4 alarming ways that neglecting your eyes can impact your health, wealth and happiness

Post on 17-Jun-2015



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Eye care solutions to help your career, your income and protect one of your most valuable assets.


4 Alarming ways that neglecting your eyes can impact your health, wealth & happiness

Solutions to help your career and your income and protect one of your most valuable assets.

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates

Researched and produced as a service to our valued patients


Master Eye Associates is committed to providing superior value and knowledge to our patients and community. We commissioned an independent research study to investigate the link between health, wealth and happiness so that we can all lead richer, happier and more productive lives.

We are pleased to bring this research study to you!

Why Did Master Eye Commission A Market Research Study?

Areas covered in this research study

• A brief look at vision worldwide & in the U.S.

• How neglecting your eyes can be dangerous to your quality of life, career and income

• Strategies to improve your life with vision correction options

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates4

Our vision is crucial to our well being and overall quality of life

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates5

Vision in your world

America agrees: Our vision is priceless

• Americans report that of all disabilities, the loss of eyesight would have the greatest negative impact on their life.

Vision loss ranked above:Loss of moneyLoss of speechLoss of hearingLoss of an appendage (arm or leg)

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates6Source: US National Museum of Medicine

It has been said that “Vision is God’s most precious gift to mankind”

• 80% of the information received from our brain is processed from what our eyes see*

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates7

Without clear vision, we are missing 80% of our life

and our daily surroundings. Operating at only 20%!

Source: Encyclopedia of Health Services Research, Vol 2, Ross Mulner editor, Sage Publications 2009

Imagine your life with vision loss

• How would you drive?• How would you use your cell phone,

computer or watch television?

Can you think of anything worse?8

• How would it make you feel to not be able to clearly see your loved ones?

• Would you be able to keep your current job?

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates

Eye diseases are showing a staggering increase in the U.S.

• In the past 12 years Diabetic Retinopathy has risen an alarming 89%

• 25% of adults ages 70+ have AMD (Macular Degeneration). AMD is expected to increase 70% in a decade

• Glaucoma has increased 22% in just the last 10 years

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates9

AMD Glaucoma Diabetic Retinopathy






Prevalence Of Eye Diseases In The U.S.

Present in 2013 2020 Projections




# in




Source: Web MD. Eye Diseases Rising At Rapid Rates In The U.S.

Poor vision has drastically increased in the U.S.

• From 1970 to 2010 there was a 64% increase in myopia (nearsightedness)

• In 1970 over 25% of the U.S. population suffered from Myopia. In 2010 that number increased to 41%

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates10Source: AllAboutVision.Com & National Eye Institute











Percentage of U.S. with Myopia by Year: 1970 & 2010

1970 2010

Approximately 150 million Americans (half the population) now use corrective eyewear

What is causing the increase of eye diseases and other vision problems ?

Aging Heavy computer use Genetics Extensive smart phone use Poor diet/nutrition Smoking Increase in diabetes Excessive UV exposure

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates11Source: AllAboutVision.Com & National Eye Institute

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates12

Smart phone use is causing a shocking increase in blurred vision!

According to a recent broadcast on Fox News there has been a 35% increase in

nearsightedness (myopia) in young adults since the invention of the smart phone


Click The Link Below To View The Broadcasting

• Worldwide approximately 180 million people are blind or visually disabled

• Somewhere in the world an adult goes blind EVERY 5 seconds!

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates13

Every blind person in the world thought it would never happen to them

Source: Eye Care America: Academy of Ophthalmology

Example of vision with advanced Glaucoma

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates14

4 Life changing reasons your

vision requires your immediate



Your eyes and your career are dependent on

each other


Divider slides are optional. Use the same photo on all of your pain or challenge dividers slides. It should show concern, pain or downward movement.

Your physical appearance may be the determining factor of your new job or promotion

• When hiring managers were asked to rank employee attributes in order of importance, managers placed looks above education.

