p ot.whleh wb .*“ cUJ■ h tte no tridence, bectme tuddenly uiitch

tctlve in Jtm. Inttctd of uy ln i h tdn t good-byt he (umed tad begta to come t wtlk ilowly btck tlong the co!on> "Yoi

t aide. . Uln' • ■ - I Ke»t

.M la , fluhed a n d eaeouraied.'*adio ' mored beilde him with im & ll.ln th e

qulck-step«.Mtrnedpeop]»ou<htnt: * l |t

■ouVjoud: ilot me. "M othertlw aytuy*-” - b u t :- -WeUT' u ld Jlnu T b tt Add un. tomeU ‘CltBiried KQH w u a k n tnd wilt* Jim : ia j. . , • "Wh- 1 4 is i htrdly like ta." "Ho

"Qb eOhe-you were going to tell Mln vl' me w htt your toother tty t. I'm lure Don'

. you e ta mtatga thtt." . U h e .•Mother tlway* M yJtitn led folk, Perhti

thouldetlck Close.'becauM if they; J iw - , doa’ -" . Uhlile.

“Ye«-U ther dan'tt" • I "Aai room lor a third between, "He

them.* I H ei

Daily Crpss-Wc■ ACROtt Setutlen el Yttferdiy'

. «. ( tu ea (or '< T. o i"* i IM S U :

■ >(. ladtAitiu lA INW BIelLiA ITIEIIBBuiUiy I t Ic U u/A M B n l

IL T tt ncmaB H ) j M- II.

iTcsrS 'd ■ N l E l v l E l S B t ^II; a , M s c t B i i i i

' : i s r m i m

■ i f e li i i i i i !(ht Hblfl# * —

th Anilercelltq. |L DtprtulM 0IU Old Umiii ‘'rT

;. - V 'f j; t f W ’ - • a o . - r . ' ' . - t s s

-■ I I . " ’ T.

J — r r : ^ r

j T ~ ~ ~ ^ M j f '

:_________________ ______________

<• -7 §/;■ ^

^ S * ' s

V .

^ I ■ 1 ? “ '

/ ____ _____________ ____

u sE F o rta n d i=■ k K M tu tx AD U K bsue)

Jim got a buach. . Sare yw ' tryloi Ig ~ ^

■tin m»>”n a y -h fcd -re te h ed the eemtr ' \[tin. Mln flopped tnd ficed him. ’/ <oddlng. • . . • C“You tre l- . • nfibe aodded tg tta toleaaty. A.“AU right, we'd better take ta* '<ther tu n . ta d you ihtU t«U a t aU jbout it. Wbo’t Uu mia?* t“I (Jaat k n o w .W .l^ y L .___ _ nJim didn't know either. j

new th tt be w u bound to get tt - > u to fh e rU b ec o u llU e itld g n rt> i

"Vou're got to teU mi." '2 Bhe twlited ihe bindki c fh ir f

ukrt,' ■ ~ 'S ’l i t nerer b e e a a mUehW* • ^

uker." . . ..............

iirtouily mingled .wtm .ilrtM M . ..nride. . I “Tbrowing i te a tt .up a t her win*

ow, ta d long p tt t mUnlgbtr th t s dlid. Dgif■ ^ jT ttiu fib re in ta iirw rw H B ^l wn* i o ^ 'U i t night?".Mm gulpod and noddid tgtla.“I hetrd the peb'blet igtlaK the E iu ,tn d lu w a la u B d ertb to lb (r Trail lodow - NeiU't.' Aad h« u ld b tr t n l i tme—]uit Nuta, not Mn. Riddell t all. And then he itld, ‘Come i ta l t 9wn'." T rtti-I aee. .Then »eita went o u tr

“1 hoped^-irtt-yooi ind that jou t u i i cre o tU ng 11 up.""When did you find out that It : r ^ W t a i r ' j‘ When ai)e ctme btck. fihe opened ir te o r - s u m m i la. n wu-bv|2n«- 7= ; : a i ^ get-iljbt.- tnd-I ecuM-iee sough to know th tt it w u n t yoo." - ^ tb t p p e n e d f u l d J lm .“She went to tbe gate 'igtln; aad

no w u woadeilag whether It u the Tan Berg emertldi th tt htd ungedhtadtOYerthegileofBtp* iM tttthreeo'ciockia tbemoniag. cr thU w u w bu be thought hli uach htd done f ^ l m - h e thought . . . h id brough t hCThqtoa tbe track

**♦*“Uht'e burjltr b id ctught, would tre retched' Ledllngton’ In reiy r i ’J ice time to aUow ol Kcita being irfatded.wlth a handful of pebblei. -3— O u t 'ln . i^ r c tu th tm a a W b td iken the emertldi mu4t h ire known “ TT uctly w htt It w u th it ba bad (1 utchcd In the Blue Room. Aad ba idn't come, there bUnd. He htd ,_S,* ima there to get tbe emertldt.,"Youbetrd tomelhlng!' 'Ktla nodded. ^H u u u ld . 'It'a tU I're got' —

ad lofflclblng tbout keeping money 1 the houK.7“I | tb t t an you hejrdt" ; HOL•ahe-ihoofher-hetd.---------------------m-ttu- l it u H - - t H fu t-h m ld -* - M tt m w th ta w btt I'm tellln* you' ’ 4 u t tU mumbly Uke u If he'd got LO Mjcthlni in. hi# mouth.". .. by.p Jlm reatrtlaed blaUelf. giap“Wbtt did be u y l" . Sttui"H e u ld ,'D o a t be itte"," u ld wlthi Ua wtlh t gup. ‘ m a lDon't be lal« 7 . . Aad be ipoke t i louli ' he b id tometblhg la bll mouth, men erbtpt It w u a gtp la hli upper them iv — perhapi It w u n l Jlm't held Tfai billed with poulbUltiet.. td to■ ^ i n ^ uu u iHa*g«'no^'more oul of her than i b ^

, ------------------ j and *

\^ord Puzzle ^___ __ court

— -------- • ' •• '* f i.rdijf'i Pual« I t tiuiiUJi ______ • I t Palaruls Ia It Ii Ib IeI f S T m "! 6 A ^ E p ] **■ '"»**• * i i lE jM tf lg , ' t t H.ipi“; p B M g N ft. P«w»d»tlofc J r 0i w ^ A d M ’ proee

i i i d i a Ir It I ' t»»« i*»j Ic I I i i t »l- I’tnlnla* M«* ^

u . H im j T S W V £ a crriuuiMdE 3 5 I l p | U OUlub U« S

iL j^^Q*4a(k OOWN U. >tM ^ et r

i l 'dW ., eoa'i u . CanMiutIritrtnnb u . truififui 'Ctatnl pirta M. DliMU&cdlUniM ef ' 11. ;7r(llBi lopl«- J

"Lantiifria' a u i .

7 Iff I? VO |» l / t | » j >

. . ..r ,

§ __ *

'— 9 . ^

^ > 4 • > /, s r '

a l S g ^ v K .


K « E S i tS e b e d B b it( r a a ta iv T r t la tu 4 *

Uetar B a a i r a a te gThrwgh TwlaM i ! - ~ _____ ':=■

OBEQON snO *T UNE . — KutbesBd V ni

(Z ftictirtJu iy io .im ]train 87J l e t r e i ----------J :» ? .« .rtala W I t iT tt----------- S:U A. M.

