47316377 financial analysis of rafhan maize pakistanffffff

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DATE: 24-12-2010






Abbreviations Complete Words CDC Central Depository Company

CNIC Computerized National Identity Card

GDP Gross Domestic Profit/Product

QMS Quantity Management System

EMS Environment Management System

OHSAS Occupational Health And Safety Assessment Series

ERP Enterprise Resource Planning

CSP Consoler Sales Planning

MSP Managing Sales Performance

CSR Corporate Social Responsibility

ILO International Labor Organization

SECP Securities And Exchange Commission Of Pakistan

INC Incorporated

CEO Chief Executive Officer

CFO Chief Financial Officer

IT Information TechnologyIDPS Internally Displaced People

IMS Integrated Management System

KSE Karachi Stock Exchange

LSE Lahore Stock Exchange

IFAC International Federation Of Accountants

EPS Earnings Per Share

IAS International Accounting Standards

ITAT Income Tax Appellate TribunalIFRS International Financial Reporting Standards

IFAS Islamic Financial Accounting Standards


Net working Capital = Current Asset – Current Liabilities

= Rs.2531960 –Rs. 1036473

= Rs. 1495487


This ratio tells us the net working capital of any company. The working capital of

RAFHAN MAIZE is Rs. 1495487 for the year of 2009.

Current Ratio = Current Assets / Current Liabilities

= 2531960 / 1036473

= 2.44


The current ratio tells us that the company has Rs. 2.44 to pay its Rs. 1 currently

maturing obligation. The current ratio of RAFHAN MAIZE ltd. Is 2.44 for the year 2009 which

is less than the last year’s performances. But still it is very good for the company as the

theoretical bench mark of the current ratio is 2 and for the year 2009 it is very near about the

theoretical bench mark. The current ratio of RAFHAN MAIZE Ltd. tells us that the company is

maintaining its current assets and liabilities very well. According to last year’s performances, it

is decreasing due to recent recession but it is much better than the industry average.

Quick Ratio = Current Assets – Stock in trade / Current Liabilities

= 2531960 – 1166118 / 1036473

= 1.32


The quick ratio tells us that the company has Rs. 1.32 in its current assets less

stock in trade to pay its Rs. 1 currently maturing obligation. Its theoretical bench mark for quick

ratio is from 1 to 1.5. Here we can see that its quick ratio is ranging between 1 to 1.5 and it is

very suitable for the company. The quick ratio of the RAFHAN MAIZE Ltd. For the year 2009

is 1.32.

Cash Ratio = Cash + Cash Equivalence / Current Liabilities

= 277972+315365+11840+22227+65029+673409 /1036473

= 1.31


The cash ratio tells us that the company has how much cash and cash equivalence

to its currently maturing obligation. The cash ratio of RAFHAN MAIZE Ltd. For the year 2009

is 1.31. It tells us that the company has Rs. 1.31 cash to pay its Rs. 1 currently maturing

obligation. Cash ratio has a theoretical bench mark that is 0.5. By comparing with the theoretical

bench mark of the ratio it is clear that the company has lot more cash than it is required to

maintain and also it is possible that the cash is idle. So the company requires decreasing its cash

ratio a bit and investing its idle cash.

Defensive Interval Ratio = Cash + Short term investment + net Account Receivable /

Average Daily Expense

= 673409+11840+64601 / 25471.67

= 29.44 days

Average daily Expense = Cost of Goods Sold + Admin & Selling Expense / 365

= 8992742 + 304419 / 365

= Rs. 25471.67


Defensive interval ratio tells us that, how many days the company can keep all its

processes at run by the present cash in the company. The defensive interval ratio of the

RAFHAN MAIZE Ltd. For the year 2009 is 30 days approximately. It means that the company

can run 30 days approximately by the present cash.


Operating fixed Assets Turnover ratio = Sales / Total Fixed Assets

= 11428104 / 2753216

= 4.15


Operating fixed assets turn over ratio tells us that, how many times a year the

company selling its fixed assets successfully. The operating fixed asset ratio of the RAFHAN

MAIZE Ltd. For the year 2009 is 4.15 approximately. It means that the company has sold its

fixed assets 4.15 times in the year of 2009.

