401096 – out of hospital medical care 2

Post on 10-Feb-2022






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401096 – Out of Hospital Medical Care 2

Week 2 – Gastrointestinal Revision:

Gastrointestinal Tract:

• The continuous muscular digestive tube that winds through the body digesting and absorbing food.

• Functions include mastication, ingestion, digestion, absorption and excretion

• Has four layers: - Mucosa – lines the lumen - Submucosa – connective tissue - Smooth muscle – segmentation and

peristalsis - Serosa – covers the organ in the

abdominal region Peritoneum:

• Serous epithelial membrane that covers the internal walls of the abdominal cavity

- Parietal – covers internal wall - Visceral – covers the outer surface

Divisions of the GI Tract:

• Foregut: celiac trunk = mouth → first half of duodenum • Midgut: superior mesenteric artery body = second half of duodenum → proximal half

of the large intestine • Hindgut: inferior mesenteric artery = distal half of the large intestine → rectum

Mouth (Oral Cavity):

• First part of the GIT • Lined with stratified squamous epithelium • Includes the salivary glands (parotid, submandibular and sublingual) = contain

enzyme salivary amylase to break down starch

• Digestions is mechanical and chemical (via enzymes)


• Connects the pharynx and stomach • Located in the mediastinum – anterior to vertebral column and posterior to trachea • Passes through the diaphragm at an opening called the oesophageal hiatus • Transports food to stomach via peristalsis • Gastroesophageal sphincter must open to enter the stomach



• Located under the diaphragm in the left abdominal area • Stomach layers:

- Mucosa – simple columnar epithelium and has rugae - Submucosa – contains submucosal plexus – controls secretion - Smooth muscle – contains myenteric plexus – coordinates muscles - Serosa – covering

• Mechanical digestion = food is turned into chyme • Chemical digestion = HCl and pepsin – breaks down proteins

Small Intestine:

• 2 – 4 metres long • Nutrient absorption

• Duodenum: secretes alkaline mucus to neutralise acidic chyme

• Jejunum: 2.5m long • Ileum: 3.5m long and joins the large intestine

at the ileocaecal valve • Mechanical digestion = bile, peristalsis and

segmentation • Chemical digestion = enzymes

Large Intestine:

• Water, electrolytes and vitamins are


• Caecum → ascending colon → transverse colon → descending colon → sigmoid colon → rectum

• Mechanical digestion = peristaltic waves • Chemical digestion = bacterial fermentation


• Located below the diaphragm in the upper right abdomen • Is composed of four lobes = right and left, and caudate and quadrate • Only digestive function is bile production

• Maintains blood glucose levels • Liver receives blood from the hepatic portal vein (nutrient rich) and the hepatic

artery (oxygen-rich)

Gall Bladder:

• Pear shaped sac located underneath the right lobule of the liver • Stores and concentrates bile (emulsification of large lipid lobules)


• Mostly retroperitoneal, deep to the greater curvature of the stomach • Produces pancreatic juice – alkaline and neutralises acidic gastric juice • Alpha cells = glucagon and beta cells = insulin


Week 2 – Gastrointestinal 1 Lecture:

The Gastrointestinal System:

• Overall functions: - Ingestion - Propulsion - Mechanical digestion - Absorption - Defecation

History Taking in the Patient with GI Complaint:

• Chief complaint • History of presenting chief complaint • Specific systems review

- Abdominal pain - Patterns of pain - Weight changes and appetite - Nausea and vomiting - Heart burn and acid regurgitation - Dysphagia - Diarrhoea - Constipation - Bleeding - Jaundice

• Past medic history • Social history • Mental health history

Key Patient History Question:

• How old are you? • Which came first, pain or vomiting?

- Pain worse before vomiting suggests surgical disease • How long have you had the pain?

- Pain < 48 hours is more likely to be caused by surgical disease • Have you ever had abdominal surgery?

- Increases risk of adhesions or obstruction - Anything in that region, e.g. C-section

• Is the pain constant or intermittent? - Constant more likely to be caused by surgical disease

• Have you ever had this before? • History of cancer, pancreatitis, kidney failure or inflammatory bowel disease?

- Suggestive of more serious pathology • Are you immunocompromised?

