5 tips on how to select a prom for your study presentation notes

Post on 11-Jun-2015






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In this brief audio presentation, we provide five key tips to help you select the

right PROM for your study so as to maximise the possibility of finding a potential

treatment benefit where one exists.

5 Tips on How to Select a Patient Reported Outcome Measure for your Study

Presentation Notes

Keith Meadows

DHP Research & Consultancy Ltd

A PROM should be selected on the basis of a clear rationale as to why it is being

used and formulating a hypothesis will help you to get clear in your mind what it

is you want to measure and why.

A hypothesis is a prediction as to what you think will happen and will be linked to

the objectives of the study, patient population, disease and any intervention

under evaluation.

The point is that formulating a hypothesis helps you define just what it is you

want to measure, from which you can then identify what would be the most

appropriate patient outcome measure to choose.

Tip 1: Always have a hypothesis

PROMs measure a wide range of health concepts including, health status,

health-related quality of life, QoL, well-being, treatment satisfaction, symptoms and functioning.

Often however, PROMs are chosen on the basis of their popularity or because

their name seems to be appropriate to what is going to be measured and with

little attention being paid to the content of the individual items within the measure. Both these approaches should be avoided.

PROMs can be generally categorised as generic and disease or condition-specific, with each having their own strengths and weaknesses.

The generic PROM measures health concepts that are of relevance to a wide

range of patient groups and the general population and as such can be used for

comparison across different conditions as well as with healthy populations.

Due however, to the generic nature of their content, they will most likely include items that are not particularly relevant to many patient groups.

Also generic measures are more likely to exclude content that is of particular relevance to a specific disease group.

In contrast, disease-specific or condition-specific measures have been

developed to capture those elements of health and QoL of relevance to a

specific patient group.

Examination of the measure’s content by looking at the individual items and

response options will also give a good idea as to how relevant the measure is

but, most importantly the measure’s content should be based on an explicit

theoretical or conceptual framework.

From this you should be able to identify which items are linked to the particular

health concepts that are purported to be measured.

Tip 2: Ensure the content of the PROM is relevant

In addition to establishing the relevance of the measure’s content, it’s important

that the selected PROM does not pose a significant burden on the participant when completing it, resulting in the possibility of a lowered response rate.

Length is of course important, the longer the measure the more likely

participants will fail to complete it, however, there is evidence that participants

will answer a long questionnaire if the content is perceived as being relevant to them.

Synonymous with length is the time taken to complete the measure. Measures

need to be completed in the shortest time and expecting participants to take

half an hour or more to complete it is unreasonable and can result in lower item response and return rates.

Design of the PROM can also have a significant impact on acceptability.

Instruction need to be simple and clear as does the language, avoiding the use

of technical jargon. Layout should not be cramped with a clear differentiation

between instructions, question items and response categories.

Tip 3: Ensure the selected measure is acceptable

to your patient group

When selecting a PROM, it’s essential that there is evidence that its

development has been carried out using appropriate methodologies and meets recognised scientific criteria in terms of reliability and validity.

the PROM should be reliable in so much that it produce the same results on

repeated occasions when administered to the same participants, assuming there

has been no change in the measured concept?

We should also look for the ability of the PROM to discriminate between

patients, for example, with varying levels of health, depression and anxiety etc.

When using a PROM to evaluate for example, a clinical intervention, an

important requirement is its ability to detect change as a result. For example

the PROM is able to demonstrate changes in score for groups of patients whose

health is known to have changed as a consequence of some form of intervention.

Tip 4: Ensure the measure has been developed

with scientific rigour

The interpretation of PROMS data - in terms of what does a score tell us, poses a

number of difficulties. For example, the concepts that PROMs are purported to

assess, can mean different things to different people at different times and

contexts. Also understanding the meaning of what a change or difference in a

score means clinically can be problematic.

You need to consider whether you have the expertise and confidence in

undertaking the data analysis and interpreting just what the score might mean. If not, you might find it more beneficial to collaborate with someone who does.

Tip 5: Make sure you can interpret your PROM

data correctly

DHP Research & Consultancy Ltd


Email: consulting@dhpresearch.com

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