Appearance was the third most important character trait

1. Experience2. Confidence3. Looks (Attractiveness)4. Where the candidate received


• 50% of the hiring managers advised spending as much time and money on “making sure they look attractive” as on perfecting a resumé.

• An attractive person has a 17% higher probability of receiving a callback in comparison to an unattractive person.

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates16

Your Career

Source: Newsweek Article, 2011.

The Ugly Truth: The more physically attractive you are, the higher your income & new job potential

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates17

• An attractive person will receive $230,000 more income in a lifetime than an un attractive person.

• There is an 8% salary increase with each standard deviation increase in facial symmetry.

Your Income

Source: American Psychological Association, Smart Money, Princeton University

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates18

“It’s better to be average and good-looking than brilliant and unattractive.”

The Question Is: What makes us physically attractive?

This is the new reality of the job market,” says one New York job recruiter, who asked to have her name withheld due for personal privacy.

Your eyes are the primary feature that defines attractiveness

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates19

4 Independent Studies Revealed:

• The eyes are the first thing we notice, and the facial feature we spend the most time looking at when meeting an unfamiliar person.*

• Facial features are the most important characteristics in attractiveness and eyes are the most prominent feature of the face

• The features that command the most attention, in order of importance, are:

1. Eyes2. Brows3. Cheeks4. Lips5. Nose

According to Dr. Steven Hoefflin, MD: 90% of our focus is on the small region of our brows, eyes & lips

Source: Janik, Wellens, Goldberg, & Dell’Osso, 1978Dr. Steven Hoefflin

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates20

Because your eyes dominate your physical attractiveness you should evaluate and focus on your vision correction options…..

to achieve your maximum attractiveness and help optimize your career and income.


Poor vision leads to poor


Blurred vision leads to poor performance on the job

• Work rate slows(e.g. one needs to perform checks more often to ensure that a letter or figure was correctly recognized)

• Errors increase (e.g. numerals and symbols are confused

• As a result, tiredness and exhaustion happen quickly

• Eyes begin to feel tired and dry

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates22Source: http://blinzle.com/en/kb/things_to_know/how_concentration_vision_and_performance_relate.html

Blurred vision leads to poor performance in school and in sports

• 80% of learning in the classroom is vision related

Studies have shown that about 25% of high school students will fail a simple vision screening in at least one eye resulting in a lower performance for learning and comprehension

• Sports performance is greatly reduced with poor vision

Blurred vision decreases your depth perception and eye hand coordination, which decreases your ability to catch, hit, throw, etc. accurately

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates23Source: Scottish Sensory Centre


#3Blurred vision

leads to depression &


Vision loss is linked to high levels of depression and anxiety

• In a major study of over 10,000 participants the prevalence of depression was drastically higher in those with vision loss compared to those without

• The prevalence of depression among 20 to 39 year olds was 276% percent higher for those with vision loss compared to those with no visual problems

• In ages 60+ the prevalence of depression was 320% higher

25Source: Association Between Depression and Functional Vision Loss …JAMA Ophthalmol. 2013;131(5):573-581. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2013;131(5):573-581. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2013;131(5):573-581.JAMA Ophthalmology

Poor eye sight contributes to impaired mental stability

Cpyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates

Depression is more common in those with vision loss compared to those with no vision loss

The study revealed the following results:

Age NO vision loss Vision loss

20-39 years 4.7% 13%

40-59 years 6% 11.5%

60+ years 3% 9.6%

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates26

In a study of 10,500 participants: Adults with vision loss were 90% more likely to be depressed than those with less than perfect vision

Source: Association Between Depression & Functional Vision Loss…JAMA Ophthalmology 2013


Irreversible vision loss creates devastating


Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates28

3 of the 4 leading causes of blindness have NO symptoms in the early stages

All cause permanent irreversible vision loss

Glaucoma •Almost 3 million Americans ages 40+ are affected by this eye disease. Many more don’t even know they have it!

