50 successful people share the best advice they ever received

Post on 21-Jan-2018






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Shaping your sales career is a lifelong process.

To help young professionals navigate this new world of work…

Here’s 6 essential tips from the top minds in business.

Step 1 for shaping your sales career

Develop a competitive advantage

Differentiate or die

Differentiate or die

To beat the competition, chart a career plan that sets you apart from other professionals.

“If you don’t have a

competitive advantage, don’t compete.” -  Jack Welch, CEO of GE


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“A fool with a plan can outsmart a genius any day.” - T. Boone Pickens, Founder and CEO of BP Capital


“To WOW, you must differentiate yourself and do something above and beyond what’s expected.” - Tony Hsieh, Founder of Zappos


“Always deliver

more than expected.” -  Larry Page, Co-Founder of Google


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“Whenever you find yourself on the side of"the majority, it is time

to pause and reflect.” -  Mark Twain


Learn by doing.

Learn by doing. Action plans will generate the lessons that help you adapt to the next phase of your journey.

“If you want to create something great and do it faster than the competition, you

need to be action oriented.” -  Fred Wilson, Co-Founder of Union Square



“We have a ‘strategic’ plan it’s called

doing things” - Herb Kelleher, Co-Founder of Southwest Airlines


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Think two steps ahead

Think two steps ahead What next move will maximize the quantity and quality of opportunities?

“Even if you’re solving problems, it’s not enough.

You have to have a strategy.” - Roman Stanek, CEO of GoodData


“Be serious about pursuing the what, when and why. Be curious and think about the how. -  Mohamed El-Erian, Investment

Advisory Committee at Microsoft


“Simplicity and common sense should characterize planning and strategic direction.” - Ingvar Kamprad, Founder of IKEA


“Opportunity + Preparation = Luck.” - Betty Liu, Anchor of “In the Loop” at Bloomberg Television


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Invest in yourself

Step 2 for shaping your sales career

Whether or not you know it, you have a brand:

Whether or not you know it, you have a brand:

-  A profile;

Whether or not you know it, you have a brand:

-  A profile; -  A reputation;

Whether or not you know it, you have a brand:

-  A profile; -  A reputation; -  Pattern of behaviors

Whether or not you know it, you have a brand:

-  A profile; -  A reputation; -  Pattern of behaviors

that you’ve created over time.

“The question I encourage you to ask yourself is: Are you building the brand that you hope to have? - Brad Smith, President and CEO of Intuit


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“Take advantage of your

image and branding, from the beginning.” - Craig Newmark, Founder of Craiglist


“Focus on being interested, not interesting.”

- Bethany McLean, Editor of Fortune Magazine


Start investing in skills


“The only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work.”

- Steve Jobs, former Founder and CEO of Apple

“Link your work with a sense of purpose” - John Donahoe, CEO and President of eBay


“Make every detail perfect and limit the number of details to perfect.” - Jack Dorsey, Co-Founder of Twitter


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Your existing skills have value, too.

“You’ll be surprised how valuable your existing skills are to those who don’t have them.” - Reid Hoffman, Founder of LinkedIn


Plan to adapt

Step 3 for shaping your sales career

You’ll never have complete certainty.

Identify areas of incomplete knowledge about yourself and fill those gaps.

“One of the biggest mistakes you can make in life is to

accept the unknown” - Guy Kawasaki, Founder of AllTop

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“Don’t take advice; make your own mistakes.” - Pete Cashmore, Founder and CEO of Mashable


“Failure is an inevitable part of the human journey.” - Tavis Smiley, Author of “Fail Up”


“You are unlikely to find your passion unless you lean into fear.” - Aaron Hurst, CEO of Imperative

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“Fear is the

disease. Hustle is the antidote.” - Travis Kalanick, Founder of Uber


“Rather than looking for a grand solution, learn to embrace contradiction.” - Joel Peterson, Chairman of JetBlue Airways


“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, but the ones that are responsive to change.” - Charles Darwin


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“Embrace the wisdom of

uncertainty.” -  Deepak Chopra, Founder of The Chopra Foundation


“Uncertainty Is the only sure thing. It means that the future is yours to shape.” - Jim Kim, President of The World Bank



“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” - Peter Drucker, Author and Ecologist

Proactively build your network

Step 4 for shaping your sales career

Relationships matter.

Relationships matter. Every job boils down to interacting with people.

“With social networks, 500 million people have a way to say what they’re thinking about have their voices heard.” -  Mark Zuckerberg, Co-Founder of Facebook


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“What will matter more for your success is how you manage yourself and your relationships.” - Daniel Goleman, Author of “FOCUS: The Hidden Driver of Excellence”


Think of it as “I to the power of we.”

A person’s power is raised exponentially with the help of a team.

Think of it as “I to the power of we.”

“Individuals don’t build great companies, teams do.” - Mark Suster, General Partner at GRP Partners

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“Individuals don’t build great companies, teams do .” - Mark Suster, GRP Partners

“Align yourself with the best possible people at the start of your career.” - Kevin Chou, CEO of Kabam



“You need a team that’s going to care about this thing as much as you do.” - Scott Heiferman, Co-Founder of MeetUp


“A team behind a vision will move mountains.” - Kevin Rose, Co-Founder of Revision3

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“Take time to get to know people. Understand where they are coming from, what is important to them.” - Beth Comstock, CMO of GE

Take intelligent risks

Step 5 for shaping your sales career

If you can intelligently take on risk…

…you will find opportunities others miss.


“Playing it safe will get you nowhere.” - Steve Blank, Author of “Four Steps to the Epiphany”

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“You’re probably not taking enough risk if it’s not hard and rocky sometimes.” - Marc Benioff, Founder and CEO of Salesforce


“If everything you do works, then you’re not taking many risks.” - Paul Buchheit, Partner at Y Combinator


“Turn a

perceived risk into

an asset.” - Aaron Patzer, Founder of Mint

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“Make career choices that others view as risky, but that you know have limited downside.” - Sam Shank, CEO and Co-Founder of HotelTonight


“If you’re offered a seat on a rocket Ship, don’t ask what seat! Just get on.” - Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook


“Know how to question authority and constantly question your own authority.” -  Charlene Li, Managing Partner of The Altimeter Group Click the Twitter bird to

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“Success will come to those that can get in front of the trends, move quickly and work together to deliver results.”

- Jeff Immelt, Chairman and CEO at GE


“When there’s that moment of ‘I’m not sure I can do this’ and you push through it, that’s when you have a breakthrough.” - Marissa Mayer, CEO of Yahoo!

Who you know is what you know

Step 6 for shaping your sales career

You get the intelligence you need to make good decisions by talking to people in your network.


“I find it hard to manage somebody’s work unless I have an intimate knowledge of how to do it myself.” - Justin Kan, Co-Founder of Justin.tv

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“These people are not smarter than you, they just know things that you don’t yet know.” - Jon Steinberg, President of Buzzfeed


“Our job is to connect people in a way that leaves them better than we found them.” - Seth Godin, Author of “Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us”


“Information is knowledge.” - Albert Einstein

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“How you gather, manage and use information will determine whether you win or lose.” - Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft

Find the right person, relate with insights, and engage with confidence


1.  Develop a competitive advantage 2.  Invest in yourself 3.  Plan to adapt 4.  Proactively build your network 5.  Take intelligent risks 6.  Who you know is what you know

Kick start your sales career with these 6 steps:

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