W tdbrand _Itala BTI ie tvet-----------10;» A. M.rrt la s n le trn ;_______VM P. M. AH 1

. n r i x s BRANCH

train » } letTu _______ 4:00 P. U.NarthbelDd . .

m in 940 tn lT M -------- 3:t0 P. M.ONION PAOIFIO m o w ____

U aret ----------4dO A M. OOQJ

to r ira ~ ~ Bdi A M.

W tlre i:i:Z -................. n :g T T C T T Il / e tm _______________ 6:U ? U. '

KOBTB nO B STAQU tJ ttv n t. WcBden tad OtedlM

A rt w — ;-------------- A M. ATI

"oT H E B BTAQB W n S ^ TWIN FAUa-SaOSBONB. • whtn

11.M A U oUtIo , r,,-7»!>0-P.-M; bfr-lU

TWDt P A IX S ^ m U .

^ U ia l^ e n d 'o lth ic o lo tm td e ^ they parted. ^

Hscroued lbs i q u tn ' t a d west there lato lha Ubrvy, iu4 1(Coprnibt, J tt tr J. B. Upplacott for ti

Coj eitteII. hii fl(To Bt Coallnued] -


LOS ANOELn, Not. 8 M>>>eald ^&y. police to .be a foraer Detroit ■ it,i ia p te r, H uiy VoUtr w u u tuM . -xbi Sttuidty on lufplelon In connectionrlththekllUngofHtiTyUacUaytnd v arrtak Kener of New York ta d Bt. 'tv UwU la a Hollywood ctfe by two nen who caterri the pUet tad ahotthem down o m their ipighettL ^

ne iare itlg tto n u ld lh ey e ip e cU -on -rd to arrett two other men within i_ the a e r t U houn. T hm m«° * »re

iboottng, but one remtlaad eutilde.V o to w u irra ted le ren l weeki ^ *

igo in a drira i i t ln i t undeilrtblei H* *Uld-held under ISOieoO'btU on -a }“®«l)Unket indictment c iunlag blm v <U with “coaiplncy lo commit Ytgrta* i7 .*ba tw urtlet*edM tertppem ttanirU btId tbe Indictment w u U* W »

■ . ------------ ^


BOISB, NOT. 0 Mv-l** D otatn, RTeadgll. and M. Reua HiUtbiugb. ^ Ir, Oraagerllie, h ire been tppolnted jiweitlngdepullaforeollectlng.the ; ipeclai.Uxet.tindar tha-aertculuiral flSISJrtcortry iirognnrJohn B.-VllBy,-ool»------lector of m tem tlrm nui.tnneunced ^ _ U tuidty. ' 0 . 0 .^D onam w U lbeifitlm edtiB ltek* -AM root ta d BitUbtugb In Bola. Tw:


/ HOT A JI6 N 0» *”

*1 W0HB6R ;1 "hliCKY WirKCiET ' f l '

- - - - -

J U S T - K I D S -

r , ■ " / s o VOUPE MINSOV » V AN-vW A N T / S

11k w L .

* 8 a l

t ■ ' '

~ • '' .V ’


' % ...............................

-----------...........................- — 4 M

1 7 ^


^ -



' ------------ o f iuA nW aalA dialtT tasduttT taad

- f o r - i a l s - o r - T r a d e — - d ____________ ___________ ;___ t o nOOO^TOOMO.TEAM-OP WOWt ; = hortet. AUnd Buber 3 mllei w «t

_________________: u S ?OQO. ^ROOU PIiA ffTEK BD

r c A P O N E P E T I T I O T I ^ ^


ATLANTA, MOT. t W -A Tm P.* JJnODr rm d u n OD writ Of b»bn .

r s f i & w s a i K : simted B tata dlitrtcl a tlon it; ,to-

ZJlaw ubarredby lb ttu tn tK tfU m * a«pn ttlon i. - . -! Kt, J u d n ' M t ^ Dnderwood held.new.

Here had been ibowiag tb t t Oapoos ------

Tcourt of tppetli upbtld

L eg a l A d v e r llie m e n li

1 m . B u r f S g L h . a ; . S ^Judicial D li« rt“or Uie'etttfl-of Idaho, In tad for Twin Pallt Coua-

■xbomu Dlckenon, Plalatlf/,. ' ' ^

Vttta D lckeim Deftadtnt.TBB 0TATB OP DAEO 8BND6 iBlITIKOe TO THE ABQVB AMED D E P E N D ^. ^YOU are hereby notUled that a “j**"'

np la in t h u been (iled ag tlatt you "ouii I tb t DUtrtet oourt o( tb t BItnntbadlelil t^ljirlft nttiM A U f T-t.. Bawli0 ta ta d (or Twin P«I1» County, by " J i i I t tbore a tae d p itlatttt ind you — n hereby dliected lo 'tp p e ir tdd ludtouldcom plalatvttbiatw en* x — r d»y* Of the lerTlet of tb li turn* L oer loni and you tre (u tb e r aotUlcd I buI u t ualcM you 10 tp p tt r tnd pieid .n id .> tild eompUIat wlthta tba liasa ------e ttls tpecUled th t cialnUfCwUI LOffl

Tbit action li laitituted to obUia 7t = decree of dlrorce ta d (or th t ctre,

uilody tnd control of tba two mlaor bUdrea of plaiatUf ta d deftadtnt. «* « W ttaea ny hand tnd ths le tl of £ o n

Ud Dlttrlet court tbU Sib d ty o( ^

— ;■--------- Clert- BATDt. a HALL _______bfOiAUomv f«-Walnti(f.--------------- m twTwin Pallt, Idaho. Niwi.^ ^ ^ = = : = ^ = = =

" t j e y m u s tI f f I

■ M V sA iM eT i liw is il k /IS 'TtoMMv i j a E f y i


I- -


taO ON hivM* u u v r v u l k V — 16KT IN AN& A » K ~n a VOO ONUY ; ) ■

1 6 B O R W W n r F « (

\ BI6 c o w m b - * Z / ^

ds-BarWanted Id Rmt ■ fo

Sa nt "r en t «o o b m a^ « .Phone OIH-Jt

WALU WELL 7 D R N I6 B S D itrlcUy modem bouM, dote la. • h

3 1 ^ Unm c l ^ o f j i d w i tena. ^

For Sale-Real E ia tl.( OR IJ ACRES. PHOOT now ,

SPECIAL PARM BAROAINS IK Wuhiagtoa, ongoQ, Idaho, Uon* fltb

«aa.T eiat.m ig tt«deu tO T ir,tn l* : ~ 1a,lfflpRmd.uBlaproTtd;onttud ow ..l.»tnturt._i>op*ttlil-x4Tlos. tfenUoq m tt . J. W. H NOj^* *Pf

' " JioHlicellaneoui-— j. tm

3BrOENtnNEORAZYOHyaTAlfl or1 tad drink your way to betltb. J. ^

a. SchwiUtr, Tb» Rawltlch D u ltr , l«M tIaA TeauiEut.T litoyaM i.

roR jrom ic lA A H B zC A U trA lL ^ ^Betuchtap tnd A d ta i Offlct on rr. Shoaboneitreetetchaftsn)ooa.J.W. tfcDowell

^For Sal8-Fiimltirrr“ iJI'PtBOE UpHASl OVBtBTnPPXD AP .K t,eocI% atl chair, b iby.buktl. .- anew. W Wanut.____________ ^ bua

HEW AND 08CD PDRNITtmi OP ^ tU uadL Coti R ta g u u lew u ^

110 eten. Wt trade and boy or leiL ap: mil pty cub for t to r a ta d rt(ilg> 3 n t a n tnd (urolturt. Moo&'i fatnl per ind Putniture Stow. Phans-J. wy

wSrfwO M A N -roR-Q EHEB AL . » KouKKort 417 «tb Ave. Kqrtb. Bt»

Ihihi. . .1 . . u li' Wl

; Help W a n te d - M a le .. ^

J S T w e n r o 'T T O B A w iS a H ^ u t e t o f W Ofam lU ertoCltyof 5 SM n Palli. CounUtt of Lincoln, ^ Slalne tnd C tm tt. Rttltble-huUer ibould t t i r t itm teg IU weiklT and API n e ru u npldiy. Wrtto Imaedlttely. -' p w lt l i |h Co. Pept. nMT-B. Den. ^

Lest 5“j06T - 8CREW*TAIL BOSTON ^ ^ p^^ Phone B id lo ^ t lo n . Re.

