51 relationship lessons by sourav & khushi | free ebook

Post on 08-May-2015






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Look around and you’ll see that relationships are falling apart everywhere. In no way we are judging those couples. But somehow society is accepting break up & move on as a trend rather than putting effort to have a long term successful relationship. That’s why we decided to share some lessons we learned in our lives about relationship. I hope it helps some people to improve & heal their relationships. We guess we can give a few gyan or two on relationship, that’s because we were blessed to meet each other on our first day of primary school (yup too much filmy, but true). It’s been 23 years since then. (We’re 26 btw) Don’t think that it was fairy tale always. We lost each other several times in all these years, but glad to always find ourselves back together. Yes, we’ll thank our fortune for sure, but we worked hard too. To improve ourselves as individuals and as couple. Giving up was never an option for us, no matter what. Khushi could have written this better I suppose, because she deserves more credit. While I showed up with my brighter side to the world, she is the only one in this universe who has seen my darkest sides. And trust me it’s not easy to love someone so much for so long even after knowing all his demons. Forever grateful to her. Not only from my personal experience, but I’ve always been very observant on relationships around me. That’s why I could learn from many broken and successful relationships in my life. And for last 7 years, counseling people from different ages & different type of relationships. That also gave quite a deep perspective on relationships. We wanted to share all that with you through this ebook.


51 Relationship Lessons

Free eBook

By Sourav & Khushi

Why Should You Read this eBook?

• Free

• Written from personal & professional experiences.

• Short 58 page book. 51 Lessons in 51 pages.

• Half an hour read may be.

• Easy & fun to read.

• Keep it in your computer, mobile or tablet as a relationship checklist.


Free eBook: 51 Relationship Lessons

Look around and you’ll see that relationships are falling apart everywhere. In no way we are judging those couples. But somehow society is accepting break up & move on as a trend rather than putting effort to have a long term successful relationship. That’s why we decided to share some lessons we learned in our lives about relationship. I hope it helps some people to improve & heal their relationships. We guess we can give a few gyan or two on relationship, that’s because we were blessed to meet each other on our first day of primary school (yup too much filmy, but true). It’s been 23 years since then. (We’re 26 btw) Don’t think that it was fairy tale always. We lost each other several times in all these years, but glad to always find ourselves back together. Yes, we’ll thank our fortune for sure, but we worked hard too. To improve ourselves as individuals and as couple. Giving up was never an option for us, no matter what. Khushi could have written this better I suppose, because she deserves more credit. While I showed up with my brighter side to the world, she is the only one in this universe who has seen my darkest sides. And trust me it’s not easy to love someone so much for so long even after knowing all his demons. Forever grateful to her. Not only from my personal experience, but I’ve always been very observant on relationships around me. That’s why I could learn from many broken and successful relationships in my life. And for last 7 years, counseling people from different ages & different type of relationships. That also gave quite a deep perspective on relationships. We wanted to share all that with you through this ebook. ~ Sourav. Free eBook: 51 Relationship Lessons

Relationship is among the most important assets in your life. If it

gets fucked up (sorry couldn’t find better word), your life will be bitter no matter what else you achieve.


Free eBook: 51 Relationship Lessons

It’s worth investing time to learn about relationship. You got time to learn

useless subjects in schools & colleges, then why can’t you have some time to

learn about relationship?


Free eBook: 51 Relationship Lessons

Changing partner isn’t always the solution. Haven’t you heard “Why do I always get jerks as boyfriends/bitches as girlfriends” ? . Changing ourselves is

the solution.


Free eBook: 51 Relationship Lessons

Never get into a relationship when you are too low. You may not like the person when you get back to your full spirit. And that breaks

your partner completely.


Free eBook: 51 Relationship Lessons

Please let go of your impression of relationship between your parents. If it’s great, your high expectation will frustrate your partner. If it’s terrible,

your worry will always attract dysfunctional relationships.


Free eBook: 51 Relationship Lessons

Please get properly educated about intimacy & sex. It’s neither what’s

shown in porn, nor the way it’s treated in our society – as something taboo,

something you can’t talk about in open.


Free eBook: 51 Relationship Lessons

Having a legal or social agreement named ‘marriage’ to keep a love-less relationship together is worse than break up or divorce. Don’t let your tradition/ religion/ society fool you

about that.


Free eBook: 51 Relationship Lessons

If you need to change your partner or yourself to keep the relationship, then

it’s probably not right for you. Improving yourselves is great, but not

changing who you truly are.


Free eBook: 51 Relationship Lessons

Your partner like watching TV but you hate it, rather prefer to read books? Give your partner space to do what he/she likes that you don’t like. Use

that time to do what you love. Otherwise high probability of



Free eBook: 51 Relationship Lessons

Only purpose of your relationship is not to produce kids to take your family name forward ( as mostly suggested by

elders & our society). So don’t give birth to a new life before both of you

being prepared for it.


Free eBook: 51 Relationship Lessons

Don’t ever speak ill of your partner’s family ( even when your partner is

mad at them. He/she will forget what he/she said about them, but won’t

forget what you said).


Free eBook: 51 Relationship Lessons

When you are most upset with your partner, ask yourself “Do I want to still

live with this person?” If answer comes ‘yes!’, congrats buddy! You’ll be forever together. If answer comes ‘no’,

wait for next day.


Free eBook: 51 Relationship Lessons

Whenever you think about your relationship, practice thinking more about the good times you had with your partner. Don’t replay the bad

tapes. You’ll attract more of what you most think about.


Free eBook: 51 Relationship Lessons

Always share good qualities of your partner with others, never the bad qualities. (not even with your best

friends or family). You can keep that to yourself and deal with that. Can’t you?


Free eBook: 51 Relationship Lessons

Sometimes things go terribly wrong even in most perfect relationships. Don’t try to force a conclusion or

solution at that very moment. Give it some time. Both of you take some

space. Let your inner troubles settle a bit. If you two really love each other,

nothing can break you apart.


Free eBook: 51 Relationship Lessons

Lastly we’d love to say that Human are unpredictable, so is life. The only person who’ll be forever with you till your last breath is YOU. So make sure you develop a great relationship with yourself, loving & accepting yourself completely for who you are. Dare to fall in love.You may not find the right person in your first relationship. Don’t lose hope or lose faith in love. Instead of trying to find the perfect relationship, rather commit to growing together in love when you find your love. Never ever give up. Everything is worth to keep your love alive.


Free eBook: 51 Relationship Lessons

Before We Say Goodbye • If you loved this ebook and want to be notified when the original

book (with in-depth discussions on each lessons) is up for order, join our Email list.

• Please share this ebook with others. You can also share the link http://www.souravghosh.com/blog/51-relationship-lessons (can be read from any device).

• Please leave your comments on the above link. We’d love to get your feedback, questions, blessings (yes we need that!).

• We provide relationship counseling for individuals & couples too. Don’t hesitate to contact if you need help. http://www.souravghosh.com/coaching-consultation-counselling/



Free eBook: 51 Relationship Lessons

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