50 eves a hungaroton fifty years of hungaroton

Post on 06-Jan-2022






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[I] Arcangelo Corelli La Folia hegedilre es zongorara / for Violin and Piano EDE ZATHURECZKY - hegedil / violin, END RE PETRI- zongora I piano (1954)

[I] Johann Sebastian Bach

E-diir partita sz616hegedilre / Partita in E major for Violin Solo (BWV 1006)IL Laure YEHUDI MENUHIN - hegedil / violin (1956)

[I] Johann Sebastian Bach

a-moll hegedilverseny (BWV 1041) / Concerto for Violin in A minor III. Allegro assai Magyar Radio es Televizi6 Szimfonikus Zenekara ; Budapest Symphony Orchestra

Vezenyel / Conducted by Gyiirgy Lehel END RE GERTLER - hegedil / violin (1962)

III Enrique Granados Andaluzia. Spanyol tanc / Spanish Dance ANDRAS SIMOR - hegedil / violin, MAGDA FREYMANN - zongora I piano (1963)

[I] Richard Strauss Esz-diir szoniita / Sonata for Violin and Piano in E flat major Op.18. II. Improvisation. Andante cantabile RUGGIERO RICCI - hegedil / violin, FERENC RADOS - zongora I piano (1963)

[I] Joseph Haydn d-moll von6snegyes (Kvint-kvartett) String Quartet in D minor (Fifths Quartet) Op.76. No 2 I. AllegroTATRAI-VONOSNEGYES I TATRAI STRING QUARTET (1964) Vilmos Tatrai, Mihaly Szucs - hegedu / violin Gyiirgy Konrad - melyhegedu / viola, Ede Banda _ gordonka / cello









[I] Camille Saint-Saens Az allatok farsangja / The Carnival of Animals 13. A hattyu / The Swan. Andantino grazioso VERA DENES - gordonka / cello, LASZLO VARSANYI - zongora / piano (1964)

[II Bela Bartok 1. rapsz6dia gordonkara es zongorara / Rhapsody No 1 for Cello and Piano LASZLO MEZO - gordonka / cello, ERZSEBET TUSA - zongora / piano (1968)

[I] Bela Bartok 2. hegeduverseny / Concerto for Violin and Orchestra No 2 I. Allegro non troppo Magyar Radio es Televizio Szimfonikus Zenekara / Budapest Symphony Orchestra Vezenyel / Conducted by Ervin Lukacs DENES KOVACS - hegedu / violin (1970)

2. CD

[I] Bela Bart6k 1. hegedu-zongora szonata / Sonata for Violin and Piano No 1 I. Allegro appassionato GIDON KREMER - hegedu / violin, JURlJ SZMIRNOV - zongora / piano (1972)

IT] Ludwig van Beethoven cisz-moll von6snegyes / String Quartet in C sharp minor Op.131. VI. Adagio quasi un poco andante - VII. Allegro BARTOK VONOSNEGYES / BARTOK STRING QUARTET (1972) Peter Komlos, Sandor Devich - hegedu / violin Geza Nemeth - melyhegedu / viola, Karoly Botvay - gordonka / cello

[I] Bela Bartok







2. rapsz6dia hegedure es zongorara (1945-os valtozat) 10'57' Rhapsody No 2 for Violin and Piano ZOLTAN SZEKELY - hegedu /violin, ISABEL MOORE- zongora / piano (1974)

GJ Karoly Goldmark 1. a-moll hegeduverseny Op.28. / Concerto for Violin and Orchestra No 1 in A minor (1978) III. Moderato - Allegretto 9'34' ALBERT KOCSIS - hegedu / violin Szombathelyi Szimfonikus Zenekar / Savaria Symphony Orchestra Vezenyel / Conducted by Janos Petro


[I] Joseph Haydn C-dur gordonkaverseny / Concerto for Cello and Orchestra in C major Hob.VII:1 II. Adagio 8'45' Liszt Ferenc Kamarazenekar / Liszt Ferenc Chamber Orchestra Budapest Hangversenymester / Leader: Janos Rolla MIKL6S PERE.N Y! - gordonka I cello (1979)