- 8 P n ? . W H ira PEMAW jS f -aW .-PH flir- AB«pli'"Wtgnnon. ^nier.Rewtrd._______________ ^ ^

^ - W H n * 8 P m D 0 0 , A H . , tw tn to n tm t ‘Bobby." Mn. Ptta*

u Oergen. Rewtrd.____________ ~

^ -B L A O I C AND WHITE BIRD dog, aatwen lo Jerry. Ctl] Jack —

yOFCorta .-m ip t diHi *—

IAT0RDA7“ N TO H T ~ L U ) ^ bfown.pur« .wnttlalng.pertontU BUl

i«T m ra~w JienT etnined-to Tbt - .b <iwi. ' ter

_ . j =ga g

■ n r , '" f y

J t- ^

U ^ ^ - _ p

I / I W w J P s ^ y i



^ Y - O U - R - & T - U ^

7 / N f i p j PNIX O N -T H » S -\ H

:-------- U N a.B -B U A -7 - - 0 . - -\ O J»A l.U / , | 1

j - DJ

= = S B B e = = s = s = : = s e

galns-0■ il. I M l t f . l . . l |- I . | .—

ForSalfl—Freils,0AJU10T8. ONIONB AND P ( ^ S

toes for ttie . Phone 0II7.JL p

FOR SA U X 0NI0K8.. P IR B T m j . houu c u t o ftug tr factory. Phoot p osn-j}. —

-------------------- ------------------------ AP.BWEEl WUIR-PJIOM-WAOJED I

Jontthtni. No wormi. Bring coa* — talner. 30e gtUm. B. T. Blaka. BO

ROME B E A D T IE S , S t A l ^ ^..Wlnestpt,..M olla'.weit.of.Boutta ^ Park. » e you p ic t No wonni. QrU* J »»» ' N noDEUCIOIW. JONATHANS A N tf ^

Staymen .Wlniupa. Bett winter j otpplt t r P ^ from wbtnM.';'Ken;ro o

ROME, JONATHAN APPLES, ». “ buihel t i . 1 mils north .K wt*t —

(rom pirepolnu Itore. By truck load AP o rtiu ibd «_ - — , I I ,. ■POR SAI2 — APPLES. OmORS. —

h u d lettuce. Oae tad tbiw* BO fourtbi mlla e u t of Twin co KIa< £ betlj Batd. ,p , j ^ V ab O T .-— — mAU. VARIETIE8 OP fflM’iXK QC

planow retdy. bybu lu le rtru ek t lotdi t t E. L. Wontcolt orthtrdt. wti S aUei c u t on Kimberly Rotd. baU — toulb. _ . .. nAPPLS8-*ORIMES OOLDEN. JON* Ol.- athani., w inatpe, R «e« . Ue per (pa

buihel OT ton. m e from wornt. —Wynn Orchard, 9 m lla weit, IH ^teuth. J. A. Bradley. . ^APPLES O RdO S O O LD EN , tn |

Jontthtnt. W lneupt Roaet, Ve — per buibel or Jon, Prw from wenat. Wynn O rch ird ri BCer wnt, tU tou th .'j. A. Brtdle»“

JrirtATnAN-.., A w n ^ D E u a o q i S tpplet a rt asw ready a l Orytial « r

Sptlog|-Orcbtrd.-Pll»r.-ldtha~Por i r u ie by. truck lotd or buibe] lota. Z! Prlcu retiontbli. Pbone M9. 0/

UR. TRUCKMAN** WE PDRNI8B —yoti clgaruH t t i i on etch lotd o( ua

s t l o a a , Plpplni ta d Mebtotb ap* 1p la . T ik t thea aay place. Pboos —WrgO,45t.^ OT

APPLES X ALL YARimZS, ALL a'prtcti.:io 'buiheii good cum IIM . —

lag ta d cooking, p ir io orchtrd, l cbl mlla north. 1 mile weit of PITS Polntf, W n f a l t i . ■■ 'i . _ r e

For Sale—Dobs to

iUOnirOAN: W BmL*.POTB.lH HoIWIIM ■aim B g«w. W. r. T>Wi«m „ R. R. No. 1. ____________

For Sain—Livestock P E r o r a 's r i m ts : oo o d broH J

bortei. J. W. Oreen, Rogertoa ^

“ FonReneuniumlUieflz: =8 ?SINEa6 .IOaATION~FART.OP fO --^buUdingatllflMalaEut.'-Wlllal* - t te rto iu lt.t> b o a it» l. Oit



/ / / ^ ^


F y , . ' .

S I | / ‘TV«RI HKttlNWMNOV,ViMLK n w r N * 6 0 AMKA1

i / ^ V T ■ \

MJ J -

............ ' I--L-J J

)ppbrtuF o rH m t— F m l s M . | f ^

UMTED ROOM. 4 t r M W A I PbontlH e. __________' I

sLCEPma R o o u olobb o l IPbons,457*J.. I

APARTMENT POR RENT. MO . . . -Mun-B.octfl. --------—

BOARDBtS WAN1ZD,. INQtTTC >~.. . 8U i a 4 ts..Wttt .- .- - -- .-

fflOT0i5B0bM 8..W EU iH EA T. ftO .ed. pboas U W . g j j ;

ROOIC Its, «n IBS NORTE. OAU. .■ W O tU flllO P . K l- - V r S =

»0AROr ^

APARTMBIT: BVWr IK XITCH* ^ ' enetts, two eleaeta. SuUtblt'(e«


BOOBES AND APARTUBm.ao u u t (or ta ll a t bttftin.ptlest. No I

» u b e ( l i ^ b a e i u b ^ , ^ u u i ^ ^

Q raaT iR O NT B om ooM w riH ~ bath. Itm c lo ie l.(u m to ib ttl, bet ; V

wtlif. girtge. t i t m epboBi im j . ^r v w t rU R N IS B B D APAinV

m ta ti k t ' AituBfTt te a u d ^ O tlii Bons.Pboai|< 86M d in t« > WAXIp«« im y ,---------- •,---------- - r — .....