Total Assets Turnover ratio = Sales / Total Assets

= 11428104 / 5304524

= 2.15


The total assets turnover ratio tells us that how many times the company is

successful to sell its assets. The total assets turnover ratio of the RAFHAN MAIZE Ltd. For the

year 2009 is 2.15 times which tells that the company converted its assets successfully in to sells

during the period.

Accounts Receivable Ratio in Times = Credit Sales / Average Account Receivable

= 11428104 / 64512

=177.14 Times

Account Receivable in Days = 365 * Average Account Receivable / Credit Sales

= 365 * 64512 / 11428104

= 2.06 Days


Account receivable ratio tells us that after approximately how many days and how

many times the company is successful to convert its accounts receivables in to cash. The

accounts receivable ratio for the year 2009 of the RAFHAN MAIZE Ltd. Is 177.14 times and

2.06 days approximately. It means that the company is converted its accounts receivable in to

cash 177.14 times during the period and after approximately 2.06 days. No theoretical bench

mark is available for the accounts receivable ratio but it is as much better as much less in days.

And as much better as much greater in times. Here it is very good for the RAFHAN MAIZE


Accounts Payable Ratio in Times = Credit Purchases / Average Accounts Payable

= 6486348 / 170845.5

= 37.966 Times

Accounts Payable Ratio in Days = 365 * Average Accounts Payable / Credit Purchases

= 365 * 170845.5 /6486348

= 9.614 Days


Accounts payable ratio tells us that after how many days during the year the

company has paid its accounts payables or how many times the company has paid its accounts

payable during the period. The accounts payable ratio of the RAFHAN MAIZE Ltd. For the year

2009 is 37.966 times and 9.614 days approximately. There is no theoretical bench mark available

for the accounts payable ratio. It is as much better as low in times and as much better as high in

no. of days. Here it is very good for the RAFHAN MAIZE Company as it pays its accounts

payables after 9.614 days approximately. So it means that it retains the cash in the organization

for a long time which can be use for progressive works in the organization.

Inventory Turnover Ratio = Cost of Goods Sold / Average Inventory

= 8992742 /6439900

= 1.39 Times

Inventory Turnover Ratio = 365 * Average Inventory / Cost of Goods Sold

= 365 * 6439900 / 8992742

= 261.38 Days


Inventory turnover ratio tells us that how times the company is successful to sell

its inventory or after how many days the company successfully selling its inventory. For the year

2009 the RAFHAN MAIZE Ltd. The inventory turnover ratio is 1.39 times and 261.38 days

approximately. It means that the company sells its inventory 1.39 times in the financial period

which is vary good for a production company and it shows very less chance of presence of

obsolete inventory.

Operating Cycles = Average Account Receivable + Average Inventory

= 2.06 + 261.38

= 263.44 Days


Operating cycle tells us that how many days a company is completing its

operation which start from the purchase of raw material and the payment for that. For the year

2009 the operating cycle of the RAFHAN MAIZE Ltd. Is 263.44 days approximately. It tells that

the company pays for the raw material it purchased in 263.44 days. Shorter operating cycles tells

us better and efficient management of the company. Here it is 263.44 days so it looks very

appropriate to me for a food producing company.

Cash Conversion Cycle = Average Account Receivable + Average Inventory

– Average Accounts Payable

= 2.06+261.38-9.614

= 253.826 days


Cash conversion ratio tells us that after how many days the company successfully

converted its cash from the process of purchasing raw material and payment for that and tills to

the payment of cash to its accounts payables.


Debt Ratio / Debt to Equity Ratio = Total Liabilities / Total Assets

= 5304524 / 5285176

= 1.00


Debt ratio tells us about the degree of protection for advancing and granting a

loan. Here for the year of 2009 it is 1.00 for the RAFHAN MAIZE Ltd. Which is very good? Its

theoretical bench mark is 50% or 0.5 and here it is above than the 0.5 and assumes very well for

an organization.