[I] Fritz Kreisler Caprice viennois 4'26' MIKL6S SZENTHELYI - hegedu / violin, JUDIT SZENTHELYI - zongora / piano (1979)

[TI Antonio Vivaldi ,,I.:estro armonico" Op.3. No 9 - D-dur concerto hegedure, von6sokra es continu6ra Concerto for Violin, Strings and Continua in D major I. Allegro 2'05' Liszt Ferenc Kamarazenekar / Liszt Ferenc Chamber Orchestra Budapest Zsuzsa Pertis - csembal6 / harpsichord, Maria Frank - gordonka / cello JANOS ROLLA - hegedu / violin (1979)

[]] Antonin Dvorak-Fritz Kreisler 1. Szlav tanc / Slavonic Dance No 1 3'35' PETER CSABA- hegedu I violin, ZOLTA.N KOCSIS - zongora / piano (1981)

[[] Carl Philipp Emmanuel Bach A -dur gordonkaverseny / Concerto for Cello and Orchestra in A major (W. qu 172.) II. Largo 7'38' Liszt Ferenc Kamarazenekar / Liszt Ferenc Chamber Orchestra Budapest Hangversenymester / Leader: Janos Rolla CSABA ONCZAY - gordonka I cello (1982)

[jQ] Bela Bart6k 4. von6snegyes / 4th String Quartet Sz 91. V Allegro molto 5'38' TAKACS-VON6SNEGYES I TAKACS STRING QUARTET (1983) Gabor Takacs-Nagy, Karoly Schranz - hegedu / violin Gabor. Ormai - melyhegedu / viola, Andras Fejer - gordonka / cello


3. CD

[Il Antonio Vivaldi h-moll hegeduverseny / Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in B minor R.390 I. Andante molto. Allegro non molto Capella Sava,:ia, muveszeti vezet6 / artistic director: Pal Nemeth JAAP SCHRODER - hegedu / violin (1984)

[I] Zoltan Kodaly 2. von6snegyes / String Quartet No 2 Op.10. n. Andante. Quasi recitative - Allegro giocoso KODAf,Y-VONOSNEGYES I KODALY STRING QUARTET (1984) Attila Falvay, Tamas Szab6 - hegedu / violin Gabor Fias - melyhegedu / viola, Janos Devich - gordonka / cello

11] Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart A-dur hegeduverseny / Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in A major K.219.III. Rondeau. Tempo di MinuettoLiszt Ferenc Kamarazenekar / Liszt Ferenc Chamber Orchestra Budapest Hangverseuymester / Leader: Janos Rolla GYORGY PAUK - hegedu / violin (1989)

[[] Franz Schubert 14. ct-moll von6snegyes D.810. (A halal es a lanyka) String Quartet �o 14,in D minor (Death and the Maiden) - IV. Presto K£LLER-VONOSNEGYES I KELLER STRING QUARTET (1989) Andras Keller, Janos Pilz - hegedu / violin zoltan Gal - melyhegedu / viola, Ott6 Kertesz - gordonka / cello

QJ Mark R6zsavolgyi Tarsastancok / Ballroom Dances Els6 magyar tarsast�nc /_First Hungarian Round Dance FESTETICS-VONOSNEGYES I FESTETICS QUARTET (1998) Istvan Kertesz, Erika Petofi - hegedu / violin, Peter Ligeti - melyhegedu / viola, Rezso Pertorini - gordonka / cello

II] Erno Dohnanyi2. c-moll hegeduverseny Op.43. / Concerto for Violin and Orchestra No 2 in C minor IV. A]legro risoluto e giocoso Magyar Radio es Televizi6 Szimfonikus Zenekara / Budapest Symphony Orchestra Vezenyel / Conducted by Tamas Vasary VILMOS SZABADI - hegedu / violin (1998)









Ill Johann Sebastian Bach 5. e-mail szvit sz616 gordonkara / Suite for Cello Solo No 5 in C minor (BWV 1011) I. Prelude 5'10' BALAZS MA TE - barokk csell6 / Baroque cello (1999)