POR R S r r - 4.R00U . BOSBB WAD paitlr (m lib sd . O in n . cUekn e .

bootaT^i o n t e u l U wuth w ub* tnitoB tcbeoL

ForSalrMltBgnanwur- ^PIANO. PKOWt'W ’W . " ~ ~ | 1H I

TtntNXPB, BACK (Oo. Q eot, dra** ^ M 7H .PbO M 0am . • -’ toa

OALLIB. DEOOT DUOXB. W. A oniTe, R y. a a. w t r . : t S

USED BtOrOLE, OOOT BEAR.. Btrgtln. Aiktw. W gtnlK B . J

DBED WABHINO MAOBOn IN WHt4 «xetUcntcondItIoa.Aretlbu|aia' =

tt_0. A n d t ^ Oo, . . ____ . ____

2 S jehtotIaiittlitT.aM eDooald.B len.

POR 8 ALE^NEW AND' SECOND^ hand uckt. Rsdueed prica en 4*

to I'lncb wood pipe. Lumber 'u d tire beoU . rellnen. Idtbo Junk » n H o u ie . .m .^ Art. Boutb.---------5*,^

‘- L ~ .............. " ! " g gPersonal •, “ t

KATTJRAL PERMANINT. OOM* STS pleU, m O ; hairouti. 98e. Phone


....' Eound____|O tn<D---BLA0K.AND^W BnX tObSl -blrd-dof,-Norember 1 .--Pboat Aoob

OWWl b tre

• # 7 n MUST c u OA SC|HTSOfAC\n ^ i M f t I - j f

E j S —

’' ' ? 3. i J n f f T l

' M t w . y r t t '■ J KR I I

- g H —

w ^ i' ProleulenjI ■ '

f ta H A L L -O T ttO o r BocfcSttri!

t j m a s f tl - v m u n P .a tnea Mecnaaa Belldlafc . '

• ' B u t i j tm

BAILANTINB P b O K l I R a « -

MATTBKSm RENOVATED AMD . ‘ rtoortred. d tiB wool cirdMi into

bitti, 30o U. WMbtd lad e u d t l Mo Ik.Twlo PlUi M tU rai M eto tj,' ’.;.vffl ■' ■ m: Wanted-Mliiiellanebiu ■■■'% w t i r n B ' r o ^ E M O o T E a ’ .y;

a ia lt r . F y n H O l., .. ^

W A N I ^ O L D -:80B fla-A im - ':■ P& M m frW , ^

W A I^cD -^B 0U 00a ( a B I U r . c ' g .H .P .m n l .J« W B t,td H > f t; • , i j

WARBDBARLXr.WBBAT.OATS ‘• ' - • i ''^cecB. w m pay.. tbOTe a irk i t;

WANTED*.01fB BDNDRED 0D8« ' '..v

W A N T O -PA flB A O B T O W irr- ? U U ad e rO raa tiP u t,o r tie a la th * 'v . j ,

anrt 10 dtyt. WU pay patt tipe iiM . . :

, --.ForrSale:^oiiliry:-..i;-.^ m ix n n o iu m m B . m n n w i

BXTRA ' LAROE^ BROKES''TOR»— keyt (or tm dei*. Order a t once. /;

CUlfonlDenney.Eden. ■ •• _ . i ;


- S ltua lji 'n s W an te d ^ J ; . ■;

WMOTEb - PO TA TO ^'HO m O ^ ^ ^ . « t p « l t a » d . m *


tob«l9 d ttn r« x p » m e (B o w l andu.‘.

bare your Phone BM.

E A R N I N G A C T I O N S _ .

- ~ ^ -- --------- =- ^

I m J i

. I . . : .J. . . . . . . . . .

NoipraiitiF0I.II1 j i l

R eio lu tlo n S e ts F o rlh A gree­

m e n t R egard ing $ 1 4 0 ,0 0 0 ,

..........T w o - M i le . T ruck L ane

r* T lri tbB w r w Twin TIIU :• 1140,0000. iTO-roUo iniclt J»a« proj-

-------- •et.-ctt whkh-«Mtrt««*;-bWL*m. .ba opened U BoIm n o t FrIiUr. Tirln ptUa el(r eouncU lu t nralng i4op^’Ml ft rtMlutloo «Uln» forth teno*

- or an 'ureemeot te trten tos v ltf '--------w 4 » ttta .*p irtm eu to f.pub llcp^ .

RnnUuBUlntciutTice,tnirkln|fti>d .— -cpm uon or UJ8 ro*d. Md ilio In- j ,

itnieted W. JL EWrJdj#. dly t k t i , to pU u on reeonl »ll ol Uw eue-

' ' “ S?ro»dNiUonal rwovery rundj h its been

' I rt ukie to eorer the enUn e n t o(U)fl proJcct.

_____ U iyer Dunon JoJiwUm clfered

tlODt m d tu b (or InstrecMota (o the clij> clerk, both (King tdopletf br Uie eouncUl untnlmota vote, bui bctoro noTlos adopUon of tbe nwluUon Atter Iho dcrk ilnlthtd mdlnc^li, ba dltpUycd cntloecn’ pUni u d

• pnxuea lor the work, u d wjuetted John E. lUTMi clt7 to a - plMD tha dnwJoti.

forUi In the reaoluUon, amonr other ”

i - M i . M ' a S ' S . KbuQt or eoicttte, and alM s i r tu noi to aet a ipeed Urnlt without tooeur-

. ... r tn « by the deputment .W pu^o ^ vorki,

r ......... .............. ly^M Ue.Biole .........t l u lu e a tiro>mUe route

-------- W ecitt n wii Uw UtyWuV-boim- —tfImttfriv _

ta rtn iB g tcctJoiu 'OT Ulnldoki '-------«trect.-roiaihaKouet»uth u d w w t - -

and WaihlnitOD atreet wuth. R U . dealgnatcd u a p u t of the Old Ore* t m Trail h l |h « y route JO. •

OouneU rccelred l u t ereolni Uu *i

— S W a W h S L S i K - i^^PXPRBnsetBnriJjcnicitwiiTftBjnb^ ^

tnipeetfir, eiplaln lhal he had de- - U M aubmltilnt his report beetuie Q( unuUtlictory colIecUoni o( elec* iricU'ja»pector's/e«. •

TliB p ^ dcpartnenl'a October report, nbmltted by & B. Sirod.

■ - - ehlal. aho*ed-49-atrctU-and.|U 4-------- rtnes aueued W pollca couiL Of tha

total number of a irttu , vcre Snaceounl Of TloUUoni ol rafloui ordloanees t ; trafilo rtgulatloni It; dnmkeoneia M; lolidemeanon or ielMlea under a u ts U n 12.

In addition tbe poUca departmeal rewrtad U iutaj wamln f i l n y ea of

iwJwi* WflJDUe*- • f - - ; - ta repilatlom lO Ji<ui.

dunng the mwth, the poiics chief

McaU were aened In the dty jaU

. «ponad. itolen and lO wtw reeoreiid; four

' blejcJei wera reported itoleo and fire wera rtcrrerd. • u . .

Th laiaildjjal walwirorki deparl- minl- reported. October ^ t i ^

.____ cdTalbelAtha lu n o t «lH.5»,wUh■ coueetlouoffleptenjberaecounuto.

taling ♦50M34. oC w^ch WU w

' Durlni October thera wtie luued __a t tbe ounldpal scales 1001 scale O '

-------- tlcketsrcollectlons oo October a«- ‘counu totaled MUO. and on 8cp- JUmber aecounU 1141.70. Ko chute ^w asaidefarU tlekeU lH uedtoU ie -

_____its»cU t«f,CJi«ltla, U JlJLfW on.• te^jhmuler, reported.

F l S i i i H SSiDU^iHW

----------T jaiiffoornoTiptiwllncrthroujtr ■-------- roata-a«U tttebttiin£ji.«h(W _(i .