•Research proves that AMD leads to an overall cognitive decline in senior citizens resulting in more falls, severe depression and an earlier death.

Diabetic Retinopathy •Diabetic Retinopathy occurs in about 95% of patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM).•In the past 12 years, it has risen an alarming 89%.

Source: Glaucoma Research FoundationHealth and Welfare-Idaho

Neglecting your eyes’ health could lead to a terrifying and irreversible outcome

• More than 50% of people with Glaucoma are not aware they have it!

• In the early stages there are no symptoms of the disease. Hence Glaucoma’s name, “the sneak thief of sight.” Over time it can lead to permanent blindness.

• With early diagnosis, proper technology, and professional treatment, 90% of those with advanced glaucoma can be saved from blindness. Be aware that not all eye doctors have this technology available.

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates29

These diseases are virtually undetectable & can only be detected and treated with proper technology at your eye doctor’s office

Source: National Eye Institute. Facts about Diabetic Retinopathy

Diagnosed diabetes increased 176% from 1980-2011

• Diagnosed diabetes increased from 2.5%- 6.9% of the population in the last 30 years

*During this period, the increased prevalence of diagnosed cases was not due to changes in the population age structure

1980 2011



Percentage of U.S. Population with diabetes

% of U.S. Population

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates30

Age % of U.S. population with diabetes

20-44 3.7%

45-64 13.7%

65+ 26.9%

Prevalence of diabetes cases by age(2005-2008)

Sources: U.S. Dept of Health & Human Services, CDC Diabetes Fact Sheet 2011Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics

Diabetic Retinopathy is the #1 complication of Diabetes

• Diabetic Retinopathy occurs in about 60% of type 2 DM patients

• Any patient with Diabetes absolutely MUST have a comprehensive eye exam every year!

Diabetic Retinopathy

Neuropathy Nephropathy Cardiovascular Disease



Prevalence of Diabetic Compli-cations

Prevalence of Complications

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates31Source: Medscape Education

Macular degeneration (AMD) is expected to increase by 33% in the next seven years!

• Macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness in adults ages 55+. *

• Currently more than 2 million patients are affected by AMD in 2013. That number is expected to exceed 3 million by 2020

• AMD is up substantially in the U.S. with a 25% increase over the last 5 years

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates32

40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80+




35.00%Prevalence Of Intermediate & Advanced

AMD In The U.S.

Age Group (Year)

% o

f pr



in t

he U


Source: National Eye Institute

The horrible devastation caused by poor vision

• Ms. Rose xxxx, a beautiful, active, pleasant and independent 80 year old lady recently told her eye doctor, “My macular degeneration is getting worse. I wish it would have been diagnosed earlier. I hope I die before it gets much worse.”

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates33

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates34

Do you believe your eyes are absolutely essential to your success & happiness?

What are some solutions to these problems?

Solution #1:

Choose the most attractive vision correction option

Understand and be aware of the treatment options:

• Eyeglasses

• Contact lenses

• LASIK (or PRK)

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates35

Some studies conclude that people look more attractive without eyeglasses

•People who wear eyeglasses are found less physically attractive.

•Swapping glasses for contact lenses significantly increased attractiveness to the opposite sex. http://abcnews.go.com/Video/playerIndex?id=6995868

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates36Source: Hasart , J. K. Hutchinson , K. L. (1993). The effects of eyeglasses on perceptions of interpersonal-

attraction. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality

Contacts dramatically improve quality of life for children and teens

Two major studies prove that contacts improve self-esteem in children and teens

Contact lenses also improved• self perception of physical

appearance• social acceptance • athletic competence • academic performance

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates37

Correction of Myopia Evaluation Trial (COMET) performed by Stony Brook University School of Medicine (New York)

Source: The Adolescent and Child Health Initiative to Encourage Vision Empowerment (ACHIEVE) study

Build confidence in your child with contacts!

If you choose life without eyeglasses….

