5 common disease of cattle

Post on 13-Apr-2018






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7/26/2019 5 Common Disease of Cattle

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  5 common disease of cattle.


- it is clear that several micro-organisms and other stressors cause abortion.It is also clear that for most agents causing abortion, vaccines exist and must be

used according to veterinarian recommendations to ensure prevention of this

performance-robbing condition. Congenital malformations occur when the fetus is

infected during month four to six of gestation.


- Two main types of parasites cause performance losses in cows and

calves. Internal parasites often lead to reduced milk production and li!tweanin wei!ts. Well-managed herds rely on timely dewormer applications to

reduce impact of parasite loads on cattle performance. Fasciola hepatica and

Fascioloides magna disrupt liver function and lead to weight loss and reduced

weaning weights.

Veterinarians must be consulted to mae the determination as to which of

these two parasites may be causing performance losses to direct the appropriate

corrective action. "#ternal parasites suc! as $ies or ticks are also known to

a%ect cow and calf performance. Abuse or misuse of speci&c insecticides

may lead to development of resistance in a%ected insects. T!erefore'

close consultation wit! veterinarians is re(uired to implement e#ternalparasite control plans t!at remain e%ective in future years.

.) *ootrot.

-T!is condition is caused by a pat!oen present in t!e soil' w!ic!

infects t!e !oof tissue w!en conditions are ri!t +wet' muddy conditions).

Preventative measures include manain alleyways and pat!s to permit

ood drainae and,or use of u and n supplements to strent!en !oof


  /T!e &rst sins of foot rot' followin an incubation period of 5-0 days'

are lameness' acute swellin of interdiital tissues' and swellin evenly

distributed around t!e !airline of bot! !ooves. "ventually' t!e interdiital

skin cracks open' revealin a foul-smellin' necrotic' core-like material.

ntreated' t!e swellin may proress up t!e foot to t!e fetlock or !i!er.

ore importantly' t!e swellin may invAdditionally' 3inc supplementation

can reduce t!e incidence of foot rot as 3inc is important in maintainin

skin and !oof interity' accordin to 4irkpatrick and alman. Also consider

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commercial vaccines t!at are available to !elp control foot rot. onsult a

veterinarian for your best options.ade t!e deeper structures of t!e foot

suc! as t!e navicular bone' co6n 7oint' co6n bone' and tendons.8


9.) :astin diseases

-;ot! tuberculosis and <o!ne=s disease are caused by bacteria of

t!e same species +ycobacterium)' and bot! lead to reduced

performance' overall wastin' and' in t!e case of tuberculosis' impacts on

inter-state and international trade. anain t!ese diseases t!rou! bio-security measures is important to reduce risk of infection wit!in and

across !erds.

5.). ;ovine >espiratory ?isease omple# +;>?)' or /@!ippin *ever8'

  - is a eneral term for t!e pneumonia commonly seen in s!ipped or

stressed calves. @everal disease aents or ot!er interactin factors may

cause t!e syndrome. @tress' suc! as weanin' de!ornin' s!ippin and

weat!er c!anes can make t!e animal susceptible to disease-causin

viruses and bacteria.

 ?isease treatment

  Alt!ou! stress cannot be eliminated entirely' it can be reduced

t!rou! careful !andlin and sanitary conditions!en considerin pro&t' it

is muc! easier for producers to sell calves t!at !ave always been !ealt!y

rat!er t!an t!ose treated for disease' reported :as!inton @tate

niversity "#tension. :!ile it is important to work to prevent disease'

w!en it is necessary to treat it is most important to be e%ective in

minimi3in t!e impacts of ;ovine >espiratory ?isease omple# +;>?) in

t!e cow,calf herd.

  Bne of t!e most important pieces to treatment is early detection. ;>?

occurs most fre(uently in beef calves between 0C and 10C days old'

t!ou! it can be contracted at any time. @ome early symptoms of ;>?

include an increase in clinical score wit!in two days of bacterial c!allene'

anore#ia' fever and pain sensitivity.

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  5 ommon disease of pi

ommon Do ?iseases E @ome Possible Bptions for Treatment


ost common in newborn pis' especially w!ere t!ere isnFt enou!

iron or copper in t!e soil. @ymptoms include di6culty breat!in' weakness

and let!ary' swellin around t!e !ead and s!oulders' loss of appetite.

Treatment involves ivin t!e a%ected animal a nutritional supplement.

Treatment at one to t!ree days of ae. 


  H 59C5J5 Iron ?e#tran 1CC m

  H 59C5J0 Iron ?e#tran 2CC m

2.) Art!ritis

-can incur !eavy losses of !os from t!is disease' w!ic! !as

di%erent causes includin @treptococcus bacteria' erysipelas and in7ury.

 Kou s!ould avoid keepin your !os on damp' cold or rou! surfaces as

t!ese may contribute to art!ritis. @ymptoms include lameness' swollen'

!ardened 7oints and stunted rowt!. Treatable wit! antibiotics if cau!t in

t!e early staes. T!ere is a vaccine available to protect aainst art!ritis

caused by erysipelas and @treptococcus.


  59CJJM "mulsibac @@ +@trep)

  59C52 >inoen ;P" +"rysipelas)

.) ;ordatella >!initis

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  aused by atrop!ic r!initis' w!ic! is an infection of t!e nasal

cavity of !os by ;ordetella bronc!iseptica' an oranism t!at ets onto

open scratc!es or wounds in t!e nose or mout!. It can be transmitted

from sow to pilet. @ymptoms include rou! !air' wrinkled snout' snee3in

and a eneral failure to t!rive. Treatment wit! antibiotics may be

e%ective. A vaccine is available' w!ic! would be even better t!antreatment. Laccination is indicated for sows and ilts pre-farrowin' baby

pis 5 to 0 days old' feeder pis and boars.


59C52 >inoen ;P"

9.) ircovirus Porcine ircovirus ?isease +PL?) or irco

  - is a viral disease t!at !as become a ma7or problem in t!e nited

@tates. aused by Porcine ircovirus Type 2 +PL2)' not all pis develop

clinical sins of t!e disease but most swine are infected. @ymptoms'

duration and mortality can vary by !erd. @ymptoms can include enlared

lymp! nodes' skin ras!es' di6culty breat!in' 7aundice' fever' stomac!

ulcers and diarr!ea. >isks include poor rowt!' wei!t loss and

weakness wit! increased c!ance of mortality between 5 to 19 weeks.

Laccinate at t!ree weeks of ae and older.


59552C Inelvac irco*"N

591J25 ircumvent PL

ombination vaccine

591J1 ircumvent PL +ircovirus E ycoplasmal Pneumonia)

5.) lostridium "nteritis

- disease is found amon pilets less t!an a week old and is causedby t!e bacterium lostridium perfrinens Type . @ymptoms include

yellow' pasty diarr!ea' weakness and tryin to be near a warm place. It is

spread t!rou! pilet to pilet contact and infected feces of t!e sow.

Treatment wit! antibiotics' but most survivors will be permanently

stunted. Laccination indicated for !ealt!y' prenant sows and ilts prior

to farrowin.

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59C22J itteruard T-

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