4 10 lesson 7 diego daniela 2

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Planning of a classroom for beginners learners of a l2 language


School N° 13 Lesson 7Grade: 5° ATeacher: Gabriela De YanisStudents: Diego Benegas, Daniela GonzalezDate: 9/10/2015Time: 50 minutesTitle of the unit: Animal Planet! Lesson Theme: Animal Farm!

Lesson Objectives:During the lesson students will develop their ability:a) To identify and name different parts of the body.b) To identify and name different animals.d) To identify and name different .animal habitats. (Jungle, Farm)e) To identify negative and interrogative statements from “has got” and “have got”.



Teacher activityAlternative language

Purposes Interaction SkillsAIDS/

ResourcesLinguistic content




Ls greet the teacher.

Ls answer.“It is Friday”

Ls answer and make comments.“Sunny”

T: Good morning, children!

T: What day is it today?

(T writes:Wednesday, 9th October)

T: What’s the weather like today?(T writes It is sunny, and draws a sun )BBIt is a sunny day. ☼

T: waves her hand

T: Is it Monday? Is it friday?All right, today is…

T: Is it rainy? Sunny? Cloudy?(T mimes what the weather is like that day)

-To place Ls in the English lesson

T/ W Gr SpeakingListeningReading

BB Parts of the body (R)Mouth (R)Ears(R)Leg(R)Tail(R)Wings(R)Stripes(R)




-Continuous assessment throughout the unit



Ls: animales y

T sticks a poster on the BB

T: What can you see in the picture? T: Are they animals? Is

- To recall previousKnowledge-To preview lexis

T/ W Gr SpeakingReadingwriting


Es, 04/10/15,
Linked to what? We meant first jungle, now farm
Es, 04/10/15,
Write the ones you mean in brackets.
Es, 04/10/15,
As stated in the other plan, be more explicit.Answer: Checked

un granjero

Ls: en una granja

L1 explains the activity

L2 explains the activity.

T: Good! Where are they? (T makes gestures to convey meaning)

T: Good! Open your books at page 89, letter J (T writes 89, J on the BB) It says read and tick (T writes a tick on the BB). Read the description and choose the picture. Can you explain the activity, please? (T asks a L)

T: Good! Thank you! Can you explain the activity, please? (T asks a L)

T: Good! Thank you! Work individually, please

there a farmer? Are they in the jungle? Are they in the city? Are they on a farm?

T uses body language

T: Read the text. Tick the corresponding picture. individually

T: Not in pairs!

Grammar content:Has got(R)Have got (R)This is (R)Hasn´t got(N)Haven´t got(N)Has..got..?(N)Have..got..?(N)






Ls a donkey and a cat.

T sticks a poster on the BB and give Ls a photocopy

T: Look at the photocopy. What can you see?

T: Good! A donkey and a cat. What is the text about? Is it about animals´ food? Is it about a farm? Is it about animals´ descriptions? (T writes the possibilities on


T: Is it a duck? Is it a dog?T makes gestures to convey meaning.

T: Read and tell me what the text is about.

- To meet language meaningfully

T/W Gr ListeningReadingwriting


Es, 04/10/15,
Es, 04/10/15,
It would be advisable to do this here and now. Ok!
Es, 04/10/15,
At this stage you can think of a more challenging text. Ok, we will do it in the next plan.
Es, 04/10/15,
Is there new lexis here? Negative statements and questions
Es, 04/10/15,
Always use body language as well. Answer: Checked
Es, 04/10/15,
Include this in the plan. Ok!
Es, 04/10/15,
Use the same pattern?Answer: Checked
Es, 04/10/15,
How will you check on their understanding? By asking them to explain the activity


Ls es sobre animals´ descriptions

L1 explains the activity

L2 explains the activity.

the BB)

T: Now read and find out what the text is about.

T: Ok, is it about animals´ food? Is it about a farm? Is it about animals´ descriptions?

T: Good! (T writes the corresponding option as a title on the BB)

T gives Ls a photocopy

T: Look at the photocopy. It reads true or false? Read the text again and say if these sentences are true or false. Can you explain the activity, please? (T asks a L)

T: Good! Thank you! Can you explain the activity, please? (T asks a L)

T: Good! Thank you! Work individually, please

T makes gestures to convey meaning

T: Read the sentences. And read the text. Write true or false in the spaces.