Know that there are contact lens options for virtually everyone:

• Dry eye patients

• Astigmatism

• Bifocals

• Extended overnight wearCopyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates


Choose contacts or LASIK

If you prefer eyeglasses…….

• Be in style! Have multiple pairs - they are your finest wardrobe accessory.

• Coordinate with your various outfits,

buy different colors and different types for all occasions (business, sports, leisure).

• You don’t wear the same shoes every day. Don’t wear the same glasses every day.

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates39

Lenses are just as important as your frames for a great look!

• Choose anti-reflective lenses for the best appearance and Trivex lenses for a lighter and thinner look and excellent optics

• Get advice from a

knowledgeable eyewear stylist at a reputable optical store for the best frame shape for your face

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates40

Solution #2 Get the most accurate optical Rx to be assured of maximum performance

• Your optical prescription should be determined by a doctor, not a technician.

• Find a doctor that guarantees Rx accuracy.

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates41

To get the best performance with eyeglasses:

Choose high definition digital lenses • Especially if you are using progressive power

lenses (such as MyFocal HD brand)

Choose Trivex lenses to get:• Sharpest clarity• Built in Ultra Violet protection• Shatter and impact-resistant• Scratch-resistant coating• Lightest weight and maximum wearing comfort• Enhanced peripheral vision (good for driving)

Choose anti-reflective lenses • For less glare and better vision• To look cosmetically more attractive to others• To Reduce eye strain• To Improve night vision• Brands such as Clear Shield® and Crizal® Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates


To get the best performance if you choose contact lenses:

1. Seek an eye care professional that prescribes all major brands of contacts

2. Be sure the exam and contact lens analysis is performed by the doctor, not a technician

3. Choose an eye doctor with a contact lens guarantee

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates43

Choose an eye doctor that prescribes but Does NOT sell eyeglasses and contact lenses!

• As you know doctors don’t sell products; except eye doctors who sell contacts and eyeglasses

• Most eye doctors derive up to 70% of their

income from the sale of contacts and eyeglasses.*

• Eye doctors that sell contacts and glasses benefit financially more from some products than from others so they are greatly influenced in what brands and products they prescribe

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates44*Source: Management and Business Academy For Eye Care Professionals

Doctors that sell contact

lenses & glasses

Eye doctors that sell products are likely to prescribe what is best for them, not what is best for the patient!

• To be assured of the best contacts and eyeglass lenses for you, choose a doctor that only prescribes and manages contacts but does not actually sell the lenses in their office.

• To get the best performance you must be in the optical product best for you-not what is most profitable for the Dr.

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates45

Choose an eye doctor with the highest ethical


Solution #3:

Get thorough eye care every year to detect problems early

• The American Optometric Association recommends annual eye exams

• Do not settle for a typical “vision insurance exam”.

• Insist on a comprehensive dilated retinal exam

• Or a scanning laser ophthalmoscopy if you dislike the dilation

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates46

Get a refraction eye exam and new optical prescription at least every year

• Your eyes change subtly and regularly

• To maintain maximum clarity and vision performance you should get an updated optical prescription every year

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates47

Solution #4:

Choose an eye doctor with ultimate technology

• Harvard University found that misdiagnosis accounted for 14% of all adverse events and that 75% of these errors involved negligence

• One report found that 28% of 583 diagnostic mistakes were life threatening or had resulted in death or permanent disability

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates48Source: HSPH.hardvard.org

Why instrument technology plays a major role in your eye health

• It is simple - you get the most accurate diagnosis and treatment at the earliest possible time when the Dr. uses the best technology

• Find an eye doctor group that is established and has the financial resources to invest in the best technology

• Eye care instruments advance at a rapid rate and many doctors are not able to afford state-of-the-art technology

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates49

Many Doctors DO NOT HAVE the state of the art instruments needed to diagnose eye diseases at their earliest stages

The best instrument technology enables the earliest and most accurate detection of eye diseases

