5 myths about enterprise mobile apps development

Post on 16-Aug-2015






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The world has come a long way from papers to computers to Internet, into the age of mobility. Top CIO’s believe that mobility will impact their businesses as the Internet did in the 1990’s. But there are still some myths surrounding Enterprise Mobility which makes companies think twice before they employ it in their businesses.

FeedHenry based on a research has pointed out five myths as the reasons behind companies not employing Enterprise mobility in their businesses:

Myth 1: Enterprise mobile apps can take 6 months to develop and deploy Most companies believe developing an enterprise app can take a lot

of time and with some of organizations requiring multiple apps for different business units, it can appear an uphill task.

Myth 2: Data is king, but it’s too complicated for apps to access legacy systems Enterprises fear that their large investments in legacy systems such

as ERP can go in vain as the mobile apps won’t be to access them.

Myth 3: Mobile app developers must keep up with a myriad of coding languages and frameworks – it’s impossible It is believed that developers need to know as many as 10 coding

languages such as Java, C#, Objective, Xamarin etc., to develop enterprise apps.

Myth 4: Enterprise apps are always data-heavy and place high loads on handsets and backend systems Enterprise apps are believed to be data-heavy consuming lot of data

and memory and thus placing high loads on handsets and company’s backend systems.

Myth 5: Having a “Chief of Mobility” is the best way to handle company-wide app development

The myth assumers that one central figure will successfully oversee app development and deployment across the enterprise.

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