[IJ Ferenc Farkas Sz616szonata hegedure / Sonata per violino solo II. Chaconne 3'50' ESZTER PERENYI - hegedu / violin (1999)

[II Jeno Hubay Carmen - fantaisie brillante Op.3. No 3 9'09' FERENC SZECSODI - hegedu / violin, ISTVAN KASSA! - zongora / piano (1999)

Szerkesztette / Edited by Eniko GYENGE




HCD 32074-77


HCD 32088-90


HCD 32096-98


In 1951, when Hungaroton was founded, the string department of the Franz Liszt Musical

Academy in Budapest could boast with a seven­decades-long past and even internationally re­markable achievements. The snccess of the Hun­garian string players, and above all the violinists was due to the highly successful teaching method of the master school worked out by Jeno Hubay. As Istvan Homolya writes in his analysis, "Hu­bay's school was essentially adopted and devel­oped from the great Romantic schools, the legacy of Vieuxtemps and Wieniawski both musically and in its violin techniques. The way and effec­tiveness of his transmission of a knowledge and a

culture, however, attests to an incredibly subtle gift for pedagogy. The most important outcome of his activities was the creation of a Hungarian

violinist school that could be ranked among the best in the world."

In the first half of the 20th century, almost all of the violin teachers at the Musical Academy were disciples of Hubay, adhering consistently to the tradition developed by their master. His most re­nowned students included Rezso Lentz, Rezso Kemeny, Gusztav Szeremi, Gyula Mambriny, Imre Waldbauer, Nandor Zsolt, Oszkar Studer, Ferenc Gabriel and Ede Zathureczky. Jeno Hu­bay himself clearly regarded Zathureczky as his successor, and in 1929 he took him as his assis­tant. Extremely successful both as a soloist and a chamber musician, Zathureczky, who developed an ongoing artistic co-operation with Bela Bar­tek in the mid-1930es and was one of the most authentic interpreters of Bart6k's violin composi­tions, was appointed the chief director of the Academy in the autumn of 1943, succeeding


Erno Dohnanyi in this post. He strove to pre­serve the values of the Hubay-school even among the turbulent war conditions and in the brief democratic period as well as the Communist dic­tatorship. A sign of the success of his endeavours is that several of his students were winners of great international competitions. Denes Kovacs, for instance, who was to succeed Zathureczky in his post as a professor as well as a rector, tri­umphed at the prestigious Fleisch-competition in 1955 in London. As Istvan Homolya notes, "Hubay was quite right to spot Zathurecyky as the man to carry on his own work. Zathureczky went further on the path already opened, and he ensured the unbroken continuation of the re­nowned culture of Hungarian violin playing. His artistic and pedagogical concepts were derived from Hubay's, but they were developed further and took on an individual character. Hubay's pedagogical methods were considered outdated towards the end of his life, while Zathureczky's were more modern, effective and productive." The majority of the Hungarian violinists in the 1950es, 1960es and 1970es considered them­selves adisciples of the Hubay-Zathureczky school. In fact, this noble tradition continued with Denes Kovacs's artistic and teaching work, although the Hungarian violinist school fell back from the world's forefront to the second rank. Hungaroton's archives preserve recordings not only by Zathureczky and Kovacs but by Bela Bart6k's two close friends and his constant musi­cal partners, Endre Gertler and Zoltan Szekely as well. Although Gertler lived in Brussels from 1928, he regularly came home for concerts and master courses just like Szekely, who settled