- Consider occult infection of drug-related pancreatitis - 7 days after chemotherapy – 85% chance of infection

• How much alcohol do you drink?


- Consider pancreatitis, hepatitis or cirrhosis • Pregnant?

- Consider ectopic pregnancy - Any abdominal pain treat as an ectopic unless it can be ruled out

• Are you taking antibiotics or steroids? - May mask infection - They may not be working

• Did the pain start centrally and migrate to the right lower quadrant? - High specificity for appendicitis

• Do you have a history of vascular or heart disease, HTN or AF? - Consider mesenteric ischemia or abdominal aneurysm

Assessing the Patient with Abdominal Pain – The Challenge:

• Atypical presentation • Degree of pain ≠ severity of disease • Short patient contact time • Non-specific physical findings are common • Absence of abnormal VS ≠ absence of serious disease • Large number of potential differential diagnosis

Main Aims of Pre-Hospital Care Are:

• Analgesia • Anti-emetics – when required • Recognition of a deteriorating patient • Transport to an appropriate hospital • It is more important to recognise an acute abdomen issue than to identify the exact

cause of the pain Abdominal Pain:

• Onset: - Sudden maximal pain at or near onset: hints to vascular event or rupture of

hollow organ (e.g. perforated peptic ulcer, ruptured AAA, ruptured ectopic pregnancy, mesenteric infarction)

- Severe pain in early stages: hints to uretic or biliary colic (other possible conditions are acute pancreatitis, strangulated hernia, volvulus or intussusception)

- Gradual onset: commonly due to inflammatory processes, such as appendicitis, inflammatory bowel disease, chronic pancreatitis, cystitis etc.

• Provocation (and relieving factors): - Peritonitis: Increase pain with movement, deep breathing and coughing - Peptic ulcers: Decrease pain after food intake, especially antacids or milk,

increase pain with hunger/fasting - Biliary colic: Increase pain after ingestion of fatty meals

• Quality: - Colicky pain: Obstruction of hollow organ - Non-colicky pain: Inflammatory or vascular pathology


• Radiation: - May suggest specific conditions

• Strength / Severity: - Degree of pain ≠ severity of disease - Especially in geriatric population

• Timing: - Recurrent episodes suggest chronic conditions such as peptic ulcers, biliary

colic, renal colic, diverticulitis Patterns of Abdominal Pain – Visceral Pain:

• Caused by stimulation of nociceptors investing the visceral peritoneum • Transmitted by visceral afferent nerve fibres in response to stretching or excessive

contraction • Poorly localised • May be described as “dull, colicky, intermittent and recurrent” • Visceral pain localises to the abdomen region that correlates with the embryonic

segments of the viscera: - Foregut structures (stomach, duodenum, liver, biliary tract, pancreas)

localise to upper abdomen / epigastrium - Midgut structures (small bowel, proximal colon, appendix) localise to the

periumbilical region - Hindgut structures (distal colon, genitourinary tract) localise to the lower

abdomen / suprapubic

Patterns of Abdominal Pain – Somatic Pain:

• Caused by local irritation of the parietal peritoneum (innervated by the somatic nerve)

• Pain exacerbated by movement • Mostly well localised to an area of pathology, but not always (e.g. appendicitis) • “Sharp, constant and intense”

Patterns of Abdominal Pain – Referred Pain:

• Felt at a distance from the site of origin

• Mechanism not well understood • Both visceral and somatic pain may manifest as referred pain

• Examples:


Week 5 – BMJ Nephrolithiasis:


• Nephrolithiasis refers to the presence of crystalline stones (calculi) within the urinary system (kidneys and ureter).

• Renal stones are crystalline mineral deposition that form from microscopic crystals in the loop of Henle, distal tubules, or the collecting duct.

• This is usually in response to elevated levels of urinary solutes such as calcium, uric acid, oxalate and sodium, as well as decreased levels of stone inhibitors such as citrate and magnesium.

• Low urinary volume and low or high pH can lead to urine supersaturation with stone-forming salts and subsequent stone formation.

• Once crystals are formed, they either pass out with the urine or become retained in the kidney, where they can grow, and stones can form.