Debt to Equity Ratio = Total Liabilities / Total Equity

= 5304524 / 4007730

= 1.323


Debt to equity ratio tells us the ratio of the liabilities to the equity of the

organization. It is assumed good if it comes equal or 1. Here for the year 2009 the debt to equity

ratio of the RAFHAN MAIZE Ltd. Comes 1.323 which tells that the liabilities are greater than

the equity of the company. It is assumed to be good as very near to the theoretical bench mark.

Interest Payment / Coverage Ratio = Earnings before Interest and Taxation / Interest

= 2210202 / 48766

= 45.322


Interest payment or coverage ratio tells us that how many times the company can

pay interest out of its profit. Here it is 45.322 for the year 2009 of the RAFHAN MAIZE Ltd. It

means that the company can pay the amount of interest from its profits more than 45.322 times.


Gross Profit Margin = Gross Profit / Sales * 100

= 2435362 / 11428104 * 100

= 21.31%


Gross profit margin tells us that how much cash would remain in the company

after its cost of sales. It comes 21.31% for the year 2009 of the RAFHAN MAIZE Ltd. It tells

that the 21.31% of sales is left behind after paying all its costs.

Net Profit Margin = Net Profit / Sales * 100

= 1297080 / 11428104 * 100

= 11.35 %


Net profit margin ratio tells us that how much cash left in the company after

paying all its costs, expenses, interests and taxes. Here it is 11.35% for the company RAFHAN

MAIZE for the year 2009. It tells that the net profit is 11.35% of total sales made by the

company during the financial period.

Return on investment / Assets = Net Income / Total Assets * 100

= 1297080 / 5285176 * 100

= 24.54 %


Return on investment or assets tell us that in what ratio the investment is to assets

or in what ratio of assets the return is earned by the company. It is 24.54% for the year of 2009

of RAFHAN MAIZE Ltd. It tells that company earned 24.54% return on its assets.

Return on Equity = Net Profit / Equity * 100

= 1297080 / 4007730 * 100

= 32.36 %


Return on equity tells us that in what ratio of equity the return is earned by the

company. It is 32.36% for the year of 2009 of the RAFHAN MAIZE Company.

Return on Assets = Net Profit / Total Assets

=1297080 / 5285176

= 0.24


It tells us that in what ratio the profit is to total assets. It is 0.24 for the year 2009

of RAFHAN MAIZE Company.


Earnings per Share = Net Profit / Total number of Ordinary Shares

= 1297080 /20000000

= Rs.0.064


Earning per share tells us the amount of income earned on share of common stock

during an accounting period. Here it is Rs. 0.064. It means the holders of shares of common

stock earn Rs. 0.064 during the accounting period of 2008-09.

Price Earnings Ratio = Market Price per Share at 23-12-2010 / Earning per Share

= 2115.25 / 0.064

= 33050.78


The ratio expresses the relationship between market price of share of common

stock and current earnings per share. Investor’s view is that price earning ratio as a hint or future

earning of the firm. The company with high ratio has the high growth opportunity or vice versa.

Here it is 33050.78 which show that it is very high to the earning per share and tells that the

company has a great opportunity of growth in its near future.


Profit and Loss Account

Cost of sales = cost of sales / net sales × 100

= 8992742 /11428104 × 100


Gross profit = gross profit / net sales × 100

= 2435362 / 11428104 × 100

21.3 %

Distribution cost = distribution cost / net sales × 100

= 116884 / 11428104 × 100


Administrative expensive = administrative expensive / net sales × 100

= 187535 / 11428104 × 100


Operating profit = operating profit / net sales × 100

= 2130943 / 11428104 × 100

18.6 %

Other operating income = other operating income / net sales × 100

= 79259 / 11428104 × 100

0.7 %

Finance cost = finance cost / net sales × 100

= 48766 / 11428104 × 100

0.4 %

Other operating expenses = other operating expenses / net sales × 100

= 149572 / 11428104 × 100

1.3 %

Profit before taxation = profit before taxation / net sales × 100

= 277864 /11428104 × 100


Taxation = taxation / net sales × 100

= 714784 / 11428104 × 100


Profit after taxation = profit after taxation / net sales × 100

= 1297080 / 11428104 × 100

11.3 %

Vertical Analysis

Balance sheet

Property, plant and equipment = property, plant and equipment / total assets × 100

