4 incredible ways to drive traffic to your daily deal website

Post on 13-Mar-2016






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DODAggregator software, a hosted daily deal aggregate platform. The software, which will be launched from DODAggregator, is a daily deal aggregate platform designed to let individuals create their own daily deal hub that showcases deals from across the expanding number of daily deal and group buying websites. This new software allows easy entry into the already famous model of group buying and daily deal services without any prior technical knowledge.


4 Incredible Ways To Drive Traffic To Your Daily Deal Website (or any website for that matter).I recently blogged about 3 good ways to drive traffic to your website, and today I am going to be discussing 4 ways that you can use to easily drive traffic to your daily deal site (or any website for that matter).There are hundreds of millions of people that get on the internet every single day, and nearly every one of them is actively looking for some sort of information. The amount of traffic that is floating around the internet is massive and as long as you strategically put yourself in a position where traffic is already flowing, you can easily tap into the massive amount of traffic that is readily available to drive to your website.Without further ado, let’s jump right in.1. Create remarkable content.This is by far the best way to drive traffic to any website that you desire. The important thing to remember is that you want to create remarkable content – and if you do just that – people will want to remark and share your information. We now live in a social world and people have the ability to take in massive amounts of information.If you create incredible content that is worth sharing, you will gain traction and begin receiving traffic. One of the most important aspects of this is that you need to create great content on a regular basis.There are many different forms of content that you can create and submit throughout the internet to gain new eyeballs to your website…BloggingI recommend to create a blog using WordPress or Blogspot. Plan out your blog schedule one month ahead. It is recommended to blog twice a day, but be realistic with yourself and if you can only realistically blog 3 times a week, that is totally fine and the 2 blog post a day recommendation really is only that… a recommendation. On your calendar that you create, simply map out the main keywords that you want to tackle that particular month and include a general outline of blog titles that you intend to write about.The more you blog – the more traffic you will get.You can also turn your blog posts into other forms of content. It is important to create all different types of content because people enjoy different forms of media. People enjoy reading, watching, and listening – so it’s important to reach out and connect with the web using all forms of media.

● Turn your blog posts into videos that you submit to YouTube and other major video sharing websites.

● Do audio Podcasts.● Write articles.● Submit Press releases.● Social bookmark your websites.

The list goes on and on but the reality is that you can truly kill multiple birds with one stone by simply focusing on making your blog content incredible and proceeding to recycle that information into other forms of media and then submitting that content to various high page ranked websites.2. Pay For Your TrafficAnother huge way to drive loads of traffic to your daily deal website is to pay money for your traffic. A very important thing to note is that if you pay for traffic; start small, prove your results, and grow accordingly.You can pay for traffic using;

● Google Adwords

● Bing Advertising● Yahoo advertising● Plentyoffish● StumbleUpon Paid Discovery● Facebook Advertising

…. and many other sources of paid traffic such as CPA networks and beyond. The previous examples are definitely enough to wet your whistle – but just remember to start small, prove results, and grow accordingly. Most of the above paid advertising venues allow you to split test various ad creatives and I highly recommend to do this as it will further increase your profit margins.3. Joint VenturesYou can create a mutually beneficial arrangement with another business owner to drive traffic, leads, and sales to eachothers products and services. Having an affiliate program that allows people to get paid a commission every time they drive traffic to your site and that traffic ends up converting to a sale – is an extremely easy way to drive a huge amount of risk free traffic.One of the most important parts of fully taking advantage of joint ventures is to have some sort of leverage. Whether that be that ability to email a broadcast to your list of subscribers, put an ad on your website, or one of the many other multitudes of ways that you can add value to another persons business in exchange for them adding value to yours.Joint ventures are huge. It’s not what you know. It’s who you know.4. Guerrilla Marketing No, I am not doing guerrilla marketing at 2 am again, however, guerrilla marketing can be absolutely huge for your business.You know those ridiculous shoes that have 5 slots for you toes? Yeah, those really weird looking ones… Well those guys at Vibram started out by word of mouth alone. They created a product so interesting and different that they didn’t even have to focus on advertising because people talked about their product.Your goal should be to create something so incredible cool that people will want to tell their friends about it.The main premise of guerrilla marketing is to do something out of the ordinary that will get people talking about your products and services for you. Make tee shirts, run billboards, crazy TV advertisements, etc.Stand out in a crowd full of people who look the same and are doing the same thing.Driving traffic is one of the biggest struggles that everyone faces and do not feel bad when you start following these tips and don’t immediately have hundreds of thousands of your visitors. It takes time. It takes persistence. It takes dedication. It takes work.Use these tactics to drive traffic to your daily deal website (or any website for that matter). If you don’t have a website, I would encourage you to get involved in the daily deal industry and create a daily deal website or a daily deal aggregator website using http://dailydealbuilder.com & http://dodaggregator.com respectively.Make moves today,Marc HorneHC Consulting Group

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