down from 1950 in the United States and later in Canada. One of Zathureczky's outstanding students was Gyi:irgy Pauk, also living abroad from 1958. His piaying was described by Gyi:irgy Kroo after a Bu­dapest concert in 1976 with the following words: "The whole of Pauk's disposition as a violinist and quite often his sound definitely reminds one of Zathureczky's playing." Albert Kocsis, who died at a relatively early age was also a student of Zathureczky, while the present teachers of the Academy's violin department, Eszter Perenyi and Miklos Szenthelyi started their careers under De­nes Kovacs's wings. The too markedly Budapest­centred character of Hungarian violinist society is counterbalanced by the art of Ferenc Szecsodi living in Szeged and Peter Csaba from lranssyl­vania, who later worked in France. A new chap­ter in the history of Hungarian violin playing and chamber music for strings was opened by Jiinos Rolla and the Franz Liszt Chamber Ensemble. Founded in 1963 and touring the world ever since, it is hardly by coincidence that the ensem­ble's legendary first artistic director, Frigyes Siin­dor had attended the classes of three Hubay-stu­dents, Gynla Mambriny, Rezso Kemeny and Imre Waldbauer. The Hungarian cellist school was founded by Jeno Hubay's contemporary and colleague, David Pop­per. Internationally acclaimed as a soloist, cham­ber musician and composer, he in fact moved to Budapest upon Hubay's invitation. From Pop­per's students the most remarkable were Jeno Kerpely, who was later also appointed a teacher of the Academy and was the cellist in the famous Waldbauer-Kerpely string quartet-company,


Adolf S�hiffer and Miklos Zsamboki. It was Zsamboki who discovered in the mid-1950es the gifts of Miklos Perenyi, a child prodigy then hard­ly six or seven, who was to become a world­famous cellist. Perenyi ultimately graduated as a student of Ede Banda, who taught at the Academy for almost a half-century, from 1948 till 1996 and thus played a decisive role in the devel­opment of Hungarian string playing culture in the last decades. An important actor in the con­cert life of the post-war decades in Hungary was Frigyes Sandor's wife, the cellist Vera Denes and later two students from Antal Friss's class at the Academy, Liiszl6 Mezo and Csaba Onczay. The younger generation as well as a historic perform­ing style based on period instruments is repre­sented by Baliizs Miite's artistic activity. The Hungarian chamber music school has given the world several world-famous string quartets in the 20th century. However, many of them left Hungary for political or professional reasons. They seldom came home to hold concerts, and the recordings they made were for foreign com­panies. By far the most outstanding from those who stayed here was the Tiitrai String Quartet founded in 1946 by violinist Vilmos Tiitrai. During the almost fifty years of the quartet's career, Albert Renyi, Mihaly Szucs and Istviin V iirkonyi played the second violin, J 6zsef Iviinyi and Gyi:irgy Konriid the viola and Vera Denes and later Ede Banda the cello. As Andriis Batta notes, "the repertoire of the Tatrai String Quartet encompassed the whole classical-roman­tic string quartet literature. There was hardly any significant Hungarian composer in this period who did not write a work for this world-famous

·oup. Its interpretation of Haydn's and Bart6k's ::ring quartets is still conside:ed amo_ng the best by international cn!Ics. T he T atrai Stnng Quartet was perhaps the last of the grnat ensembles to preserve even as a _concert stnng quarte_t the at­mosphere and intimacy of home music - the milieu in which the cult of stnng quartet playmg had once emerged." Another group to achieve remarkable success in Hungary and abroad was the Bart6k String Quartet founded by Ede Za­thureczky's student, the violinist Peter Komlos in 1957. In the group performing to this day, Sandor Devich, Bela Biinfalvi and from 1985 Geza Hargitai played �he �econd_ viol!n, Geza Nemeth the viola and Laszlo Mezo, Karoly Botvay and since 1977 again Laszlo Mez6 the cello. The Kodaly String Quartet headed by Attila Fal�ay has also drawn international attention, JUSt hke


Gabor Takacs-Nagy's and Andras Keller's en­sembles representing the younger generation. Before the fall of the Socialist regime, foreign string soloists made relatively few guest appear­ances in Hungary. Yehudi Menuhin's Bach-re­cording in 1956 is thus regarded as a milestone in the history of Hungarian record publishing, but the Italian violin virtuoso Ruggiero Ricci, who soon came to be seen as a regular guest in Buda­pest, made several recordings with Hungaroton. Gidon Kremer came to Hungary in 1972 as a great hope of Soviet music at the time, while the historic violinist Jaap Schroder from the Low Countries is featured on Hungaroton publica­tions due to his long-standing working relations with the Capella Savaria.