= 1765365 / 5285176 × 100

33.3 %

Capital work in progress = capital work in progress / total assets × 100

= 987851 / 5285176 × 100

18 . 6 %

Employees retirement benefit = employees retirement benefit / total assets × 100

= 15784 / 5285176 × 100

0.3 %

Long term loans = long term loans / total assets × 100

= 3564 / 5285176 × 100

0.1 %

Stores and spares = stores and spares / total assets × 100

= 277972 / 5285176 × 100


Stock in trade = stock in trade / total assets × 100

= 1166118 / 5285176 × 100

22 %

Trade debt = trade debt / total assets × 100

= 315365 / 5285176 × 100

5.9 %

Loans and advances = loans and advances / total assets × 100

= 11840 / 5285176 × 100

0.2 %

Trade deposits and pre payments = trade deposits and pre-payments / total assets × 100

= 22227 / 5285176 × 100

0.4 %

Other receivable = other receivables / total assets × 100

= 65029 / 5285176 × 100

1.2 %

Cash and bank balances = cash and bank balances / total assets × 100

= 673409 / 5285176 × 100

12. 7 %

Trade and other payables = trade and other payables / total liabilities × 100

= 734202 / 5304524 × 100

13. 8 %

Mark up accrued = mark up accrued / total liabilities × 100

= 8601 / 5304524 × 100

0 . 2 %

Provision for taxation = provision for taxation / total liabilities × 100

= 293670 / 5304524 × 100

5.5 %

Deferred taxation = deferred taxation / total liabilities × 100

= 260321 / 5304524 × 100

4. 9 %

Share capital = share capital / total liabilities × 100

=92364 / 5304524 × 100

1.74 %

Reserves = reserves / total liabilities × 100

= 3915366 / 5304524 × 100

73. 8 %

Horizontal Analysis

Profit and loss account

Sales = Current YearPrevious Year


=1128104/10746826 × 100


Cost of sales = Current YearPrevious Year


= 8992742 / 8005580 × 100

112 %

Distribution cost = Current YearPrevious Year


= 116884 / 160563 × 100

73 %

Gross profit = Current YearPrevious Year


= 2435362 / 2741246 × 100

89 %

Administrative expense = Current YearPrevious Year


= 187535 / 165510 × 100

113 %

Operating profit = Current YearPrevious Year


= 2130943 / 2415173 × 100


Other operating income = Current YearPrevious Year


= 79259 / 90911 ×100

87 %

Finance cost = Current YearPrevious Year


= 48766 / 36123 × 100

135 %

Profit before taxation = Current YearPrevious Year


= 2011864 / 2299065 × 100

88 %

Other operating expense = Current YearPrevious Year


= 149572 / 170846 × 100

88 %

Profit after taxation = Current YearPrevious Year


= 12970810 / 1492365 ×100

87 %

Taxation = Current YearPrevious Year


= 714784 / 806700 × 100

89 %

Horizontal Analysis

Balance sheet

Non – current Assets :