.poorlr«nfBrted buUdlnr«tsluteaM ■ - - ■ ttfg hm rd In ,

the buslneea #e«lon ol, Twin l^U*.0 . l i . Ttiurber. fire pretention «■ pen. Mid Monday etenlng allfr a

- general surrey ol the city.Ur. Thurbcr heads a crew of fite

fire prerentlon cnglnccts who wUI mUo a study o{ lire eoodlllon* lo u m n u t houses, schoou and publle

fitirit'j. ; ()» TTi» mir. _;v<7 Usintuorsd by.aScatlio luur- j'

— a a e e - c e m m n y . . r . U decW e.heal-iyjM nilw .l^jtif . 1.

“ tSoiidTatceit cstEJTJriirra in-the - . eount0 > carelcianeu wllh tmokUig ‘ .

' U d matches raiiklng'fint, Thurbcr s a i l ]{s lUied that wblle ih« eiiy Ui Ilr« depirunent lias a good recerj ii

___ U InsdCQ’iiitly nisnntd lor propti_____|(llt jhn

should hsve tvo smits Of men in tlie '' dtDsnmrot which would enlali Uk ‘

---------m ing pt'iattf,nMlUgwl mca________ ?Wllh Ihe prevailing winds in ibis ^

counuy a lite could easily g tt oui ol control lo cauirtrtacndoui damage —

~ ‘ ha flfciared lu tmphailnslag lUe «ai«, aitiffns tnimprf f -aM .r iittr j l { _ i

wUi speak a l a high school SMCQDly during lha week.


Thteres look Iwo shotiunt and a odlo set out of ihrte suta-nobile*In Twin Falls Balorday and Bundiy nigbts. according to reporu rr^elvcd

_____a t UapoUcs Uallan.--^__________Paul Baker, two and three-ouar-

tera-mlies northwest of Twin l^iu. reported loas of sn lSt7 modd jj gauge shotgun taken freu lili car

.........••.’hue It was parlred oa Seewxi-stree:stii nev tite pojicllice Suniif tn -

Uo;i Vouiig. SU Fifth avtnue nortli, nported Monday morning the lou of

.J cioubic.barrel Williams Parkhum '' l!r:c!a7miicSlnrinadrth«iTra,-tat-

en Iron his car. .A sU-lube. bsUery radio set was ro i

Uken from’ OUrer Ktlmi' car while n ll was parked on fiecood arenue south, near Second street. Saturday „ night b e tn rn s and lOJO o'clock. ^

' . iu crfiixM to M fioiici ffuodai. Fl

- -- -- -- -- - :-------

Seeg-N cw O rie r—

ItI*a .

• J. 0 . FEK toTi oni oi Amerlcal » ^ leading merchanU, who said in ’ C Twtn ralU lart errnlni the WtA ,

h u substltutea a carefully r1«n* \ ° ned economic Kbcmt for unre* j

atricted eiiterpft>o and cul-throat ‘ ^ competition, a |r ,v.— - ■ {

I W i l l i e W i l l i s [ l. I r lO BiBT Q u n x n I ^

I U N I :

B *1 itarted to tell lhal new Ud li ' waaa't polite lo hit a gitl, but U tl

w t ah* w u Jml bUaktef J . n

; G. 0 . p . Treasurer J

I : 6:


J H S = i5 s H ^ H E L 5OEOnOE T. aeTZ,<wea]thy Oht* r

csgo iportsQun. U Ihe new treu* & urer ot the Republican national t commltlee.-{ff> Photo. ' j

_ . ■ ^ a

' Noyer.Wlns Prize "Hili




Mlts, L. M. AU:.\ANUEn ( tb o « '. 1> .irlff r f R prefPMor at Bskfr unl-- it vc:.iily. Baldwin. Kaniis.'says she Iblnla bpi; while doing houK* pi work. 8o thi> (tiought up a noir] »:

—irnirmriuTon'irtlOiOOO'iirtaf'sr « iti rh o lo . , . ni

• h

Hcads^Nava jo Jrib i)- “.............................- ......................... lit



. .......s(,''''III




toK a M t - f c r T r - W f a r j r r • to<

roM DODGE, former lianU ?\! New Atexlco attorney gan up his >1 U r bujlneu to rtltim to the res- ff, errallon to bttom<> head of the <>a Navajo ' Tribal Coundl! Wl i« FboM. . . . .

i W n W l l E S

fllisigftgJ . C. P e n n e y , on V IsIf h e re ,

S a y s P r e s e n t , S i lp a l io n

.S h o w s G re at Im 'prov'em eht

“ -U nrritH cted efiienirUe and cut­throat competlUon hare paaed; the gOTcmment Is how a/juming the po-

“ siUon"5r«gulallng'builn«U'i^intoiit allempUng to run ll; ll U the sub- stlUilim) ot a carefully planned cc*- noffllo scbesie Jn place of. (he oJd eompetltlTB form of business. Thai U the .croluUon or American bust-

, 1 new. ihrough the NRA, as J. O. Pen* ney aees It.

14 Mr. Penney, one of Amerles's lead-— tn9-m*rohanUr-ki)o*m-u-^h«-maiv

wllh*lhoaaaDdpartnem,"whospentre. yealerday aflernoon greeUng and a t serving Penney cuaiomen and dls-

cussing their needs, was guest ot Iwnor a t a banquet list evening a t

= • t^^#'^rcw^Il6gettol^ho^eI,'D^uage^«

I and Penney coftipany astoeUtes. their vires and esoorU. numbering 8S. and rrprescnUng Twin Palts. Buhl. Burley. Hupert. Jerome and Shoihone. atUndlng.

A. W. Hughei, auiiU nl to Mr. Penney, waa aUo an.bonored guest a t l u t erenlng'a ^nner. R. P . Rob-

ne;r hlfflse^. has msde m s laiset gains than the arerage penne; cocn-

- psny*tOTelnthcpastse«r»JmontW.- presided as toaitmuter. Penney siores showed « » l* r cent.galn In

•• A ugujt-o t-th^year.-w eom pared with ^ year ago, nnd a a t p e r j t n t gain lo r eeptember of thli year, over

_ l u t year, Mr. Penney auted. Mr.. pnwieytTsmminnftnisiiainH ffies’

Tin i^tuiiJuii) iluR lias 1M9uiilis.'