Ls: Con has got

T: Look at the text again. Let´s read it again . (T reads the text and mimics the animals´parts of the body)

T: ¿Qué usabamos para describer un solo animal? ¿Cómo decíamos las caracteristicas de los animals?

T points to the poster on the BB

-To make students aware of the use of language to describe animals

T/ WGr ListeningSpeaking


Es, 30/09/15,
Lead them througho questions.
Es, 09/30/15,
This is all right, but with this text here, there are two MNLIC texts in the plan. Is this so because there are no questions in the previous text? When we meet tomorrow, I will help you divide this plan into two so that this becomes LESSONS 6 and 7.
Es, 04/10/15,
Use AGAIN and make gestures. Answer: Checked
Es, 04/10/15,
It reads….Answer: Checked
Es, 04/10/15,
Word order in indirect questions.

Ls: Have got

L1: para decir lo que los animales no tienen

L2 repeats the message

L3 repeats the message

T: Muy bien! Y en plural, cómo los describíamos? Qué se usa para decir las características de muchos animales? (T underlines have got in the text)

T: Muy bien! Miren esto. (T writes on the BB:



T: ¿Para qué se usarán hasn´t got y haven´t got? Si has got y have got se usan para decir lo que los animales tienen, para que sirven estas?

T: Good! Y se usa igual que los otros, hasn´t got singular y haven´t got plural. Entonces para decir que no tienen se usa hasn´t got para singular y haven´t got para plural. ¿Podrías repetir lo que dije, por favor?

T: ¿Podrías repetir lo que dijo tu compañero?

T: Good!



T writes the possibilities on the BB

T mimics asking

T: Is there anything else?T makes gestures to convey meaning


25´ 1 -To T/individually Reading Photocopies

Es, 30/09/15,
..anything else?
Es, 02/10/15,
.having watched your lesson today, I think certain changes are to be made because statements are not new.
Es, 09/30/15,
More AL, please.
Es, 10/04/15,
If it is reframed, it should be in Green. Do tell me where this is.
Es, 10/04/15,
Reframe all this according to comments. Reframed.
Es, 30/09/15,
Get the learners to say this in Spanish. Only then provide INPUT.
Es, 04/10/15,
If they have understood HAVE-HAS GOT, this part of the lesson is to be much shorter. Ok!
Es, 02/10/15,
Read comments carefully.
Es, 02/10/15,
This ties in with what I have told you today. They ae 5th graders.
Es, 04/10/15,
If you read above, you will realize that this is not what I mean.
Es, 04/10/15,
All this part is metalanguage. Do you think they can have all this in L2. No, You are right. We will change it.
Es, 04/10/15,
Es, 04/10/15,
This you have to change. Should we continue this lesson with just affirmative statements?
Es, 04/10/15,
Not so many questions. they are not prepared to talk about the language.
Es, 04/10/15,
If this is aided by gestures, this will be much simpleer.
Es, 04/10/15,
This you have already worked on. I do not think it is the first time. It is true you are supposed to advance slowly, but do this again in case of trouble. Ok!
Es, 04/10/15,
Put this in the following way: Look at 1 and at 2, for example. Ask them which is singular and which is plural and this´ll take you to HAVE GOT and HAS GOT.
Es, 30/09/15,
Language, please.
Es, 30/09/15,
Ask them what you do through HAS-HAVE GOT. Remind them of their lesson last week.



L1 explains the activity.

L2 explains the activity.

L1 explains the message

L2 explains the message

T gives Ls a photocopy.T: Look at the photocopy. It says read and match. Read the descriptions and match them with the animals. Can you explain the activity, please? (T asks a L)

T: Good! Thank you! Can you explain the activity, please? (T asks a L)

T: Good! Thank you! Work, please

2T gives Ls a photocopyT: Look at the photocopy. There are 4 sentences. In some of the sentences there is a cross (T writes a cross on the BB)

In the others there is a tick (T writes a tick on the BB) Can you repeat what i have said?

T: Good! Can you repeat what he said?

T: Good! The cross means negative (T writes the following next to the cross:


T: The tick means possitive (T writes

T: Look at the text. Here are animals’ descriptions. Read them and match them with the animals.

Look, at the sentences

T makes gestures to c0onvey meaningCan you repeat this?