Attila Retkes

Translated by David Olah

1951-ben, a Hungaroton megalakulasa idejen a budapesti Liszt Ferenc Zeneakademia von6s tan­szeke mar csaknem het evtizedes multra, es nem­zetkiizi szinten is jelent6s eredmenyekre tekint­hetett vissza. A magyar von6sok - es mindenek­el6tt a hegedumuveszek - sikere a Hubay Jeno altal megteremtett mesteriskola eredmenyes ta­n(tasi m6dszerenek volt kiisziinhet6. Mint Ho­molya Istvan elemzeseben megallapitja, ,,Hubay iskolaja lenyegeben a nagy romantikus iskolak, Vieuxtemps, Wieniawski hagyatekanak kiizvetlen atvetele es tovabbfejlesztese, mind zeneileg, mind hegedutechnikailag. Az ismeretek es a kul­tura atadasanak m6dja es hatekonysaga viszont hallatlanul kifinomult pedag6giai erzekre val!. Mukiidesenek legfontosabb eredmenye egy vi­lagviszonylatban is elenjar6 magyar hegedumu­vesz-iskola megteremtese volt." A XX. szazad els6 feleben szinte kizar6lag Hu­bay-niivendekek tan(tottak hegedut a Zeneaka­demian, kiivetkezetesen ragaszkodva a mesteriik altal megteremtett hagyomanyokhoz. A tanitva­nyok kiiziil a legnevesebbek: Lentz Rezs6, Ke­meny Rezs6, Szeremi Gusztav, Mambriny Gyula, Waldbauer Imre, Zsolt Nandor, Studer Oszkar, Gabriel Ferenc es Zathureczky Ede. Hubay Jeno egyertelmuen Zathureczkyt tekintette ut6danak, es 1929-ben tanarsegedkent maga melle vette. A sz6listakent, kamaramuzsikuskent is rendkiviil sikeres Zathureczkyt - aki a harmincas evek kiizepen folyamatos muveszi egyiittmukiidest alakitott ki Bart6k Belaval, s Bart6k hegedukom­pozici6inak egyik leghitelesebb tolmacsol6ja Jett - 1943 6szen, Dohnanyi Erno ut6dakent a Zene­akademia f6igazgat6java neveztek ki. A haborus viszonyok kiizepette, majd az 1945 utani riivid


demokratikus peri6dusban es a kommunista dik­tatura alatt is igyekezett meg6rizni a Hubay-iskola ertekeit, s tevekenysegenek sikeret mutatja, hogy tanitvanyai kiiziil tiibben is nagy nemzetkiizi ver­senyeket nyertek. Kovacs Denes peldaul - aki kes6bb a katedran es a rektori szekben is kiivet­te Zathureczkyt - 1955-ben a rangos londoni Flesch-versenyen diadalmaskodott. ,,Hubay nem hiaba kereste Zathureczkyben sajat munkassaga­nak folytatasat. Zathureczky tovabb ment az elkezdett iisvenyen, es biztositotta a nagyrangii magyar hegeduskultiira folyamatos tovabbeleset. Muveszi es pedag6giai elkepzelesei a Hubayeb61 n6ttek ki, de tovabbfejl6dtek es egyeni arculatot iiltiittek. Hubay pedag6giai m6dszerei elete vege fele mar elavultnak szamitottak, Zathureczkyei korszerubbek, hatekonyabbak es termekenyeb­bek voltak" - allapitja meg Homolya Istvan tanulmanya. Az iitvenes, hatvanas, hetvenes evek magyar he­geduseinek diint6 tiibbsege a Hubay-Zathureczky ­iskola neveltjenek tekintette magat, sot a nemes hagyomany Kovacs Denes muveszi es tanari teve­kenysegevel is folytat6dott, bar id6kiizben a mag­yar hegeduiskola a vilag kiizvetlen elmez6nyeb61 a masodik vonalba szorult vissza. A Hungaroton archivuma nemcsak Zathureczky es Kovacs Denes, hanem Bart6k Bela ket kiizeli baratja, alland6 muzsikustarsa, Gertler Endre es Szekely

