5 ways to avoid breaking new year's resolutions

Post on 26-Aug-2014



Self Improvement



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Want to avoid breaking your New Year's resolutions? That's easy. Here are 5 ways to avoid that...but is that really enough for you?



5 Ways to Avoid Breaking New Year’s Resolutions

QuestionWhen are the natural times in people's lives when they consider where they are in life, how they got there, and the changes they should consider?

Birthdays, anniversaries, funerals, tragedies, etc.

And...New Year’s

5 Ways to Avoid Breaking New Year’s


1. Don’t make them. But as Zig Ziglar said, "If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time."


If someone doesn't set goals and make resolutions, how does he/she measure success?

5 Ways to Avoid Breaking New Year’s

Resolutions2. Don’t write them down. Something about a good intention changes when pen meets paper.  A goal written down (or typed) becomes a mirror for the person behind the good intention.  It adds a level of accountability. 

Writing goals and placing them in prominent places helps us to avoid breaking New Year's resolutions.


What do you think would change if you wrote down your goals and placed them where you would see them every day?

5 Ways to Avoid Breaking New Year’s

Resolutions3. Don’t say them out loud. The root word of resolution is resolve: "to come to a definite or earnest decision about; determine (to do something)." 

If our resolutions can't even stand up to telling them to someone else, they seem a bit short on resolve.


What could you possibly gain by saying your resolutions out loud to another person whom you can trust?

5 Ways to Avoid Breaking New Year’s

Resolutions4. Don’t be bullied into making resolutions because the calendar suggests it. If the best way to avoid breaking New Year's resolutions is not to make them, then this seems a more convoluted way of not making them at all.

So if not at New Year's, then when?


When are the times during a typical year when you would most naturally set goals and make resolutions?

5 Ways to Avoid Breaking New Year’s

Resolutions5. Don’t risk failure.That's really what the avoidance of breaking New Year's resolutions is all about, isn't it?  The avoidance of failure?  No one wants to fail.

Have we really come to a place in our culture where we are just content not to fail. 

If you are still reading at this point, I don't think you have.  Take a risk.


What goal to you have in mind that you are afraid to say out loud to another person?


5 Ways to Avoid Breaking New Year’s Resolutions

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