• Pain from urinary calculi can also be due to local inflammatory mediators, oedema, hyperperistalsis, and mucosal irritation

Risk Factors – Strong:

High protein intake Secondary to increased hyperuricosuria, hypocitraturia and hypercalciuria

High salt intake Associated with higher urinary sodium and calcium levels and decreased urinary citrate – this promotes calcium salt crystallisation

White ancestry Highest prevalence Male sex 3:1

Dehydration A low urine output can produce a higher concentration of urinary solutes

Obesity Evidence links obesity with low urine pH and uric acid stones – hypercalciuria

Crystalluria Increased excretion of calcium oxalate Risk Factors – Weak:

Occupational exposure

to dehydration

Those exposed to high temperatures demonstrate lower urine volumes and pH and higher uric acid levels leading to higher urinary saturation of uric acid and calcium oxalate

Warm climate Higher incidence in summer

Family history Twice as likely to form stones

Precipitant medications Medications containing calcium – lead to higher urinary levels of calcium, uric acid, sodium or oxalate, in turn promoting stone formation


History and Examination Factors:

Acute, severe flank pain Renal colic pain

Previous episodes More than 50% will have another episode

Nausea and vomiting

Urinary frequency / urgency As stones get lodged can lead to bladder irritation

Haematuria Present in urinalysis

Testicular pain As stones pass through the ureter

Fever Also associated with urinary obstruction

Tachycardia and hypotension Sepsis

Costovertebral angle tenderness Acute renal colic

Differential Diagnosis:

Condition Differentiating Symptoms

Acute appendicitis Usually presents with RLQ pain and signs of peritonitis

Ectopic pregnancy Woman of childbearing age present with missed menstrual period, RLQ pain or pelvic pain with some sign of vaginal bleeding.

Ovarian cyst May present with lower pelvic / abdominal discomfort. Can be a palpable mass on pelvic examination

Diverticular disease May present with LLQ pain or abdominal pain as opposed to flank pain

Bowel obstruction Present with abdominal distension, vomiting and constipation

Acute pancreatitis History of gallstones or alcohol abuse Typically have epigastric pain that radiates to the back as opposed to flank pain.

Peptic ulcer disease May or may not have history Pain is abrupt, severe in intensity and may be localised to the RLQ and often related to eating meals

Gastroenteritis Typically, have diffuse abdominal pain and no flank pain Vomiting is prominent and patient may have diarrhoea

AAA Pain typically presents as sudden onset of abdominal pain, radiating to the back Vital signs will show hypovolemic shock

Pyelonephritis May present with costovertebral angle tenderness and urinary symptoms of dysuria, frequency. Flank pain may radiate to the back.

Tubo-ovarian cyst Presents with acute lower abdominal pain and vaginal discharge


Ovarian Torsion Presents with lower abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting

Mesenteric ischaemia Present with acute peri-umbilical pain with nausea and vomiting

Constipation Present with LLQ pain and abdominal distension

Cholecystitis or Biliary


Presents with RUQ or epigastric pain, fevers and leukocytosis

Week 5 – Renal and Ureteric Stones Management:

Pain Management:

1. Offer a NSAID by any route as first-line treatment for suspected renal colic - NSAID’s reduce the need for rescue medication - Reduce pain and have fewer side effects

2. Offer IV paracetamol for suspected renal colic if NSAID’s are contraindicated or are not giving sufficient pain relief

3. Consider opioids if both NSAID’s and IV paracetamol are contraindicated or are not having sufficient pain relief

Week 5 – BMJ UTI’s in Men:


• Urinary tract infection is an inflammatory reaction of the urinary tract epithelium in response to pathogenic micro-organisms, most commonly bacteria.

• UTI results from pathogenic organisms gaining access to the urinary tract and not being eliminated effectively. The bacteria ascend from the urethra.

• Complicated UTI’s occur as a result of structural or functional abnormality of the urinary tract that impair urine flow, such as:

- Prostate disorders - Calculi within the collecting system or the kidney - External drainage devices - Urinary diversion surgeries - Neurogenic bladder disorders including diabetes

• UTI’s in men are often complicated Presentations:

• Symptoms specifically related to UTI include dysuria, frequency, urgency, suprapubic pain or costovertebral pain.

• In men, fever and urethral discharge may also occur. • Older patients may present with altered mental status secondary to UTI

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