---------- VI***? Qsme 'b - K la -_____

Bpeaklng of the “New W ai" tor Amerldan' businMs. u adnneed

It through Ihe NRA. Mr. Penney had U thU to aay; "Nellher the pruldent.r i nor.a#nemi.Joiiwon.f»n.n?rMit<c.— IhnHhe-NHA-willrworte-Buhrtha- =" Atnertcan-pWpJrtamTTOW'airTdia

Ukes hold, aa ihls one haa done.. Americans pUy tho game only one

way. and Ih a tl le wtnl ''Eoonomlo and Induftrla] condi­

tions ot tho l u t four yean are not ' by u f means unpreeedentedjiu^are

ralh'em'good example of hUtbrr n* pealing lUelt.The problemi now con­fronting lha whole world are orreal and TIUI moment. Stablllxatlon. whleh U essentui to well-ordered business condllloni. canhb( au'ccess- fully- long endure In one-country alow .

out almost brlltlantly against-the , bltck .apd .dbhtt^tilng Iwlarqund _

Ihered through official goremment '- Kmrcta T m a K ha ff roni May to Jnly -

of thU year. apprwlmBlcly two mil­lion iintmployed men and women wenlbaektow ork.andthatwaae«n ' before (hA goremmenl. through the NlUabolUhed ehlld Ubor and forced , sweaUhopi lo pay decent wagrs to IJieJffmpIere*,'’

--------- Progran maented’______

Mr. Penney. In hU address a t the I -

>1’ made our lln s worth tiring; Others's- are all we hare a r e mules, machln-

ml. ery. moss, trees, and other Ihlnp. So I say. 'Lite from day to day In tueh

_ awaylhatyouwillnolforgfl'olhers.' Soclely, not solltud*. haa laved hu- . manliy.- ------------ ?

_ of Ih, J. C. Prnnrr ^itorrs In the dUtrlct arre called upon . for brief addrewtj. Buster McBride, tHurley, accompnnlea by J. Hill, Twin *Falli, aang a solo. Jeanne Robinson [I'reiented a danc^ number. Com- imunliy singing w u alM n feature of °the banquet. f

This » Mr. Ptnnry-s wrond tlslt '- tn Tyin PalU In fniif y>»n )t<. iini< £

Mr. Muglies lelt this morning for

S c o r e s O f P a r e n t s S

A t t e n d O p e i i H o u s e j

Tho slogan, "Visit Your Schools." t brought Korta of patenls to Twtn n

- ralUTunior-fcna-irntorhigmcnooa- *> last evtnln; lo sUcnd an Informal « -open houso“ trtim 7 to .» o'cloek. »

_ ?TtcedlnrL*:program and.buatness b 'mrellng In the audllortum'. 11 was !ilioiuortd by the Parrut-Tfsehcr as- ll lurlation. Room reprrieiitalikcs in T jiiRinr JiUh school ktpl regbliauon y

,1 iKnLvcheckliig tbe pareniswhovlA- U 1.- if«eaehroom.'TlvoroomhaTinEthe

Urgtsl'reprcseulaUon o r 'p a t tn u r. prcirnt wUl bo ghcn a holiday party* ^ t] bj Uie rKun mothers ol tho oUier “- luwiis- ln Junlor-hlgh-eehooMWal- -

number ol-vUltors to each room wUl ' t)c announced later. • _

" Mr*. Frank. Boughion prtiidrd. UUiLoUAndcrMnandMUsFloilan

• itn and aecordin duel. Announce- J, ment n u made of the study group >' intflliiRs. under the dlrtctlonot Mrs. ■“ OtoTgeErbland. for high school, and , , Mrs, L. 0 . KIrknian. Junior high scliMl. Ilif lJ!Ur group frill meet ^ Wednesdsy ol next wt*k.

.Mrs. I. K iw ljn gate a report of ilip dUTlct coiiveniion al Burlry. * ttir^viiig p.uilcuUrly the dlicuulon ^ ot Jie su to cQuallMllon bill as dls- "* cursfd by Superintendent Ocorge & , ivnman of Ihe Burley schooU, call* ^ Ins attention to the acuU IlnanelaL ^ ra-.diiloia of ichoola over the coun- iry- i

• “ Tlie” n«il juniorsnd'scalar high — school pareni-Teseher aa.*oela«tai meeting will be Deetmber 31,. In ■ charge d the senior class wllh Miss Helen .Mlnltr as adrL'or. AdmlulonU) llie meellDg'wlll b« an artleU of '

• foodora'ganntnc:-------------------- - *U. N. Terry, prliicliiil, announced

« thst all teachers ol senloe high - J echofll had Joined the Parenl-Tejeh- ,. rr as.’oelallon again Ihii year, and I t had pnid Ihelr due*.' 'nils perfect ^ lerord h u been maintained lor the

U ait ttiret i ta n . • - ’ ' ^


; g --------- ------------— T w r ^ G a a

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^ ■ * S S « k>1-n*


a t.p,es,"B THI.S iiicliirc flhowa plcketlnR ;

U'i.scoii-siti. n.s te a r (ran wna w toniptpd to dum p m ilk from I

ir . Photo.:st — ............................. I-----

| = _ --------------- J ^ e r e . . 3 0 J K j:et .

u." C T j K g s B f ^ B H s ^ n







KlJ . I

HERE It a wncrol view o t Ihi i f -y;nii)iiU >{-A ^hctbourfr-E iiri«^. >e thnh 30 in jured in th e wreck,'i?. .L:^llOlir.^/P)TPhotO. -..-;:^^^-,»..-.

N K M i r T

s m i B>e In form al D iscussion Follow*

I ing woman's uuestion in- ‘- dicates'-End-for'Deviccs

h ____!■' An'Informal eomcrsaUon among

members of 'fWri fVJJs cliy cwjocU.^ following fldjoummenl of a trgdUr,

" sounded llie dealh knell of slot ma*'• chlnea in Twin Fnlls ihatseem likely _ to ranlah the nrxt few dsys aannob- . truslrely aa they appeared In num*

bcr8lnclgBrAtorrs.itstiiutanU.druft stores and hotel* a few days before

i, lha Idabo Amertcan Legion-depar.- 'j ment eonitntlon l« t August.,, “ T jw n io m n ittn rn n re itr ia m in i- • 1 Utralton-wiUcaXoree-thc-laaLasalflSt l = alot^macnincs^was-putPdtrwUy^to “

^ iMt evening, and the mayor's reply, I 3 In the couric ol the pe.-'i-«-.«lon In­

formal dlieusr-loii. waa. “All we hare , 8 been wailing ler U'for wmeohe to

put Uielr name down.”Tha AuesUon was prtienled near

Uie cloto' of the session when the . n mayor Inquhrd whether Mrs. Roger- - ■X son orMr*.-Mark-P.-Woodvwho had- - li t t t through the session logeilier. had f [, »nj'Uilng'w crffiT^r>.—nngersoti .:a briefly outlined the prop«liion,....... -1 “Oairibllng ilCvIteS are In 0|)cra* - . tlon In the form of iJoi mschlnea.1 T hat U In rWatlon'of the U t, Will ti a your iionomble board caiiw Wj Uw , - to be tnforcedr" ye Moment el SHente - D* T hen was a moment of aileace and “ ^ then Mayor Duncan Jomsion an*; nounced. "X riJl rtlee ihst t« the ^■ polIce'eo'niniWICtWT.------------------- ■*'

* Atter another silent moaen!. the “ police commissioner, O, H- Cckmsn, ‘

’ directed'council's ROemidn to ihe ‘ slatemrot by a res!am at ciyrntOT[^

■ prlsonepi'. meals lor 1! «iita e«K ^ ' and noted for advice. _ _ _ " : Tho m 'a ^ deelar^ llie mTftlng ~ ‘ adjourned, and ImmedUifiy toiin* .. ‘ cllmen wtnl Into a liuddle. dUcujs** In* slot machines.

"All ot these machines >lwild be taken out before our iie»i mttiiw."

' Lem A-'ChapIn. com m L '/hw crii- . nance. deeUrtd. [o'

“AU.wt have been Taiilr; 'c r U forsomeonetoinittlielrr.3m*c.^Kn,' ~ tho' mayor deeUred. '

CooUnulng the mayor uvrJcd; ■ - I ’don'* belUve ,women and cliil- j”

FOR BALE Anto dser glaai. wlndthlddi and

■ wlw,<n« tliB. __N« Charge for Sttllai.Bring In lour ,Fiih.

