3rd round table – baltic sea region climate change ... · intro –sustainable development goals...

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3rd Round Table –Baltic Sea Region Climate Change Dialogue Platform

Tallinn, 12th November 2014

Council of the Baltic Sea States, CBSS-Baltic 21

Maxi Nachtigall, Adviser Sustainable Development

Horizontal Action Sustainable Development (CBSS) and Bioeconomy (NCM)


CBSS – new priorities for cooperation

• Political forum for inter-governmental cooperation in the BSR

• Members: the 11 states of the Baltic Sea Region (incl. Russian, Norway

and Iceland) as well as the European Commission

• Steered by representatives of the BSR Ministries of Foreign Affairs

• www.cbss.org

Intro – Sustainable Development Goals post 2015

• Goal 2: achieve food security and promote sustainable agriculture

• Goal 3: ensure healthy lives and promote well-being

• Goal 6: sustainable management of water

• Goal 9: build resilient infrastructure and foster innovation

• Goal 11: make cities and human settlements resilient and sustainable

• Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the ocean, seas and marine

resources for sustainable development

• Goal 15: protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial

ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification and

halt and reverse land degradation and biodiversity loss

Take urgent action to combat climate change & its impacts

EUSBSR Climate Change Adaptation

Climate Change Adaptation in the EUSBSR – 11 goals

• Sectors

• Biodiversity

• Food supply (Fisheries and Agriculture)

• Infrastructure (Spatial Planning)

• Tourism

EUSBSR Climate Change Adaptation

Main sectors for adaptation work

• Mainstreaming adaptation in policies

• Improvement of adaptive capacity on regional and

local level

• Shared regional knowledge base

– Exchange of good solutions – macro-regional knowledge

base and toolbox

– Collection and dissemination of knowledge, results,

standardized models and instruments available in the BSR

EUSBSR Climate Chnage Adaptation

Baltic Sea Region focus areas for transnational cooperation in climate adaptation –questionnaire results

• Sectors:

• Water and Drainage

• Spatial planning

• Ecosystem services and biodiversity & forestry

• Construction and Housing

EUSBSR Climate Change Adaptation

Main sectors for adaptation work – results questionnaire

• Further development of robust evidence base on the impacts &

consequences of climate change

• Raising public awareness on the issue an on the need to for action

• Prioritization and recommendations for early actions/ mainstream

adatpation in key policy areas

• Support the development of minitoring and indicator systems

• Cooperation with non-EU member states (in BSR case Russia and


Ms Asli Tepecik-Dis on added value of transnational cooperation on

Climate Change Adaptation

EUSBSR Climate Change Adaptation

Suggested action for transnational cooperation in EUSBSR related to CCA – 1st round table

• Science-policy business dialogues

• Dissemination and awareness raising on knowledge, results,

good practices and tools developed within the Baltic Sea Region

– climate change inventory - by clustering implemented

projects like i.e. ClimUrban, BaltCICA, CoolBricks, Cleanship,

Bioenergy Promotion and Baltadapt

• Land use management, maritime and urban spatial planning,

territorial governance

• Disaster risk management and preparedness

• Bioenergy and renewable energy

• Integrated management system

EUSBSR Climate Change Adaptation

Suggested topics for transnational cooperation –Pan-Baltic round table 13th May 2014

• Development of national adaptation strategies

• Alignment of funding

• Better informed decision making

• Bridging the knowledge gap

• Identification and priotirization of adaptation action in key

vulnerable sectors

• Establish coordination points, awareness raising,


• Cooperation with insurances, private business and investments

• Monitoring evalutation & review

EUSBSR Climate Change Adaptation

EU Strategy on adaptation to climate change

• Support for the seed money projects ClimUrban and Balloon

• Continuation of the BSR Climate Forums as started in the

Baltadapt project to facilitate science – policy – business

dialogues on adaptation

• Awareness raising and communications project on climate

change and adaptation

EUSBSR Climate Change Adaptation

How to proceed from here?

EUSBSR Climate Change Adaptation

Awareness raising campaign

EUSBSR Climate Change Adaptation

Awareness Campaign

EUSBSR Climate Change Adaptation

Celebrities for the environmenthttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eprah6RNab4

• 4th round table back to back with the CADWAGO governance

workshop April 2015

• ‘AgroForum Mare Balticum’ 14 – 16 April 2015 in Estonia

• BSR climate forum 2015

• 5th round table post Paris

• BSR Climate & Environment Ministerial 2016 (?)

EUSBSR Climate Change Adaptation

How to proceed from here?


• Horizon 2020

• Bonus

• Life +

• Rural development programmes

• EU Cohesion Fund

• (Private) Foundations

• National contributions by invidual member states

EUSBSR Climate Change Adaptation

Funding sources

Thank you!International Permanent Secretariat of the CBSS

Slussplan 9/ P.O. Box 2010, 103 11 Stockholm, Sweden


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