Zoltan felveteleit is 6rzi. Gertler 1928-t61 ugyan Brusszelben elt, de koncertekre es mesterkurzu­sokra rendszeresen hazalatogatott, akarcsak az 1950-tol az Egyesiilt Al!amokban, majd Kanada­ban el6 Szekely. A Zathureczky-niivendekek kiiziil kiemelkedett az 1958-t61 ugyancsak kiilfiildiin 616 Pauk

Gy6rgy, akinek el6�dasmo,djar6.l egy 19,76-os budapesti koncert utan �oo Gyorgy 1gy veleke­dett: Pauk egesz hegedus hab1tusa, a hangia 1s soksz�r eaeszen hatarozottan Zathureczky jate­kara e�lekeztet." Zathureczky-tanitvany volt a viszonylag fiatalon elhunyt Kocsis Albert is, a zeneakademia hegedu tanszakanak jelenlegi tanarai, Perenyi Eszter es Szenthelyi Miklos pedia Kovacs Denes iranyitasaval kezdtek palya­jukat A magyar , h�gedus-tarsadaloi_n-tulzott !6: varos-centrikussagat a Szegeden elo Szecsod1 Ferenc, illetve az Erdelyben, kes6bb Franciaor­szaaban muk6d6 Csaba Peter tevekenysege el­len;iilyozta. A hazai hegedumuveszet es vonos kamarazene t6rteneteben iij fejezetet nyitott Rolla Janos es a Liszt Ferenc Kamarazenekar. A!igha veletlen, hogy az 1963-ban alapitott, mindmaig vilagszerte koncertez6 egyiittes els6, legendas muveszeti vezet6je, Sandor Frigyes egy­kor harom Hubay-n6vendeknel, Mambriny Gyu­lanal, Kemeny Rezs6nel es Waldbauer Imrenel diplomazott. A magyar gordonkaiskolat Hubay Jeno kor- es palyatarsa, a szolistakent, kamarazeneszkent, komponistakent is nemzetk6zi him David Pop­per a!apozta meg, aki 1886-ban eppen Hubay hivasara telepedett le Budapesten. Popper n6-vendekei k6ziil kiemelkedett a kes6bb ugyan­csak zeneakademiai tanarra kinevezett Kerpely Jeno (a hires Waldbauer-Kerpely vonosnegyes­tarsasag csellistaja), Schiffer Adolf es Zsamboki Miklos. Az 1950-es evek masodik feleben Zsam­boki fedezte fel egy alig hat-bet eves csodagye­rek, a kes6bbi viliighiru csellomuvesz, Perenyi Miklos tehetseget. Perenyi vegiil Banda Edenel diplomazott, aki k6zel fol evszazadon at, 1948-


