(579390026) caso 8 - uso de swellex en grandes hidroelectricas.docx

Post on 14-Jan-2016






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7/18/2019 (579390026) Caso 8 - Uso de swellex en grandes hidroelectricas.docx

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Swellex in Large  Hydroelectric Projects

Construction ReliabilityInternational consultants are increas-ingly specifying Swellex in teir!esigns for y!ro pro"ects# becauseof te nee! for absolute controllabil-ity of installation$ %nli&e railway an!igway tunnels# y!ro tunnels arenot easy to inspect# so tere as tobe a greater e'pasis on reliabilityof construction 'eto!s an! 'ateri-

als$ (e fact tat pro"ects can be!esigne! in one country for construc-

tion in anoter# using 'aterials fro'a )ariety of sources# can be a causeof great concern to bot te y!ro

tunnel !esigner an! is client$ %singSwellex as te specifie! supportsyste' reassures bot parties tatte *uality# flexibility an! reliability

factors are fully co)ere!$

+ro"ect, San Roque on Agno River, 345 MW.

Location, Philippines.

Exca)ation 'eto!, Drill/blas.

Contractor, Ra!heon "bas#o $verseas %i&ie'.

Designer, (ol'er Asso#iaes.

Roc&, Mainl! vol#ani# u)).

Roc& reinforce'ent re*uire'ent, *uali! #onrol, #apa#i! o

+or in so) an' +ea ro#.

Roc&bolt selecte!, Super S+elle-.

Re'o)ing te -ottlenec& at

San Ro*ue

S #onra#or Ra!heon "bas#o $verseas

%'. R"$%0 +as responsible )or he SanRoque 'a& proe# on he River Agno in

he 2or'illera Mounains o) Pangasinan

 provin#e, abou 5 & norh o) Manila,

he Philippines #apial. he 1,1 &6long,

177 &6high 'a& e&ban&en is believe'

o be he bigges in Asia, an' is he +el)h

larges in he +orl'. 8 +ill #reae a vas

14 sq & reservoir )or re#reaion, provi'e

'o+nsrea& irrigaion o 7 sq & o) )ar&6

)irs su#h equip&en o be use' in he Three diversion tunnel portals at San

Philippines. Si- S6.5: loa'ers +ore'  Roque.

lan', an' suppl! po+er o he naional gri' on he &ain unnels, &a#he' b! he sa&e

)ro& he 'a&;s inegral 345MW h!'ro6 nu&ber o) M643<= &ine ru#s. hese

ele#ri# po+er saion. +ere suppore' b! a )urher en o) hehree 'iversion unnels +ere 'esigne' o s&aller Wagner S6D unis )or use in he

a##o&&o'ae a )loo' )lo+ o) 4,< #u &/se#. 'a&;s grou galler! unnels. When he si>e

he +o larges high6level unnels are o) he unnels +as in#rease', si- o) he

1<.5 &6high, 11 &6+i'e an' horseshoe6 Wagner S6D loa'ers +ere repla#e' +ih

shape'. he! +ill ea#h #aer o )lo+s up o he larger Wagner S63.5 unis.

,1 #u &/se#. he re&aining 4 #u &/se# "-#epional availabili! o) be+een

o) )loo' +aer +ill go hrough he s&alles 9? an' 9<? +as a#hieve', e-#ee'ing he

lo+6level unnel, +hi#h is 71 &6long, < & 75? guaranee' b! Alas 2op#o. Alas

- < &, an' also horseshoe6shape'. 8 +ill 2op#o Wagner;s #o&prehensive prevena6

nor&all! have a )lo+ o) abou 1 #u &/se#. ive &ainenan#e progra&&e, #o&bine'

he un'ergroun' )lee a San Roque +ih operaive raining, +hi#h is par o) he

#o&prise' Alas 2op#o Wagner  #o&pan!;s on6sie )ull servi#e pa#age,

S#oopra& loa'ers an' Mine ru#s, he +as he e! o he equip&en;s su##ess.

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Econo'ical Support Solution

at %ri

o) &/'a! +as a#hieve' on ea#h )a#e,

generall! )ro& +o 4 & roun's. A)er 

'rilling, blasing an' &u#ing ou, he

e-pose' ro# +as spra!e' +ih 565 &&

o) )ibre6rein)or#e' sho#ree be)ore insal6

laion o) he 4 &6long Super S+elle- bols.

A se#on' appli#aion o) sho#ree +as hen

applie' o pro'u#e a s&ooh 35 &&6hi# 

unnel lining.

8&&e'iae ro# suppor +as espe#iall!

i&poran +hen )a#ing he so) an' un6

sable ro# a San Roque. Moreover, in

su#h ro# #on'iions, rein)or#e&en is a

 bolene# in he e-#avaion #!#le, so he

#onra#or +as please' +ih he oppor6

uni! o use a )as an' rouble6)ree bol

lie S+elle- o spee' up pro'u#ion.