Open Batnrday NlgWi rbone S MOON-8 rhent S

ra lo l and flmilUire St«r»Bay New at Old trtm


» a £ L ^ o u t f i l ^ ^ o n f l i n ; E a

' . ' v j. ; > ' i

HR Ja rm er.i rc trcaU 'ng to (h e ir H3 pcnttcred by o tflecrfl to dispci r>m tw o tru c k s whicK w ere a ttem

W p r i - K i l l e d T n F r e n c h 1

' th e m ost diiiastrouH tra in WTwk it^ x p rc« ju n eac -C 6 n ch c3 .-£ ra iicc •eck, w hich occiirrcd wlille th c t r

' K i a i i a p ; y i c t j t n ~ "




b- M B f S S n*

U K ^ K w ^ M I R K i

-| I M B B B ^ r « y B 8 o a w | -ii: rnuiffX-BR60Ke.-CTalth3nnan*- “ ::s ta a i5 « " a n d ex^mayor Of NUr;

IJ; three' persons who kidnaped him' and forced him to open hU lac-,h lory Mte. They obtained feveral

thousand dollars',worth of securl-. . ties betoro relesslng him. — (>r)" Photo,r- "

3 FIN A L R d e s S E L D

“ - J O H .M H S ..A I I T H I S

*• Puneral sefrlces tor Mr*. .Maltle InesAnthLr.wlle ol.George Anihw.

* were held yesifrd-vsltemoon at tho White mortiuo' chapel, Bev. tflrman D. BmlUi, pastor of the ChUKh of

7 IhaTftiarene.-ln charge. ', Misses Lorcne and Maxine Smith IT aang^Death U Only a Dream." and

. smith and Mlu Lorena ? a lth tang* -JefUJLo\-erofMyBoul-and“Near-

erM yO odtoThee.'' . Pail be-irers were Olln Lydas An*,

^ Johnson, Otorge Wake and Robert i ’■ Pribble. g - ; ■

dren hare been pUylcg these ma-* cWftfJ. nolwuhiUndlng the lUte*, ment in a letter In lha morning pa-

**“AU wfl have been irallln'g for Is fofsomeone lohulthelrnamedown."

, ha repeated.■ .........., '

r I J E L L I S O N ^ B i R d S . I

D e a l e r s I n

G R A N t T E .1

— A - N D M A R B M ^ - 1

■m o n u m e n t s

^ 435 E a s t M ain SU l V |n F a l ln M a>» ' | |

? a h n P i c k e t s ~ ~

tir automobifc.4 near Waterford tpcr*o them. The picketa had at tempting: to rcach market. — (/F

L M n J V r e c k .

■eck in French history—tho derail- nrp. T iilrty ,' ienU illlaU im L M B t tra in i ’as traveling 60 tnilea ar


I &Ule ol Mn. Anna B. Bianioa I who died hers last rrlday. Is to b«■ divided equalli.amMiB her tour sons,■ , according to tenns of Jier will which■ H iu executed lu Octobsr, 1B3.'. and■ which E. M. Wolfe. Twin Falls U- B ’nnieri filed fnr-prohate-lii- ilit jjio-■ Mto court here yesterday. The ei.■ tito Includes Twin Falls residence ■I property of U9C0 estimated ralue■ The sons a n sebulon'Bnuuon^Loi I Angeles; Leo Burnell,Branson; Mon*■ terey, Ctllfomla; Charles M. Bran*■ ion. Twin Falls; John M. Branson■ Glendale, CaliromU. AU ot Ihemat*■ - teuitfd tuneral.serrlces here for theli■ mother lu t Saturday. . 7^^■ Hearing on the ptUlloa for probale■ ol the will w u set for NoyemC^ 3a


II look Just two mlnutcs snd 13 l i —tccoadsJocJa'in.FaU sJiitluchooI h,"J[ studenUto racaie the building alter

the Tire department sounded the . „ i aUrai tor a lire drill one day Ust

month. Fire Chief Jack Bfll reported to the city council Uit ennlng.Oth-

^ ' er schooU 'lime tor evacuation o( bulWlngs In October lire drills were

= luted as follows;_____ Blckd..UntnulejQjeconds; Lln-

: cola, l.a tlnu le ' W B ^di;..W a*h-

IIS“ ^ - T h o fire department reported eight , i t , October.fires; SCO Inspections and

five compliilnU Invesllgnled- • tho ^ -■ranI of _

“ F U N E R A L S 'l^r. I ' ____

nnX E B - PUaeial aerrlces for " Prank Leslie Puller vrtll be held al

3:30 o'clock thU afternoon a t the : Wliltc mortuary chapel. Dr. wlUUm

KplKcopal cliurch; will be in eharga ot the set%-Icts.

M . . v \ " :

“ • __________ ■ _ _____


m Rcmodcllnjr or Ketr

I— ' Building- ,Ruy. N o w ,p d ,S a y e _ - It’a Yoar B « t Int'estmcnt

I ' — a t— ,

I _ ; H ! i m e _ L u m b H ^ & i .Coal Co.

HER.MAN HINZE .Jljr.‘ • Phone 34

i l ; : - w r ^

!, NOVEHBEKT, 'l933 ' " '


pirecloreJ^p^ProgramJor ' Twin .Falls First U/iilied

I Drive lor Reliel' Funds

H Twin FalU' first Communlly Chest■ campoUa. to'colled at one time a■ fu’ndsufflclenttartheycar'sicqulre- B l menu of nartlclpallng local welfare B l and relief or^iiltatJoni. waToiillln- B fd >>y olllceis and dlrecton a l a B l meeting In Twin FSUs Chamber ot B l Commenx oflfc» l u t erenlng.B 'T h e cantpslgn-ls to be carried onB the week b^lnnlng Sunday. Norem*■ ber 19.I U s t evening's meeUng authQriiedH aeehalm aaA lvlnCaMy

^ the campaign executive committee,M and requested the chamber ot com*E mHce president to appoint a budgel■ ■ commlltM of tire memben to deter- H — mlno lhi» flf itnflal r«)iilr<‘jpfnta Of

“ I h T ^ lc l^ l ln r w t r s r e anir'nllef■„_j orjanlsallons, thus leltln j the csm- ‘’™ ' palgn's obieetlve. '

At* The meeting n ted also to admit (/T) Ihe Idaho Children's Home Finding

and Aid society to the group of local organUatlons participating In the

= Communlly Chest, which aro tho As* aoclaled Charities. Salratlon Army,

____ n ed_CrOM. Bor Bcouts. Olrl Re*serres. Camp Fire OIrU. Antl-Tuber-

— ; cuJosU asjocUllon u d -Pareol- M ^ TescherafiocUllons..f f l ' ■'Offlcefa of Ihe Communlly Cheat,a besides the chairman, are Mrs. P. W.g McRoberts. rice chalrm u; H., R. a " O ru l , tituurcrt Newell S. Wight,■ secreUty.■ Dlrecton reprricntlng parllclpat-1 Ing organleatlons are Mn. U 0.2 ~ TUrRaan'. Ju y e 0 .1 '. iwy&ll. C.'R'

