5 cloud computing solution myths busted

Post on 26-May-2015






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Nexiilabs began with an aim to deliver the best quality assurance services traversing development, consulting and management. We help businesses transform through cloud, analytics, mobility and social media strategies. We accelerate our clients Business efficiency and also help them get more business in short span of time.




# 1 Cloud Computing Is A New Concept

• Cloud is Decades old • Many companies like VMware and NetApp have been working on this technology for more than a decade• We have been using cloud but with different names like ASP and Hosting• Companies like Netflix, Apple, Google, and Dropbox have already brought cloud computing into our homes and revolutionized the way we think 


# 2 It’s Way Too Expensive

• Traditional IT environments are more expensive• Cloud is easy to adopt compared to traditional IT environment• You can use PAY AS YOU GO model and easily embrace Cloud without spending for costly servers• No need to upgrade your server each and every time, cloud is just too awesome• Cloud saves you money


# 3 It’s Not secure


• There is a reason why defense agencies like CIA and Homeland security are using cloud• It is one of the most secured way of storing data• These are numerous application, through which you can secure your data• The vendors who extend this service have a lot of experience in providing this service

# 4 My Organization is too small or too big


• For Cloud: Size doesn’t matter• Because the pricing model for cloud computing is consumption based, cloud computing can perfectly adapt to fit both small companies and large companies—and their budgets• Costs scale linearly with use, going up or down as needed• Cloud computing allows these companies to pay only for the resources they use while freeing IT staff and improving data availability

# 5 Cloud Is Unreliable

• Cloud computing solution is very reliable compared to traditional IT infrastructure• There are no outages or data availability issues• We use cloud knowingly and unknowingly throughout the day• Cloud will revolutionize the way we do business in a very short time


About Nexiilabs

Nexiilabs began with an aim to deliver the best quality assurance services traversing development, consulting and management. We help businesses transform through cloud, analytics, mobility and social media strategies. We accelerate our clients Business efficiency and also help them get more business in short span of time.


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