+ill harness he )lo+ o) he @helu& river,

an' is 47 MW urbines +ill suppl!

  &u#h6nee'e' ele#ri#i! o he region.

  he ri proe# is lo#ae' in he )oohills ri#o #onra#ors, a 'esign/#onsru#

 Atlas Copco oo!er H"#$ %ace drilling 

at &ri hydro sche!e.o) he i&ala!as, in he Bash&ir Calle! o) 

norhern 8n'ia. he ne+ h!'ropo+er plan

 oin venure le' b! Sansa an' 22,

e&plo!e' si- Alas 2op#o =oo&er 17

'rillrigs on he 'evelop&en o) & o) 

unnels a ri. he =oo&er 17, +ih is

hree boo&s, +as sele#e' as he &os )le-6

ible &a#hine available o e-#avae )a#es o) 

#ross6se#ions be+een 5 an' 1 sq &,ogeher +ih he &6+i'e &a#hine hall

#avern. Average progress in he unnels

+as 5 &/+ee, +ih a bes +ee o) 

7 &. Alas 2op#o assise' he #onra#6

ors +ih an e-ensive raining progra&&e

o ea#h he lo#al e&plo!ees ho+ o

operae he rigs.

Ro# rein)or#e&en a ri #onsise' o) 

sho#reing an' boling, +ih S+elle- #o&6

 prising 5? o) he bols use'. he 'rillrigs

+ere use' )or all ro#boling +or,

insalling - 3 &6long bols/+ee.

S+elle- +as #hosen +herever possible,

he 11 &6+i'e, 7 &6high ben#hesre&aining in he +o large unnels +ere

'ul! e-#avae' on s#he'ule be)ore he sar

o) he !phoon season. he Alas 2op#o

Wagner )lee hen &ove' on o &u# ou

+o 1,5 &6long unnels a he sie, a 'nstalling Super Swellex at San Roque. Super S+elle- +as spe#i)ie' b! he &6'ia&eer irrigaion unnel an' a 9 &6

'esigner, (ol'er Asso#iaes o) (eorgia, 'ia&eer unnel o he &ain po+erhouse.S, as he regular paern bol. his San Roque Po+er 2orporaion +ill sellh!'rauli#all!6e-pan'e' bol gives i&&e'i6 an' suppl! ele#ri#i! o he naional gri'ae ro# suppor an' )ull #olu&n bon', an' )ro& )or 5 !ears, be)ore rans)erringhas an e-#ellen quali! #onrol pro#e'ure o+nership o he Philippines aional'uring is insallaion. An average a'van#e Po+er 2orporaion.

7/18/2019 (579390026) Caso 8 - Uso de swellex en grandes hidroelectricas.docx

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 be#ause he! are qui#er o insall, an' &ore e#ono&i#al overall,

han groue'

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rebar bols. 8n'ee', in pla#es +here +aer 

+as )lo+ing, S+elle- +as he onl! realisi#

opion. he ro# en#ounere' varie' )ro&

quar> s#his o shale, +ih so&e o) &ore

re#en vol#ani# origin.

2onsru#ion a ri involve' he e-#a6

vaion o) 1. &illion #u & o) ro# un'er6

groun', an' he pla#e&en o) 35, #u &o) #on#ree lining along he 15 & o) +aer 


+ro"ect, ri h!'roele#ri# po+er saion. Location, 

 orhern 8n'ia, @a&&u an' Bash&ir. Exca)ation 

'eto!, Drill/blas, op hea'ing an' ben#h.

Contractor, @oin venure Sansa an' 22.

Designer, Sansa/22.

Roc&, Cariable, )ro& +ea o har' ro#.

Roc& reinforce'ent re*uire'ent, o #u  bolene# in

 pro'u#ion #!#le.Roc&bolt selecte!, San'ar' S+elle-.

Rigt Co'bination at



Alas 2op#o +as he &ain supplier o

8alian #onra#or orno )or he Alo

%in'oso < MW un'ergroun' h!'roele#6

ri# plan lo#ae' in norhern Porugal,#lose o he bor'er +ih Spain. he #o&6

 pan! provi'e' all o) he 'rilling equip&en

nee'e' )or 1 & o) hea'ra#e, ailra#e an'

a##ess unnels. he po+er generaing plan

+as insalle' in a #ha&ber & souh o) a

11 &6high ar#he' 'a& +ih a span o) 

9< & near he #on)luen#e o) he 2asro

%aboreiro an' %i&a rivers, +hi#h provi'es

a &a-i&u& hea' o) 337 &.

