5 tricks to evoke creativity

Post on 09-Aug-2015






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5 tricks to evoke creativity

1. Keep a notebook

1. Write down everything struck to mind 2.Write even stupid and mingle up ideas3. later on jotting them brings fabulous output.

2. Read strange stuff

1. Countless blogs are available read few selective 2.Read even billboards, walls, advertisements, newspapers short stories3. read lines while channel searching it hits mind

3. Listen to music

1. It soothes brain2. Relaxed mind may get ideas quicker and out of box3.listening music is mandatory to evoke aesthetic sense

4. Observe surroundings

1. Looking around deeply may get in mind an unusual idea2. While traveling, hanging out, moving outdozes of ideas can be get3. observing people helps a lot to get multiple ideas

5. Have conversations

1. Participating with peer groups helps to get multiple views2. engaging with elders help to get mature views3. engaging with discussion forums helps for out of box and strange ideas

6. Avoid copy cat

1. Read any stuff reproduce it in own words2. Add more details and spices 3. Discover your style

7. practice

1. Practice regularly activates mental muscles to be more creative2.practicing leads to expertise3. a unique expression becomes your style statement

8. Do not pressurize

1. Stress and bullying may become disastrous for creativity2. allow it to blossom in its way3.allow each bullshit do not put a fullstop

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