• The instrument to diagnose one of the biggest risk factors for macular degeneration is very rare among eye doctors. The instrument evaluates the macular pigment optical density

• That test is the best way to evaluate a serious risk for AMD that can be improved with treatment

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates50

Some corneal diseases and contact lens problems can be diagnosed earlier

• Using a highly specialized microscope with 400x magnification allows cells of the cornea to be studied

• This instrument is very rare among eye doctors

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates51

Choose an eye doctor with highest ethical standards

• Remember, choose an eye care professional that provides only medical eye care services

• Do NOT choose an eye doctor that also sells eyeglasses and contacts within their office

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates52

Eye doctors that sell products are greatly influenced by what they sell because they

derive most of their profit from these items!

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates53

We asked a group of people to think about some things they’ve intended to do and know they need to do but haven’t got

around to it.

Then we asked: What are the reasons for “putting these things off?”

The almost unanimous conclusion was:

1.Lack of money2.Lack of time

How do you find the right eye doctor to solve these problems?

• Extended hours• Same day appointments• Walk-ins Welcome• Multiple convenient

locations• Providers on your

insurance panel• Experienced/trained staff

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates54

Look for a professional that you can trust that offers these features/benefits:

Same Day Appointments

Walk-ins Welcome

7 Days a Week

More features you should demand from your eye doctor

• High level technology to get through your exam efficiently and accurately.

• Contact lens comfort guarantee

• Eyeglass prescription accuracy guarantee

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates55

Choose an eye doctor with highest ethical standards to get the best outcome for you

• Comprehensive educational website

• Actual online scheduling, not just requesting an appointment

• Provide medical eye care services only – Do not sell glasses or contacts within their office or own an optical they refer to

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates56

Online appointment scheduling at your convenience.

A real life study on how this works

Case Study• Janet is a young professional climbing upward in her

career. She prefers contact lenses for her active lifestyle and because they make her look her best. She lost her boxes of contacts returning home from a business trip so needed to get care immediately. Since she works M-F and Sat mornings she had to take off work and lose pay to get her care since the doctor she found on her insurance wasn’t open weekends. She wasn’t able to get an appointment for several days and actually felt so self-conscious with her old glasses that she gave up her weekend plans rather than be embarrassed.

• The eye doctor she visited prescribed a new brand for her but the contacts were not very comfortable late in the day or after a lot of reading. She purchased the boxes of lenses directly from the eye doctor because she felt a level of intimidation even though she felt they were overpriced.

Continued on next slide

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates57

Real life benefits you can see and feel• After a month of lens awareness she wanted to try

different lenses and went for a second opinion to a doctor by referral from a friend. She was happy to find out she could get an appointment the same day she called, which was a Friday; or she could come in on Saturday or Sunday! No missed time off and immediate assistance.

• Since this eye doctor doesn’t sell contacts they only prescribe what is best for the patient. Nothing else matters – just the patient’s welfare. The doctor prescribed a new brand of lens that was the most comfortable the patient had ever experienced. In fact, she could not feel any lens in her eyes at all! The eye doctor gave her the contact lens prescription and even told her where to shop to get the lowest price!

• Wow! The highest ethical standards and the most convenient service also resulted in the most comfortable lens ever at the lowest price possible with an exclusive comfort fit guarantee that assured her of the best possible outcome!

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates58

Very happy lady!


And now a word from our sponsor

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates


Mission Statement

Master Eye Associates’ mission is to improve the lives of our patients by maximizing their vision and preventing vision loss/blindness. We understand that it is an enormous privilege to care for our patients and one we take very seriously. We will achieve this mission using leading edge technology and thorough exams, a relentless commitment to continuing education and by “treating every patient as the most important person in the world”.

We will not sell glasses or contact lenses to the patients that trust us for their eye care because it is a conflict of interest and violates our excellent value proposition and high ethical standards. However, we will provide them the absolute best eye care and service the world has to offer so that they will tell their friends and help our business grow.