Alas 2op#o helpe' rain he 'rillrig

operaors an' &ainenan#e personnel, an'

 provi'e' a &anne' +orshop #onainer )or h!'rauli# servi#e operaions a sie.

he )ive =oo&er rigs e&plo!e' 'rille'

&ainl! in har' granie +ih a #o&pressive

srengh o) be+een 1,7 an' , bar.

Aroun' he ailra#e unnel e-is, he

+ro"ect, Alo %in'oso h!'ropo+er .

Location,  orhern Porugal, #lose o Spanish bor'er .

Exca)ation 'eto!, Drill/blas.

Contractor, 5orno 2onsru#ion.

Client, "DP E Porugal aional Po+er =oar'.

Roc&, ar' granie, +eahere' granie, s#hiss, an'

shales. Roc& reinforce'ent re*uire'ent, o provi'e

e&porar! suppor )or a##ess ra&ps, unnel an'


Roc&bolt selecte!, San'ar' S+elle-.

'rillers )a#e' +eahere' granie, as +ell as

so&e s#hiss an' shales.

orno operae' a +o6shi) s!se& o) 

1 h/shi), gaining a'van#es o) 3.5 &/roun'.

S+elle- ro#bols +ere use' e-#lusivel!

)or ro# rein)or#e&en, #o&ple&ene'

+here ne#essar! b! sho#reing, +ire &esh

an' seel ar#hes. he #o&binaion o) orno

sills +ih Alas 2op#o servi#e su##ee'e'in #o&pleion o) +ha ha' previousl! been

a ver! roubleso&e proe#, an' Alo

%in'oso is no+ #onribuing po+er o he

Poruguese naional gri'.

(iew o% da! site at Alto Lindoso.

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+ro"ect, 4 &6'eep open pi a Fbbs6Persenbeug po+er saion.

Location, River Danube, Ausria.

Exca)ation 'eto!, !'rauli# breaers an' e-#avaors.

Contractor, @C o) Ma!re'er6Braus, Porr, niversale,

o)&ann Ma#ulan, Suag, 8lbau, Srabag.

Roc&, Gaule' be'ro#.

Roc& reinforce'ent re*uire!, o se#ure veri#al )a#es o) open pi.

Roc&bolt selecte!, Super S+elle- up o 1 &6long.

Super -olts on te


he River Danube 'rives urbines in no

less han nine po+er saions as i +en's

is +a! hrough Ausria. he ol'es, a

Fbbs6Persenbeug, +as buil in 1959 +ih

)eneral view o% open pit at *++s, Persen+eug power station. 

si- urbines insalle'. =! he earl! 199s,

&ore #apa#i! +as require', an' i +as

'e#i'e' o insall an a''iional 47 MW


he proe# involve' he e-#avaion o) a

17 &6long - 4 &6'eep - &6+i'e

open pi alongsi'e he e-ising saion,

+ihou inerruping is operaion. rials+ih 'rill/blas in'i#ae' an una##epable

high level o) vibraion +hi#h, #o&bine'

+ih )auling in he be'ro# in he vi#ini!

o) he saion, hreaene' he e-ising ur6

 bine insallaions.

8 +as 'e#i'e' o use h!'rauli# breaers

an' e-#avaors, ogeher +ih a''iional

ro# rein)or#e&en o) he veri#al +alls o) 

he pi. he 'esign #onsulans a'vise' he

#lien ha #e&en6groue' ro#bols,

+hi#h ae up o a +ee o se, +oul'

#ause e-#essive 'ela!s o he proe#.A##or'ingl!, i +as 'e#i'e' o use Alas

2op#o Super S+elle- bols +hi#h, even in

he long lenghs require' in his unusual

insallaion, ae onl! 156 &inues o

insall, in#lu'ing he i&e spen 'rilling.

=ols o) lenghs 7 &, 1 &, an' 1 &

+ere gui'e' ino he 47 &&6'ia&eer 'rill6

holes b! han', an' hen pushe' ho&e b!

one o) he +o Alas 2op#o 'rillrigs

e&plo!e' a sie. So&e , Super S+elle-

 bols +ere use', 9 o) +hi#h +ere 1 &6

long.he bols gave insan suppor o he

+alls o) he pi, helping eep he proe# on

i&e an' +ihin bu'ge. he #hie) engineer 

o) he oin venure #onsru#ing he po+er 

saion observe' ha i +oul' have been

i&possible o si# o he #onsru#ion

s#he'6 ule +ihou he rapi' an' se#ure

insallaion o))ere' b! he S+elle- boling


 'nserting "- !,long Swellex roc+olt 

to support the cut +eside the


7/18/2019 (579390026) Caso 8 - Uso de swellex en grandes hidroelectricas.docx

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Roc& /ass Stabili0ation at

(ala Hy!ro

ala !'ro s#he&e has been #onsru#e'

in he re&oe i&ala!an ing'o& o) 