tol 1996-ig tanitott a Zeneakademian, s igy meg­hatiiroz6 szerepet jatszott az elmult evtizedek magyarorszagi von6s kulturajanak k:ialakitasa­ban. A haboru utani evtizedek hazai hangver­senyeletenek fontos szerepl6je volt Sandor Frigyes felesege, Denes Vera gordonkamuvesz is, illetve kes6bb Friss Antal zeneakademiai osz­talyanak ket n6vendeke, Mezo Laszlo es Onczay Csaba. A fiatalabb generaci6t, s egyuttal a korhu hangszerekre epiil6, historikus el6adoi gyakor­latot reprezentalja Mate Balazs muveszi teve­kenysege. A magyar kamarazenekari iskola a XX. szazad­ban j6 nehany vilaghiru von6snegyest adott a vi­lagnak, k6ziiliik azonban sokan - politikai vagy szakmai okokb61 - kiilf6ldre tavoztak, Budapes­ten csak ritka vendegkent koncerteztek es lemez­felveteleiket is kiilf6ldi tarsasagok felkeresere keszitettek. Az itthon maradottak k6ziil messze kiemelkedett a Tatrai-von6snegyes, amelyet 1946-ban alapitott Tatrai V ilmos hegedumiivesz. A kvartett csaknem fel evszazados fennallasa saran masodik hegedun Renyi Albert, Szucs Mihaly es V arkonyi Istvan, bracsan Ivanyi J6zsef es Konrad Gy6rgy, csell6n Denes Vera, majd Banda Ede jatszott. Batta Andras megallapitasa szerint ,,a Tatrai-kvartett repertoarja fel6lelte a teljes klasszikus-romantikus von6snegyes-irodal­mat. Alig akad jelent6s magyar zeneszerz6 ebb61 az id6szakb6l, aki ne komponalt volna muvet a vilaghiru egyiittes szamara. Haydn es Bartok von6snegyeseinek interpretaci6jiit mind a mai napig a legjelent6sebbek k6z6tt ertekeli a nem­zetk6zi kritika. A Tatrai-kvartett volt talan az utols6 a nagy egyiittesek kiiz6tt, amely koncert­von6snegyeskent is meg6rizte a hazimuzsikalas

hangulatat, intimitasat - azt a mili6t, amely egy­kor letrehozta a kvartettezes kultuszat." Ugyan­csak jelent6s eredmenyeket ert el itthon es kiil­fiildiin a Bartok vonosnegyes, amelyet Zathu­reczky Ede niivendeke, Komlos Peter hegedii­miivesz hozott letre 1957-ben. A jelenleg is mii­kiid6 egyiittesberf a masodik hegedii szolamat Devich Sandor, Banfalvi Bela, majd 1985-!61 Hargitai Geza, a braes.it Nemeth Geza, a csellot pedig Mezo Laszlo, Botvay Karoly, majd 1977 ota ujra Mezo Laszlo jatssza. Nemzetkiizi szinten is ismertte valt a Falvay Attila vezette Kodaly vo­nosnegyes, valamint a fiatalabb nemzedeket kep­visel6 Takacs-Nagy Gabor, illetve Keller Andras egyiittese.

A politikai rendszervaltas el6tt kiilfiildi vonos­szolistak viszonylag ritkan vendegszerepeltek Magyarorszagon. A hazai hanglemezkiadas tiir­teneteben merfiildk6nek szamit Yehudi Menuhin 1956-ban kesziilt Bach-felvetele, a Budapesten visszater6 vendegnek szamito olasz hegediivir­tuoz, Ruggiero Ricci viszont tiibb alkalommal is keszitett felvete'!eket a Hungarotonnal. Gidon Kremer 1972-ben meg a szovjet zenemuveszet ifju remenysegekent erkezett Magyarorszagra, a nemetalfiildi historikus hegedus, Jaap Schroder pedig a Capella Savariaval kialakftott, rendszeres munkakapcsolatanak kiisziinhet6en szerepel a Hungaroton kiadvanyain.

Retkes Attila

Balance Engineer: Judit Lukacs Edited by Domonkos Timar

Design: Miklos Juhasz This compilation ® 2001 HUNGAROTON RECORDS LTD.

CD is manufactured by Sony DADC in Austria

CD 1




Ede Zathureczky, Yehudi Menuhin, Endre Gertler, Andras Simor, Ruggiero Ricci, Tatrai Quartet,

Vera Denes, Laszlo Mezo, Denes Kovacs

Gidon Kremer, Bartok Quartet, Zolt:in Szekely, Albert Kocsis, Miklos Perenyi, Miklos Szenthelyi,

Janos Rolla, Peter Csaba, Csaba Onczay, Takacs Quartet

Jaap Schroder, Kodaly Quartet, Gyiirgy Pauk, Keller Quartet, Festetics Quartet, Vilmos Szabadi,

Balazs Mate, Eszter Perenyi, Ferenc Szecsodi






Notes in English Magyar nyelvll ismertet6vel


�U!J http//www.hungaroton.hu/ DIGITAL AUDIO e-mail: classic@hungaroton.hu

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