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates


Benefits We Bring to You• Most accurate diagnosis using the finest

high tech instruments. Our focus is on prevention and early detection of diseases

• We save you time with our simple scheduling and extended hours

• Appointments when you want them- seven days a week, even same day appointments or walk-ins welcome

• Easy appointment scheduling –by phone or online

Dr. Shannon Kerns, O.D.

Dr. Mark Dworsky, O.D.

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates

• We save you money! By allowing you to shop for contacts and eyewear to find the best prices

• We save you more money by being providers on your insurance panel

• We make you comfortable and remove the feeling of intimidation that you have to buy glasses or contacts from us. We even help you find the best source for selection and value

• Ultimate TRUST. You are assured of correct, accurate and best prescription products - that what you are prescribed by your doctor is what is in your best interest, not ours

We Save You Time & Money

Dr. Tony Vu, O.D.

Dr. Emily Jordan, O.D.

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates

• We take the financial risk (not you) that your eyewear and contact lens prescriptions will be accurate and comfortable with our Contact Lens Comfort Fit Guarantee and Precision Vision prescription guarantee.

• You receive the ultimate respect and professional treatment from everyone in our company. A culture that is dedicated to the philosophy to “Treat every patient as the most important person in the world™”

More benefits to you from Master Eye Associates

Dr. R. H. Maybury, O.D.

Dr. Mita Vala, O.D.

Dr. Matt Lubeck, O.D.

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates

Master Eye Associates services• General eye care & Diabetic eye exams • Eyeglass prescriptions – accurate

evaluations guaranteed.

• Contact lens prescriptions and total care – advanced treatment options for all conditions and accuracy guaranteed.

• LASIK & cataract surgery management. Custom LASIK & Bifocal IOL’s

• Diagnosis & treatment of eye diseases for all ages

Tests Provided at Master Eye AssociatesEpidemic Keratoconjunctivitis

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates

Our strategic alliances add even more value for our patients

Master Eye Associates work with the following companies/products:

Cooper Vision – contact lens productsAlcon – ophthalmic medicine and contactsCiba Vision – contact lens productsJohnson & Johnson – contact lens productsAcuvue – contact lens productsBausch & Lomb – ophthalmic medicine and contactsMann Eye Institute – LASIK and cataract surgical centerVisionworks – optical store and lab located next to our officesTopcon – ophthalmic instruments and diagnostic equipmentZeiss Humphrey - ophthalmic instruments and diagnostic equipmentOptos –ophthalmic instruments and diagnostic equipment

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates


Testimonials• After visiting several doctors' offices over the last few weeks, this place was a breath of fresh

air. The assistant at the front desk was beyond courteous, friendly, and engaging. I was seen very quickly by Dr. Kerns. She was very open, friendly, and extremely knowledgeable. I was given a copy of both my prescriptions as well as a 90 day window to come back should I need to for anything, free of charge. Being from NYC, most eye doctors acted as if it wasn't your right to have your prescription so I was pleasantly surprised by this. All of this WITH free 90-day follow-up? This just doesn't happen anymore...but it should. I highly recommend Master Eye Associates.

-Andrea A.

• I am definitely going back here for my next exam. This is the best service I've gotten in a long, long time.

-Kathleen F.

• It took 3 visits for me to find the right ones-and I ended up picking the brand I had before! But there wasn't a note of irritation in her voice. She was happy to help, listen to me and even give me insurance tips. Their online apt system is an added bonus because it makes it so easy to schedule. I also appreciate that they are open until 6 pm. Overall, I would definitely recommend Dr. Kerns.

-Elizabeth H.

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates

• Historically I have used walmart eye centers and decided to try a different office. I was welcomed very warmly by the receptionist and treated very well during my visit. The Master Eye doctor saw me that day and answered all my questions getting me set up with a new style of contact lens that is working perfectly. It has been 3 weeks and I could not be any happier with the comfort and the ease on my eyes. Needless to say I will not be returning to walmart for my eye care. I will be happy to return and suggest to anyone needing an eye care specialist in the Arbor Walk Center.