=huan, using &ore han 4 ie&s o) #api6

al equip&en supplie' b! Alas 2op#o.

he 'a& sie is abou 75 & b! roa' )ro&

he bor'er +ih 8n'ia, an' is lo#ae' near 

he village o) Wangha, on he Wang#hu

river, so&e 3& 'o+nsrea& o) he e-is6

ing 2huha ailra#e ou)all.

in'usan 2onsru#ion )oun' MA8

an#hors +ere #ru#ial )or sabili>aion o) 

he +alls o) he 'esiling #ha&bers a ala,

an' as pri&ar! suppor 'uring e-#avaion

o) he ea' Ra#e unnel R0. he sa&e

an#hors have also been )oun' o be ver!

use)ul in re'u#ing pore +aer pressure

 behin' he suppor s!se&.Maor )eaures o) ala areH hree 'esiling

#ha&bers si>e' a 5 & - 13.9 & - 17.5

&I a .9 &6long, <.7 & )inishe'


5 sq & &o'i)ie' horseshoeshape', #on6

#ree6line' hea'ra#e unnel R0I an' an

un'ergroun' po+erhouse < &6long b! 19

&6+i'e an' 45.5 &high, +ih rans)or&er 

#avern 191 &6long b! 1< &6+i'e an' &6

high. he R, +hi#h has been

e-#avae' a .5 &6'ia&eer +ih ro# 

#over o) < & o 1 &, uili>e' )ive#onsru#ion a'is. 8n he unnels, Alas

2op#o =oo&er 35s +ere use' in ro# 

#lasses 1, an' 3, +here he average

a'van#e +as 1 &/&onh, an' in #lass 4

ro# up o &/&onh. 2lass 5 ro#,

+hi#h ha' o be )ull! ribbe' a <65 #&

inervals, srue', bole', &eshe' an'

sho#ree', slo+e' a'van#es o 3 &/&onh.

he Alas 2op#o Se#oro# buon bis +ere

repore' b! he #onra#ors o have

+ro"ect, ala !'ro on Wang#hu river, 1,

MW. Client, ala !'ro Po+er Auhori! 5PA0.

Location, Wanga, Bing'o& o) =huan.

Exca)ation 'eto!, Drill/blas.

Contractors, @aipraashI in'usan 2onsru#ionI %arsen J


Roc&, (neiss +ih quar>ie ban's an' bioie

s#hiss. Roc& reinforce'ent re*uire'ent, Roo)suppor. Roc&bolt selecte!, MA8 SDA.

a#hieve' up o 3? longer li)e han


in'usan 2onsru#ion use' MA8 sel) 

'rilling an#hors SDA0 )or sabili>ing he

rein)or#e' #on#ree +all o) 'esiling

2ha&ber o 3. he +all o) he #ha&ber 

+as an#hore' o he 'eeper #o&peen ro# 

using one ro+ o) 114 MA8 SDA +ih &

lengh an' 37 &&6'ia&eer a 3 & #enres,an' anoher ro+ o) 3< MA8 SDA +ih 4

& lengh an' 51 &&6'ia&eer a 3 & #en6

res. 3 pull ou ess #on'u#e' on he 37

&&6'ia&eer an' &6long MA8 SDA

resule' in 'ispla#e&ens o) 11 && an' 1

&& respe#ivel!, +ell +ihin spe#i)i#aion.

in'usan 2onsru#ion use' he

Drainage, Rein)or#e&en, "-#avaion,

Suppor Soluion DR"SS0 in he 33&6

long se#ion o) R a))e#e' b! a'verse

geolog! in Pa#age 24. ere, MA8 SDAs

+ere use' boh as ra'ial bols an' as

'rainage ele&ens, in #o&binaion +ih$'e- Piperoo)s. Gor an#horing seel ar#hes,

SDA o) 761 & lenghs +ere insalle' in a

s!se&ai# paern. 8) no +aer seepage

resule', he! +ere groue'. +o 37 pull

ou ess +ere #on'u#e' on 37 &&6'ia&e6

er, 7 &6long MA8 an#hors o #he# he

e))i#a#! o) groue' an#hors in he poor 

  sraa in he R. hese passe', +ih 'is6  Atlas Copco oltec 012H at wor in

S./. 3eur4 Project !anager4 Hindustan Construction

Co!pany4 C0 Pacage used Atlas Copco 5dex %or

 piperoo%ing4 in co!+ination with 6A' S/As4 to

!ae tunnelling possi+le through soil.

 pla#e&ens o) 1< && an' .7 &&.■ Tala headrace tunnel.

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