S Krtngel. Mrs. Anhlt Bowmaa, Mrs. 9 W. qrr Chapman, U n. BuU Malone. W - Dlreeton-at-largeareE.J.Flach.M. I J. Swecley. A. L, Ronnell, W. A. Van I Engelen. Ralph E Oale.^

I THREE MEN ACCUSED■ : : ^ r a 5 r a E c in m s ;I Bad check charges wert lodged■ ' against three mm arrested hero l u t I SotiutUy.I Two of these mtn. accused of for- I eery, n r e held to answer In the dU- I trlei oourt followlog aiialgnmcnU I yesUrday. They are Roy Chamben, I 33i Twin Falls, accuKd ot forgery I “ of a IlfJireKecrwhlchTioIaeHeff^ I ly passed a t a local lunch counter; 51- and J .R . Meade, a WUder. accused

of forgeor of a IIS.70 cheek which rail- It u alleged he aiteoipled to pass at H ISnji Accusea w a muaifHMttorf/itJffP ' of tisuing a check without funds. R. — - a-stlmwn.-«..ploaded.guUiy when = ■ nr-TO-arraigmftf-bctofii-^JaStito-^I-

llie Peace Guy T.Swope.Tlie magU- S — tratetooktlme for InTestJgation-bc*

tore pronouncing Judgment.


■ An namlnatlOn in' Idaho scliool ^ UW'ahd elementary and high school

next Norember 18, for teachers who desire cerllficstlon hi these subjeeu,

,lue. Mrs. Maude P. Kleinkopt. county su- , 1 perlntendent, aanouaetd. yesterday, fan. Examination In school Uw will cover „ n . thestatultsenartedbylhelKBIegls* non

« PATRONS OF LIBRARY.I,;,!. : READ 10,552 BOOKSr 3 a -------

Patrons ot Twin PalU publle li­brary n a d 10M3 booka Issued by Ihe

i, , library during October, according to ILL a monthly report which MUa Jessie ■ov Fraser, llbrarUa. submitted lo the I n l fity council l u t evening. Ot IhU

nuin l»r«l4llfeifni8Jea M TdulS; —— and-4<M-u.«hlIdr«n*s-book*.-Aver- i ” age-daily elrcuUtlon w u 313 rol- “0°^ umeafandflt-thetotaUlreuUllon lor

tha month 21 p^r cent was classed as non-flctlon. The library records ahowed M3 resden Ttglstered dui-

Jlh- •t ot —irere -■ •

Un- IHh- .— .. --------- --- :

Z TH E JA L L S ■ " T h e y 'M ui


i r „ E T E ^ -ra H -a * -U ie learea ‘ bettn lo fall.' the honseirife

- - ----- held* c8nrt.and.eBrtalni.are..= aenlweed -To-be-JlBnrJL,

BUT flnl, Ibey aheuld bt eleansed aafely. Women who knew win teU yoa lhat we

M can Uondrr erea your flneit c ttrU ls t '^ f tly and rflam Ihen wUb ihe com m Ksarc —BOfKtiy cleaa and ret|}it(M If yoa wbfa. a t m addlllona charge.

, Ask you r ncldh lio r! '

T C O Y l A t i I M P E R I A L I

M . r « j .

' f

P T W EEK -EN D ''( j O U N D - l lp i

a t i B O T . 0 R j r K # i ^

l iV ia d iy ucrr acnientcd by Chester W.'V.T.C, n:liM maclilrate, lo pay fine*

____ averaging W each, the m »g liilra ttj^ _- J - , poHedTMrcieWngnnpfaciieauyali-11 lOr icaiances. lie said, the line waa cttd.’' , Accused of drunken drlrlng. R. aiHlCd CurtU, 30, Twin PaUs. v u aneiled'

by police, offlcen Sunday erenlnaa/v 'u ndS ' IM ho assertedly drore hU c « fntoi

nUlslon with another autom oCov^ , Main avenue north- Ho wu.held in'

C h„ t ‘he county Jail ytslerdsy to b# ar^ ;lme » • iQulrt- ------- '■ ■'S ' r JERO M E MAN P A S S E S _ ; -

■I * A T COUNTY HOSPITAL’ber ot . .■ •i'^ Emett Durlce. « . realdlng nr»

tnilea northrreirat-Jeromerdled a t— orem- u,g p ,)i, fj^nty general ho*-'

P l to lo tl;3 0 o 'c lo d ty e s te ^m a m ^ Ing. following an t^wralloo for ap--

P t^n t pfndleltli. . . ^

nllleej^ morrow altemoon a l 1 o'clock a l th» com* Dniko chapel. Twin PalU, Rer. H .a ‘

}udgel win. pu tor ot Iho Church ot tba deter- Brethren. olflcUtlng. In tertttnt wlU n ta jll In Twin yglti cemetfry. ■ __‘Tellef “ Mr.-Duttee-U »umved by hU wir*“ cam- and two tWIdren,

‘S i WED AT TA M O M OI . >: local Tho marrUge of Elton blinger

the and Eald Meeks, both of Twin FUls.10 As* took place here Ust Saturday, ih^. Army, Rev. WlllUm Z Anderson of Ul*

Rc* ChrlstUn church oflleUtlng. Th» :uber- ^ m o n y w B ^ l S a S i n r U i i M irtol* Bodenhamer an4 MaiTlji Eriingtr. , .

a i e s t , ---------- , " T " “

NERVOUS WOMENripat- TP-)«urD errtssro

0 . 1 {rayed and your n r • J B r - -% ~ tR ra e ip ^ r » y iw —

, Mrs. ^ P l T n psini or w e i te i i i ilone. dnins ( ’ahiics'^rh.M. - ^ j ® £ 5 / — ..tutn_to-the_Tlght—. . Van me^icwlJfLP'erte'a

r*Mfite PftKnp-! cion liai lieeo helpnc

M'omcn lor the nait <0 yesrt. Here is*) UifewltM* r< illw rdM rrthocuffl of ' ;o.‘ Na IM St.. nitllr.*!. t to tl

. . lim ia rrttfilMloB »ad ll unKTXlgcd et. mr • vcm. Inptcrrtrf nf ippdltvD lu t udatffumiilulMnNeexdllkiii."^ .

VilM I* Dr. rbm'a dlil« Isftl*,'’ for* '*•!dU- - ....................... 'nenU "iben, I

S - HELLO B U D D Y !---


cliool ' Almys YourMoney’s Worth ta ■T W Quality nted Cars

^ IDJl Ford Coupe---------------UW

! « “ • 1831 Ford Deluxe' Coupe _4»S ysu-rday. lOJl FWd ’Tudor Sedsn — 4J45

legls* IMO .Ford Fordor Sedan —.1378

1S30 Ford .Town Sedan — t29S

1833 Ford V-B DeLuxo'— ...- ....... .

is:9 Buick Sedan------------ tUO

19» Essex se d an ------------ lUS

ns to 1030 Marquette Sedan — ...W38 lessle> the 1M8 Sludtbaker Coupe — »37a

IhU ____________________________fulls, u t Us Csre lor Your y s r

n tor i l j u o n M o j t o r ^ 1 _ jV our FOUD Dealer

52* ’ Twin Falla, Idaho

V \ u s t H a n g !"

area Twife

...1•ho ^ ^

lamaarc Q miteM jC P .Mrena ) J

k t N D R V & • C L E A N E R S

♦ I - 1 * * I

■ . I . ____

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