-Jaime Gonzalez

• All of the staff at this location was absolutely wonderful. They were all very kind and helpful. I would recommend this office to friends and family.

-Rebecca R.

• My experience with these optometrists was fantastic. The people who performed the exams made the process as easy as possible by explaining every step (Answering the "What?" and the "Why?" before we could even ask) but they did it with touch of friendliness.

-Maggie F.

• It was nice to not have the staff pressuring you to buy glasses from them. Since they don’t sell glasses, there was no high pressure sale tactics to endure.

-Jim Carney


Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates

• I am a very busy professional and love the fact I can get in and out quickly. My husband and I were able to go in and get our eyes checks and leave with prescriptions in less than an hour and go next door to get our glasses. I love this place.

-Melinda M.

• I would give them 6 stars if I could! Friendly, professional, efficient and caring. I cannot recommend them enough!!


• I hope you pass this message on to Dr. Lacey. After an entire year of using improperly prescribed glasses from another Dr., and not being able to see very well, I came to Dr. Lacey and he prescribed glasses that I am using right now to watch TV. and they are CLEAR and the vision is CRISP! I cannot tell you how THRILLED I am to have found Dr. Lacey. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

-Juanita B.

• I honestly couldn't ask for a better optometrist visit. I will/do recommend them to everyone.

-Jen H.


Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates

You want hassle free appointment scheduling and availability when YOU want it with the added convenience of a location near you.

You need and deserve an eye doctor that only cares about your best interests when they prescribe eyeglasses or contacts.

You need to do business with an eye care company that has been in business over 20 years, is very financially stable and shows they care about you by investing in the best high tech instruments.

Our invitation to you

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates

Our Offer to You for LASIK


LASIK Laser Vision Correction• Free Consultation• $800 Certificate toward bilateral LASIK• LASIK Consumer Awareness Guide – e


Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates

Our Offer to You for Contact Lenses

Contact Lenses• Our Exclusive Comfort Fit Guarantee• $20 Certificate toward contact lens

eye exam – spherical and torics or a• $40 Certificate toward contact lens

eye exam for multifocals• $12 of extra contact lens solutions

and cases for free• Purchase contacts where you save

the most! • Purchase contacts at the lowest price

you can find!You’ll not only look better - You’ll see better!

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates

Our Offer to You for an Eye Exam

Pay for one special wellness test and get the second one free – A $39 Value*

• Computerized Visual Field Test detects reduced vision or small blind spots in your central or peripheral vision. Important for early detection of retinal disease, glaucoma and neurological problems. This test should be performed if you have any of the following risk factors: Hispanic, African- American, over age 40, family history of glaucoma, diabetes, and/or hypertension.

• Digital Retinal Photography A digital high definition photo of your retina (tissue of the back of the eye) performed without dilation provides our doctors with an in-depth view of the retina and the ability to share the image with you during your exam. The procedure allows us to detect problems and diseases such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, retinal holes/detachments, hypertension, and diabetic retinopathy.

• We strongly recommend that ALL patients have these tests every year.

* Not valid if tests are covered by insurance.

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates72


CALL NOWOr Schedule Online


“Our company philosophy is in our mission statement: Treat every patient as the most important person in the world. Visit one of our offices and experience a level of service second to none. It would be our privilege to care for you!”Dr. J. R. Lacey, O.D.

Chief Executive OfficerMaster Eye Associates

Arbor Walk N. Mopac @ Braker 512-345-7290Barton Creek Mall SW Austin 512-330-9513Hill Country Galleria Bee Cave 512-263-0020Lakeline Mall Cedar Park 512-257-7070Mueller Center I-35 @ 51st 512-452-3227Round Rock I-35 @ 1325 512-246-3937

Copyright 2013 Optometric Associates of Texas PA - Master Eye Associates

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