4.01 review promotion. c 1.some governments regulate promotional activities in their countries to...

Post on 28-Dec-2015






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C1. Some governments regulate

promotional activities in their countries to protect consumers from?

A. Unnecessary media exposure B. Inconsistent selling strategies C. Deceptive advertising D. Unlimited liability

D2. Banner and pop-up ads impact the way audiences receive promotional information. These types of messages exist because of the following technological development:

A. HTMT B. Intranet C. Advertisement D. Internet

A3. A television commercial depicts a woman mopping the kitchen with a new floor cleaner is an example of advertisement _______________:

A. Stereotyping B. Personal Selling C. Materialism D. Conflicts

B4. Advertising that promotes the

support a bank gives to community projects is _______ advertising.

A. Promotional B. Institutional C. Publicity D. Sales Promotional

B5. Government regulations is a ____ factor effecting promotion

A. Internal B. External C. Interrelated D. Federal

D6. Determine whether the following is a true statement: It is important for the promotional message to be factual A. False, it being memorable is more important B. True, it should alter facts as necessary C. False, it doesn't need to be factual D. True, it needs to be factual

B7. In which stage of a product's life cycle do promotional activities focus on differences between competing products?

A. Introduction B. Growth C. Maturity D. Decline

A8. How do competing businesses within the same industry usually react to each other's promotional mixes?

A. They play follow the leader B. They increase promotional budgets C. Change prices D. Try and look good to the public


9. This picture is an example of: A. Public Relations B. Technological Promotion C. Product Promotion D. Promotional tie ins

A10. What form of promotion is generally emphasized for complex, technical products sold to industrial users?

A. Personal Selling B. Advertisement C. Sales Promotion D. Public Relations

B11. To demonstrate the organization's role in community affairs is an objective for what type of promotion?

A. Publicity B. Institutional C. Sales Promotion D. Product Promotion

C12. Which of the following best describes the relationship of promotion and marketing:

A. Independent B. One to one C. Interrelated D. Dependent

A13. Which of the following situations most accurately depicts a promotional ethical issue in relation to children:

A. Individualized messages B. Attractive commercials C. Publicity campaigns D. Personalized premiums

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