Property plant and equipment = Current YearPrevious Year


= 1765365 / 1553156 × 100

114 %

Capital work in progress = Current YearPrevious Year


= 987851 / 503559 × 100

106 %

Employees retirement benefit = Current YearPrevious Year


= 15784 / 71957 × 100

22 %

Long term loan secured = Current YearPrevious Year


= 3564 / 791 × 100

451 %

Stores and spaces = Current YearPrevious Year


= 277972 / 279768 × 100

99 %

Stock in trade = Current YearPrevious Year


= 1166118 / 240606 × 100


Trade debts = Current YearPrevious Year


= 315365 / 343604 × 100

92 %

Loans and advances = Current YearPrevious Year


= 11840 / 24498 × 100

48 %

Trade deposits and S.T payments = Current YearPrevious Year


= 22227 / 26256 × 100

85 %

Other receivables = Current YearPrevious Year


= 65029 / 63995 × 100

102 %

Cash and cash balances = Current YearPrevious Year


= 673409 / 13730 × 100

4905 %

Trade and other payables = Current YearPrevious Year


= 734202 / 765924 × 100

96 %

Mark up accrued = Current YearPrevious Year


= 8601 / 8552 × 100

101 %

Provision for taxation = Current YearPrevious Year


= 298670 / 205502 × 100

43 %

Deferred taxation = Current YearPrevious Year


= 260321 / 235273× 100


Share capital = Current YearPrevious Year


= 92364 / 92364 × 100


Reserves = Current YearPrevious Year


= 3915366 / 3486077 × 100



[Current AssetsCurrent Sales×∆Sales ][Current LiabilitiesCurrent Sales

×∆ Sales]− [Projected Sales× Profit Margin ] [ 1−Dividend Payout ]

EFN = [2531960/11428104 × 681278][1036473/11428104 × 681278] –

[2109382 × 21.3][1−7.27]

EFN = 9326424854 – 12265845.39

EFN = Rs. 9314159009

Corporate Overview:

Q: 1 what is the industry?

Rafhan Maize Products Co. Ltd. manufactures and sells food ingredients and industrial products in Pakistan. The company primarily offers industrial starches, liquid glucose, dextrose, dextrin, and gluten meals. Its products also include corn, maize, modified, oxidized, cationic, and specialty starches; corn flour; powder glues; powder/liquid adhesives; dextrose monohydrate; corn syrup and liquid glucose; maltose and golden syrup; liquid caramel color; hydrol; maize gluten meals/feeds; corn germ meals; maize bran; maize oil cake; and maize steeping liquor. Rafhan products serve various industries, such as confectionery, processed foods, sweet-meats, syrups and squashes, brewing, food, baking, beverages, pharmaceutical, fermentation, tanning, chemicals, confectionery, bakery, poultry feeds, livestock feeds, aqua feeds, cattle feeds and other livestock feedings, poultry, cattle, fish feeds, and antibiotics. The company is headquartered in Faisalabad, Pakistan. Rafhan Maize Products Co. Ltd. operates as a subsidiary of Corn Products International, Inc.

Q: 2 what is the relative size and significance?

The size of this industry is huge and still growing. Its highly significant industry as its having huge profits and high growth rate.

Q: 3 what are the largest companies in the industry?

The largest companies in the industry are NESTLE PAKISTAN, UNI LEVER LTD, NATIONAL FOODS.

Q: 4 what is the geographic presence in this industry (local, U.S only, multi national or global)

This company is geographically present in Pakistan and conducting its operations locally.

Q: 5 how does the business cycle affect this industry?

Q: 6 brief historical perspective on this company?

Ans: Since 1953, Rafhan Maize has been the premier provider of refined corn-based products and ingredients in Pakistan. The company has focused on defending and reinventing traditional markets through delivering the right products at the right prices. Rafhan Maize has the capacity and capability to produce a wide range of food, industrial and animal nutrition and health ingredients.

Important segments of diverse customers' base include textile, paper, food and confectionery, baking, pharmaceutical, livestock feed and edible oil refiners.

Q:7 what is the primary focus of operations ?

The primary focus of operations is the industrial business, animal nutrition and health business, food business, exports and raw material.

Q: 8 what is the most important strategy used by this company?

e.g. {low cost producer, product differentiation, quality or service}?

Ans: They mainly focus on the quality of products and services they provide to their customers.

Q: 9 what are the major the operating segments?

Rafhan maize operations are split between consumers and businesses. It has expanded its products for business purposes.

Q: 10 what is the forecast for this company (over 1 to 5 years)?

This company is showing considerable growth in sales and earning per share for the last 10 years so we can say that this company will be a going concern in the next year.

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