The cross is negative (T points to hasn´t got y haven´t got)

experiment with language in order to manipulate both lexis and grammar

T/W gr Writing

Es, 04/10/15,
Omit the comma and add the right preposition.
Es, 04/10/15,
Es, 04/10/15,
Here are…
Es, 02/10/15,
IN it or NEXT TO it?
Es, 02/10/15,
This is not clear enough.

L1 explains the message

L2 explains the message

Ls: hasn´t got

L1 explains explains the activity

L2 explains the activity

writes the following next to the tick:


Can you explain, what I have just said?

T: Good! Can you repeat what he said? T: Good!

T: If it is negative use hasn´t got or haven´t got. If it is positive use has got or have got.(T writes the following on the BB:



T: Let´s complete the first one together. It says: the donkey........... wings. And there is a cross. What do we have to use?

T: Ok! It is negative good. But look, is it only one donkey or more?

T: So, do we use haven´t got or hasn´t got?

Good! Can you explain the activity, please? (T asks a L)

T: Good! Thank you! Can you explain the activity, please? (T asks a L)

T: Good! Thank you! Work in pairs, please

The tick is positive (T points to has got y have got)

Positive or negative?

Is it singular or plural?

Es, 30/09/15,
Be quite explicit as to whether they have to work in pairs or individually.
Es, 04/10/15,
If your metalanguage and body language are clear enough, you do not need to tell them what to use again. Ok!
Es, 02/10/15,
This part is clearer.
Es, 04/10/15,
Go to comment 36.

L1 explains the activity.

L2 explains the activity.

(T sticks a poster with this activity on the BB and writes HAS GOT and HAVE GOT above it)

3T gives sts a photocopy.T: Look at the photocopy. It reads put in order. The sentences are wrong. Put them in order. Can you explain the activity, please?

T: Good! Can you explain again, please?

T: Good! Work individually, please!

4T sticks a poster on the BB and writes TIC-TAC-TOE as a title

These sentences are not in order. Correct them.

Es, 02/10/15,
Add an activity in which they are supposed to putt he parts of sentences in order. This is necessary because the next one aims at output.
Es, 30/09/15,
Write the words they need somewhere.
Es, 30/09/15,
This activity is similar to one you did last class. In actual fact, it is an exercise.

Ls: Un ta-te-ti

L1 explains the activity.

L2 explains the activity.

T: Look at the BB. We are going to play a game. (T divides the class into two)T: Ok! This game is called Tic-tac-toe.

T: Yes! Good! Here, there are animals and parts of the body. Using have got, has got, hasn´t got, haven´t got you have to make sentences. If the sentence is right the team get a point.Can you explain the activity, please? (T asks a L)

T: Good! Thank you! Can you explain the activity, please? (T asks a L)

T: Good! Thank you! I

Look, it is a game!

Make a sentence. If it is Ok, you get a point

T makes a positive and a negative sentence as a model. T writes it on the BB

Es, 30/09/15,
I am sure you remember this, but EXPERIMENTING must be the longest phase in the lesson.
Es, 30/09/15,
Es, 30/09/15,
Tic-tac-toe is an engaging activity, but before they play it, there must some work on NEGATIVE STATEMENTS. Do not delete the activity, but add one or two more so that they make both AFFIRMATIVE and NEGATIVE statements. Ok!
Es, 04/10/15,
I find your use of English not in keeping with these learners´standard of English. Yes, we will continue trying to improve.
Es, 30/09/15,
Es, 30/09/15,
Never leave alternative language aside.
Es, 30/09/15,
Write this on the board, please.



Ls: A decir lo que los animales no tienen

Ls: hasn´t got si es uno sólo y haven´t got si son más de uno

L1 explains the activity

L2 explains the activity

T: What have we learned today?

T: Good! And what do we use? (T points to has got and have got)

T: Good! Look at the BB.






T: There are four sentences on the BB. Two of them are incorrect. Read them carefully and correct them. Can you explain the activity, please? (T asks a L)

T: Good! Thank you! Can you explain the activity, please? (T asks a L)

T: See you next class, bye bye!

T: ¿Què aprendimos hoy?

T: What do we need to say that?

Two of these sentences are incorrect. Correct them

-To make Ls aware of the work they have done

T/ W Gr Writing Photocopy

Es, 30/09/15,
Same as comment above.
Es, 30/09/15,
They are not yet ready to do this on their own.For example, provide 4 affirmative statements and tell them that two of them are incorrect, ask them to correct them. Two must be positive and two negative.
Es, 30/09/15,




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